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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 17, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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to now is ready tanks of pushed into the hearts of southern causes, main cities to see this gen. it is a great amount of people crowded in very small areas and without any wider. and the last b has no humanitarian. a s o the the rising pressure and is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu devices get a load or to and the water, gaza, and process of the phone for the release of captives the know about this. and this is all just live in life and go home also coming up. funds calls for immediate and jubal truths is one of the foreign ministry officials dies and, and is really as striking, southern gaza nice demonstrations and kind of have a securing of 3 chaps expires,
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really sold as sugars, anger, and calls for more prisoner exchanges and a desperate struggle for ages and rough across anything from chase songs to get the is there any problem of this? have benjamin netanyahu is under intense pressure at home and abroad about his war on gaza. fonts has called for an immediate and beautiful tru, soft to the kenning of one of its employees. and then there's really as strike and rafa on wasn't state funds as foreign minister has been meeting is really off. is that number instead of a, a g century to many civilian circles, we've been saying it's for weeks now. and i recall that the 1st truth minutes to free hostages administer bring aiden to the gaza strip and evacuated the wounded for a new humanitarian truth that will leads to seize fire. savannah, as well as joining us from tel aviv so impressed international pressure on nothing
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. yahoo! the french not demanding an immediate and durable, choose funding portion full from all sites on the net and yahoo! and he's taking the opportunity ahead of a cabinet meeting to uh detail the contents of a lot to receive from families of some of the some of the families of soldiers have been killed in guardsman, not likes it. he said that the families owed him not supposed, until old goals have been achieved. he said, do you have a monday to fight? you did not have a monday to stop in the middle and it was not left. so that really was able to demonstrate the conflicting pull, the conflicting opinions that are the number on how he's prosecuting the world. and the fluids and measurements we hold on to the will of the full and is what guides us. we will fight to the end and we will achieve our objectives, eliminating him us releasing all the hostages and ensuring that cause it will not
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again become the center of tara incitement against the state of israel and attacks against the state of israel. but most of the pressure on the m, yahoo is coming from the relatives of the captives still in gauze. and no pressure has been mounting since the reports of the accidental killings of free captives by 2 is riley soldiers, even though those captives, one of them was waving a white flag. since then, we now know that israel seems to be in saying that it might be looking at expanding or looking at a way to start negotiations again with the very sphere, frustration, and mounting on your head amongst the relatives of the captives still held by how much every day that passes danger through their lives. i was there. my daughter was there. do not depend into hostages. we must ask no, as
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a deal is required today. bring them all. wow. the accidental killing of 3 captives by israel to military shops, the country, the man emerged from a building in northern gauze, or waving a white flag according to a preliminary military investigation. the 2 soldiers still open fire, figuring it was a trump that's against protocol. the military also says the scenario itself of hostages. walking around in the bottles zone was never taken into account to validate the live prime minister. benjamin netanyahu said the killing of the captives broke his heart. the nation sought, but he defended the military's prosecution of the war. against thomas, the 5th, we will learn and apply the lessons with all deep. so i want to make it clear, the military pressure is necessary both for the return of the tease and for achieving victory over our enemy. without the military pressure,
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we would not have been able to create a deal to release more than $100.00 hostages, and only further military pressure will lead to the return of all our hostages. the killing of the 3 captives seems to force the war cabinet to see if it can reach a new deal with how much earlier then it had wanted to the head of my side on cast as prime minister met in york on friday evening. according to security, so $600.00 gyptian security. so as i say these really seem to be more willing to work towards the sea spot and an exchange of prisoners, israel's war cabinets, and wanted to wait until the military. but we can time us before we start from negotiations, but those plans have had to change. good smith, i'm just telling me there's been a scar before i did that off across in between garza and egypt. the cost is the only entry point for 8 in to guys at the moment you and the size hunger levels across the strip of spirals in recent days. so communications and you also have the
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damage and this isn't complicated to monitor an operations. israel's war, his force, maybe all the guys as population from the homes of this month is really ami. publish a map, dividing garza into zones, telling palestinians where what it called safe evacuation. it is well acquainted, more than 85 percent of guys has people that displaced most on living in conditions in the side of and in central gaza is where the air strikes have killed hundreds of people. now, tens of thousands of people moving further side of into as off of nets become most densely populated area in the strip. the u. n says on average, more than 12 fighters and the palestinians are crammed into one square kilometer of loan. israel is also designated a part of the all mo i saw, we turned in the size of a so called safe space. that's a 6 and a half square kilometer bottom stretch of sandy to rain. it's good, no shelters or healthcare facilities. we're going across to the topic i was in a rougher in southern garza tonic. let's talk about the trucks and the pictures
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that we saw of them crossing over from egypt as rafa in into a guy. so we saw people, crowds of people converging on the trucks. an indication perhaps, of the desperation that people are feeling just to get some sort of aid. uh uh yes, wrong uh what you have seen uh, throughout the video that have you released the regarding people gathering around 8 trucks in order to take a very limited number of humanitarian aid is one of the main. often not that had been resulted from the is really a brushing and at it for us it to use against the citizens. of course, the territory where those people have been going through very drastic day since the beginning of this found a fighting where they were firstly evicted from the houses they'd be that they had being financially broken, suffering to get access to clean water services and to get enough amount of fluids in order to feed the children and to survive as well. so at, and adding to that,
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that slowed me. conventions of a distribution adopted by the united nations due to the cramming and the mounting number of evacuees in the southern parts of the gaza strip, where the population had been sharply rising in the, in the southern areas. and a very important you mentioned that within the few weeks of the who that new human to turn 8 had been entered. the territory as baseball continues to black out completely for city from the gaza strip and also known rick. so finally, things have been allowed to him to the entry of a limited number of the human infinity troops and the majority of humanitarian chromeboys that had entered the territories since the initial days of the who considered to be a trip in the ocean. in comparison with the needs of the gaza strip and now with the new making isn't stuck as well as trying to promote and coordination with regional mcgee to the one to, to increase the number of the humanitarian troops. but it must be subjected to security minute to a check and which can also extend the duration of
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a humanitarian entry as palestinians are mainly depending on this age. to survive on, the intense is very bottom exec completely destroyed everything in gaza. i mean, miles out of your po, space, really been bomb and have guys a continues a yes roll definitely at was another difficult, unplug the dates for gods and squared. the attacks had been intensified in the northern and southern parts of gauze were con eunice. this time had been on is very intense. a balmy's work, an attack against one of the uh you on run filters had been carried up earlier today we're does as the palestinians have been injured. and i've had now we school which had be turned into shields or for the majority of the factories pro, from the eastern area of calling you to. similarly, the situation is in the northern parts square, it has been on that is very intense, plumbing words about your refuge account. this time had been head square. more than
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20 palestinians have for repeated killed every day. more palestinians are being killed. the attacks had been increased no safe areas knowing the south or in the north, and even even like to meet your shoulders or hospitals target. thank you very much indeed. talk about them in rough still ahead on. i'll just say that by the 6th palestinians are killed and there's where the army rates and the occupied west bank . and the form that i made of coins is betty did a private setting. and me a shaking all of a month or somebody died at the age of a to service. the had a load, a heavy rain is dominating across the south of south asia. and you can see the dens cloud showing where the falls all going to be heaviest, over the next few days. so southern areas of india, we have
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a warning se thunderstorms for places like carola, as well as tom will not do what more rain it pulls into sri lanka at the start of the week. that rain stretching across into the mall. these bring some gusty winds with it for the north of this much more successful to pick just some cloud across most southern areas. but up in the north, driest guys, but still some issues with folk for the northeast and what watches out there. and folk remains an issue as the smoke from new delhi, with the quality rather hazardous lots of sunshine across a much of pockets on some slight improvement a to the air quality for the whole 18 degrees celsius that on choose day, as it will have a close to east asia, more in the way of sunshine, across the north, but still bitterly cold. the beijing is also cold in shanghai, but not as cold. we'll see the arrival of wet weather with a wintry edge monday into choose day wintry weather as well dominating across much of japan. but of tons on the soaking for the south. you can see that heavy rain pushing across into southern parts of japan. by the time we get to choose day in
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terms of temperatures, some improvement for sol by tuesday. the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just say to remind you of our top stories. this are francis call for immediate and jude about sourcing johnson following the killing of one of his staff members in this trip. it was killed in an air strike and the southern city of ruffled what is really a tax of intensifying. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu was facing more pressure from the families of those still being held captive in gaza, pharmacy accidental killing. the 3 captains 5 is really neutral. crowds of scramble to get age are the rough across in between jobs and chips. you and the says congo has filed across the strip in recent days. can i bring in my one bush on it? i'll just do it as a senior political analyst as talk about the situation that benjamin netanyahu was finding himself. and at the moment, 8,
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it would be easy to assume that there is growing pressure inside and out on benjamin netanyahu. but the question of course is how much is he actually willing to respond to that? we are hearing. there is a possibility of negotiations or an exploration of possible negotiations by the, the, the head of most and what's your take on all of this? what's your assessment of what's going on? well, let's start with the beginning. good. we have a 5 minister. the longest serving prime minister and his friends, benjamin. nothing. you know, he was indicted on a number of corruption charges. he's basically a political criminal. come more criminal, but he's certainly persistent. he's a seasoned politician of political animal, a sort and he's not easily swayed. he's also supported by the most fanatical and the most precious thick coalition is history
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and him and his a fascist coalition remained persistent about this war and its goals which is basically destroyed in gaza. and if you think i'm us, the story and guys undefeated come us. go from the outset, the prime minister and his president. mr. hatch. org and his defense minister, mr. girl on made it clear that there is incent behind the curtains behind the genocide. the end fence was that there are no innocence and guys of the people guys are political animals. that should be slapped with collective punishment to be starting to be denied electricity to be denied fuels, to be denied medicine and so on. so forth. i for the past 10 weeks, nothing. yeah. whole and the war i guess gaza bisset may think it. and now he is insistent that it's for probably 50 to 3 months, more of the same, of the se,
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basically runs, i didn't get on livable the americans as one, as the british and the germans are urging him not to take 3 months, 2 months, but to take 2 weeks, 3 weeks of what of the same. so let's don't be mistaken about the west and position here. the german british and american position has been for the past 10 weeks, compressed it in the war crimes in garza penny on condition that is still forced to have nothing now. and now the change of heart is not a change of position. there's simply awesome game not to make that genocide look so vulgar, not to make it so embarrassing to that public opinion. they wanted to be tied the are a bit more attractive to their public opinion hensley asking him to phase out of this intensive bombing of guys up to something
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a bit more discriminated. which begs the question, why were they supporting 10 weeks of indiscriminate the bombing in the works of the american person in disagreement, the but why would western leaders until today and moving forward, continuing to support nothing, you know, in the in discriminant, the submission of guys all hands, nothing new hawaii coming under some acrobatic verbal pressure of some sort, but he's not coming up and you're really pressure whatsoever. because, and i just finished with that, the americans continued to supply him with weapons. they complete the support to supply him with money. and they can continue to supply him with political shields in closing at the united nations. and what to ask about the pictures we've seen of, of a trucks going into guys and through the off, across. and we've been talking for a long time about that they didn't credible prices and frustrations and risks to
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health that people in gosh, are, are facing because of the bombardment, but also because of the destination of the infrastructure. and is an argument for saying that the pictures that we're seeing where people are being rushing towards these trucks desperate to get hold of that phase is an indication of just the kind of of desperation that people are facing. it is incredible on president it in recent modern times for people to be subjective to that kind of a war crimes, to the cop, to that collective punishment. the guys has been subject to to we friends in washington reports, comparisons been made. which 2nd world war allied bombing of german cities over 2 years with german, nazi bombings of british cities over 2 years. and that doesn't even begin to compare with these randy bombing of kaiser,
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and that is all has been the total destruction of the civil infrastructure for to point to $2300000.00 palestinians, which means we're not just talking about start of asia now. we're not just talking about the lack of medical treatments, we're starting to talk about diseases. and we just want to stop talking about disease. and the people that crammed into the most in portable been city and refugee camps was no infrastructure whatsoever. we are talking about nice not as of now, and this isn't going to continue for another one or 2 weeks or 2 months. this is going to mean renewed in any ation of guidance on until or unless they run for a better life either to them and the pregnancy or across the border. which side i took to egypt, which means ethnic cleansing, which was the original objective of this nothing the whole government,
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the estimate kilograms, inc, or guys. so now we are between basically 2 nightmares. one nightmare is the thought of breakdown of the entire possibility of life in gaza or mass ethnic cleansing. and once again, the government is doing the evil work, but it is today and moving forward supported the vice major western powers. this is a dark moment in modern history because those are democracies, they as of the people, that means the people are just as responsible because that's all remember, this whole thing started by these really, they're saying that oregon is responsible. what, how much did that looked over 7?
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which means the other side of the point is that is right and is re lease auto responsible for what happened since october 7th, meaning the war crimes ended genocide, which also means that the worst on public opinion that worse than for pure nations that that there governments are supporting this genocide, are also complicit in the work crimes and garza and bush auto. thank you very much . indeed. i'm other endorsement taking shelter inside of the church in northern jobs have been killed by is ready servers. witnesses say the women were shouting, cold, cold blood at the holy family, catholic church, one was killed while counting or out of the mother to safety, says hassan to the war. most christians have taken shelter in science churches. lot more on the british, m. p has relatives that have been living inside the whole, the family parish of jobs since the start of the war, along with most of the questions and the gaza strip that we lost had from them yesterday, it was saying that there was
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a columns blackout across scalds with the movement, no internet tool, but also in the escalating violence that we've seen in and around the church. they were to generate to zillow already not working. the solar panels had been blowing out in the final generation. it was hit by is really forces. yesterday there was a fire and that one not just meant that there was no electricity a tool, but also helped to pump the water around the compound. so the situation, i mean it's just been awful. obviously it's been 60 days that they've been the swelled from about a 100 people sleeping on mattresses. i'm not just isn't the sunday school complex to 300 now. and they are terrified having on choose day seen the been collect to be a short outside the janitor who was just entering to fix something also shop the bodies were just laying the the days and since then there was a sniper, we understand that has been firing into the compound the vatican has confirmed
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they've killed a mother and a daughter in this and they all just in those rooms desperately trying to survive. there's no food, there is naples, and they all scare to even venture outside the door to go to the toilet. because they all scared to be killed so that that is why we are currently and we all very well read for the safety of usually as, as i'm sure any of those who have family and goals are in palestine will generally all actually as well. let's face it, it's, it's not good for anybody, but i think that we've got an escalation here and it's just what saying, you know, this is a week before christmas. so christians are a minority and the gaza strip. only about 800 the left in 2007. there were 3000 of the christians who remained a 135 of catholics. button to nominations and gaza on strict and worshippers kind of 10 to several different churches. christians have lived in gaza since the 1st
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century, the thought to make up the oldest christian community in the world. are we spoken to the head of the greek orthodox church, even though he says christian communities in gaza, photography of the people, but there are refuge? no, i'm chosen inside the church or the as, as i know that they are the only civilian people. there are people that they lost their house. so they're asking a refuge to the church. the oldest of it as the most safe way. ready but i'm the only place that they can stay because they are the house is there are a just mind letting all those people back to my own community and all the neighbors of the other people that are civilians. there are
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no really the mob didn't come us. but i mean, this is the picture of us is of a different picture. they have these little is, this was the thing. is there any forces have killed 6 palestinians and overnight raising the occupied west bank? the latest operation took place, they have a refugee camp and to hold on. neighbors say dozens of is really vehicle stalling the refugee camps. i bought a company by is where the bulldozers that we use to destroy roads and other infrastructure. charles drivers in to have them in the occupied westbank for one of the rates took place. a. this is one of the strikes sites um, we'll show you around if not of the camera, just pants down here. this is interesting. this is one of the strikes sites from a project called it was launched from above from a drug. and as you can see, pretty low impact in terms of the destruction on the ground. but these devices are absolutely so because it's not opens round and you have
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a look at the whole here. you can see that this is absolutely shredded with shrapnel and these tiny bul bearings. so if you come around and have a look here as well, you can see where some of these of, of literally present penetrated to steel and, and gone through. now there was 3 people killed during this strike, according to locals. they're saying the 1st, the 1st project trial hit and they were a couple of members of the arm resistance that were a hit. we understand that one was immediately killed. another one was seriously injured. and speaking to the gentleman who owns this house, it was saying that he heard a knock on the tool, which was by one of these injured members of the old resistance. you can see the plot hit on on the floor. now, according to the owner of the house, his son came up the stairs from which there was still blogs and came up the stairs to all and so the door. and as he opened the door,
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there was a 2nd strike. and that 2nd strike killed his son. now the son is around 30 years old and he has 4 children. and as you can see, family members, friends, members of the community all now waiting for the body to be brought from the hospital so that you can pay the law suspects before he is taken to the batteries. but yeah, this was one of at least 2 strikes we understand using is ready drugs now to cut them this way for you to kansas long fitness center for the resistance. and of course, the armor assistance is considered a legitimate form of resistance by the many thousands of people that live here and brought the way across palestine, resistance against the occupying power of that being israel. but there are around
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about 17000 people living these can. and they all facing rates like this pretty much every day. the roads not fall from here. it's been completely dug up by one of these is riley on both of those. is there a number of businesses as well that we've seen that what we're role? so here we don't have numbers of those that were arrested. but as i say, this is happening on a daily basis now. hung on base shipping, company suspended is activity to and from israel that's off to vessels in the red sea came under attack from who the fights as in yemen, who few say they'll continue their attacks. if israel doesn't stop, it's war on garza under tim. it is a started to how far reaching consequences, not just for israel globally sort of hide on the report. somebody is early port city of hyphen the sirens found across the city. if i stalled his own dime successfully into set thomas miss solves weeks off to the wrong cause and stuff i spelled is one of his roles, main quotes,
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and also the one closest to the strip. it's vulnerable to attacks and has been forced to divert some of its shipments. the bulk of them have been sent to haifa, one of the safest port cities in israel say fall, 13000000 tons of call go including oil roll materials and grain already passed through. it's annually, but this has come to cost backlogs, rerouting of cargo have created big delays and raised insurance premiums, as well as being a tax on multiple fronts. not just from the gaza strip, fly him us, but also from further along the coast on the boards with lebanon on by the uranium bytes group has. well, it's even more concerning by the host, the rebels firing long range missiles and drones towards the pool. since you have a lot uranium by group controls much of northern human for weeks they've targeted ships in the red sea. they believe have links with these road or all headed is
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reports. because the red sea is one of the world's most important shipping routes. the fact has been huge to it's cool as an 80 percent drop in shipping activity at a lots insurance price is on call. go heading to israel, have risen by 300 percent, and with around 12 percent of global trade posting through the red sea, it has regional and global implications. experts say costs of shipping goods already rising and several major shipping companies have pulled the ships from the red sea altogether, raising cost and lengthening delivery times. it's no longer a threat. the guest is right. it's a get, it's an international problem because they are hitting the boats and ships which have nothing to do with this. right. and there is another point,


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