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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 18, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of the sante attain, this is the news, our life from the home coming up in the next 60 months. our support for israel security remains unshakable. and it always will us defense secretary and lloyd costa tells us really need is washington will stand by them and gaza, but they must abide by the rules of the century often also says he has courting
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a regional security musing as humans who receives onto a tax on ships and the red sea israel says to have its soldiers have been killed in thousands and thousands more injured. as the last fight has continued to the dipping fast and raising new phones. and on one side, we hear from new parents or say that children have been born into the account who lost her family, her leg. and finally, how life don't yahoo! my son who told the wild about her dreams of becoming a doctor is killed in israel's unrelenting attacks on gas the whole it's now 19 gmc, that's 9 o'clock in the evening and calls on israel the us defense secretary has
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been in tel aviv holding talks that as concerns grow of israel's minute trach as in gaza, speaking alongside as randy defends chief as kalonde. so she often says that washington waiting to dictate israel's will. but within what a huge civilian death toll would often says he's discussed reducing civilian holland garza during meetings with is really need is. austin's also announced a lot of a maritime coalition to respond to ongoing attacks by the who sees on commercial vessels in the red sea. the oil joined b p, as the lease has companies to hold shipments through those waters. these attacks are reckless, dangerous, and they violate international law. and so we're taking action to build an international coalition to address this threat. and i would remind you that this is not just a us issue is, this is an international problem, and it deserves international response. and that's why i'm convening a meeting tomorrow. administer will meeting with federal ministers and
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a region and beyond. to, to address this threat. i now have also another tre wayne has released a video showing 3 elderly as rainy captives held and gaza. pleading with a is randy government to secure their release as well, has in the past labeled the sofa video, psychological wolf at by hold on. well that speak to a correspondence, matthew joins us now from tel aviv valid. just what do we know about this this coalition for the narrow time security that, that austin has been talking about. i understand that is meeting announcement scheduled for tomorrow. a load. austin is on his way to ball rain and he will be hosting that virtual ministerial meeting from the idea the us as is that going to launch something called operation prosperity. god, you know, this is going to be a task force that will secure the shipping lanes, the bottom on this bubble mind up straight on the red sea to re,
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to allow the shipping vessels to pass. 3, lead freely through that, the who are things that say they will continue to target vessels connected to will heading to israel until these riley's give the palestinians in gauze of the age that they need. so the who they say they're acting in solidarity with the palestinians. in gaza, the americans say this task force, they want it to be made up with help from gulf states, from egypt. and jordan, it's going to be difficult to persuade them are aussies and the saudis to get behind because that the saudis, it's a trying to sign a piece deal with the who face. they don't know how to similarly on egypt and jordan. well, they've got these huge populations that, of course, very sympathetic to the palestinians and gaza and what really wants to be seen to be doing anything that have supportive of israel. but the americans, the us hopes that this task force will determine who sees. so that shipping major
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shipping companies as we know of abandoned for the moment, not route through the red sea. and then after the series come out and are instead of standing around africa, cost a lot of money and it adds a lot of time to the journeys. and egypt makes a lot of money from transit fees about $10000000000.00 a year. but even egypt without loss of income is not yet signed up to this us passcodes. oh, certainly see how that goes in the next day or so. but i also want to ask you about this last video that's been released. the timing of authority says no bootable with austin in the town. how have because randy has responded and so it, it's come out in the last hour or so it's 3 elderly man. one of them says he's 79 years old. we don't identify them because it's not clear whether that is the not speaking freely that captives. the timing is the 1st video of his being. and since the collapse of the last c size of the 1st video has been in more than 2 weeks. and
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these men described themselves and men who worked towards the foundation of israel . and is it a, perhaps an idea that that might strike chords here amongst these really see well hoping of those x rays. we're hoping that the government will do more to work towards a sci fi that will bring the release of these hostages. it's not possible to tell when this video was shot. there's no mention by these men, for example, in it all the 3 captives who was shot dead accidentally bodies, rarely, military at the end of last week. so we don't know when he's come out, but yes, the idea is to add to the momentum. if the momentum to encourage is right, a leadership to look for a c spine that is with the with overlays as for us from tel aviv. thank you very much, but it won't just in the last couple of as we've also had from last saying, your spokesman says that the us is eating israel and it's offensive on casa in the
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email with my does it on the model with all these crimes and horrendous domestic has all committed by the nazis rarely occupation forces with full american support making the american administration. it's president by then i'm a primary partner in shedding our product, spending blog kidding. with children and women, and destroying pillars of livelihood in gaza. and this partnership has consequences and accountability, aka, well, the is where they only says 2 more of its soldiers have had held in gaza. it also says $48.00 soldiers of an engine that over the past 24 hours. lots of military rang, has released new video showing some of the finding the move in the city of bates. ha ha ha. sites is all that seemed striking is rarely times and shapes with and to time from his files without smell, speak to a correspondence on the ground, turns up wizard and he is in rafa and southern utah. so for us talk, there's obviously been no last time for the fighting, whereas it fits us right now. yes.
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literally the attacks and the fighting on the ground did not stop. it seems to at hours of today's morning as the attacks from the southern areas as well continued square. and we have heard the sound of explosion in roof i just took right now where we are on the live, where it had been a can for the loud out. the attacks also continued in the middle areas of the region where i know so right. so if you did come had been widely hit, square 5 palestinians have been killed in that strike against a residential building. also did republic i'm talking about as a refuge account had been us into for these really minute treat strikes, which had been on the east very intense bombing during the last hour. the west and the middle areas of con eunice had been completed on the east vegas shooting for more than 3 hours right now, where the casualties had been a rise into more than $200.00 palestinians who have been uh, killed since during the last 24 hours. with hundreds of those who have been also
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the ones that tara, can you talk about those who have been killed and wounded, they will say more attacks on hospitals today. i understand across the south of the district, the yes hospitals had been a, one of the main areas that these very forces had been attacking uh, since the initial phase of the, the 1st they attacked the good image of it actually thought medical conflicts, the latest, the venetian hospital during the last couple of days, they have a stormed the come on at one hospital, arresting the director of this may become a center and also they haven't received a number of medical work as, as a, the same thing has happened as well to the i was a hospital which is where the forces had a risk that the director of idaho is because the doctor and uh, and uh, the vin number of medical records had been mistreated by the east valley. um, you know, those people's medical stuff had been tirelessly providing
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a treatment for thousands of of residents have been northern area where you lation by the east, but on the continued against these areas for civilians who are taking shelter inside these medical complex had been also killed and the rest it by the is very ami capitalizing the with the latest for us. and the southern part of the goal is to stress and wrap up. thank you. time a 12 year old style has been killed and is really attack on the nasa hospital and sonya, this is where you would just tearing, don't you? i will most and died when shell hit the pediatric ward, where she and several other children were sheltering. she'd already lost her family and her leg and a miss. alt attack on that house. last month she told dollars there about her hopes and dreams, a gun and the head of an yes, i hope to be a doctor to help people. now my life is changing, they have gone, we are alone now without them. i was connected to this life because i was very much
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connected to my mother's father and siblings who died. but i must continue despite the fact that i will never forget the mobile home while the visit to the last, the medical complex. and sonya is leprosy. and with that, that fee, which i'm not, i'm not set up with this obstetrics and gynecology department in austin or medical complex has been targeted and penetrated by as rarely. shells, as you can see on that bad, it was a girl who had her leg amputated after an attack in another area. nissan eunice, the shell, hit her directory and her head and killed her immediately. it did not explode, and if it had done that, it would have caused a real massacre here. says this is the 2nd time the hospital has been sued by a shell that didn't explode to her. the 1st about early this morning in one of the hospitals, courtyards where displaced people shelter in a large number of tents and 2 people were injured. but yeah, they recommend,
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i don't have to look for an outside of that. this is the children's section. the children were sleeping in their places, including a little girl don't. yeah. the shell penetrated the ceiling and directly hit her. parts of her head and blood are splattered on the wall. as you can see, it's a brutal crime. this little girl had her legs amputated, and her family were killed when their house was bombed, not long ago. finally, she lost her life. the enemy killed donya and killed all her hopes of the enemy. didn't send us any warning or evacuation order. the enemy didn't say anything before shelling or departments. it's a message to us that we will always be under the threat of being shelled and bombarded any time any day. donia and the other innocent children did nothing to be killed. a civilian displaced people in these tents did nothing to be attacked and killed and get injured. israel's military might be intent on committing other massacres in this hospital and knocking out this health institution. it doesn't want any medical service to be offered to our dead and wounded people in the entire gaza strip. then run
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a scenario. it is almost the same old scenario used previously by the israeli occupation forces in the l sheep on medical complex. the same method has been used before at the statutes and gynecology department in the i'll she for medical complex read that prior to putting the whole complex under a siege. could this be the start of imposing a total seizure on the hospital before storming in the coming few hours and days? give us the answer. what do we just gotta? we jump on sort of the b. i mean, long, many families of displaced, palestinians are struggling to find food for the new phones, critical items like diapers and know kind of the kind of expensive or impossible to find it to some gen, fee reports. all these babies have been born into war and little marion's family fears for her future. displace twice mother and
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grandmother moved to dasa. after is room 2 people to evacuate hon eunice galaxy and honey. i'm heading over there to says we came to these tents here while she was still in newport. she was born in to my home here in russia. we're deprived of everything. and this is the she's seen of the world yet. and then a few weeks old and already struck by tragedy to of little marion's grand parents have been to. her mother is in shock. my brother scanner and don't have the parents have no one lined it was over sick. the mother was incomplete short and when she found herself giving back one my life and losing her family the other. how is this possible haven't received? marianne is having to survive with little protection except for these blankets and her grandmother's arms. many displaced children in southern gotta spend their formative weeks laying in cold,
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damp tents. they lack food and clothes. so diapers, milk, and even water. hard to come by. say, as you can see, these babies don't have shelter. they were not flushed since the day they were born . they are a month old now and of not being base it yet. do you see the space they are living in? nearly 8000 children has been caring since the start of israel's air and ground defensive on garza. of the world health organization is warning of high risks of diseases like jaundice and diarrhea. but they are only a few functional hospitals in the south of gaza. doctors their struggle to meet the needs of pregnant women and newborns. this mother is concerned for her baby totally me sort of fuck the headset and then because the situation is extremely difficult, how do we don't eat enough?
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so she's not guessing best, and no, i'm going to be because the kid, whenever there are strikes, she wakes up and cries all the time due to the shakes, move for little marianne and little toley. the future looks terrifying and unforgiving. their families can only pray for a clean room to be done and a safe place to raise them. if this i'm going to, i'll just i mean while in washington is a light and the national security council spokesman edge on kind of a has a said another hostage deal is not yet imminent. he was speaking also the head of the celia in that category and his really officials to discuss the possible release of well is there any captain spring held in gaza? bill bonds helped broken previous steel between israel and the last the that to move and a 100 people being freed. why don't speak to our white house correspondent kennedy? how could she has more for us from washington dc? can we then we can let's go to like for duncan. yeah. well we,
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what we heard from john kirby was the number of updates, echoing what we heard from the secretaries defense, lloyd austin, as he was in the region. really underscore in the white house position that the feeling is that when this conflict between israel of how boss wraps up the, the long term solution. the vision for whitehouse remains that there needs to be a side by side to state solution for israel and the palestinians. and that in this that the white house sees a revitalized palestinian authority, is playing a key role in terms of governance for gaza. now, in terms of getting there though, that is still a long way to go. as the white house say through the national security council's folks person that in fact there needs to be a very surgical and precise tactic. a tactical approach taken by the is really
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military, something that was underscored by the secretary of defense and something that the white house will continue to press as there is a concert on the number of civilian casualties. now approaching nearly 20000. uh, the other thing we have learned is that the number of trucks in the rougher crossing getting into guys of width, humanitarian aid is falling short of the goal that has been identified by the united states. we've heard that it should be upwards of $150.00 trucks per day of john kirby telling us that yesterday it was just 80 trucks. we also got a comment from the national security adviser on that tragic kelly. saturday of 2 person women inside a church, a mother and a daughter that has been condemned by the roman catholic pope. we heard from the national security adviser that this is something that will be brought up by the white house with the is rarely use and the white house saying that o das, including these 2 deaths,
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but all civilians is tragic. something that they say is unacceptable and will be investigated. and kimberly, we've been talking about the speculation about a potential new kept of deal that's really been stoked by the head of the c i. a missing with is really and catch me. officials, i believe, and also what do we know about how that meeting went? yeah, we've been waiting for some updates. it's challenging, of course being that the ca is so of what is the secret of agencies in the united states. but oh, we do know is that this is another meeting on top of the 2 that were held last month that were very successful in the release of dozens of hostages and a weak one sees fire. and so the hope is that by holding these meetings again that there will be something similar this time around. what we know, the obstacles are going to be greater this time around because the position of
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those parties that are being involved in negotiating are much more entrenched by this. i mean that the israel of her must have both kind of done their keels in israel is saying that it has some issues with a pausing, fighting and doesn't want to do so in order to allow for any swap of prisoners and captives and her mouth for it's part of saying, but it's not going to release any more female captives because they say there is really soldiers, ad israel is insisting that the calf does that must come out 1st. and so this is where things stand. and so this is going to take the skills of these negotiators in order to make this work. what we know is that william burns has been passed to trying to overcome these obstacles along with the head of them aside. and we also know, but they don't speak directly to them. awesome. that's why the category prime minister is also involved. but again, some big hurdles to overcome is going to take
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a series of discussions as it did last time. so committee, how is that? that a white house correspondent for the latest for us for washington d. c. thanks. kimberly. the whole, the un security council is expected diverse on a new resolution calling for an urgent and sustainable safe fund garza, however, it was originally expected to be happening monday evening. but we understand has now been postponed to choose day and comes days after the un general assembly post a non binding resolution pulling fresh monetary and safe fine. there is growing international pressure on is around to stop killing civilians in the strength of 19000 people have been killed in gaza since israel up again. that's 4 in october while that speech of gabriel is under. he joins us now live from you in headquarters in new york gave i was taking a look at this link to draft resolution from the u. a tools for an agent and sustainable cessation of hostilities. but the last time around the us, me to a resolution for humanitarian say, a sponsor says this one is not
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a child. well, i probably didn't stand a chance if that was the version that was going to be voted upon. but it appears that they're making some changes to that. and when i say they, i mean some of the security council members behind the scenes are doing closed door negotiations. if you will, at this very hour, to try to come up with a different draft or wording that would be acceptable to the united states. the key sticking point we believe, of course, is, is sation of hostilities the united states and israel say that any resolution that has those words and it is a can to a cease fire. and they say that would only benefit from us. and so the us would reserve it's vito power as it has done in the past. so that is what we really think of the sticking points. and that's really what we're, we're thinking that they're trying to work out to some sort of language there. it should also be noted though they're also in this resolution,
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it calls for the un to monitor all of the aid distribution in guys as well. that's something that's new in any of the previous security council. drafts never had that wording, and it gave the deadlock that we've seen and the security council has been profound compared to the general assembly. and it will seems to pump into discussion now about whether vitro pals should be reviewed. yeah, i mean, as the reforms on the security council or proposals to reform the security council been going on for many years now, but they've really come into focus here since october 7th. primarily because the security council is tasked with maintaining peace and security around the world. that's really their mandate, if you will, but because these 5 permanent members, the u. s. being one, china and russia being 2 of the others can use their be to power and, and russian. china have used it since october 7th to be to, uh,
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resolutions by the united states and the united states has used it at least twice since october 7th, as well to block any sort of un security council resolutions, a code for a ceasefire. so this is the real issue here, and of course the general assembly just last week voted overwhelmingly a 153 countries in the general assembly voted for a resolution for a cease fire. that's the opinion of the mass. the vast majority of the world. however, general assembly resolutions are not legally binding internet international law. however, the ones in the security council are, and that's why we're watching so closely for any sort of resolutions that come out of the security council. and they will continue doing so as we look forward to that vote tomorrow, gabrielle was under there with the latest force from the united nations. thank you again. a whole still a head here on out was here. the
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symbolic tunes in the occupied place can in this way for palestinians, for the bodies of fair loved ones, confiscated by his ringing fox news, highlighted whether remain, spied and tried, also, pleasant, winter sunshine. of course, the good parts of the year up, you can see the sky full of many setting. it's a central the southern past. if you up away from the southern section of the met. it's right, it's a high pressure is still very much in jobs, but it's getting squeezed. a little further south is because daisy chain of waterfront is just running in from the atlantic station whatsoever. grassy making its way in across the island are probably combined. that is just pushing across england and well slipping further south with as we go through the next couple of days of pumping into i just nothing it a little bit slowly. further south was no the pos, a file, so say some right as well. load in areas of germany, it's
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a pilot running up to what was the baltic states. and then as we go on into websites, you have a spouse, a step, a little further south with little bit of snow for some, for a time. not too much, i suspect, but the never the less that i'm see what the weather coming back in behind in the flesh thing breaks up towards the northwest side of the south. that system in the us of the met. i will not just way towards grace and wet weather, and so when the weather coming in here with somebody with that's affecting the fondles of africa. well, the members of algae are still seeing some showers into the middle of these writing . and of course, a good pots of but to see how it's going to make his wife of the east with b while for west africa is fine. and try of the in australia indigenous with the leasing that disproportionately high rates 101 east investigate is enough being done to help find missing originally on out to see
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of what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the fact runs through what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to, we don't have to leave them in different countries policy and it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no 1000 service this placement and you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust the community often as the crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders,
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the integrity in the pursuit of the the matcher watching all the 0 uninstalled you'd pay here and that's 100 on top stories . a series of his really strikes has kills at least the truth. tell us fans across the gulf stream hospital it's have again been talking to hundreds of people have been taking shelter and medical facilities to escape the bombing is really only says true. soldiers have been killed in gaza in the past 24 hours from the side has been seriously injured from us as another tree lane has been east where they are showing the laser sufficing and they haven't moved in such a base lot. yeah. and us equity of defense is in a telling me where he's reiterated american support for israel. he's also announced finance bernard, time code to respond to ongoing attacks by the cruces and the red sea. even through the fighters have been attacking commercial vessels that they say on supplying is
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right. the all those types of already cause major disruption of shipping. in the red sea, the violence has been aimed at commercial ships traveling towards the age of suez canal through the red sea as they approach the narrow that on the straight to the south. the busy waterway between africa and the raving peninsula, as on 832 kilometers wide, the 12 percent of the welts trade pulses throw it. 10 percent of g o. l carried by ships also goes through that strange how some companies have already installed. so taking a longer rouge around africa, which will increase the trip from about 19 days to $31.00 day is always a adding to the cost when it's bringing the vehicle or a here's a from a different lot to also served as the deputy chief of admission at the us embassy and the other, he joins us now from washington d. c. so build the coalition that austin is launching is understand provision a cold operation and prosperity guardian, which really goes to the heart of this. this is about maintaining security to
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prevent wide scale economic to instructions, but in order to do that, right, you have to have the confidence of the collateral shipping companies to use those waters. i say the white house, well, street seemed a little dismissive of that. they said that may i ask, one of the biggest shipping companies in the world have to make their own security assessments. why the shifts that we're seeing today? well, the us continues to be a short sight to devise in administration. uh that is in looking at these problems uh, separately what the uh with ease of cm on i have been doing is in solidarity with the front of sydney. and as of guys is also playing a role in what is known as the axis on for systems. and therefore, and collaboration and discussions with group slide as well uh, uh,
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from lab and the treating. the policy is problem uh with the red sea separately and dealing with it as a security issue uh the skirts, the main problem. uh, as long as the war on guys uh, continues the seas are likely to increase their threats to uh, shipping lanes in that i'd see. and that could make that conflict grow into a much broader region or more developed near of suvs in the region. it says all the same area where there are lots of interest from a lot of powerful countries. and that seems to be an increased and ms. recent is. do we yet have a sense of who might be involved in this coalition and, and who might be in charge whether any of this might why as well uh, unfortunately there is no one really in charge of the us used to be the dominant fall or in the region,
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but uh you are the same for the ones has been shrinking in recent years. and the us buy them as ministration finds itself in an awkward position where this finds all the assistance to is there a um, they can offer in the few ones? is there any decisions and behavior as far as the other side is concerned? there are groups like husband law, the hosting is over. yeah. man, a certainly uh in support of how my eyes and themselves being supported by your, on your on however, is not playing a dominant role here. they're not actually calling the shots. they are lending some blower to their support is needed to the groups that are aligned with them. but in the end of the day, these are people lebanese and them. and he's who have very much sympathy, solidarity with the palestinians, and would continue to raise the stakes as long as the war on guns
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continues. and the realtor, things that of the country is powerful countries with interest in the region like china, for instance, that they say your view or are they also wanting to take some, some practical steps here to try to ensure their investments and in not read see area so the china, north korea and south korea have all been increasing the role in the middle east. uh, certainly through commerce, uh, economic aid. but recently, also politically, china, after all, arranged a discount of sorts between solid at a be a and the are on china is interested now in playing a larger particular role in the agent. and i think they can offer some assistance to the us. it's why the administration is willing and really interested in ending this conflict, but unfortunately,
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there is an adult. some of the votes in the un, the us continues to veto. the resolution is to call for an end to the war. as long as is riley's are continuing and despite concerns in washington, the general austin and others have said as long as they continue, we will continue to support them. that's very short sighted and very dangerous novilla. i want to focus very specifically on development as in, in the red sea range. and especially for instance, of proliferation of military bases that i mean, in the last few years, it's been described as a scramble for the red sea. does the establishment of any kind of a security coalition change that or, or does it open the space for even more strategic power struggles to take place the as well. you mentioned china earlier, and china was the latest gum or to establishing a base. and you booty, you booty right?
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that the entrance to the red sea now host bases naval bases for the us, for friends, for japan even. and so that is a great interest in protecting the shipping lanes in this white, the lo walter way and uh, the, the, the kind of coalition that austin was talking about was actually put together of almost a year ago. and it involves israel. it involves the united that are beverage. egypt is potentially a part number. but given how the war is going, they are reluctant at this point to join in. but they've had been over zoomed and see together. and this school mission will try to stop attacks against the cargo ships in the red sea. unfortunately,
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this is the kind of exercise the getting all of the laser steaks and escalates uh attention. is there other than dumping them down and just pointing out to have here is what they've been seeing on the screen since we've been talking about that . so some of the marine traffic that takes place in that area, i'll just say a very, very busy strays indeed, and huge economic consequences. given what we've been seeing happening to be able, hoary fast. when we us to relapse yourselves as a deputy chief of mission and you know, thank you for joining us again on tuesday or, and bill as the quote move in 2 months. i mean, is there any brocade on garza has meant that families are struggling to make ends need an interest? all of a it is main version to the strip through the water was egypt compared to what's actually needed, according to 8 agencies. desperation is growing every day of correspond as my uncle has worn out from garza city. a i'm, i'm was, i'm not sure that we're in front of all. she's a complex which hosts the biggest number of the space people. everyone is asking. how can families, mountains, their livelihood under siege and heavy bombings?
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i'm not certain why that could be a novel 0 in the, in the us. the me, i love each month, the sure i'm cookie, rice, to sell to the hungry. we need food and water. we want to live without rice, the people would starve to death. we need to work. we only have firewood for cooking the nurse because we only have rice to eat. and we have to pay so much more than before. we need to feed our children. we can't even find slower, instead of paying less than a dollar for some slower, you know, have to pay about $8.00. that, that if we're lucky enough to find this, you can say yes or no, no, no, no to the situation is very bad. we have children and grandchildren. everyone needs to eat. there is nothing available except the rice impasto. we can have bread because we can't find flower. if you find flower every other day, it will never be enough. god is my witness. children who are always crying because they're always hungry. currently,
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the situation is the worse compared to other wars. i've seen worse since 1967 and this time it's the worst thing in the world. the jimmy use that you have the can the set that on. everyone is trying to get some rights to feed their children rights is now the only food available for more than 60000 will display. t is also everything we can find food even for the children. and i have 6 children that this is the situation here in front of all she for complex. people are trying to buy rights for the families and some other people inside the complex can even do the same some help. i mean, i'm was, i'm just mainly who brought up under the the whole, alyssa israel and palestine director of human rights watch. and he says that as well as using different methods to deliberate cleaning and much food and water and gaza. but i think there are about 5 pieces
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a very damning evidence that led to this conclusion. one is 2 plus months of blocking entry of food and water. second is the blocking of all the trickle of humanitarian aid from entering into gaza. these have been documented for more than 2 months, but then you add to it some of the additional evidence that we looked at. one is the parent of raising of agricultural lands. large percentages of the agricultural green land and gaza, turned brown desolate for the report looks at the intentional destruction of objects necessary for survival. so i'm talking about week mills, i'm talking about hospitals, water and sanitation facilities. greener is these kinds of things that you need to survive and then you put together the last piece, which is statements bias. really official spelling out in clear terms that their strategy or policy is the start of civilians as a tool of leverage to achieve political outcomes. whether it be
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a release of hostages, destruction from us putting it all together, you reach the clear conclusion that the israeli government is using starvation as a webinar for which is an orange or crime. oh condemn ration has been held for the late out. is there a john left, simon, i would ask a he was a kills and then it's raining during strike on garza, on friday. friends and colleagues scouted in the occupied westbank to pay the attributes and wrong con reports. now from the law. a colleagues that how does their of allow themselves a moment to remember the life of summit with arca. but this is much more than just about remembering summers like this is about a come a ration of the determination of all of the journalists and goals are to continue to report despite the ultimate price the summer. and we talk a paid some of a lot of coming on that i knew him, but it was before santa we are low city. we demand justice. and when we say we
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demand justice for a lot please. it's mean that we want 1st of all, to hold the who's the responsible for that accountability and invest in time to try to both take our service and work leads to continue with their job. and if you understood think guns, it's very important when they thought of going to join that is one of the targeted seminar and one of those, it's me that they try to assessing the, the tools for getting that just this is going to take a long time now a team of lawyers is preparing a case for the international criminal quotes. but we've already done one of those for my colleague, all colleague, serene. i'll say it was killed on the 11th of may 2022 visors, radio sniper that still hasn't been heard yet. but right now, the best thing, the only thing that the network wants to do is to continue it's journalism long.
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com. i'll just remo. well, us state department spokesman, dr. miller has also commented on some of the other doctors coming. here's what do you have to say? we have not seen any evidence that israel is intentionally targeting journalist. obviously we have seen a number dozens of journalists die as a result of this conflict. i saw one sam or a dock uh, from al jazeera who was killed in, in recent days. and as we get said before, as we mourn, every journalist who is given their life and covering this conflict and bringing information to the american public, into people all around the world. so, and we will continue to encourage israel to, to comply with their own rules of engagement and comply with international humanitarian law and whatever if we ever see science, if they're not, we'll, of course, be very clear about that. well, i know it's replied westbank, the bodies of thousands of killed palestinians have been confiscated by israel.
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human rights organizations fear that many more are being taken away from cause a hold up of need reports now from novice sled home from the southern autumn in life. and this is rose occupation besides the fate of palestinian. it's been nearly 2 years since mesa and her husband last sold their son. so it did. courtney was a 23 year old living in nablus, who loved motor bikes. she became a member of the lions, then a group made up of youth, rebelling against the occupation. he died in confrontation with these or 80 soldiers. 2 weeks later, they received a letter saying the body had been confiscated by israel. all they had to bury was his hand, a bag and his partially burnt. i must come. how the other fish we i'm going. it's only when he died. did we discovered she was part to the existence? no, no. first, i went to the hospital and his friend told me,
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my son was that i wanted to see his buddy, but they said it was taken away as symbolic funeral was held. but the thing is really, the family were told that if this man now buried here, had at the time given themselves up, the remains of their son would have been returned. now this policy of withholding bodies and using them as marketing shift has existed since the creation of the state of israel. actually, it was inherited from the british mandate, but it's only since 2015 that it's intensified to. it's a policy that jews fight the against the british presidents in palestine. the cry that the time hundreds of bodies had been confiscated since the occupation of the west bank started in 1967 a subject on that exam. so my thoughts that's going to someone's boss can begin before they kept the bodies of how much support is so somebody carried out and
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attacked. then the user id cabinet decided to keep all the bodies regardless of any medical affiliation model. and sometimes the reason of this can be obscure on the screen and the moose, i know is that the 15 year old son mohammed looked his father's garden an evening in december 2021. had the mother of a couple of hours later. this video already on social media and shows the car after the teenager rammed it into a check point. and my mother standing there was a soldier injured on the ground level. not to live. we live under occupation. most you cannot figure out what triggers your child. your waste follows was happening on his mobile phone and i don't know what affected him exactly, but killed him. anyone the suspect of anything. so i don't know how y'all do you all have. i also left the wallet immediately,
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or maybe they interrogated him 1st. i don't know how many hours was he held. was he tortured? i don't know. so many things. this dream had the grave me to get closer to the youngest son who was asking after his brother. but for her pleasure would only come when the body of her son is late to risk. and that's at the will of these wills, military occupation. the how many elders, you nablus, all stella head here on alpha 0. last as for fire and gulf, so fuel, definitely a high security prison and can use capital
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the parking lot. let's bring you some other while this now. and polls have closed in iraq and the for us provincial elections that in a decade. and the routing sheet headlines is one k to extend its grip on pallet and its main political arrival. the subject movement has been boy crossing the selection. this way it sets the stage for parliamentary elections scheduled for 2025. corresponds ali hoffman is in baghdad. he says the turn out has been low. this is very significant fast because us the fast selection bus provincial election in a decade. this is one. the 2nd thing it stopped the 1st election of the 2021 fall event falls. is that the because deadlock into the country and now one of the contractions are all trying to push the supporters to vote for their own
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candidates. a new way to prepare for the next monday mentor election. this is very complicated, that actions you had any wrong, especially with the father, the she kinetic here who's announcing the boy called to the selection in the government right though is facing a vote of confidence with us. the 10 out is going to decide how this is going to hang out till this moment. we have only a 70 percent of the people voting with violations between the capital duct. the 9 percent or 10 percent of the people voted till 1 o'clock or 2 o'clock. look at the time. and for example, the coup was 52 percent of the voters are for the presidential candidates and democratic republic of congo, a housing. the final campaign rallies ahead of elections there on wednesday. thousands of president felix just acadia is supporters of gathered income. shasta,
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he's running against $24.00 opposition. candidates among them. presidential contenders lots. and if i you, lou annoys can to me. attacks by on groups in the east and storing poverty on major concerns about his catherine. so i have reports from a rally that in the capital contrast of the year he hasn't been probably around 3 people to react to what dos and 5 years ago. but we've also been to say that they are disappointed about the states as they say that the property that talking about at the time, you may need a lot about security in parts of the country,
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particularly in the east of the country. they also talk about around tends to rock store and we, i've also been hearing from a position lead that they have also been campaigning. and they say that the of read the president has failed. now in total there about a 20 to presidential candidate, the painting on the same issues. um that's a volt that happened in the modern cool many yes. every time the next on the same issue on the tables. so what was the basic is that they want the job is going to provide meaningful change. catherine story, audra 0 and faced that teen people have died and 178 inches off to an explosion, and they get in capital kind of creating the cause of
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a 5 still on 9. and it goes high couples. in guineas capital cannot create an uncontrollable inferno rages to the port city. from a short distance, those who escaped watched their homes and belongings go up in lanes. their relatives are trapped in the plains and cannot be rescued. the fire is spreading low was going to bed when i heard an enormous noise so loudly pulled the roof on, the ceiling crumbled. i ran from my house, there was dust everywhere and i could see the flames looking for everybody was running out. the blast in the countries made oil depot came shortly after midnight . the heat could be felt several kilometers away, and the suburbs, waking many of the 1600000 people living in the capital pen express firefighters, beveled with lanes with all the equipment they have. but it's not enough.
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we've been here since 2 o'clock in the morning trying our best to do our work. and to bring this fi icon in the in the statements, the government calls to call. it says the cause of the place is a no. workers are asked to stay home. schools are shut along with petrol station. as authorities try to control what seems and then controllable fire. nicholas hawk alger 0. so what's your last president deborah large says they will be normal votes on a new constitution of diverse has rejected a 2nd draft on sunday. slice has referendum came more than a year off. the people rejected the 1st draft which was seen as more progressive. this new proposed text was described as conservative and locked in front of the loss of america. edison lives in human has went out from the capital santiago, the average julian, it's life back to normal now. but for this country's political parties, from the far left to the far right,
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it's time to analyze just once they have done wrong right now in their respective headquarters, trying to figure out why they're not one but 2 for a new constitution for this country to address the needs of the people were rejected twice for me, this was a joke in the end were left with the same constitution written by the 3 general the left wing president w at 42 separate good, crushing defeat last year when the 1st version of the constitution was rejected, can at least with easier now his right when opponents can't blame him for the 2nd failure. but he says there will be no 3rd chance new back to the drawing board in future. and no one seems to disagree. let's go by you. so you dug one of those people so i will country will remain with the car in constitution because of the 2 different proposals. neither was able to re present the united cubing. it's
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beautiful diversity. the country became polarized became divided, and beyond the slightest result, the constitutional process was unable to channel the dream of offering him on the carpet for every one. and so what lessons have been learned from these to wasted opportunities to put chiles, current dictatorship era constitution to rest and replace it with a modern one that can really, really address the demands was better social rights for better environmental protection. while they look, there was that's what this country's political parties will have to respond to before an electorate that has sent them a very, very certain message. lucy and human outages. hera santiago. well, it's now time for the life of sports news. let's take a check in with someone who is the english premier league leaders arsenal had been drawn with portuguese side poto. and the time his leave, the round of 16 are small playing in the competition for the 1st time in 7 years.
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and they take on the 2004 tompkins all the while. last season's winners that mattress institute face copenhagen actually who beat the mattress arrivals united in the group stages. barcelona face a tough challenge against italian champions. napoli, y last year's runners up into milan. take on athletic commodities. those matches will take place across february and march. but before that's mentioned to cities focus is on the club, woke up the face agent champions or our red diamonds in the semi finals and did the on tuesday that plugged into a side taking part in the tournament for the 1st time. know we'd love to go to in the, to pay the look up, you know, to load that he was doing the tentatively, so i'm very pleased and excited to go there to try to any. yeah, of course. but the schedule is where it is or where it is, and they have to accept how it kane has become the quickest plan to ever reach 20 goals. i'm going to see that history is fine units from 4th to 14 games to
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reach this highly. as for the twice industry, no victory is smashed to west for the by 7 games is fine, remain a full points of fleet is fine. live a cruise and with a game in the center console broke. another milwaukee bucks rustled as a b. the houston rock, this is called 26 points, and 17, we bounce on the lights, it becomes the bucks, all calm. we bones, leave this, he already has the scoring and it's the same record at the franchise. it was a 30 of consecutive home when for the side 49, san francisco, 49. this had become the 1st side. the queen said division after they b, arizona. carson master christian mccaffrey had 3 touchdowns on the 9th to it is season. charlie is a 20 the, as the 49 is a sale, the m s. c. west high schools and the by through to the playoffs. those are useful is headlines. you can get more on our website,
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all the 0 adult calm and on social media channels. at the bottom of twice. so for witnessing his pro, this day begins to sink and i don't know it's a happy child who loved to play for sprains the attack happens during one of the almost daily is really ministry, right. it's on the city of geneva, which, you know, on. he says it's around it this foam and kill to come on to really close to the resistance. according to adams, family of witnesses, the lead drive of slow down, short, 15 year old, best shopping year old item the back of the head. i wish i was of the 3 and someone would come wake up telling me i'm just really i would never
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a god's name which this felix to anyway. it's hard, but they got, we are the what am i supposed to? few, the hundreds and then millions. stephens prize does a delicacy value just as highly if i called tells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different trucks. with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental, prosecutors, turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the listed world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera. there is no channel that covers world news like we do. as a roman correspondent, i am constantly on the go covering topics from politics to environmental issues. a
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scale of this, like nothing, ever seen. what we want to know is how does these things affect the we revisit places stay, even when there are no international headlines. houses are really invested in that and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the support for israel security remains unshakable. and it always will us defense secretary lloyd austin tells us randy need is at washington will stand by them and gaza. they must abide by the rules of everything else and also says he's courting original, secures amazing as humans to refuse it onto a tax on ships and the red sea, the


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