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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 17, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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the most of the problem with the, the, the, of the deluxe of a rom, and the, what female does it renews online for my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes of 2 weeks of devastation, gaza pressure around stuff on israel. and the road from prime minister full prime minister benjamin netanyahu to institute the ceasefire. and is really as strong kits the residential block in northern gauze that kind of at least 20 people and injuring 100 office, the
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explosions on guns by a code to out cause a city with fist fighting in a road residential neighborhoods. since desperation moves fully, millions to inside the gauze and strip 8 agencies say at least half the population is no stopping the welcome to the news. it's just past $1600.00, gmc, about 6 o'clock in the evening in gaza. but as well as continuing its relentless bombardment of the street, after more than 10 weeks of strikes and the 18700 palestinians killed, is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing intense pressure of his will on gauze of friends has become the latest country to cool for them, egypt truce, and his ratings are increasing the angry after the military announced at mistaken,
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we killed 3 captives in garza, they were carrying white flags. thing dogs, a city when they was shot by is very false. this is where the ad rates continued to be carried out with high intensity across the strip. at least 20 people have been killed in a strike on the jamalia refugee come to the knolls. and the humanitarian situation is getting increasingly dia at the foot board of crossing with egypt. people of being seen scrambling to grab the aid of the trucks, coming into gauze. the crossing is the main route, full relief supplies, the you and report the shopping crease that hung up across the gaza strip. let's go say that to time it covers the i'm a correspondent in a southern gauze. so let's just begin with the problems of the is really a tax, the ongoing bombardment, especially at jabante, a refugee camp, which is be the focal point over the 60 days. yes, this refugee camp in fact,
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had been on the east ready tents plumbing since the early days off confrontations on the ground and the number on the northern parts of the territory where one of the latest is very strikes and that region has claimed the lives of more than 20 palestinians were also a number of residents have been critically injured and they have been transported to the hospitals in the northern part, which is already overwhelmed with patients. and also with refugees who are taking shelter inside the attacks that not only continued in the, in the notes report, but it's also extend it to reach the central areas of gauze and city. we're more than 50 palestinians have to report it killed in separate strikes since the hours of today is morning. similarly, the situation in the north and the center is taking place, a place in the south where hon. eunice had been the focus of is very military attacks during the hours of today's morning were moved on the 20 palestinians have for reported killed in the area of cause
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a autonomy. this medical facilities under intense pressure. and again, a lot of focus on the come, i'll add one the hospital, and i know those in the region a yes of a situation, the absolutely catastrophic well medical team since the early days of the fighting, the tirelessly providing a treatment of patients suffer wounds of people, and despite being on the is rarely tense plumbing vicki per binding to treatment. but the what makes the situation that is much more difficult is the, is very upset as what happened it previously. and that's an issue. and then you nation hospital. now the situation has been, i've done it took place and i have to repeat this. i text that it carries out a games come on at one hospital where the director has been arrested. uninvolved departments have been ruined by the military. and these by the force of today you had open fire against the me to come work as, as the, was supposed to be healed up a press conference for the past 3 minutes. triples what,
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which had been cancelled do today is verify us which accident because it, it to be a new violation against the medical team worked in that place which gives police slowing. how did your ration had been happening in the area as these body forces expanding their attacks and military arrest campaigns against the residents in the valley? a refugee camp. of course we being the seeing very disturbing pictures of the needs of gallstones as age comes in through the rough. uh, uh for that is probably needed a for the desperation is also very high. the yes, rough uh the the, the dress, the conditions that palestinians have been experiencing as low as internet set month. i'll find them on the ground. i'd let people experiencing her rustic situations as they have left the houses which have been completely destroyed. now they are living in mid shift tens, the, 10s, you have to running low on food water. since the early days of financing and the
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number. it's also important to say that the number of humanitarian aids that have been allowed to enter the goal is a strictly specific to be very limited, as, according to a new report that has been released by the food will program that knowing out of 10 palestinians have been gone through all the unlike devout has nothing to eat and with the new and the conditions of a distribution in the united nation. busy distribution centers, the situation for palestinians is getting much more difficult as the amount of feedback each family is receiving is considered to be sadly enough to feed the children. and with the, with the ongoing contents plumbing the situation in the ground. so these calls on from our, from the early days financially broken is getting much more worth a couple of course. thank you. in the meanwhile, as well as the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu is under intense pressure to institute a c siren. garza is really is angry after the military announce to kill 3 captives
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and the strip over tearing white flags, eng dogs, the city when they were shot fines. ready forces an official report from occupied east jerusalem its dominating use in israel. what could have been a moment to celebrate? know, a national tragedy. 3 men held captive in guys, a cutting white flags working towards those say to save them. and then show that truth can know to i'd like to get done a while when i was informed about the terrible tragedy it shocked me alone, summer and you know, tom survived the inferno for 70 days. they were just a step away from freedom and they really touched redemption. and that's when the disaster happened. they broke my heart to broke the whole nation's heart for the families of the captives together every day and tell them be, this is their worst nightmare. don't understand how are me with people who came out with a white flag ensure that they're just being shot and 2 goals of the war of presented
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by the government, which is destroyed, come off and i don't know, i have the 10 years i can, we can not continue despite the use for and keep the captive of the lives. the military has defended the actions of the soldiers, even though the captives were waving white flags. they've sent you instructions to units to avoid another try to the. there has been external pressure on israel for weeks to end the water and gaza. but this will increase the internal pressure with a lot of the criticism aimed at benjamin netanyahu. himself. as the males brand has been done on what is seen as a colossal a security intelligence and strategic feeling on server settings. um and so with that brand, he cannot hold off the power in the past. uh, another election. uh he is taking a new brand and i think the ticket is gonna run on is opposition to the palestinian authority. returning to god at the beginning of the cabinet meeting. benjamin
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netanyahu said families of dead soldiers that sent them letters out to him to continue the war, appointed response to the going internal pressure under cleared indication. that's exactly what he's going to do. i would say sure, i'll just either, you know, keep tight east jerusalem is where it is also facing. increasing international pressure to stop is defensive in gaza. funds has become the latest country to coal and the medias and durable truths. the announcement comes after beginning of a french government employee and is really strongly can ross on wednesday. francis foreign minister has met to is ray, the accounts parked in ton of even cheese expected to meet with the palestinian prime minister. later today. can you both know what we think and what we are seeing is that the media truth is necessary, allowing progress to be made towards the ceasefire. to obtain the release of the hostages to allow access into the libby of more humanitarian aid to the sufferings
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civilian population of gaza. and in fact, to move towards the humanitarians this fire and the beginning of a political solution that has been corresponding, joins us from tel aviv and bounded international. and domestic pressure has been ramping up on the is riley prime minister. so what's the view from is royal tonight . so the international pressure has been because of the very high civilian casualties that are being caused by as rails intensive bombing. all cause of the domestic pressure is about comp tips. and there's always been my agenda is always been on the agenda, how to get the captives out. and the discussion is, i'll be in between whether be uh, whether that should be a pause in the fighting some sort of see spot negotiations with how much or whether that should be this intensive bombing come paid to try. and we can have as much as possible while as well as will come. it will cabinet light by benjamin netanyahu has been going for the lots are objective. but now because of the killing of these
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3 captors by those 2 soldiers, then the pressure then the emphasis is turning just a suggestion that maybe now is the time to look at a way to return to the negotiating table. the government said he was thinking about this anyway late to do it last week to do it later this week. maybe that bringing that forward by a few days. but what this, as also said is that while the army is taking responsibility for the killing of those 3, capt is no one waving a white flag should be shot. 8 has said, there's been almost no public conversation here about the evidence of what happened to those 3 cap just shows the israel shoots to kill civilians. because all the civilians have been killed in gaza trying to surrender sometimes with a wet waving, a white flag, sometimes holding the hands of those civilians. i've been palestinians, and i haven't been the outcry about that because it hasn't been much public discussion here in israel about what the shows about the age,
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really all of these. so where all we know, but when it comes to sort of the latest news about military operations in the gaza strip. so israel military has released some video today about the total of a tunnel, but it on the last week, the difference with this tunnel is simply the size of the videos we see. we've seen in the pictures we've seen of the trends administer gland inside it. this is really something out of the old and raised the biggest tunnel is rarely say they found in gauze that they say run up to 400 meters towards the arrows border of the north. the causes stopped 400 meters before the port. a suggestion being that is big enough to carry vehicles with spices. and it's although no evidence, no claim from his realm of the box and it was used to launch the attack on there as well. that wasn't going to be attack points. the entry points that how much used on october the 7th, and it just shows the scale of the engineering speeds of building that. so most of
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the tunnels we've seen and israel says it's on covet hundreds of them since october, the 7th running on the gaza. that most been very small and quite cramped for one or 2 people inside them. but this was a very, very big someone, israel have no intelligence as far as the understanding before october 7th, this enormous total existed. israel says a cause it fits, some of them could be holding saves, i mean some of those tunnels somewhere in gauze or the leaves of the senior leadership of happens. but it's with that force and telling me thank you. and so let's get a sense of the main areas of finding a displacement in gaza is really times on troops of deployed. and all of these have a shaded in right across the strip. in the knolls that repeat intense bustles with this really falls is fighting the military wing of her mouth, the custom brigades, and the is. let me do you have a good spring aid?
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they've happened in the neighborhoods chia we're about as to but some of the fastest bottles are happening in the south end and around gauze. the 2nd largest city of con eunice. and these way the army says the custom bouquets have mobilized all of our members across the gaza strip under it expects to fight them for several months. it's really been a treat. describes parts of the center of dean road north and east of connie. it is as an active battle field. it's a bank link between north and central as well as southern gaza and it's been impossible for palestinian civilians to use it for weeks. and marshal is professor of security and military studies that the tow institute for graduate studies towards the start here again in the hall. so from what we're seeing of the map, what do you think the military strategy is for the use right of these right now in terms of what that trying to achieve? well, the, should we say the strategic objective is to degrade and preferably destroy all the
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minutes. a capabilities of the cosigned battalions and other on formations they're doing is similar and operational plan similar to 2014. so they're attempting to a divide goes into 3. the zones, so they're cutting get the 1st zone is it does a city and north of guys, a governor, right? so this is a of it, but this is north of the 10 street. uh, and this is how they started and then the 2 thirds. they've got the data, but the fund unison and drop off or the, the other areas these were left in the beginning. and the end stage to now is to cut of again, it goes into a 2nd or 3rd, which is a 100 units and for between countries and that about a 100 and isolate so far as to why they're doing this. so the ground lines of communication is between how much units is not very well established. so the
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isolate these units in different parts of goes up and to make sure that the, if they have any wounded man, they are not going to be replaced. and munitions is ultimately it's up to infinity so that it will be, uh, not replaced by, by all the units. so the ground lines are further sticks and communications will be disrupted by how much. but of course, the tunnel network is, is making this very complicated for them of, of course, this is beginning over 2 months now. so on the flip side of this, you have to look at the operational strip strategy all from us and of the militant groups in that area. they have sold this out very costly because if they happened, this could hold the nova in a couple of weeks. and these way the military could have completely dominate the area. and those fighters would have been eliminated. there is a strategy here and they have planned for this. so even if there's communication,
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things are caught between those 3 sections of the causal strip. there is a plan up soon as the they had been used to prepare the saw some of those uh, operational thing happening in 2014, although not with that depth. so they don't go that far. and not with that. the intensity and not with the same. we were talking about the mobilized force of, of almost 5 divisions are, are that 5 divisions plus of the big. so of course, of over $60000.00 soldiers and offices plus the, the mobilized reserves, which are, as, as you know, they mobilize over $300.00 over 300000 plus that. so the, the, the size of the force is very different from 2014, and the force employment is very different from 2014, but the, uh, mazda, and all those uh, had a chance of 9 years to establish its, it's sort of a new lastic defense in depth, but it's unconventional, it's on the ground, it's not overdrawn. so they are all the then facing, you know,
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trenches and mines and go everywhere because of the population density of guys. and because of, you know, if you place the above the ground lines of the, of defense and mines and i, it is. and what have you, it will get a lot of civilians but so they did this on the ground. so you have the tunnel network that allows that, that gives you at 2 of the main pillars of, of power. so it gives you mobility and it gives you protection. and then also it helps with your fire power because it made, it allows you to be mobile and to do some, a surprise rates the as we. so as what a surprise and bush is because you, you're coming out of areas that are unexpected. the may need the exits of these tunnels. so they prepared this well and it's, and there's a just having difficulties as you to say into the, the, for the most of the formations of the, of the palestinians are complete. they'll gone complete the auth number. but what
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is making them a fight back? any way if i documented and damaging wait for these ladies, is that it has to good defense in depth strategy mainly on the ground. and now we see it as well overground because overground. all this trouble created hills above the ground, which makes more defensive was it sions for the defended and makes it more difficult for these ladies to maneuver with their armor, because now now the streets are blocked to the top of this policy. now groups. so we've had a saying that they can fight on for another several months. we'll say, how much of this is propaganda? how much of it do you think it with your analysis and knowing how the, how that particular part of the world and the region works is potentially viable for you if you want to have a competitive analysis. i believe that they can fight for months maybe over the year. the mainly because if you looked at this molder force that was foreign. and then the case of vices in mosul, mosul the force was less than $5000.00 the,
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the force of force devices. and you know, way the, the last 4 or 9 months is on some with a almost 10 months. and with the also, with a, the lucky, a force has had a very high tolerance for the casualties. these are, you just don't have a very high call. it's on is for the casualties to when they and the force of how much is most the local and the estimates is just the cosigned battalions. we're talking about about $25.00, thousands because of the, the, these are, it is estimate that they have 5, a force of, of, of 5 bigots. so we get sides formations. so in the range of $25000.00 plus the all this which tells you that there is a significant manpower and they have above the ground. now a complex geography and underground tunnel network. and probably they prepared for 9 years to have the a significant amount of the emission they know that a book hated the multiple blockade. so look at that on. doesn't them locate of multiple sections in the areas of gaza,
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so they will probably try to be self sufficient as much as possible. so we're looking here at the long flight. okay, we'll continue to unpack this as the hours progressing. my show, thank you for joining us. above the adults and taking shelter inside the touch and northern gauze would have been killed by is where the snipe is in a statement, the lot in patriarch of jerusalem says that the women were shots in cold blood of the holy family. catholic church, one was killed while carrying an elderly mother to safety. pope funds has condemned the incident during his weekly address a bunch of can city on sunday. sun on j 30 on monday to come in c panel. i'm civilians are being bombed in shots that way. so yeah, and this is even happened inside the holy family powers compound or whether or no terrorist but families, children and 6 people with disabilities. my mother now due to ethan smith, is the heat, a cultural anthem, and her daughter's tomorrow come out until killed. and now there's a wounded by snipers. as they went to the bathroom,
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the house was mother to raises. mountains was damaged, something that generator was hit. some say it's terrorism, it's will, yes, it's will, it's terrorism. did they see that the british member of parliament, layla moran, has relatives to be living inside the home? these how many parish and also since the start of the war earlier you told me i call the world matheson about the situation inside the church compound and we lost touch with them yesterday. it was saying that there was a columns blackout across scalds with the movement, no internet tool, but also in the escalating violence that we've seen in and around the church they were to generate is the or the not working. the solar panels had been blowing out in the final generation that was hit by is really forces yesterday that was a fire. and that one not just meant that there was no electricity a tool, but also helped to pump the water around the compound. so the situation, i mean it's just been awful. obviously it's been 60 days,
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but they've been the swell from about a 100 people sleeping on mattresses. i'm not just isn't the sunday school complex to 300 now. and they all terrified having on choose day seen the been collect to be a short outside the janitor who was just entering to fix something also show the bodies were just laying the the days and since then there was a sniper, we understand that has been firing into the compound the vatican has confirmed they killed a mother and a daughter in this and they all just in those rooms desperately trying to survive. there's no food, there is naples and they all scared to even venture outside the door to go to the toilet. because they all scared to be killed so that that is where we are currently . and we all very well read for the safety of usually as, as i'm sure any of those who have family and goals are impala stein more generally
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all actually as well. let's face it, it's, it's not good for anybody, but i think that we've got an escalation here. and it just was saying, you know, this is a week before christmas. these, this is a really important time. and in the christian calendar, it makes a mockery of the suggestion that these really defense forces are keeping civilian safe space. they've known they've been there for a long time. they've been that's the 60 days now. there was no probably warning. we don't understand why this is happening, and i would say today's ro, please leave that church alone. please leave my family alone. and i say to the international community, please call ultimately for the immediate si size, we need to make this destruction stop. but also to lift the eyes to the last in peace that christians are thinking about across the world. in advent, in the run up to christmas, it was military and its government say they were hunting down homeless fighters.
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i'm as far as you aware of who is inside that church of my family, christians, people who sold century they've been basic key the for 2 months with very few people who they don't know go in and out. and it was saying the christian community and that was done as a whole, but especially in go there is tiny they, they know each other. they what, how much tunnels underneath will come on. does that, you'd have thought that they would have come to get them before 60 days, but they've decided to wait till now and there was no least withdrawal that was new prior warning, as was confirmed by the about to come when they weighed in yesterday. so i don't know, no one understands why this is happening, but as far as my family are concerned, absolutely no. they have not seen high know ahead of anyone that they would understand to want to be targeted by these really defense for. ready the one we wonder, you know, we know that they've been wanting people to move. they've been trying to get them
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to if they've been frustrated, but civilians haven't moved. but even under international law, or if you told people to move and they don't, they have every right to stay. you then have to do everything you can to minimize civilian casualties. and then all of this, including, you know, they reported seeing white folks for as being thrown into the compound. all of this, i will be encouraging. my family will eye witnesses to report into the international criminal court. so that when a doctors investigated that, they are part of the evidence base is really false, is it kills 6 palestinians. and david on rights milk applied westbank. the latest operation took place until came davis said thousands of his very vehicles told the refugee camp they were accompanied finds very bold, is that we used to destroy violence. and of the infrastructure was there was charles trots that has moved from to accept. this is really all me right last around 8 hours on the refugee camp of nora shops in the old car and
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a good time down here. this is one of the storage sides of what local site was a project. all that was launched from and these really driving, as you can see, the damage to the ground is minimal. and that's because this particular westland is designed to throw out thousands of ball bearings and pieces of shrapnel at the surface level here. and as you can see, that will is completely peppered with shrapnel locals here say that there are 2 members of the on resistance that were killed in this attack. and one civilian for it is a complicated story. apparently off to the 1st strike, one of the arm resistance members was killed immediately. another one was seriously wounded and he crawled over to this house and knocked on the door for help. you can see the blot here and it's blocked down there on the steps. and then there was a 2nd to drive and strikes. the member of the island resistance was killed
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immediately. but the son was seriously wounded. and it was for hours that he was hiding, being treated by his family, desperately trying to get ambulance stuff to come and treat him properly. they say that they called the ambulance repeatedly, the ambulance crews was saying that desperately trying to get in to the camp to help them. but these ready, the ministry, they say refused to allow the man and the son died of his injuries, agile. 2 envelopes, man eventually go to us and started treating him. they asked me, do you believe in god whom i said, yes. what do you mean? you're giving him, so i stayed on you. then 2 minutes later he said, how, sorry you're somehow that copy of a higher set of sod solve the solve. i'm just, it was very hard over many hours there was shooting explosions on bombs, drones destroying infrastructure, destroying or stores. last night was like him. i think as a result of the army right. also, hey, businesses, this is
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a policy to be installed here on the outskirts all the time. the i mean, is be completely built off as well by one of those on it is right there at least 5 people killed in his latest attack, the product, sidney. and so they, they will tell you that they are expecting more rates by the is already made a change in the days and nights have come to us, drop it out just in a notice. jumps represent guns, so cut them. well, still a head hey home and use of the contacting garza spreads to the red seats. why multiple major shipping companies are avoiding the area for halting shipping. twist riley pools the
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brought to you by visit the customer. had load a heavy right in is dominating across the south of south asia. and you can see the dens cloud showing where the falls all going to be heaviest over the next few days . so southern areas of india, we have a one who's out the thunderstorms for places like carol as well as tom will not do but more rain paws into sri lanka at the start of the week. that rain, stretching across into them all these bringing some gusty winds with it for the north of this much will settle to pick just some cloud across from the southern areas, but up in the north, driest guys, but still some issues with folks for the northeastern watches out there and folk remains an issue as does the smoke from new delhi with the quality raw that has it, as well as the sunshine, of course and much of pocket's done some slight improvement to, to the quality for the whole 18 degrees celsius that on choose day as we move across the east asia, more in the way of sunshine across the north, but still bitterly cold. the beijing. it is also cold in shanghai, but not as cold. we'll see the arrival of wet weather with
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a wintry edge monday in to choose a wintry weather as well dominating across a much of japan, but of tons of a so gate for the south. you can see that heavy rain pushing across into southern parts of japan. by the time we get to choose day in terms of temperatures, some improvement for sol. by tuesday the weather brought to you by visit castle expo 2023. the world, the best to make sure make sure to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023 in other settled time upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it to the question,
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i'm all sides unflinching. questions rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads about that without the girl's permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. the book about you want to go just a reminder of all told stories. brands has become the latest country to coal for an immediate and durable choice. in garza, the announcement comes off to the killing of one of its government employees. and these really striking rough on wednesday,
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israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu isn't the intense pressure to institute a ceasefire in gaza. and it is rarely angry after the military announced that killed a 3 is read captives in the street. at least 20 people being killed and minimal injured in an asteroid on devonte, a refugee camp, and thousands of wounded people, including children as being taken to a medical center. in the office, there is an actual rates that this update from jamalia in garza and miss medical center in your valley. out about the many dead and wounded people who are both following and is rarely attacked. many others are buried under the rubble and can't be reached by paramedics. as we can see, most of the casualties of women and children. they are getting innocent children. we host that's our home to help losing the splits. people who kind of fight a police up in schools. this lady occupation forces that have targeted all of us
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inside the house. they target houses that only host civilians. there are hundreds of dead and wounded people. the medical system has collapsed and we can only offer medical services in small centers that can deal with the large number of victims. this is a genocide. our message to the world is that enough is enough. stop sleeping and get up. don't you feel that we are part of humanity? we assuming and staying at home, we never home or hurt anyone. we they trying to find some drinking water for our children and of a sudden they started condition blowing. but at us, my daughter and my son were on the the managed to record the one of those this morning. the sensor receives a huge number of victims. do some actually because committed by israel is occupation forces defense account, treat such large numbers of casualties. the health system in north calls are,
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has already collapsed an immediate cease for i will made a stop to the killing of hundreds of people. the medical teams are exhausted and the situation is catastrophic. the anti well must, with a call to reach a ceasefire. we community offer 1st aid for these very critical cases and also that we don't know what to do or where to go with them. we are facing a genocide in desperate crowds have been scrambling to aid the wrath of crossing between garza and egypt. palestinians tried to stop a truck searching for food and other supplies. the cool thing is the main route. full release deliveries. communications have been repeatedly cutting garza so the complicating the distribution of basic goods. honey moon has more on the deteriorating conditions in the strip. we are the southern west prince side of rockland city. this particular area is an evacuation zone. this is the other side of a laws. evacuation zone where 25000 palestinian displays hungry thursday
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and more profoundly traumatized tele city and being displaced into this area. and in the building behind me, that is the category of hospital under construction. 25000 people with only one source of water, 5000 meters of water available every day for 25000. in fact, we've been displaced palestinian, when we looked at the number of people and the amount of water, we can understand the level of difficulty people are going through this building right here is a still under construction. it lacks the very basic essential, the food supplies, the water supplies, the sunny patients and the hygiene facilities that are important for the survival of human beings. the area outside the hospital where people have set up their tents, their pie as of garbage mounting around the area, causing an affront,
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named public health and the, the threats of the spread of infectious diseases around the area. everywhere you look, there are piles of the garbage around the area. there is also the fear of rain and water because it can cause a great deal of a flood in this area. gaza winter can be cold, can be with, as well as possibility of blood can kind of care the living conditions of people in this area are very difficult. and in comparison to where people or where the state before, their livelihoods, one person in a very frustrating tone, describe how his life hasn't changed dramatically. you lived in a concrete home with all, well, he needs all the basic supplies of from water, food and medical supplies. found himself here in a make shift 10th a nylon and in plastic temp here in this evacuation is on the slide
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slides that allows a couple of messages. the situation is very difficult. no toilets, no food, no water. we buy drinking water every day. so many people don't have any money to buy anything. our children are suffering from the lack of toilet. and we worry about that how this is how when evacuated in size in gaza, looks like. as you can see, it lacks the very basic sanitation, the very basic highs used facilities. we're looking at concrete, a skeleton where hundreds of people, the buildings in different floors, trying to live their life with the basic minimum of living conditions. if they need water, they have to walk a distance away from this building to get there one gallon of water if they need to use a toilet. it's also another journey in the open area to use the toilet. each
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passing be in this evacuation going, represents and increasingly very difficult the for displace palestinians who have the calm. where is the hungry and more profoundly, from the ties as the war continues to pound the gauze through the from north to south. honey, my mode, a loss evacuations on. i'll just go ahead and convey shipping. company has suspended as activity to and from israel and all sorts of vessels in the red sea came under attack from 55000 u. m. and these, these se they'll continue to advertise if israel doesn't stop it's war on garza, the rock tibits, ease the starting to fall reaching consequences, not just for israel, but globally, so kind of actually pull. so from these really pulled city of haifa, the sirens found across the city if i sold his own dime successfully and to set time us miss solves weeks off to the wrong cause. and stall i stalled as one of his
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rows main ports and also the one closest to the strip it's vulnerable to attacks and has been forced to divert some of its shipments. the bulk of them have been sent to haifa, one of the safest port cities in israel say fall 13000000 tons of call go, including oil roll materials and grain already passed through. it's annually, but this has come to cost backlogs, rerouting of call go have created big delays and raised insurance premiums, as well as being a tax on multiple fronts. not just from the goal is the strip by how mosque, but also from further along the coast, on the boat with less than on by the uranium bytes group has. well, it's even more concerning by the host, the rebels firing long range missiles and drones towards the port city of a lot. uranium by group controls much of northern yemen for weeks they've targeted ships in the red sea. they believe have links with this row or all headed is really
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ports. and because the red sea is one of the world's most important shipping routes, the fact has been huge. and it's cool as an 80 percent drop in shipping activity at a lots insurance price is on call. go heading to israel, have risen by 300 percent and with around 12 percent of global trade posting through the red sea, it has regional and global implications. experts say costs of shipping goods already rising and several major shipping companies have pulled the ships from the red sea altogether, raising cost and lengthening delivery times. it's no longer a threat against is right. it's a get, it's an international problem because they are hitting the boats and ships which have nothing to do with this. right. and there is another point, the issue, right? and it may be too small to deal along with this, right?
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the us says it's working with maritime forces to both the security in the region. a reminder that israel osborne gauze is making its impact felt far beyond the middle east. so the height of elgin's era, haifa, as well as the head hey on al jazeera, the 2nd time lucky versus infinity goes the poles again to decide on a new constitution, plus the portable back to the case new my, it's rain but many angry over the environmental cost the using music and as a form of resistance during the boss and you're in to ninety's, actress and minimal stage performs for children. and sorry about each for many, both means it is very easy to empathize with the people of gods less than a month ago. was changed to performance and we called it pain and cut out,
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i felt not just the duty, but an enormous does that to raise awareness about. so wouldn't casa, either both be an act or as joint and initiative by the after theater. a non profit, public opinion assembled based in vermont loc as a people who lived in the site who survived the siege will survive the garage. and i think that all would obligation to be the people will always be the 1st for a 0 voice. i'm standing in front of the sorry, of a city hall, a well known monuments burns down in the water. it's been renovated just like the rest of the city, but the psychological scars of the war are still visible here. the the
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look about, let's send some of the news, know those in july of deciding whether to replace its constitution, but they spunk to the dictatorship of augusta tennessee. now this is the 2nd time on chalet is held a referendum of the replacement to the current constitution. it follows major protests against inequality that grips the nation in 20. 19 the new draft is considered more conservative and market friendly type. the size is the need to protect private property and how strict rules on immigration and abortion that's getting all of the small, lots in america edits at least see a new many joins us now. from sun t all gets taken over. yeah. a yeah. lisa, to rewrite a rewrite, so will the 2nd version be acceptable to the public at large of the in the, this is actually the 3rd referendum in as many years if you count the original one
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in which the chileans were asked whether they wanted a new constitution in the 1st place, 80 percent of people said they did what they got the 1st time around wasn't what they wanted. and you're asking me if this version is what they do want. i can tell you right now because a surprising amount of people say they still don't know how they're going to vote, and they're saying that just as they go in to the dark room as it's called here. so this is a very, very odd situation, but what i can tell you without, without any doubt, is the this version that took 6 months actually to write the 1st 6 months was to decide on the rules. so it was a very quickly written version, only written by politicians rather than democratically elected ordinary citizens as what happened the 1st time around this. this version has the same original sydney, if you like us the as the original one. and that is that it is being dominated by one sector on the political spectrum, the extreme right wing, while the other one was very, very much dominated by the far left,
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which is why julian's rejected it as to radical. whether people will agree to just go along with it, thinking that it's better this the nothing at all. i can tell you right now, that's really going to be the question that will be decided when the boat start to be counted in about 4 hours time. let's see, what are the consequences though, for chile, as a nation, if this particular should isn't successful? where does that leave a constitution of such well, 1st of all, the leaves tell me what the constitution is that it has right now, which is the constitution that was written a 1980 under the penis, a dictatorship. that was the one that many people had believed was the cause of most of their problems, and that is an unfair on just health education and pension system. that's the reason why 80 percent of julian said they wanted a new draft, which an under democracy. but as so far they've got too much on one side to little
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on the other. so that really does send a very bad message about the political class being unable to bring the people together. and the other thing that it would mean if it is rejected, it would be a sigh of relief for the current left wing, a government of president and guardian. but each because what are the approved was the if i was this version to be approved, it would be a blow to him. he would pretty much be considered a lame duck president for the 2 years that he has left. because everything that he represents is represented in the, in the what are what have been represented in the one that was rejected. and this one is exactly the opposite. so it's rather complicated in internal politics. what it does do, however, is settled. the market's a bit because at least now we know that we won't have any more concentration of debates. so then another couple of years, at least, of course, we'll come back to you for more analysis once we get those results. let's see. and even though i locked in america to, to the child is also holding a referendum on
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a new constitution. it's seen as a key step in ending the tenure of a transitional government that sees pa following the death of present interest. debbie in 2021 for the other bizarre cars move in jemine's off to they had their mind. those sad be i could stop by hun 7. i am local time low to start to costing the vote in the constitutional referendum. this is an essential stage and the program of transitional authority for the state to chat. the thing, yes. and this referendum means people's approval of the constitution, which defines tab as a unitary states to us. if so to say no, this means that they will go to another referendum to be announced by the authorities for a federal state. will still say high enough. oh, i see it or not. i found that it goes up. about 20000 polling stations have opened the doors today. the vote has to participate in this referendum, which is considered an essential step in the transitional phase. this will be followed by presidential impala entry elections during the next year. the
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9044000000 vases in the democratic republic of congo are set to cost the balance on wednesday. be electing a president, members of parliament and local governments. but the independent national electoral commission is dealing with what it calls a logistical and secure routine nights man. catherine saw a report from the capital constructor. it is crunch time for electro commissioner officials. they're working round the clock head of a general election on wednesday. they have to make sure voting materials gets to that destinations across the country. one time, a tough task for country, roughly the size of western europe. the last item, the dentist could be my, is the president of the independent national, electro commission or send me, his team was only recently appointed and is working with a tight budget. and little time to prepare. commission only has a fraction of the $1300000000.00 it sees it needs to carry out its work. guns is
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big that are done with good. in addition to that, the funding is being coming slowly. and this is resulted in us being unable to, to, to, to send the goods by see, we do almost everything by there. and that comes with a huge cost. some political candidates petition the constitutional court to postpone the election to allow more time to sort out the logistics, but the court ruled against that and the commission sees changing the election date is not an option. or this said, this is a familiar problem. the d r c seems to be a country where people never learn from experience. so that's where we didn't have the same issues coming over and over again. as though you know, there is no way of coming out of the, of the, of,
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of the same situation. all eyes are on the left, whole commission, voters know is faces many challenges for they want a free, fat and credible casting. ah, 0 construct all the ins migration agency says move in 6, the migrants are presumed dead after an accidental olivia's coast. a boat is believed to have his high waves of to setting off on the water in north west in libya, the international organization. so migration says, mold in 2200 people have died this year trying to cross the mediterranean sea, which is there is malik training hospital from ms rata a. more loss of life off the coast of libya for you into migration agency says that 61 people including women and children, drown off the coast of the water. that's about 30 kilometers from the border of to easier. now, as you can see behind the weather,
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conditions are really ideal for these migrant both throughout the party. but livia has long been a transit hub for african migrants trying to reach europe through the central mediterranean sea. according to the un refugee agency, nearly 50000 migrants have arrived in italy from lydia. but the central mediterranean has been described by the un as one of the most dangerous maritime crossings in the world. and 2023 alone. more than 2200 people, i believe to have drowned or are missing in the central mediterranean sea. now libya is, has huge potential. you know, it has africa's largest crew reserves, and there are more than 700000 migrants here. a many of them trying to reach europe, but analysts believe that if libyans can come together, there's currently 2 governments in the country. if they can come together and
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stabilize the country. many of these might, many of the migrants will rather choose to live here in, in libya, if they can get a financial, if they can get financial stability and livable wages. also. yep. yep. another, our story of human loss in the central mediterranean mounts right now, which is 0. this throughout the, the south squares ministry says north korea has 5, a short range ballistic missile towards the sea of japan. the launch comes days after south korea and the us health nuclear deterrence tools. now they won't appeal yang that any attack on either country would result in the end of the north korean regime. russia's ruling policy has unanimously supported present investment pollutants paid for re election. the ponti conference in moscow, it comes a day of the support has nominated him to run as an independent and a 2020 full presidential election. speaking during the conference boots and
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declared the need for russia to be strong. now the see been less than i would love to let you know. so the scale of historical challenges facing russia requires a united front or pay trusting forces. the task is facing the russian federation, a growing like a snowball, because russia is a winter country and loves the car on times that a class on this. and he's, you're known in readiness to respond to even the most difficult challenges that you know. yeah. shop, a lot of hassle for most good. a legitimate patient is running for his 5th presidential to science to some constitutional amendments adopted back in 2020, you know, has a right to remain in power of 12 more years until 20 it says it 6. he's not running as a tons of it for his really united russia policy, even though it has it's overwhelming support, but as an independent candidates. and he was supported by the majority of governors of russian regions as well as the just the russia pos and also an activist group of
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both as consisting of some prominent russian figures. box him as an independent kansas for running in the upcoming presidential elections in march 2020 for the russian central election commission previously announced that devising itself will be ongoing, full, 3 days from march, the 15th to march the 17th 2024. you'd ask about all of a to z right, most great. it makes k, one of the biggest and most controversial infrastructure projects in recent history has been completed ahead of federal. the 1st passengers have been bolted the train the mind trying to find a $20000000.00 mega project championed by president investment will look us over those to the county on the reports. getting the project to this point has been challenging of a big through lapse of mexico's president all aboard the, by a train of 1500 kilometers a railway design to connect some of the country's best known tories destinations
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with destruction. run billions of dollars over budget face multiple lawsuits and fierce criticism from environmental this to 5 years after 1st breaking room emissions project is a reality as president, and that is mind with lopez over at the or m look you rated the 1st 3 of the network 7 lines. the entire circuit should be completed by march. no, it's a hit on most. we are not exaggerating when we say that is currently no construction project in the world like this one. and it was done in regular time. these works generally spent over several governments. neither the criticisms nor the delay train bother these passengers. thrilled to be on its inaugural trip. they believe the president's promise that the train will lift southern mexico out of poverty, bringing jobs, tourism, and development to a long neglected region. the surface, excellent,
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the train is in very good condition. some things need to be fixed, but the train is great. or. but the train has also brought destruction, thousands of heck just of jungle, were cut down to make way for the tracks. and directly below is the regions unique network, the underwater cave activists here that could be contaminated by the tree. or we're still could collapse entirely. i'm not sees the maya train as part of a larger plan to modernize mexico from new airports to a coast to coast cargo lines intended to rival the panama canal for his critics. the whole thing is just the vehicle for his ego, for his political ambition, being pushed through before the end of his term. after all, the hype, the communities that live along the path of the train, whole set, despite the logical and economic costs, it means brighter days to them ahead. julia go, yeah, i know i'll just euro mexico city that's. that's for me. so while i'm on the back with more news on the other side of the break,
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and we are continuing coverage of all on golf. so to stay with, say on officer the an unfinished journey that has the less than broken gay involved, they thought they could make it to europe, traveling from senegal, through the sahara to the edge of the mediterranean. in this year, the traffic has sold us onto some dippy. i like slaves piled in a dark cage, only a meter high out of the 120 people that were with us. only 17 survived. the stop, what your opinions perceive as an unstoppable flow of africans, the pressure you share it to making the traffic of migraines, illegal. but now the low criminalizing of legal migration is being revoked. the you now, for years, a new wave of migrants. this will cost this in the desk such,
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but that would also mean more people coming to the you. despite the humiliation abuse and suffering all day and isa, they're willing to attempt the journey to europe again in search for what they hope will be a dignified life. to actually go to best buy to anything that's something i know the letters are very anxious says to the size of the test, the test to so let you all know how to leverage village of the site this them progress. and finally get the process. this is the best way to, to say that there's been the guess one us hold on the
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next test to seek it and i want someone to, to, inside of the us, the death and destruction ingles. a continuous pressure grows at home and abroad is really the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu to rain and the violence, the deluxe of rome. and you want to know if there's ever line headquarters here and also coming up. and it's really strongly kits. a residential block in northern gauze that kind of at least 20 people and injuring 100 others.


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