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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  December 17, 2023 9:30am-10:01am AST

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the, the, the alger 0 turn, the summit up with up caught, is killed and guys off after it is really drill and targets a school. he was reporting from our colleagues. wow. and it definitely is wounded in that same spot. israel's long job has been the deadliest conflict for media workers ever recorded. so why has the death toll been so high on this israel trying to silence for messenger? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm telling you navigate on israel's wrong gaza is the deadliest for media workers ever recorded. that's according to press freedom groups at least 90 have been killed since the conflict began on october. the 7th, the international federation of journalist says around 3 quarters of all that stuff media professionals worldwide in 2023 had been in gaza. and they've mainly been palestinians covering the story as the, as really military has prevented international news outlets from entering the gaza strip. the latest to be killed a summit, i would call, who was reporting from a u. n. run school in the southern city of con eunice when it was targeted in a drone strike. alda, zeros gauze, a bureau chief war, and the death of doors was also injured in the same attack. international calls for accountability for israel's killing of journalist during the for our growing
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a white house spokesperson express washington's deepest sympathies and condolences for the killing of summit would the cost of the ottoman food was the palestinian representative to the you. when said enough is enough. we'll be discussing why the war and does that has been so deadly for journalists in a moment. but 1st, for the a call reports, this is the price paid by summer advert deka for showing the world what's happening in gaza surrounded by family and colleagues. the body of the veteran alger 0 camera man was laid to rest on saturday, along with his protective di or he had been wearing that clearly identified him as a journalist. summer had been with his colleague law allows covering the aftermath of and his ready attack at a un run school in con units. that's when it's raining thrown struck summer was hit by shrapnel unplugged for more than 5 hours waiting for an ambulance. it couldn't get to him sooner because medical staff and rescue teams were prevented from
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accessing the area by these ready military, also injured by the truck. no, well made it to hospital knowing nothing of cyberspace, the shape, man, we can't tell what exactly happened. i only felt a big impact. i fell down and lost my helmet and my microphone. i tried to gather all my strength and there's only barely able to stand up. i was feeling dizzy and losing my balance. it is another example that those covering the carnage in guys there are also living through it well lost his wife, son, daughter, and one year old grandson too. and his really ex drug on a house. they were sheltering in on october 25th and 6 days later out to 0 broadcast engineer mohammed outcomes and lost the 19 members of his family killed by his reading, the science targeting the densely populated to value
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a refugee camp. well the sergeant and then on december 6th moment i'll show raphael off 22 members of his family. when it is ready, the bomb destroyed their shelter. he said civil defense teams couldn't reach their bodies. these are only the stories about the 0 turn list and gas it at least 90 medium workers have been killed there since the war began. since the deadliest conflict of food on this the committee to protect a ton. this has ever documented and we've been doing this work for moving stuff, is by that we mean highest number of john this casualties in such a short space of time. and this is the very end things never be targeted in a will. we continue to reiterate not with governments around the world, because we need to turn in this, we need them to be out. ice in is what's happening in casa, and it's not just guys that were journalists are under fire for covering this war. the reuters news agency says an investigation has reveal that it's come remind
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nissan of dell that appears to have been deliberately killed by his ready tank fire, or covering fighting on the 11 on israel border. 6 other journalists were wounded in the same incident to which is 0 has accused israel of deliberately targeting its journalists. it's asked the international criminal court to investigate the killing of sharing outlet in may. last year. she was shocked at by is ready forces for covering a raid in the occupied west by israel has yet to charge for hold anyone accountable for any of these killings for the a car, how to 0 for inside story, i will sum it up with the co was the 13th, i'll just say we're a journalist killed in their line of work since the network launched in 1996 on the statement released by the algebra media network condemns. and the strongest terms, the is really drone attack on a gaza school that resulted in the killing of the camera remind summit i will call . it adds the network holds is real accountable for systematically targeting and
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killing elders are a journalist and their families and extends it. sincere condolences to sum it up with us family and garza and belgium. alger 0 urges the international community and the international criminal court to take immediate action to hold the is really government and military accountable for today's discussion, we have with us our guests here in the how are joined by alger 0 journalist time at and was hon from oxford as jim bu mella, who's from the international federation of journalists, and also joining us from the u. case trustee. no, not in yellow. who is a professor of law, liverpool, john moore's university, and who is also a member of the legal team for guys of victims before the i c. c. that's the international criminal court. welcome to you all. thanks for your time. time. i'll start with you. as all to 0 the entire family here more in the death of time,
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but i will call in garza, you knew him very well. you worked with him in garza, tell us about him and your reaction to his desk. thank you very much. that an extremely sad moment i worked in in garza for more than 8 years as it goes a correspondence with this, a great team including a watermark to summit up with a summit of a willy professional jordan the list. come on and read you. it is a he joined the edges it up since more than 20 is. he covers. most of the incidents took place in gaza and they will is working with him also. and outside garza and in the professional and mission for our mission is for our g 0 summit i will comp, he's an example of the palestinian journalist and just either journalist in gaza where the to who was determined to go on in his working despite to all of these difficulties, but what did, what that had been to,
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to him yesterday was an a crime. and part of what we just, we believe genocide targeting the palestinian civilians including the joint at this time. and what are you learning about what exactly happened from the time? that's it. and what and, and the team went to that school in the south of the gaza strip until then he was pronounced dead. what have you learnt about that? yes. according to our crew on the field, what an assignment when to area, which is a serious area to you on the school, to cover the aftermath of the 80 attack which targeted that area and hon. eunice, and southern goals. a strip southerly. this area has been targeted by and is that are really me, son, causing an injury for what they do. some of the other civilians in the area what and managed to walk out of the area towards nothing has with it but some of the
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lift bleeding in the area. and 4 or 5 hours, we contacted all the consent to whom i tell you and parties to help us to send an impulse to alice kill him and take him to the hospital. we conducted the crow through the christians and other organizations. but unfortunately when go to school, the team arrived to the area, they found that some of it during this hours of leading, he managed to walk and to move. if you will meet those are from the area where he was 1st and just and after that and is 08 and thrown has thought to get to them 2nd time and me son hit him directly. so this is an example of what did happen to summit under jordan is that he was targeted, targeted, billable to start to get. it was in this as a nation of buddies and getting, to be honest in describing this, what did happen to some of, according to our colleagues and the ground. and this incident,
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if any of the school, the teams are from the civil difference, a, the, the, the school maybe conf, themes and the grown. they have be cool. so what we are, what we are talking, that's summit up with the guys. an example of more than 90 palestinian joined the list have been killed. since this one has started on garza and a number which reflects that the by listing you enjoying the list of targets for digital video patients. okay, no play safe and they are not safe and they're working with about okay, let me bring in jim from the international federation of journalist jim, if you can comment on what's happened to a, to some of the end of the there's a report that the i have j has put out which says that since the 7th of october, more than one journalist a day has been killed during the war in does that mean this is unprecedented? as you describe it, is it not? thank you very much for having me. i. so there is a kind of a,
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in terms of what's happening right now. of course, the statistics underway, knowing through number crunching also is a very important the situation in the west bank and gaza has been, uh, you know, producing janet has been mad for the last 40 years. so can i stop by uh, the you know, convey to the family of the colleague who died yesterday. i got a sincere conference is not in the only from the i j, but from the 600000 journalist that the i, j are present in 170 countries in the last 3 months. so, you know, we have been, uh, you know, very much involved in the reporting of what's going on. and a huge amount of pharmacy from,
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from john is what's happening in god's up. so we re present them. uh, we uh, through our affiliate, the palestine journals syndicate, many of stuff, journeys that have died our members. and we work day and day out to the, to, to follow we, we own the international institution on what's going on. and we have been doing it as i said, for 40 years. uh you know, up until the 7th of bunk. so by and says, the record it began, we have on our sophistic some 50 just have been died. and of course, the difference was what's been happening now is not, it's not, you know, uh, doing kind of decades. it's happened is around 70 days. right. okay. so what time look on me as me. i mean, the way that is real, the way that is real, is going about this war is having
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a huge impact on civilians. thousands and thousands of civilians are being killed. and now we have this high number of journalists being killed in your view from the international federation of journalists. why is it that journalists are paying such a heavy price? i was just leaving, so for us and uh for the uh, it just asked me to go is that is unacceptable. and they have been cases like in your rack what journal is died. i mean, fact and nobody knew rock was much higher statistically. but nevertheless, the, that was the kind of different type of floor i'm in a class and you know, for quite a long time, as sweet have said, own along the is right is i'll be probably between genders. it happened in cases of happen 6 years ago, which is happening right now. and of course, one of the very immediate kind of explanation of that is that the targeting,
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just because i don't want to, to, to, to, so a, so, as i said, and then time, do you know, to try to count them, you know, from doing the job that they're doing every day. i don't know, it was said that they generally somebody's gravy in terms of what they're doing and come back to the well, what do this happen? does that so that is an explanation that is, you know, targeting them. so those pictures do not come out uh anymore or somehow since viewed and do not view the truths about what's happening and gosh, okay, let's bring interesting, you know, let me ask you this, actually let me put this to you with the rest. you know, we heard from the national security council spokesperson john kirby over in the us after assignment was killing. and he said, we still don't have any indications that is real. are deliberately targeting journalists and an ongoing dynamic conflict, such as best. we're not going to make ourselves judge and jury over every single
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error striking every single kinetic event that happens on the battlefield. what's your response to the statement from john caribbean? when you hear such statements from officials, does it give you any hope that there will be accountability? well, 1st of all, my thanks for having the me. i seem to that to this stage has already been posted to by number of international organization. you mind that i as a group, un, independent, exposed, there is already no savvy done for the prosecutor of international, excuse me, on the coastal stopped any investigation in relation to the crime of indiscriminate . the taxi gains to cv onset and the cds and objects kind on the international new money tire low optical $79.00. the who did the shop for the wants of the geneva convention joined. at least a 100 can see that has as a cd done. so i mean, new context, what is the new policy to buy the us so thought, eighties, i think that's a very savvy down slide to do that. to the side of thought with the this was
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a thought thinking, placing these could make that fox, a cbs, including a journalist, and it goes to cv the objects, but to be honest with you, smoked in all honesty, even in the previous workspace, the god has a why the lead document the, the by you, i mean, defendant, the commission on solving wiley, you what you said? the idea has committed as quoting plays indiscriminate the but i thought talks against cvd. uh nancy visa and object without forgetting it. i think 2021 god. so this these right? no, sorry, days, intentionally thought to get to the meet the thought, whether the st most of the so called does, yes he is, i thought well, which was not, it may be totally thought it basically the so they said they told me that was to they did that was a military and many times we thought of good. so i will go good by said that this box is so fond of p. you, denny, been a but these getting older still, let's not be clear. let's just make their for a moment. so intentional,
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intentionally targeting journalist as well. the civilians, of course, is considered a war crime. is it not under international criminal law under internal documents area alone? most of all the city is known as shooting over the geneva registrants, so its a donation to the state. the responsibility is evolution of international. do you mind? all right, so the deluxe provides and dates and what climb on. the asked to go to the top of the simple with the technician, okay, but that one is very interesting when israel, the 1st weeks of the war uh, issue was a statement. the army issued a statement to international news or agency saying that it could not guarantee the safety of their journalist operating in the gaza strip. i mean, this is open contempt for international humanitarian law. is it not? is israel trying to absolve itself from any responsibility here? and does not work, that's why that's why the ball on the international law has dental bank by within gods, even before the war recently has, you'll be gay, shall not the international you money title to to a tech cvd said that obligation has to be the clearly reached that that's not the
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sort of insulation of film and accountability both as a state. then there's mtv, like the most part company. i mean the truck give me a call to, that's not a stop. we shouldn't be able get you on to these. i mean the question here, he's to prove where the key link has been to wait for another was whether there was a way on that that to the bus on the jo. nice had to take the, the status and that's going to be a stop. you should already buy an independent investigation, which means nothing investigation, nobody. they'll mistakenly thought if he needs either, whichever owner liking the case over should be no blacklist, that they do not have any thing to open please, any effect leaving defending an infection investigation on the relation to the feelings of join, at least the baby's right and security forces yeah, okay, i'm glad you're brought up our other colleagues shooting over. i'll click on that and let me come back to you. you know, we, we, we witnessed and, and cover the, the killing of our colleagues city and abruptly in may of last year while she was reporting on it is really military operation in the occupied westbank coming time.
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it from your perspective, as a journalist, as someone who's experienced the dangers of working in these words zones, what will it take to stop the violence against georgia less than whole those, you know, perpetrators to accounts in your opinion. you know, didn't what's his, what's his side then shocking when you call and contact you with colleagues underground, they're saying and the voice who is next and the list. everyone from our colleagues and the from the, by this thing you enjoying this to a covering. this was expecting to be the coming, is there a target? and, and unfortunately they didn't feed on the ground that there is at an intervention to protect them, as they believe that they are the targets for the operations. and there is no any accountability. and this is, was a clear and a shooting, a block of case even visit the army. it shows that they've off
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shooting a block that issue 4 or 5 times the ignore. this was submitted the 1st been the accused of others to be admitted since then they said by mistake then this, they say we would uh open an investigation. so the targets and the, the 9 to start it. and this is what i've been in the ground more than 90, but more than 90 journalist have been killed and hundreds of by this thing. and joe noticed there's some of these members of, of the families have been killed. and in addition to that, during the, in the army, and those are 80 to persian forces says more than 70 days in gaza. v don't allow for me for the enjoyment is to go and to gaza. to cover this, this is what is happening on the ground. so it's the question now why there's really targeting that. you'll notice because the clearly the doing to want the
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fact that throughs to be a bit on the screens of the television and to be seen by village. let's put that question to tim and oxford from from the data that your organization has collected . the international federation of journalists and tell him, tell us, in fact, how deadly this war has been to him. what's actually um the, the, the data is very clear in terms of the, the sheer number of the job is that, that have dined the and we say that most of them have been targeted. and i think if i just come back from this question of how israel a kind of treat uh, you know, policy in general just a union in, in palestine. they find the sign generally send a good natured use of pay accurate figures on the violation against strategies
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here in your house that have been doing it quarterly or the last 4 or 5 years. and they range from pension for prevention, of coverage and so on. and so forth. and when you go into the detail, and the reality is that whenever a sudden okay, is accurate or presenting the journalist, we try to engage the radio, sorry it is a they, they don't even because he doesn't to be to be job, is that not within that right, it all, i mean, even the, the, the, uh, the, uh, the identity which is the, the identity cause that's produced by the i've tried, is a recognize throughout the world. and that is what's really recognize a jealous as being a bona fide to gather a formation that should be protected under the international human. much i will call does not recognize in israel. and we have the full 20 years old kind of discussion trying to find a way that they would feel that they are
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a responsible and a human human. you're stan laws, you know, for the, for the, the when being goes, yes it is. and then if used to do it so it's not something so important. can you do? what more can organizations like yours do jim? well, uh of course we continue. um, you know, try to put pressure on these rated only recently our general secretary traveled to run my line and try to, to bid them. uh, you know, to discuss what's have to just say done this in response to what we have to do now . we have taken the road to go into the international criminal court, and maybe there's some things that we should discuss what's going know there. yeah, the interest to, you know, then let's, let's bring in a trustee. you know, tell us about i can tell you what we have to do and you are certainly, i'm just doing sure. the. okay. we have to 2nd guy says, thank god in the case for sharing a, blah, blah. and what are we out with international criminal court?
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kind of kind of 2 and 2 on the recently it has been attend to westbank and there is no, nothing very clear and positive about what they're doing. is it a question of result series? is it like, were you interested? do you know the interest to comment on this? i mean, not only obviously, we know that there was a case for our colleagues sitting in a block they filed at the international criminal court. and presumably there will be other cases when it comes to the targeting of journalists, will the families, will the organizations be able to get justice at the icbc? well, that's a very interesting question. and i mean, what do we know for sure? is that the, the, the investigations of the policies and situation was open in march 2021 to but same so the prosecutor can't even come to coffee seen june 2021. there is never been any effective investigation on the coupon to send situation effects dc investigation mean sourcing relation to the body seen and joe noticed. give the babies lately.
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how sorry these are the prosecutors. i spoke to formerly engaged with the victim. solve of the situation including the, i guess the victims family of the body scene and the joint i need to protect your thoughts as we contacted you. has the school level the existence of, of these investigation on october the 7th. so go to by way. me. yes, the issue with the fuel state demand. so yes, so basically these are the stein and the also basically the footboard, the uh, this is uh what come with the ultimate but at the same time he continues to be receiving the messages over double starting done. so he hasn't been very prompt in a meeting with these really big things. so, so i'm with the 7th of october. i talked and that spoke the week monday to but these being the baby, the last time the meeting with the body scene of the victims. and still is not really clearly made showing any effect the concrete case that you want to swing by the gate and prosecuting coding. crazy said goose draw. nice. so the international
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bodies seem to fail the palestinians trust, you know, over and over and not just in the international criminal court. but like we see in the security council, for example, what other avenues are there a way of doing international 11 the avenue is because at least for many individuals, claiming other responsibility the licensees, the only one is the cost of loss of the sort. which in that vince already went domestic to do the trunk face and the that the so i like i said that before. yeah. the south pole state the responsibility in particular, the international cost of adjust the switch up to the competence also to establish whether or not these vital. so he's not responsible for genocide. they present left nicole group that then casey select these can be built before the domestic gold states that have for specific positions on any website jurisdiction. they couldn't be competent to address these issues about nation of international and right. i don't know, jim, i'll come to you briefly because i see that you want to jump in there and say
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something in 30 seconds. if you don't mind what the subject of the question of the international criminal court and to, and the people who are in charge of present when they have been doing over heavy insane, is very important. and, and we have until recently pointed out, you know, to the prosecutor and all the kind of officials within the court as to why they have deployed so much results is on the question of ukraine. i'm not making a hard cale victims. of course they should do, but why on the one case they did put a huge result is many offices 4050, you know, going straight to the ukraine, you know, issue in the rest warren. and in this case, i refusing to do it. and that is, that is a big question of whether the quote itself is being a, perhaps, you know, kind of protective pressure by some of its components. i mean, you guys such as the opponent of it. but all those by could be okay now and to be
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here every day that kind of pressure to the kitchen on the court for not making a move on this. and the question of quote was that the quote is capable of doing what they are set up to do or not. we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much to my guess for joining us comedy. ms. han. jim blue miller and trustee not letting you all know. we thank you for your time. thanks for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website out as a result. com. for further discussion, you can go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story. turn the conversation on x or handle is a 3 inside story from myself in the whole team here in delphi. thanks for watching and bye for now. the the latest news as it breaks, so you had to be laced ascii has the support of 15 photos implement the shock economic plan to cut down government spending
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a fight inflation with detail coverage. many members of the sort have gone into hiding, bearing, arbitrary arrest, motor and source disappearing from around the world. entities, as government says, it's looking for a new site temporarily. how's the refugees and looking for sustainable solutions, thought provoking on. but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate car. no quick wins and events or research. odd hating interviews, do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days? or is it just a different full? i think that democracy is a process basically, entities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i assume there is a huge piece of that to happen to the story on top to how does era. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get for places that others tend on fear guy by the 28th on purpose.
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the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference the the kind of woman, there's a bit for ottoman, this is the news, our life from joe hall coming up in the next 16 minutes. als times health minister schools for an urgent investigation following reports that is rarely false as in bows to camp at a gauze a hospital crushing 20 people to death. when i saw was the west of humanity in the devastation of sky.


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