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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 20, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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hello audience, this is my you house. this is way what's the reason for the side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the . ready any fighting and gaza palestinian sites just say they were attacking, advancing is really forces confrontations and the occupied westbank as well as cobblestone infections. confront is where these policies are going out more rates the i'm sorry, full. so this is i'll just say we're live from the also coming up. i'm us leaders meets iran is foreign minister in color and then travels to egypt as negotiations
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about a possible c spot and gaza look set to resume and all the headlines. a mudslide blocks relief assets in china often escalate, killed more than a 130 people in the northwest. people voting in a democratic republic of congo in a general election, modified violence and logistical challenges. the israel's relentless attacks on guns that continue overnight and early morning explosions have been reported in rough uh, san eunice. and the central area is really well plains of buttons, several buildings, and eunice in the south, among the engine a several children who being taken to a nicer hospital, causes health ministry says at least a 100 pallets, demands, have been killed in the past day. that is really for us is a continuing on the ground as well. the army has was released several videos of its forces, conducting house to house operations. inside garza defense minister,
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you'll have gone to says the offensive in the southern part of the strip will take months. the cassandra gates, the military wing of thomas and the all codes brigades, say they are fighting back is ready troops. israel says more than a $120.00 of it, so just have been killed in the ground invasion that began on october. the 31st honey, my hood is in rough for us in southern gaza. honey. 2 major things to talk about those ground operations, but also 1st the strikes across scouts of an item and into the morning. what's been happening on that front? yes, harry, we are seeing more intensity and in scale and magnitude of, of those areas strikes that keep pounding the entire dog as to where the from north, the south ear and drop out. within the past 24 hours we took about more than 5 relentless ears, tries destroying,
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and major number of residential homes and killing at many, many civilians. among them are children and women in the central area of the gaza strip. nearly there is bela hun all directly g. cams in the central area became a major side of his rarely bombardment and relentless heiress right there. and large number of people are being killed. more residential homes are being destroyed completely and turned to the ruins, causing displacement of a large number of people in the northern, pardon and gauze as to the same scenario. rev, keep, keep the keeps repeating itself over and over as people it's stranded in that war zone area are subjugated to massive relentless the artillery. so again, more of those areas strikes that print their life in to make their life unbearable and turn it into impossible. within a since the beginning of the work, but more intensive within the past, if you did their reports about more than 100 to 20 people have been killed so far
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as of yesterday. it late hours the early hours of the evening again, overnight and early hours of this morning, as reports coming in from the hosp. but just within the past few minutes, we receive the report of from the vicinity of nasir hospitality, the very location where does your data field hospital is located? a group of evacuated, leaving the hospital on their way out of hon. units were targeted by an artillery showing, there are more to come from this update. we're waiting for the coming hours to see what's, what's happened as a how this situation is likely to affect those who make the decisions is backed away to from tanya. and as i, although it's rough, i city another potentially very distressing development the but what about the direct baffling between i'm us and is really a fights? is it the both sides and making claims about success is what can you decide as to what's really going on the ground? mm hm. yes,
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but more more, they are strength destroying the entire goal is a strict. meanwhile, palestinian finding goods on the ground are engaging at fiercely with the invading is bailey of forces. and just within the, the past the few hours where there were $22.00 separate statements that one of, from the outputs, the brigade at talking about the, the defining group in the grant of packing and, and, and we're trying to push this very lead times to where they came from and at the same time and a statement made by the military. but there's really monetary through channel 12 talking about the is really military, full occupation and control of, of ship out of the refuge account meant the surrounding an area. well, here's what's going on on the ground while these roof has the upper hand, when it comes to areas. dominance that through these relentless, the erie strikes just during the entire club into at the title of ruins. that palestinians fighting groups underground seems to be in control. of the battles as
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they are, are, as the, are the keep engaging fiercely and aggressively with this really military. and this seemed to be using this tactic a street toward just to conduct this defective counter attack against v is very limited, tre, causing the destruction of many of its a vehicle in and times. and that also killing many of the of the soldier as well. the 2 statement cannot be independently various 5, but as we see things are from the very consistent with what these really a good war and off that the war and gaza is very difficult, and fierce battles are taking place. right, honeywell, who in rough uh, 7 guys and thank you very much for the update. 5 things also going on in the occupied westbank is, is very forces raids, continue the israeli military vehicles and to the northern cities of jeanine and 2 bus early on wednesday to
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palestinians, reportedly injured in janine more than $300.00 pounds to indians, including children have been killed in the occupied westbank since the war on gauze have begun. unofficially has this the basis for us from around a hearing about c homes being dom always didn't nothing which is on the outskirts of ramallah. but if you were to place all the places where there were raids overnight, they almost run like a chain from the north of the west bank, down to the sides and all the places that we've been hearing over the last 2 months feature heavily. again, you're talking about telecom, you're talking about ramallah. i also in nablus in hebron, they started making preparations. they got to nope, during a host of someone who had shot until the end is really sold just beginning of the gas of water, also injured. 7 palestinians. that'd be used at least turned up overnight, started taking measurements around the house in a lot of these places they be met with gunfire. so they're being heavy and sporadic
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exchanges between fighters and these really armies of also being a number of improvised explosive devices being used. i these as their knowing that of course you've also heard about incidents and we've also had about incidents and invest. we have in ramallah itself and also in jeanine, which features almost every single night. i like there's a force we have is that 7 people have been injured. most of them with gunshot wounds, at least 2 of them, very seriously injured to renewed diplomatic efforts to negotiate a truce in garza and the exchange of promise to mean prisoners with his really captives. i'm moving forward. i'll just say what his learn. it talks between cuts where he mediators the most side on the c, i a in will. so what positive i'm us is pushing for a permanency is fine, but israel's fall right? coalition government has publicly stated that they expect the war to continue is where the media reporting that they want the next deal to include 30 to 40 captors
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from the 128 who remain inside gaza. they also wanted to include women, the elderly and captives in need of medical attention while they speak to our correspondence hush them all bar, it's your reporting that this is based on what more can you tell us? so basically the, the that, that has been series of meetings between senior officials that paved away to the tri lot, totally meeting that took place on monday in boss. so, and it was positive and the house for good. the new push to try to explore the potential for and you agreement, disagreement is going to be based according to our sources and 2 aspects to key aspects, which is the present as exchange and seized by a why it's very important we, we've talked to him about his later in data in detail on friday, friday last friday, there's been a meeting between contests, prime, minnesota, and besides, she's in europe. so this builds up is, is, is
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a strong indication that will likely to see her at some an announcement in the upcoming days on, on a deal. and the problem as we speak now, is all the different interpretations of both these fridays and have us how messy and says this time. it is not going to be a next present. as exchange, soley, it is going to be based on a permanent ceasefire. course. it will as boys donald, whether the ties ultimately would be able to narrow down the differences between these matters and how much. but we're getting strong indications of this time. there is a push by all the parties to come up with it with an agreement. well, i mean, the position that permanency is 5 position come on us is one that is entirely different from these relative position, which is to continue prosecuting this war. although here's where the government is under and the norm as amount of pressure to get more of these captives back. does
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that pressure does have potential big price in terms of these readings in terms of palestinian prisoners in the opposite direction. could that help narrow the gap? i mean, how does those 2 very different positions that he likes told the moments little punch is how much understands input to the the uh, the issues at stake for, for, for, for these right. is that the footprint mr. benjamin? nothing, you know, in particular this explains why it's by honey, the head of the how must be the political bureau is in egypt today. and is going to talk to the egyptians because you know, the different aspects of the, to the agreement. when you talk about the present ethics change, this is why these right as ages would be pretty much in thoughts because when it comes to the release and to that move into that route. all the way from does the into is what similar to what we saw during the previous agreement. so there is this time
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a potential for our agreement. it just remains to be seen. what would be the new criteria last time it was based on one in exchange for 3. this time it's going to be different. how nice as far as we understand is yet to to tell us exactly its own demands, but that's how it is. we have them discussing them now with, with the positive, but they have very tight attempt when those very the test because they are very sensitive. but they have been saying in the past. but when it comes to this final stage is going to be also something that has been brushed aside by these writers of the in the past. are they likely to give some concessions? i think these right is also willing to move ahead with something much bigger, more significant. how we ultimately, when it comes to this deal, there's absolutely no way i can see if a thought is heavily involved without strong guarantees this time from the americans in particular. and the is right is that you have
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a deal. this deal has to hold. they cannot afford to see this collapsing every now and then because he's going to be very find a phase of but could perhaps be a long ceased by a fascinating stuff. thank you. very much ash and all of our thank right sarah. hi right is now joining us from okay, part east jerusalem. i'm sorry you had the latest as we just have from hash and what's the, the mood music? what's the kind of message coming from the is ready side of the moment? of the old days, riley is officially stayed the tight lips told him, this is nothing been discussed publicly by the will cabinets all the military or even the prime minister. and so for lots of it is, leaks, it seems to is riley media that has been discussing this extensively this morning, asking the same question. is it still imminent? and is it going to happen any time soon as you speak to the is writing these as you
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speak to the public? well, a recent polls they've started, the majority of them do support the war. it's changed in the last few days. some was in terms of how they perceive the war and how this is being conducted because of 2 reasons. first, you have the 3 captives that were killed by the is raving army themselves. and that went down very badly with the public. lots of show kind of anger. and then on top of that, you also have to read a video has been released one by how minus one by is on make. j has featuring a senior citizen, males, and some of them all. the founds is of one of the main kibbutz along the southern towns with that gauze or not. and itself speaks volumes to the public when they see that aren't members, the elderly speaking directly to them, whether it was full so cost, whether he was forced to say this, it doesn't matter because as far as people are concerned, including the concepts themselves, they said and all of them have said the conditions they will and what
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a risk that they said the bombardment was the scariest of all. and that then changes the promises of what kind of a will the public agrees to what they want to see is a ceasefire. as soon as possible, they want to ensure more of that loved ones do come back as soon as possible, and you're having those that are released the coming back with the stories of what they experience. now. initially, when the ceasefire happened to these radio authorities had said that because so that military action they had managed to get so as these fox now that cease fire reserve, us, the number of deaths of those held captive is rising. and that in itself is putting a lot of pressure on the government to show that they all guessing results when it comes to the concepts. sorry. all right, and what can bodies choose? then thank you very much. i still ahead on how to 0, the music and story telling, helping the children have gone and living with the danger and the trauma of war
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the the color we are still seeing some pretty wet weather across the pulse of the philippines. thanks to what remains. while a remnants of arrow tropical storm. uh jello watts is that's now moving out to the south trying to see we can see 137 millimeters of right. have a problem on the island in the space of a 24 hours. that's not pulling away and it may well re strengthen into a tropical system as we go on through the next couple of days. it'll push them very well, some windy weather, central and southern palm. so vietnam, as we had to was the we can still somebody wet weather of course, of course, a good part of them life. and then slide down to was indonesia. i could scattering the showers around here over the next couple of days. let me say that good scattering a shells recently to these to side almost straight. yes. and the useful right. and
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i suspect for some, certainly helping out in terms of the dubois 5. so 5 fights has this has been good news, but it has been very heavy in place. it has cool some flooding. it will graduate just a little further. a switch over the next couple of days. but you can see still some very heavy rain around 3. the cost of this day sent me into that northeast corner of the new south wales pushing up into eastern areas of queensland. still there is a go on through friday. meanwhile, as long as you drive for the silent for now, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching out a reminder about top stories this out is really strikes have pounded several areas across cause it several of the injured from an attacking on eunice in the south of being rushed unnecessary hospital, garza's health ministry says a beast, a 100 times, canadians killed on tuesday is ready military vehicles have answered the occupied
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westbank cities of janine on 2 bus early on wednesday. at least 2 palestinians were reported the engine and the rates that have escalated since the start of the war on garza and the head of how much this political bureau is smell. hi nina is in cairo's and what could signal a new phase? the possible seas find negotiations earlier on tuesday. i mean, i met with iran, spartan minister in doha meeting. and concert is capital comes off, the israel's president's announced that the country was open to another temporary truce. was talking about that joined in the studio now by other little guy who is the fellow and director of the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council on global affairs. thank you very much for joining us again. so we have these 2 publicly stated entirely opposed positions from us on one side, demanding, not just a pause, but a full ceasefire. cessation of the war. and the is raised under pressure to get more of the captives back. but still of talking about a months long campaign to eradicate on us. these thoughts are obviously progressing,
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as we heard from a correspondent a few minutes ago. where is the landing ground in between those 2 positions? because i'm kind of a deal. the thing with this and basically by virtue of all of these flurry of me things, it seems that we are getting closer to some sort of ceasefire. how long it is, it's yet to be determined. if you look at the, is there $85.00, we have increased pressure on them? yeah. especially after the killing of the 3 is eighty's on the public and paying that the hostages families have mounted. so those must have pressure on him on that side. from how much perspective a humanitarian sees fire allows for further aid, allows from a more understanding, prisoners to be reduced with how you are, but both sides want to make it is the key question here? well, yes, and it's these varies uh, obviously under pressure, especially since the beginning of those 3 concepts, benjamin netanyahu seems to have shifted, perhaps more towards paying a bigger price for me is ready perspective set. so getting more of those captives home. nonetheless, he's also under pressure from in his ready public that remains to outraged by what
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happened on october the 7th and demands the this doesn't happen again, you know, his own legacy is prime ministers, israel's mr. security as he sold himself for so long as on the thread. is it possible to get him in particular to cool and then to the war as far as it's going? so i thought, well, in a perverse we actually nothing, you know is faith is tied to this for so actually he would probably like it to continue. because if the war ends, there's going to be accountability. there's going to be questions on the, on his a performance. but also if you look at the regional conflicts and that the national context as must have pressure building an editor from around one. and also if you look at what's happening in the, with the whole fees and the tax on the maritime activities and so on. so it seems that the international enrichment pictures re, i think further pressure on these are, it is to find some sort of a combination. let's talk about that. the, the, the situation in the red sea with these increasing will continue and at least the tax on maritime shipping by the who sees india. and there is this now international
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asset us lead to try to stop that. try to determine who's these. they seem very much determined to, to carry on. and the longer this goes on, this kind of economic, global economic pressure that's being applied in this way. does that shift? the needle is well different then from the hosting perspective, we want to achieve 2 objectives. we want to highlight that they're supporting the palestinians and putting pressure on is there is enabler internationally to show that this economic pressure that can happen to the global economy in the same time or so they can use this as a negotiating tactic. as you know, the saudis, and hope things are engaged in the negotiations over the tools on or the ending, the war and human. this is or for the whole thing is flexing their muscles and highlighting to the saudis that they're able to do more damage. if the meanwhile, we've reports the beginning of the shows, a plumbing continues the desk of palestinian civilians in massive numbers continues . does that come? i mean, we've already had the un general assembly like that does the kind of
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a point when international pressure more broadly becomes such that that is another liza against israel continuing. but the wars that has been up until this point of reference the after the tax on the 7th of october is where i enjoyed this car going from a globally to pursue this war. and so objectives and concepts as this indiscriminate campaign or. ready goes, i think all of the lots of european powers and most of the other powers, i really have the kind of data that approached. the key question on here is the us can to us put more pressure on the is or east, and that's for, especially to, to entering actually a, an election year. and already this is affecting by the story. and as we enter the election season, this is one of the key calculus for the administration as well. so. all right, i don't have to go far. thank you very much for joining us. thank you. are now hundreds of thousands of children in gaza. i experiencing psychological trauma as a result of his really attacks to ease the suffering, a group of traditional palestinian story tellers, because organized musical entertainment, so young people out of school in con eunice, in the south. brussels started
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r as more the it should've been here with some of the most improved that i faxed in a sense that many of them have lost friends and loved ones but they are trying hard to hold onto life listing and through additional spoke to taylor's known as the are coming together to use their suffering and give children a chance to be happy, which is extremely rare, but desperately need. if nowadays we provide entertainment and psychological support to displace people in you and affiliated shelters. and we try to convey our message to children in a simple and entertaining way, using stories, particularly traditional ones. we use entertainment to distract them from the hardships because of the
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performance is these, these you and the school time unit which has become home to thousands of these based on a student organizer say adults are starting to cool during the war. but children, especially when the bell, one of the few has gripped the children's soul and you're scared of everything. for example, the microphone fell from my grasp and made a loud noise, causing all the children to panic and thinking it was the sound of bonding calling . the israeli attacks, how killed and injured thousands of children. dnc is 1.2 meters, space comes dm's or shelter in a specific piece that goes to process. schools have been destroyed and education disrupt long before they crave activities that didn't enjoy. taking them away
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from the spaces of the walls and into walls of entertainment, which is so different from the actual experiences on the inside of the bonding shop of virginia and figure out how to what the story tellers. but that's intentional for this thing. a cool thing to say the hope to remind children have talked with the annual, experienced sales you and happiness. if not, this was added. that was just the time for some other world views. now and polls have opened in the democratic republic of condos presidential election incumbents, felix choose a cat, a is running for a 2nd time. the country is facing many challenges, including an insurgency refugee crisis, and immense policy despite huge mineral wealth. well, let's go on to catherine story now, who is in the capital of a d. c. can shasta, catherine. how important is the selection?
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because it is going to be a big logistical challenge, given one of those problems to organize such a vote, isn't it? the already of the logistics even the president of the natural solution said as much my math and we are witnessing it. right? yeah. we are calling station, it's been 4 hours to open for then there's a lot of complications, much yield very, very late. voting said, but people are very frustrated because of says itself is very, very slow. indeed people are getting like the coming here to these
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to this walk you through these we cannot get in because it's very good. people are saying that some of them are saying that they missed the most, the names i'm not in the list. so people are very upset. now we're not just talking about these particular funding applications here in some sort of people complaining there. know they don't know how the materials and bolting the sausage, and we're also talking about different other parts of the country. now we also have areas, particularly in that used in north you will proven and uh, utility province where there are security challenges. now it tory providence has been between internally displaced people, the employees,
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a short cut being fired. so these i, the peas, went to a funding center and basically run page that says center. and so i made the whole thing material. so this is blowing on the i v p say that they want. well the reason why they cannot vote is because they cannot go back. 8 to their homes where they registered to have both and so it's a very different situation as we speak. all right, catherine. so in contrast to it'd be across that through the day for us. thank you very much. i to, i just knew, i mean, it has been sworn in this little parliament. these are the latest pictures we have of the situation with the 3 year old shake, michelle, i lost them at al serra is succeeding his half brother, shake know us. he died on saturday. the top court in the us state of colorado has disqualified donald trump from appearing on the presidential primary ballot for
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2024. colorado supreme court says it followed the former president because of the us constitution is closed on insurrection. it's related to his role in the attack on the us capital. on january the 6th 2021. the trunk campaign called a decision on the democratic and vowed to appeal a 131. people have been killed and houses reduced to rubble, often escalate in china. more than 700 people were injured and many left outside in freezing temperatures. in guns who on seeing high provinces emergency workers are searching for the missing and collapse buildings. but there is the risk of the landslide china is media say the magnitude $6.00 us quake struck at midnight on monday. damaging. busy roads and destroying power and communication lines. katrina,


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