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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  December 20, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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from booking, from the ports to prevent any ship headed or bound to those that are in from loading. i mean 50 and i need the car to go from melisha for um the shop being uh when he bought it in my store. well, when i well great from for such as town um from, uh i'm from here we would like to come up on up on most of them come 3 is to follow suit on follow similar steps and support of our people. let me not 55 of the i love you know that for your own on the certain support of our people in does the who are defending their freedom, an independent them who signed a manifestation or food a spect things international or daughter. we also would like to cool up on the one . luckily, wasn't low on the cold up on the unions from all around the world to refuse dealing with all of the eggs, right? usually ships and refuse to mould them with i'm
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a goose or to supply them with any fuel or food in conclusion, and i'll just show her that she'll have that you shop, you know, she'll have the power my we play the heading to a lot of my fee to bless the full use of our water monitors. i'm can people and we pray for the speed, the discovery of all water sick i'm enjoy to. i will call them or we pray for a soon to victory and love when child the prevail. however, many people do not know it this i just had the vic duty or more to them and thank you i you or what i can as we have been listening, the 2 homeless spokes person, the son of a home don, he speaking from the lebanese capital bay route about the situation in gaza, quoting on the united nations, the w. h of the world health organization to do more to protect civilians with sheltering at the property properties. he also spoke about the resilience of
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resilience, of people in gaza saying that they would be victorious, he said, have mos hose the us responsible for supporting as well and them. and he said that as well as responsible for the captive in gaza and that the israeli government doesn't in fact, care about the gaza care about the captives in gaza. and some don was also speaking. it meant about the attacks on is riley ships in the red sea. meanwhile, us defense secretary lloyd austin has visited an american aircraft carrier. and the eastern mediterranean sea was deployed in those wars is inevitable, but the aim of discouraging original conflict often has been on middle east, tul. he's announced to match hom initiative to counter attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea by humans for the finances. the legal disease has said has 5 has will retaliate against the us. if it targets you haven't of the american who
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the also accused the us of being complicit in as well as war on gaza. time and a buick she yet them. i mean all these but dr. as you get to reported by media from ali, the met attends a come palaces to these crimes. it has to be a for that, that the americans with whom police it from day one moment, the dispatch, the military experts, mandatory consultants in order to manage the old fans to manage these lately military, all places on it is day and night and states experts who laid down plans and carry out the military operations as that is oliver, that they odd accessories of leaning to the scribes above old can. i'm in the
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united states, provided the zionist entity with thousands of bomb. i'm missing to try to get that is it then said that is the even the internationally bad. i'm of the weapon for the spring and the homicide called me now. he's the professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. so we've been hearing from the food, the leader, but most recently from the homeless folks to us and a summer home don, who sang gammons, who these for what they've done in the red sea for stopping any shipping vessels that and linked to israel from travelling in the red sea that's of course forced for the world's largest shipping companies to suspend all of the routes and the us defense secretary to announce this multi national task force with at least 10 countries to control these voices. just how dangerous situation are we in here in the red sea. now, 2 main factors that should give us some concern. one, there is
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a possibility of a spin over, not necessarily by government or by official ministries in the middle east, and they've gone, but particularly among some non state actors. the forty's happened to be one, how much is another one fighting for its existence and, and it goes up. so now there is this boy lation of some of the most states active does come into the which of that we've got also add has been law and live on. so this is a new part of the i'm shift in terms of oh really? yeah, hold on, hold root can shake ups the middle east, it's there is no state of acts of long state taxes, but they being taken on by some of the biggest the superpowers in the world. the united states, for example, which is created this multinational naval force. well, this is the new i only of the middle east is the united states because of its
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support of israel and has inspired the who diesel. uh, 1008 to 8 kilo a handle normally that goes away from for them is the right and, and the last 3 and i'm planes in a few weeks ago. so they are concerned themselves a part of this conflict because the looking at the geo politics of the motto time area, which is basically a control of international trade. so what we are witnessing and this is the 2nd concern for me, is that we're now pushing some of these non state actors to us, you power and to control some of our strategic areas and strategies. expression was in the gulf and the me this therefore it, this is mother, mother of who can control it physically,
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even if you have us presently. but that doesn't stop the hotels or all the slaves drop on docs where they are of the the, please in terms of showing them fall, it's becoming now a show of power show of what kind of flex his muscle and be, be conservative as a top contender in the golf, unfortunately, there is a strong correlation between what's going on and, and is right. and by the way, default is war taken of this by the, by the administration. it was locked out of town and otherwise i shouldn't. exactly . so you can see how the by then administration and who with these innovation was a, has come back handler than 80 degrees. and so what is going to happen uh, and it happened next, a scale nation between the united states and who does another escalation in direct between the united states and even on that these perceive to be providing the
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policy that i'm but on the, and support for the so unfortunately, we have reached the point where you cannot, i, you don't defy really play of and who can be accounted for in terms of suit you in a control in this situation i think and now it's a very fluid and god knows if there is more pressure come up from the united states against the who it is. somebody else would emerge from another area, just sort of see who it is. so it's, it's a vicious set of can unfortunately, absolutely have to shut. probably thank you very much for your analysis. that is mohammed shed probably of george mason university. and the head of him also has political view. it's not heavy. it isn't the egypt and capital cairo, and what could signal in a new phase of possible seas find negotiations area. honey, i met with the wrong foreign minister jose and i made of the law hand and don't ha, the music and carlos capital comes off to as well as the president. so the
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government is open to another temporary pulls and fighting. well let's go to our correspondent israel done and smith is joining us live from tennessee even how to people the feel the and at about the possibility about another ceasefire. at least the possibility of more negotiations as well. it looks like we are entering towards more negotiations about opposing fighting or a cease fire. the terminology is very important, particularly from me is riley perspective. we are hearing reports from egyptian security officials where the homeless leadership is also a visiting card at the moment. but we're hearing from addiction, secure specials. you said that as well as now. busy for the one week c, spy us report from egyptian security officials. and in return they want to 40 of
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the roughly a 100 hostages hosted use on that list. i'm not include all the remaining women and children and the elderly man. and in return for that, they will allow in that will be this pause in fighting out middle, allowing more humanitarian aid. we know, of course, the thomas wants a complete a c spy that in and bows complete and in fighting. and that is now where the negotiations are right, where, you know, there's already been 2 meetings since friday, between the category of american and the head of american officials on the visuals from israel discussing the basis of the tools. this is, seems to be where we are now that the sort of progress that, that make yes, i'm not saying that they want to complete and to fighting. whereas from this and that the now who has been saying, speaking, saying that he wants an end to him off as
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well. he and these governments are under pressure from 2 sides, really not in yahoo and it's government. first of all, they have the americans who want a israel to move fatty quickly to this lower intensive phase of the war, fairly quickly, meaning in the next 3 or 4 weeks. and then you have these republics who wants the hostages out? typically after 3 of them were shot dead, although they were waving a wide flock, shot dead by 2 is riley soldiers. netanyahu was fighting for his political survival . and so he's still talking tough. and he says that that will be no ceasefire until how much has been eliminated on a home. i'm sure him, but mean come off of the so the will will continue until we destroy him. us until victory. let me this you think we will see thought which is not connected to reality. or should we also striking how must, with heavy fire every one else, including today us, we also striking go to a time us close or fall every have must terrace is best on for you every 2 options
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and a who does a rundown or size. now although netanyahu says they'll be no seats funds or how much has been eliminated, is not necessarily contradicting what israel has been saying about offering us the spot. because they're offering a pause or a truce and not a complete sweet spot of pause to allow the hostages to be found because they're not all necessarily with how much sending. but we know in those talks in cairo, islamic jihad, the 2nd most powerful group in gauze was taken, pausing those talks of this times available captives as well. but yeah, and then you all have talking soft, bought, saying that his riley is going to work for this pulls. or i've been, and thank you very much for that. that's been a smith with the latest live and thought of eve. or let's take a look at the situation on the ground and gaza. now there have been multiple strikes and rougher in the south at the strip on wednesday. let's go to our correspondence topic of wizard and he's joining us live from that offer more deadly
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strikes across the strip products that have been many in rougher, but perhaps the worst were in jamalia and the goals yes, uh the set text did not stop as soon as the areolas of today is morning, in fact, where these very forces had accelerated, the speed and the intensity of the bombing, of course, different areas, including the north of the middle and the southern parts of gauze light in particular roof or a one of the latest is where the miniature is twice that had been at as our lead a how he was reporting a touch screen clearly seen up the background of the report. that's the situation. it was very success. perfect. as is where the forces had conducted a free and asked strikes with 3 and messiahs full residential building of an agriculture land the most which has claimed the lives of around 8 palestinians according to the sources from inside the koi at your hospital. now the situation
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similar continues in other parts of the gaza strip. we are talking about an intense and the, an on stopping bombing for all kind of in a city where it had been completely turned into a battled zones of fire exchange continued between the palestinian fights as the on the ground with it easily with these very so just who are trying to get much more closer to the main central areas and the whole teaching regions, insights con unit as well. and also it had been reported to during the last our, our residential building, the level as the refuge account had been completely flat. and i'm to value in the notes of goals. i had had been the main focus for the is very uh, occupation of tax with the around uh, 30 pounds citizens have been found to inter valeo ballot accounts were confrontations of the ground that continues its relentless bombing of the residential buildings where the is very forces also are trying to take full control, but this control is a is echo sided with an intense is very bombardment,
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as people are still taking refuge inside the united nation. run. schultz is having new fed, the access to be clean to the southern parts and product as we wait for that voltage of the un security council, which is going to voters on board as the suspension of hostilities and getting more aid into the strip. what is the situation in russell where you are yes, um, generally generally moved in psych garza's policy is a waiting for this kind of both regarding the uh, the, the sci fi and regarding the latest updates on the ground st. garza's trip. now, palestinians only believe that there are a, there are ongoing efforts had been made to have been spend bytes regional mid data to reach us useful. you bought the, the clarity on this time that there was a big gap in understanding between our mazda and usable in terms of the uh, the conditions on the terms of agreements. how must from side one to have a kind of complete mel it theresa station of many traps on the ground. and while,
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as well as keeping to, to insist on the that they are going to carry on their military operations on the ground. and the are only want to have a calling just to supply that will allow for more humanitarian aids to be flew onto into gaza. and in return for that they will have more release on hostages that really weren't captured inside starts refund galls. and in particular box are hoping and are really looking for to have a kind of a complete seized client that would, in the aggravating. do you monitor crisis on the ground and also from another part with and the fighting of the kind of have a kind of a glimmer of hope to return back again to the houses in the north and in central areas of gospel public. thank you very much. for that, that's thought a couple isn't joining us live from alpha and southern gaza to the head on algae 0 to days of delays. the un security council is expected to vote on a resolution calling for the suspension of possibility of tennessee. we will be live in new york,
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the the, the, i'm them i can select the feed, my yeah. lovely call about nothing's on the left the i can left the shuttle. but it's my go to the message. have easy to handle this. and so let's check the
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level when he comes in. this is the largest holy bowl processing punch in the occupied westbank. 50 full kind of standing farms bring that home is to to be pressed into a product. this in a good you generates around $200000000.00. each of these tanks contains around 200000 liters of olive oil with a monkey. the value of around $300000.00 gives you a sense of just how we pull into the industry is to the productivity of economy. the productivity, an agricultural ministry estimates who else to the cheapest thing to harvest, including college scrolling calls will be lost because of an illegal is really settled. a white fence comes through trying to stand in all of grove as well as all but still to be sure and comments to policy reform is to harvest that comes to the
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set this year pharmacy as well as warrant garza is damaging the only the industry like never before a unique perspective. south africans are willing to change the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear horrible nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement, connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on how does your, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the watching knowledge of the, of a man is of a problem and don't have a mind to about top stories this hour. at least 10 palestinians have been killed in this way. the swipe from residential towers and southern gaza. they happened near the quite hospital in the city of buffalo, just behind them on to 0 television for as they would live on that. come, awesome israel have presumed and direct tulips, mediation by cultural in egypt. the groups liter assigned him the as thomas, a cairo and what could segment a step towards securing a 2nd humanity or in c saw the un security council as juicing vote on a resolution calling for the suspension of hostilities in gaza. the vote has already been delayed twice this week is different mats would be negotiated with the united states on the wording of the resolution. earlier this month, washington vetoed
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a resolution calling for receives 5. the latest dropped calls on the parties of the concept of gaza to comply with the obligations on the international norm regarding the protection of civilians. it also cools urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and carlos throughout the gauze as trip for a sufficient number of days to enable full rapids safe and on handed humanitarian access. additionally, pools for the immediate, an unconditional release of all hostages, the speak to a correspondent gave her and, and he's on though he's drawing his line from the un headquarters in new york days of today's gave. what are we expecting tonight as well, we are expecting, or we're expecting there to ultimately be a vote here on wednesday at some point within the security council chambers. it's hardly been delayed on wednesday as well. we thought it was going to be a couple hours ago, but it appears based on diplomatic sources that we've been speaking to,
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that the united states has requested another delay for more time for negotiations. and that's why you and security council members are big find close doors right now . again, going over this draft of this resolution here. initially, it was all about this language of a suspension of hostilities and but now we're hearing that perhaps it's even more. there's perhaps even some discussions now about the monitoring mechanism. that's part of this trap. now that's sort of un speak there, but essentially what monitoring mechanism is, is this gap resolution is calling for a u. n. lead a monitoring mission to be you and lead operation that would screen a coming in and help facilitate getting that aide in to guys and then distributed to those who need it. it would essentially take away that power from israel, and that perhaps perhaps is what the us is worried about in this resolution. but
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let's just remember, this is a resolution that is not political. it is a humanitarian resolution that calls for dramatic ways scaling up humanitarian aid guys to the people that need it the most again, we're standing by uh, security council members are behind closed doors deal at the last hour, trying to come up with some sort of agreement but we do expect a boat at some point later on wednesday. all right. gave, thank you very much for that for now. that is gabriel and is on the live at the un headquarters in new york. so the time for some other world news now and at least 131 people have been killed in houses, reduced to rubble locked or an earthquake and a mountainous region of north western china. old and 700 people injured and gone through and chin guy, provinces, emergency work as of searching for the missing and collapse buildings. but there
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was the risk of further lance lines. the people voting in general elections and the democratic republic of congo, delays of a portion of the capital can shasta and several other towns. and there were protests and some areas off to people failed to find their names on the functions list. the european union has agreed on new rules to deal with the rivals of asylum seekers in migrants. the agreement is expected to come into effect next to the reforms are intended to take pressure of southern countries which having seeing high numbers of asylum seekers. latasha buckner reports from paris, while the name of this pact is really to crack down on illegal migration to the european union. i best to manage migration when people are actually in the blog. oh, some of the main points. oh, that's when people arise illegally that will be processed on the false doesn't they are now eligible to say and to seek to sign and will be able to do so. the others
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will be to for his meal idea is that those people taishan would happen. foster, they would also be the creation of detention centers in different parts of your opinion, mainly one deciding port, add port, add folders. and also in this part, they'll be what's called a solidarity close at the moment when somebody arrives and legally in the european union, they tend to arrive in one of the messages, writing countries, spain, it's me, malta and greece. but those countries are saying that they share too much responsibility for legal migration to the you. they want all the countries to take cost. and that is what this one desire to close. now means the days migrants arriving. if they can stay, they will be moved to other parts of the european union. so those are some of the main points in this paths. now, a number of human to states, a welcoming it saying it is a good idea. they finally came together and came up with a plan for migration. but there are right scripts, charge these organizations to work with migraines and asylum seekers who savers.
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this packed is gonna make it very difficult indeed for solid and see cuz for people wishing to apply for a sort of ad, it is an erosion they say of your paid values. latasha butler, i'll just say we're power to the top calls in the us state of colorado has disqualified donald trump from appearing on the presidential primary ballot for 2024. colorado supreme court says at von trump, this is the constitution's clause an insurrection. the trump campaign has bound to appeal model and rob lowe has more dropped. the colorado supreme court ruled on tuesday that former us president donald trump is eligible to run for president. i'll read you a quote from the majority opinion in that ruling that says, a majority of the court holds that trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under section 3 of the 14th amendment of the us constitution, otherwise known as the insurrection clause. the opinion goes on quote, because he is disqualified, it would be a wrongful act,
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under the election code for the colorado, the secretary of state, to list him as a candidate on the presidential primary balance. now how big of a deal is this ruling that's kind of a tricky question to answer. given that this applies specifically to the state of colorado is republican primary election, which is taking place on march 15th. but this does have the potential impact, former president trump, as a candidate on the ballot in 2024. even before the ruling was issued by the colorado supreme court, there were promises by trump's attorneys that this would be appeal all the way up to the us supreme court. and that's the scenario that we're watching out for here. so january, the 6th of 2021, was an insurrection to undermine the certification of the 2020 national election. was donald trump, inactive, participate in that insurrection. so still legal questions that need to be answered before we can see this developed. but what the big news is here is this very reasonable expectation that this could play out as a show down at the us. supreme court made it up a little alger 0,
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washington dc. and that's it from the elizabeth front of a do stay with us. we a back in just a few minutes with another news, i'll talk to you for watching the close again, welcome to the look at the international full costs. as long as you drive across much of the arabian peninsula of us and stuff will change is taking place over the next couple of days. as this days. pastries, you can see plenty of sunshine, pleasant enough here in the hot temperatures into the mid twenties. on the chevy side, it's tracy, and i've been all too bad. there's a west of weather that's coming down because northern parts of saudi arabia as we go through friday. and of course, that is one of the tools, a little bit of localized flooding from time to time. meanwhile, it's also some very severe flooding coming to southern parts of techie i as we go on through the stay west of where that coming back into the fall south of the
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country side for 6 and pretty wet weather, stay followed, winds coming through that little drive it's way further east because as we go on it's a friday the rain coming down across 11 on pushing into israel, maybe even getting into northern parts of the occupied palestinian territories as we go on through the weekend. so i study something to watch out for here. with the weather then that scraping its way across northern parts of libya as we go through thursday, march of north africa stays dry and settled. so a few showers down towards the gulf of getting bit hold. in nigeria, they go sit around $36.00 degrees celsius. they say snow showers as i should do, slipping further south now at the solemn nice points of colors. wet weather right across into north amazing peak. the latest news as it breaks, so you gotta be late. 50 has the support of the people to implement the shock economic plan to cut down government spending
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a fight inflation with detailed coverage. many members of the hiding very arbitrary are as far as all disappearance from around the world. entities, as government says, it's looking for a new site temporarily. how's the refugees and looking for sustainable solutions. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm elizabeth toronto and this is the news our life from dell ha, coming out for the next 16 minutes. we're getting into the


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