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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 18, 2023 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the, the challenges with the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on and as with for ottoman this is the news, our life from doha. coming off in the next 16 minutes, us defense secretary lloyd austin, travels to israel, is expected to pressure the government to scale back its military offense. and one, gaza desperate scenes and southern gaza as rarely falls. this launch attacks across the city of con eunice,
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causing casualties. and the pediatric was the 1st few trucks of humanitarian aid and to gaza. for me, it is rarely controlled, crossing optimal shots for more than 2 months of one sees the and symbolic funerals in the occupied westbank unless wait for palestinians for the bodies of their loved ones confiscated by his riley for this is the us defense. secretary is traveling to as well as coals grow to put a stop to us war and gaza. israel has been stepping off. it's for the 3 offensive, despite revising international prussia. lloyd austin is expected to meet the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government is expected to press that government to scale back itself. relations often will head back the ballroom officer day long visit. you'll also be
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visiting casa as part of his middle east tor. this is randy media says how mos in israel are open to tools on a new sci fi and exchange of captives and prisoners mediation by kasha negotiations sold at the beginning of the month after a week long ceasefire collapse. that's bringing our correspondent alan fisher. he's joining his life from occupied east jerusalem. an allen lloyd austin's jews had touched down and is rather in the next few hours he is just in mesa's us official to do so, do we expect him to put any more pressure on as well then all of us from the us administration? well that's the big question, do you because we've had from the likes of i to the blinking the, the us secretary of state, we've had from jig sullivan, the national security adviser who was in israel just a few days ago. and the american line is that they are putting pressure on the israelis to limit the number of civilians that have been killed in the war and tati
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out any operations in line with international humanitarian laws. and also the geneva conventions. yet we continue to see these at least push forward the death toll and gaza to continue to increase the israelis attack hospitals. and as we saw over the we can shoot people who are actually surrendering while holding white flags. so does lloyd austin have any more insight to push forward? well, the american say he has insight, of course, from his time is a senior commander when the us was fighting our been warfare in afghanistan and also a rock. but they also acknowledge the americans that it will be up to the israelis to decide when they move to the next phase of the war, which will be more target to the sol inside gaza itself. so while the americans are seeing the can continue to put pressure on these relays, there's very little sign of that actually happening on the ground. but these really somebody's to resist external pressure of this far. i to large degree the bodies to resist the internal pressure,
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even though that is going because of the death of those to be captives over the last few days its dominating using israel. what could it be now moving to celebrate no, a national tragedy. 3 men held captive in guys a walking towards those sent to save them. and then shot date. troops cannot do, i like to go down a while. when i was informed about the terrible tragedy it shocked me alone, some or in your tom, survived the inferno for 70 days. they were just a step away from freedom and they really touched redemption. and that's when the disaster happened. it broke my heart to broke the whole nation's heart for the families of the captives together every day and tell me to be this is their worst nightmare. i don't understand. how are me with people who came out with a white flag ensure that they're just being shot and 2 goals of the war of presented by the government, which is destroyed, come off and i don't know,
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i owe you a 110 years. i can, we can not continue to fight the war and keep the captives alive. the military has defended the actions of the soldiers. they've sent you instructions to units to avoid another tragedy. or there has been external pressure on israel for weeks to end the water and gaza. but this will increase the internal pressure with a lot of the criticism aimed at benjamin netanyahu. himself that the males brand has been done on what is seen as a colossal a security intelligence and strategic feeling on server settings. um and so with that brand, he cannot hold off the power and the past. another election, he is taking a new brand and i think so ticket he's gonna run on is opposition to the palestinian authority. returning to god at the beginning of a cabinet meeting. benjamin netanyahu said families of dead soldiers that sent them
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letters are doing him to continue the war pointed response to the going internal pressure. and to clear indication. that's exactly what he's going to do. i would say sure, i'll just do that. you know, keep bite east jerusalem. it's important to point out that the majority of people in israel support the war, they support the ideal of destroying how boss and benjamin netanyahu, when he says he's going to continue to prosecute the war, no is. so it's vegas. but it's also important to point out that in the last few hours, these really army has put out a video with one of its senior officers telling soldiers that they having to shoot people who are waving white flags and surrender. so bear that in mind for a moment, these really are me, which is no 2 months into award and gaza is no telling its soldiers. that if it sees people with white flags on the surrendering, they are not to be shot dead. perhaps you can understand why that is going internal pressure on benjamin netanyahu. allan,
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thank you very much for that. that's alan session. joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. well, let's get more on this from mine one, rob, hello. he's joining us live from washington, d. c. and many how much pressure is president combined and on the way you want to use the leverage to the us has with us allies ro is good to be with you lives. there is a tremendous amount of pressure on the, by the administration, specifically on it using that influence on israel to minimize the vision civilian casualties. this is pressure that's coming from several different directions on the bite and administration. on the one hand, you have the escalating attacks on us military personnel in places like a rock and syria escalating attacks against merchant ships and us navy ships in the southern red sea. by iranian back to these in yeah, meant in terms of political pressure, the, by the administration of republicans on capitol hill, are pressuring the, by an administration to do more, to show strength against ronnie in back groups in the region. this is one of the
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reasons that we're seeing top level us defense officials traveling to the region right now. it's part of that strategy to, for the united states, to flex its military muscle in the region as a deterrent against further attacks. just like these that we've seen over the course of the last month and a half. there is also a pressure from civil society groups here in the united states that we can point to groups like a folks ages 18 to, to 35 of the same demographics that helped elect president bite. and now less than a year away from the election support for president biden, specifically over his handling of the war and gaza has a road. and we are seeing the impact of that of that pressure. you can hear it in the rhetoric from by the admitted bite and administration officials. you can hear it in the changing rhetoric from the president himself president binding referring to the bombing of gaza as indiscriminate in the, in a recent campaign event. and just the last week. so the bottom line here is yes,
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the, the united states by the administration there under a tremendous amount of pressure to bleed, bring this conflict to an end. but it is going to be a test that continues to be a test as to whether or not the united states has enough influence over israel to make that happen. many, thank you very much for that. that's mind. what about the, with a view from washington dc, is also more than 2 moms of war and siege. israel has temporarily reopened the cut them on the sullivan crossing for the 1st time 2 and i'm more humanitarian aid and to gaza. 24 trucks. what allowed on that is fall short of the shoot needs of the people in the gaza caught them of the salon is located with the borders of egypt, gaza and israel meet. and it's the sole passage for large trucks carrying goods, fuel, and aid, and to gaza. before the war, 850 trucks would enter the strip every day through the cut them of a sudden crossing with as well as the alpha crossing with egypt that ended when his
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road imposed a complete to blockade. on october, the 7th, 2 week sent to the conflict, the 1st few humanitarian a trucks were allowed into gaza. they could only enter through the at also crossing that's controlled by egypt. the numbers increased only marginally, since a temporary cease funded would come off last month. that spring and our correspondent honey must move. now he's joining us live from alpha in southern gaza . and how do you tell us about that age that has been allowed in through the kind of robinson i'm crossing of the yes. well, what didn't just the past a few minutes where got reports of from the area where uh, the new process is being implemented where it is, where the trucks are transferred from rough heck crossing all the way to a car. i'm show on. that's that these really controlled area, low jet check point for security clearance and ben
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d r a sent back to the 5 crossing. but what we, what we're seeing now is the, the, the $24.00 trucks. it's, it's just, it's very little compared to the needs of, of the diaries and complicated needs of policy and across the gaza strip. particularly here in the southern part where there is a shortage of everything in terms of, of basic supplies would supplies and water supplies. and medical supplies, and other and other survival items. we're talking about a period of time since the collapse of the seas fire a little over 2 weeks work. a markets are complete, the completely depleted with no, a basic necessities available for people. and this is very consistent with what the reports by the on or what the general defeated commissioner, who are the war and open them and, and to start visioned. in fact, there is a slow starvation taken in place. there is a spirit of diseases as well as due to the collapse of the sanitation system. all of this is linked to the flow of
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a human human to turn into gaza. and the fact that it hasn't been allowed to flow smoothly at or 8, or only slow in, in just little amounts. it's causing all of this a problem that people are frustrated. the, the fact that this, this, the process is the new process being implemented because it's only causing agreed it delayed into receiving those uh the these trucks and deliver them in, in the gaza for it for, for residence in the un displays palestinians in the, in the southern facts, there also frustrated the fact that there is a problem with the delivery process as well as is not coordinated very well. and, and there doesn't seem to be a unified is a agency that, that can take care of the receiving and delivering $8.00 to $2.00 displaced palestinians. we talked to some people within the past few days. a complaint about
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the fact that for 4 or 4 days they haven't received any, any of those 8 in the house to serve as a cross drop off on other areas in, in, in the southern parts for. yeah, absolutely. honey, we'll be looking at basic line is currently or the last day and water. so i'll just see how desperate people alpha aide and well as well is allowing an aide and through those crossing. they're also continuing that strikes across garza and southern gaza. that is rarely on the launch strikes across the city of con eunice. one child was killed and several other people injured. when a shells had 8 maternity ward late on sunday, hundreds of people have been taking shelter. indeed more bought at hospital, which is part of the nasir medical complex. so when did she put in the guardian for the night? we were sitting inside and i was putting my daughter to sleep. my neighbors were being treated for their injuries. suddenly we saw smoke and rumble on us. it was
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difficult to see anything through the sick smoke. i helped my daughter tight and started screaming and called up for help. i jumped out of bed and rushed outside. how many so terrible strikes on the maternity ward of noth and medical complex honey what's the situation there now? yes. well, s, in the situations in han, eunice are increasingly becoming very dangerous and risky, and not only for, for the fine units, but people inside the hospital at swollen would seen this happening gradually within the past a few days as these really military, expanding its operations on the ground and gradually pushing deeper into a from coming in from the sprint site upon eunice all the way to the heart. the central part of fine units were not there. hospitals is located, but this time what we're seeing within just 24 hour. this is the 2nd time that this hospital being targeted, the 1st time it was a bomb,
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just spill in the backyard of the hospital and it did not explode, but it caused a great deal of damage to the parked cars. and also those that attends for were set up and those the only 3 people were reported injured. but this time as over night the, the attack came directly at one of the buildings, i believe, to be one of the, the foundation building of the hospital. as it was built within the past few years, this the maternity ward as well a but it one little girl was killed in this is not a tax as well as people where happened. they happen to be injured. underwear inside that building, receiving a treatment they be, they became injured for the 2nd time and there is this fear that they might not be able to sustain the, the critical injuries that happened to them. it, there is a growing seer and concern that the faith of nasir hospital is going to be similar to what happened to a super hospital and the indonesian housman. all the other health facilities in gauze and the northern part of what seems to be
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a systematic attacks direct that tax on health facility it, which is the consistent what people are worried about that it did this wilson put the health, classic dirt and gaza. a few years back and it will leave the entire gods to win the worst over uh with, without any health facility whatsoever. and no medical treatment for people. i mean, thank you very much for that. that is honey medical with the laser situation. he's live in alpha and southern gaza and in northern gaza. emergency crews and volunteers are searching for survivors. photo is ready as strikes on sunday. at least 90 people were killed in the body of refugee camp, which has been repeatedly targeted since this task before. more than a 100 others were ended. a correspondent static was an has moved from alpha and southern gaza indic value of refuge account and offering cars. another
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day of morning and these registrar and kit residential look the hours families have jo street wiped the bodies of loved ones from under the russell. the dead receive lost gift before being taken for a period in the southern dog park. we were sleeping and they attacked us in the early morning. they hit us twice, and the killed and wounded were everywhere, including the displaced people. the scenario family with the shop family in addition to other displays, people from all new. so we're all here is we'll have repeatedly targeted the densely populated good that we account. since this talk to the conflict, the scenes of destruction repeated this morning's attacked. the coast, whites, of great damage. what's the use, randy? occupation forces have targets at the house. does she have families and to valley out of the for that hey, under the rubber, a large number of killed and wounded people who are in
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a critical condition has been recovered and moved from one of the victims, the young or the most presented a reality that value of residence, struggle to comprehend followed the majority of people killed our children and women. i have no idea why the occupation forces have exterminated the residents and displaced people here. nearly 19000 palestinians have been killed since the start of the war on gauze on in october. inter valia. grief is unrelenting, and homes are no longer centuries. tarika by zoom roughly out here as well. the whole thing that us defense secretary is traveling to, as well as close growth of a cease fire. washington has been deploying carrier strike groups and fine to just to the region during the war, as also reportedly moving, moving ships from the arabian gulf to the gulf of aidan, to whose the attacks on the red sea. alex, good top of us takes
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a look at the us military assets and the region. the miller trade and support israel's received from the united states has be massive, giving it free rain as it tries to destroy home us. the united states dispatched to aircraft carriers tried groups, the thoughts of the conflict. the u. s. s. for the world's most advanced aircraft carrier, and the largest bullshit ever built is currently in the eastern mediterranean, along with his support fleet. the u. s. s. i as in how it is on patrol in the gulf, is, must have compliment a fight to just reinforcing the air and naval assets and the region. a us marine expeditionary unit, a saving of the coast of human acting, is a base, a mobile headquarters for an assortment of high level special forces from the us navy and air force, coordinating regional intelligence gathering, and poseidon naples, surveillance aircraft, and high tech global hawk spike drugs been flying up the coast of goza, gathering information on how much and is regional support has. the us has ring the middle east with fleets of ships, aircraft, submarines,
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and drones. this is an addition to the us or for sending jets to jordan and the colorful military assets already in place in bahrain consecrate. and the u. a. american military aid is allowed israel to continue its wholesale destruction of goes on ended, ensuring the homeless, his allies suitably intimidated and the tut from taking any military action as well that spring in use of alondo. he is a professor of political science and international relations at casa university. good to see and this of wonder do you think that the defense secretary lloyd austin is going to put more pressure on as well then his colleagues have over the last 2 months on there many trips to as well? well, i think he was who would put the extra the pressure on these ladies to move forward one for once a piece for the the ceasefire or discipline supplement. i think that these ladies
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are moving towards the bought that they have sent the had of most odd to meet with the, the companies in europe. and they have met and the pressure from the public opinion in his life is mounting on nothing. you know, and he's like doing government. i think that the, what the us wants to do is to be seen a opportune or doing something to take some of the credit. when is his volume? we'd be so do you think then that the conditions because of the is really killing of the 3 is really captives and gaza because of the mounting international pressure . the conditions right now for another seas fi, are you hurtful? optimistic about the negotiations that are underway? well, i am a domestic for, for a couple of reasons. the 1st, the 1st one is the katie, of those 3 host issues by these ladies themselves. they would shrug just the hauled
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into white flag. they spoke in one of them spoke in april, but they weren't kid by their own people. so the, the question that anybody would ask if, if they want to, if the idea of was willing to do this to their own, what would they do to the palestinians. secondly, the families of the was the properties of the hostages. have been putting pressure on the, on his government to do something about it. and nothing else seems to have listened a little bit when he dispatched the head of most out at the gate and for the helps . most importantly, a lot the 2 hostages who have been freed, have been feed when there was issues for you to negotiations. and the, despite the let just a thought on goes off, know, hostage has been freed and the for it suggests that. but the who's policy is how facebook. yeah. when you wait for the will to things is fine. yeah. no captives have been free despite prominence and nothing yahoo in his little cabinet saying
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that the minute you operation was the only way to get them out. but once your thing has changed since that says 5 collapse, and now that would lead to a successful negotiation. this time, the both ends of the, the, the changed the big deal. but a couple of things. but the need to be a bunch of the 1st one is what we call the international community. the was a fault into the, the, the general assembly of the dimensions. and the majority of the countries have voted pharmacies file except for i think, 8. in addition to those who upstate phones has been very vocal recently about a, the, the ceasefire report and stuff and you'll see it on some of that works. i'll show him 6, especially for this report by the french newspaper to the bill of sale. and i think it's the middle school that suggests that the, he's like,
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the ability of is completely wrong. so therefore, these extra pressure on these ladies and also as a, uh, let's say a few minutes ago the, the public opinion can use like as a guest, this particular government and the for, i think about the on the way for what would be for a ceasefire. the couple of alternatives also you definitely bushisms out on going to have of most i went to europe to meet with them. so i would think that there is some kind of inclination by these ladies to watch finding a solution to the hostages and saving face, or that is the use of wonder from katya university. thank you very much for your analysis. thank you to the head on use our a massive for the fun and go to fuel. definitely a high security prison and get his capital
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the hollow. we have plenty more lovely weather across central parts of here. at last, the clear sky is us because we have big every of high pressure and charges. so very intense one. this is a center that i have a central positive here. blocking of these by the assistance which a policy to the north. you can see how taught me personally, i suppose, obviously move across the bridges. charles, we are looking at some pretty brisk, wayne's, and still some ra, the weather streaming into the western side of scuffling, grassy pushing across, and all say to was scanned in a decisive, shabby rain coming in here as well, some west of weather, to little bit of snow way with the high ground around or area of high pressure. quite a brisk wind down towards that southeast corner of your, the southern palm. so somebody tried it was a sing some a rather wet weather. so on the model. so i thought those winds coming in from the south west the direction as they make they way around the highways. the winds traveling in a clockwise direction. so 12 cells, just every london ad,
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also in edinburgh, canada by 6, by the south, which as we go through, choose that it was a cause of united by western weather, coming in across the wiles, pushing down across england, southern past, looking fine and dry set, southern parts of the mediterranean saying, some wet weather i said to the northeast, all valgy area. you can get some rather wait for the, for time, for good part of to see the, the thought provoking on. but the patient doesn't have time to wait for their ex truly . unfortunately, there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the democracy in the process facing realities do you see that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i think there is
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a huge piece of that to happen to the story on talk to how does era the news the you watch, like i'll just say albany, elizabeth toronto mendoza. of the mind of on top stories this on the us defense
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secretary is on his way to israel. so troops with lead. is there any of this moment, lloyd austin, who owns that? is there any government wrist, a strategic the faith and gaza if it failed to protect palestinian civilians? israel has temporarily reopened the cut them up with sam crossing between israel and gaza for the 1st time since october 7th, to allow more humanitarian aid and to this trip 24 talk so loud in that as far short of what's needed to help to displace themselves up and that is really ami has launched, strikes across the gauze. southern city of con eunice, one child was killed and several other people injured when a shelf has a maternity reward at the now. so medical, complex legs on sunday. at least 90 people were killed in the body of refugee camp, which has been repeatedly targeted since israel began its assault on this trip for more than 10 weeks ago. more than a 100 others were injured. i was just there, as honest i was shut off, has been speaking to people who was seeking treatment, and shelter,
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and hospitals in northern casa. he said this update from your body. a lot of stuff in this medical center in your valley out about the many dead and wounded people who are both following and his riley attack. many others are buried under the rubble and com be reached about paramedics. as we can see, most of the casualties of women and children the targeting innocent children, we host that's our home for help losing the splits. people who kind of play the police out, the schools. this lady, occupation, fos isn't, have targeted all of us inside the house. they target houses that only hosts civilians. there are hundreds of dead and wounded people. the medical system has collapsed and we can only offer medical services in small centers that can deal with the large number of victims. this is a genocide. our message to the world is that enough is enough. stop sleeping and
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get up. don't you feel that we are part of humanity? we assume he's been staying at home. we never home or heard any more and the be they trying to find some drinking water for the children. and of a sudden they started commission going, but it us, my daughter and my son were on the the managed to record the one of those the this morning. the sensor receives a huge number of victims do some must because committed by israel is occupation forces defense account, treat such large numbers of casualties. the health system in north calls or has already collapsed an immediate cease for i will made a stop to the killing of hundreds of people. the medical teams are exhausted and the situation is catastrophic. the anti well must, with a call to reach a ceasefire. we community offer 1st aid for these very critical cases and also that we don't know what to do or where to go with them. we are facing
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a genocide. is there any falls have stepped up the rates across the occupied westbank from tomorrow to bethlehem in nablus? is ready, forces have killed thousands of palestinians in the west bank including children since the status of the guns of all. that is why the military has also reportedly prevented ambulances from reaching the injured dozens of palestinian bodies have been taken by, is running the occupied westbank. since the will began to invites organizations fear that many more being confiscated from gaza. and they may not be returned like several others whose remains haven't being returned for years. but as rarely authorities rights organizations estimate, israel has refused to release the remains of $394.00 palestinian men and women. that's dating back to 1967 palestinian families and rights groups. so it's a form of psychological torture and collective punishment. the bodies, a captain, refrigerators or buried in israel, so called symmetry of numbers. these admitted tree graves were palestinians a buried anonymously, as a number rather than
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a name in 2018 and you little gave the is riley police, the power to limit the size of funerals, palestinian families say the conditions under which is relevant tunes. they loved ones remains often degrading and humiliating under the geneva convention deceased detainees a meant to be buried in line with their religious rights. and big waves should be respected and preserved. hold on. i've been how many of the reports from novelist, loud home from the show the in life and this is rose occupation besides the fate of palestinian? it's been nearly 2 years since may center has been lost so their son. so it did. courtney was a 23 year old living in nablus, who loved motor bikes. she became a member of the lions. then a group made up of youth, rebelling against the occupation. he died in confrontation with these are the soldiers. 2 weeks later, they received
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a letter saying the body had been confiscated by israel. all they had to bury was his hand, a bag and his partially burnt. i must come how the other fish we i'm going. it's only when he died, did we discovered she was part to the existence? no, no. first, i went to the hospital and his friend told me, my son was that i wanted to see his buddy, but they said it was taken away as symbolic funeral was held. but the thing is really, the family were told that if this man now buried here, had at the time given themselves up, the remains of their son would have been returned. now this policy of withholding bodies and using them as bargaining shift has existed since the creation of the state of israel. actually, it was inherited from the british mandate. but it's only since 2015 that's intensified to it's a policy that jews fight the against the british presidents in palestine. the cry
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that the time hundreds of bodies had been confiscated since the occupation of the west bank started in 1967. the subject line has been so my thoughts as can someone pass can between full they kept only the bodies of how much support is so somebody carried out in the tech then the is ready cabinet decided to keep all the bodies regardless of any medical affiliation and sometimes the reason of this can be obscure on this screen and the moose, i know is that the 15 year old son mohammed took his father's car in an evening in december 2021 of the how much you had a couple of hours later. this video already on social media and shows the car after the teenager rammed it into a check point. and my mother standing there was a soldier injured on the ground level. not, not the lot. we live under occupation most you cannot figure out what triggers your
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child. your waste follows was happening on his mobile phone. i don't know what affected him exactly, but killed him. anyone they suspected anything. so i don't know how y'all do you all have. i also left the wallet immediately, or maybe they interrogated them 1st. i don't know how many hours was he held. was he tortured? i don't know. so many things. the stream had the grave made to give closer to the youngest son who was asking after his brother. but for her closure would only come when the body of her son is late to risk. and that's at the will of these will military occupation, a sort of that, how many elders us nablus to the head on knowledge as they are a tight security in hong kong? does media tycoon and for democracy activism? jimmy not goes back on trial. the prevention version, yvonne coffee gets but a boy called call may not let people exercise their choice.
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the us bring you some of the world news now, and a huge fires burning and beginning and capital concrete was triggered by an explosion at a fuel, deaf or on the coloring peninsula in the house of the city. the facility is me, a call decrees, central prison and residential areas that spring. and nicholas hockey is following developments from the con neighbor incentive goal. what, what do we know about defining as well as this fire
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took place at the office shortly after midnight and on on monday morning and residents of connect crea were working by this allowed detonation and the blast with so strong list that it blew off the roofs. of 10 homes in the neighborhood nearby, people were running away from that peninsula, the peninsula of cullum, where there is an oil depot. and that seems to be the at the center of the explosion. but the blast really led to people fleeing dependents let to neighboring areas. it could be heard in the suburbs of co, not cree, and right now there is dozens of firefighters trying to control what is an inferno, a blaze that is spreading from color them to neighboring areas. now, all of the security forces are involved in trying to both trying to get people out of this neighborhood, but also to bring firefighters on the vicinity of the epi center of the blast to
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try to control this blaze. but the old that bo and this explosion took place nearby, where chemicals are being storage, chemicals that are being used used in the mining of bucks. i don't any is he has is home to the largest bulk site mine in the world. and so this port is, is in the place where this glass took place is next to an oil depot and where there's chemicals. and there's real fear that the only is this going to affect the, from the population living in the area. but there's risk of, of pollution in the nearby ocean where the port is and where there might be um, the oil spilling into into the ocean nearby o wiring solution. then next. thank you very much. nick nicholas hawk live in the car and neighbor in senegal, or the rocky vultures are heading to the poles and the 1st provincial elections and a decade. but a boy called announced by shelley to most of the also the could have
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a huge impact on the to announce on the how should reports from baghdad. it's been a decade since xerox last provincial election. many people say the looking forward to seeing a change in the day the lives we will have conventional councils which will elect governors which can get benefit from the financial budgets of the government rates . which means that controlling the government rates means that controlling the fundamentally the results of the next fundamental elections. millions of your walk is, are eligible to vote in 2019 provincial councils will dissolve you to the demands of the testers sizing system ethic figures and corruption. no concerns over transparency of from thing many to question the credibility of the elections. main election body says it was because of the intake,
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which we are the just of the models on the $1800.00. uh, i'm not sure the logs of up and the we issued the budget for them and that's what i allowed them. busy until the following centers, we hop that they'll pop this page widely in the selection. the country's largest political group, the sod risk movement is by cutting the election in 2021. it's secure, the largest block in the parliament, but failed to for the government. for it, because deadlock was followed by another wave of violence that ended with this address resigning from parliament. know the lead, i'm most of the so the ones to demise the system. and this calling going to support us not to vote louder than this address movement decided to boycott the election towards its rejection of the government's policies. the boycott is to deprive the government of legitimacy with many political movements in the wrong. a boy could
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instead be seen as a part of confidence in the very system. it aims to challenge a good reason for the government. the ink cartridge, the hard to know the rest of the rocks mainstream policy can functions of throwing the weight behind candidates, ousted speak. i'm a hammer that has lucy, is seeking to secure ikea when within so many major with the provinces as a show of force following get supreme court decision and system and all for see you ron, back. she all factions are the splits for public validations through the candidates, the protests in 2019 diminished the support of the hash and i just see it all about that. well, let's get more on these elections with with that then why have he's lived for us and could cook and ma, with any indications of whether sa, those core, for a boycott, will be successful of the
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what do we know for certain that the so the, the prominent she a say a leader has called on his supporters to wake up this election, but that's just mentioned in uh, mike league. is it a package that this will definitely paved the way for his opponents to move forward and to gain more a crown. but in all cases, and whether or not this is going to affect way impact the credibility of this election that remains to be seen. but we know for certain that looked at us so that they support those. they own a majority of votes, the own, and majority of supporters and districts. but on the other hand, they say at the block, known as that me or we build that includes all the shape of factions, political parties, alliances, infections except looked at the southern, his supporters. it is one of the top contenders in this election followed by the
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progress led to by that phone number is pico the problem. how many had lucy and then another top contender is the state of law coalition, lead by for them are prime minister will have met and had to go see the significance of this election lies in the fact that it 1st definitely pays the way for the one notice to move forward towards or gain ground towards that parliamentary elections. and also can also bring a lot of benefits for coalitions, more control and more power and the provinces. and the whole deal in kind of group problems, which is witnessing the selection for the 1st time and need 20. yes. what is the situation there? i will conclude problems is so considerations. this province has about 1000000.7, a population and of
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a multi ethnic and religious 6. good group has been so controversial, so controversial as it has been put as among the disputed territories since 2005 so disputed territories between the central government in baghdad. and that of the city attorney miss could this region, if you speak to people here in cook as we did over the past few days to, to come in, for example of might not the, the, to come on people, they would say that the, the oh did you know, identity of good group is to come and it was supported by 2 kids. arabs for example, to say that coach would be up completely at a provenance should be long dep towed to the, to the central government and about that. in fact, they say that took a look was on the patient. could there's a few patients for the 2000 after the us. that invasion code is on the other hand, say that they are hopeful that this collection were reinstate their leaders into
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the group. so that they can next it to the curtis region. very complicated situation and a mock one. thank you for breaking that down for as much will that, that why have live in kind of coke is less than should i have rejected a new constitution to replace the current text that dates back to the dictatorship of august. openness. shay, it comes more than a year off. the chileans rejected a left leaning more progressive dropped the new proposed text. the scene is conservative and mock and friendly lashed america editor, lucy, a newman has moved from santiago's, where the campaign headquarters of what you could consider the winters of this referendum. in other words, those who organized the rejected vote against a referendum for a new draft constitution to replace, to these dictatorship era constitution, the current one. now this is the 2nd time in the year the julian's went to the polls to vote in a referendum for or against the new constitution. the previous one was seen as having gone too far to the left. this one much too far to the right. so what you're
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seeing here are a lot of people who are kind of trying to figure out what to say tomorrow to the people in the chimney. really, there are no windows here. this has been a failure on the part of the class of chile, that's certainly how many people are seeing it, even some of the people who've been speaking here to chance. it's not just one to rewrite the constitution to put to bid, repeat those shape era constitution, which 80 percent of julian said 3 years ago. they wanted to replace because they wanted to have one written under democracy one that would guarantee social services, health education, tensions and a whole array of rights. that apartment one does not guarantee and then both cases, neither of the options were good or not. so it's not back to the drawing board anymore. now everyone agrees it's time to start with this attempt to rewrite the constitution and to the political parties kind of breed on ways to reach
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a middle ground that might be satisfactory to the people of jimmy c. and you've been out here on sunday. yeah. cool ways. isn't it? second day of morning, off the desk of an aide shake. now i'll fall off without some bones. saturday. international delegates and leaders of expect expected to arrive over the coming days as big as life for us in kuwait city. so how people they are remembering the made and observing the morning period as well. it's been a very low key event. in fact to the funeral, there's located the very where there's even more loki in a private affects. now we understand that the airport to in quite has a v i. p section that's been set up to receive dignitaries from across the world and the region, in fact they fly in, they give their condolences pay their respects on the fly out. and that's very kind of indicative of how to wage with snellville 3 days of morning. this is the 2nd day of morning, but it's again very low key, very modest. we're not seeing
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a great deal of flex blank other than the official buildings with that to. uh huh. of most. but what we have been seeing is restaurant's close public institutions. those. those are the reopen, be believe on wednesday morning, but yes. signatures like in because great was a country of neutrality, it was a country that tried to be a friend to everybody. i know folks are not and that's what happens next, politically and full coates role in the region. will it be one of continuity? yes, we expect it to be continuity because a shift michelle document that's about have taken over considerable the minds of those duties from shifting to off because checking them off has been ill been traveling for some time. so we expect some continuity. the crate is a member of the gulf cooperation canceled. it is very neutral and tries to be friends with everybody in fact. but what's really getting people's attention here
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is what's going to happen inside the country. now we expect chick michelle to us where he's all that parliament on wednesday and then he has one year according to the cons to send 2 names, then he's success. that's that again, with that success a is name of the conference that will have to be put to parliament. they will vote on it and he has to get the 2013 nice. that doesn't happen. he comes back with 3 names and they have to choose one of those 3, but people are looking for somebody young, get him the he himself shipping charges, $83.00 is old and the is old is just kind of to and fro between parliament, the monica unit quite as very exceptional in the region, the terms of its constitution, it has elected parliament. but also the government is selected by the mere now the expect to be expected, the government will offer its resignation to the american. it's up to him, but he keeps the same government, same cabinet, or he selects a new one that's very much how the constitution and the countries politics work here. right? so thank you very much for that. that's as
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a big live in quite city smells. korea has 5 watts believe to be an intercontinental ballistic missile towards the sea of japan. is the 2nd launch in 24 hours after it find a short range missiles on sunday. it comes as days off to south korea and the us house nuclear deterrence tools units. chem, as following developments from south korea's capital sol, either on whether this morning's intercontinental ballistic missile launch was that of north korea's new, a solid fuel costs on 18. characteristics appear to match its last launch in july. miss south like some 1000 kilometers in the locker to adjust the rate for more than 70 minutes before passing its water season. according to sol, joint chiefs of staff that overnight in a statement north korea's defense ministry substance and condemned south korea and the us for what he calls
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a open declaration on nuclear confrontation that in reference to the nuclear quantitative group meeting that was conducted at the pentagon. over the weekend to fill out details into an agreement between so and washington to work together. in the case of a nuclear you scenario, south korea has come down to north korea for its latest icbm 5. pick one, you said a kid by the north koreans ignoring international norms by frequent the wily t u and secret to console sanctions to become them. north korea, foot plates and park receiving, threatening, are legitimate contra measures with pompous and blustering rhetoric kind of at a se chances of any dialogue resuming with north korea appear as low as, especially in the months reading of us presidential elections. that's november now as relations between sylvia and moscow, as well as those among united states, south korea and japan continue to tighten tension on the korean peninsula to remain
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high kim all to 0. so of the type of media typo in jimmy lies underway and hong kong on challenges of conspiracy. and some titian, he's facing a potential live sentence on the china, sweeping national security and all law as a prominent critic of aging and founder of the pro democracy newspaper. fm davie was stopped operations in 2021. he was convicted on full charges and a separate case last year. jessica washington has more on the truck from the courts in hong kong. for there is a significant security presence here outside the west, common course, some hundreds of offices on every corner of the quote complex. as the national security trial of jimmy life begins often much delay. the trial has suddenly attracted public attention. some thousands of people queued from the early hours of the morning to secure their seats so they could watch the trial happening inside
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the courtroom. there are also foreign diplomats watching the trial as well, including those from the british control in general. as stimuli is a british citizen, significantly the u. k. foreign secretary, david cameron met with jimmy ly son sebastian before the trial began and just hours before the trial started, he calls for jimmy lies immediate release, saying that this is a politically motivated prosecution. china is ministry of foreign affairs has dismissed what it sees as interference in a domestic nato and to described jimmy light as a d stabilizer and an antique china elements. now, as the 76 year old entered the courtroom, he looked calm and he smiled and waved at the court. his lawyer told the court peace as a matter of fundamental rights. the trial has already been delayed twice and the national security law was used initially to block gimme lines, choice a lawyer, and also to block a jury trial, which is the norm here in hong kong. instead home comes leaders don't leave
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a pointed 3 just to hear the case and to the side stimuli space the calling with ours. he's a say the cities legal system is robust and all equal before jessica washington on to 0. there were concerns that the global antique tobacco movement is losing momentum. it follows the reversal of measures in new zealand and malaysia to ban smoking for future generations flowing slowly. reports. this is the leading cause of preventable the w h. o. estimates tobacco kills more than $8000000.00 people each year, including those exposed to 2nd hand smoke. support for the anti smoking movement is growing. many governments are working to reduce the number of smokers, including new zealand, with a number of people who smoke has fallen to 6.8 percent. the country was the 1st 2 possible and a year ago. this is now being reversed under the new administration, much to the disappointment of n t,
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smoking advocates. i think it's important to recognize that politician come and go . but the polling that we've done shows that during the cust nice ation. reducing the availability of tobacco products in the smoke free generation, the based on very strongly evidence in the very popular and that evidence is neither going to go away. malaysia to had a plan to cub smoking. but those provisions will ultimately dropped from proposed legislation. public health experts say the opposition to such a bad is misguided. it's felt that it's a bad on the existing smokers and beaten uses. and therefore it is something of a deprivation of, of liberty right there. and that's where most of the objection lives of. but the fact of the matter is it's actually trying to protect our children, our grandchildren, and those who come off to us from being addicted to make it seem to begin with. and
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to smoking advocates find themselves going up against a powerful of in the tobacco industry. that's estimated to be was one trillion dollars by 2030. the british government has said it tends to introduce a new vote that would prohibit secret sales in england to individuals born after january, 1st 2009. it's highly likely that the tobacco would stay with the to do things like you just, you'll review a legal challenge as that part of that playback the u. k. and around the world to try and show that directly to reprice us and slow it down. um, but i, i, i know you the, our government house previously stood up to those back to industry and i'm sure that they will stand up to them again. england could end up being the 1st to impose a generational ban on secret sales science. li g 0 and that's it from the elizabeth front. them for this news our the do stay with us . we are back in just
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a few minutes for the ongoing coverage of the wall and gaza and the days of the top stories. and as always, you can find the latest on all the stories we're covering on our website that's i want to say, i don't com, the wire. you might, you might know, as you know, i month, i included. right? i know we have our in addition to the in built valves which are part of the irrigation canals, farmers have resorted to extra and with water hoses to pump the fluid or onto their fields. the practice the government considers illegal. i'm or from ha ha ha, thank you,
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bye. let's say the city that's on here that we've talked about this, which is a tenant object to produce object these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of israeli public discourse and timor voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space where the story goes next. frank assessments to the problem is that, is there any is allowed to be outside that ends of international law? that's
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a be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroyed. the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story. on al jazeera, the us defense secretary lloyd austin is due to arrive instead of eve to discuss as well as ongoing on garza the hello on this a bit for on. and this is ellen, just the online from doha. also coming up the is very ami hits targets in southern garza, including a maternity ward and con units were homeless. if people have been sheltering in


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