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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 16, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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of global nichols reserves, indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits, essentially submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments alignment digital licensing, your better tomorrow the, [000:00:00;00] the close the whole rom, and you won't see me. i'll just it renews online. someone headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. these really military says that soldiers broke rules of engagement when they shot dead, 3 captives. one was waving
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a white flag. a funeral, attended by dozens of voters as being held by out. is there a gentle is somebody out of a doctor who dies after and is really miss all strike on friday? 1000 bureau chief while dude was also wounded and not to attack, he pays tribute to his friend and colleague sick and wounded, buried under the witnesses described both happened a tomorrow as one hospital when it's maybe full days, has moved in and did nothing useful. 2 days of morning after the death of coates ruling of the shake, the wife of those of the crown prince has been named as his successor. the welcome to the program, a preliminary report by the israeli army states. the 3 captives in gauze have been killed, biased by the soldiers,
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who are not following the rules of engagement. the initial prey besides the 3 men had escaped captivity, but were fired. pulled by is ready the soldiers. after to them with shoals, the 3rd fled, but despite reports of the pleasing and hebrew to these raids as readily soldiers, he was also schultz and killed. now these really ami reports, they say that they were killed because the troops did not follow the armies rules of engagement. and we quote, all 3 will show it less with one of the so it goes carrying the stick with a make shift white flag. the soldier believed it was an attempt by hamas to the old them into a trap and immediately opened fire. the soldier who immediately opened fire upon identifying the 3 men did so against protocols. but the smith thought correspondent joins us now from a tel aviv and, but it didn't balancing admission by israel. their own soldiers killed these captives. they'll be some heavy,
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full out the government on this way. the of an embarrassing admission on its reverberated across israel when it 1st the news of his 1st broke on fridays shock across the country. we've just had here in the last few minutes, the families of the, of the captives who are still in gauze that we've had also a woman who was held captive by hamas and gauze of speaking and sharing that frustration about what happened. because we know now these rarely ministry said yes, the soldiers who killed those 3 young man were not following protocols, but as well as military size, it understands why they did it. it says that some i'm a scientist. previously, i've been wearing civilian clothes, not necessarily carrying weapons. it says that sometimes homeless fighters approach is rarely sold. isn't that wearing a, then they have why, what appears to be suicide belts. but israel is military says the other problem is
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it admits the scenario itself of hostages. walking round at the buffalo zone was never taken into account, then go away, but nobody can be brought to you in a, in a boat. but now, because we also want to the view is about what kind of holes doing kennels. foreign ministry says a diplomatic efforts to reach the new c, sputtering gauze, or continuing in a statement. the ministry expressed hateful building upon the progress made to accomplish a comprehensive, unsustainable agreement that would end the war. stop the blood shed of palestinians and lead to serious negotiations on the launch of a political process that yields a comprehensive pub in and, and just piece of the cold and is with international resolutions and the, our peace initiative. a sofa. and that's what we have here is sort of tools. so the highest political level going on somewhere in europe and all of the end of it really and what's revolting around these tools of the captives.
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but we understand that on friday night, the head of most side and cast as prime minister match in also we believe in your to discuss a future deal with hamas about releasing the rest of the hostages. it seems that what has happened with the killing of these 3 young men, the accidental killing of these 3 men, young man, is forced will cabinets, have the initial report. it was that they didn't want to try and strike another deal with time us for a few more days until into next week because they wanted to have the military of the home they want to do. we can time a small. but this now the norm is pressure from the hosted 5 hostage families, as for the company is forcing the government to proactively try and reach a new deal with time us, which would we imagine involve a safe spot. there was no price for the hostages. these ready government must be ready to pay any price for that release to make a deal. now that is what i'm saying. yes. today. not now. i of
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a like yeah. and then we must reach integration for the release of all the hostages . now where that kind of russian roulette of the families every day, we don't know which one of the families of the 130 hostages will get a knock on the door. it was a horrible. yeah. no problem is that benjamin netanyahu is due to speak. we think in a couple of hours from now, i know mr. distraction from the family says you just to that as well. the data they say these rarely couple of the won't cabinet is not communicating with them. they want them to communicate with them. a father of a captive just said, now this is now this speech the everything must be done to bring those copies back as soon as possible. i work that is best thanks. find well to discuss the is riley miller for your post on it. so just killing those 3, come to them drawing 9 by military analyst elijah money. a good have you with this a, joining us from brussels. can we just talk about israel's rules of engagement?
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what they are because now we're seeing civilians, palestinian civilians being shot, killed and targeted. and now we're seeing is where the captives also being shot and killed without any sort of questioning of who they are. it seems as well, i've seen these really bags and all so the army was not ready to see the soldiers that were in captivity. walking round is quite city. it depends on the objectives and the professionalism, and the respect. so it did not from the rules that all to, to the army in engaging in the bankruptcy. so if the objectives were never right, not to execute the hostages, as it happened, that the army was not flooded the terms and would not go a can any one who is moving even civilians? oh, their own soldiers carrying white flag. oh,
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they would not reject the ceasefire which take us to the professionalism of the army. and these trucks and giving to the army from the professional point of view, is obvious that the psychological effects of the will fact being exposed to the section in pens. homebound situation is definitely affecting the psychology of the solid us increasing the inside the or i know, yeah, we've seen how the suppression pull to the go down brigade wayne industry guy in the last 48 hours. deborah 20 man, including the head of the unit and several offices. so we understand from that that the soldiers on age, they no longer confident they off afraid of the effectiveness of the affinity senior resistance. somebody in charge of a 100 because of the jump in that we sort of get a sense of what you're saying. just
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a few days ago. we sole idea footage of then parading hoffman a kids palestinian man with a hands on the head, a searching them full weapons and paraded as captives. that i think is rarely spelled today, was safe, that they had hoss make it bad. so i mean that on the last and those threat, yet these then will also half naked walking across a battlefield with white flags. and yet they were treated very differently. you talked about professionalism, there's incompetence here, as well as that know it's a very high level of incompetence. and also it depends on the circumstances those, these really have shown this house make it, they went into the school and the rest of them and asked them to strip off. so they knew who that way of dealing with, in this case, the 3 soldiers they offer for those. they understand that they have to take off
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their shirts to make sure that the army understand they know coming with the bombs and suicide. but they nobody to the stack them and they raising whites to that the situation is completely different. the 1st one is at ease, the soldiers went in and they understood their own civilians. and the 2nd case, they were confronted with a weird buckling fee. and they showed how the training i the lack of confidence, but above all, what you right, you mentioned that the beginning do more of engagement. so in what ways to move up and get that? i'll give a, so the all me in the back to the feet is anyone who does, does this sort of behavior breach the geneva convention, or does israel work on a different premise one, being the hannibal doctrine, a kind of a doctor and with the apply when day is lady know that there is
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a certain route or a location where there are the hostages and, and the kids know who was in this case, it doesn't apply because they are confronted with the situation was they had the day, it was back into nice in the middle and the geneva conventions, there was that box it and of a cold approach asking the 3 so just to be on the floor and come and inspect them or even from a distance to understand who they were dealing with. but because they are getting indiscriminately, any person in gaza and that's is the objective of the operation is not to liberate the president. hasn't been here mean and you know, said, but to destroy it guys. and it's an other thing because of the objective. what, why do you advocate in your house at the beginning? we want to put but how my schedule could, he ended the rate our prisoners that. ringback would not have shocked the 3 man
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because they were in looking for the prisoners and not looking how to execute them elijah vanya joining us from brussels. thank you so much for your analysis. so it's, let's bring in north a, in the middle of the process of media and communication accounts. all universities all see those are all feet labeled media coverage of the palestinian israeli conflict could tell you it's back on the private. let's talk about the media coverage of this particular incident, because okay, now you've got these really media really focusing on that own being killed by that road. and there are media organizations and countries across the world who have, you might say being a little bit more sympathetic to the is really a position to come and take note of this. i will have to report that these right, these really didn't know what they were doing and killed that rogue. i mean, this is, this is obviously has nothing to do with professionalism has to do with the events and the way these really government and it's media approaches of trying to market or kind of disseminate information about this, this, this,
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this act of revenge of the civilians would been seen going on to national global a screens. i think it does remind about the burglary does remind about the one who rock there was enough time to study. and the way civilian people had been kind of the humanized when they were stripped off the clothes. phillips of accounts of families and women who said how they were men were separate to those people are civilians. there is no proof for the is really government to show that those people, any of them, has been carrying weapons, any arms or they are fit to anyone. but there is, i feel there is a level of incompetence is not here in the sense that absolutely you do not brief. your soldiers correctly in even recognizing potential is rated captives in a war zone, as they, as they describe it, to may become free. and the options are alternative in briefings just wouldn't even
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consider it. no, absolutely. i mean, and this is not by the way, the 1st mistake or the 1st kind of catastrophe by the, by these very ami. i mean, the many, many of them said that i know it comes up on the 7th of october. the was also another catastrophic events were apaches, the actually hit is really, uh settlers. uh, well, how much people in other and all those. and they did the, the, the, the place. so i, i think this is, this is not the 1st, the 1st instance. i think the last of is, but this is in the combination of the most functionality not only between the communication but also the level. professionalism is where the army would be in kind of hearing accounts of this is the most professional, are being the most, was trained army into it then that we have proofs in front of us. they couldn't even capture one person from the people who are wanted by the, by these are the government. and so now we go back to,
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you might say the negotiating table because we're now seeing talks between israel and in to look at to cut off to talk about the, the release of captives or another, sees fine. how are you reading the situation right now? well, i think it's complex of the, there is a condo call, think the information, to be honest. i mean we, we, we hear the message from the us from the bottom administration will also we hear a slightly different message from the is when the government, but for sure that the calculate broke, are they that they are doing their best to kind of come to a certain conclusion to the cut, those to see that these before the senior people because of the government has been kind of behind the scenes doing a huge amount of diplomacy kind of networking and works between the west, the egyptians. but also the, the, the is where it is in general, and we know, and we see that mean whether in the media and whether on, on, on other platforms. so i think the a fortunately depiction, not which tv, but what do we know exactly for sure. and what we see on in front of us, whether on social media, until it's easy, the continuation of the bombardment,
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the annihilation of but a senior people. what the in the hubs or in the west bank and all the pricing and cities, but we'll be picking more of what's going on. certainly as even progresses and 11 north, the melody. thank you've told me to pick it. i was just able to unless somebody, a boot was laid to rest in gaza, he was killed in this range right and strong qual, covering elio tax as a un run school fellow journalists gathered at the funeral service on sunday morning, including l. just a concept bureau chief while other to who was also injured in the attack, his friends and colleagues, honey, my little thoughts morning, a friend colleague and some people gather for the funeral of i'll just the or a camera man, sam, there i'll be with the is pressed the helmet for a headstone among them all your 0 guys have your teeth while i'm injured in the same is regulated drones trying to lift hospital to
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promise center that his work would go on the phone. i had to go to the said, i mean that we are carrying this human message here. we are carrying this noble message and we will continue to do our duty with the best professionalism and transparency his mother, they are to lamb and thing and the list on her son's last, on the, on the almost tell me it's a little bit of interest to you he came to me on thursday morning. i was preparing and breakfast, but you said you would have breakfast with his colleagues, but you didn't eat with them and he died without having food on his desk. it's getting me. he died hungry without sam or was hit twice. why? reporting on the destruction of a school in the center of hon. you help did not arrive for 5 hours risk. yours needed approval from israel forces to both those the through the degrees to get to him. by which time he had to bled to death as
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a father for whose the children had move to the safety. belgium. simon had always seen them once in the past 6 years, described as old, with a smiling by his colleagues he had carried on working despite the grueling conditions. god bless you, god bless. oh, the journalist, a big salute to old, my colleagues, and we're all tired. i know i sleep only 3 hours a day, 3 hours in such freezing weather at night. the palestinian journalist syndicate said 90 journalists have been killed by is really yours writing gaza since this part of the war. but silencing during the listing java is nothing. what we have is a documented long pattern that was really forces targeting, killing, wounding, intimidating journalists, and not being punished for it, for there being no accountability. it's not only journalist to become
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a target. many family members of all the just the are a staff have also been killed by is really error strikes. i need more more nicer hospital in hon. eunice. i'll just be around jason's prusio is the global media team leader for the international committee of the red cross. he says the lack of safe code is ambulances in garza delays and to prevent success to emergency health care. you need to have a safe passage. you need there need, there needs to be some sort of a stoppage in the fighting so that an ambulance driver can move through a region, experiencing violence safely to that person in need. that's part one. part 2. uh, the email is driver probably has to maneuver around a damaged roads that could, it could be covered in rubble. that typical route that she would have taken is no longer available to them that lengthens the time. that takes for the response to the medical response to arrive on site. uh, another issue is uh,
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when telecommunications go down in, in peace time in the country. uh, with not experiencing this, this terrible violence. when you need medical help, you pick up the phone, you call an emergency operator, and in your you immediately make that connection families in gaza. and i don't know about the specific case here, but the families and guys will see a delay in that ability to, to make a call quickly and connect to the other side because of the, the fact that telecommunications are going up and down. so there's all these different challenges that lead up to the fact that medical care just takes a lot longer. now these really ministry police unit says that it's investigating the depth of 2 palestinians. we occupied westbank and south to and is very writes group, accused the army of conducting illegal executions. the bet. so i'm group pasted this video saying it changes right in the middle tree vehicles following a group of palestinians during
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a raid in the found out refugee camp on friday. now the soldiers shoot, one man holding a bet canister. the vehicle moves closer, additional to get a 2nd bump hiding under the front of a car. it shots, a place range. the activists say that he was a no child strong citizen jeanine, and they don't keep eyes westbank. he talks us through what the footage released by about salon shows as a group of palestinian men fling and his really ministry vehicle in a court yard. it set to show a man named rami june the 25 year 25 years old. he was shot initially. he falls to the ground a supposedly holding what is believed. so suddenly these very say they believed to be an explosive device, a rate kind of stuff. the vehicle that approach is closer and he show it's believe once possibly twice. again, he actually didn't die immediately. he died the next day. this incident happened on december the i q,
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then see another member of that group of mine called the shaheen surgery, 6 year old. who is hunkering down for safety trying to get covered under these a white call in front of a white car is ready soldiers in that jeep approach. and apparently, according to activists, i saw shaheen was on all of these ladies, few team days at point blank range. now this video, which is, i say, is being obtained by bit, so it must be put forward to the is right, the military police. they say that they are investigating this incident and that the results of this investigation will be given to a ministry prosecutor. but it's really important to say that there are incidents like this happening right the way across the occupied westbank almost every day. most of them are not cold on camera, but certainly according to the testimonies of many of the policy moves that we
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speak to. this is not an uncommon event. so the big question now is, is whether the kind of legal process that the is riley military use is going to be sufficient enough to investigate this enough for potential charges and a conviction to be made. the rights groups, palestinians, experts on this kind of, on these kind of alleged atrocities or assassinations, murders say that the charges of convictions, all creased, singly, read, especially in the current climate, were in at the moment. when many will tell you the all me have got more of a green light than i ever had before because of the policies with this file. why is why the government to the old find a is relevant let's does it ended a 3 day rate in geneva. about a 100 pulsed indians with detained and 12 others killed, joining cash and hold off till the meat has been to the janine refugee come to see the impact of the army action is the day after and people are picking up
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the pieces following the longest rate but is really forces the janine refugee camp has seen in over 2 decades. how to best most are the left as columns of army vehicles were approaching these all her 1st moments back home. she is startled to find everything upside down. she runs a grocery shop and the small tailoring business on the ground floor of the street. mister, they cut the cable of my sewing machine. what does i do for them to do this? what's my crime? i'm a peaceful person. i don't interested in anything. i take care of 5 goals and one boy, i don't have savings. i can barely feed them and pay the school fees. it's a disaster, but i will get back on my feet. the soldiers base themselves on the upper floor. the graffiti left under was a clear indication, there's
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a desire for vengeance. the reason that is really sold as base themselves in this house is because this as the entrance of the janine refugee camp. and from here they have a clear view of some of the was fighting happened at this cross road to close up, reduced to ashes is here with as of brother most of fell shot dead. he was 17. this as she called expensive feelings. so her cousin, h u, oldness must steps in the heavy god, oh man. yeah, cool out of the soldiers all over the she was heading towards the eye when the shot team twice one in his back and the other bullet was in his name. they couldn't move in time. what have you? but she also also teenage brother doing a previous raid, a law, blah blah. i'm very sad. we used to play to give that take pictures. i feel he is
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gone. they killed everyone. even children, they don't came they have been at least a dozen military incursions here since october, the 7th. the soldiers leaving behind pointing message as they made their way through the alleyways, while bulldozers tore apart the already port infrastructure. horn asked about the smell of sewage overwhelming one so strong that the soldiers couldn't linger too long. now, do you have? no, he's at least cut off and cut off the bunk. one is the so they cut the electricity during the rides. so the sewage of the flows, it becomes full of bugs and flies. we a did a live we can into a hunger, the soldiers everything. but no one helps not the n g o is not the palestinian authority, no one why? most of those living here, originally from 2 days northern israel, the full fathers kicked out of to the creation of the state of israel. now many
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field, that's all this is a, a displacing them yet again. without that how many edges either janine? well, let's bring in no, the milady from catch all university. again. it's interesting isn't it, that we have all of these indiscriminate shootings also happening. the west bank has been ongoing well before october the 7th, but military execution seen on camera recorded on congress of the 1st time. we changed something like this, but it's back to the world to see even more so now in the context of what dollar is experiencing and know on these things to account. i mean the, the, the, the, the attempt by some to push towards taking legal action for example, or an inquiry against an event like this i think, is going to, it's not going to need to any justice being brought back to police simians. because so unfortunately, i mean, every day, now, even in the west bank itself, we see pens of people being killed. and the obvious policy of the is where the army
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is shipped to kidney stuff. and guess we've seen this on comfort, obviously in his life. but what he's more even dangerous is the settlers themselves . i mean, we, we see, we see would see lots of cases during the last few weeks also was such as were on. and they also have this idea or does not off shoot to kill. so i think this condo from giving the impression that there is a legal process which would allow policy in use to get some kind of right to evaluate the kind of inquiry that these done by these, where the army or what have you. i don't think this can just so it's going to need to anything. i mean, the proof of it also is what's happening. and i love that every day. i mean people being bombarded in to sometimes lucy's. we see them live on or no, no, no, no, no incumbent has been being charged for having their homes being defaulting on them . so i think it's becoming so really it's becoming cup us traffic. and i think the, the walls needs to do something about the cleaning fee of the bro, cuz the united states of america, always the great, the support of, to this is where the government, of course, you know, as you say,
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if it's not going to be any of address it is really cold. there is the cost of public opinion globally and thought is the difference, isn't it? when pictures and reports the signal just by organization, but by other media organizations i can pull, in other words to the pictures they want. but pictures do speak aloud to the words, i think i think the public opinion around the world is being kind of well informed during the last few weeks. and then a couple of months about some, the, the, the, the, the, the, this problem of seeing and people in general is not the only what has been going going in. because what i think the, the world is starting to learn a lot more about the policies for good, for the last few decades. the nature of the occupation, the nature of what's going, going not only and the injuries of the people who have is really passports. and they live, for example, these are an image really pounds and cities and how they were dealt with in a condo, re roof this up of 5 monitor, and the one most of cases being recorded done on cameras. so i think the intention,
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public opinion, or unfortunately, or fortunately, is being more dictated, more aware and i think is put, putting more and more pressure. and probably the next 2 weeks probably wouldn't be something that would help towards them, but still being the war or how things are plenty of people to have some kind of justice, at least in the short term for the day, but not a from kind of get into the thank you still i have here all the news on the british royal navy. she's done a drone in the red sea as humans who fee say they've lost a tax on a lot and stuff in this room. protests around the world to defend cease 5 in gauze . health work has hold a silence. march in london, the the route to you by visit capital had lie there at the tail of 2 fourteens across south
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asia. at the moment we launch the dry and settled conditions across the move of the region. but down in the south, we think some very wet and windy web that you can see that heavy rain and pulling across southern parts of india as well as sri lanka. eventually work its way across into the multi the winds of also picks up with warnings for those out for towel. not as well as carla as we go sunday and monday. but for the north of this, a much clearer picture will cloudy across most central areas. move in the way of sunshine as we move our way further north warnings out for fog across the northeast . but last, the clear skies for bangladesh. the fog and smoke issues pacific across the north, west of india and into northern pockets. done with air quality issues for the whole as well as new delhi. and it was, it was all way further east. there's more and a way of sunshine coming in for the korean peninsula. that's off the heavy snow fell in south korea up in the north, across the northern mountains. bitterly cold here thanks to a cold wave that swept his way across china,
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the korean peninsula. and now japan system heavy snow to come across the most and down in the west will see temperatures come down, asian at minus 6 degrees celsius. that on sunday the weather brought to you by visit cuts on hearing the have you had to be late. he says he has the support of 15 for em, samantha shaw pick one moment. then asking questions, what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection reporting from the action? not just give you a sense of what an easy target this places i'll just see. it was teams across the world when you closer to the foss with the story in the name of protecting the public, unprecedented across the civil liberties. this under way into ridiculous threats and diplomacy, medation witness follows
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a lawyer fucking coats and police bonds to reverse the trend. everybody wants to fight against racism and then also acknowledge that there's advocacy and right now this time, and in berlin on that jersey to the book about to watch villages it renews on with me. so he'll run that reminder on top stories and initial report. 5 use right in the army has revealed a 3 captive thing. dogs that were killed, biased by the soldiers, who did not follow the rules of engagement, despite waving a white flag. and so eating in hebrew is really sole just opened fire until the
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announced that are generally severe. apple duck has been laid to rest a task he was killed and that is really try and strike while covering earlier tax that the you and run school. i'll just say are a bureau chief, so while i was full, so it just in fact let's call so that's what correspondence topic assume is in rasa in the southern gauze a time. make another difficult days. the causes just bring us up to speed on them. a battery is a theme the focus of is really a tax on site today to yes, i know the blue today that was full of these very attacks. of course, the southern parts of the 2 or 3 were rough, con eunice dealers, by a word demand concentration of the east bed. it strikes during the last couple of hours only uh, rough, uh and fine units, uh, providence, around to 20 palestinians have been killed during the past. a few hours of the attack soon. rough as will be safe area as these very forces have designated
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continues where to residential buildings have been attacked during the last couple of hours. also with the uh, coastal uh. busy line of good or bad offer, and i noticed that you had been a widely bombarded by the is rarely a military novel forces who are stationed. oh, sure to the sea of the directory now. uh the uh, the tax also had been renewed during the last couple of hours old bridge refused to come on the long side of the vicinity of a 100 or up hospital in the middle. a need for a neighborhoods of garza city, of course town recognize you were talking we. so what i'm dealing with is red lights going on right behind you. which brings me to my next question about medical facilities. they have been targeted through this campaign by the israelis. they're also hearing news about 2 facilities of the siege right now. what's going on? yes, absolutely. the tax i gave is the medical sector in guns. i did not stop since the
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1st day is of this round of fighting. where is the concentration of it has been a military operation against admit it comes complexes. it continues in the northern parts of the church, in particular in come on at one of the hospitals where they were operating on providing medical treatment for thousands of residents who had been dropped in a, in the north of the church rate, where they had, they were these body forces a earlier today you had stormed a come on at one hospital again, and they destroyed the southern parts of the hospital where they have arrested and above residents. and according to initial reports that had a reach us from local sources on the ground, that usually the forces had acute and executed a residents who were assigned to a v i come on board, hospitalized as they were taking shots from the east by the bombing, as the so some of the bodies from between the records and the rustles of the
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vicinity of the hospital as the medical source has been allowed. busy in the hospital had informed l d 0. that is by the attacks on the vicinity of allowed the hospitals did not stop where a medical work is being terrified and they are being under full is really siege. which considered to be a new violation against the principles of international lo palestinians inside this area are being completely isolated on some of them had been investigated and taking to disclose location for investigation by these very soldiers in the area turn a couple is in the 4th with the latest from roughly and something dollars to thank you. i as the united states as one of his warships in the red sea has shut down 14 drones lotion given earlier. the u. k also reported its navy had intercepted the suspect to the tank drone in the same area. humans who define to say that they've lost the time called the red sea result of a lot in southern israel. the spokesman folder group says a swirl of dragons was used in the operation center highlights has moved from
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hyphen in north and as well. of course, the isn't the 1st time as you was saying earlier. we do know is that each of the neighboring country, israel con, confirm the spend down a drone. oh the, the red. see that, and this was the 1st time that i have ended up in its entirety, supposed to be on its way to a lot, lot its just across from the area where that was down on the sides. but uh no, the only threat. the thing that in the ports of a lot, you also have uh the as to a quote which is uh along close to 2 gauze or, and that has the area has been under a time uh, previously resulted from, from us. and because of that, a lot of the shipping has, has to have been diverted inside uh, are still quotes without some service for
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a while. it seems to have reviews, but not so the shipping has been coming here so high for 500. if you can see just behind me that that the ports is one of the main ports of its rilen by these attacks happening in a loss and ships not wanting to enter the red sea, it means they'll have to add an extra 20 days to go around africa through the top and to ends up here, which is the mediterranean sea shipping potentially and the pin of course that also adds to security threats now, not just in one area, but multiple areas across israel. the to the world's largest shipping companies are temporarily suspending their routes through the red sea as long as the series of attacks on vessels in the region by raining back to the fight, as they say is service phones to israel's will. and garza, the types of targeted commercial ships traveling to egypt, suez canal through the red sea. as they approach the narrow bob has been dead
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straight to the south, they strategically important passages and he started to columbus as white, an estimated 30 percent of all the label containers use it about makes up 12 percent of the walls, trade about one trillion dollars worth of goods move through the strait each year is also a vital conduit for shipments of crude oil. any 10 percent of old oil trade, it passes through the red sea on the bob other men, the waterways is say, now the coffee is a political commentator when jen misplaced india. and he says that the continued to tax by the who these a starting to have an impact on as well. does it in the said, i think just because the, from the beginning go for the water. we have seen that the, you have any army has lounge to many by this to can the size and the attack against the is that i of course, is that i can is that they are shooting down all of these uh, besides an attack. but at least at this, i think actually taking some of the pressure there's in the that's happening on the
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cause of people on us today. a menu item has announced that they have it almost as they say a lot of the batch of drones. it could be 20 or more drones has belong store to the is that i am an oldest attack actually they are really, really fucking. is it i, it is basically the thought of get them over. is that any shape or is it any linked as ships and boats in that it's the honest will any ship that's a had been through is that i am that. i mean that is sort of that, that the a lot to applaud is almost as low as 90 percent of its capacity. that how do you can see any ship going to a lot? i think visibility clear message yet or is it a display of its attack against the palestine demonstrates as a ton of outs and cities around europe and north america to demand an immediate cease fire in garza and loved to the palestine solidarity campaign is held. a silent protest and support of health workers and the gaza strip. a service on you. a guy,
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a guy is the that is all stress situation. continuing to unfolding garza has from richard. health work has to come out and join this vigil outside of downing street demanding. now that the british government us for a ceasefire in the us itself, not just for the humanitarian pauses that they have been calling full because they say the situation now is so dia, that more has to be done it for, to, to be able to prevent the situation that from escalate into a dfcs catastrophe. i think we seen a complete failure of the humanitarian pause that lost his for just over a week. and even during that pause res, seem illegal. detainment and health care work is of doctors. and this did not, you know, amount to anything, essentially we saw no age coming in to sign into gaza to try to foods going and we so supplies not being or punished in hospitals breaking down. so that is your on said what we need is a permanent sci fi,
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which will allow these all supposed to be replenished to allow the stuff to be replenished to allow for cause that stand up again on its feet. because currently we are in f popular level scenarios inside garza, with a spread of infectious diseases and communicable diseases on the level that we have never seen before. with a wells health organization describing the health system and gaza as on its knees and collapsing. there was a sense of urgency now, but when she was coming, that much more needs to be done. reggie, the all reports of communicable diseases such as diarrhea and the rest of us are, were spiritual diseases such as flu was thing was situations for people who are being forced to sleep on the streets. also, meaning that, that bracing themselves for worsening situation alongside the continual bombardments. funny got ya go, i'll just sarah london as well. so all the news, how a recovery in ukraine's economy is pacing challenges the companies facing shortages
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of work is to stay with us. the examining the impact of today's headlines this year. for the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're seeing that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7, how signal stories for a global audience? this is my, you house, this is way what these are 15 so tired of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era in, on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question, professor applies unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us
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real permits and nothing leaves scottsdale with offers roles permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without the book about can be able to the days of the news, the, the mayor of cool aid shake new off of amazon. somebody has died after 3 years in power. he was 86 camille neglect, takes a look back at his life of the north side, off made as a bed of sue butler to rights for relatively short time. only since september 2020
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. by the end of 2021. each founded out most of his duties to his half brother and designated uh, my son off might as well. and then now i was involved in the administration and government of q i, when it gained independence from britain more than 60 years ago. he was defense minister in exile when to a 2 tanks, accompanied by allied forces rumbled into choice for 3 up the end of the size to go for. but to throw in the run up to a roxanne's agents in august 1990 costs out of his career, the most difficult for the returning is face demands from senior army officers to investigate and dismiss. then shaking off and not the minister, the offices said shake no f with 3 tanks from the pool to reduce the state of a look and told me not to find on your own keys. first,
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interest rate decisions apparently taken to avoid provoking your overall case. check now for some dismiss, but was appointed social affairs minister in the post will government a comparatively junior role no of i'd ask my daughter debit as to but was born in june 19. 37 is family has ruled the oil rich gulf monica continuously since the mid 18th century. he leaves behind a wife for sons and a daughter about them all. safe is a system professor of history at quite university and says that the man will be remembered fondly. in the country this is a very sad day indeed for kuwait, she has no wife and i have met has only done good for the country. his legacy will be remembered fondly. he has many nicknames, if you may, he's known as to be any of those pardons. he has left the largest reconciliation in modern, created history with a series of amnesty and the returns of citizenship,
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se release of prisoners. he has also opened up uh to the opposition and its, and opened the parliament again to all voices and opened up to taking away from the government's role. really in voting for the speaker of the house was was which was a crucial thing to reinforce the position oddity of the people. and the popular opinion, if you mean russian need of documentation is promising. hosp punishment so far into service in presidential elections next year. he's the favorite to win and to seeking a 5th time in march that would keep them in power until 2013. there's no bible opposition, candidates and bushes me to his time, be controlled by the kremlin. the new any interference in the internal affairs of russia will be suppressed and dealt with harshly in accordance with the laws of russia. we will defend our people's freedom and sovereignty and the right to choose
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their future. it is the people and only the people of russia that are the sole source of power in our country to look forward to using ukraine have launched an investigation for counselors. that's all fine. gonna is that a government building to the happened to the was to the region video shows and at entering the village council meeting and throwing the grenades on the ground. 26 people injured 6. so in a critical condition, well, after the initial shock of russia's invasion, every 2 years ago, ukraine's economy is full cost to grow and extra, with millions of ukrainians displays still cold up the military service that's likely to pose increasing challenges. the companies facing shortages of workers, but mcbride to pull some from the capital keys of the with each flurry of snows as another flurry of cars that your each garage needing to change to winter tires. he
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has enough work for 6 mechanics, but can only find 3 well started with will the problem just got worse. many men have signed up for ministry service issues, while others have an hour and bought them with an estimated 2000000, mainly men now cooled up to find technical trades and heavy industries in particular are reporting staff shortages. but all sectors are looking at ways to fill the post recei. now companies are investing more and more in training programs . read training programs, companies that are more open to hire people with less experience or students. even the also know that they will be looking towards people who have retired or reaching retirement age. ukraine was already harnessing the potential of all to mason and artificial intelligence in the workplace. the shortage of workers is now accelerated, that process nova pushed the ukraine's largest private delivery company,
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has been recruiting more women while increasing the pace of technical innovation. maybe this is why they're interested in um, i think our purpose is to reduce the number of employees we need, can increase the productivity of our existing workforce. real time challenges on the front lines, adding to growing problems on ukraine's economic front. rob mcbride, i'll just say era keith, the full soldiers have been killed in southern semi go up to the vehicle around the empty tank line. 3 of us were wounded. the military has been trying to re touch separate as rebels in the border region since launching and offensive 2 years ago. of groups, at least in democratic republic of congo, have agreed to extend the 3 day c spy with the army. the agreement to impose a 2 week truce to be monitored by the us. they coincides with preparations for an election on december. the 20th. the i'll be has been fined to get a 20 the level since the group 3 of us in 2021. i don't mind connie, how's the details from control?
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so i'm trying to rep was always i q is the, the government forces of attacking the up. was there something violation that we do? we do not, we meant lead to by the former president of cannot we cannot the calling for dialogue and we'll stick all of those into ongoing conflict. this one and you know, it will be 23 levels. i know the new logical, at least one, which includes political parties, but the many around the 6 of the groups 1st and that is something we don't have. the other thing with the new objective to come by the code is governmental. felix is security and to 14, to produce the new we will need to govern government is in the country. the democratic public conway is due to r a generally less on next wednesday in a critical context. according to many on a list, many of the ongoing is secure with the stability of millions of global citizen out of their homes. and the now living introduced to this. com island, are you coming out of the 0? can cell phone, the democratic republic of quote. now, so it has all these footage showing the strongest solar flatter admitted by the
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southern several years. in this video, you can see the rupture originating from the fall north west section was captured using extreme, ultra violet light. so the flies have the potential to impact us with possible destruction to powered grades and of a critical infrastructure. well, it's time to look at today's sports headlines with joe montes united manager eric 10 hawk says he wants to use his teams. 7, the last 11 pull last season. as motivation for that class on sunday that you know, i should have one just one of the last 5 much is no competitions. they had to believe is having not want to and filled for 8 to use. 10 hawk says this is the perfect opportunity for a site to show what that capable of. i think everyone is highly motivated when you go to ensure a so it's a great place to go. and you know, it's going to be tough. and i think that everything, what every football
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a once a wants to have the children's so you have to looking forward and you know, it's not, you know, of course we take that and you know, memory and, but you have to also take the benefit from it to learn from it. also who sits 2nd in the table will have manage and mikhail, i'll touch it back on the touch line today game against bryce and on sunday of the he was created misconduct. i'll touch a cold refereeing decisions, a disgrace of to his team lost a new cost of last month and spent the last much in the stands. but the come back to him with a criminal defense lawyer who successfully have the charge dismissed. i know it being the 1st in lives that the child is there guys, it looks like i'm, i'm, i'm the one so it's okay, but as well is the scene of the sentence i was getting charged and now i haven't been charged. so i haven't been to has never my dsa never. so i'm keen. i taught
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and made it back so that wins is likely nothing for us to nail to close. the gap on the top full were selling us in school. he said go into games with a hurried to and the full day inclusive sky added a 2nd condemning for us to a 5th defeat in 6 months is because it was to reinvent the most out. it's a had been knocked out of the fee for club, woke up in saudi arabia visible, missed a penalty against african champions, actually of egypt. school, the lights consolation go. but despite going down to 10 minutes, i'll actually 131. they'll now face the copeland. toyota is when is lumens i in the semi finals on monday? the san antonio spurs have broken into direct quote, 18 months, losing run with victory over the los angeles like is devin for sale, have 36 points. one of the bron james is $23.00 points on the 9th was not enough for the injury stricken like it's a dozen even was losing streak outside the detroit pistons broke the franchise record is
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a lot to the philadelphia 76. it is now reco breaking 22nd straight last and it was a west of the season joel and beach going 30 plus points for the 10th street game. tiger woods is teaming up with his teenage son to take paws had a golf tournament in florida, which made his return to competitive gulf 2 weeks ago of to ongoing ankle surgery. the 15 time major champion has struggled since a call crash in 2021. left him with a serious leg injury, but he paid to be fit unhealthy. working the cost with 14 year old charlie. during this we can pro em competition. spent fund funding for both of us. we've set off of our competitive nature and we feel that you know, really push each other to become better and it's just a fun atmosphere which we keep it light, competitive, and enjoyable. those are useful. it's headlines. you can get more on a website out there,
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a dot com and all social media channels. so it'd be about good more news or the other side of the brain, but we leave you with tributes for out of there was jealous submit about that guy who was killed on friday the the bus then for the whole a whole center uh can the how does everybody in the amount of the sub so we know enough clearly no more cost on me that e s s. i want us to shut the father in law if law had the new own in this one of you. so most of those submitted show a lot like it in the in central air. does that mean in the machine? um no buick knows um those m a and no more than that. they will see it had the issue of a yeah. alone, i don't want to use that as the matter, my boss, i'm
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a and the on the hub on the show as i mean some of them was the most if it's always been a saw. so you want to initial set up at all for the computer. so you may see this and jimmy, i don't know what the terminal over teddy is to show his image. it's m l u. i could vary on a set up perfectly done or set up if you had to get an estimate of the i'm sure i'm i'm, i'm all set on the us the as israel's foreign guys, a continues, we bring you the nation. we're on the grounds and goes back to bring you the events as they have been reporting 1st time on the suffering and a lot of people on the list of tasks and states. and we live in occupied east garrison covering the lakes, his political developments. and in fact we're here across the west bank, the full tang of how this war is not just massively affecting those in garza. stay
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with us for the latest updates and detailed coverage of the war on gaza on houses. the hundreds in the millions. stephens cries, does the delicacy value just as highly bike hotels in the mafia? price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access lines. joins the environmental, prosecutors, turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wild life trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera or here's from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we, the effect on live from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download
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the new app from audi. 0 news that you think is it in australia engaging this when they're missing that disproportionately high rates? 101 east investigate is enough being done to help find missing up originally on i'll just say of the these really ministry says that soldiers broke rules of engagement. when they shot dead, 3 captives. one was waving a white slide the gloves around and watching office. they were like, well,
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headquarters here in the hall also coming up on the program. a funeral attended by dozens of motors as being held for allergies that are generally severe. i would


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