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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 21, 2023 6:00am-6:31am AST

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or the we're getting into on his right, the driving targets residential buildings near a hospital in roswell square. and i'll just say our team was reporting lights. the hello and are in jordan, this is out as they are alive from dell is coming up. many
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of those injured in that is really as dry could been transferred to barely functioning hospitals, including announcer, 0, broad cost engineers delayed us again. united nations security council vote on a suspension of hostilities and downsize pushed back for a 3rd day. lots, israel does not have to choose between removing this letter from us and minimizing the total on civilians and guys. it has an obligation to do both. but your effective state comments on rising civilian casualties and causes addressed to hit some new milestones of 20000 killed. the health officials in gauze that same old and 20000 palestinians have been killed since as well as will began. millions of people trapped into strip have repeatedly said there's no safe place in gaza. and one of these rails latest attacks driven strikes targeted residential buildings near a hospital in the southern city of rough or at least 10 people killed. 60 were
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injured the explosion. this happened the right behind the corresponding hunting must mood, as he was reporting live on a new, the cure wait hospital. this is what happened. the remaining population, the area it gets to be this place then, and this is the, the trash you to be very striking. causing more of problems and forcing more cala city and the displacement which can of course now the pressure on an healthcare facility as well as evacuations on as we're, we're getting into the oh my god, did you hear that the hospital that the hospital
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are you guys here in dice, are you guys here in this old a debris and no, no, i know, i know i wake up its all gone. oh my gosh. no, no, no, no, this is really bad. this is bad. or you get seen this. this is right behind the house, but the right now oh my god, i love it. a heavy okay. let me see. let me see. okay. i guess see if yes. does it say this is a huge, huge dark cloud of smoke. this is what we were expecting for 5 business. a drone did not leave this sky of this area. why get
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a low level out of the what if you was marking a to. 8 a good, a full residential homes. people are rushing to the side just to see if there are people. i guess this was the, we'll look at that a tragedy right now. it's causing okay us to see people running away from, from the side of, of explosion. here's where multiple massive air strikes, right at the vicinity of the q way the hospitality. see people are panicking. we can even lock the. this is really, really bad. this is i is the people are rushing now down the road. this is, this is most of the multiple multiple residential homes and rates. we're hearing there . were there people inside the home that the word target in their hand?
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these were 10. they moved it back to even displays, palestinians, at this particular location, more than a 3 residential homes, completely destroyed. the. this is, this is exactly what we've been talking about. there is no safe place in god. oh no safe place. they got no place more save than the other. even the vicinity of this hospital does a small size, hospital becomes became a target of those relentless areas. right. that's exactly what we described in reward describing these ears. strikes be relentless, aggressive a brutal was honey, was saying that those strikes on residential towels in rough ha happened near the q 8 hospital, rough as in southern gaza, where israel has repeatedly told people to move to for their safety. hundreds of thousands of just based palestinians of northern and central air is currently in the south a. how does the journalism broadcast engineer molasses most and was injured?
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and that's as striking is among schools of people taken to hospital distressing video capture the moment she was injured. there's something there was like 77. 7 0, i'll do the arrows topic i was zoom is following developments from rough uh, in the southern gaza strip in the air strikes become much more aggressive, much more violent and separate areas. of course, that you are treat also in areas that supposed to be as a safe zone for palestinians of tart waves that evacuation took place inside this area and tend to be a mass refuge account for residents from the north and central areas of guns and
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city russell had been attacked today for a residential building was completely flattened and alongside with the most in agriculture land where a palestinians have been concerned, killed by this strikes now use as strikes in the southern parts did not stop, including i knew it, it says with 30 palestinians have been killed during the last couple of hours where the religious list is very plumbing, had destroyed 2 sets of a gauze. our residential units with more than 20000 palestinians have been killed with also alongside with more than 50000. others who had been with now these at the death toll is expected to rise within the coming days as the attacks at continued in the north, the middle and the southern parts of gauze. meanwhile, the head of hamas, as the political bureau is, melania, is in the gym, capital, cairo, and watkins, single, a new phase in seesaw, negotiations earlier honey. i met the roms, foreign minister in doha. the meeting and the catalyst capital comes up to as well
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as the president said, the government is open to another temporary force in the fight to flattery. we spent the gauzy hama the member of how masses political bureau, he says, is proud to stuff in the world. i think the vision is very clear. we want to still declaration was the war and joshua and the because i think what's going on in the visit is a because the surveys, the whole pause is much destruction unless clinical people last semester goes. we want to stop this. this is our priority. know some people looking for a small pause, a pause here and there for one week, 2 weeks for the weeks, but i think that was directly. we want us to ask the question, because i think who is i with take they, they called all the hostages and dr. that'd be able to start a new. what out of investigating done must have guns again to sort of people. i think we will not be disagreeing, but i think we want to stop it. this will disagree and or people and the should,
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would. they were all the, all the come with big compromise for the did you use for the prison? another for the hostages, but the reality we don't with the options with a godaddy with different bus stop that goes in and does the does what does is going to in go this big shame for the international community to keep sort of, especially out of the discussion in do you do not assembling to go to causal that most of the countries night and on. there certainly covers all over the world. the world sits by the way, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was still intent on wiping out how my saying any potential new truce would be shortly done to a mass was eradicated and who is ready, hostages free at home. i'm sure whom i mean come out of the will, will continue until we destroy i'm us until victory. let me so this he think we will see thought which is not connected to reality. or should we also striking how must, with heavy fire everywhere else, including today us, we also striking go to
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a time us close or fall every have must services best on so that you every 2 options and a who to surrender or size out 0 is i'm just started with has more now from occupied east jerusalem. there's a lot of pressure on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu both internationally. and domestically on the international front, you have the americans who are hoping to see these really shift towards a lesser intense type of fighting within the next few weeks. and that position has been reiterated by multiple american officials domestically, though he has increased pressure from the families of the captives and the bring them back now movement. and this situation has even become more high stakes after 3 captives were killed inside of gaza by these really military. now gyptian security, visuals are indicating that these really are willing to offer
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a weeks long pause in the fighting. in exchange for 40 captives, they want all women, any remaining children, an elderly man as part of that deal. remember there are more than a 100 captives still being held inside of gaza. but before those meetings, they're also meetings with these rallies because buddies and the americans in europe twice in one week to try and start these negotiations. and while signs are pointing that these talks are positive so far, there's no indication that there is anything concrete at the moment in the talks and kyra with him, us officials, it is worth noting that for the 1st time posting in his stomach, he had had representation there they are, the 2nd largest fighting force inside of gone so, and they're also holding some captives in gaza. so they are part of these discussions when it comes to whether or not this is accepted within these really society. there was a cautious optimism because they were able to see how many captives were released
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several weeks ago during that ceasefire period. and they're saying that these really, governments should be doing everything in its power in order to bring back the captives, even if that means some sort of prisoner exchange or swaps where there's been no indication from these rallies. but they are willing to do that just yet. how much as position has been quite clear that there will be no cease fire talks or negotiations about it until there is an end to the war. cypress and his royal have agreed to set up a maritime aid commodore to gaza. the announcement follows a meeting between these really foreign minister and his superior council thoughts in law, and i'll just see what's going account is in ramallah in the occupied westbank with the details of the tourism visited lorna coaches in the south of the site for us where they went to a port and they met with a, a joint task squad essentially where they were looking at the initiative and the
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logistics around the initiative of creating a mount time root of 8 to gone so. so there is a joint forces looking at this over the next 2 days. now this initiative isn't new and it has been presented a couple of times once to the power space for last week. a weather cypriots president, a such a gave him a $25.00 page initiative that would look at a joint task squad with all the countries around the world. and sending these very large shipments from cypress over to garza, for the desperately need, is humanitarian h that at now there was not support from the official staff. but some of them were concerned about the many hurdles that they may face. one of which is how they can safely gets it into going to, um, you know, they, they were afraid that the ship shipments could be attacked on the way. and also
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once, if it's not going to the entire points, the shipments is that much larger than the trucks going in through the south of going to at the moment. but there's very little at, in terms of infrastructure in these port. so they have very small port, so there's, there's a mountain of logistics to get through. but slight precise, you know, it is the country to do this because they all the closest nation at to gauze the so they said that they all been the actual country to essentially help out. and israel says they wants to get this initiative found to weigh a soon as possible. israel has released a terminally ill tell us to be in prison and they occupied westbank 5. i'll talk to you both for you due to his worsening health. these images were taken shortly after his release, autocad already spent 4 years in on his ready prison. that was re arrested 4 months ago. he was later diagnosed with stomach cancer of to undergoing emergency surgery
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a lot also to come here and i'll just area including we'll have the details on a major present swap between the us and venezuela. the plus on global is over in windows iris, and the 1st major protest against a new president stand to measures for next things the here's are headlines for the america is great to have jo long seems of quite it down through a good part of the campus to patagonia and windsor shifting around the falkland islands, but still warm enough in port stanley at 12 degrees and we've got our usual storm still coming into the amazon jungle here. quite a bit of rain for that eastern side of brazil as well. oh, speaking and quite
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a bit of rain on tobago island in trinidad and tobago. we had burst of about 50 millimeters of rain here. that was enough to trigger some flooding onto bigger island once again in trinidad and tobago. but really with the winds, not too intense. right now, we do have somewhat weather coming in to the care of the in coast of central america on thursday. then this storm system will turn rain to snow in newfoundland province in canada. so sunspots could see that a 100 meters of rain followed by 30 to 50 centimeters of snow colder air across the great lake. so toronto just minus 6 for you on thursday warm are though off to where the west. it is unsettled though, for british columbia. the coast really up and down on thursday, and then we've got this specific storm feeding quite a bit of rain to los angeles. there is flood alerts in play here and not bad for the southern us, but of cloud cover here on thursday. the
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i'm, it's the world slow down. we stand for as homes, with tip of global nickel reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harness the offerings 75 percent of global carbon credit suspension submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments, alignment digital licensing, your better tomorrow the the welcome back and put your mind about top stories here at this hour
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at least 10 palestinians have been killed in his writing strikes on residential towers in southern guns, that they have a need, a cube, a hospital in the city of ruffled just behind. and alger 0 tv group. they will live on a number of palestinians killed in israel as war and gaza has now reached 20000 on the desktop is rising by the hour of the army intensifies attacks on civilians and a mass on israel have resumed in direct talks mediated by council on egypt groups politically that you smell on the travel to cairo, what could signal a step towards securing a 2nd humanitarian troops. meanwhile, us president joe biden is costing bouts on prospects all the imminent ceasefire. a deal between israel and home us. unfortunately, there's no expectation at this point. we are pushing the $20000.00
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of biden's comments come off of national security spokesman john cubby said discussions about a potential truth and now in his words, very serious. meanwhile, the us secretary of state says israel has an obligation to minimize civilian casualties and gaza and to me blinking was speaking on his end of the press conference. i'll just say was mike kind of has moved from washington dc. the us secretary of state spoke as to how the us has strengthened its alliance in various parts of the globe. he was off directly to what extent it's continued an unqualified support of israel, and it's operation and casa, is affecting these alliances. he did not address that directly. what you did say is that even some countries opposed to the united states still see it as a leader in these ongoing crisis. so he's continuing to insist that the us has a role to play, and te insinuates that it is not losing global support because of it's ongoing
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support for israel. but on that issue, he continued to maintain that his israel has a right and indeed a duty to continue its operations against him us. at the same time, it has a right and the duty and what he calls a strategic need to minimize the casualties that incur during its operations. this is what he said on that subject. we continue to believe it is real, does not have to choose between removing this letter from us and minimizing the total on civilians and guys, it has an obligation to do both and it has a strategic interest to do both were more determined than ever to ensure that out of the terrific tragedy comes a moment. a possibility is rallies for palestinians, for the region, a living, lasting peace and lasting security. that out of this darkness
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comes like the sick real estate reiterated on a number of occasions that to use his words. it is vitally important how israel conducts that's operations. however, he also made clear that it is up to israel to decide how to do that. not the united states might kinda alter sierra washington for you and security council has delayed a vote for a 3rd day and a resolution that would cool for the suspension of facilities in gaza. diplomats have been negotiating with the united states on the wording of the draft. earlier this month, washington featured a resolution cooling for a ceasefire. well, the united arab emirates table, the latest resolutions and some basset up to the un voice. hope the security council would come together to respond to the war and gaza. diplomacy takes time. it means evolving conversations and people are giving it their attention at the highest levels of the capitals that have leverage on this. so i think from that
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sense, you have to be optimistic in diplomacy, otherwise we wouldn't or come into this building every day. not sense i am optimistic, but in another sense. if this fails, then we will continue to keep trying because we have to keep trying. there's too much suffering on ground uh for the counsel to continue to fail on this and we haven't failed. we have a resolution 2712 we need to build on that resolution. and i hope we will also adopt a humanitarian resolution the response to the crisis on ground. i'll just here is gabrielle that has on there was that un headquarters with the latest from the security council? just within the past 3 days, there have been 7 different delays or postponements in this un security council boat on humanitarian aid, getting into guys a. the main sticking point we believe now with the united states is this language in the draft as it's written now about a monitoring mechanism being implemented essentially would be the united nations that takes the lead in overseeing and facilitating this
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a getting into gaza. and then it's distribution to the people that need the most. now, why are other security council members agreeing to these delays? we believe the reason is because they to want to get a draft of this resolution that is acceptable to the united states, at least. so the americans don't veto it. diplomat say they will be returning here to the security council on thursday, where they hope to have some sort of agreement on a resolution that can get passed gabriel's on to i'll just see it at united nations in new york. the, the topic we look at some of the will news now, and venezuela is to free 10 us prisoners in exchange for the release of a close ally of president nicholas madura. it comes just weeks after the white
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house agreed to suspend some sanctions following a pledge by monday or to work towards free and fair elections next year. out of sound run, catch you before i if i, if i, i'll accept this is the moment that really swell as president close ally alex a good off a plane and cut out because i'm wednesday because i'm getting businessman was freed from the us, presenting miami in exchange for the release of 10 americans jail by the venezuelan, redeem mdx rendition of a fugitive defense contractor. wow, that's part of the deal could act as also released at least 13 minutes when i'm political prisoners. the deal breaker by could star is the largest release of american prisoners in venezuela's history. it comes weeks after us president jo biden's administration agreed to suspend oil sanctions and venezuela following a commitment by works with them president because my daughter to work towards free and c and presidential elections in 2024 earlier in the day by the and said the
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deal was a step in the right direction. we have no har. awesome. as well as far as keeping our commitment for home of the many in the region, see the release of alex sub as a major concession to my daughter. so have was arrested a money laundering and other criminal charges in 2020 and was regarded as a key tool against the redeem standing side by side with the that is when i'm president celebrated his release and could i guess, calling for the normalization of relations with washington corridor at all, showing respect, everything can be chief with mutual respect, can advance towards the different phrase and our relationship. hopefully, some analysts believe this deal allows both sides to show that however difficult
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their negotiations are working. not going to be sure that disagreement guarantees that the doha in barbados agreement, remain in place, advice, time to maintain the oil and gas licenses. the us that the us had threatened to withdraw from it. there's no doubt that the deal will anger up my daughter's political opponents, but in the end that could prove to be a win win for everyone involved by then guess to bring safely home the us prisoners . well, my daughter shows that he's still in charge and that he's willing to do anything it takes to save those and it's close to circle strengthening his position before next year's presidential elections. i listened that i'm get to adjust the both the thousands of protest as of rallied in origin. tina's capital against austerity measures announced by newly elected president, have you, i mean a, there was a heavy police presence while the government threatened cutting welfare to anyone blocking major roads. i'll just say it was theresa bad reports from
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a capital winters are left wing groups trying to make it to the center of origin. tina's kathy telemundo site is they came here to protest against the economic policies of have you had any legs, new government? for the 1st time in years, they were met with resistance by security forces. w, solano, says the lake is trying to remove certain fundamental rights. the government is violating the rights of protest in argentina. they want to violate the judiciary. and the legislative branch is with a series of laws they want to pass. i'm very worried about democratic freedoms. in argentina, the police controls access to the capital and film to people on buses and train stations for trying to make it through the center of the city. there's lots of tension in the center of one upside is with hundreds of police officers that have been deployed via the government said that protesters are not allowed to cover their faces or to carry what could be considered a web one like
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a stick. they're also saying the protestors won't be allowed to block abby road, which has been a common practice on him. now. despite these demonstrators on fort, managed to reach the glass of the module in front of they proceed to ensure the palace, the origin, teenagers in the middle of an economic crisis. inflation was already very high. when have you had to be late to coffee is 10 days ago, but at 54 percent evaluation of the currency last week has made the situation even worse. mean a says only an orthodox economic plan. we get origin tina out of the crisis. we'll drop it off here and that's why on wednesday he announced a mega decree to reform thousands of laws on issues like labor or export state companies and land located the will. the objective is to begin with the reconstruction of our country, these back freedom to our individuals and begin to dismantle the enormous quantity
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of regulations that have stopped and complicated economic growth in that country. this is always the 1st step. the government says the economic situation. we start to improve in the next few months. people here are not convinced avow to remain ready to fight back the so i will just see that when the site is voting and the democratic republic of congo presidential election has been extended by a day follows reports of faulty voting machines and pulling stations, failing to open a group of opposition and candidates, according for re run of the election. catherine stuart reports by capital kinshasa of the election day in the democratic republic of congo was marked by delays in deploying voting materials and technical beaches. many people frustrated. they had turned up already to cost the balance of these pulling
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station, other part of can shasta voting only port underway hours of the pulse attempt to to dr. no my, this is not right. we are tired, we left our jobs. we have not even voted yet. when will we go home? it is not a good sign. the home for 3 people out here and 6 am to vote, but no one is able to vote, but we will not get tired. at the polling station in the south, east tongue of providence angry voters to call with election materials. after they found the names missing from the register in the central cosign redone, electro officials used whatever they could to delete bought the materials. some parts of the country did not have a profile route network and supplies had to be transported by and security challenges in the northeast are a big concern because of all.


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