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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 16, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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missing this proportion as the highway 101 east investigates is enough being done to help find missing originally on out just a of the these really ministry says that soldiers broke rules of engagement. when they shot dead, 3 captives, one was waving a white slide. the gloves or i'm in the watching office. they were like headquarters here in the hall also coming up on the program. a funeral attended by dozens of motors as being held for allergies that are generally severe. i would duck who dies as soon as really miss armstrong goes to bureau chief while the dude was also included in that to
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talk. he pays tribute to his friend and calling sick and wounded. that rate under the witnesses described both happened to come out aloud. one hospital when his baby builders is moved in and 40 days of molding up to the death of coates ruling amanda shake. the evidence of the crown prince has been named as his successor. the a preliminary report by these really all of the states that 3 captives in gulls have been killed by is made the soldiers who are not following the rules of engagement. the initial prove says the 3 men had escaped captivity, but will find upon by as many soldiers that the 2 of them was shot. the 3rd fled, but despite reportedly pleading in the hebrew, today's rainy soldiers, he was also shots until now these ran, the army reports says that they were killed because the troops did not follow the
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armies rules of engagement. all 3 was shit less with one of the figures carrying a stick with the main shift white flag. the soldiers believed it was an attempt to buy him off to leave all them into a trap and immediately opened fire. the soldier who immediately opened fire upon identifying the 3 men did so against protocols. but it's smith, how's the latest from telling these? of? israel's military says that the 2 soldiers killed, those 3 captives were not acting according to protocols. they say that they understand why that happens. they say bodies because sometimes homicide is a wearing civilian clothes, not necessarily caring weapons that they might pick up elsewhere. they also say that the scenario itself, a cost is walking around in a bucket was own, was never taken into account, but bodies piling on the pressure. now one is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu from the families of the concierge. still in garza,
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they want the government to move much more quickly to bring those competence home. there was no price for the hostages. these really government must be ready to pay any price for that release to make a deal. now that is what i'm saying. yes, today not now. so now we understand that the head of most odd castles, prime minister met and also of us the 1st time they've met since the cx, 5 columbus just over 2 weeks ago. and they're exploring what like a now do to bring the rest of these captives home. israel says one of its conditions is that female captives are released almost had refused to do this previously because it says some of those women, military and almost considered as military kept, is different from civilians. the thought is at least an indication of where is ro wants to saw adding your negotiations from the phone. it's miss talusick that's taking straight to the roots where the how about the specs but as of
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a home dentist speaking that's listening to what do you have at the same or this 71st day. the nazi's when the, the nazi occupation continues. it's aggression against our people in casa, using old kind of weapons, and that will be us bombs that are well band internationally. but they bomb with no discrimination, including schools, camps. we worked with you on a 2nd and more up any and houses of civilians. the hospitals that are protected by international humanitarian law, the least of which he was the crime committed in come out when hospital and most of this is happening under the watch of the holy world with the us supports and british support. i was assuming at some european capitals as well, much so as the international community remains. and they will include thank the
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international organizations and the united nations remain enabled to, to anything the position of the united states as it continues to use its r vito on the, on the c as in addition to being biased and supporting the nazis system. that is committed to aggressions and presidents aggressions that the humanity did not witness before. they also send the negative message saying that those international organizations are enabled to protect people or to support those and protect those who are being aggression aggressive as a result of this aggression, more than 19000 people has had been killed and 52000 were wounded with an i live, in addition to that party with so many of them,
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there is more than 8000 people that are missing and those are rubble, including 70 percent, are women and children. the occupation has committed. imagine during those $7.00 to $1.00 days, many mass occurs against our civilian and an arm civil and the aggression continues in the occupation. what occupied the west bank? where 300 mar tiers. 12, a 7 middle of them all have been recorded since october 7. i'm not sure how that made. well, i guess we had to jump the mar tiers rest in peace and we were speedy recovery to all the wanted and patients were being given and we hope that our people will stay patient. this tripe parted, the aggression gallant guns and nothing yahoo teeth, not a chief one you any of their goals?
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and the goals of their nazi war against cause was tripped during 7 to one day. why then? but the have to go ahead that one will be and they will never achieve their goals with god's help and all their dreams will be illusions, will be destroyed in casa, especially at this fascist failing. the awesome government does not care about the lives about their own soldiers and officers, and they just pushed them in to this hor, where there's no victory. and they know very well that they are getting into cause a live and they will only leave. it's almost dead handicap or psychologically out of what disturbed us. all this occupation forces that is ryan. that's to renew your cap tips. there are 3 cap tips that are see can help to be french and they just let them die. i will show a video from them because some pre gates that shows how those hostages continue to
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be killed. of the the the
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i have is, uh, i love it. well, the last one i saw at this time that you see on the screen is what the families of the hostages has put as they are counting and hoping to have their children going back home. i have to tell them that it can last forever because of netanyahu's in his cabinet adventure. they will just, maybe you will never see them again. the tory or the narrative that is being promoted by the is right, the media. and is the story about those 3 hostages shows the savior and the defeat of them, of these cabinets on the strategic level and their strategy. this not the strategies
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making them being defeated every day and all that is, if this enemy wants to bring back all their soldiers alive and their captives to live, this will never happen unless they taught the aggression complete the and after that, to negotiate a deal in accordance with the conditions of the resistance, as our people continue to be resilience and all the success we're having in the battle field. thanks to the fighters. least of what are the last of what the saw was in have at the could. this is pushing with many countries in the world to change their senses and also pushing a lot of politicians not to adopt. the is riley narrative that is filled with the blood of our civilians in order to see us make victory for them and
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for their political goals in the us truly in new zealand and canadian statements calling for the cease fire and also the votes of $153.00 countries in the united nations, in order to stop the war in casa, is only a way that shows that this enemy is being exposed in the international community. last one and the united states right in a position or spence that is shifting to according to the statements of by then and take sullivan. we are so helpful and in search, and we do not trust the united states and which in, on and it's position is emanating from, in the crisis that includes cost bites and it's elected the elections and is possibility to remain in the one task. as we said, if they wanted, they could have top provide in weapons and they could have just to stop them and
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not use their veto in the un security council. every time there's a resolution to stop the war, they are still complicit with this occupation in this ethnic cleansing and the killing of women and children. we hear a certain, once again, our call in up on all the european countries that are reject in this aggression against our people that they should escalate their positions in order to precious the united states administration for not continued to give a green light to the occupation as they continue their aggression and the genocide of our people in casa given this difficult situation, that our people are living and this policy of starvation as and depriving people from medicine fluids and fuel. and they continue to have gas,
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that'd be feeds and bomb and hospitals. this is a silent genocide taking place. we want to remind the muslim and the arab countries and all the free world of the following 4 to 5 person. it's of the mar tiers that were killed during this barbaric continue in burke. barry came up aggression in gauze that included and rough, where displaced, which goes against what the occupation is saying that there are safe areas are safe zones. and this shows that they are misleading people when they ask them to go sounds, if they want to be safe. all those lies where just a way to track people in order to commit more massacres against an armed civilians . there is no safe space. there are no safe spots in gaza as they are repeating, as the occupation is repeated. those are all lies. they continue to repeat it
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automatically, and all the us administration officials continue to repeat to those statements, include think the secretary of state and the secretary of defense. actually, both morris and solves of casa, are being targeted by the weapons of israel. all those who were forcefully displaced constitute a to 5 percent of people of casa, which amounted to a point, 3000000 people, and 70 percent of whom are from that. the refugees who came to gaza in a forceful displacement during 1948 and their life does not have any basic rights. they have no food, no water, no medicine, no treatments for those who were not killed by the us. weapons died because of this besieging post on them because they were thirsty and hungry. and because of the
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inaction of the international community, which has been committed by the nazi occupation in the hospital against my tons of displaced and also patients. this is a new massacre. it gets an arm civil is of our people that you get to this shows it start barrick aggression. that is more than the nazi aggression the so often another thing, both those are of the enemy has buried many of the people where a live in a scene that could never take place in this world in today's world, unless it, with the hands of the it's radio could patients and with the support the fee to us administration. all those who are following closely the news of our people in gaza and watching the massacres committed by the use right in the occupation and also our weakness. think of, of the destruction that is taking place. we told them the people of casa,
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as they are level one of the tar fink and thursday. and they're feeling cold and sleeping on the ground in very harsh conditions and very harsh climates and do not have any basic life. they have no conditions. and despite all the crimes being committed against them, they are still staying. they are being resilience and protecting themselves in their right also. and they are chanting victory. we are sending the message to all the free people of the world. people of cause are expected from the most him, arab nations and all the free people. a free people, if the world is especially the decision that emanated from the arab summit, that they should be held responsible and shoulder their responsibilities. in order to and the b. c, john garza and allow aids and medicines to access garza. the international
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organizations are also responsible and they should show their, their responsibilities to the job in accordance with the international humanitarian law. but instead of that, they just supported in somehow the, the don't the occupation forces, right. i wouldn't, how much do you have here? my name is riley. okay. patients continue for the 10th friday to prevent paula simians from going to the most to, to their prayer. and we affirm that those aggressions and those practices will not give the occupier any legitimacy on any parts of our land. and they will not have any legitimacy on oxide, most of those for barrick, aggressions also against the gulf in refugee camps and the occupied west bank
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and also commission all the crimes and defense allies think the most is just a way to continue the war. that is committed by the, is right, the occupations, and kind of our people in casa and allies edge and also in occupied to select the occupation, continue to try to eliminate our people, to force them to be displaced, but they will not succeed. our people remain resilience and will stay on the land and will not be able to give up and will not surrender and will not accept in any under any circumstances that their future will be designed by any comfortless sits or in any dark rooms. because this free people will only be led by a free resistance and a free leadership. the work of journalists who are covering this aggression against
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casa, that were targeted purposefully. and the killing of 921, turned the list since the beginning of the war. and most recently, yes, found that i would call who has been bleed. think for more than 5 hours until he passed away. and the journalist come and ask, has come out and mussa, who also tides in a barbaric aggression this systematic killing and target, think of doing. and this is assigning this terrorism that are let the, that but this, the sub you know, will not notice to make us overlook what is happening in gaza. and this is what a firms that we send or our present our consult listens to. i'll just 0 and to the families of alternative who passed away and may they rest in peace and we were speedy recovery to all the wounded london. we continue to affirm that the
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occupation aggress aggression will not silence the voice of freedom and justice. we believe the 2 things are made are threatened in the occupation 1st, the resistance which is doing well and is only being hurts and feeling sad because of what is happening to the civilians. and it is, does not care about those who lets it down to the and the resistance, continue the fight and leave them a poverty is continue to targets and kill the is riley soldiers or make them handicapped or psychologically disturbed after the resistance. and we need the true is because the truth is, what makes the occupation always fearful, because all their existence is built on lies since 75 years and
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also their false narrative. since october, 7th, the occupation continued to silence and killed the voice of justice and truth because it has never been exposed as it was exposed this time since ox, a storm started before him showing how to show for tile. the occupation is on your part and their army is being defeated and can collapse and also exposing the ethics of the occupation a whole and exposing all those who support this occupation as they continue to bomb civilians with us bombs and weapons. all this and all those facts that are exposed and the government makes the occupation feels fearful because their lives cannot last forever. that's a law got in conclusion, may oldmar tiers rest in peace and we wish speedy recovery to all the patient and
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the body shop and we pray that god will writes victory for our people and it's either jihad or mark through them. thank you. peace be upon you to us, all of them, the official. how about us speaking, the press conference in bay reflect spring gain nording a lot. a lot of things that he touched upon obviously is a countering to the narrative that we've been hearing so far from the is riley. this is also an overview of you might say the fight that the palestinian groups that are trying to defend the gaza. uh, doing the criticism of the international community, most of the aggressive, let's just be game wave video itself presented a video that said that some of the captives have been killed, but not by us. but by these riley's,
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this adds fuel to the fire of these babies themselves, killing 3 of that road. a very good strategic move. one might think, if you'll fight take a will of narratives. it's definitely a ward of narrative. you vivian upsets the 50 down there because everything that he says he's been sending multiple messages in a way. the 1st one can be for the international community, specifically about talking about the day to day so good of the policy and he was in the us and also in the west bank. and then part of that video as you rock, he mentioned this is exactly the, such as you communication, which is to a large extent, succeeding, at least with exposing the uh, the, the, the condo from, uh, let's say barbara is the of the, is where the army with destroying the infrastructure in the us, and that's part of the destruction of the instruction for us actually is actually affect affecting is where the people who are captives within how masses on to raj.
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so, so, so, so that's, that's that's, that's a very interesting. so teja way and how to deal with the media message. this is affecting definitely is where the families who are in a way, a a tilting every day and taking it through the streets every day in tell of even the end of the town to try to get the government to release the captive. i think the, the, the, the 2nd message, the how much the presented it was on the have done has been, has been, has been 5 to to review is optim. um, how much has an plus any because of this and it's still stronger and it's still also able to negotiate. and it is also going to negotiate according to its terms. the logic spent. they are sticking to their guns and they doesn't, don't seem in a way to have bolted with regard to the way they are dealing with this whole conflict, which is what happens and what yeah for that is all of that press conference of it
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like to know the melodies, thanks for joining us. thank you. so how does that region estimate? i would like. i was laid to rest in garza, he was killed in his ready drive and strike while covering earlier text that to you and when school, his friend and colleague kindly move to thoughts. morning, a friend colleague, and some people gather for the funeral of i'll just the or a camera man, sam, there i'll be with the is press helmet for a headstone. among them all you 0 guys have your teeth while i'm injured in the same is regulated drones trying to lift hospital to promise center that his work would go on the phone. i had to go to the said, i mean the one that we're carrying this human message here, we are carrying this noble message. we will continue to do our duty with the best professionalism and transparency his mother. they are to
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lamb and think and the list on her son's last on the, on the, on the coming as a little bit event that he came to me on thursday morning. i was preparing and breakfast, but you said you would have breakfast with his colleagues. but you didn't eat with them and he died without having food. us says, this is getting me. he died hungry without sam or was hit the twice. why? reporting on the destruction of a school in the center of hon. you help did not arrive for 5 hours risk or is needed approval from israel forces to build those the through the degrees to get to him by which time he had a blood to death. a father for who was the children, had moved to the safety belgium. simon had always seen them once in the past 6 years, described as old, with a smiling by his colleagues he had carried on working despite the grueling conditions. god bless you, god bless old a journalist,
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a big salute to old, my colleagues, we are all tired. i know. i sleep only 3 hours a day. 3 hours in such freezing weather at night. the palestinian journalist syndicate said 90 journalists have been killed by is really yours writing gaza since this part of the war, but silencing during the listing java is nothing. what we have is a documented long pattern that was really forces targeting, killing, wounding, intimidating journalists, and not being published for, for there being no accountability. it's not only journalist to become a target. many family members of all the just the are a staff have also been killed by his regular air strikes. i need my more nicer hospital in ton unit. all just the a. let's just recap on the reason press covers you've just seen from us on the home done. the visual spikes been full on us talking about the current situation in
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gauze saying that the fights will continue and the international organizations have been unable to protect civilians. of course, that's it from me. so rom, you can find out more information on the website. develop 7 top, come inside story has more on the death of our colleagues, savannah, happy dot com. so to stay with the the high low they will have a look at africa and environment, the 1st to the middle east and live and from the satellite image. you can see the skies have dried up before the occupied palestinian territories, but the ground remains of flooded and it's not going to help the winds have now picked up cloudy skies remain here and we all set to see things cool down over the next few days. with more of a wind to refill come in, once you feel as well for the courses and northern areas of iran that thanks to
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a weather system. pulling away from took you eating more in the way it's sunshine for the south. is this the 2nd picture with sunshine hazy sunshine at that across much of the gulf? now settled, isn't the story across the north of africa on several conditions continuing to plague? much of the mediterranean, falling into northern areas of algeria. heavy range, accomplish unity. we are expecting flooding from that and those conditions will continue from northern areas of libya as we go sunday into monday with some of that rain stretching for the south into algeria for the south of this, the west of the rain affecting equitorial guinea, the democratic republic of congo as well as an gola. those storms will stretch all the way down to what's one that is in baldwin and some eastern parts of south africa, southern mozambie, but the worst of the rain and madagascar on monday. to the latest news. as it breaks, have you had to be late? 50 has the support of the people to implement the shock economic plan to cut down
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government spending and fight inflation with detailed coverage. many members of the hiding are very arbitrary. are asked more until it's disappeared from around the world. entities, as government says, it's looking for a new site temporarily. how's the refugees and looking for sustainable solutions out to 0 turn the summit of wood up cost is killed and dogs off after and is really drill and targets a school. he was reporting from our colleagues and it definitely who is wounded in that same spot. israel's war on dogs or husbands at dudley, a conflict for media workers ever recorded. so why has the death toll been so high on this israel trying to silence for messenger? this is inside story, the.


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