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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  December 21, 2023 4:30am-5:01am AST

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it is only 10 percent complete, but as far as the report, so the costs are $2.00. so trying to breathe new life into the project build by develop as, as a dream. paradise for all mankind. forrest city in malaysia is the largest overseas development for china is trouble, property giant country got it. but more than 7 years off to its launch, only 10 percent of the project has been completed. edit sales gallery. more people were interested in looking at the project scale model than purchasing a home. aimed at chinese bias. demand has been sluggish, especially off the china restricted capital out for those in 2017. now, country gardens financial was and the wind of problems in the chinese property set to have increased concerns about the future of forest city. built as a joint venture with a local company developers, a housing. the government's recent announcement of designating forrest city as a special financial help drawing investors. so we know quarterly appointed
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or consultants to look into what are the, at the benefit, especially on facts, out to new people from, from our department of what to come in. uh, to cherish or to bring back a bloody to for the city. for us to see also says it's reviewing its development plan. forrest city was launched in 2016. the government announced tax breaks for companies for an investor and to collapse as a duty freezer. get those incentives don't appear to have helped much in attracting the numbers, develop as what initially targeting at the main retail area. many shops remain shutting groceries and subsets not many times. this is very small convenience far so we have to drive out to get some groceries and stuff. the main attraction of forest city for many is the low rent, even then supply out strips to month. so business owners low foot traffic translates to slow business digital. how can that is into the business?
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i would say is better now because it's cold in china. so more people are here, but ordinarily business isn't that good. real estate experts say the marketing strategy has to change in order to revive the face. any, was it within the majority of more than 40 percent forward? this is to fulfill it. why? simply because they don't come here to do ok. if i use this payment is yeah. so what must be change in the future, or even from now on, take the local people to come in with it that will happen is likely to be clouded by country gardens, financial problems, honestly, algebra, forrest city in the whole state. malaysia. i can keep up to date with all the news on our website that's out. is there a dot com is continues one else off to the bottom line. thanks the
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i care about helping us engages with the rest of the world. i cover foreign policy, national security, this is a political em. how, here's the conflict. are we telling the good story? we're really interested in taking you in to a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's actually feel as if you were there . you're at the listening post, we begin with a view or a warning we will be examining some of the ugliest image that's been coming out of gosh journalists are being killed in the strip at a higher risk rate just to look at the numbers and a palestinian citizen of history on the toxic media scene. the clamp down on freedom of speech, the
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israel's ethnic cleansing of gauze that goes on the devastation deepens. according to the health industry, they are more than 18000 palestinians have now been killed by his ready box of the survivors. the united nations says that half are going hungry, deprived of sufficient aid because of israel's blockade. the incarceration bombing and starvation of palestinians in gaza on grounds of f and the city is why experts and previous genocides are calling this one. what it is and what sets garza suffering. the part is the media age in which this is occurring. one of social media and smartphone ubiquity, we're getting the story in real time, cause and civilians broadcasting their own bombardment is really soldiers streaming sadistic acts of humiliation. proof of an historic crime taking place. while there is still time to stop at the global outraged worst. what architects of any previous
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genocide i've had to contend with. so the question that palestinians are asking urgently is whether any of that will make a difference. this is the 1st genocide this we see the time and defeats the victims themselves. being on camera talking about what has happened to the families to convey the reality no matter how. so it is difficult. lovely to the rest of the world, even with their own dime, perhaps picking up your phone these days and going through your social media feeds comes with risk, such as finding yourself. scrolling through a genocide, seeing what it's like to live under. bum bark. you know was own, that's more like a killer where one side has almost all of the fire and vengeance on it. small where the fear is constant. the prospect upstart of ation more real. by the day,
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he's real has locked into a national news crews. out of gauze, palestinians are locked in, which makes the footage they capture on their phones in value. however difficult it may be to watch. traditionally, all the images that we receive of wars have been filtered down through governments or through mainstream media. this time around is completely different. and now you see people around the world, particularly young people for going traditional media channels. why would i go through the mainstream media when i could just get it directly from social media and from people on the ground there? the fact that western media have failed and in giving truthful, accurate coverage of what is going on and have failed in informing the public of the larger picture of the palestinian struggle for, for freedom. drove
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a lot of people to the ocean media space and full evidence of atrocity that's happening and in gaza. but the way that this evidence is reported on is highly ideological. we are not to use to see this piece. quantity field images by this week seems calling for handful calling to the general side. so it puts us into a new situation. this obviously, those who understand what they are looking at those or not. the victims of that is why the propaganda machine. they are in rage and we see huge process. people industries in support of thought of size box alongside these rage. we s a u p and that american governments for continuing to support the vase of genocide. as for the as really social media space, it has become a breeding ground for anti palestinian here. ever since a mazda is a tax on october 7th, there has been calls for revenge. that are now being answered and celebrated
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soldiers posting videos showing the humiliation of palestinian civilians laughing as they pulled those cars and buildings taunting a terrified population vs reading. newspaper products reported that one is really army unit has its own telegram channel that puts out similar stuff. material that's meant to mask the lack of progress on the battle. setbacks like the ambush in should try in northern casa, this week. the killed tenants where the soldiers, homicidal language is also proving popular on israel's music, turns through songs and deliver, it's like 5th page share cards. jewel published on that truck isn't. and number one in a country where singles and soldiers can now make it big on social media, white either calling for violence or addition to that. you have these really soldiers themselves posting their spoils of war on social media that are in direct
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contradiction to the official is really military narrative, which is one of the just moral war against hum us videos of them moving homes, stealing jewelry, describing palestinian women as horror as while digging through intimate items inside their homes, images meant to galvanize is really society and reign more support from the home fight towards these is really soldiers who are clearly on this path of revenge and gaza. the way the studies are being perceived in these songs, the references to them as dogs and comfortable chairs in particular preferences to, to a big nicole and historical context of
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each student. but it makes you realize that this is not about what's happening. october 7, there's something much deeper and much older. that was all of this. and i think it is actually notable that a lot of profile is fine. twitter is simply just sharing. is there any social media outputs? because these rainy soldiers and the radio officials themselves are making it very clear what their intention is. they are celebrating by the city and dust and the space and then so there is no need for, for anyone. it's kind of an explanation. they're just sharing what we're seeing. images like this which kind of folk, the on the think palestinian men in northern gods initially purported to become most fighters, stripped to the bare essentials bias. randy soldiers put to shame a group we later learned, including a well known doctor, a journalist, academics. these really military says it did not release the images intentionally,
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that some of its soldiers posted them on social media. and the doing so was needless and humiliating. however, that telegram channel, the one reportedly controlled by these randy military has posted material that is similar. if not worse, the images have shocked overseas audiences but not palestinian ones that see them as a reiteration scale down of the displacement and occupation. they have known since 1948. we shouldn't fall into the trap of the new list because the spouse of the way that the east, wherever she treats for the stadiums from 48. this is not the 1st time we saw them many times throughout those 75 years. these are images that resonate for me with other images. images you know from the holocaust. cdns were racialized by the state of e. swim. either way that it was predicted that they will be constantly concentrated
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into what we see now is a change in the scale and in the speed of see the creation of images that approval a rage and calls by millions around the world to stop these genocide and they begin sending these messages to their own people. if you watch any tv says this whole thing started channel 121314 at particular have done nothing, but maybe it's been used in every tv uh, program political debates. my new law says 2nd affility fall into ohio's chimney show me who you are trying to to, to do that. we use we as a mean target when you do not tory, if everything is under control, we still command that kind of relationship with the palestinians. they are standing humiliated, we're still in the novel, have my knowledge shut out, i'm and i can leave those with clocks. very fish all my life on the man i there. ringback be one day, right, when the east ladies would wake up to a reality,
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they call me to genocide. so i think we, if to ask, oh, those state the correct to say slight media like you to cation are being mobilized in order to lead to such a general size. but you, on the run by the only, i don't want to be shocked by these channels. because the state of each runs like these channels, if that means defying or un general assembly resolution calling for an immediate cease fire this week, then so be the name of the so the support issue, the mainstream media outlets outside of israel will also have some questions to answer down the road, potentially difficult. one is about complicity in the a ration of a peace. protestors demanding an immediate cease fire. be they in the you k, baranski b us wherever complain. but mainstream news coverage in those countries reliable as
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reflects the pro israel position of the governments involved and corporate news channels that usually do not shy away from shocking imagery. not released because of the ratings involved, have been acting somewhat out of character. too often, they'd have to be led to the stories to disturbing dangerous news where the images like these, by the hand of social media, by the people. when we do see the mainstream media covering these images, it's really only after several days of these stories going viral on social media, where you almost see the mainstream media being forced into covering these kinds of stories. the genocidal rhetoric within is really society and pop culture that has barely made a blip on the radar of the main stream media. instead, the mainstream media focused on the mass hysteria on college campuses are
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continuing with our big story here today. college campuses across the country are defined it over the israel, hamas, or leadership surrounding whether or not from the river to the sea or a certain chance for a free palestine or genocidal or not. so there's this huge disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media, the unfolding of an actual genocide versus what we're seeing on mainstream media trying to appeal to the sensibilities and to the some moral freedom of reference to mainstream media is a losing game. because by definition, may have seen media, corporate media serves the interest of corporation of news in power, those with the money and the political clout and the relationship to the states. just all of these factors in the way we understand and communicate the was one another. so expecting that mainstream media is suddenly going to wake up to the atrocities being taking place and going so it's just not going to work. the do not
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exist for this kind of job. the, the new york based committee to protect journalists has been tracking the killing of media workers since 1992 and says of gaza that it's never seen anything like this. product and alpha is here with more. it's $89.00 john that's. that's the number killed by his ready for food since outside the 7th. according to the government, media office and gaza. that's more than one media walk, killed every day. compare that to ukraine. why? 17 john. this have been killed since the war began almost 2 years ago. or afghanistan, more media work has been killed and gaza. then i've done this done have last since 2001. what's perhaps most disturbing is the way that john, this and that families a being targeted, threatened and killed this week out. there are big john anessa should he's buried his father was killed and then his radio strike on the jabante. a refugee come to
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reveal that prior to his father's kidding, he had received threats from his right. the ministry offices tending him to stop his coverage and go south. so what would that be the, what i thought the also have to yes, whatever. i mean, the, the sure, man, i, the said, what does you know, fully authorized lots if it had to be mckinney, why not? and i'm going to get the c p j says there appear to be a pots and i've done this and god that receiving threats and subsequent need that family member of been killed. israel has a history of kenning reports of been over 50 k thing. the facts around that death in 2019 un commission find is ready. snipers had intentionally shots and killed policy and john ness and gov is great to much of your time. knowing they were clearly recognizable as such. more recently is ready for us is in the occupied westbank killed out of there, a janice shitting a block, the been denied they had done so before eventually admitting she was shots,
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but by accident. the deliberate targeting of john, this is a wall crime is route denies during that that fails to square would be unprecedented. mass kidding by is ready for says the testimonies were herring from gaza. thank start. since october, 7th, little has been heard from palestinian city, sons of israel. they are a significant minority in the country. there are 2000000 of them. there. the descendants of those who remained within the borders of israel following the mass displacement of palestinians in 1948. they are 2nd class citizens there, and that has been made all this over the past 2 months. hundreds have been arrested for their social media posts criticising is realism assault on garza demonstrations by palestinians demanding an end to the war. had been banned out. right. as we have spoken to a number of palestinian israeli media figures about the atmosphere of censorship,
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suspicion and repression most i've turned down our requests for interviews. they fear the professions for good reason. one who did agree to speak with us to provide the listening post with the palestinian perspective of life inside israel. these days is rama eunice. he's a journalist and former television house. i think the best way to describe what it feels like right now to be a senior citizen is author incomplete. just like, you know, let's start again the in is around the around 9 and something 1000000 citizens, people around the world don't really know that about 20 percent of businesses population on palestinians. technically we are, is ready. we have is there any passports? we have is where the id cards we are citizens of israel. but i think at the moment
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there is no shortage of evidence that shows that for at least 20 percent of the population of this country, it doesn't feel like a democracy. there's always been restrictions on freedom of expression and freedom of speech when it comes to bell to senior citizens, a basement. but you know, paula looked over 7 was probably one of the worst weeks of my entire life of the app and see it was terrifying, horrifying. there had been a few uh, incidents and few scenes on his way to media that i will never forget my entire life. i remember one guy looking at the camera warnings, palestinian citizens who lives with me when i am currently shares, one in the front 24 bundle guest room. still having a whole to be the one vmware on a for you as well. same, i show you a few welcome carla. hock, a monkey. i should've been done with his money from. i remember another incident
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there and is there any soldier was on tv with his army uniform and he was talking to a palestinian janice, who was from the, is a broadcasting corporation. he was supposed to do like a small reports on pallet, senior citizens, a vision, and then all of a sudden this guest on the panel looks at her and says something like me, she'll if, what is the kind of in my value on it throughout the whole any other way, the question if she suddenly stuck in it's too much in me then obviously i misled one hour with him. then that'd be 5 times such models and would be labeled as, you know, friends and maybe that, you know, to be a person that i deal with. it gets even fired. now with mainstream, there's one channel $10.00 to $14.00. well, makes uh, fox news looked like the most progressive, amazing news channel in the world. it's insane. what's happening there? have a going to come and you see it about the, anybody that has a jelly according to us. because so i have no problem with the but on the log with
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the lot the barriers at the moment. if you watch the most popular uh, tv channel and isabella channel as well. and if you watch after you'd watch kind of 14, you want see many differences. you can assume the answer. but my total income. so this for a few months, a month before, i think my greatest disappointment, it is somehow it's to be honest for years and years and years. it was, i would argue with the only really respected me. the outset in is red. but what's happened after october 7th, a lot of a sudden you wake up, you opened the newspaper and you see, you know, columns and an articles and reports clinical genocide, even in higher ed. some of these people on my friends, i thought the one of my friends i go to uh through the social media and i see one of the reports is like sharing the photo of a bomb sign by here. i see all the journalists in that same outlet making jokes
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with their friends, or they're going to build their beats home after they occupied garza and, you know, commit genocide on the ballast and, and people that's not, that's not funny. that's not funny. that's really worrying. and it's really terrifying. it's become insane. i mean, i feel like there is no talking to these people the so in terms of representation of, in, in the scene in journalism, palestinian north public figures. and there's many media talking about before october 7th, obviously on a good day the representation was about 4 percent. 4 percent of the interviewees were balanced both october summer. i mean, i haven't seen any of the people being invited about what's happening. so it's not just we are afraid to share our empathy and fully data key and our fear will also, you know, prevented, prohibited from talking about that. here i was a host of
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a show that was cleared on the other hand, an ad big on that is really like broadcasting corporation and sol. aim of the show . let's do discounts in fake news. ha, ha, ha, ha, good. how you busted. hire someone like me who's made a career out of being critical out of exposing, say, can you, is it does feel very, very paralyzing. and it's, it's been causing me a, some form of i'm an identity crisis to be honest, not to be able to speak up against what we're seeing. one is really media and the moment i haven't been posting anything on my social media, by the way, ever since ever since october 7th, doesn't feel safe anymore. the october 7th, i woke up, the 1st thing i did was to call some of my close friends, palestinians, public figures. and the 1st thing i said was you guys something weird is happening
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. it looks clarifying. please do not post anything on social media and social media is being monitored so closely if you like, the wrong post. if you share the wrong post, most likely, most likely, you will get a knock on the door and they would come and, you know, to take you. so just to give you an example on the severity of the level incitement against palestinians and is very social media of the moment, there's one group on telegram calls. nazi hunters by is very right wing activists and what they do on this group, they put a picture of that a sent in active this behind the snipers, lance. and they write down your name, what you do, where you work, and you don't want to end up on that route because you know, you're not going to get any protection from the police. and the reality you were so
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many is there any carry guns in the streets now? and if they need someone that recognize from that group, uh, not the hunters, it could become catastrophic. so you have to not only navigate the success of the of is reading media is really government and the is where the main stream. but you have to also be very smart and how you navigate that success at the of is really a social media. it's very hard to find palestinian, you know, public figures who are willing to go on camera. and i only agreed to do this mtv. now let's see of, you know, someone say fare. then in the past you know, a few weeks how long can you stay silent? and again, someone who's been doing that, i made a career out of being, you know, it's focusing critical. um, so this is the time,
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this is the time to speak up. i believe we need to find a way to navigate this new reality that we have to deal with now. and we do need to find new ways to keep sending our stories and keep you know, exposing the tools tend to push back against people who deny the right to know that you finally, a viewer messaged me on twitter a couple of weeks back about our coverage of gosh, she wrote, has been a loyal watcher of algebra for years, but as appalling as this war is, there are still other stories. good journalist must know. is this too much? now we are conscious of the stories that we have chosen to set aside as we go all in on. gosh, big stories cop 28 ukraine, su dot significant elections in argentina and poland. it is
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a long list. none of those stories are about a genocide, though, that there was still time to stop and the media ankles, the coverage, the way the narrative around gaza is framed, is so central to the way that this story is understood and misunderstood. there is just too much there for a program like ours. this is not the time for us to look away. we'll see you next time. you're at the listening post. the latest news as it breaks, so you had to be like 50 has as a photo. 15 photo implement the shock economic plan to cut down government spending a fight inflation with detailed coverage. many members of the sort have gone into hiding, bearing, arbitrary arrest, motor and source disappearing from around the world. entities, as government says, it's looking for a new site temporarily. how's the refugees and looking for sustainable solutions
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on counting the costs, if the world produces enough food to feed all its people, why the hundreds of millions go hungry communities across africa facing the west is quite season for decades for the funding of 8 programs that tackle food in security is declining, counting the cost on al jazeera, the
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. ready ready and we're getting into the and is ready drone targets, residential buildings that are a hospital in rafa. close to where and l just a routine was reporting like the
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carrier johnson. this is i'll just say right, well nice. and also coming up.


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