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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  December 21, 2023 5:30am-6:00am AST

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the hospital residence of one neighborhood in simon's town, had been evacuated from the homes as a blaze stretch. who was the area voting in the democratic republic of congo is the presidential election has been extended by date, as far as reports of faulty voting machines and putting stations, funding to open a group of opposition candidates, according for a re run of the election. katherine sort reports when the cabin contrast the election day in the democratic republic of congo was marked by delays in deploying voting materials and technical beaches. many people frustrated, they had turned up already to cost the balance of these pulling station. other part of can shasta voting only port underway hours of to pulse attends to to got to know my this is not right. we are tired. we left our jobs. we have not even voted yet.
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when will we go home? it is not a good sign. the people are here since 6 am to vote, but no one is able to vote, but we will not get tired at the polling station in the south, east tongue of proteins angry voters to calls with election materials. after they found the names missing from the register in the central cosign, redone, electro officials used whatever they could to then defy the materials. some parts of the country did not have a profile route. network and supplies had to be transported by and security challenges in the northeast are a big concern because of all groups operating that the fight to have made it hard to displace companies to vote. this was a scene in the tories provisional copy, told bonia confrontations between police and displaced people from
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a nearby. com. they damaged 14 supplies angry that they were not able to cost the ballots. some question election ubs of emissions. they say to one percent of pulling station did not open. half of the machines have problems in violence was reported in several areas. countries slowly all to 0. kinshasa. he waits new em. it has been sworn in before part of its shape. michelle l mad l silva succeeds his half brother, straightened her wife, who died on saturday. the 83 year old jose was seen internal security and has a reputation for fighting corruption because of the headlines, the news continues. townhouses, they are often counting the costs to state the unique perspective. voice for peace is the way for me to take action voices. you
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don't often hear problem. nations do stand with palestine, it's the same service, shared connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. brand new episodes is a stream on the other. the nora kyle, this is counting the cost on the altos era. you know, we can look at the wealth of business and economics. this week, the world produces enough food to feed every single one of its 8000000000 people. we ask why then hundreds of millions go hungry every day. also this week, the communities in africa, on the brink of starvation facing the west crises and moving force. he is and with
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the scale of this food and security, why is funding for age programs that tyco hung up on the decline the. and there's no shortage of food being produced globally yet. move in 735000000 people faced, clinic hunger in 2022 new and has cooled for urgent. you monetary, an action to save lives and livelihoods. it's going to the target of ending hung up by 2030 might not be reached. so if the world has enough to feed its people, why just so many nations suffer from food and security and hung up lead us from around the world, tackled that question. that's a recent summit on the label. food security in london, somebody is president, laid out some of the causes and some potential solutions. the best system. so for the insecurity is due to variety, to affected us, including climate trucks have reliance on increasing the expensive food impulse.
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global deception of supply j on weekend for us next year. we therefore need a multi 1st approach that intertwined this investment and piece of security climate adaptive technology and the infrastructure. a financial inclusion as well as opposed to become the country publishes the developing world as well. the biggest challenges exist according to the global hunger index around 40 countries are in a serious oh, alarming state of hunger. nearly all are in africa and south asia. the report says as being little progress made and reducing global hunger since 2015. so let's have a look at the worst affected places. as you can see, with the exception of yemen, all of them located in sub saharan africa. each of these countries as being affected in some way by conflict and or climate change. if we zoom in events,
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we can see in democratic republic of congo, around a 3rd of its population, a suffering on the nourishment. that means they are consistently unable to meet the minimum doctrine needs. i'm here in central africa republic. that's the west effected of all countries. any hosp, the population isnt guessing enough food on a daily basis. but it isn't just a problem affecting the poorest countries. 17000000 people in the united states. we're not getting enough to eat in 2022. during the pandemic, we store lots of people lining up at charity food banks. many came to rely on the government's assistance. when those benefits ended, it caused a major spike and people going hungry. the roots of label hung connected with the idea of food in security. but what does this actually mean? when we talk about food in security, we made a situation where people don't have regular access to enough safe, nutritious food to lead
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a healthy life. who is the biggest disruptive of access to food? ross is an invasion of ukraine has left $1.00 and $3.00 equations facing hung up. and it has an even wide impact before the war. you claim produced enough food to feed 400000000 people every year. a lot of that was exported to the horn of africa as a region particularly vulnerable to food shortages. russia and ukraine waste a deal to keep grain flowing, but that collapsed in july 2023. the full out how to even wind economic impacts. disruption to global supply chains and assessments here with a bullet to sky high inflation in many parts of the world, especially on the cost of food. all of this for many people to cut back on basic nutrition, climate change as another serious challenge is increase the frequency of extreme weather events like droughts and floods which cause major disruptions to food supplies. un says 80 percent of the wells hungry has people live in regions that
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are highly vulnerable to these kinds of natural disasters. let's talk about all this now with a panel of guests in room. david level direct to old agrifood economics division at f, a of the food and agricultural organization. in pretoria, south africa is one thing, a zillow, but chief economist of the agricultural business chamber of south africa and in sydney as kind small a co founder and executive director of sean, but center for food and climate. a very warm welcome to all of you, david. let's start with you. just outline for us how big a problem is global food and security. so the city and security can mean different things have different level of intensity. so let me stop by the people that are really what we call the next should switching security . so their life and they're likely to turn the printer and that's 240000000 people . so if we don't are, these people can move really ready to quickly to refer me to tracer. all are
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already using the for me to tricia. then you are the people that the company can eat in augusta media on a daily basis. they don't have enough to eat, and that's 750000000 people. then you have the people that's out even what we call moderate also of absolute insecurity. diesel people that have to change their way to eat, you know, they have to cope refi price. you awesome thing to do a lunch or, you know, and that's 2400000000 and then you have 3.2. i can be done. people that cannot afford to it because it has the diets. so if you have enough to heat, but you do a lot of calories and not enough micro nutrients. so you see the problem is be and there's different intensity depending where you are. okay. yeah, the pop up is huge one day. why on most of the west effected places, in fact, all of them apart from yemen in sub saharan africa? yeah. laura, i think the problem is perhaps maybe in 2 ways and i'm in the davis desktop or
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where the numbers i'm looking. but i think the 1st part of africa is the fact that you have an income poverty program where it may lost the opportunity for me is really not see any solid growth that leads to improvements and live in stock. that's it. and people being employed in jobs, so what they can, they're in a decent wage and be able to print or what they need. that's a incompetent to dynamic. but we start with the sort of does also that the african countries still very, you know, product the and import quite a lot. because if you look at the continent vitality, i mean we're still spending roughly $80000000000.00 of salt life and imports. the sauce in africa just hold off. would it be on dollars a year once and invoice. so that doesn't mean then that, that lower income household in those countries continue proceed on the edge. and the reason for that, the world, the, the fact that the advert console sector in the,
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in the continent as really also not seeing that the levels of improvement in practice, the web store can have supplies for themselves, sufficient supplies for themselves. and secondly, be able to get into the commercial agricultural angle and to generate some beautiful income. so the public, the problem is quite complex, but the african continent does a lot more work to do going selection. but those 2 aspect of the highlighted, i think they give a sense of kind of what, how i to the properties. yeah, absolutely kind. the real tragedy here, isn't it that isn't in the world totally produces enough food. it's just that it's not distributed equally. why is that? so i think you're absolutely right. there is enough food produced in the world for everybody to eat. so what's going on? why do we have these stubbornly high numbers? and as david said, 240000000 people like who could go into a common situation quickly. so these 3 main reasons that i think this past is
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food is not always produced in the place where it's needed months. so you have certain people who call access enough food because they live in areas that are too remotes. there's not enough production in those areas. there's not enough infrastructure food to get to those areas. there are not enough market. so we haven't big access issue in some places, some remote places. the 2nd big issue is income. just because there's enough food available, it doesn't mean you can afford it. and if you don't have enough income to buy the food you need, you're going to be food and secure. and that's a problem we see with a lot of people. and then the 3rd big issue is the amount of food that we wait. me either because we've got cool harvest infrastructure, so we waste the food that's harvested because it's not properly stored. or we wasted at the consumption edge because this big consumption and because we buy more
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food than we need and it rocks and we waste it. so there's about a quarter to a good of this through that we produce globally that's wasted. david, just a highlight for us, some of the know con impacts of a country, a nation of family, a community, it always different levels of being food in secure. what impact does it have on the most vulnerable? i'm thinking particularly of young people. so um this question of us are getting security. uh you got a really distributed into pollution. uh we have literally the touch. we love se, but actually the face more uh with the security than the city's woman. most of the secure then the menu never age in doing that could be 19 crises. the increase in when you frustrated thing to like deal with and what the needs for you won't be, but yeah, i talked about kids also enjoy that being part of their lives. so the transfer the
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security situation and to show that we have a meeting we've actually, we have long left to be back on their life because the body in mind is not going to develop as it should. um, and that's really what, what is the content as you know, it's even comes up, i think going to be gross very the long term price off of this current situation. i kinda know strange. that's a long term impacts to this problem. it's been around for decades and decades. what i want to know is why progress on it has tools. they've got the global hunger index of 2023, showing that it's sold progress or reducing hung as long as you sold since 2015. what changed so indeed we've been going in the right direction for the 30 years proceeding 2015. and it's been in the last 6 or 7 years that we see this regression that we see after 30 years of progress suddenly going
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and rover. and why is that happening? well, the 3 main drivers on hunger, a conflict change and economic shocks. and those docs are now becoming more normal and they are exacerbating great security. but it doesn't have to be that way. this is a problem that can be sold. we know how to solve it and we know how much it will take to solve it. so actually, david and i were part of the research project, a 3 year research project called series 2030 sustainable solutions to end pound with about 80 other researches around the world. and what we found is that if we can extra $330000000000.00 worth of public investment in the countries where hunger is still prevalent. if we do that, well,
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we can eradicate hung down and we can do it by 2030, which is the deadline for the un sustainable development goals. so it is possible that more money, but it's not only about more money, it's also about how we use that money better. and the way the money is currently being spent is not as effective, but as it could be. so in that same report, we focus on 10 investment areas that we say of the highest impact. and that is that extra $330000000000.00 is put into those 10 areas. by 2030, we can eradicate hung up when, when the, the african development bank says food and security on the continent of africa should not be an issue in 5 years. that there is the technology on the financing that is current is just highlighting. do you share that optimism?
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so right there are certain i'll find a mental things off of me. i don't know what i've done. i've taken a course, i've experienced the hour about my thinking, having observed what has worked in some of the countries in the region is but we need a couple of things right. start in the government hands rob of on menu, under private sector in the capital one, we need to improve effort cost, agricultural productivity. if you look at how much expansion has happened, say in grade for auction from the early 2, thousands to now, that has been through the expansion in the area planting rather than the improvement deals. then that means that we need to use that testing varieties, better genetics on animals because that not only tuesday, availability in the continent, but the farmers that are creating those in the agribusinesses back will come alone . when the volume is not that they will create some sort of jobs, but they, governments, they need to do something around the land governments to trucks, the financing that will come into the sector. and secondly, be more open to adoption of such and technologies. but they are not,
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they with the way weight from how much of that enters this discussion for you. if we get beyond the economics beyond the ex central crisis, like conflict and climate change, looking at how we use the land. is there some discussion that runs concurrently, and are you leaning more towards labor intensive, perhaps most sustainable in terms of ecology uses of the land will locally produced food or do van move towards the technological side and the gm side of the argument? and so i think here you bet, laser buttons to be some be the empty tray. also depends on where you are. you cannot be dealt with my take on that. now the thing we've different and try my different type of side, different type of crops and different type of producers. we have smaller to that. i've been fortunate even less than one example for them. but you cannot as all the 5 you need to walk intensively on when they thought of plans which are very labor
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intensive. so they shouldn't because they think that or these people with the pool . so, you know, finding way to increase productivity, productivity to atlanta and label is key to push for, for the government. but you want also to make sure that you know that the to buy the rights of respect to the unfiltered intake. today i'm going to hand you have a lot of what goes on file name that's on the street over to you. so we don't even, you know, on the to the, to do it out today. unfortunately, many event cook assigned to the next. we tell you from the leave we've lived on when, but all the data. so here that's how we register the value chain of proceeds. if you want that, i would say, i'm just in time, this new technology. i'll need to do some cases better. see that because he doesn't think on the gym and he went off of the 30 some, but it's really been which program you want to fix, where we have also to think about low schedule, making these extra we've drugs using more digital technologies or do you want the
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system to a little file most including smartphone is to have access to be the weather forecast. information on prices, which include, you know, we can bring all of these packaged nationally truck including smaller does because we have already a number of all their found that are using them. but you know, if it's any credit you can call me, we are talking about when we think about who can, based with, in each food. we also have to give me thinking to anybody, to access to technology and solution. and it's only if you make it inclusive. also in the supply side, that's what we deliver once that security on back to a system that b t, n, r o, you know, we'll definitely be a sarah and oscar. we must say, you know, to make sure we realize where we could useful and where we need for the, especially when they distrust of june the i'm a there and we can decrease income in like you would solve these people. and you said earlier, you're quite right to, to be optimistic on solving world hunger. if we had the money available,
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$330000000000.00. i believe you said the trouble is, well, food program this year and september 23 said that there was a funding gap of 60 percent, the biggest short full and it's 60 year history. so why are we seeing a decline and funding at a time when we seems we need to get most okay, so we've got to be careful here about the numbers. because if you actually look at the amount of age that's gone to the world food program, in the last 2 years, it's actually increased and we looked at the numbers in the flows. some that of the amount of a going to wsp has increased. but the need has increased even more because is even greater needs then not feeling the financing gap. hm. but it's not because there's not more money available. there is, especially for the humanitarian assistance. there is more money available. it's
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roughly doubled in the last 5 years. unfortunately, we comp say the same for the money going into the more long term investments to deal with the structural problems of hunger. that amount of assistance has been stagnating or slightly shrinking. right? but the problem is because of this piece chalks, the climate talks economic shocks, the conflict shocks, and particularly in the last 5 or 6 years, we see much greater needs. okay? and i really think that all of this solution and then i'll let you continue. but i think part of the solution is making sure that we better use that humanitarian assistance to contribute to this longer development goal. because otherwise, this bucket, prince of your, the means is going to keep growing. because $11.00 day like the one of the problems that i'll be happy highlights on the warnings that highlights is that we're entering a q monetary in doom loop, taking from the hungry to save the solving. how'd you stop that from happening?
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i think laura, the only way to stop this thing being prepared for is again going back to say, how do you revitalize offer cause advert content and only on a small home the side, but also on putting them on the roots towards commercialization. and the african governments have to do their own pipes on the policy framework for doing that and attracting the private sector investments or for that progression that, that, that could happen. then the rest of the assistance that green and the david were referring to is something that us this in the near to medium term. because then if that stretched or a change in our for cause agriculture is not happening, then we also didn't get a perpetual cycle here, where whenever they add these time slots there that will be more frequent, as well as these conflicts that we see that the ball frequent, obviously the continent,
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then we are stuck in the cycle. the only way we have to get out of this is to say, how can advert countertop plate and much more fundamental wrong and get into a space where it is less space or it is that a combat shot the can all support work. not only just so many phones, but really creating jobs at a decent wage and be able to feed on their food and fiber, opt out venue, change in a, in a sustainable way. would be a with them to us. see that problem is offered, gotta be able to feed, to an extent to the world and actually have a sustainable agriculture as an improvement of the lively looking for right africans would be there. but i guess regarding those point the remote areas which cannot be reached and you do need public infrastructure, our roads. what us applies to be those areas for any ser residents to actually get in. and the only people that can do that, the governments not have to do the hour on that part until those things this is done, then we are in the cycle where we coming going after every not to run last night.
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he outta assisting people because the innovation we're making now and i know different from the interventions that were making on 10 years ago. it's just not the scale and the frequency is changing. but we have to think different dentist, they help us as the people in transitioning at more fundamentally and i think it's important we we look into that. okay collin, i just want to to go back to one of the causes of hung up complex food being weaponized with seeing attend garza, we seen it in ukraine. we've seen it in yemen. how do we prevent that happening? so i would say best, it's very clear on the international humanitarian bull that it is that you are not allowed to use style of ation as a weapon. so it's not allowed, it's a violation of international humanitarian law. and that needs to stop where it is happening. um the other thing is, and again, on the international humanitarian law,
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you have to allow the humanitarian agencies to access the civilian population and provide them humanitarian the system. and here again, it's not a technical problem. we have tremendous service agencies, we've had decades of experience to know how to access people during conflict when there's an extreme weather event. so the only reason they wouldn't be allowed to access the people is because the, the conflicting parties are not allowing them to access. so i think that it's really important that this right to access to meditation assistance is upheld even in the context of conflict. okay. david money, if you was watching this program will be asking on an individual level, what can i do? what can we all do? also what would be around, so for that to so i, the 1st thing is really to, to main thing to be so long as i to put pressure on your government to do the
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throttle cation of resources. depending where you are, as if i say, mean here, if we can countries really need to, to up to talk about great sizing agriculture. the trunk developments in terms of the whole investment varies that talk, you know, definitely more competitive where government that's taking the commitment to spend 10 percent of after break expenditure in terms of controlling our development. very shoot countries. but they just went on to him to come to them a richards and even the high income country. that means that income countries is how much your government is going to have the opportunity to provide me qualities for beta aid. we small a. we've also thinking about what should be that the clinic are transparent and we need to do because google map, you all know, bring to replace them and we need them to do a number of extra them that my cookies are obvious. but then after, i mean, you may also my more responsive of choice in terms of consumption, providing to, to waste food and making sure that when you buy some products, all the people and divide the chain in particular. you know, if you go for
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a cook about to make sure that the people on the other side of the planet producing disco, cool, a living income to be a bird, to, to have a decent size. and so we all contribute that a different flavor. and what you're doing, you do out of my toes, by the way, we do as a community of the country and we're on the man. we still need the action. okay. that we will have to leave our discussion that today. many things to all guess david leveled one, the lice, the logo, the car on small on. and that is a show for this week. but remember, you can get in touch with us via x is the hash tag a j c t c. when you do so, i will drop some e mail, counting the cost at out 0, adult net is our address. as more online for you, i'll just say we're dot com slash and c t c. that'll take you straight to our page which says individual reports links and, and try to emphasize for you to catch up on that set. but this edition of counting
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the cost i'm or kyle from the whole team here. thanks for joining us. news on al jazeera is man the model of this i to set uh, can i get all the necessary out doing 99 cents percent of the quarterly fuel via to let the cents up to a lender. so for the come jimmy, and then to run was over 10 the they would have to see sent in with us for any equipment. and they can look to look at them next, spend the
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the we're getting into on his riley drive. and target's residential buildings near a hospital in roswell store and i'll just say our team was reporting lights. the other ones are in jordan, this is out as they are alive from dell is that coming up.


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