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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 20, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the hiding varying arbitrary are asked more and thoughts disappearing from around the world. entities is government says it's looking for a new site temporarily. how's the refugees and looking for sustainable solutions the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm elizabeth brown. i'm in the system. use our line from doha. coming out for the next 16 minutes. we're getting into the and it's really drone. how is option is tried on residential buildings via hospital
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in rough us southern gaza. close to were an hour to 0 teams was reporting live many of the people injured in the attack of being transferred to family functioning hospitals, including an eligible cost engineer to days of delays. the un security council is expected to vote on a resolution calling for the suspension officer. lucy's plus israel does not have to choose between removing this letter from us and minimizing the total on civilians and guys. it has an obligation to do both. but us secretary of state comments on rising civilian casualties in gaza as the desk told has a devastating milestone. the it's 18 g m t, that's 8 pm and gaza were health officials now confirm that over 20000 people had
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been killed since the ball began in one of his wells latest attacks drawn strikes, targeted residential buildings near hospitals and the southern city of with alpha but these 10 people were killed and 6, the injured it happened as we would live on air with a corresponding tiny now, with the explosions from the attack happened right behind him, prompting crowds in the vicinity of the quite hospital to flee the area. that's replay that moment of the remaining population, the area it gets to be this place then, and this is the, the trash. it will be very striking, causing more of problems and forcing more cala city and the displacement which can of course now the pressure on an healthcare facility as well as evacuations on as we're, we're getting into the
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oh my god, did you hear that? the hospital that's the hospital are you guys here in the us are years here and there's all the debris and no, no, i know i know i wake up its all gone. oh my gosh. no, no, no, no, this is really bad. this is back or you get fee and this this is right behind the house, but the right now oh my god. above the heavy. okay. let me see. let me see. okay. are you gonna
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see? yeah, says you say this is a huge, huge dark cloud of smoke. this is what we were expecting for 5 beer. this is wrong. did not leave this sky of this area. why get a low level out of the what if it was marking a to. 8 get a more residential homes. people are rushing to the side just to see if there are people. i guess this was the, we'll look at that a tragedy right now. it's causing okay us to see people are running away from from the side of, of the explosion. here's where multiple massive air strikes. right at the city of the kill way. the hospital is. these people are panicking. we can't even walk the this is really, really bad. this is,
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i is the people on the right should. now down the way this is, this is multiple multiple, multiple residential homes and re, we're hearing there. were there people inside the homes that there were targeted their hand? these were the way back to even displace palestinians at this particular location. more than if 3 residential homes completely destroyed the this is, this is exactly what we've been talking about. there is no safe place in gov. i don't know, safe place. they gotta know, plays more save than the other, even the vicinity of this hospital does, a small sized hospital becomes became a target of those relentless areas. right? that's exactly what we described in reward describing these ears. strikes be relentless, aggressive, a brutal well those strikes on residential talents and roughly happened near the
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quite hospital with alpha as in southern gaza where israel told people to go for the safety. hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians from the north and central parts. apparently in the south, i'll just say or june list and both cost engineer more as most and was injured and that is tri, he's among scores of people taken to hospital. video kept at the moment who was injured and a warning that some might find the images and sounds distressing. of the business of the executive. 7 7 0, let's go to our correspondence, thought it was and he's joining us live from dasa and thought you know that event
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of the bombing while he was live on and it seems so it looks for me to was watching it because it happened in real time. but this is what people and gaza have been and during every day so yes, that's absolutely true. this is a times of what palestinians are experiencing one daily basis and every single day and every single hour what they have been experiencing horrific and unrelenting. there's really bumming by the military operations on the ground now, as happened today, as everyone had clearly seeing what was going on and our clea county was reporting with a residential building, had been completely flats and the link side with the most. i'm unable to torture farm land in rough on this area that is supposed to be designated as safe zone. it had been heavily pitched by the, the strikes as the east valley surveillance of drones. what, what, what earlier today,
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whole ring on the area alongside with the east valley military. finally to jets. and then later the targeting i took place and it was so close to the indication that we were inside as our trump notes had caused a gap in the 10th of what we were taking. schultz and signs. and luckily, no one of the 0 team had been entered. now this is similarly what we are exposed to a or on daily basis. as these ministry attacks continued in the middle of regions, as have been completely on the disability artillery bombing us situation continues to be very drastic in the value of refuge account. we're move victims of pulling the according to the latest updates that have been released by the palestinian a. the government's media office in gauze without more than 20000 palestinians have been killed alongside with more than 50000. others who have seen one did not choose people who have been killed, including more than 5000 a child. i know would more than 6000 women. and this is clearly
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a obvious as civilians have been the targets of the is really military attacks. of course, the territory. yeah, absolutely. topic and as we wait for that voice, the human security council both on the suspension of hostilities but also getting more aid and to the trip. what is the situation? and there's also a way you would need the cost of goss this population has fled to what do you see every day? yes, we clearly see people suffering on daily basis as they are for a forced to line up for nogales to have access to a very limited amount of humanitarian aid. small towns or beans puts it, was a volta along also, they are trying to get access to guys and a few of the, from different stations as it's going to be affordable. now those people on the ground are really i have been experiencing, gone through very difficult days as they are now living uh,
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moving from living from concrete houses to make shift tens that likes all kinds of luck, all kinds of basic necessities. and i clearly so that people are online and getting in the public show to along the lines just to have access to the bathroom. you can imagine the level of a treasure than the level of deterioration that to humanitarians conditions of guidance have time to. i'm the palestinians are really disparate the only every day they are asking about the if it's going to be all kinds of on and then reach to us who supply the ones that would end, that there's tragedy there just your a ration of the human story conditions on people right now on the front of the place that we are in the are sitting there. what's out bottles from a public area just to take them back again to be sure that they are remaining up taking shields to insights, palestinians only when they get bases in every single morning. the only think about how they can get access to food and water and how to be protected from the is where
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the bombing thought of thank you very much for that. that is paddick. otherwise, the room with the situation and draw far with the head of a mazda as political bureau as mine, honey, a, as in the egypt and capital cairo, in what could signal a new phase of possible seas. fine negotiations area. honey, i met with the wrong foreign minister jose, and i mean of the hand. and uh huh. and amazing and cautions capital comes off to as well as president said, the government is open to another temporary pools and fighting area. we spoke to guys the home of the member of the mazda of political bureau, and he says it's priority is still single. i think, oh, vision is basically we want to stop the solution was the war and job. and the, because i think what's going on in the visit is a because the visa, whole pause is much destruction unless clinical people last semester goes. we want to stop this. this is our priority. now some people looking for a small pause, a pause here and there for one week, 2 weeks for the weeks,
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but i think that was very clear. we want to ask the question because i think who is i with take they because of the hostages. yeah, dr. that'd be able to start a new round of mass getting done once it goes again, it started people. i think we will not be disagreeing, but i think we want to. so it just will disagree and or people in the should, when they were on the or the come with big compromise for the did use for the prisoner for the hostages. but the priority, we dealt with the options with a godaddy with different bus stop the cushion and goes up the goes, what is, is going to in go this big shame for the international community to keep sort of, especially out of the discussion in do you do not assembling to go to college so that most of the countries may have to better serve 20 countries all over the world . the world sits by the way that's bringing our correspondence. then
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a smith who is joining us live from tennessee and then and how people they're feeling about the possibility of more negotiations. the, the, well we're getting indications of from egyptians, security officials, that is riley is offering a one week a ceasefire. will pause in financing and in return for that they want the return of around full t of the roughly a 100 hostages. and amongst those 40 the one old women and the remaining children and the elderly man. now i must, of course, as we know was we've heard just wanted total cessation in fighting, but we are clearly inching towards some sort of a basis at least for negotiations. although we're a long way from both sides coming to an agreement. they've been a couple of meetings between the categories, the americans, and these on these railways, in the run up to this meeting in cairo. those meetings on friday,
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a monday in your between those does the between those 3 countries. so the clearly is a way forward, some sort of way forward. no indication though so far. well, israel is willing to give in terms of a prisoner exchange because how much was one thing that they wanted a prisoners released in the exchange for the hostages? no end of that at the moment and any permanent agreement certainly feels very far away. it doesn't concern it because while i'm also saying they want an end to the attacks and, and to all aggression prime minister netanyahu has been speaking, saying he wants that. and to him, us as well as rail the government a nothing yahoo is getting pressure from a couple of sides really balls from the americans who say they are expecting israel to sort of move to a, a less intense phase of the fight. maybe in 3 or 4 weeks, and domestically enormous pressure from the families of the hostages. they want the rest of the hostages out, particularly after the accidental killing of 3 hostages, who are waiving
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a white flag. but whenever the less shocked by 2 is riley soldiers and yeah, it was in a bottle personally vague zone, domestic, political survival any needs the wants to be looking to be talking top. so we have now said that that will be no cease fire until how much is destroyed and a home, i'm sure whom i mean comma us of the will, will continue until we destroy him us until victory. and i mean this, he think we will see thought, which is not connected to reality. why should we also striking how must, with heavy fire every one else, including today us, we also striking those who ate him us close or fall every have must terrorist as best on so that you every 2 options and a who does a run down on the side now there isn't necessarily a contradiction with now. yeah, nothing yahoo saying that he's not going to have a seat bondsville. how much is destroyed. and israel offering a pause and finds him because he's rel said,
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but as consistently set the not offering a permanency spot, that cooling at a truce, a truce enough time for him, us to find the captives that ought to be released. israel accepts on the stands that not all the captives are being held by on us and what pointing out as well and not meeting in cairo for the 1st time is lumnick g had was representative, represented the 2nd largest of fighting force in gaza. they are also believed to have some captives, so they would be involved perhaps in any future negotiations, but know israel not at the moment offering a complete c spot. but robin a polls. so right, ben and thank you very much for that. that's been a smith with the latest live instead of a have the un security council is due to void on a resolution, quoting for the suspension of hostilities and gaza. the vote has already been delayed twice this week as diplomats and being negotiating with the united states. the wording of the resolution. earlier this month, washington veto to resolution calling for
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a cease file. the latest draft quotes on the parties of the conference in gaza to comply with their obligations under international norm regarding the protection of civilians. it also cools the urgent pen extended humanitarian pauses. i'm cardo was throughout the gaza strip for a sufficient number of days to enable full rapid face and i'm handed humanitarian access edition, the tools for the immediate, an unconditional release of all hostages that spring in my correspondent gabriel. and he's on though he's joining us live from the un headquarters in new york and its been delayed for days gave that gives us an idea of just how contentious the wording of this resolution has been. doesn't it? so yeah, it really does. and it just shows you how serious everyone is taking this resolution given the situation and the humanitarian disaster. really catastrophe that's playing out in gaza right now. things are moving very fast here at the
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united nations. i'll start off by saying that, let me just tell you initially what's going on right now. the security council members for the last half hour or little bit more than that have been behind closed doors and what's called closed closed session. they've been trying to hammer out some sort of agreement that the us can agree to basically on this draft resolution. this has now been on the table for several days now that closed door meeting, we believe has ended. and now we're waiting to find out if the investors come back into the security council chambers and hold a boat or not. that is what we're waiting for literally at this very minute. right now the key here is not only the language is a key, but that is the, the, there's really 2 key parts. there's a suspension of hostilities that was the 1st issue that the us was kind of grappling with. would they accept that?
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and the 2nd is now this monitoring mechanism, we believe could be a point of contention, images, draft resolution. it calls for a monitoring mechanism essentially. in short, what that means is it would mean in power the united nations uh to facilitate the entry of a intake, gaza, and then facilitate it's distribution essentially taking power away from the israelis on that part there. so clearly the us has some problems with this. and if you're asking yourself, that's why this is important is because the u. s. can veto this and then it would stop any further movement on this resolution. of course they want to 5 countries of vito power number one, but number 2, why are these negotiations dragging on so long? the answer is, we believe, because this is so high profile because the language is so important because it what is a binding by international law if it passes. we believe that the us ambassador to
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the un is having to go to washington, and ultimately, any language would have to be signed off on by the white house. and so even if they perhaps agree to something here at the un meeting, they meeting the us to a draft. they've been got to go to washington. we believe to get sign off at the very highest of levels. and that takes so clearly take some time. but it also shows you how important every little word is in this resolution. and lastly, i'll say uh, this resolution has overwhelming support. we do think that it would have passed with the 9 boats needed again and now comes down to the united states. would they abstain and let this go forward, or would they be taught? that's a big question. i'm gabriel hearing from the united nations that the security council that vote has been delayed to thursday. it was supposed to take place on monday. it is now supposed to take place on thursday. let's listen in to what's happening at the security council. so i think everyone wants to see
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a resolution that has impact, and that is implementable on the ground. and there are some discussions going on about how to make that possible. but remember, cit or, or, and the discussions going on between homos, egypt un cut to are impacting the decision to delay. and could that change the text of the resolution? those negotiations have been ongoing, stopping and starting since the start of this conflict, following the 7th of october attack on israel, those conversations will continue and they have not been raised in council deliberations. they are not part of our discussions on the text that is responding to a humanitarian crisis that we have seen in gaza and with the backlog of humanitarian aid. not able to reach palestinian civilians on the ground and gaza. that is the
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response that has been drafted by the council as a result in response to that. so, i mean, compared to yesterday or the day before, are you more optimistic today? i believe that capitals that have equities in this file are engaging at the highest level of diplomacy to reach a text that will have impact on the ground. diplomacy takes time. it means evolving conversations and people are giving it their attention at the highest levels of the capitals that have leverage on this. so i think from that sense you have to be optimistic and diplomacy, otherwise we wouldn't or come into this building every day. not sense. i am optimistic, but in another sense if this fails, then we will continue to keep trying because we have to keep trying. there's too much suffering on ground. uh for the counsel to continue to fail on this and we haven't failed. we have a resolution 2712 we need to build on that resolution. and i hope we will also adopt a humanitarian resolution. the response to the crisis on ground question,
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please about your position can and your nice nice capacity about that. all the un should take and monitoring. i'm do mandation on the resolution. do you think that this should be a u. n. a mission or the un should take a should monitor the implementation or other parties? i think the u. n. has one of the most trusted brand names globally. it has credibility and it has experience on the field. so i think the un is the, the, the organization that we have for implementation. and i think countries in the region have come to the un austin, for their support in the face of this crisis. so this is a resolution that was born out of a conversation. and discussions of the administer of the meeting and re audit is the arab oh, i see discussion about the immense burden, the regional countries and partners are facing in terms of scaling up humanitarian aid into gaza. and in particular egypt, which is why security council members, many of us in coming and present,
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went to the rough border crossing with gauze the last week. and so 1st hand thousands of trucks and the come boys leading into gaza that are unable to go in medical equipment that is unable to go in ambulances that are unable to evacuate wounded people. we met with wounded children in the irish hospital. the egyptians are doing a phenomenal job on the border of gaza to try and support the house and, and people. but this is, this is also fundamentally needed to be supported by the united nations and by o regional international partners. so i think we do trust the u. n. a to have a role here. thank you so much and appreciate you. i appreciate a patient um, regardless of what this diplomacy yields, will this still go to provide for this? this will go to the you or your son holder will bring this resolution to a vote and we hope for an a resolution that has impact on the ground and is adopted . so we have been
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listening back to the united arab m, its and best to the, to the united nations, the united nations security council, laura the save. and she was speaking about that to un security council resolution that we have been expecting a vote on since monday. and we have just heard that it's been delayed to thursday. now she spoke of the backlog of humanitarian aid that's unable to reach people in gaza. this resolution is focusing on is cooling for a suspension of hostilities and gaza and so on, speeding up and expanding humanitarian assistance into gaza. let's bring our correspondents, gabriel, and he's on the backend. he's being this thing in his line for us at un headquarters in new york and the u. a. e invested as closely united out in order to sponsor this resolution. it is the only arab member of the 15 members' security council, gabe and miss miss eva. it was said that she is up optimistic about this resolution,
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but if it fails that they will continue with the efforts because there was too much suffering in gaza. yeah, that's right. there are a couple of things. she said there that were really key at the end she was asked will there be a boat? and she said, yes, there will be a boat at some point with that boat be on wednesday. it appears that's not the case now it's being delayed. again, we're all we're told until thursday she also said that there's been gauge meant at the highest levels of diplomacy. so i was mentioning before, when i was speaking to a few moments ago, i was saying how we believe that at least with the us side of this, they're having to get sign up from the highest levels in washington d. c. even higher than the secretary of state, perhaps going all the way to the president joe biden, having to sign off on this resolution on how the us would vote here at the security council. so it's clear now that on both sides and when i say both sides,
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let's be clear. what i mean by both sides is you have the us clearly on one side, and you have the majority of the security council members on the other side that want to vote. and that want to vote for this draft resolution 4 pages as it's written. now, when i say the other side, i mean the united states, that is clearly the country that is holding this up. and clearly the country there is asking for delay after delay after delay, to try to find some sort of compromise on a resolution. they can vote for i do not think the us wants to use it's vito power . it already has to be towed to other security council resolutions. one on october 18th, they called for a humanitarian pause. another veto by the us on december 8th. they called for an immediate humanitarian cease fire. if the us was to veto another security
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council resolution on gaza, especially this one that is entirely focused on humanitarian efforts on scaling up humanitarian aid into guys that for the people that need it the most. i think it's very well understood that the us would lose a lot of goodwill. not only when the security council, but in the world more broadly, that is pretty much well accepted. so i think that the us has been very cautious now. and what i mean cautious, i mean that's why this is having to go up to the highest levels of government at the us because they know the ramifications of the towing this. but they also know the us that they are israel's main ally here. and they have been in lock step, they meeting the united states has been in lock step with israel since october 7th . these are the political dynamics, the diplomatic dynamics that you're seeing played out,
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been played out in real time right now in the united nations security council. but to recap what you just heard from the investor, the, the, the, you a, a master to you and there is she is expecting a vote on this, but now was being delayed until at least thursday. and she's confirming that there's still a negotiations at the highest levels from the main countries involved in negotiating this draft resolution. well, i gave a thank you very much for that. gabriel and his on the live at the un headquarters in new york. and the us secretary of state says is wrong, has an obligation to minimize civilian casualties in gaza. anthony banking made those comments at his end of the a press conference and said, washington will focus on bringing the war to an end as quickly as possible. we continue to believe that israel does not have to choose between removing the threat of from us and minimizing the total on civilians and guys, it has an obligation to do both and it has
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a strategic interest to do both were more determined than ever to ensure that out of the terrific tragedy comes a moment. a possibility is riley's for palestinians for the region to live and lasting peace and lasting security. that how does it start this? come like that spring. and mike had a, he's joining us live from washington dc. and what else did we hear from the secretary of state? and to me blinking mike, he was also honest about what it would take for the us to stop the towing resolutions of the un security council. it wasn't a yes it was, i need them to answer that question directly. he went on to say that the latest resolution, which is now being put on hold again, deals with humanitarian affairs. and the us is insistent that it doesn't want any
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resolution pass that will not help the provision of humanitarian aid to the people of gaza. so he didn't answer that question directly just as he doesn't answer a question which is put to him directly. does the us have a red line when it comes to the manner of israel's operations and gaza and the occupied westbank? once again, he didn't onset that directly. he continued to say what has been the line offered by the, by the administrative sion that israel has a right and indeed duty to take opperation against from us. at the same time, it has a right and a strategic duty to be able to minimize the cost of civilian casualties. a describe the at this as vitally important how israel conduct sits, operations. so the secretary of state like the bite and ministration, walking within line here, attempting to show that it cares about civilian casualties. have this indeed deeply
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concerned about them at the same time wanting to publicly back as well. and it's ongoing operations just to add the sake of just states also spoke about over the, the us a strength and it's alliances throughout the globe with this partner organizations . however, another question that he would not on sir is to what extent the us ongoing and questioning support of israel is impacting on these global alliances. and like we've also heard from president biden has been speaking, what does he have to say as well? we heard from president biden on the subject of a colorado supreme court decision in terms of which it rhodes, on an unprecedented basis of that former president. trump cannot stand on the ballot in colorado because of an 1868 resolution in terms of which anybody who takes parts and acts up into or insurrection cannot hold and elected office. now, president biden was asked about this. first of all,
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he said, yes, he has no doubt that at donald trump part, and then insurrection. however, on the issue as to whether they should disqualify him from standing in the color of colorado ballots. that said, the president biden is something that's up for the courts to decide. he doesn't want to get caught in the legally use of this argument, which very clearly is going to go all the way to the supreme court, which just to add, the supreme court has already accepted a brief from the special prosecute to investigating donald biden. in terms of donald trump, in terms of ruling on the question of his immunity. now this is in regard to another case, but clearly it has to do with the colorado case as well. first of all, the level of insurrection, whether it can be applied against donald trump. secondly, the question of whether there is any presidential community full president trump will actually did well in office. so in all likelihood, we're going to see
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a us supreme court may be binding. these 2 matches together and ruling and it does appear as a matter of urgency ruling on both matches in unity and whether or not donald trump can be kicked off that colorado. but at the same time, all right, mike, thank you very much for that. mike hanover, the latest on both of those stories live in washington, dc to speak with mamma. she had called me, he's a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. when begin with a license that we're hearing from the un security council, mr. said call we the vote, has been delayed again till thursday. why do you think that is? i mean, we know that there has been a lot of disagreement on the wording of the resolution has changed because of that doesn't bode well for its success that it has been delayed so many times while the data appears that the gap and how do you define the resolution to wouldn't be drafted
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a state of the why it between the model is the out of girl and the united states. and this, by the way, they would made the rocket and friday, there is no hope that there is in both the model. so i'm looking at the issue of language and i think now the out of the girl is expecting a cessation of fire or a ceasefire or something to this effect. that means we, we've gotten away from the situation over the past 2 plus months. however, do is, doesn't want to get in war with or doesn't want to have the word cyst ation. right? except maybe a fall may be it for us. so we are going back to the same scene now to we had before the got the name of the ation like 344 weeks ago. this is both much for all goodness, i think now it's not just the language bucket, but it's also the ego, the inflated the it will, the u. s. the, by the administration should not give into any pressure loss. so just the blame can
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making his audio statements, and yes, he made several, many of the rest of it on the hold on. it isn't with the conflicts either in goes out on the conflict zone or the actually asked by journalists. several of the journalists often that you know how isolated that they pointed out, actually how isolated the us as on the world stage on this issue. now, an us is the us willing to risk further isolation by continuing to veto resolutions at the united nations. the most of the countries also pushing most of the countries in the world support for $65.00, gaza, beautiful, or at least 4 portions the be voted around this particular point on the also the, the, the other significance question about green or red light, where the u. s stands visa v the, the either a 80 or unfortunately we're out of the world and a hit in from a tall you as diploma with a known diplomatic side,
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offline. i shouldn't this conflict because it seems there is a de la my of a good all think within the body, the decision that how mess should the surround the 1st and then is right and should be told that many times without fact. and if i'm off, he said that no one is asking him off to surrender. that if i'm off surrenders tomorrow the, the will will end. well this is it. this defeats the luxury of diplomacy. i'm in mr . blum can is a good the whole history. and he knows that in previous conflicts, there was no one single body that's around the tati band did not sit around and i've gotten this done the relax with these notes around the, in the south africa during the part of 5, even the vietnam is the notes around doing and doing in the, in the early seventy's. so he's as long as it goes against the history or phone comparative complex. what was the need of as a top,
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the pro month in washington is to come up with a new approach. the diplomacy should go and should succeed, should beat the, by the best selling, nothing new that we have heard here and b o ministration. because the by the new solution believes that at this point is that i can do whatever it needs to do. but we cannot change the position, didn't we have the hamlets hasn't been for the good or the gated, and most wisdom cup is not equal when this feeling especially furnished rather than the money in my closer it will take at least any of so we have to wait for a long time. that means this conflict should going on for more than 1010 years before we have that blink and has made and made up his mind to be the pro monday, cannot to be a military. and i'm, i'm a mindset. all right, that is my home,
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a shed clot copy of george mason university. thank you very much. the palestinian boy has been charged and killed by his very forces during a raid in the occupied westbank. 16 year old my food. so it was reported a shot in his house just west of bethlehem. since the war and gaza began more than 300 palestinians have been killed and more than 3400 injured in the west bank cuz is really full. so this is brian pop race across the tao tree of the mean law says the palestinians have been arrested and the occupied westbank off to fight just confronted his way. the troops carrying out raids is very military that goes into the northern cities of janine and to bassetti on wednesday, 2 palestinians were reported in jayden. janine is one, has launched as trunks on several positions, and 711 on targeting has bella, the lebanese ongoing says 6 files were killed in the past 24 hours as well. and has
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bell. i have been exchanging far along the border since the warn gauze of again, more than 2 months ago. st. ahold of us sent this update from southern lebanon. as of late as well, has increase the intensity the pace and the scope of its attacks against the lebanese armed group has been law. it is what it is, it says it is targeting as well as infrastructure. and clearly the strikes are becoming more precise, scoring direct hits of the casualty told among hezbollah fighters is really testament to that in the past. the 24 hours, 6 men, the group last 6 men in the past week, 17 men. now that's quite the high number because this conflict began along the border 11 weeks ago. the group lost 113 men. now this is being blamed on technology that as well is a technologically advanced army. it has drones in the skies over southern 11 on 247, not just along the border, but in other has well,
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a strong holds across the country. it is also tapping into telecommunications network. this is what we're also understanding at the beginning of the conflict has butler really concentrated its attacks are focused on destroying surveillance towers belonging to these really army cameras along the border. it's wanted to blind the enemy, but there is only so much it can do with drones in the skies. they'll also ask the same time and as well is stepping up the pressure. it is a negotiating tactic because it is looking for a diplomatic solution to end the conflict along the border. it wants hezbollah to pull back from the border in order to allow tens of thousands of his babies to return to their homes in northern israel. now hezbollah says there will be no negotiations about the situation along the border until as well as a tax on gaza on gauze a stop. but at the same time as well is a threatening, a full blown war. so the situation is dangerous, and that's really those were the words used by the head of the united nations
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peacekeeping mission, in southern lebanon. that a further i was rosita, southern lebanon, still ahead on al jazeera, much slide lock release habits in china, offering those quite kills more than a 130 people in the northwest. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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european union has agreed on new vols to data with arrivals of asylum seekers and my friends. the agreement is expected to come into effect next year. it includes a cook or vetting process and deportation of objective applicants. the reforms are intended to take pressure on the southern countries which have been seeing high numbers of asylum seekers. us today is to leave a historic day. i am surrounded by colleagues who have not slept all days and nights in a very i would say also emotional moments. i start from the past, the anger, you know, i come from an island in the mediterranean and i know exactly how what it means when we say that we have finally delivered on the migration and asylum. fact probably the most important important legislative dean of this mandate over
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3 years ago and the 20th of september, 2020 on this very put them in this thing. same room together with feel of a we presented our proposal for a new buckets for migration and assigned them. that was just 12 days off to the fire in motor. yeah. in lessons. which was the last chapter of the europe that we want to forget on migration policies. and today with this historic agreements, we are opening a new chapter. we'll say europe on migration that we want to be proud of. and also bought the reports from paris. well, the most best part is really to crack down on illegal migration to the european union. i best to manage migration when people are actually in the blog of some of the main points of that when people arise illegally that will be processed
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a little false as an a on now eligible to say and to see cosign and will be able to do so the others will be default, isn't the id or is that those people patients who happen foster, they would also be the creation of detention centers in different parts of your opinion. mainly wanted find in port add port, add folders, and also in this pack they'll be what's called a phone to directly close at the moment when somebody arrives illegally in the european union, they tend to arrive in one of the mediterranean countries say it's me, malta, and greece, but those countries are saying that they share too much responsibility for legal migration to the you. they want other countries to take costs, and that is what this one is our to close now means that those margins are well. i think it's, they can say they will be moved to other parts of the european union. so those are some of the main points in this paths. now, a number of e u member states, a welcoming is saying it is a good idea. they finally came together and came up with
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a plan for migration. but there are rights groups charge these organizations to work with migrant from asylum seekers who say the best part is going to make it very difficult indeed for salt and see because of people wishing to apply for. so i live and it is an erosion they say of european values. latasha butler, i'll just say era powers. that's bringing olivia sons. the dish is the you advocate on migration and, and sign them at amazon international. and she's joining us live from brussels. thank you very much for your time. your organization has said that the agreement will set back your opinion asylum though for decades. why do you think it's a set back to thanks very much for having me. and dave, today that you have agreed on a comprehensive package of performance to it's asylum and migration system that will change its response to people seeking protection in europe. i'm just the international, like many others have horns, but peaceful forms will create far greater suffering at every step in and for some strange a safety from finding themselves tracked in countries outside the issue to their
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access to asylum and legal support for the border to the reception within europe. so this agreement is going to need that more people. fortunately on board persecution will be to change the factor as being borders, including families and young children and centers. very similar to those to see on the great islands. and i want to make it clear that these are people seeking safety and it is not a legal for them to reach europe and search of safety to single sign on. more people will be denied a fair and full assessment of the refinement change. i'm most worrying the countries will also be allowed to suspend crucial and you assignment rules and standards and types of increased arrivals or in times of so called instrumental ization of migrant. something like what we thought about it was borders since 2021 . so we've already seen some of these measures and practice. we've seen some of these measures to be of use and the to significant human rights violation. and that is why we say that, although you have been trying to reach you in very much for years on a site with the migration policies. the irony is that the agreement rich today love center, actually worse than accessing laws to create
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a system and even more versions in the upper form. but that's not a view shed by everyone that united nations high commissioner for refugees is welcome to daniel. he quoted, a very positive step of the agency said that it will distribute migraines and will even be across the blog provide and home support for processing claims away from frontier countries such as is lee inquiries to argue about the past as not going to solve the really pressing problems facing is planning for something the brother is going to institutionalize. so right now we've seen many challenges, including under investment and asylum reception systems, we say continued unlawful, and also invite them to push back. so the borders receipt in tennessee for violations that take the piece borders. europe could have sustainable the machine rights can find funds to, to protection needs of foreigners. but to do so, any subject renewed political commitment to enforcing accessing law to ensure an
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enhanced ability for violation. and you mentioned solidarity indeed as well know that more support is needed for countries for survival. countries like it's in new york, greece or spain that we're state, the majority of people um 2nd, safety and the issue. however, disagreement is not going to provide credible, meaningful supports to those countries. it's going to allow significant flexibility to help you remember states can support those countries. so not only to relocations of asylum seekers, for example, not only by strengthening those protection systems that really needs support, but also by potentially funding actors outside the you to stop arrivals to your potentially by funding, border surveillance and border controls. we don't think the practice going to be what strength insurance response to people in need of protection. we think it's going to create for the suffering of foreigners, yet the accord still needs to be formally approved by the european council in the european parliament's afford enters the blocks, small books, likely in 2024 next year. but they just seem to be broad support for it,
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kind of be stopped it. well indeed, for years the pressure to reach the storms, especially in the last months, were very concerned that policy makers have chosen to sacrifice them to throw some had some of the past in order to reach an agreement. before the end of the year, we form that human rights needs to be at the center of this agreement. and this, this compromise seems to be exactly what happened today. as i mentioned, the restraint blocking interest system and even greater need are performed on the current one. so it is not too late for policy makers and the final technical negotiations to try to improve the tax to mitigate some of the worst outcomes. and of course, a lot will depend on implementation. we've seen many of these policies already tried and tested in practice. and the 20th, for example, we've seen emergency measures been put some place for years such and nice people access to asylum. and we've seen some of these certifications being used in a very abusive way, even when there were 5 people arriving in a day know people arriving in the day. it's crucial now and the next steps for that
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policy makers more seriously. look at how e last name and some of that is a show that some nights are being respected. that them this to international olivia some of the day is joining his mind from brussels. thank you for your time on this . thank you for having me. for just is quoting for long divisions, government to step down, set a train a blaze on tuesday for people who are killed in the fire. the railway minister has accused the main office ocean policy of austin and sabotage fund, which shows that it has moved from dhaka, the new doctor poppy. and the 3 year old son went on this train. when it left, the bundle dish has not been district governments are coming to late on monday. they never made it so he kinda just caught fire just before the train arrived and dr. both people were killed. the husband fell down and was talking to the media. we want justice, never committed this heinous crime. must be punished by families will go on. we
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couldn't even see the bodies we want. the bodies were contrasts. in recent weeks, the main opposition bangladesh and nationalist party and its allies blocking public transport and calling general strikes. supporters when the government to step down ahead of next month's elections, i'm sorry, does have condemned to attack and blamed opposition. delta e. a simple to those who called strikes are involved in these awesome attacks and several of tardy just they are doing this at the directive. a for an asian is through their local counterparts. and for the words, this is clear the cause. but the opposition elijah's, the government is behind the sabotage. the day before the incident, we came across the documents from the police which were sent to the health director general, notifying doctors and hospitals to be on stand by. the question is why a large farm saves more than 20000 opposition. party members and supporters had been arrested since late october and at least 6 of died in prison. several trains had been set on fire or vandalizing,
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the ongoing political tomorrow in burn with dash. how about this is the 1st time people have been killed? analyst and critics say it's disappointing to see tragedy has been politicized before the thorough investigation has taken place. temperatures rate, i'll just sit on tarka or at least $131.00. people have been killed in china and houses reduced to rubble off an earthquake and a mountainous region in the north west. more than 700 people were injured and gone . so i'm sion, joe, i problem says katrina, you has the latest from badging. the government says dozens have been killed and hundreds injured in this magnitude 6.2 us like that struck on monday in the sense that was in gone through problems in jesus and county where the majority of the fatalities took place. now the authorities say that emergency relief services in that area has pretty much our electricity has been restored and that turning their
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attention now to neighboring single fi provence, another mountainous remote region, that is also very much affected. now about 60 people are still missing that specifically from the village called didn't, and village including one pregnant woman, the suspected to be trapped under much slice of these must have much slides which triggered by the quake on monday, they're about 3 meters deep reportedly. and the government is very for kerosene, tacitly working to try to excavate the much slides using heavy machinery working as quickly as they can. but this operation has been tempted like freezing temperatures during the day. it's about minus 4 degrees celsius in sing high that drops to the minus 12 degrees in the evening at so these teams are working as quickly as they can. and also because of the weather, piracy also is getting these thousands of people have been displaced by these us, expose in shanghai and gone through problems into some sort of permanent shelter.
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the government has thousands of tens for these people. 4700 homes were destroyed by this quake. these tents has electric, key thing, they've been given blankets. however, this is a very much a temporary solution until some sort of permanent refuge is found for the people due to these freezing winter conditions. katrina, you out 0 agent shaking a shot at a one also ball has been sworn in as a new and need of a way to take so either from his hosp by the shake. no off who died on saturday. the 83 year old has all of the same internal security and has a reputation for fighting corruption as a big has moved from coy c. 3 days after the death of shifting a wife, it is time for the new image to take his own. she will relate lovely in the name of god. i will respect the constitution and the rules of the states. i will protect the people's interest, freedom and funds, and our protect our country's lands and independence. and his speech to the
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national assembly. he promised to continue on the course he has pursued as effectively distance 2021 for the amount of i vowed to fight corruption and all its forms to check and shall, is known as a reformist and someone who does not tolerate nepotism. the flaw is not something that nobody kind of question its existence. we are looking at a huge campaign to fight corruption beyond words. it's happening. we are seeing people who are usually untouched, being in prison because the low found them guilty to rate is unique in the region. it has a constitution and elected parliament and attempts to lead by consensus as a new employer gets down to the business of running the country and maintaining the policy of a friend to own an assault and not to can. i mean, it's to the future with that a chick michelle's has up to one year according to the constitution to name the success of that name then goes forward to parliament where he requires
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a 2 thirds majority. but it's not about when, but who he will choose as a new crime prince. that would be an indicator of whether they would be a shift in regional a domestic policy. so i'd beg, i'll just 0 great city. and that's set for me, elizabeth toronto, but do stay with us. the stuff to take will be here in just a moment of law of today's news. the in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days that the another i couldn't think is taking place . augusta. nothing goes into garza without us will permit. and nothing leaves casa with offers roles, permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires,
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demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the latest news, as it breaks off, which 40 was found down the hill and the only grove being shot in the chest with detail coverage telling you this was where causes palestinians fly to now is ready . tanks of pushed into the hall of southern causes main cities to see this gen and as a great amount of people crowded in very small areas and without any wider. and the last big has no human is terry and a s o a me to the world slow down. we stand for as homes with tips of global nickels reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources in solar energy, harness the offerings,
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75 percent of global carbon credit suspension committed to environmental protection, enhancing investments like miss digital licensing needs, your better tomorrow, the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello there on this policy. okay, and this is a news on the line from the home coming up in the next 60 minute. we're getting into
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