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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 17, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the hello, i'm robot, this one, and this is the news on life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes and is ready air strikes. it's a residential block in northern gaza, killing at least 20 people and injuring a $100.00. the science health minister calls for an urgent investigation following reports as really forces those account but have gone to the hospital,
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crushing 20 people to death funds calls for an immediate i'm due to be true. so is one of his father, administrator officials dies and that is really as striking, sort of guns a desperate scramble for 8 at the crossing people chase, which slots to get food. is there any problem? so benjamin netanyahu fires to continue the war buddy, here's a new negotiations to recover captain sounds by on us the searching guarantee that's 3 pm, local and jobs where it is ready forces. i've chatted on more air strikes in the north, at least 20 people have been killed and many more have been injured into your body . a refugee camp. a residential building has been, has follow signs. house ministers called for an investigation after 20 people were funds dead in the courtyard of a medical facility. they were crushed by bulldozers and then there's really right targeting the comma odd one hospital in northern garza, under the roof of border crossing with egypt. people are scrambling for aid. the
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crossing is the main route for relief supplies. you and reports a shopping increase in hunger across the gaza strip on emma, who is life for us in the rough i, in the southern gaza. let's talk 1st of all about these deadly bombardments that have been happening. it is your body of refugee come, honey? yes, not only in your body or if there's you can but, but we're seeing more of this just within the past. uh, fixed uh 50 minutes or or so. uh, another air is dry. could deadlier strike in a d uh, western district of the city of han. you and it's looking at the, i'm a neighborhood, the district, the western side of find you in a city where an honor was school and now we honor was schools full of evacuated. people who took it out of the shoulders, is the beginning of the war. came under a heavy bombardment, they are striking the artillery showing there are reports about number of people
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not being killed. we would then be yards of the school and at the vicinity of the school as well. and large number of those dangers were rushed to nasir hospitals. the closest to, i'm a district in con units and we're trying to get our confirm a number of how many people killed in that the attack on, on the school that did you do? disabled communication has been very difficult since the early hours of this morning to know exactly the, the number of casualties. but at earlier hours of this, they were a residential, a block in jeff valley was targeted and destroyed that is causing great deal of damage to the surrounding areas that include other public facilities. one of these facilities having to be our schools a and this is the, the potter we have been seeing more and more schools that not only turn into an evacuation center is the turn of dried graveyard. as people are unable in the
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northern parts. do they do? do i have been killed or died inside those evacuation centers do buried them in a graveyard. so the, not it just the, the role that these a designated shoulders but what have it changed since the beginning of the word evaluate defense center a graveyard as well as unfortunately becoming a desk pays zone as there is ongoing, a bombardment 20 people have been killed and destroyed the attack on jeff valia residential, the block on more than a 100, a large number of injuries at but with, with the, with, with no function in hospital. there is a fear that the number of those have been killed will increase as there is no proper medical as a intervention due to the, the destruction of almost all the hospitals in the northern part and garza city and honey, you're in golf course. that's the crossing from egypt square, most of the inside all the age and the last few weeks has been coming in into jobs
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. or we've seen pictures earlier on the last few hours or so of some of the trucks making their way across. and people converging on them an indication perhaps a desperate people are to get bad age. yes. well, since the collapse of the seas fire, none of the uh no, no, none of the trucks of the human is there any, there was a loud into the gods and sweep all of them. where's station on the addiction at the side. but within the past few weeks, there was ongoing discussion on, on a changing the mechanism of allowing these a trucks into guys, of course, that, that is, that's part of the, the time consuming strategy, the vin implemented here. people here are hungry thursday, the need. those medical supplies, they need the food supplies in the water supply. so they, they, they, they, they could survive the difficult living conditions they've been experiencing since the beginning of the war. but that particular mechanism is likely to take
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a lot of time as if it requires the following goal. those trucks on the gibson side will be transferred to a car, him shalom eh, crossing a days, really cited for security clearance. and then we'll be send the back door off my cross again and then enter the gaza strip this long to process various products. the process to be more accurate is, is taking a lot of time and, and, and just increasing that will really over whelming dire situations for fuel. when people, when we see people sends version converting on on the trucks. they just because they do do one, those supplies at the moment they see them because the shops are empty, the market is depleted. there's nothing in here to buy. you walk a, a brief walk in the new markets here, you will find it shots completely empty with just a few things that are not needed. and that's the certainly if, if you use it, it may give an option to
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a palestinian right now in rough estimate the weather divided persians, or to buy a food supply. they will go 1st for food supply because that's what will keep them alive. of course, that the persian is important to a supersonic agent, but as they look at water and flips of lights as the 1st a item to, to do with their, with the check of course there's is really discussion on, on not allowing this to go through comments or they run in a statement by a smart being if you're who is opposing desk and recall them for a meeting for the work cabinet to read, discuss this. it's likely to stop. but we'll see what the coming hours will hold for the palestinians. in garza county, thank you very much, honey. my hoods talking to us from the rough or northern guys. a doctors how to interrupt the press conference. when is there any gunfire? hit dangerously close to me or just any sort of that's the kind of odd one. hospital that's the same facility. what at least 20 palestinians were killed by is waiting. bulldozers medical team was giving
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a statement in his very violations when the shooting began. frances called for an immediate and viewable truce in gaza off to the kenning of one of its employees and in his ready air. striking rough on wednesday, fonts is foreign minister has been meeting her. is there any office of number instead of a panic book? just as we have lunch with great sadness about the death of a palestinian agent working for the french institute of gaza, who had been wounded following in his riley forming. we have asked israel to shed lodge on the circumstances of this strike. why the house where he was staying had been targeted, and i'll have off his riley foreign minister eli cohen, to answer me on this point. he has taken notice of us and we are expecting explanations. is about as much joining us, some kind of a of so what is real saying about the death of this employee of the french government, the well, the french embassy says that the,
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this agent was based in gaza for them. they has condemned the bombardment cause of death of the agent. they would all lights to be uh, throwed on. what's happened is what for the french is 2022. his name hasn't been revealed, but we know his family had was removed from gaza earlier on in this conflict by the french and taken to french. but he but friends, but he decided to stay. an agent is effectively sort of eyes and he is a witness on the ground for the french would have been reporting back to friends about the situation on the ground. and gosh, it would have been one of the primary sources of information as well as international news. good news, i use, i use i a organizations. of course, it's a good refuge in a house with colleagues out with a car and a house and sunday from the french consulate. this is the house that was killed, and a dozen people were killed and not bump bump. in the meantime, of course is going pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu talk this through want inside. how does that is playing out?
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as well as increasing uh, suggestions. the momentum seems to be moving towards is really looking to have a way to establish a new talks with how much that pressure mounting. since those 3 captives were killed, late to last week by to his riley soldiers and gaza is right like missing. they were killed accidentally, they were flying. every one of them is counting a white flag of never the less they was shot. and so because of the men, some is piling on that, you know, but is it as a way of trying to indicate the sort of pushing and pulling this going on. and these rarely societies, he decided to read out the letter of the beginning of the cabinet meeting from families of the soldiers who being killed in gaza. i did not last so they said to him, do not pause until all the goals have been achieved. you have a monday to find, you do not have a mandate to stop in the middle that some, some of the families of soldiers who have been killed. that y'all,
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who wants to read that out to show the differences, opinion that there are. and it's rarely society at the moment, most of israel, most israelis all for this war and gaza, adolfo, as well as the attempts to remove from us from power guns. fine, and thank you very much indeed the banner smith talking to assume that tennessee we're going to go to natasha butler, who's joining us from paris. so we mentioned before the funds have been calling for an immediate and viewable truce. this comes, of course is we've just been talking about is one of its officials, has been killed in gaza. is there any reaction in funds to this? under there is no reaction then you heard the talk you through some of the details because what we do have is a statement of from the french and foreign ministry. and it says that this employee of the french foreign ministry of died or saw today from wounds that were sustained during and is really a strong come wednesday and supple garza. he had taken
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a shelter in a home in rochester. we understand that home was a bad hit from going on israel a to shed noise on exactly what happened. they sent the controls as far as the sentence control and says that to the family runs aside from some of the family of this employee. that it was the french for ministry since 2002. if they, if actuated a phone, calls a, an off in front of the problems as you heard that during this trip by foreign minister. catherine colored in the to the region where she met her is really counterpart falls, continuing to cool and the think see sort of things to be said by what is happening . i think also catherine clinton also said the phones was thinking about masters victims. natasha. thank you. very much indeed that's natasha buck in paris. well, despite international calls versus fall going louder, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's going to continue the war
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until how much is defeated survived on the flames. the measurements of the will of the full and is what guides us. we will fight to the end and we will achieve our objectives, eliminating him us releasing all the hostages and ensuring that cause it will not again become the center of tara incitement against the state of israel. and attacks against the state of israel. august is done. fire is the former chief of the associated press in europe, africa and middle east is joining us live from television. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. it does seem to those of us looking from the outside that there appears to be a greater amount of pressure on benjamin netanyahu, not only from international governments, but also from, in some cases, the families of captives who just want the captors to be released from how much how close do you think we are to nothing yahoo, authorizing another sci fi or another deal to get those captors released? oh, it really depends on the terms. i mean, with the families have become
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a pressure group having to compel we don't want to do just what you say to all the word, even temporarily to make sure that they wait most on and turn and so forth. and that pressure has increased the past 2 days, and then on that front deliveries the shock of the public in general at the killing of 3 hostages. mistaken one of the government argues that is precisely pressure on the continuum military pressure build of the brain. and to give up the hostages, the families are certainly skeptical about this. but to a degree, i think i mentioned the point because talks are going on in effect all the time. and i think we know what i'm us once, which is a deal, it releases all the bells, the neighbors, and everyone ends. the war was almost left in charging causes. and when it becomes clear to these really public that this is the detail when it talks become more and don't know if and when this is discussed or robustly, i'm not so sure that they support it because of your partner. so there's pretty close to consensus of normally or divided country,
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but after october 7 from us must be removed at almost any cost. and that is the clearly stated goal from the benjamin netanyahu and his coalition. and of course these really military as well, but the we are, we have seen this come from if you're like, between that particular goal and the, the approvable attainment of that goal against the number of people in guys are the number of civilians who are caught up in this and who are dying? 18800. i think it was the last number that i saw. it is a very difficult situation. i one would imagine for these very government to get itself i would solve. is there a way that you have given your experience in the region that you can see from a historical perspective, that they might be able to change the dynamic in this and actually change the course of the conflict of that? you're absolutely right. that it's, it's just usually a complex and appreciate it again. you know, one can be cynical that governments and political players, not everyone in the regions of israel, but i don't think that i would trade places. it's possible that the only way out of
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this will involve other players um, more creative solutions. for example, i kind of vision is really agreeing to be room 1992 scenario when was the amount of leadership is give it honesty and, and the well to leave. who knows? maybe to come to her maybe to turkey. um, i also think it would go a long way towards modifying these rarely using their posts. october 7th, shot 70 radio. and again, any customer will join your ever having for is going to be taking part in the postwar reconstruction ministration of the um, the what viewers around the world and especially the world really, really should understand is that october 7th for it is rarely was a watershed to uh, of a kind of just shut down the discussion on, on the acceptability on us and you minimize it or something of the night of scale. what happens. we're going to be confused by his real behavior. i want to talk to you briefly about the level of international um supports that has been given so far to the mentioned yahoo
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a correlation in this. we have been reporting over the last couple of weeks that there appears to be, again, for those of us looking up from the upside, some sort of diversions, if you like, between the u. s. the u. k. various other governments and the matching yahoo government, they all say that they support israel's rights to defend itself, but there seems to be a direction against benjamin netanyahu. and the coalition itself, is there a split that you see happening in the way that the international organizing your international governments forgive me? i'm viewing this a absolutely, i mean there is a clear and profound misalignment between the government currently powering us. also most european governments and the nature of the original and that's a yahoo coalition. and so it was expanded to include the motor party post that there was a somebody else's, an extremely right wing party, a right wing coalition is we all the, some project, a lot of weakness and create
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a huge divisions in israel by allowing radical settlers to run a riot in the west bank? i'm sure you know, most of the army was in the west bank precisely because of that self inflicted disaster and non guarding border and gauze on october 7th. the governments of israel, as such, is not beloved of the jew black and white house. that is not to say that they don't agree, that israel should remove a moss from power. so there's multiple narratives. they would like is real to do it more clearly and to do it more quickly. and as far as their political considerations in the us for president by uh, by the way, faces, we stayed with a significant muslim population in michigan that he can't afford to lose. and 2024 . he needs this words and a reasonably well for the us. and for as well, and so and somewhat quickly and it's on your cell. meanwhile, he has his own political context, his interest to align with the prolong coughlin. because this brand has been so
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devastated by the colossal failure, october 7th. but if elections were held today, he would be crushed and therefore he is looking for a new the ticket to run on. and i fear that ticket will be in opposition to what is precisely the us plan and what i believe would be the weight plan for post the sky, which is for the ph be returned, rejuvenated reinvigorated status in nature. it's about me. i want to get your assessment of what is really themselves with regard as being able to draw a line under the situation for once of a better phrase what they would find acceptable ones. this conflict is over i think is really, is i have 2 contradictory notions currently. i'm competing for dominance and the bottom one is, yeah, it seems to be hopeless. this idea of a common country with the palestinians. they want partition,
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but the other is they don't trust the palestinians to prevent there's, you know, any radicals from taking over any territory that these fairly concede and, and therefore i think, well, i know the polls show currently the says centrist and moderates and then and left when the alternative collision is really probably one in election, but they do that, they need to not to, to succeed and, and then, and actually getting left to the polls, the election, they can't talk, punch rebecca city one of the posting is because if israel hands over the west bank, the way it handled over dawson in 2005 and 6 it's, it's, it's a p, a is rarely fear that the result would be within a year. and 2 radicals taken over the west bank and was back comes within 2530 miles of televisions around jerusalem on 3 sides. i can imagine an invasion of, of the sort that happened just across the border of gauze on october 7th. but happening again in 2 or 3 years,
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but this time in jerusalem you'll be of blood the and that is not on logical. that's not in the ration 0 salturn oil. that's the issue that has to be somehow addressed, which is why say, this is bigger than israel and the palestinians. it's so potentially cataclysmic, li disastrous, that i think they are weak and study rather than the customer has a role play as well. really need to step in and, and, and help designs come up with creative solutions. and i suspect, i suspect the he's rarely is, would receive very well. and in addition to saudi arabia and others joining the ever having towards being willing to send a multinational error for us to place like does that help police that are in the transition to an independent pill? things that they are willing, i, 6 of these rallies are to contemplate a tuesday solution, is their security somehow guarantee? i think october sons compels even as earl's rivals in the region, even sex to, to, to accept that the security thing is, is, is it is
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a paranoid delusions or something real that needs to be addressed. done. kerry farmer, chief of associated press in europe, africa, and middle east. we appreciate that. thank you very much indeed. mother and also taking shelter inside of the church in northern guys as being killed by as many snipers witnesses say that one more shot in cold, cold blood at the holy family, catholic church, one was killed, were counting her elderly mother to safety. since the storage of the war, most christians have taken shelter inside churches. nailer moran, a british, m. p, has relatives that are being living inside the whole, the family parish and gaza. since the start of the war, along with most of the christians in the gaza strip, and i asked her when she last spoke to our family and we lost touch from them yesterday. it was saying that there was a columns blackout across scalds or at the moment, no internet tool, but also in the escalating violence that we've seen in and around the church they
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were to generate is they've already not watching the solar panels had been blown out in the final generation that was hit by is really forces yesterday that was a fire. and that one not just meant that there was no electricity, a tool, but also helped to pump the water around the compound. so the situation, i mean it's just been awful. obviously it's been 60 days, but they've been the swell from about a 100 people sleeping on mattresses. i'm not sure. susan's, the sunday school complex to $300.00 now. and they all terrified having on choose day seen the been collect to be a shot outside the janitor who was just entering to fix something also show the bodies were just laying the the days and since then there was a sniper, we understand that has been firing into the compound the vatican has confirmed they killed a mother and
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a daughter in this and they all just in those rooms desperately trying to survive. there's no food, there is naples and they all scared to even venture outside the door to go to the toilet. because they all scared to be killed so that that is why we are currently and we all very well read for the safety of usually as, as i'm sure any of those who have family and goals are impala. stein will generally all actually as well. let's face it, it's, it's not good for anybody, but i think that we've got an escalation here. and it just was saying, you know, this is a week before christmas. these, this is a really important time. and in the christian calendar, it makes a mockery of the suggestion that these really defense forces are keeping civilian safe space. they've done. they've been there for a long time. they've been that's the 60 days now. there was no probably warning. we don't understand why this is happening, and i would say today's ro,
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please leave that church alone. please leave my family alone. and i say to the international community, please call ultimately for the immediate si size, we need to make this destruction stop. but also to lift the eyes to the last in peace that christians are thinking about across the world. in advent, in the run up to christmas, it was military and its government say they were hunting down homeless fighters. i'm as far as you aware of who is inside that church of my family, christians, people who sold century they've been basic key the for 2 months with very few people who they don't know go in and out. and this was saying the christian community and that was done as a whole, but especially in go there is tiny they, they know each other. they what, how much tunnels underneath will come on. does that, you'd have thought that they would have come to get them before 60 days, but they've decided to wait till now and there was no least withdrawal that was new prior warning,
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as was confirmed by the back to can when they weighed in yesterday. so i don't know, no one understands why this is happening, but as far as my family are concerned, absolutely no. they have not seen high know ahead of anyone that they would understand to want to be targeted by these really defense for. ready the one we wonder, you know, we know that they've been wanting people to move. they've been trying to get them to if they've been frustrated, but civilians haven't moved. but even under international law, or if you tell people to move and they don't, they have every right to stay. you then have to do everything you can to minimize civilian casualties. and then all of this, including, you know, they reported seeing white folks for as being thrown into the compound. all of this, i will be encouraging. my family will eye witnesses to report into the international criminal court. so that when a doctors investigated that, they are part of the evidence base, christians of minority and the gaza strip. only about
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a 1000 are left in 2007 with 3000 of the christians who remained a 135 or catholics. but denominations in gaza on strict and worshippers kind of 10, several different churches. christians have lived in gaza since the 1st century, the thought to make up the oldest christian community in the world. however, i spoke to the head of the greek orthodox church, even though he says christian communities in gaza, field talk of the people. but there are research no and shows are inside the church, or the as, as i know that there are only civilian people. there are people that they lost their house, so they're asking a refuge to the tours for them all of us through as the most safe place about the the only place that they can stay because they are the houses that are
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adjust moines. i know those people that to my own community and all the neighbors of the other people that are civilians, there are no really the mob didn't come us. but uh, this is the picture that is of a different picture. they have these royalties. this is what i'm working on. here's how these ready media has been reporting on the canning of 3 is ran a captives buyers and soldiers. this is what a columnist in the hebrew language, newspaper of money reported by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, which was as simple. it says the band who was once the great wizard of his reading politics no longer has his charms. he always needs an outside enemy and imagines and to me from which the public can be frightened and to ensure salvation. the liberal publication audit says published escaping editorials, thinks, quote, one can also not learn what is emerging from the id f. that's these really defense force, these really ministry preliminary investigation,
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which is that there is insufficient discrimination between hamas fighters and civilians. when striking this time is very hostages, tragically paint the price to of the times of his real journalist david caught him . it's most of the captives and their families, no town of the added fear, that even an improbable escape from captivity might lead to their depths in such a low to unsinkable circumstances as occurred on friday morning. of the turning point in his reading media. now it is coming off the beginning of his really captives and it also follows that admission from journalists and activists. but there's really mainstream media are barely showing images of what's happening in gaza. i'm the journalist on not doing their jobs. i'm going to bring in my one the shot. i'll just as a senior political analyst, we haven't done pad a former chief of the associated press is covered the middle east and europe and an advocate of making the suggestions that the nation. yeah. who coalition is that and feels that it is, i've absolutely no option except to carry on the conflict in the way that it's going. what's your assessment of,
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of his analysis perhaps is through but doesn't make it right. a certainty that that y'all has told us from day one that this is going to be a long and painful war. and we understood also from american his regular reports that the by the administration has gotten its own report above nothing. yeah. ready having a vested interest, a person, a vista interest, and for long during the war so that he could have better political chances moving forward and continuing to be a prime minister. so it's not necessarily and is of interest for this war to continue. but it's certainly in the new i was interest for this war to be prolong, because this political criminal come what kind of mental right wants to continue to be sort of a wartime leader. bribe putting on the military fatiguing. and you know, talking about the threats against how much ends if you think about us,
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why do we see that disaster that disasters the results of his policy is not only on october 7, but even today, he continues with this logic. that's the only way we can save a day can save is very the captives. if the military means what we've seen is, are the captives failing to liberate to uh, is there a leak at that? that? is there any policies fading to liberate? is there any captives and that's only diplomacy succeeded in, in, in freeing some of them. why is the continuation of the war is actually needing to these reagan is getting, is there the captive? so his entire logic has already proven to be a big failure. and yet he persists in it because of his own illogical and personal interest. but to the more important point about nothing, you know, and what he's doing and what he wants to be awarded for. and that's the point that kind of, i take exception to,
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but not only from the ford motor associated press bureau chief. but this is a visit in general sense from anyone who's sitting instead of eve or sitting on washington orlando. nowadays, they keep talking about what's good for this rise. right? but what about what's good for the palestinians? they keep talking about is there is right to defend itself on october 7th. what about october 8th, the 9 and 11 and 12 and 13. what about november? first, 2nd, 3rd, what about december? first, 2nd, what about the last 70 days? they talk about the need now for that. so these jo, reed, join or join the brown mccord's. so as, as war crimes and guys, i should be rewarded by adverbs, normalizing the relationship with these red. that's the answer for those war crimes . not vague, but re on the joining or joining the eyebrow. mccord is kind of upset when you
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think about it, right. but if we go in this direction where to buy, what if october 7 to happen? it could happen that also from the west bank hands, the idea of the scene is something that they could never be considered. but what about for us to have freedom and dignity? i never see any defendants. why are we always thinking or vigorous? okay, so if a $1.07 was a message for these rate is that they could not couldn't be secure while they're occupying. and other people. ok, so maybe they should the occupation know what about the palestinians again, if the 7 sense that message to these areas that they're not secure, what do the last 70 days send the message about the kind of thing is that they are secure. that they can trust these right is with their security that i mean want in the world come to us, the username is with better streaming security. when we can see almost 20002,
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tens of thousands of casualties including small, the 7000 children and, and tire, civic and civil infrastructure of a 2000000 people destroyed. so can we actually trust these raiders with, by this thing in the future? can we trust them with the westbound future? we see what the settlers are doing. they in the out for the so many years illegally occupied by the senior land speeding for the senior lat attacking palestinian houses receive these are in the autumn you're holding every single stripy and refuge account in the west bank. well, and as always, thank you very much. indeed, and one of the shadow, we appreciate that this is where the forces have killed 6 potter stadiums. and when i advise in the occupied westbank, the latest operation took place. and you have a refugee camping to hold on. neighbors say dozens of israeli vehicles, stalling the refugee camp that accompanied by as many bulldozers that we used to destroy roads and other infrastructure, charles drivers into them and the doctor by westbank for one of the ways to place
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this is one of the strikes sites i will show you around if not of the camera, just pants down here. this is interesting. this is one of the strikes sites from a project called it was launched from above from a drawer. and as you can see, pretty low impact in terms of the destruction on the ground. but these devices are absolutely so because it's not opens round and you have a goal here. you can see that this is absolutely shredded with shrapnel and these tiny bul bearings. so if you come around and have a look here as well, you can see where some of these of, of literally present penetrated to steel and, and gone through. now there was 3 people killed during this strike, according to locals. they're saying the 1st, the 1st project trial hits and they were a couple of members of the arm resistance that were here. we understand that one was immediately killed. another one was seriously injured. um,
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i'm speaking to the gentleman who owns this house. it was saying that he heard a knock on the tool, which was by one of these injured members of the, the, on resistance. you can see the plot hit on on the floor. now according to the owner of the house, his song came up the stairs from which there was still blogs, a timeout, the says to all, and so the tool and as he opened the door, there was a 2nd strike. and that 2nd strike killed his son. now the son is around 30 years old and he has 4 children. and as you can see, family members, friends, members of the community on now waiting for the body to be brought from the hospital so that you can pay that last respects before he is taken to be batteries. but yeah,
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this was one of at least 2 strikes we understand using is ready drugs now to come this refugee camp as long fitness center for the resistance. and of course, the army assistance is considered a legitimate form of resistance by the many thousands of people that live here and brought the way across palestine, resistance against the occupying power of that being israel. but there are around about 17000 people living these can. and they all facing rates like this pretty much every day. the roads not fall from here. it's been completely dug up by one of these is riley on both of those. is there a number of businesses as well that we've seen that what we're role? so here we don't have numbers of those that were arrested. but as i say this is happening on a daily basis. now it's time for the weather and here's kind of hello, that heavy rain is dominating across the south of south asia. and you can see the dentist cloud showing where the full is all going to be heaviest over the next few days. so southern areas of india, we have
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a one who's out the thunder storms for places like carol as well as tom will not do . but more rain pours into sri lanka at the start of the week. that rain, stretching across into them all these bringing some gusty winds with it for the north of this much will settle to pick just some cloud across from the southern areas, but up in the north, driest guys, but still some issues with folks for the northeastern watches out there and folk remains an issue as of a smoke from new delhi with the quality rob it has it, as well as the sunshine, of course, of much of pockets on some slight improvement to, to the quality for the whole 18 degrees celsius that on choose day as we move across the east asia, more and the way of sunshine across the north, but still bitterly cold. the beijing, it is also cold in shanghai, but not as cold. we'll see the arrival of wet weather with a wintry edge monday in to choose a wintry weather as well dominating across a much of japan. but a tons of a so gave for the solve. you can see that heavy rain pushing across into southern
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parts of japan. by the time we get to choose day in terms of temperatures, some improvement for sol by tuesday. a homecoming base shipping company suspended his activity to and from israel, that's after vessels and the red sea came under attack from hookey fights as in yemen who he said they're going to continue their attacks. if israel doesn't stop as war on guys up there until it is starting to have far reaching consequences, not just for israel, but globally satisfied and report somebody is ready for the city of hyphen sirens found across the city. if i stalled his own dime successfully in to set time us miss solves weeks off to the wrong cause and stall are stalled is one of his rows main ports and also the one closest to the strip it's vulnerable to attacks and has been forced to divert some of its shipments, the bulk of them have been sent to haifa, one of the safest sport cities in israel say, fall,
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13000000 tons of call go including oil roll materials and grain already passed through. it's annually. but this has come to cost, spark plugs and rerouting of cargo have created big delays and raised insurance premiums, as well as being a tax on multiple fronts. not just from the gaza strip him us, but also from further along the coast on the boat with london on by the uranium box group has well, it's even more consenting by the host. the rebels firing long range missiles and drugs towards the port city of a lot. uranium by group controls much of northern human for weeks they've targeted ships and the red sea they believe have links with these ro, or all headed is reports. and because the red sea is one of the world's most important shipping routes, the fact has been huge to it's cool as an 80 percent drop in shipping activity at a lots insurance price is on call. go heading to israel, have risen by 300 percent. and with around 12 percent of global trade posting
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through the red sea, it has regional and global implications. experts say costs of shipping goods already rising. and several major shipping companies have pulled the ships from the red sea altogether, raising cost and lengthening delivery times. it's no longer a threat against is right. it's a get, it's an international problem because they are hitting the boats and ships which have nothing to do with this. right. and there is another point. there is a running and have is too small to deal and long with the threats. us says it's working with maritime forces to both the security in the region. a reminder that is roseville wrong garza is making its impact felt far beyond the middle east. so at a height of ologist era, haifa, victoria, which was a matter of time on those from control risk. it's
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a global specialist risk consultancy. she's joining us live from saddam thanks very much indeed for being with us. i'm just giving an indication of how important this route is for shipping. yeah, absolutely. say thank you for an invitation and the read. so you get is a critical maritime rate together with the bob. as he's mentioned in your piece that a 12 sided of global trade costs through the red sea, and that is across best types. so we're talking about container, i've called a general call. good grain. uh, oil coiled products. what you've, what comes into the shops, what goes into this hand corner that will pass through the resi. i know that in the specific regions such as this one around the world, the piracy has always been immune an issue. and i know that some ships usually carry some sort of protection on a normal circumstances. what kind of protection would ships you having that will
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vary depending on the best type of decision of any upgrade. so here's the troubleshooting these waters. but uh, vessels may lack 2 adult popping matches consistent with advising advisory for the waters. some vessels named bach on security teens. up suddenly, it isn't a one second side space full clocks to the waters of the region. what's going to be the impact of on trading costs of ships are unable to use this route. so currently we are not seeing a complete shut down by any means off the red sea rate. the implications currently very much the of the individual operates and level. what is important highlight is the consent for the see 1st themselves who actually transporting the goods, who are new to i say, nebraska blown this rate. that has been a concern highlighted by several of the upgrade cuz he was elected to pose that
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shipments in the current circumstances. so we're seeing statements for virus linus hoops that they would like they, they tried to pause and take some of the situation in the coming days. but what we're also seeing is one of the major concerns is around the insurance premium. so this is something which will push costs, and these will be passed along to change. as you mentioned in a piece that is the cost of going up at listerine stuff in some cases, but across the board will risk premiums will increase cost for braces. and we'll also see increased costs and also delays why vessels reroute so wrong taking the red c suez canal trends that we're using instead the old high to this, to sail around the coast of africa. and that would be the alternative for, i know a for any asia, your trade that will add days,
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days to any transit will require additional pools in our car. additional few and additional costs in both of these will add into the cost of any shipments on trades . never know that the us defense secretary is in the process of trying to hold discussions about unexpended naval force for protection of shipping. what difference is not likely to make to, to shippers that are going using this route? the current in the details regarding the postal broadening all the maple products in the region on klan said we wouldn't be able to state exactly what the difference will be by any expansion over the bank of naval assets in the region. but what we can say is that the name of forces have demonstrated across t 2 a 6 to render assistance, and to help festivals who are using this free. and that will be content that will
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continue on any brewed name of the number s as in the region. the number of monitoring surveillance, for example, will assist vessels continuing to use the cus, betsy. great. victoria metro from control risk. so we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed. thank you. but it's called a minister david cameron, and his german officer have number and a bell book. i've called for a sustainable and see spar and gossip, but they stopped short of calling for an immediate end to the violence. they've added that they do not believe calling for the general and immediate so as far as the way forward parent roads enjoyed talking to you guys sunday times. and it's, they say we must do all we can to paved the way to a sustainable seas far leading to a sustainable piece. as you know, it comes the better, the need is urgent. israel has the right to defend itself, but in doing so, i must abide by international humanitarian law. israel will not win this war if it's operation is destroyed. the prospect of peaceful coexistence with palestinians . too many civilians are being killed. is there any government should do more to
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discriminate sufficiently between terrorist and civilian censuring is campaigned targets, homeless leaders and offers hips. we're going to go live to sign your vehicle, who's in london for us. so is this really very different to what the governments have been saying before? some as well, it would really indicate more a subtle shift in tone rather than in substance. i mean, extensively we're, we're looking at this at a toria. we are seeing very much the same points that have already been mentioned by the prime minister wishes to not where they have given the reasons why the british government does not support a ceasefire right now. they facing the british government that the time is not right for this cease fire. however, they say that given the circumstances and the anguish that all those have seen and in terms of the civilian casualties that they understand that they recognize why all those would be cooling for that cease fire and baffled. i say this is
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a reason why nothing can be done right now, that something has to be done. and that includes that 3 point plan, which they say that 1st a full list that israel does have the right to defend itself. the 2nd point being that more humanitarian aid is urgently needed in gaza. and that the fed point, of course, is that that still needs to speak to apply. i'm looking forward towards the establishment of a 2 state solution. and part of that also echo is what has been coming out of washington dc as well with the, the, with president. so terabyte and also showing his on is that what he said was the indiscriminate bombing of, of the targets in gauze there as well. and how that is actually a, in a thing is around, in terms of international support. now, with that given with the voice is out of d. c and london, both echoing this sense. it is in stark contrast to what has been coming out from benjamin. yes. and you know who, who is a kind,
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where do you establish that the 2 state solution for him is not something that he is pursuing as he is seeking a to, for israel to exact total security control over garza. and this is something that is worrying allies in the west as well because fundamentally what by ebony, applying for is really a full the 2 state solution that there was no other solution in this other than this, i'm not the, is move functioning as a sense of pressure towards israel to move towards that position of looking forward to a 2 state solution. i know, continuing with that immensely divisive rhetoric that he has been pursuing at this moment. so you go in london. thank you. the affairs are going down to the people in gauze. i may not survive the worsening conditions as bombardment as far as many to leave their homes and take refuge in you and run shelters, image and temper reports. up to how do you say don and honey,
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maurice are displaced from the shoes, a neighborhood in northern garza who were displaced in 1948 from the out to me area. and jessica, but we used to live now we had just placed again in gauze. my house was destroyed by and is there any striking value to $3000000.00? we lost the home and i'll forward too many lead palestinians have been to multiple displacements on who's which can cause deep psychological tumor. we living this opens old wins in the state. so i'm being experienced and i can 56 school the tripod had a question on egypt. i also witnessed mexico and not in 6 to 7 and the not to 7 to 3 will. but i haven't seen anything more horrific. and the current more in 2023 destruction is everywhere. evacuation on the bones is difficult for anyone, but particularly tough on the elderly as most kind of move quickly and may need
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assistance working like, oh, honey met each once in the you and shelters like the still very hard. and i am here in the camp. you can't find basic food, there's no drinking water, nothing. go into the bathrooms there. i'm fit for human use. i'm 71. and why can't, even though i don't want to, because i need to live without sanitation and clean water, the risk of getting sick and the shelters is high for an elderly person, simple illness like a bunch of diarrhea can be very dangerous. we're getting an already frail body. the lack of medicines is also extremely poor. domestic. more than 50 percent of older people have some kind of long term prescription from heart diseases to diabetes with the blockade. these drugs and notes available, putting people at the risk, the type seeds combined with the compartment and the displacement, and also the set sign that the conditions in the shelter are the perfect storm if
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you wish for more older people to, to get sick. and i think it is a matter of time, but we will start seeing older people dying as dx. the result of the sage index, the result of the conflict affordable around $500.00, a chunk entering goal is that every day? no, it's roughly $100.00 until the aid returns the bombing stops and people are able to leave shelters. everyone remains at risk, but the variable sectors of society and garza are in acute danger. image in cuba, which is 0. so head and i'll just say that the form that i made of kuwait is very to the private side of many in me i should not fall on my desk. somebody has died at the age of 56, the
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the, the i'm then that's the my yeah, lovely thought about left hands on the left again, left the shuttle. but it's my go ahead and as if i come in. and so in the mood,
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i was looking for the the floods tons of some of the news now in kuwait and me a says no of all my da, somebody who died on saturday has been buried a certain money. encourage said he was restricted to members of the ruling family check now off, going to wait for the past 3 years. this house brother 83 year old conference, checked me shallow. on my desktop, it has been named as a successor. the country has entered 40 days of morning. awesome. the bank has multiple college sitting on the future of the monitoring to check new offers. but as above was known as the humble means and so was his funeral. it was held at this musk that he built from funds he donated it was just to meet his away from his
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house. and his burial sermon is also considered humble. but now the talk is it back to the success of, amid michelle, but not only about his successor, but who his successes were the point of the id. now, according to the constitution, he has one year to do that. from the moment he switched over and pauses. now, when he chooses a, it has to be taken to parliament and has to get 2 thirds majority. not if that doesn't happen, he gets to choose 3 names. those 3 names go to us, parliament on parliament has to vote for one of those names that people who are looking for the new generation is looking for a young person. checking shell is 83. people don't expect a major change in regional or domestic policy. although shifting the wife was known for using the domestic political scene by giving i'm just the 2 political dissidents. something the opposition really wanted that quake is very unique and its constitution and how it works with the monarchy and pauses meant the parliament
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to you routinely criticizes the monarchy and the parliament at least many of those members are elected through elections. that's very unique here in the region, but great has always played considered. remember in the region it wants to bring countries close that together. it wants to be a friend to everybody and a full to non i started big or does 0 great city. this migration agency says more than 60 migrants, i presume data also an accident of libby has coast about believe to have had high waves out of setting off from the water in northwest olivia. the international organization for migration says more than 2200 people have died this year. across the mediterranean sea for fighting between the sudanese army on the part of military rabbits of old forces has reached the central city of wad madonna. thousands of people are being forced on your homes. i need to refuge in the city after violence broke housing sedans. capitol cartoon said in his doctors union is
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wanting that hospitals are running out of supplies and may have to close more than 12000 people have been killed and 5000000 have been forced from their homes. since the start of the conflict. at least one person has been killed in the russian drones striking the southern ukrainian region of odessa. the earlier you currently mythology is released from the age of what they say was of washington from an attack on a hospital in the eastern castle region. a doctor was injured in the hospital of his damaged, most was denied targeting civilian infrastructure the sub units of voting impala mensray and local elections, polish president, alexander of which is right wing savvy and progressive party is hoping to extend its decade in power. a centralized coalition savvy against violence is expected to
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manage the biggest challenge. the government faced protests of a mass shoots in this area this year. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes reporting all the stores. no madison state. the thought provoking ons, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for the extremely unfortunate script. there are no quick wins and eventually some odd hitting interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think that democracy is a process basically, entities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i assume there is a huge piece of that to happen to the story on told to how does era using music and as a form of resistance during the boss and you're in the ninety's actress. i mean, the most interesting for children and sorry about each for many,
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both means it is very easy to empathize with the people of god. less than a month ago was changed to performance and we quoted pain and cut out. i felt not just duty, but an enormous desire to raise awareness about toward garza. either both the enact or is joined an initiative by the after theater. a non profit, public opinion, ensemble base and come out of luck. as the people who survived on the side who survived the siege will survive the aggression. i think that although a gauge and to be the people will always be the 1st for a 0 voice stands in front of the saturday of a city hall, a well known monuments burns down into war. it's been renovated just like the rest of the city, but this cool, logical scars of the war are still visible here. the latest news, as it breaks off lights 40, was found down the hill and the only grove being shot in the chest. we detail
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coverage telling you this was where causes palestinians fled to now is ready. tanks of pushed into the hall of southern causes main cities to see this gen and as a great amount of people crowded in very slow areas and without any wider. and the last be has no, you mean the syrian a s o, the the rising pressure, and is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu devices get a load or to end the war on gaza and protests at home for the release of captives the robot. this and, and this is all just human life and go home also coming up funds calls for immediate and jewel choices. one of the phone administrator officials dies in and


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