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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 18, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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stories for a global audience. this is my, you house, this is way. what's the reason for you to a full side of the phrase us from our open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on that, i'll just say era. the us defense secretary is holding tasks with as many officials as pressure grows. and then that's and yahoo government to stop the war on god. the i'm about to send in this is audra 0 life from don't also coming up. the series of is really arrow slides kills at least $200.00 palestinians across the strip hospice . so targeted the 1st few trucks of humanitarian aid to the ends of the district. so in this way, the check point was shots for 2 months on human rights watch accuses these really
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governments of using starvation as a weapon of war. and gosh, the, the us to find is that there's a lot of austin is in tennessee for adults on israel's minutes. we all probation in gaza is how the amazing with these really defense ministers you of go on. israel's been stepping off its military offensive despite the rising international pressure . austin had previously warned israel risk a strategic defeated and gaza if it failed to protect palestinian civilians. they'll have back to behind after a day, long visits before traveling to cut off as part of a tour of the middle east. it is very immediate. it says the government on homeless are open to talks on a new c spot and exchange of captives and prisoners to be mediated by comstock negotiation installed at the beginning of the month, sort of week long. so as far collapse binding smith joining us not from tennessee.
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so what are we expecting from lloyd austin's visit? banner of the rob lloyd austin joins operate of us officials on some politicians with a very similar message. they support israel and not calling for c spot, but there are too many civilian casualties. lloyd austin is the military money to brings with them a wealth of or thoughtful stock, general a wealth of military experience. it was involved in the early days in american fighting with the taliban in afghanistan is involved in the us planning to retake most so from iceland, so he knows about of and will 5, right at the beginning of this conflict just a few days after october, 7th, he told these right of the military, um, the head of the defense is around. you have too many troops stationed on the board that you should be using, targeted as strikes at how much these main military, how much is main leadership is riley's didn't listen them. they went in full bore on a still continues barry, intense and campaign. so the more pressure on israel to change talkin. austin
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bloomed in december. you said if you drive civilians into the hands of the enemy, then you risk rufus comprising a tactic goes to tactical victory. we have a strategic defense and we see how much, how much is popular. it is increased in the occupied westbank since since october the 7th. so will these regulars listen this time while the americans have met very screws that concern, not least the significant financial and military, they give this red barn and thank you very much. indeed, bernard smith, talking to us from tennessee. we're going to go to honeywell, who was in rafa in southern guys. ohio is lloyd austin's visit being perceived in gaza. honey, it just looks nice. are the people are very skeptical about the visits of this high ranking american official and just given the history of the past, visits by american high ranking officials from prison bite into secretary blinking
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through dig sullivan, the national security adviser now to the defense secretary of who is not his 1st, i'm just the 2nd time of his visit. people are looking at at the those been haven't had any apparent, a positive impact on their, on their lives here, let alone their safety and they avoid being, being killed. there are, there is a surge of bill relentlessly or strikes that particularly any areas that the where the us the pressure it's israel to designate for palestinian displays than evacuated in the southern part. yet they came under heavy bombardment and a lot of evacuated display the work killed in those areas. start there also the talks about the seeds buyer. but it seems that the usa doesn't have that libraries on, on, isabel, as much as these really public has on its own government, particularly, and response to the, the killing of the 3 hostages by these really military. also, if the people here are frustrated, the fact that the, the,
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that only the us but the entire world seems to lack the aid. the ability to put israel a to pressure is where it's a little more substantial, a humanitarian aid. and to avoid this links, the breed product, the process of living at 8 into into the gaza strip. particularly when look at dire situations in terms of an imminent, to starve ation. it started to be visible across the gaza strip, as well as the lack of sanitation and the threat of this freight of infectious diseases due to lack of, of sanitation as well as the destruction of highs used facilities lit along the extreme shortage of medical supplies. and the destruction of possibly those what we did so far is just assessing what people have just say about this then. and so far, and there isn't a concrete efforts on the ground that this, that the americans are going to do to it just to help people and save them from what but from this genocide, those whereas one person describe it. but this is what we are,
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what people have to say about data visits of, of this american official to the region as of how the city of been under it is rating more since october 7th the, the visit by the us secretary of defense the it will only bring more fear to me to my family because the united states has been the strongest supporter of, of as well since the establishment. it's established with the 1948. so with this visit, i think we should expect more as why you do violence to work towards us, palestinians, especially the gods. i should expect more death, destruction, and maybe the visit of this a security. mr. of the american didn't change anything and we got the strip, the funding continues that were, continues the automated and appraised to be done. they came into the office. we expect that the we be much, or we came in today for a gross of profile,
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and everything is as it is that people continue with buying a said continue one things i guess as trip. so everything as is as if this so, so far are people here are the not addressing the, the, the current narrative of ongoing visits by american officials is given the positive for a little over 70 days. people are getting killed here at a record numbers. and there is a lot of talks about what needs to be done, but on the ground this hasn't been as translated into practical steps to stop the ongoing genocide. honey, thank you very much indeed, honey, i'm a good talking to us from rough uh, in southern you guys have looking to bring in my on the shot. i'll just do this in your political analyst and people in gaza. not convinced the total that this visit about load austin is actually gonna make any sort of difference. but as bernard smith was pointing out from kind of the boys were still talking about somebody who has significant experience in military urban warfare. he is also here with the
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joint chiefs of staff. is there anything that we should to read into that the fact that that he is bringing that experience to these meetings? i think the americans are trying to convince base rate is to move sooner than later to a less intensive phase of the war. i think the war as it's going on, it's a general site. and it's embarrassing for america's allies in the west, notably and so in the likes of the united states, britain and germany. why unconditional support is there or defend if any, all government meant unconditional support to genocide and i think that's, can have gone on for what know, 10 weeks plus and i think the americans notice i think this is probably key here. then noticing that there's really operation is not going that way. that way too many civilians and their words are died that there's been indiscriminate bombings
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and gaza. but they are unable to defeat. have us, if anything, most of the estimates that we're seeing is that on the fraction less than half anyway of how much force says have been defeated. right. so i think the idea of this kind of go on open ended, lee is not digestible, not acceptable to the likes of the americans. so they're trying to push these or at least to quick into fast and the phase, the move to the next phase. i think these right is that it was just especially that anyhow. if any are, and his generals want to intensify even further. and my estimates, my analysis is that the next few days will probably with this even more severe bombings of guys because these writers understand that the window of opportunity is closing. so austin would probably be advising of these writers. how would they've done it in the rock, for example, how they could move toward something more discriminant? of course, the big question for me on for you,
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and for all of us who have been witnessing general sides on driver. if there is another way to defeat from us by attacking, gets committed to ends. it's tunnels and leadership. why haven't they done it from the beginning? why did we have to go through such a genocide? tens of thousands of casualties, but there was, in fact i know that altamont here and that expectation that, that the volumes maybe intensified was something that we heard. i'm echoed by the people that we heard and we heard from it in gaza. there i want to talk to about the, the speculation that's been going around about the possibility of, of the grounds being laid for possible adults about another and cease fire or exchange of prisoners exchange of captives. now we understand that the c i, a director william burns, is going to be meeting the cost of refinement of similar hama dog, been outdoor from on, on the tiny. i'm the head of israel's most i spy agency. now they all played key role say negotiating the last see spot that we so given the fact that there appear
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to be rumors of talks that are going on, negotiations are set to have been continuing a. how do we interpret the fact that the c i a director is not getting involved? well, it's the same dynamics at the scene, play out before in the hall with the city present in the house, and then eventually debit. but now the heads of them aside, decided to leave and say something to the effect. i would never go back to negotiations. this is all very upset. now he's going back and he's going back to the negotiations because there's a lot of is ready public pressure as well as american pressure. because as we said about the military aspect, now there is the aspect of the hostages, the captives word by also the united states would want to see a movement on that maybe before christmas. so the involvement of bill burns, of course, brings a new weight into the thing. and again in the america, the americans don't want to leave it to these railways because they don't trust
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a product leaving to send you a whole government with changing direction. right? so i think the presence of the brands will probably be uh, weight, uh heavily. uh, but the stand was still in the face with the big question is, what do you do about how much is red lines? because how much is what drives are clear? there will be no change exchange unless there's a ceasefire, and that's not just a political demand on the part of how much is also logistical one. i thought of a because of the waters on the way they're no longer able, has before to be able to count and release captives the way they did before they need a real ceasefire. right. i don't see even the logistics of communication between the how much of the outside the house and inside is also becoming more complicated . so i think that might does have to step in and give how much an incentive a seaside wouldn't be the 1st. but how much is this like or not per minutes? he's fine. i just read the judge and uh,
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does it reuters that there is an agreement about the ceasefire. i'm not sure if it's permanent, but there's some kind of an agreement. but the details have to be, uh, have to be uh, hammer down. right. so all of that still engulfed in mystery. right? in uncertainty where is it going? how's it going? because as you and i were just discussing the minute that aspect is there is a no mode, there's nothing. yeah. government wants to continue full fledged, which goes against the idea of releasing got this and one last point about that with nothing. yeah. was faced with really mounting pressure yesterday. he showed up in the morning meeting of the governor, more meaning with a statement from the family is of dead soldiers saying something to the fact you don't have a mind or to stop the war. your mind is to continue with the war. so he's actually using that as a pretext to continue with the war. so all of that, all of that that,
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that sort of a, that the war a pass and the diplomatic pass or be complicated by is rams insistence. on continuing with more of the same modeling the shot, i'll just say to senior political analyst. thank you very much. but at least 200 pounds is standing and so being killed and is very air raids across the gaza strip on hospitals. so again, come under attack. this is the scene at the gates of all shape. a hospital in northern garza were dead bodies lay scattered outside the facility. dozens of palestinians have been killed and many more of being wounded. officer repeated shelley, bye as ready forces stationed around the area as being continually shifting their all shape as well. the guys as hospitals have turned into bottles, seals in complete violation of international law overnight and is ready tank. show federal maternity building inside the nasa hospital in con eunice, in the side of that killed a 13 year old girl who lost her father and mother,
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a siblings on one of her legs. on sunday, as any force is strong, they are allowed the hospital in northern gaza and detained its director after days of siege and attacks. is there any forces or accuse of running over palestinians, including wounded patients with bulldozers and the grounds of the cum allowed one hospital? sean casey is an emergency medical teen coordinator in garza, with the world health organization. he says, doctor is actually for hospital, don't have enough resources to treat the patients as in the el cheapo on 2 days ago on saturday to deliver medical supplies for them. what we did find was a very minimally functioning hospital. so there are supposed to be provided that it is extremely, it's an extremely working machine. so the hospital buildings on saturday, when i was there, were intact, there was a small number of staff present, approximately 5 or 6 doctors, 5 years and services. and then there were hundreds of patients thousands of
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internally display 1st. and when we walked to the emergency department, it was indeed about what was bought on the floors. there were patients screaming in every 30 to 62nd in with the injuries from a gunshot wound box springs, brooklyn, adams to the hospital software, trying to maintain some level and sort of the, their experience that we're intending to go again in the coming days. so provide fee for the barriers and additional medical equipment and in 3rd clinic personnel as well. the legislators while doing some visits as a national medical complex and con units we filed this report, let proceed with that. that fee will jump on most of this obstetrics and gynecology department, enough sort of medical complex has been targeted and penetrated by as rarely show as you can see. one that bad was a woman who had her leg amputated after an attack in another area in hon. eunice,
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the shell, hit her directory in her head and killed her immediately saying that it did not explode. and that if it had done that, it would have caused a real massacre here. says this is the 2nd time the hospital has been sued by a shell that didn't explode. the 1st about early this morning in one of the hospitals, courtyards where displaced people shelter in a large number of tents and 2 people were injured. but yeah, they recommend, i don't have to look for an outside of that. this is the children's section. the children were sleeping in their places, including a little girl don't. yeah. the shell penetrated the ceiling and directly hit her. parts of her head and blood are splattered on the wall. as you can see, it's a brutal crime. this little girl had her legs amputated, and her family were killed when their house was bombed, not long ago. finally, she lost her life. the enemy killed donya and killed all her hopes of the enemy. didn't send us any warning or evacuation order. the enemy didn't say anything
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before shelling or departments. it's a message to us that we will always be under the threat of being shelled and bombarded any time any day. donia and the other innocent children did nothing to be killed. a civilian displaced people in these tense did nothing to be attacked and killed and get injured. israel's military might be intent on committing other massacres in this hospital and knocking out this health institution. it doesn't want any medical service to be offered to our dead and wounded people in the entire gaza strip. then run a scenario. it is almost the same old scenario used previously by the israeli occupation forces in the l sheep on medical complex. the same method has been used before at the statutes and gynecology department, the, the, i'll she for medical complex that prior to putting the whole complex under a siege. could this be the start of imposing a total seizure on the hospital before storming in the coming few hours and days give us the answer? well, it was just the back which i'm not,
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not sort of to be the still ahead and i'll just say that we'll have all the rest of the days. we use a provincial election and then rocks the 1st time in years. but there's a call for a boy cost of a live updates. the had a low that's a south america, violent storm. so being causing chaos across the south of the continent. origin t let dealing with west of those who had exceptional wins. about 240 kilometers per hour, downing trees, and causing catastrophic damage. now the storms off, still the on monday, rumbling their way, further north, across into uruguay and into power guy. but we'll also see some of those in buenos aires and by tuesday it will be the winds, the i'm more of a problem that went to weather. however, stretching all the way up into bolivia on woods to peru,
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touching up and to equitable and columbia. and it's looking slightly dryer across the amazon basin, but preserve continues to see the heat. we've got a heat wave warnings out for places like sol, paula, but temperature sitting well above the average. they will come down slightly as we go monday into tuesday. and as we head further north to central america and the caribbean, we think something of a cool down across mexico, thanks to the system that's pushing its way further. east red warnings out for low temperatures for the north, west of mexico with those conditions stretching across. so that you can time peninsula whether he is across away from cuba and jamaica instead it'll be pushing its way into his brain. you're like taking the west of that. what whether to the dominican republic on tuesday, the, on counting the cost, if the world produces enough food to feed all its people lie to hundreds of millions go hungry communities across africa facing the west is quite season for
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decades for the funding of a programs that tackle food in security is declining, counting the cost on al jazeera, the end of the storage that we counter heidi complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. the want to go to 0 to mind if i told stories of this are the us defend secretaries in tennessee of to discuss israel's military operation. and johnson is just being stepping up it's offensive despite its rising international pressure. quite austin had previously born that israel risk strategic defeats and gunshots if it failed to
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protect palestinian civilians. a series of is when the air strikes kills at least 200 contest indians across the gaza strip. hospitals are talk as a child is killed off to a shelter gets in maternity. hundreds of people have been taken shell to in hospitals to escape the bombings a video. and it says, gaza is becoming the graveyard of a population property between war, sage and deprivation. israel says it's temporarily reopened the com. i will style i'm crossing to allow more humanitarian aid in 2 guys on the crossing was closed for 2 months from abo salon is located for the borders of egypt to gaza. and israel meet and it's used for large trucks coming goods, fuel and age into gaza. and therefore, the war 850 trucks would enter the strip every day through the crossing with israel, as well as the gulf of crossing with egypt that ended when israel imposed a complete blockade and october the 7th. 2 weeks and to the conflict. a few for
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monetary and a trunks wherever allowed and age could only enter through the rough crossing. the number of trucks delivering a to increase. only marginally since that time for this is frontier with from us last months. far short of the staggering needs of the people of gas and families engaged, facing a dies humanitarian crisis. and the desperation is drawing. but the day correspondent, as mill uncle has more from kansas city, you know, i'm, i'm, was there much of that were in front of all. she's the complex which hosts the biggest number of the space people. everyone is asking how can families, mountains, their likelihood fall under sea and heavy bombing? lots of more that can be a little as over in the, in the us. the me, i love each month. i'm cookie rice, to sell to the hungry. we need food and water. we want to live without rice, the people would starve to death. we need to work. we only have firewood for cooking the nurse because we only have rice to eat. and we have to pay so much
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more than before. we need to feed our children. we can't even find slower. instead of paying less than a dollar for some slower, you know, have to pay about $8.00. that's it. if we're lucky enough to find that so you can say yes or no, no, no, no to the situation is very bad. we have children and grandchildren. everyone needs to eat. there is nothing available except the rice impasto. we can have bread because we can't find flour. if you find flower every other day, it will never be enough. god is my witness. children who are always crying because they're always hungry. currently, this situation is the worst compared to other wars. i've seen worse since 1967, and this time it's the worst in the world. the jimmy use that and you have the can least set that on. everyone is trying to get some rights to feed their children. weiss is now the only food available for more
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than $60000.00 will display. t is also everything we can find food even for the children. i have 6 children that this is the situation here in front of all she for complex. people are trying to buy rights for the families and some other people inside the complex can even do the same. some help of the mean i'm was a month, it's 9 and who, but not under the that somebody write scripts accused israel of using starvation as a weapon of war in guys. human rights spots such as has deliberately denying palestinian civilians access to food and water and that a war crime is that is a war crime under international law. the group says public statements by high ranking is really officials and blocking food, water and fuel being carried out as policy biased, where the forces, the un says more than 2000000 palestinians as nearly the entire population guys and don't have enough food. it adds around half of all palestinians and guys are stopping. hunger is so widespread of 9 out of 10 people are not eating enough or
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a toll every day. in the south where most of the people have been forced to seek shelter. more than half of internally displaced, families have experienced severe levels of hunger. how much shock it is israel and palestine director of human rights watch, he says, is really, is using different methods to deliberately limit food and more something, johnson. but i think there are about 5 pieces a very damning evidence that led to this conclusion. one is 2 plus months of blocking entry of food and water. second is the blocking of all the trickle of humanitarian aid from entering into gaza. these have been documented for more than 2 months, but then you add to it some of the additional evidence that we looked at. one is the parent of raising of agricultural lands. large percentages of the agricultural green land and gaza, turned brown desolate for the report looks at the intentional destruction of
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objects necessary for survival. so i'm talking about week mills, i'm talking about hospitals of water and sanitation facilities. greener is these kinds of things that you need to survive and then you put together the last piece, which is statements bias. really official spelling out in clear terms that their strategy or policy is the start of civilians as a tool of leverage to achieve political outcomes. whether it be a release of hostages, destruction from us putting it all together to reach the clear conclusion that the israeli government is using starvation as a webinar for, which is an important or crime is ready for as i've stepped, upgrades across the occupied westbank from ramallah to bethlehem, a novelist is killed dozens of palestinians, including children. since the start of the war is rarely, military is also reportedly prevented. i'm going to say it's from reaching the engine the the
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we're going to bring you some other world news. now we rock is a voting in the 1st prevention elections and a decade. the really and she outlines is likely to extend its grip on power. its main political arrival, the saw, the rest of it. but as boy crossing the election, the provincial vote sets the stage for parliamentary elections scheduled for 2025 out of how she was joining me now from the bank that on a 1st of all, how significant is this gold? well the selection, as you said, the gums just 2 years before the monuments electrons and actually the some policy can functions that's all looking forward to push for on the elections in 2024. so the results of this election and. busy the importance of the provincial councils is going to have its own impact, and that's why we see all the opponents. it can of factions on, on fox, he's pushing 2 or more boxes sufficient, especially with the cypress moving,
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which is the main opposition. movements in the country i calling for white glove. this is a big challenge for the government of prime minister, a sudan is because it's a kind of for you both of confidence on his government. it's a vote of confidence on the system itself. and as you can see, as we are coming to you for the front of the polling stations. yeah, and that's the turn out to you and, but that doesn't seem to be a very good as far as. busy now is which is like 3 hours from closing the pools. it didn't really go above 10 percent. don't talk to us about the situation in all the parts of the country because of course, the fact that is a significant element of that. but of course that on what's going on and all the parts of the country, particularly in the north. and i think a cook is an interesting element to that. a lot of
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cost with gecko being province. that's not with this stuff election since 2005, which is that on to decades. it's really interesting, especially with the aspirations on the differences of what the status of the cool before you know, the, toward the sure. also, the mas region was trying to have a good cook within its borders. and also that all hopes within the people, of course, with maybe to go towards the new states is that the that's why we see right now of the, the turn out that was a boss 32 percent in all the provinces such as on board. it's also a high, relatively high now in general, it's all around the rock. it's less than 20 percent because the moment we're going to 3 hours next to the poles goes, it's all in 17 percent. but it's interesting that in on bought and a get cool seen most of the level of.


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