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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 19, 2023 5:00am-5:31am AST

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sort of carbon credits essential, committed to being fine, mental protection, and has an investment climate to digital licensing your bed or tomorrow. the or support for israel security remains unshakable. and it always will us defense secretary lloyd austin tells israel's leadership with america will stand by them in gaza. but they must find other views of the one carry johnston. this is all to say or not. so it austin also announced as a formation of enabled task force. simmons who receives loans more attacks on ships
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from the red sea. the group toes out from any coalition bother us in the area the or race against the timing to survive the search for the office with at the office. it is very strikes to 9 people. israel says 2 of its soldiers have been killed in jobs or dozens more injured as a mass fonts has continued to go into the times. the us defense secretary has been in tennessee holding torques as concerns guerrero of israel's. but it's reactions and gaza speaking alongside is very defense chief you have got on. and the secretary austin said washington would not dictate as well as war boats with a soaring civilian desktop like austin says, he's urged is ready,
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need is to do more to protect civilians in guns that he also announced the don't have a naval task force to respond to on getting attacks by humans who sees on commercial vessels in the red seats, the oil times b. p is the latest company to hold shipments through those waters. these attacks are reckless. it's dangerous and they violate international law. and so we're taking action to build an international coalition to address this threat. and i would remind you that this is not just a us issue is this is an international problem and it deserves international response. and that's why i'm convening a meeting tomorrow. a ministerial meeting was federal ministers and a region and beyond to to address this threat, her masters, military waiting has released a video showing 3. lovely is very captive held in gaza,
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pleading with the is there any government to secure their release? israel has previously described such videos as a psychological wolf. that was all right. joins us live from occupied the east jerusalem. so our 1st sleigh in relation to that, to the do of the 3 captives coming, read anything into the timing of its release. the yeah, the timing is, is obviously to put more pressure on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well as the war cabinet. because just a few days ago, 3 captives were killed by these riley forces, even though they had put a sign out for help. and hebrew as well, and that really i'm good the public on an unprecedented level. and then now you have this video showing 3 elderly is really men. we've been hearing from some of the family members already that been speaking to local is really media saying with
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one of the family members saying that now it is time to bring them back home now. and the, the driving of speeds needs to stop driving and see is in reference to the fact that this, these fi i had come to a sudden the holes. and now they're all talks. it seems with catch all the us as well as the is really most side cheese happening, imposing to revise those say side tools. and of course, this is coming at the time now why it's more than 2 months with people including cops is coming out of telling how terrible and miserable the conditions were that they've been in. and some of them have said that some of the most scary thing that was happening to them was knowing and hearing the constant bombardment by those is ready as strikes. and it's exactly that. the water is the families of those health cops. if the water is that already now they've lost a number of caps as since that cease fire ended and they don't want that to happen
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once again. and so what, what do we know about? so this my time coalition that the us defense secretary has announced as well the us had been talking about this a few days ago, but this is now officially confirmed that it's a us led coalition, a 10 nation coalition, and it comes on the an umbrella. the already exists to secure the area of and not just international waters, but also the red sea. and it comes on the and radical, the combined maritime forces. us 5 different coalitions exist already included in one co task force, $15.00 and $3.00, which is headquarters in behind. but what makes this really interesting in particular, is that the 10 nations only include one arabic nation which is behind the other
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countries that you would expect to be involved in this, such as egypt and jordan, who have a vested interest to ensure the safe passage of shipments they all mentioned in this color list and then it's still not clear whether they may join the fall late. so, but certainly at the moment it's only 10. now some of those a, g, c, c, countries including side drive in as well as to whom in egypt they already costs of the maritime coalition. international maritime crew coalition, including task force, 153, i'm reading between the lines. it's a very difficult situation. so some of these mid least and a countries you have saturated, which is very close, it seems to potentially signing a deal with the host the rebels in yemen because they have been rolled up to this and not could potentially jeopardize that from happening. you also have egypt as well, which doesn't want to be, that seems to be going against the grain of the host. these message, which is for,
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is relative stop the go wrong cause as well as per allow more age. and so it's again and we'll have to, we'll have to wait and see if any more countries become part of this correlation. but for now it seems some of those main countries on so hard to know 5 east through some for us here. thank you. a while have an indications of a meeting and also involving the head of the c i a guitar and is really officials to discuss the possible release of more is where the captives held in gaza practical heinous funding developments from washington dc. now, so far we know really pretty much nothing, even the ca spokesperson wasn't confirmed that he was in poland. so why are people reading so much into this will because when the principles get on a plane and go some place that's usually an indication that there's potential movement, they can send their under secretaries and to do the basic negotiations. but in
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washington, any way you don't really see some of the bill birds of stature get on a plane. unless something could come out of that. he was there in the region, doing the negotiations between all of the parties before this 1st cease fire happened. so now there's no indication, as john kirby said that it was imminent. but it is clear at least something to the find. the ministration wants to see happen and build burns, i want to point out is fairly unique in the, by the ministration in his respect is ability speak in the region. he with long term time diplomat, very well respected. so he's been given the charge of trying to make this happen. there's going to be a different calculus when you start talking a trade in just really soldiers for palestinian prisoners. all of that has to be worked out. the fact that birds we believe is in the region, it is a probably could be an important step is rarely strikes on the, on this route, refugee camp in central gauze. they have killed at least 9 people.
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the 5 children were among the dead. residents have been scrambling into the dog to try to victims from a couple of buildings in a residential area. and the people say we just, well, these very ami says 2 more soldiers have been killed in gaza. it also says 48 troops have been injured that over the past 24 hours, a massive miniature wing has released new video shipping, some of the fine to the northern se too late. yeah. and as far as a seen, striking is very tanks and cheap, sweet empty tank, ms solves a 12 year old girl has been killed in an is really attack on the nasa hospital in con eunice on you, i believe most and died when a shell hit the pediatric with where she and several other children with sheltering she has already lost her family and her leg and a miss on attack on that house. last month she had told down to do about her hopes
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and dreams. going into her live in yeah, i hope to be a doctor to help people. now my life is changing. they have gone. we are alone now without them. i was connected to this life because i was very much connected to my mother's father and siblings who died. but i must continue despite the fact that i will never forget the mobile. and rough are in the south of gauze of families, of displace palestinians are struggling to find food for the new bones. crucial items like not peas and milk have either become too expensive or impossible to find patrick as it reports. all these babies have been born in to a legal marion assembly cease to have future displace point and mother. and grandmother is roughly of easily able to to, to get back to wait. you almost see on how many i mean,
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how do you know that it says we came to these tensor while she was still in newport was born into with the animal. okay. and rough uh, we had the product of everything and this is school. she's seen of the last few weeks old and we're really struck by 22 of the american express parents have been killed. the mother is in charge of the center and don't have the parents have no one lined it was there were sick, the mother was incomplete shot and when she found herself keeping the bus one way and losing her family. the other. how is this possible? haven't received periods having to survive with legal protection except for these blankets and take grandmothers on many displaced children in southern guns. spend the formative weeks lane cooled down, tense diapers, male, and even water. hard to combine. such a you as you can see,
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these babies don't have shelter. they were not flushed since the day they were born . they are a month old now and if not being base it yet, do you see the space they are living in a 1000 children have been killed since. don't israel's underground defensive and goes away with hills organization for supporting of health risk of diseases like diarrhea. but they are fully few function like hospitals seem to solve this cause of doctors. the struggle to meet the needs of breaking up when you points this mother is conceptual, head baby, to leave the sort of fun. but the, uh, the situation is extremely difficult. we don't enough and so she's not guessing best male bin and the baby gets scared whenever there are extracts. she wakes up and cries all the time, the shape 5 years for the marion to lead the future looks very terrifying. and also
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giving the families only free for a clean room to buy them for a safe place to raise been taught. recognize in rough i would just euro a human rights watch has a keys, israel, of using a stall vase and as a weapon of war, the open eyes ation is courting on well, the latest to speak, count against what he calls hardens, war crime houses, era has spoken to civilians in garza about in the west in conditions that facing as food and water becomes increasingly scarce during the whole reports or looking food there is often has to go a long way. if the board once was taken for granted, has now become a luxury. today, a ton unintentionally thought that we're facing more than one more. we face the is really are moving all the shelling and bombardment. we also faced starvation. i
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have a family of 14 members. i'm suffering a lot to be able to feed them. and unfortunately, this in itself is in other words, that have how a new report by human rights watch accuses these rated government of the deliberate intent to deprive civilians of food, water, and fuel. the government, it says, is using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in the gaza strip, which the group says is a war crime that i've done my model. i've had, well, we never faced surveys and no food shortage in the previous wars. we've never been in tens before. the situation is very disgusting in addition to the lack of food and water, where human beings, even dogs and other animals can't tolerate to stay where we are staying now. human rights watch says he's really force, he's all wilfully impeding humanitarian assistance. while the 8 agencies report the destruction of bakeries in grain mills, agricultural land,
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water and sanitation facilities since mid november after israeli forces to control the farm land around noon and northeastern gauze, satellite imagery shows the systematic distress. shouldn't of orchards fields and green houses, old reduced civilians say food scarcity has driven price is beyond the reach of many statements by us. really official spelling out in clear terms that their strategy or policy is the start of civilians as a tool of leverage to achieve political outcomes. whether it be a release of hostages, destruction from us putting it all together to reach the clear conclusion that the israeli government is using starvation as a webinar for, which is an important or i know the necessity of life. and then if it dwindling results, world food program says access to water in gauze or falls well sure to the basic
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survival level requirement. i think 1st to hunger in a crisis of survival journal, how elder 0 so that head off to the break. i am the playboy and the people. i am a politician. i am the media. we hear from the man known as thailand's whistle that is on his last onto corruption, kristen. the product of that really is nice thought of a laptop and that basically cold weather across the good pots of china pushing across the cream financially, running across into japan. most likely in the shower club, shows what the winter in nature that full northern parts of japan wriggling system here just pushing out at east side of china that will bring some wet weather across
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shanghai. we can see that what's the weather just running towards the q shoes, southern positive home to southern north. there we go. with that snow which will make its way by the race with this. we go through the next 1000. it does stay cold . if anything, a little bit cold, a still, so minus 5, the top temperature minus 6, the full badging dry by this stage because a good pots of china, but still pretty cold in hong kong. around 80 degrees celsius. police sundays out as sun show on the showers. meanwhile, across southeast asia, as per usual, heavier rain from arrow tropical storm. is it for the cool depression? now just making his way away from the philippines. a set to run across into the south china sea by will reinvigorate the pushing very heavy right towards the malay prevents that will be already saying some live the showers showing up with the seasonal raise that are running back across a good part of like a have starting wires here recently, have you shower has continued to for some parts of india to the north is dry of the
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hunters in then millions. stephens cries, does the delicacy value just as highly by cartels in the mafia? price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet ocean. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera, the talk about the headlines, us defense chief is urging israel to do more to protects affiliates and it's world
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garza, boyd, austin, was speaking during a visit to tennessee for he also announced that once a 3rd time co and this respond to ongoing attack spine, who sees on ships in the red sea is very strikes on the awful lot of rescue g, tropic, central gauze, and killed these 9 people. 5 children are among the dance human rights watch is accused, is rarely governments of using starvation is a less than a foreign concept saying it's amounts to vote cry. when i say sions, specificity liberal tempt 85 siblings food and due to to you and the security council is expected to vote on a new resolution. quoting for an urgent, unsustainable cease firing. garza, well, that votes was originally expected on monday evening, but has been postponed until tuesday. it comes days off the un general assembly
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post and non binding resolution quoting for humanitarian sees far more than $19000.00 have been killed since israel began its war in october. gabriel, at his own dentist following developments united nations. some of the security council members behind the scenes are doing closed door negotiations, if you will, at this very hour to try to come up with a different draft or wording that would be acceptable to the united states. the key sticking point we believe, of course, is sation of hostilities the united states and israel say that any resolution that has those words and it is a can to a cease fire. and they say that would only benefit from us. and so the us would reserve its veto power as it is done in the past. so that is what we really think of the sticking points. and that's really what we're, we're thinking that they're trying to work out some sort of language there. it should also be noted though they're also in this resolution,
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it calls for the un to monitor all of the aid distribution in guys as well. that's something that's new in any of the previous security council. drafts never had that wording in it. the reforms on the security council or proposal history for and the security council i've been going on for many years now, but they've really come into focus here since october 7th, primarily because the security council is tasked with maintaining peace and security around the world. that's really their mandate, if you will, but because these 5 permanent members, the u. s. being one, china and russia being 2 of the others can use their be to power and, and russian. china have used it since october 7th, to be to, uh, resolutions by the united states and united states has used it at least twice since october 7th, as well to block any sort of human security council resolutions, a called for a ceasefire. so this is the real issue here,
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and of course the general assembly just last week voted overwhelmingly a 153 countries in the general assembly voted for a resolution for a ceasefire. that's the opinion of the mass, the vast majority of the world. however, general assembly resolutions are not legally binding internet international law. however, the ones in the security council are, and that's why we're watching so closely for any sort of resolutions that come out of the security council. so let's bring you some of the world needs. now, at least 111 people have been killed in an earthquake in north west china. most of the tests were in gun c. providence with others reported the neighboring shanghai. the magnitude 6.2 us quaker could lights on monday evening. rescue efforts continued through the night to reach people trapped in the affected villages. what katrina you is a live in beijing for us now with more on this katrina. what more do we know about
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the optima of this new we know that the, at the center of this aspect of placing the guns to proteins with neighboring c high was also affected. now these are very remorse. our noun to this region is not very easy. quick to get to, we also know that this happened just before midnight to the boss with drawers. he would have been tough into bed very unprepared. and this is a very, i'm the developed relatively full cost of china is a lot of these building such a damage. there is a press conference taking place as i speak. and the government says about full 1000 homes were destroyed here. and there are many social media videos, circulation of structures and people leading into the streets. now it, china says that it dispatched emergency teeth straight away. all the post. a i, as i mentioned, was location made things very uh, the maybe area very difficult to get to know so exacerbation conditions. is that a telecommunications rules of how i have been disrupted. and also it's happens in
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the middle of winter right now and guns. you pulled into to minus 10 degrees celsius so the government has set up. many tends to get to give people who are not homeless refuge and know we know at the moment the decimal stands about at about 111 rescue efforts are continuing and they are about 400 people for and just from this katrina, how come and all these kinds of seismic events in the region of the rolling guns you pulled into that. not unusual as well. actually there was low, quick, 5.5 magnitude earlier this year in october. the 2nd, the nobody which was killed during that looks like the las vegas pick the hit. that region was in 1932 and that was had a small 6 with more than 70000 people losing their lives in across why the trying to a place i'm not uncommon also lost your constituents holdings in the south. 100 with a 100 people be killed when in magnitude 6.6,
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s like structure struck the and in the same proven since it's one another catastrophic. huge us like magazine 7.9 to place in 2008 and one is 7000 people lost their lives during destroying that thanks very much for that. the presidential candidates and the democratic republic of congo holding final campaign route is head of elections on wednesday. thousands of supporters of president based 80 gather the in contrast that he's running against 24 oppositional candidates. among them is much in for you to see maintains that he won the last presidential election 5 years ago. attacks by arms, groups in the east and storing over to your major concerns for votes as catherine. so i before i'm a rowdy in the capital. the gave me your name from the street.
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what dawson 5 years ago. but we've also been to say that they are disappointed about the states as they say, that's the head of the property they're talking about. and i mean they, they cannot mot about security in parts of the country, particularly in the east of the country. they also talk about the runtime rob soon we, i've also been hearing from a position lead that they have also been containing. and they say that the of the president has failed now in total there about a 20 presidential candidate containing on the same issues.
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so that's a, that's happening, demanding so many yes. every time the, the next on it's the same issue on the table. so well it says out basically they want the time is going to provide meaningful change. catherine. so you all just, there are so there is that president's gabrielle bar. it says that will be no more votes on a new constitution of the votes has reject to the 2nd draft on sunday. like this to referendum came more than a year off to people who rejected the 1st draft. seen is more progressive. the new proposed text was described as conservative and market friendly. let's say a name and reports from santiago. the average gillian, it's life back to normal. now, lots for this country's political parties from the far left to the far right. it's
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time to analyze just once they have done wrong right now in their respective headquarters, trying to figure out why they are offered one but to for a new constitution for this country to address the needs of the people were rejected. twice for me, this was a joke in the end were left with the same constitution written by the 3 general this left wing president w bought a 2 separate good crushing defeat last year when the 1st version of the constitution was rejected. can at least with easier now as his right when the opponents can't blame him for the 2nd failure. but he says there will be no 3rd chance new back to the drawing board in the future. and no one seems to disagree. let's go by you. so you dog, one of those people, our country will remain with the current constitution because of the 2 different proposals, neither was able to re present or the united cubing. it's beautiful diversity. the
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country became polarized became divided, and beyond the slightest result, the constitutional process was unable to channel the dream of offering him on the carpet for every one. so what lessons have been learned from these to wasted opportunities to put to these current dictatorship era constitution to rest and replace it with a modern one that can really, really address the demands was better social rights for better environmental protection. while they look, there was that's what this country's political parties will have to respond to before an electorate that has sent them a very, very certain message. lucy and human outages, hera santiago, thailand's prime minister associated with drawing a defamation case against the leading anti corruption campaign. to it's going, we set goals himself, the nation's whistle that you choose as a prime minister of illegal land deals. tony try and explain stuff. i deal with it making a big insurance is something to with come on was it knows
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a lot about it's giving them a platform to tackle what he says is the greatest scourge to a time. and the call option is part of the type people life. you can see the culture a but anyway. so when i talk about the, the, the call option, i know it feels like a naturally in my god. but today's media circus, the focus is the current prime minister and allegations of impropriety and land deals. an accusation that's been vigorously denied. a chain of evidence is long and complicated with much room to dispute that the camera is a half of a man. the situate isn't unlikely and some would say fluid. here he started his career as a message paula: right, the perfect place he says to learn about corruption and but he will have now and the playboy and the people. i am a police.


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