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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 17, 2023 1:00am-2:00am AST

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sidney and the wall is an extension of israel system of control as part of a wider network of road supplements. and checkpoints. bill to give is really the offer hon while making their lights on bearable by the day the the, the, you're watching l g 0 live from to hi. i'm for the back people coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's foreign ministry opinion initially out the piece is determination that the war and guys of will continue despite the international price marching for their loved ones, family and friends of these really captives, co test seen tel aviv demanding,
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the government do everything to free. that's what i saw was the west of humanity in the devastation of casa, and a warning of a desperate united tearing situation in guys had the un save this, not able to provide much needed aid and suffice the territory needs. a funeral has been helpful and is here during this time. it has been killed by news really striking. gosh the, this is what was prime minister has once again found that the military campaign in gaza will not stop until hamas is defeated. many minutes now was speaking after war, cabinet meeting held after these really military admitted its soldiers broke rules of engagement. when they shot dead, 3 captives in gaza, one of them was waving a white flag at yeah, was, says,
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the war will continue despite international costs for a cease $5.00 single mc. so difficult to does that some of them because of strep, will be under the control of israel in order to make sure that that will be no danger to the security of israel. and no one will be raised to hate as well. we will continue to, we will stand steadfast and we will continue to fight despite all the suffering. and despite the international pressure, we will continue till the end. nothing will stop tennessee depends on that house folks. shortly after israel's military chief of staff said, he baz responsibility for the best of the 3 captives who is ready. soldiers killed in gaza, internal investigation revealed. the soldiers failed to follow the rules of engagement during fighting the armies. preliminary report says the captives housing guys are, were shot despite removing their shirts and treating in hebrew. well border furnace uh, the incident in which idea, so just mistakenly killed your time. how mean alone shamary is and some, uh,
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like uh, made up memories. the blast is it difficult and painful event to 3 hostages who survive 70, how much days moved towards the idea of soldiers killed by forces fire. there is nothing. so the idea of soldiers and the commanders in the gaza strip. one more time to rescue the hostages allies, we did not succeed. in this case. we sailed the deep sorrow of the families for the death of these hostages. not the ideas. and i as come on to are responsible for what happened. and we will do everything to prevent the reoccurrence of such cases in the continuation of the fighting. the 3 hostages did everything so that we would understand they moved without shirts, so we would not suspect them of carrying a bomb on their bodies. and how white cloth, so we would understand the shooting. hostages was carried out country to open fire regulations. it is for they didn't to shoot those who raise a white flag,
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an us to surrender. but this shooting was carried out here in a combat operation. and under intense pressure, while the families of captives still being held in guys that are angry at the government's handling of the situation. they've been holding protests in the streets of tennessee. they're calling on the government to go to old legs to secure the release of the remaining captive slash spring in the south hooting occupied east. jerusalem for more on this time to tell us 1st more about what the prime minister and the war cabinet said in this news conference and the reaction of the families of the captain duff. this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu was essentially reiterating the same war goals that he set out to achieve more than 70 days ago. when the war began. he said that the war is going to continue until all of those objectives are reached. now on the incident regarding is really forces shooting and killing 3 captives in
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gaza. he said that this is an incredibly tragic incident. and these really army is going to use it as a lesson to learn from the mistakes. these really defense minister jo of gal on saying that it is one of the most tragic incidents he has ever come across. saying that the fighting in the northern gauze, the neighborhood of shoes. ya, ya, is incredibly complex. and the military there is under immense pressure, which is why this mistake happened. but the is really army has said that these troops opened fire in contrast, or to open fire regulations in these really army. and that the 3 were surrendering . they were seen with out their shirts on waving some sort of white flag, even yelling for help in hebrew doing everything they could to identify themselves to these really military. what was interesting though, is that the entire war cabinet said that they still stand behind the army and that
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this is an incredibly stressful war. it is unlike anything they have seen before. and they're saying that it's going to be a long war and that there are simply going to learn from these mistakes. now the families of these captives, as well as the, bring them back now movement are incredibly angry at these really government. they have been pointing the finger at prime minister netanyahu to get some sort of deal done quickly as quickly as possible so that all of their loved ones can be brought back from gaza at this hour. additionally, the word cabinet is meeting, but at the same time, there are protests happening outside of the defense ministry known as the q. the is tell of the worst thousands of people are calling on these rarely government to do more. while the government and the armies say that they are doing everything they can. and that military pressure is what will bring back the captives. a lot of these families are saying, but simply not the case. and that these really need to go back to the negotiating
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table immediately. yeah, and the hostage families are demanding that israel present a negotiation. now, the prime minister, in his news conference ended at those negotiations, led by kata to secure, to send the release of more captives, possibly resuming without going into too much detail. what more can you tell us about this as well? the is really prime minister said that he didn't want to give too many details away because it would be quotes, giving information up to the enemy for reports. and as really media at this hour are indicating that the war cabinet meeting is actually discussing. perhaps some sort of new deal with the 1st time that's been on the table for discussion since the last ceasefire. a few weeks ago, all of this comes as the head of israel's most sod met with,
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but that is prime minister on a trip to europe. now sources there are saying that mediators are pressuring these rarely for a new framework of the deal. but they're also saying that it's going to be incredibly complex, this time, more so than in the previous one. additionally, we do know that bringing back the captive is something that is of the utmost importance in is really society. and while these really government says they're doing everything they can, they're also reiterating but military pressure is what brought back the captives during that cease fire deal a few weeks ago. and they're saying that continued military pressure is what's going to bring back the rest of them. but the reality of that statement is that there were mediation in negotiators speaking with both parties for weeks before and actually happened. additionally, thomas has released the statement reiterating its position, saying that the atlantic resistant movement,
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how mass has it called on all the mediators, and told them that they are not willing to negotiate any sort of deal unless these really fire and the war is stopped. thank you for that time to have the sound, who it's with the late to stay from occupies these through. so meanwhile, in guys that the bodies of at least 20 palestinians have been found in the yacht of the come, i'll add one hospital in the north of the gaza strip. witnesses say they were run over by is really ami bulldozers. during a raid on the facility tends for display civilians were also crushed. the hospital is barely functioning. tyrique up was a report from boffa in southern gas for several days. the commodities one hospital, another, and garza has been filled this year and harder to thousands of patients. medical stuff and displaced. people sheltering the have been on the seat exposed to shooting by these big omen. the wounded
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need citizens, but we can do anything. look at the sleet issue like he died too deep to model. that is not even a mattress. this old man will probably die soon to is this a hospital? this situation is, and their doctors say is really build those is question 10, center people in the courtyard and a shilling destroyed pharmacist along with his medicine the some people don't because of the lack of medical supplies and others because of the lack of opinion was set off today is if shilling is very only into the hospital the the address to the manager of the hospital interrogated all of the medical stuff
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here. the even let sniffer dogs on us. the dogs attacked an old man in a wheelchair. we couldn't stop the, the prevented us from 3 things, the ones that, and some of them died because we were not allowed to treat them elsewhere and not bring causal strikes homes. if 2 families rescue is desperately searched to say, anywhere less to life. and in the south oven noisy as strong so roughly destroyed these children's homes live. it can be we and i can because i have to hand according to shannon, this house was our shelter. we had nice memories here. our nice stuff was here. our bikes close of we think when we used to be some drink here in a moment it was all destroyed. there is nothing left down by it. despite the us coals for israel to scale down its attacks, being gaza,
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that's clearly not happening. and instead, there is no, any place in god that that's considered to be safe, needs in the north or the south, nor in you on shelters or in hospitals topic about soon, how does your roof on in the south of the territory. mazda official assigned the hom done, has criticized ancient national community for failing to restrain israel's military . of the united nations remain enabled to do anything the position of the united states as it continues to use its r vito on the, on the c as in addition to being biased and supporting the nazis system. that is committed to aggressions and presidents aggressions that the humanity did not witness before. they also send the negative message saying that those international organizations are enabled to protect people or to support
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those and protect those who are being a pressure aggressive as a result of this aggression more than 19000 people has had been killed and 52000 were wounded, if this enemy wants to bring back all their soldiers on life and their captives to live, this will never happen unless they taught the aggression complete the and after that to negotiate a deal in accordance with the conditions of the resistance. as our people continue to be resilient and all the success we're having in the battle field, thanks to the fighters, least of which are the last of which was in had at the could. this is pushing with many countries in the world to change their senses. and also pushing a lot of politicians not to adopt the is riley narrative that is filled
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with the blood of our civilians in order to see us make victory for them and for their political goals. and how many children in rough uh, in 7 guys are assisting to what's left of their homes. this is another residential building targeted and an overnight is really strikes the children have been searching through the rubble to find their personal belong. good god, in that us that they damage the house as well as stuff and toys that we are looking for. now, we're not, i mean the most. and then as it the way we were sleeping at night, an aircraft came and bumped the place, made an earthquake here. you can see the amount of damage. many houses were damaged on it, looked at. what did the people do to this of all of this in a little bit can but we're not guns because they have to have this house was a shelter. we had a nice memories here. oh, nice stuff with all their all bikes, or cubes. everything. we used to eat, i'm drinking, and in
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a moment it was all gone. the nothing left, nothing isn't displaced anymore. early i spoke to jemma canal, who's guys, a team leader for the winds office for the formation of humanitarian affairs. her team is just to leave at humanitarian supplies, so she for hospital in gaza city. she told me about the devastating situation in the street as it what i saw was the west of humanity in the devastation of the sky. this is a city that has been puzzled, it has been pushed to its limits. but when i also saw it was the best of humanity, which was the people of god who came out in the streets to help us get this come way of life saving medicines. through to see for hospital and it's a reminder that god city and the northern parts of guys do have thousands upon thousands of civilians who are in desperate need of food. watch that of shelter and
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they are still bad. they are still surviving and they are doing everything they tend to get through every day, but they are right to be frustrated with the international community and they are right. as i told them to be frustrated with all. but what i also told them was that we as the united nations international engineers, national engineers who are responding to this humanitarian catastrophe, will not stop until we can reach those in need. and today was evidence that we went through incredible challenges to get to. she felt hospital, but we made it and we will keep trying every day to get the assistance to people who need it. and what is the situation like as she for hospital? this is one of course of the many medical facilities that has been targeted by israel and she really bore the brunt of israel's attacks early on in the war. what is the situation like at the hospital right now? is it still functioning to cold? is functioning, would be a gross over statement. so what i can say is that there are phenomenal health
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workers who are working today and 9 to do the best they can. but what they told me is they do not have the basics to provide services to people who desperately need them. they do not have what they do not have to. they don't have electricity. there is no intensive care unit. there is no ability to safely perform the surgery as and when i saw when i was there was the cottage of this war, 2 young girls brought in with desperate head injuries, who the doctors were doing everything they had to try and help a young baby who had just passed away and just before i arrived, not baby was born in the streets, forgot that because the mother could not access health facility and mother who had been trying for years to have a child in yes, that child is now dead. so the hospital is the day to stop working and the incredible thing is, but in addition to the staff, there are a volunteers who are doing everything. they have to make that facility function,
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but you cannot have a hospital without electricity. you cannot have a hospital without water. and so what they are asking for other very, very basics. i saw a lot across the board. i saw patients every way that you passed and i, there were patients upon patients on the floor. definitely not in bed. and this hospital has to be given the opportunity to become again what it was which is garza's most critical. how facility, how does their media network tends to refer the case of what he calls the assassination of a one of his cameraman in gaza to the international criminal court summit abo donica was killed and that is really joe in strike while covering early a tax on a un run school, the network issued this statement saying its international legal team and legal experts will collaboratively initiate the process of compiling a comprehensive 5 for submission to the course prosecutor. the network says the
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legal 5 will also encompass recurring to tax on the network. schools working and operating in the occupied palestinian territories and instances of incitement against them. the statement continues by saying the deliberate targeting of will correspondence soldier unless working in war zones or occupied territories to a killing or intentional physical assault costs which use a will crime. it was time, it has been laid to rest in gaza. his friend in connie county, my old reports the morning, a friend colleague and saw the people gather for the funeral of i'll just the or a camera man, sam or i'll be with them the alone among them. all you 0 guys have your cheese while and
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injured in the same is regulated runs. try your lift, hospital to promise center that his work would go on. how do you have to sell it? yeah, i mean i had them to sell it and send the and the bein, yeah, cutting dish schuman message. we are cutting these mobile message if you want to continue to do a duty with the best professional and transparency. his mother there to lyman thing and the list on here is sons. last time you came to me on thursday morning and when i was preparing breakfast, he said he would have breakfast with his colleagues. he didn't eat with his colleagues and he died without having food that is killing me. he died hungry without seeing the sam or was hit twice by reporting on the destruction of a school in the center of hon. you. health did not arrive for 5 hours. risk viewers
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needed approval from israel forces to both. those are through the degrees to get to him. by which time he had a blood to death, a father for whose the children had move to the safety belgium. simon had always seen them once in the past 6 years old. the fishing district, they recite on the saw, you really don't know why design has killed them. well done, how to rock it best. taking up a weapon, you only carry that camera that's. it is only is radio occupation and goes up and show it to the world. the film, the play of children, women under the out the link. so a fun describe as all was a smiling by his colleagues. he had carried on working despite the grueling conditions that god bless. you, go press over to reduce fixing to 2 of my colleagues, the journalists, 0 try it or not or sleeper. i need 3 hours to say 3 hours. it's such freezing. whether it nines the palestinian journalist
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syndicate said, 90 journalists have been killed by his regular years pricing gaza since the start of the war. but silencing journalist in gaza is nothing. but we have is a documented long pattern that is rarely forces targeting, killing, wounding, intimidating journalists, and not being punished for it, for there being no accountability, which creates a culture of impunity. a culture of premise ability where it's totally okay, it's not only journalist to become a target. many family members of all the just the are a staff have also been killed by israeli air strikes. honey, my more nicer hospital in con eunice, all just 0. jason's trust was you is a global media team leader for the international committee of the red cross. he says that lack of safe cordele, swampy lenses in guys, delays and prevent access to emergency health care. you need to have
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a safe passage. you need there need, there needs to be some sort of a stoppage in the fighting so that an ambulance driver can move through a region, experiencing violence safely to that person in need. that's part one. part 2. uh, the email is driver probably has to maneuver around a damaged roads that could, it could be covered in rubble. that typical route that she would have taken is no longer available to him that lengthens the time that takes for the response to the medical response to arrive on site. uh, another issue is uh, when telecommunications go down in, in peace time in the country. uh, with not experiencing this, this terrible violence when you need medical help, you pick up the phone, you call and emergency operator. and in your you immediately make that connection. families in gaza and i don't know about the specific case here, but the families and guys will see a delay in that ability to, to make
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a call quickly and connect to the other side because of the, the fact that telecommunications are going up and down. so there's all these different challenges that lead up to the fact that medical care just takes a lot longer. on friday is rand announced it had ended a 3 day rate in jeanine in the occupied westbank about a 100 policy means were detained and 12 others killed. during being cation adaptive have made, has been to the janine refugee camp to see the impact of the armies. actually it's the day after and people are picking up the pieces following the longest rate, but is really forces the janine refugee camp has seen in over 2 decades. how to best most are the left as columns of army vehicles were approaching these all her 1st moments back home. she is startled to find everything upside down
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. she runs a grocery shop and a small tailoring business on the ground floor. fence the sure mister, they cut the cable of my sewing machine. what does i do for them to do this? what's my crime? i'm a peaceful pass and i turn into a fit and anything. i take care of 5 goals and one boy, i don't have savings. i can barely feed them and pay the school fees. it's a disaster, but i will get back on my feet. the soldiers base themselves on the upper floor. the graffiti left under was a clear indication, there's a desire for vengeance. the reason there is really soldiers base themselves in this house is because it's at the edges of the janine refugee cab. and from here, they have a clear view of some of the worst fighting happened at this cross road. the close up reduced to ashes is here with as of brother,
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most of the show that he was 17, she called expensive feelings. so her cousin, h u, oldness must steps him heavy to god. oh man. yeah, cool out of the soldiers will over the she was heading towards the i when the shot team twice one and he's back and the other bullet was in his name. they couldn't be moved in time. well have you, but she also lost her teenage brother doing a previous raid. i can look on the model. i'm very sad. we used to play to give that take pictures. i feel he is gone. they killed everyone, even children, they don't came they have been at least a dozen military incursions here since october, the 7th. the soldiers leaving behind pointing message as they made their way through the alleyways, while bulldozers tore apart the already port infrastructure. horn asked about the
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smell of sewage overwhelming one so strong that the soldiers couldn't linger too long. now, do you have? no, he's at least cut off in the bunk. one is the so they cut the electricity during the rides. so the sewage of the flows, it becomes full of bugs and flaws. we a did a live we can into a hunger, the soldiers everything. but no one helps not the n g o is not the palestinian authority, no one why? most of those living here, originally from 2 days northern israel, the full fathers kicked out of to the creation of the state of israel. now, many field, that's all this is a, a displacing them yet to get hooked up to how many edges either janine or should i head on al jazeera. the usa is one of its more shapes has shot down from team jones. launched from the
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chief on taking the street in order to push all governments to push politicians to end complicity with his rating upon side and protesting several cities around the world. in solidarity this kind of find demonstrators are demanding an immediate cease fire. in the past, the, the hello that was dropped down on the in australia and the remnants of tropical psycho jasper. continue to haunt that north east. going on with more heavy rain to come as we go into the new week for queensland can seeing some very heavy down pools. we all like to see some flooding from that rain. a little bit of rain as well tricking across the south of australia to work its way towards the southeast corner. bring in that range of places like has mania as well as some of that
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touching into coastal areas of victoria. but it is still a story of heat across most central areas as well as out in the west. and that he of course brings a risk of bush fires. not temperatures are also on the up across new zealand. christ church seen 29 degrees celsius on sunday. the heavy rain rolls up through the west of that week, a warning self that heavy rain in the northwest corner of the sol. finally, it turns into showers across the north island on monday. but look at that rule of about 10 degrees celsius, only 19 degrees in christ church on monday, and it was a move to south east asia. it's a story of storms of a part of vietnam. we have what warnings out that heavy rain and gas the winds on sunday, the little so pull across the philippines as we go into monday the the
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the, the the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back, a reminder of the latest development screen, stressful on god. so now and these are the prime minister opinion and this now in says the military campaign in guys will not stop. he was speaking after his res soldiers killed. 3 captains and gas out, one of them was waving a white flag. thousands of protesters of vomiting tel aviv to demand this afternoon to ensure the safe return of the main and captives some demonstrate as much to
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military headquarters entailed back himself at until a new release line is drawn out. bodies of at least 20 people have been found in the yacht of come out at one hospital in the northern gosh strip they were run over by is really on the photos is during a raid on the facility leading. it completely demonstrates is that turning out in cities across europe and north america, demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza in london, the palestine solidarity campaign held. the sign in protest seems to florida health workers in the gaza strip. i'll just here as sonya go go and say that is all stress situation continuing to one folding dollars a has from these reduced health work has to come out and join this vigil outside of downing street demanding. now that the british government off for a ceasefire in the us itself, not just for the humanitarian pauses that they have been calling full because they
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say the situation now is so dia, that more has to be done in order to be able to prevent the situation that from escalate into a dfcs catastrophe. i think we seen a complete failure of the humanitarian pause that last as for just over a week and even during that pause res, seem illegal. detainment and health care work is of doctors. and this did not, you know, announce anything essentially, we saw no age coming in to sign into gaza to try to foods going and we, so supplies not being or punished and hospitals breaking down. so that is your answer. what we need is a permanent sci fi which will allow these all supposed to be replenished, to allow the stuff to be replenished to allow for cause it stands up again on its feet. because currently we are in f popular level scenarios. inside garza, with a spread of infectious diseases and communicable diseases on the level that we have never seen before. with
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a wealth help organization describing the health system in gaza as on its knees and collapsing. there was a sense of urgency now, but when she was coming that much more needs to be done. reggie, the all reports of communicable diseases such as diarrhea and the rest of us are, were spiritual diseases such as flu west single situations for people who are being forced to sleep on the streets. also meaning that, that bracing themselves for worsening situation alongside the continual, bombardments. so when he got jago, i'll just sarah london. protest is i've also riley in new york to demand an immediate cease fire in gaza. people at the demonstration carried palestinian flags . they've been swimming and protest, swap the us over the past few days. earlier this week, do a shock to the spunk to major freeway and assigned your list, calling for an end to the war. this was a scene in cape town, south africa with supporters of several political parties, including the governing
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a and c, rallied in support of palestine, and also demanding an end to the war. thousands also launched through boston mona to express the support for the policy and resistance. spain is among several european countries counting for a lasting to monetary and sci fi, and keep on taking the street in order to push our governments to push politicians to end complicity with this really a pos side and with it must because is really, is committing against a policy and people and specifically in the spanish state, we're seeing that the spanish government is being one of the voices as being more creative with all about israel, mother and masika against the policy and people. the us says one of his worship send, the red sea has shot down 14 drones launched from yemen. earlier the u. k. also a forwarded it's navy, had intercepted a suspected attack drone in the same area. yeah. mens who the fighters say they
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launch an attack on the red sea resort city of a lot in southern israel. so high rock has moved from hyphen in northern israel. i will say is it the 1st time as you was saying earlier? we do know is that each of the neighboring countries, the israel, the french has sounds a drone and the, the red sea this. and this was the 1st time that i have ended up in its entirety, supposed to be on its way to a lot. its just across from the area where it was down on the sides. but uh no, the only threat. the top thing that in the ports of a lot, you also have the v as to a port which is uh along close to 2 gauze or. and that has the area has been under a time uh, previously with records from, from austin because of that, along to the shipping has to have been diverted inside the r stood port was out of
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service for awhile. it seems to have reviews, but much so the shipping has been coming here so high for 500. if you can see, just remind me that the 4th is one of the main ports of israel. invite these attacks happening in the last and see it's not one thing to end to the right. see, it means they'll have to add an extra 20 days to go around africa through the top. and to ends up here, which is the mediterranean sea shipping will potentially end up paying. of course, that also adds to security threats now, not just in one area, but multiple areas across israel. of us defense secretary lloyd austin will arrive in the region on sunday to discuss the formation of a maritime force in order to prevent further attacks by whose the fighters. meanwhile, the whole fees have gained responsibility for $5.00 days attack and said they will continue with that. with some of the strikes she advertise the has more from
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washington of the treat somebody who is the spokesman says that the sultan of a mile and his facilitated tools required international policies for the who are things to explain the rational for their actions in the red sea of that spokesman says, quote, we have a short everyone that the evans operations, other support, the palestinian people in the gaza strip. we cuddled sun idly by in the face of aggression and siege, and it continues. it was emphasized but the evidence position with gaza is not subject to negotiation of an enemy ships. all those heading towards ports will remain vulnerable to targeting until the aggression stops. sorry, no end of the sides of the attacks. but here with these say, this all coincides interestingly with the us secretary of defense arriving in the region specifically were told to discuss and potentially making an announcement about the convening of some sort of maritime falls in order to in order to confront
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. because we see a tax in the red sea, we don't really have many details as yet as to what that will look like. whether it's the expansion of the existing maritime force that was convened in 2022 to combat piracy and smuggling or some new force. but the us says it's hoping for the broadest coalition possible, erode meanwhile, says any major expansion of before would be a mistake. and a rational move that could lead to extraordinary problems she ever time see out a 0, washington is still a head on algae 0 will be taking a look at some of the days of the news. and the mayor of kuwait has died at the age of 5 to just over 3 years. and how we take a look back at his life. and the chief of the, in the 19 fifties and sixties african countries gained independence from the
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colonizers and increased efforts to reclaim the cultural heritage of 6000 bodies and storage unit. yes, it's very hard. a documentary series reveals how you repeat in countries with use their request and even exhibited human remains and then the savings restitution. africa stowed enough episode to which i found your 0. the latest news, as it breaks off like 40, was found down the hill and the only goes to being shown in the chest with detailed coverage telling you this was where causes palestinians fly to now is ready. tanks of pushed into the hall of southern causes main cities to see this gen and as
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a great amount of people crowded in very slow areas and without any wider. and the last piece has no human is terry and a s o the the next. now take a look at some of these are in use and the mirror of kuwait share. my wife i might also buy has died after 3 years in power. he was 86 camille and they're like take some of the fact that his life of the north side off made as a bed of sue butler to wait for a relatively short time. only since september 2020. by the end of 2021. he founded out most of his duties to his half brother and designated uh, my son, off my to a supervisor. and then now i was involved in the administration and government of q
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8 when it gained independence from britain. more than 60 years ago. he was defense minister in exile when to a t tanks, accompanied by allied forces, rumbled into quite strictly up the end of the fast go for. but to throw in the run october rocks invasion in august 1990 costs account. if it's correct, the most difficult for the returning is face demands from senior army officers to investigate and dismiss. then shaking off and the minister the offices said, take no f, withdrew tanks from the pool to reduce the state of a lot. i'm told the only not to find on your own keys. first interest rate decisions apparently taken to avoid provoking your rockies strike now for some dismiss, but was appointed social affairs minister in the post will government a comparatively junior role no of i'd ask my debit as to but was born in june 1937,
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his family has ruled the oil rich gulf monica continuously since the mid 18th century. he leaves behind a wife for sons and the daughter fighters, all safe. his assistant professor of history at kuwait university, and he says, the mayor will be remembered fondly in the country. this is a very sad day indeed for kuwait. she has no wife and i have met has only done good for the country. his legacy will be remembered fondly. he has many nicknames, if you may, he's known as the end of part. and so he has led the largest reconciliation in modern creative history with a series of amnesty and the returns of citizen ships release of prisoners. he has also opened up uh to the opposition and its, and opened the parliament again to all voices and opened up
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to taking away from the government's role. really in voting for the speaker of the house was was which was a crucial thing to reinforce the position oddity of the people. and the popular opinion, if you mean ukrainian authorities have a nice footage of what they say is a russian, joan attack on the hospital in the course. on reaching the doctor was injured in a hospital unit damage. moscow has denied targeting ukrainian civilian infrastructure, ukraine's air forces they shot down 30 out of put you on russian drones across 11 regions on sunday. meanwhile, ukraine is accused of hitting and, or a reservoir in russian control don't. yes. is the 3rd oil storage facility hitting the region this way keith is not commented on the incident. most of them, yes, has been under some form of russian control since 2014 but ukrainian chose continue to hold physicians in surrounding areas to key romania anvil,
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gray area have agreed on a joint initiative to keep in mind in the block. see, the 3 day 2 members will hold a signing ceremony and it's tumble next month to kids. defense minister says minds placed in russian and ukrainian port sometimes become detached and have reached turkish waters to the united nations migration agency says more than 60 migraines, i presume that in an accident of libya as coast the boat is believed, have hit highways after setting off from the wire in northwest libya, survivors have said about $86.00 people on board. international organization for migration says more than 2200 people have died this year, trying to cross the central part of the mediterranean sea. italian and british prime ministers have agreed to work together to combine a legal immigration at an event in rome, georgia maloney, and wishes to knock are expected to co fund
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a re patry ation project led by the international organization for migration. the albany and prime minister was also in attendance. he signed an agreement with bologna to process assign them seek is arriving in it to me in albany. i instead of the plan is under review in albany, is constitutional. quotes the quotes in the vatican, her sentence, a cod know, in the roman catholic church to 5 years in prison for corruption, 75 year old angelo bache. we was a former advisor. default frances was convicted of ceiling, millions of girls, the embezzlement charges against but she, we ends 9 out of defendants including finances, noise and excited, and employees centered around the purchase of luxury property in london is lawyer says he will appeal to sentence about a gas cars president on dr. o l has been sworn in for a 2nd term in office and made a boy called of the ceremony by opposition. parties protest in the capital with
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bond for 5 days before the event. opposition figures say the november 16th pole was a constitutional cou. data i sent observe is i've also noted irregularities in the voting process. the former south african president, jacob's whom i have said he will not fax the bowling african national congress in next year's elections zoom. it says the party needs rescue him, but that he has no intention of leaving it. he was surprised that in from 2009 until 2018 when he was removed from office. all the corruption charges so much as he wants voltage to back more left wing alternatives. and the success of sales on a post to the south african economy has halted, and corruption and crime figures have risen. false predicts the n c coast corps, less than 50 percent of the votes for the 1st time and iraq, nearly $17000000.00 voters are going to the post to choose from more than $6000.00 candidates for provincial council fees,
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because of political disputes among it's multi ethnic population it's the 1st election to be held in kirchhoff province since 2005. i'll just here as mohammed my mood after what had has moved from the northern iraq is city a little overdue provincial election. could cook elect its local council. security forces cast their ballots in 135 pulling stations ahead of the rest of voters on monday to turn out husband remarkably high since the early morning. no regularities of being reported. the $13000.00 observatory mangoes, more than $14000.00 from political entities visa or a month more then $57000.00 special voters in the province as long to the defense and interior services as would as part of needed. so you purple and mobile ization units and the push amount of the forces,
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the we call on all the rockies to take this opportunity and invest our votes and qualified candidates. and we call on candidates to serve all your rockies without discrimination or secretary of nepotism. i don't know why i have come here today to give my voice to those i believe with make cook stand on its feet again. the pro veins is home to 1700000 people of multiple ethnic and religious sects kind of thing going on in political differences. these groups, these elections within the, the group has been at the host of a tutorial dispute between this central government in baghdad. and that of the cement between them is,
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could destroy you doing. it provides nearly 40 percent of all your rocks, oil, and 70 percent of its natural gas production. the young people in its old city say, the neighborhoods have suffered years of neglect and mismanagement. in new york, but yes, i will definitely cost my foot, but i want to come to this to deliver on the promises and improves infrastructure and services. here we are hopefully to and work out this time holding this election could possibly mean some sort of settlement between the bed and the semi between them is could this region but meeting the demands of old sex and the province may not be easy during the next 40 years to have more than one just to get a good cook note of that and that your walk the main opposition party in bangladesh as how the mass riley in the capital. that protesting against what demonstrated say is government oppression as it plans for
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a general election in january and the chandry re for some back us despite the threat of harassment and the arrest, tens of thousands of opposition. active is supporters and leaders showed up at this rally. the president of the opposition b and b party woman swing is voicing defined. we weren't despite from the illegal governments, draconian rule and repression. everyone should have the same rights, political freedom and the right to vote. bottom of this is main opposition party says it will by go to general election in january. that's in protest against a months long crack down that us in thousands of party. active is supporters and leaders harass threatened and the rest that we are not afraid of threats. and arrests, we will stay in the see whatever the intimidation and the harassment may be. we will all unite and work together for our rights to bunch. the oppositions key
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demand is that the election be held under care, take care administration. but the government has rejected that and brings the opposition for violence and public disorder shut off of their own bodies. and they are keeping the general population hostage by towing patrol booms and burning vehicles. a bundle with dish could have made more progress if there was no culture of political violence in the government is also increasingly coming under pressure from the united nations, the united states, and the european union to ensure a free and fair election election. is this some kind of game? there's no political opposition party taking part in the upcoming elections in bangladesh . i found the badge is barely 3 weeks away from the general election due on january 7th. but the time political time was on a pole barn,
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caused by the main opposition party. are leading many people to preston. it's credibility. it's under to audrey. i'll just say the doctor. i'm not supposed to speak to the mentions the cities premier being titled ambitions of subsidy as another. sit back, he said he looked to be taking care of business against crystal palace on saturday check radish opened the school for people to hear this menu who have not been in the base. the full 3 in the 2nd hole. rico. do a sound the back of the night for the 3 time defending champions, like the parents for that 1st zone, sleep attached to the school to ensure attendance. last 15 minutes at the high end vein. in the 50 minutes of added time, michael lisa stepped up to swap the penalty to ensure a to to, to else we have the match between bone with and loose and was a band and half way through the 2nd pulse loosened captain tom lock. you suffer the
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cardiac raced and collapsed on the pitch. the school was 11 at the time he is in hospital, in a stable condition. manchester united manager eric 10 hugs says he wants to use base 7 know the fee to level pool last season as motivation a to be cash on sunday. united one just one of the last 5 matches in old competitions. ahead to the leaders having not wanted and fuel for 8 years. i think everyone is highly motivated when you go to ensure a so it's a great place to go. and you know, it's going to be tough. and i think that everything, what every football the once a wants to have the children's so you have to looking forward and you know, it's not, you know, of course, if you take that you know, memory and, but you have to also take the benefit from it to learn from it. awesome old who said 2nd in the table will have manage and mccullough attached to it back on the
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touch lines, a big game against brighton on sunday. also, he was cleared of misconduct. all types of gold refereeing decisions, disgrace after each team last to new cost the last 2 months and spent the last match in the stands. but the cut back them with a criminal defense lawyer who successfully had the charge dismissed. i know to be in the 1st and lives that the child is there guys, it looks like i'm, i'm, i'm the one. so it's okay, but as well is the scene of the sentence i was getting charged and now i haven't been charged. so i haven't been, it's has never my dsa never. so i'm in the san antonio spurs at fulton, and so they rippled 18 match losing run with victory of the los angeles lakers devin for sale head $36.00 points while the bron james is $23.00 points on the night was not enough for the injury stricken lakers, but there's an even worse losing streak out there. the detroit pistons broke they
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franchise wrinkled as they lost to the philadelphia $76.00 is. it's now a wrinkled, breaking 22nd straight plus. and it was a waste of the season. jolen b school, 50 plus points for the 10th straight game. and tiger woods. these teaming up with these teenage son to take pause in the golf tournament in florida. woods maidens, we sent a competitive golf 2 weeks ago of the undergoing ankle surgery. the 15 time major champion has struggled since a call question 2021. lifting with a serious league injury. but he appeared to be fits unhealthy, walking the coast with 14 year old charlie. during this weekend's pro m competition . spend fun stuff fundable for both of us. we've set off of our competitive nature and we've had a, you know, really push each other to become better and it's just a fun atmosphere which we keep it light, competitive and enjoyable. as it gets pulled headlines for the time being, you can get more on that. i'll just see with the com and you can also have a look at our social media channels. thanks. be to advance that from me fully back,
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people will leave you with tributes for algebra. jordan is somebody abo duyka was killed and then these really strike, i need a bus done for the whole a whole center. uh can the how does everybody in the amount of the sub so we know enough clearly no more custom made any yes. how about us to shut the father to deal and about the law if law had the son of you know, submitting show a lot like it in the in central. i mean in the machine um and no buick knows um those m a and no more than that. they will still have that issue as well for you for alone. i don't want to you and some of that as a matter of my bosses. i'm a process on the, on the hub on the show, as i mean some of them most if it's always been a saucer,
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you wanna initial sign up at all for the month of of abuse. so you may see this in jimmy. i don't know what the trouble over teddy is to share his immune assignment. i could bring in a set up perfectly done or set up coffee has it yet and were similar. and with all should all of us or the the i'm the female. yeah. lovely thought about love hands on this lovely
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again. love the shuttle. how does my go to the message have easy to handle this? and so let's check the level 100 and then millions. stephens, pines does a delicacy value just as highly if i called cells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and it's devastating impact on the planets ocean. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera israel has now imposed a complete fees on god's that's so how do they survive?
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if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply after the war. and ukraine could something like that happen again as a ripple effect of 2000. and one is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this. when the price of oil goes up, the costs of almost every thing goes up. counting the cost on out of their all the soon the out. so we will continue till the end. nothing will stop benjamin netanyahu and says, is ro, israel's war and gaza will go on as anc amounts. instead of it over the killing of


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