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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 17, 2023 10:00am-11:00am AST

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on surface, far as i said, i'm going, i'm gonna save you the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of woman there's a bit for on them. and this is the news, our life from joe ha, coming up in the next 16 minutes. als times health minister goals for an urgent investigation. following reports that is rarely false as a bose de camp at a gauze, a hospital crushing 20 people to death. when i saw was
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the west of humanity in the devastation of gaza, alone into the humanitarian crisis and gaza is deafening. the un says it's not able to provide desperately need of age, and the rising pressure is really fondness of benjamin netanyahu. hence set new negotiations to recover captive, still held by him us and as well as monthly rates continue in the occupied west bank. at least 2 palestinians have been killed. event operation targeting a refugee camp and phone cut in the pals. don's house minister has called for investigation alter the bodies of at least 20 palestinians were found in the courtyard of a medical facility. that was it become all as one hospital in nova and gaza following and is ready. raid witnesses, se bulldozers rand people was a during the siege that last of several days. 10 for display civilians will also
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crushed. i'll just say or has spoken to palestinians who say civilians with deliberately targeted a waiting list. i'm. i don't even have the reading list. i'm, i don't really mean add uh where is the international community? why are they so silent? how you guys were trying to identify people who died. people were buried alive using bulldozers who couldn't do that. all those who committed this crime should be brought to justice and brought to the international criminal court. thousands of displaced individuals were smashed by bulldozers and buried. look at this person who was injured. he was crushed with a bulldozer. i'm amazed to see the silence of the international community. they come on at one hospital as badly functioning and one of only 11 still open in the territory as well, says it's cj at the hospital,
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is now of the side of it was on reports for several days, the commode, each one hospital, another, and garza has been filled if you and told her to thousands of patients, medical stuff and displaced, people sheltering the have been on the siege, exposed to shooting by these baby on the wounded need petitions. but we can do anything. look at this lady. she would like. he died to the model that is not even a mattress. this old man will probably die soon to. is this a hospital in this situation is unbearable. doctors say he's really build those is question 10. people in the courtyard shielding disjoint pharmacist along with his medicine. the some people don't because of the lack of medical supplies and
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others because of the lack of opinion was off to days of shooting these very own me into the hospital. the viet is to the manager of the hospital and interrogated all of the medical stuff here. the even let sniffer dogs on us, the dogs attacked an old man in a wheelchair. we couldn't stop the, the prevented us from treating the ones that. and some of them died because we were not allowed to treat them elsewhere and not bring causal as strikes homes. if 2 families rescue is desperately searched to say anywhere less to life and in the south oven, noisy, strong, so roughly destroyed these children's homes. elizabeth can be we, mackenzie, could i ask in the hand? according to shannon,
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this house was all shelter. we had nice memories here. our nice stuff was here. our bikes close. we think women used to be drink here in a moment. it was all destroyed. there is nothing left with them via despite the us goals for israel to scale down its attacks being gaza. that's clearly not happening . and instead, there is no any place in god that is considered to be safe needs in the north or the south, nor in you on shelters or in hospitals. topic about zoom out to 0, roughly in the south of the territory. and let's go to our corresponding tiny mass fluid. he is joining us live from joslet and southern gaza. honey, what more we're hearing about why that is why the military was using bold orders is at the hospital. so yes, well the, for the past 9 days in this for these really mother stories for the colors,
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one hospital event, this is not the 1st time a health care facilities are coming out to direct attacks by these really military and it's the ground and vision, but we were looking at the displays, the, terrorized, the hungry thursday. it's from its eyes, but worse than this palestinians killed inside a hospital and buried alive and not only being targeted and chilled. but this time a bully. those are destroying the vast majority of the hospital and according to some of the uh, what is that we looked at and a video that shows a great deal of damage. in the aftermath of the bulldozers in times targeting canada and one hospital destroying gun in hospitals, pharmacy as well as the a warehouse for medical supplies that and medical equipments that to the rounding up and through gauging
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a the medical teams included the director of the hospital at people died of the short these extreme shortage of medical supplies inside the hospitals. it but those who were injured and those who work sheltering in the hospital. it's a tragically where a attack by both of those are and, and where it crashed in and buried alive, as seems it from the courtyard of the hospital of the of the earth. and it breaks turned over well under which did the bodies work and were found and crushed and did bodies were found in addition to the hospital for the past 9 days under seas resorted to burying. and those injures who were, who died inside the hospital due to that, due to the difficult situations, lack of medical supplies and medical treatment that were on the dock by those those, those are a as well. but the, the, the box of the matter that there is a sheer level of destruction. a not only in, in, in, in residential home,
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but also in public health facilities and public facilities in general. just doing like a large, a great deal of damage. as for, for years to come, so the people are unable to function as, as a community. yeah, that's what we're hearing from various medical groups who are saying that as well as dismantling causes health care system and honey, it's not just, it's not just the health care facilities that are under attack. stay with us because we're going to get the latest from us as only catholic church where a mother and daughter who were taken shelter inside that church and northern godsa had been killed by his rarely snipers. some witnesses say the woman was shot in cold blood at the holy family catholic church. one of the victims was killed while carrying her elderly mother to safety. there are only around $800.00 christians left and gaza, soon substantial. the will most have been taking shelter inside churches honey,
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what is the latest you hearing about the situation at the holy family? catholic church as well that the chairs that accommodates and how that the remaining christian population in the gospel of the holy family, catholic insured, that happened to be within an organization better known as the y m. c. a. it's a, it's an organization for young people for chris and young people on and for the larger community across the gaza strip. but it came on there could be a bump under siege for the past few days, and under he'd be, bombard the wreck bombardment of why mc, according to i would, is or still in, in the area. it has been destroyed, a major parts of it have been destroyed to a point of on, henri goodness, but the fact that there is the now the snipers are around the vicinity of the, of the church and shooting at,
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at every moving object in the yard of either the y m c or the, the, the, the church inside that happen to be inside the, the court yard off of the organization. their reports about the, the mother who was that of the trying to lead her an elderly woman to, uh, to safety. another woman who, where it was shut as well as you were trying to get water from outside the building where she was, the sheltering in the 800, the remaining a christian and in gauze that is on, on, on the verge of extension on. we're not looking at just about this for the are there also a 16 years of ongoing to block at the mid life, very difficult for this particular community as well as the larger gods and communities across the gaza strip as we uh, we, we, we, we know from a various is really statement, there are no terms to this for everything is a target and that it's happened this time to be. busy members of this, a small,
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very small community in, in the gaza strip. but again, everyone is a major target including the educated class, the ordinary, a citizen, as well as those who work in media if be every one becomes a target for, for these rarely ongoing genocide award. honey, thank you very much for that. that is honey. my niece has live in rosa, in southern gaza. it is, it was prime minister has once again valid at the military campaign and gaza will not stop until hamas is defeated. benjamin netanyahu was speaking off for a week, having a meeting for them. this is, randy miller, trees admission that its soldiers broke rules of engagement. when they shot dead, 3 captives in gaza, one of them was waving a white flag. then as smith reports from tennessee, there is fayette frustration and mounting on your head amongst the relatives of the captives still held by how much every day that passes these
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a danger through their lives. i was there, my daughter was there, do not depend into hostages. we must ask no, as a deity is required today, bring them all. wow. the accidental killing of 3 captives by israel is a military shock to the country. the man emerged from a building in northern gauze or waving a wide flag according to a preliminary military investigation. the 2 soldiers still open fire, fearing it was a trump that's against protocol. the military also says to scenario itself of hostages. walking around in the bottles zone was never taken into account to validate the live prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was that the killing of the captives broke his heart. the nation sought. but he defended the military's prosecution of the war against thomas. the 5th, we will learn and apply the lessons with all deep. so i want to make it clear. the
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military pressure is necessary both for the return of the tease and for a cheap in victory over our enemy. without the military pressure, we would not have been able to create a deal to release more than $100.00 hostages, and only further military pressure will lead to the return of all our hostages. the killing of the 3 captives seems to force the war cabinet to see if it could reach a new deal with time us earlier then it did wanted to the head of law side on cast as prime minister met in york on friday evening. according to security, so $600.00 gyptian security souls, they say these really seem to be more willing to work towards the sea spot and an exchange of prisoners, israel's war cabinet. and wanted to wait until the military. but we can time us before we start from negotiations, but those funds have had to change bonus. i wonder 0,
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telling me as one has announced the death of 2 soldiers and it's nicest. mandatory also is from flashing and gaza. it says 5 of the soldiers were engineering battles with palestinian flashes and the southern gaza strip. i'm off as dues, as well as lying about its successes in gaza and says invading forces of being caught and, and bushes. that's bringing that cost upon him to alan fish and he's life or isn't occupied east jerusalem. and island is really on the announcing modesto of israeli soldiers at a time when the public isn't happy with the government's handling of the war. the way it's hard just to underestimate how angry the public talked about the death of the 3 captives, and particularly the circumstances of how did they work till it still is, as you would expect from page on most is really newspapers. here's just a, a selection of them. this is not a have, and it talks about the tragedy of the captives. and then this sub headline. it also says that there is pressure on the government to talk about the hostage release. if
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we go to the up a, this says how do they were killed and goes into some detail in the inside pages on the, on the fact that the 3 men were just steps away from freedom. and we'll shut down by the israeli army. and then if we go to hot, it's probably one of the better known newspapers in israel. you can see the front page. this is the picture of the bed when, who, who was killed and the funeral from the uh and the headline says, soldiers, it killed. wow. this is a captive is what holding a white flag and one show to help. and that white flag is certainly a consent for some people who say that it, of course, is against international law to shoot people who are working under a white flag. and then suggesting that the soldiers who, who fired the shots could be prosecuted. but the war cabin, as already said,
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they understood the circumstances of what was happening and the support the military. the support though as complete for benjamin netanyahu. there's a lot of criticism for him not least because of the fact that he didn't know the death of the 3 captives himself. he hasn't taken questions on it. he left it to the israeli army spokesman to deal with it at a news conference on saturday night. and there was a number of pads and some of the papers, including one from done hollitz who's a former chief of staff of these really army who said the only image of victory in this war is you leaving with a white flag directed particularly a benjamin netanyahu he has been under pressure throughout this war at that pressure just increased in the last 40 hours. and while he's under that immense pressure, allen, we have reports that negotiations are on the way to reach and you cease fire.
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well those talks uh, are very professional. at this moment, we are told that the head of most of the external security service, and israel was dispatched off to europe to speak to the could tati prime minister, who of course has connections with home us and has been used to, to cut the messages to help us, the work cabinet has said that they are examining the possibility, although it was said that there are all kinds of conditions that are attached to, to what could possibly be negotiated. but a possibly according to is really media reports and is really on the radio. in particular, as a heads of, of most i was told by the study, prime minister at the, the has to be more willingness on the israelis part. and we, sadly, i've had from how much they're negotiating position right at the start is very clear that has to be a complete see spot before they will consider any sort of deal to release the rest
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of the captives on the spot. as the war cabinet is concerned in israel, that's not something they are willing to consider. they have talked about how this war will go on for several more months and how they will continue until they achieve the goals, which includes the complete the feet of i'm us and thank you very much for that. that is alan fish over the nation is not even occupied east jerusalem to us secretary of defense, lloyd austin, as arriving in the gulf region on sunday to discuss the formation of ameritron falls in order to prevent further attacks by hook the flashes. odeo washington said one of its warships and the red sea shot down 15 drawn launched from yemen. yeah, that's what they find to say. they launched an attack on the red sea result, city of iowa, and southern israel. and the us defense secretary is also set to meet with his riley military officials on monday, should talk about changing the tactics and gaza as part of a us initiative to convince israel to scale back it's offensive. but let's get more
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on this. remind one, rob, hello, he's live for us in washington dc. so a lot of things on the agenda. what are the us specials hoping to achieve with this latest tour of the region? many a good to be with you, elizabeth, and you set it there in your introduction. the big picture here is that the us defense officials that are traveling to the region now are continuing with the same sort of strategy that, that us officials have been over the course of the last 2 months. which is to mitigate the risk of the crisis of spilling over into the rest of the region. on friday, us defense secretary lloyd austin, posted on the social media platform, x, formerly known as twitter st. quote. i'm headed to israel, buck rain and cuts out a to underscore us commitments to strengthening regional security and stability, and working with partners and allies to advance defense capabilities. so there's 2 important points that we can read into here in terms of us objectives,
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at least in the short term. the 1st being the defense leaders as a seat to mitigate this risk of a spillover and to a wider regional conflict. want to continue to pressure israel to narrow the combat, so to minimize civilian casualties. this in itself is not new. we've heard from president biden recently warning that israel is losing international support as this war drags on. the 2nd point that we can read into here is the us wanting to increase its military. it's naval presence in the region as a deterrent to who the attacks against commercial and military vessels transiting through the southern red sea. and this is a policy that's already in motion on friday, defense secretary austin announced that the deployment of the us us, gerald ford. this is an aircraft carrier, would be extended in order to maintain a, to aircraft carrier presence in the mediterranean. obviously, on all of this, again,
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underscoring the strategy by the united states which continues to seek to prevent this spill over into a larger regional conflict. right. many, thank you very much for that. that's not a lot about that. i live in washington dc, a while let speak to maggio was a wedding now he's the director of the golf study center and professor of middle east politics at coffee university. good to see you. missed as of where there was a lot of talk now about the us putting more pressure on israel to scale back it's operations and gaza. what does that mean just to us knowing what that means? i think the, the american administration is under severe pressure internally and externally and that's the 2nd week the americans advise the anxieties to use a small bomb. so they kind of have list kinds of cheese and now they are telling them to reduce the level of i talk so and go to the areas would have
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list civilians of us. um, because it was very difficult as it takes to go to an area with on the very end, it's one of the most densely populated places in the world. absolutely. i'd like to visit with also in the light of the confusion that is ladies have all she calls in the last 72 days where they ask people to move north, south, east, west. and the top of that is people move into so basic, basically is what it is, are. they have full responsibility of this kind of confusion to create to the people without telling them where is the save area, what is the place where people they can go without, with being a tuck? it seems that that is what it is. they are changing their targets based on maybe intelligent information or based on their own calculations at the end of the day. it's the civilian. so what's happening now basically there is a great condemnation to those ladies. this from the mission to any country support thing is like of this killing,
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especially the number now of cousins. is it because that is reaching beyond the 20000 people? uh 6 of uh, and i think 90000 of them children, uh, sort of so and thousands of them are women the are says thousands people and the step also that i'm more than 50000 people injured. and this of this kind of numbers as hard as it is to anyone want to look at that. and so given all of that condemnation and especially the internal condemnation, israel off to the as really cutting of 3 capitals, one of them coming out waving a white flag. do you think that because of all of that pressure internally and externally? that's communist enough in yahoo, that is where the government is more genuine in seeking a cx 5 this time the f. it's a very much in the early stages, but other genuine, a look from the beginning of him some, some day when i said on this, and you said that this, what is that the, the whole war from the beginning? i a, someone who's knows that asian very well. this was his choice. this is was so as
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a plan where he took the region to this war. last night, he went back to 1978 when he wants to, to, to bring. but it's 10 years to the time where they have the center or sort of to, you know, uh, the kinds of governors at that time they were talking about the, the village leaks were basically giving some, all sorts of people on very, very specific matters. and now with this, this course, basically he is pushing by this thing is to the quote and are by saying you'll have no hope to have a state. you'll have no hope to have 70. and basically this will add more escalation to the conflict, but that is something that as well as the crisis allied, the united states saying is not acceptable to talk about any relocation displacement of the palestinian people. the question is whether the americans have the power to pressure or nothing. yeah. so far, there is no evidence that they have the power to put the pressure on this and you know how, how can they have but they have so much,
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never edge. they have one of the main issue is if the americans want to push on nothing, you know, they have to stop support. this is a very abc so illusion. they have just to stop giving him the legitimacy of what he's doing and killing dozen people. they have to look to other aspects with independence within the policies and talk to it's, it's, it's, it's the, the action of the americans that says, we cut off the pressure uh, is what it is. but at this time, we support the work that has come up to be accepted, but anyone looks at the politics of the world today. this is a way to thank you very much for your analysis as always that smudge of sweaty. thank you. this is randy forces have till 2 palestinians and overnight raids in the occupied westbank. the licensed operation took place near a refugee camp in full cut in may, the se, dozens of his rarely beckles stormed the refuge account. they were accompanied by his rarely boomed dogs. is used to destroy roads and all the infrastructure that's bringing my correspondent child stress, that he's joining us law life from nablus in the occupied westbank and just
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everything that we have said. now childs of a not raids to palestinians killed the destruction of rhodes and other infrastructure using his very boulders is this is something that we have seen throughout the an increase since october. the 7th. yes. with a nightly daily rides. various villages, towns and cities, by the way, across the occupied west bank. and as you brought you say they have escalated to become more extensive become longer as time is going on since the beginning of the war. on october, the 7th. this late to stripe, which we understand is still ongoing on the 2 refugee camps, around to a car and which is in the north west of the occupied west bank. the right started around 1 am, which is about 8 hours or so ago. and yes, as you rightly say, we're getting report certainly from the p a,
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they've confirmed the pilot single storage fee that's to people of suck file being killed in this right. but we're also hearing reports from outsourcing, journalist inside these 2 camps, that they may well be to all the people that have been killed. but the difficulty is getting the bodies out from the time. the right is involved. thousands around 50 estimates you to be is ready ministry vehicles and those bulldozers that bring so much destruction, destroying the vital infrastructure, water and electricity infrastructure that you see in these rise as i say on the, on a daily or nightly basis to cover them as long as be in a sense, full, the palestinian resistance, coal street riley is full terrorist policy is cool and legitimate way by taking the occupying power. so we will be giving or we will be hearing in terms of uh, we'll be hearing numbers of arrests later. we don't have any official numbers or the rest of the site because this right is still on going. of course it comes off
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the back. and a couple of days ago we had the longest raise. the fall since the beginning of the war on jeanine that raid last it's 3 days. so there are concerns that you can imagine that we could well be looking potentially at a rate of similar kind of size that will also writes last night on villages around hebron. and also a village close to ramallah, a village called dia, i'm off and we understand that a 16 year old youth was killed during that ride on childs you mentioned that it's difficult to get the bodies out of food cut in just how, how does it for ambulances to do the work of the, or you spend the day yesterday with the evidence teams in janine talking to them about these kind of problems, shoots challenges that they face in trying to get to the wounded. treat them and get them out of the cab. uh, during during rates like the one that is, is ongoing. we so ambulances that have the riddles with bullet holes. when i been
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in school, particularly taking a bullet literally only a few inches away from the, the beginning of the windscreen, where the driver was sitting. of security consultant was saying that that would suggest that it had to be a targeted hit towards the drive a possibly from a soldier on his knees, but the whole of the ambulance of various different spots wherever it had been. hit bullets flying foot flying through these ambulance isn't of course the people inside we spoke to one medical worker who had been hit lost trying to was trying to rescue somebody that had been shot in the street. she's still suffering from originally. she was here a couple of months ago, and now the ambulance stuff say that in sherry, they're supposed to have an agreement with the is really ministry where by when they get news of an injury inside, for example, a refugee camp, they then keep the location to the is really military and they use read the
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ministry is supposed to allow the ambulances in to treat the injured person will pull that, that body out of the camp, of the respective area. they have it as men say that actually they are putting in these kind of reports, these kind of details to these really military constantly. they get absolutely no response. and we've seen pictures of these ambulances being stopped. these medical teams being stopped at the entrances to camps by it. these really military, many of them are detained. they often taken out of their uh, balances strip searched. and as i say, many of them taken away, so they all slicing absolutely huge problems. and yet again, consistent with the size and the lynch, the duration of these rights becoming much bigger in longer since the beginning of the wall. the ambulance stuff is saying, the situation, the challenges that they face, the dangers that they face have become
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a lot worse since the beginning of the war 2. and they're unable to estimate how many lives they could have say for example, since october, the 7th. during these rates, if they have suffering these kind of restrictions, this kind of a rushman, this the, these kind of problems and ages from the is really military. yeah. i believe 295 people have been killed since october the 7th. and they occupied westbank. that is child stratford report from ly, from nablus. is there a fee is that garza's? elderly residents may not survive the territories listed in conditions, as well as bombardment has meant that many of them have been displaced and falls into you when wrong shelters. i mentioned kim, the reports. up to how do you say don and honey maurice are displaced from the shoes, a neighborhood in northern garza. i don't remember who we just placed in 1948 from the edge of the area and just uh, we used to live now. we had just placed again in garza,
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my house was destroyed by and is there any striking value to 3000000 dollars? we lost the home and i'll forward too many lead palestinians have been to multiple displacements on who's which can cause deep psychological tumor. we living this opens old williams, and i know that this think so i'm being experienced and i can 56 school. the tripod had a question on egypt. i also witnessed mexico and not in 6 to 7, and the not to 7 to 3 will. but i haven't seen any single, horrific, and the current more in 2023. destruction is everywhere. evacuation on the bones is difficult for anyone, but particularly tell from the elderly as most kind of move quickly and may need assistance working like oh, honey met each once in the you and shelters like the still very hard and i am here in the camp. you can't find basic food, there's no drinking water,
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nothing. go into the bathrooms there. i'm fit for human use. i'm 71. and why can't even though i don't want to, because i need to live without sanitation and clean water. the risk of getting sick in the shelters is high for an elderly person, simple illness like a bunch of diarrhea can be very dangerous. we're getting an already frail body. the lack of medicines is also extremely problematic. more than 50 percent of older people have some kind of long term prescription for heart diseases, the diabetes with the blockade. these drugs and else available, putting people at the risk, the type seeds combined with the apartment and the displacement, and also the sound that the conditions in the shelter are the perfect storm if you wish for more older people to get sick. and i think it is a matter of time,
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but we will start seeing older people dying as dx. the result of the sage index, the result of the conflict affordable around $500.00, a chunk entering goal is that every day? no, it's roughly $100.00. until the aid returns the bombing stops and people are able to leave shelters. everyone remains at risk, but the variables sectors of society and garza are in acute danger. image in cuba, which is 0. still ahead on knowledge as era. keep on taking the street in order to push all governments to push politicians to end complicity with his writing a policy process and several cities around the world and solidarity even palestine demonstrations of demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza. the filipino palestinians who escaped the one gaza,
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the fear for their loved ones left behind the had a lovely day. let's have a look at the weather across europe and flooding remains an issue across the western parts of front. we've got amber warnings out for flooding in places like bordeaux, and that's despite the skies drying up. we have an area of high pressure stitching of a western and most central areas. that's what lots of sunshine to the beer in peninsula and into pots of france on sunday. it's still lingering around, things will clear up as well for the southeast corner. it's looking more settled. that's the spike. some very windy conditions across the mediterranean and very windy conditions. up across the north, you can see them pushing from denmark into the baltic states, another round of rain moving its way east that follows another batch of snow that works this way from southern parts of russia. threw in to moscow, and we'd like to see some heavy rain pulling into the north west of scotland. we
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have got some of the warnings out so that it will turn into wintery conditions as it pulls into norway. but things are going to look mild as we go into the new week across the scan to navy, it was temperature is picking up, not just here, but also for cities like berlin and in the southwest corner belgrade, 10 degrees celsius and have a look at london certainly more miles conditions, 12 degrees celsius. then monday into tuesday. the rain rolls in on tuesday in a world where the news never ends. understanding what's behind the headlines is more important than ever. it takes listening to the people behind the news and to the journalist for reporting their stories, accept intimacy that makes every international story local at heart. i'm only give you that host of the take a daily news podcast powered by the login reporting of algebra. find us where ever
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you get your pod cast. the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching all just bear with me. elizabeth for ottoman doha. reminder of our top stories, the seller of allison in house, minnesota, is quoting for an investigation officer report as riley, bold doors is crushed at least 20 people sheltering the come out as one hospital, northern gaza. witnesses told algae or the civilians were deliberately targeted. as early as trots, have intensified in the southern city of rough uh, more than a 1000000 people have fled to the area and living in the crowd attempts. cuz you, when says that your monitoring situation is available and thousands of his ways of protesting and kind of leave off to the military analysis mistakenly kills 3 captives held by him. mazda of gaza alia israel's prime minister, reiterated the war and gaza will continue until the defense from us, as well as war has taken on an unprecedented toll on causes and time population. the one says 1900000 palestinians, that's more than 85 percent of its people have been approved from their homes more
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than a 1000000 of them have been pushed to roughly in the south. that's become the most densely populated area and gaza. food escapes and there is no sanitation. the un says around 2200000 people that's nearly the entire population of gaza need food, aid to survive. there was also a shortage of fuel and clean drinking water. the foundation plants have shut down because they don't have fuel to operate. the world health organization is worried about the outbreak of disease. doctors are reporting thousands of cases of diarrhea among children, as well as cases of hepatitis. a man in joyce's chicken pox joined us and respiratory illnesses. just 11 out of gauze, $36.00 hospitals are functioning and only partially, and they are struggling to treat tens of thousands of injured palestinians. jemma, connell is gone as
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a team leader for the un office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs. had group a deliberate humanitarian supplies to ship a hospital in gaza. city. what i saw was the west of humanity in the devastation of the sky. this is a city that has been puzzled, it has been pushed to its limits. but when i also saw it was the best of humanity, which was the people of god who came out in the street to help us get this kind of way of life saving medicines through to ship a hospital. and it's a reminder that got to the and the northern parts of guys do have thousands upon thousands of civilians who are in desperate need of food awards that i've shown to . and they assume that they are still surviving and they are doing everything they tend to get through every day. but they are right to be frustrated with the international community and they are right. as i told them to be frustrated with the but what i also told them was that we as the united nations international
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engineers, national engineers who are responding to this humanitarian catastrophe, will not stop until we can reach those in need as a day with evidence that we went through incredible challenges to get to ship a hospital, but we made and we will keep trying every day to get the assistance to people who need it. c, o 0 is refer and the killing of camera man, summer of a doctor to the international criminal quote. it was killed and it is rarely drawn strong wall covering attacks. and are you one run school on friday? his colleague and friend, honey, more fluid reports. good morning, a friend colleague and saw the people gather for the funeral of i'll just the or a camera man, sam, or i'll be with the
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the a lot among them all you 0 guys have your cheese while and injured in the same is regulated drones. try your lift, hospital to promise center that his work would go on. how do you have to sell it? i mean, when i had them to sell it and send me yeah. and the bein, yeah, cutting dish truman message. we are cutting these mobile message. we will continue to do a duty with the best profession to add on transparency his mother there to lyman thing and the list on her son's last time. you came to me on thursday morning and when i was preparing breakfast, he said he would have breakfast with his colleagues. he didn't eat with his colleagues and he died without having food that is killing me. he died hungry without soon the summer was hit twice
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by reporting on the destruction of a school. in the center of han, you health did not arrive for 5 hours. risk viewers needed approval from israel forces to both those the through the debris is to get to him. by which time he had it bled to death, a father for whose the children had move to the safety belgium. simon had always seen them once in the past 6 years old. the fishing district, they recite on the saw. you really don't know why design has killed him. well done . how to rock it best. taking up a weapon. you only carry that camera that's it is only is radio occupation and goes up and show it to the world. the film, the play of children, women under the out the link. so that's fun. describe as all was a smiling by his colleagues. he had carried on working despite the grueling conditions that god bless you,
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go press over to reduce the fix. the new to my colleagues, the journalists, 0 try it or not, or sleeper. i need 3 hours to say, 3 hours. it's such freezing. whether it nines the palestinian journalist syndicate said, 90 journalists have been killed by his regular airstrikes in gaza. since the start of the war, but silencing journalist in gaza is nothing. but we have is a documented long pattern that is rarely forces targeting, killing, wounding, intimidating journalists, and not being published for, for there being no accountability. which creates a culture of impunity. a culture of permissible living where it's totally okay, it's not only journalist to become a target. many family members of other jersey or a staff have also been killed by israeli air strikes, hunting, much more nicer hospital in con you and as all just the of having demonstrations across europe in north america, demanding an immediate cease font and gaza in london,
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the palestine solidarity campaign held a silent protest and support of health workers and the strip on your guide over there. that is all stress situation continuing to unfolding garza has from richard. health work has to come out and join this vigil outside of downing street demanding. now that the british government off for a ceasefire in the us itself, not just for the humanitarian pauses that they have been calling full because they say the situation now is so dia, that more has to be done it for, to, to be able to prevent the situation that from escalate into a dfcs catastrophe. i think we seen a complete failure of the humanitarian pause the losses for just over a week. and even during that pro is res. seem illegal. detainment and health care work is of doctors. and this did not, you know, amount to anything,
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essentially we saw no age coming in to sign into gaza to try look to foods going and we so supplies not being or punished and hospitals breaking down. so that is your answer. what we need is a permanent sci fi which will allow these all supposed to be replenished, to allow the stuff to be replenished to allow for cause that stand up again on its feet. because currently we are in f block lipstick level scenarios. inside garza, with a friend of infectious diseases and communicable diseases on the level that we have never seen before. with the world health organization describing the health system in gaza is on its knees and collapsing. there was a sense of urgency now, but when she was coming that much more needs to be done. reggie, the all reports of communicable diseases such as diarrhea and the rest of us are, were spiritual diseases such as flu west single situations for people who are being forced to sleep on the streets. also meaning that,
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that bracing themselves for worsening situation alongside the continual, bombardments. so when he got jago, i'll just sarah london to this was the scene in cape town in south africa was a portion of several political parties, including the governing amc rally for palestine. they also demanded an end to the fighting and gaza and thousands march through barcelona to express their support for palestinians, spain, as among several european countries cooling for last and 2 monetary and seas fine to end the concept. keep on taking the street in order to push a government's to push politicians to end complicity with this really a pause tied in with a must because is really is committing against the policy and people. and specifically in the spanish state, we're seeing that the spanish government is being one of the voices. so it's being more creative about israel, mother and masika against the policy and people, filipino palestinians who fled gaza. so this trying to settle in the philippines,
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maybe 60, were turned off to israel, started school some off the spending decades living in the besieged territory. the big shell showing the university in manila that has bonded below reports and now being told to move. when reverend a lot died, her family arrived in manila from gaza. no one came to the airport to pick them up . should have been away for decades. the philippines is no longer home. the government put them up at a hotel for 2 nights. they left them on their own with $1300.00 in cash, but but with the law, we are grateful that the saved their lives. but a hope they will continue to help us because we are still filipino. i mean, to sign up with the help of activities they ended up staying on this campus along with dozens of others who fled to war in gaza. but now they're under pressure to leave. although authorities aren't the big thing, the filipino palestinian families stay here at the university of the philippines. the campus is closing for the holidays on december. the 21st. the concern is that
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no one will be around to help them and they're running out of money. now ideally they move somewhere else, but the question is, where rights advocates say the answer isn't just the place, but the support to forward it to refugee status. the philippine government hasn't granted that one is to access to stable housing. i also livelihood and employment education access for the children, access to medical attention. officials have said they're concerned about the safety of filipinos caught up in the conflict in the middle east. 17 crew members of a cargo ship are still being held by hoodies in yemen. the 2 filipinos held captive by how mos in gauze are free, but forward killed in israel during the groups attack. on october, the 7th. more than a dozen filipinos are still trapped in gaza, including 5 to my son, who decided to stay with her powder skiing and husband were protecting their identities at her request. oh my god, i'm going to put it in. he said, well,
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you know, we've got to have proper meals here, but i keep thinking about my family and garza, i haven't spoken to them in full days. i hope it's not what i think, i hope is just something i've lost internet access. my clothes aren't going through either. fatty, my says she fused, there's no easy solution for her family. it's either a life in danger or a life in limbo. partner below, i'll just there a minute. are still ahead on knowledge as they are the former a made of equations buried at a private ceremony. let me shake no off last month else about died at the age of $86.00 the and an finished journey that has the less than broken gay involved. they thought they could make it to europe, traveling from senegal,
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through the sahara to the edge of the mediterranean image here. the traffic has sold us 2 groups in libby, i like slaves piled in a dark cage on the meter high out of the 120 people that were with us. only 17 survived the stop what your opinions perceive as an unstoppable flow of africans. the pressure you share it to making the traffic of migrants illegal, but now the low criminalizing of legal migration is being revoked. the you now for years, a new wave of margaret's. this will cost that in the desk such, but that would also mean more people coming to the you. despite the humiliation
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abuse and suffering all day and isa are willing to attempt the journey to europe again in search for what they hope will be a dignified life. the, let's turn to the other world news valen funeral prize will be held in kuwait for them. a check. now of all i was also by we died at the age of 86 on saturday. the burial ceremony was restricted to close family check. now off government for the past 3 years, 83 of old conference check michelle l without support has been named his successor . the country has entered 40 days of morning. that's bringing our correspondent as a vague, his life for us and quite city. so what happened, where you are early assets as well, the funeral took place at the most behind me it was a simple funeral. it was open to the public. there was a considerable security presence. harold's uh, book those are the metal detectors set up, but this was also
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a mosque that was built from the funds donated by shack. new off are the does so by and it was just 50 meters away from his home. now he was known as the humbling meal through his characteristics and mannerisms, and it was seen as a humble funeral. pray, i know a humble burial ceremony attended by close. family members now took is now a bite to success, a shift michelle, that how much elizabeth and what happens next. and so do we expect any change of policy from the new a maid who is taking palette at the same age that the late amazed, took a pallet? well, not really. he was already taking on considerable responsibilities since shak new off had full and ill. but what people are looking towards is who, who will name sees it now under the constitution from the moment he's swiss oath in parliament, he has one year to name it and that people are looking the next generation is
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looking to someone younger possibly is this relationship between the, the parliament here and the monarchy. and sometimes what happens is we have that to and fro, but we don't expect any major changes in policy, at least domestically. and recently. a quite has always been a consider treat. remember in the, in the region that's tried to make friends and foes of nobody, in fact was instrumental in the ending the blockade on thought that was imposed by psycho ravia egypt, u, a e and by ray. and in fact, the picture that was taken at the signing that, that signify the end of the blockade inside the rape you're. in other words, the picture was taken the needed with lined up. it was checking the wall that was standing next to the amid of got that. now we don't expect made any major changes in terms of regional policies. but when that new is announced, that we're basically fight some changes. but only we can only wait and see what happens next. all right, so thank you very much for that. that's as
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a big live in kuwait city. if he's one person has been killed in the russian jordan striking the southern ukrainian region of odessa, the earlier ukraine authorities when he's 1st, which of what they say was a russian for an attack on a hospital in the eastern case on region. the doctor was injured in the hospital damaged moscow has denied targeting civilian infrastructure. so the ends of losing and parliamentary and local elections president the alexander of which isn't running, but he has been campaigning for his party. the rights wing. so been progressive party is hoping to extend a decade impala to add on sunday verses and shit able take part. and i said mandatory referendum to approve or reject alexis draw of a new chaka. this would likely be the last 12 to change the countries dictatorship era constitution. but many people seem to have little interest to see
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a newman report from the capital. santiago christmas, no directions are in the air in chile, but 1st citizens will have to vote in a mandatory constitutional referendum such as the lack of enthusiasm that we couldn't find a single person who had read the draft. and no, no, the only thing with them both of either the time. this is the 3rd referendum in 3 years to a place to this dictatorship era constitution. once seen by an overwhelming majority of chileans as the roots of their social inequality. nearly 80 percent of people voted in favor of writing the new magna carta. but when the draft was finally finished last year, chileans rejected it as to radical. this time round, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction to the extreme right wing. this is the draft constitution, the chileans rejected last year. and this is the newer version they have very little in common in this one. the state guarantees social rights such as health
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education, welfare women's rights and the protection of the environment. this one also supports those rights, but doesn't guarantee them. you can see them. in fact, in many aspects, it's far more conservative than the current constitution. the people that sort of masculinity even pharmacies could refuse to sell the day after pills or schools could refuse to accept your child or expel him. if you're a single mother, it doesn't recognize the right to equal pay for men and women cheated. my former president, we should buy to live plans to vote no niss it while for the president in the lives of today will vote yes. julie, julie must end the 3 years of social into additional uncertainty about the future that impacts our standard of living and limits investment that will give a lot of many ordinary chileans like a 2 year old found this are fed up. i have lost all faith in the idea that
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a new charger will improve our lives. he says. an opinion that seems to reflect widespread constitutional fatigue, driven by anger, was all politicians. to see a newman al jazeera santiago, and that's it from man. is it the problem for the news out? stay with us. we are back in just a few minutes. it is a tenant to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of his randy, public discourse, anti war voices persist, sales calling the traitors. the listening post covers how the news is come to watch
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this space for where the story goes. next level in the window of the usually puts in color does it is i'm a full sold and as one of his social when i just had limits, i just want to come a little of each of us seems to make you
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know, the big how you been haven't done what i'll go over. 6 well, we're not moving to the most of the, the a n as rainy as to why it hits a residential blog and northern gauze. i've kind of at least 20 people and injuring a 100 others. the kind of woman is a problem and this has algebra live from does also coming up,


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