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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 21, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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wayne says global audience, why it's important, how this could impact their lives at the height of the storm. water was still high by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to one year turned out to be this very good, the bringing the news to the world from here. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm several venue. it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the program. witnesses tell owls a 0 that is really forces in gaza, executed at 11 an armed palestinian men in front of their families. the world health organization says there are no functional hospitals left in northern garza due to a lack of fuels,
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staff and medical supplies. the number of palestinians killed in israel's born guns that has reached 20000, including more than 8000 children out. cassandra gage launched as a barrage of rockets into tel aviv in response they say to israel's killing of civilians. the, the un human rights office says that it has received allegations of what could be a war crime bodies really forces in gaza. witnesses say is really soldiers executed at least 11, an armed palestinian men in front of their families in the north of the gaza strip . they were accused of storming a residential building and then separating men from the women and children. the incident is alleged to have happened at the a non building where civilians were sheltering. and are you in is calling for an investigation on this one? sorry, god bless whom is in rother. that's in southern gaza tarik. alger 0 has been talking to eye witnesses trying to gather more evidence or information what have they been
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telling us of the yes. a absolutely, the scenes and older reports to the eye witness on the ground regarding the execution that had been carried to elia a we're really terrifying as a number of men. we're talking about 11 palestinians were completely dissolved. i have been uh, killed and executed by the east bed administrator of todd. they had stormed the houses, taking women aside and they have shoots. uh, those men, uh, executing them as palestinians in induced in the air in these areas have been going through a very horrific and terrible days on these really unrelenting plumbing. now, policy and some reporting and sending us that they have been shoot, says they have resource by these very minute treat women where uh, where to hear their head covers. what take it, they have been mistreated by the army as the occupation forces continue. the series of their regulations on the ground is set for areas on the, according to your initial reports, saying that's an impulse,
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palestinians belong to you and me. somebody had been executed on the ground. the latest reports on as trickled one from a ship or to a neighborhood informing us that there is not a nation long school had been surrounded by these very many trees. and no part of the city is inside. this school had been arrested and we're taking to disclose location. now these kinds of regulations, these kinds of a rest and executions that had been carried out to throughout the last a couple of days is something really is a consider to be very tiny, very small in regarding the level of the crime that is committed. and the social media outlet did not managed to get to the positions where people still using the notes have been trapped on to off to the evacuation. and the, if it with the total of the is where the forms of value of the town had been of the policy and had found around 30 did body. so the situation that is completely healed, reflect the actual, most of them all. they still in the building,
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they for the entry into residential flats. they did the buttons and the lower levels. i live on the 6th floor. i put my door and switched to the lights on. i still owe my house. i told them or a family, a household of civilians. they saw us men in their wives and children. my brother in law tried to speak and explain it all in the house of civilians, but they starting dead. after that, they ran to the men up and the women in the opposite house. sidney is rarely soldiers opened, fire an old man. they told the state in the other side. they never show but tank from outside, especially in the model. these really sol, just on the block of slots, they forced the way into every home, killed the men and to change the women and children. we do not know the whereabouts . they did the same on every floor or women around it, up in one room. by the time they reached us on the 6th floor, they started shooting old and then my father in law and his son was shot. they died instantly. these raised killed them. we kept the door open and did not show any
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resistance. we kept the lights on. as soon as the is ready, so just on the house, they started shooting men. then following the rules within the groups by the head round it up. the young children was stripped of x rays and forced to the knees. all women were kept on the 4th floor in order to remove the head coverings. after that, they took one of them and downstairs, still naked. then they opened fire, killed them all, executed them in cold blood. after that order was given to the tanks, i'm going to show was fired and all the women on the 4th floor, young go was killed. my 2 daughters and female neighbors were injured. what most of these really soldiers rounded up all the women in one room then fired 3 mortar shells at us, then catch shooting their machine guns at us. before that they stormed our house an open fire. i was hit with a boot in my hands. my daughter in her head, my younger daughter was killed, and my son is blind. my husband was executed in cold blood. all my other daughter's suffered severe injuries,
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broken bones and flesh torn open. we were all hit by bullets instructional has been bleeding all over since 5 o'clock on tuesday, a topic we're going to continue to work on this and try and gather more information on this incident. see what can be borne out? um, but if i can get you to pivot to what's happening across the gaza strip, there have been more than bard minutes, of course, including on the recently open border crossing of car and most of them. oh yes, absolutely. the bottom and did not stop for the $76.00 at day in a row inside goes on that time. this time i'd been carries out against. com. i'll send them both the according board, which is one of the main a by voting. busy the crossing board is that is a located just for the, for the entry off at pro docs and commercial uh, items uh to the gaza strip. now we're talking about full palestinians have been killed. the do to the is really a talk on the area,
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including the director of the boat with that, despite the fact that they have been meeting previous coordination with the east ready side to make it to uh, to uh, to for com to complete checking the humanitarian truck that would be allowed to enter the gaza strip. now with the destruction of the i talk, i'm come up with some buddha that's had been totally re open to as during the last few days the past few days. now this attack will slow the mechanism of a delivery to the gaza strip. were palace cities in a very disc brittany for it, as they are only depending on the humanitarian aid that had been allowed to into fact coursing border is really is continuing to issue evacuation orders for palestinians to move further south inside the gaza strip. that as we've seen further south continues to be bombarded currently, it seems that unfortunately that is a systematic approach that adopted by the use of any minute treat since the initial
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days of the 1st lady have issued that choice and oldest for the residents in the north then with a couple of days for the residents in the middle of the gaza city and now they are issuing code is for the southern part. so the territory to flee to the last points remains. insight garza, which is to ruffle, which is already overwhelmed with people and hospitals overwhelmed, also with patients on to one to people. so a policy and type of for the wing to the old is a because, but all media have been moving us through areas until we have reached a roughly under very, a roof, a humanitarian circumstances. and despite all of these efforts made by palestinians, they also have been being. busy attacks in rough or where does it probably is a being killed in every single day in separate air strikes rough. now, there is a move rubbing a mistrust among palestinians regarding fluids. the oldest of these really minute treat uh, as they are even being attacked or roughly there is, oh really my question is only ask them on pallets and he's like,
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we're is next to go. we don't have any place remains for us to take shelter and they have been also attacks for out of during the process of evacuation. others have been targeted as they have reached russell and con eunice and now on us have been the battle zone for the is ready, mitchell and the change which is only a few kilometers away from what is really very dangerous and risky from the perspective of the time cities in doza is not afraid that the operation might extend to reach the coming thing. now we're is lift to go to the question so many palestinians have been asking themselves a touring. thank you very much. the medical and health situation in gaza is nothing short of catastrophic. the world health organization says that there are no no functional hospitals in the north of gaza. hospitals have been bombed, they've run out of medical supplies, and they don't have any fuel. as a result, it's difficult for any of the 2300000 people in gaza all in a war zone to get adequate medical care. and palestine is red,
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crescent says that the ambulance center and jamalia also in northern gaza is now under siege. and that there is continuous showing putting everybody at risk there in rendering the ambulance center useless. unfortunately, this is the 2nd day or teams at um, the ambulance son to the store under the crescent. i'm getting sent to the engine manager oddison under pcs or centers as completely pcs. and there's a artillery showing and sense are still there. he's running. that is continuous sense yesterday, along with gone plan from is there any documentation, forces snipers, and there is no way anyone can go out of this filters, that the safety of our teams is asterisk. there is an old 127 people who are trapped inside our ambulance centers, including panama, next volunteers, and their families,
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and the 22 injured person where the center is located as completely the injures. there is no way any one can go out of defensive. anyone is trying to move out of that area is under the target of is there any snipers along with that opportunity, something that is not stopping. it's just continuous. however, we are still providing our medical services inside or medical post, which was established a month ago to continue providing medical services to the wounded people in the area. oh sure bad. yeah. which is under constant bombardments. unfortunately, as you just highlighted, now there is no lift, overt hospitals in north of casa, okay, all of that is what's happening to the medical facilities in northern garza, in the south. there are a few functioning hospitals, but only a fraction of what was there earlier. richard people corn from the world health
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organization explains from geneva is only 9 out of $36.00 also. so these are far from functional in the whole got all the saw there are actually no functional. so last, the more likely was the last that is not made an impression and still treat patients, but most amazing. it was a long way to see uh, and also hospital. so the hospital or she was younger and also thousands of displaced people. a cosign brigade, some off his arm, the wing claims to have hit televi for the garage of rock is that they say they launched in response to is really massacres and gaza. sirens sounded in tel aviv, but is really security forces, say the rockets were intercepted by the iron don't defense system and that there weren't no casualties. those walk, it's shut down to city briefly, but the economic repercussions are far reaching. bernard smith has more. busy
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sirens went off in central television in the metropolitan area at about help us 12 local time. it's an area of more than 4000000 people running for shelter, very disruptive economically, to the economy as well. already suffering significant economic full out because of its wall in gaza. fragments fell on pots of tel aviv that with no reports of any injuries around. so if you don't kids, we understand for 5, most of those successfully interrupt, intercepted by the window system. one of the rockets fell into the sea just off just the old port. 76 days into this was an indication that thomas and the cast on brigades have not yet been totally dest, degraded by these really forces, because they were able to still send those rockets on calls. the last is the disruption here as an indication also of why lines are still reluctant to fly,
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to tel aviv add for only a 100 flights a day coming in among compacts of 500, many major airlines counseling that routes. some of them looking to restart at early january with the challenges for them and not just the physical danger from rockets but also the cost of insuring crump, the flight israel. and these, the sort of incidents that make those outlines think twice. furnace smith. i'll just tell him he is really forces continue carrying out daily res. across the occupied westbank military vehicles entered several cities and towns including nobliss and bethlehem. early on thursday, they rated holmes in detained at least one palestinian in bethlehem. allan fisher has more from ramallah and the occupied west back. it's been a day when there have been a number of incidents across the west bank. mine has been shot in calc kalia, in a village very close to bethlehem. there was a funeral for someone who was shot and killed on wednesday and at the funeral,
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then there were exchanges between mourners. id is really ami, which lights to 3 people being short, things have come done. but there's a can sound as it gets dark because the army are still in the village and the field . busy of all the roads, then the situation could flared up again. we've had the 3 men being arrested in east jerusalem and a number of check points linking the to the rest of them and the west bank being closed out and making it very difficult for people to navigate around there. and the number of incidents where farm equipment and farm buildings have been not done by the is really army. they say that they were not built with permission. therefore they had to be removed. and that obviously causes deep concern, but it just gives you an idea of how the cycle continues to perpetuate. we have a 303 people killed in the west bank since the start of the war and gaza,
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more than 4600 people arrested. many of them still being held without charge. and many palestinians wonder when night comes, if their time, if their village, if their home will be the next to be visited by the israeli army. oh i'm so sure. i'll just need to know my law in the occupied westbank. and there's plenty more ahead on this news hour including renewed siding across the is really loving on board, or at least one person has been killed. we'll get the latest on that after a short break. the united nations security council is convening to vote on a draft resolution calling for the scaling of humanity or in a deliveries in the besieged gaza strip. the proposal by the united arab emirates is also calling for an urgent and sustained end of hostilities to allow safe and
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unhindered humanitarian access to gaza. the vote has been delayed several times that you as deputy ambassador to the united nation, says that they will only support the draft resolution if specific changes are made . morning still working, i'm still hoping to get to uh, you know, to be able to support it. so that there well, there need to be some things in the text, wouldn't make it where the are support right now. i'm still working it so gabriel, it was on the joins us from the united nations headquarters. gabriel, it's, it's sometimes a little difficult to understand exactly what's going on at the un, both in terms of the process and in terms of the politics. talk to us about the language, what the us is trying to achieve versus what the other countries on the un security council are trying to achieve as well. the other countries on the security council are pretty clear and what they want to achieve. and they want a vote on this draft resolution. this one,
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i'm folding up in my hands here that we've been discussing now for since monday, really, they want to vote on this because it's clear that the majority of the security council members are prepared to vote for it as it is written right now. it has been the united states that has called for continuous delays since monday, just in the last 3 days to be exact 7 different delays or postponements. on a vote on this draft, primarily at the request of the united states. the us, we believe, has an issue with one part of it. at this point, it's a sticking point if you will. and that's a part in the draft that calls for a monitoring mechanism, essentially for the united nations to take control of all of the aid coming into gaza. and then it's distribution. it's believe that israel does not like that does not want that because they would lose some control over that. and they've
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pressured the united states to veto the draft as it's written. now, because of that, primarily the monitoring mechanism. now we are at a face off of the security council is in chambers right now. they are meeting, but it's about syria different unrelated to guys. of course, they are scheduled to perhaps vote on this resolution at the end of the syria meeting. but as you just heard from the deputy us ambassador there, and that was just about an hour and 20 minutes ago that he made those comments telling us the journalist outside the security council. he simply said, we are not there yet. when asked about if they could support the draft as it's written. now, will there be a vote at this point? is anybody's guess. we simply do not know. okay, we're not there yet. that's the best. where things stand right now, gabriel. that was on there. thank you very much, so we're going to be checking back in with you throughout the next few hours. thanks to laying that out. i want to take that now to sell to america. you're a professor of public policy at home. i've been felicia university. is there
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anything to be expected from the us at this point were 2 and a half months into the war? the un, the, i beg your pardon, the, the u. s. has vetoed resolutions calling for a ceasefire or twice. now we know that a majority of countries in the world as representative, the general assembly wants to cease fire, but the us has the right to veto. well, as i said earlier, i seem to be very embarrassed if they've v to this one. you have to gain, articulate because this has emotion is really the focuses on 8 is not on seeds far . the idea here is that they want to increase the volume of aid coming into gaza to open also the possibility of commercial commodities to come together because agencies on human genesis. so they kind of possibly issue $2300000.00 people and keep them in or allowed them to survive it to next month. so the quantity is important, the quality is important, and very important that it has to be delivered safely. so as well by accepting this resolution under united states in directly,
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they will have to institute as form of pause and in the number of areas and or create color doors for age to reach the, the people. and of course, this is not what is our wishes for at the moment. and i suspect one of the reasons why the us is the language, but just about the wording of it. and it's about trying to give these riley's the opportunity to reach an agreement with him. us outside the un security council for, for the exchange or for the pause with the exchange of prisoners in the lead up to christmas. they would lie is usually there's only so long that to you in the late the few days. but i think there this to hold the whole it will be much better for my us as i have perspective, that they reach an agreement that with how much rather than their hands hands is forced by the un security council. not to say that is right. what would accept or even implement the security comes of israel, has many security council decisions that it has never demented,
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but the international perception particular now they're also talking about syria. in the same session, syria which many add a plus per 2nd. i want to make sure i follow this logic a how are those 2 things tied up potentially is really hum us a new deal for the release of hostages and security council. calling to increase humanitarian aid and integrate. well, if, if, if i reach is a direct uh, agreement with him us, then israel still in control. it's about his own sovereignty. they've reached the decision they've imposed this most as far as they're concerned. this one, if the you and calls and as well to do it before. huh. and then they're forcing their hand at least legally to implement what looks like he may tell you and post. and i think from nothing else perspective, this would be very human 18 and this is what the us is really paying for the delay . in addition to that, of course, the, the wording is important because the wording of this resolution calls for the u. n
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. to take control of the exclusive control of the monitoring and this is very important, including from the opening, the border points crossing from israel. so as right we'll have to give in to the united nations and we'll have to let go of it's exclusive control of what goes in and out of. all right. yeah, we can we make that clear monitoring mechanism. that's what gabriel was talking about. that means until now israel has been strictly controlling what is in a trucks. yeah, they've been checking everything that's in the trucks. checking everything is going into got, i've been over checking to the to the extent of many entrances have reported. it's almost like a harassment. they make you unrolled all the consignment and then load them a game. and they have the standard packages that come where they can meet you at any of that is known to the rest of the world, including to his route like tent attempt is always a package. and it has a pin letter in the middle made of steel, and that's attent. they have been asking them, pushing them to unpack all those thousands of tens that they bring in to guys.
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separated the metal metal pieces from the material. and then double check the metal pieces before they allow them to reconstruct your dose packages and bring them in. this is just one example, but it applies to every single package that goes into the gaza strip. so of course it is a harassment. it's a form of delaying the systems that because it's, it just adds to the catastrophe. he would have to situation in gaza at the moment. and i think that you and clearly isn't. it is a difficult position because nobody can stomach what's coming on at the moment and they see that very much they have to do something about it. the secretary general has called under rule 99 a few weeks ago for one for this reservation to take face. the delays been for a week. it's really it's becoming beyond anyone's ability to excuse what is happening and goes at the moment. okay, well we'll see what happens. we may have a vote at the un security council in the next few hours or we may have another
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delay at this stage. we just don't know. so to america, thank you very much. i a human rights watch says the meta, silas posts in support of palestine on his platforms, instagram and facebook. it says that the suppression is systemic and global, amounting to what seems to be the largest wave of censorship of content about palestine. to date, the rights group reviewed 1050 cases of online censorship. for more than 60 countries, they were largely in english. nearly all of them featured peaceful content in support of palestine. your organization says that in more than 300 cases, users were unable to appeal methods, removal of content or accounts effectively. and human rights watch identified 6 patterns of censorship. content removal is one, suspension or permanent disabling of accounts and restrictions on liking common thing sharing re posting. that's another, it's also found restrictions on tagging or following other accounts. limited use of
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certain method features and shadow banding users. that means a significant drop in the visibility of users post stories and accounts of deborah brown is acting associate director for technology and human rights at h r. w. human rights watch. you're joining us from new york. thank you so much for being with us. explain to us, 1st of all, how you did your research or thanks so much for having me. so human rights watch put out a call for cases, evidence of censorship in relation to israel and palestine since october 7th. they put out this call in early october, and we asked people to send us evidence including screenshots, contextural information, and what notifications they received from that one. their content was removed or suppressed. and we, we keep getting reports daily. but for the purpose of the report, we use the data set of 1050 cases. and even though we were that our call for evidence in neutral language,
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calling for censorship. both of content about israel and about palestine. $1049.00 of those cases was instances of censorship, about palestine and support of boston and human rights. we had one case of for of a person saying that they were censored based on their pro israel views. and so we collected this put in, we reviewed it and made sure that it's and you know, and include any insight into violence or hatred with that. it was peaceful, protected expression about palestine. is this specific to a region or to a language or it? do you see this happening across the board and everywhere? yes, we say this wave of censorship is global because we received cases from over 60 different countries. most of the cases we received were in english, so we did receive in many other languages, including an airbag in french and german and other languages around the world. i should note that the majority of the cases we got overwhelming were from that us platforms instagram and facebook. though we did also receive some cases about other
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issues on tick tock on twitter, x and, and other platforms. so as far as you can make out, i don't know if you have any insights into this, but where is this coming from? is there, i mean, is this, is this the algorithm? is there human decision somewhere within the methyl organization to do this? you know, how is this happening and why or so we're able to call this a stomach because we don't see this as an operation or something happening in isolation or even a technical glitch. we see it as a result of some stomach issues that we've raised and others have raised for a few years with the company. and the company has a knowledge and even said that they would address some of these issues in the past . the 1st is some slide policies that are not crafted in a way that are fully in line with international human rights, free expression standards. the 2nd issue is the erroneous and inconsistent application of those policies. and the 3rd is around automation. i think this goes to your question about algorithms me
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a lot. i think over the percent of the material that's taken down are suppressed unmet us. platforms is 1st detected by algorithms and automated tools on the are notoriously terrible detecting concepts. so if someone is promoting terrorism or condemning it, automated tools can't really tell the difference. and the last issue that we, um site is undo employees by governments, over content removal. deborah brown, acting associate director for technology and human rights watch at h r w. thank you for joining us on the program today. thanks for having me. as a woman who's been killed in 711 on by is really showing the 3rd in as many days is really cross border attacks have increased in recent weeks, striking for their inside loving on approximately 50000 people from the from 711 on a displaced as a result of the fighting and has the law continues to fire into northern israel,
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hitting the town of kerry on shimoda. the holder sent this update from southern living on the cross border exchange of fire continues and it is intensifying israel carrying out the series of air strikes the lebanese armed booth hezbollah firing salvo of rockets. the towards is really military positions. the escalation is sporadic, but it's becoming more frequent and the scope of the attacks are widening. overnights as well as hits a target in a clean but the fast that's approximately 20 kilometers from the border quite far from the, from the battle ground in the 3 to 4 kilometer depth battle ground in, in, in southern lebanon. it seems that it could have been in retaliation for hezbollah, firing surface to air missiles. that force is really helicopters to move away from, from the border, from the border area. so both sides really showing their capabilities off their full military capabilities with showing capabilities, sending messages in the form of, of the parents if you like. because israel has been stepping up its threat saying
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that it will destroy beta root the lebanese capital and not just target has been life has, will, doesn't move away from the border. but hezbollah is saying that it will not stop it's attacks as long as, as well as the tax on garza continued, no matter what the cost and hezbollah has lost a lot of men in the past $11.00 weeks, a 114. and just in the past week, 18 man and most of them were hit by drones. and so as well really relying on technology. so the conflict largely confined to the border, but intensifying center for their elders either. so they're loving on, still ahead on elsie's 0, floating in the democratic republic of congo has been extended for 2 days. why the opposition is cooling it, unconstitutional? when we come back the
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the route to you by visit capital there. let's roll with your weather update. we'll start with some good news right off the bat. there was intense rain starting to peter out from southern india where there has been some flooding in some spots. i mean, we saw about a meter of rain within a short period of time. that rain is also tapering off across your long coat, whether it's been a number of land sites. really, the bulk of the activity on friday will be across the mount beats cold snap alerts in play for parts of vietnam. no surprise here. look how low temperatures have come down. a noise is 16 degrees, the name 22. you just saw about half a month's worth of rain in 24 hours and then we've got this rains. we're laying around in the south china sea. that's remnants of a tropical storm. we'll continue keep tabs on that. okay, colors are on dark, the blue and the purple and still lower the temperature in china. hong kong waking up friday morning to 8 factor in the windshield. it will feel about 3 now by day
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your bounce back to 12 to grease cool. chris sunshine for shanghai, just one, but your temperatures will improve in the days to come. snow storm warnings for up and down the west side of japan and cooking it into some blizzard conditions here. and we've got something trying to spin up between the belief peninsula and borneo island and it's a few showers across some spots focused on, on friday. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on a highly toxic pesticides linked to elevate to the occurrences of parkinson's disease. and the farmers who used it. were you ever warned about the health effects of hardware? no fault lines exposes how for decades of global chemical giant withheld information. $12000.00 american prophecy actually said he should never put the words per question parkinson's disease and the same sentence the pesticides playbook. it's on as jersey. hearing the facts,
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have you had any lace that she has the support of 15, implement the shelf economic plan? asking questions, what do you expect this particular 4 to translate when it comes to the us selection? reporting for the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this places i'll just see it was teams across the world when you closer to the fox. if the story the the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this, our witnesses say is really forces killed 11 on arms, palestinians in front of their families. before rounding up the women and children
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and attacking the u. n. is demanding investigation into the alleged attack on tuesday and gaza city, which it says could constitute a war crime. in the world health organization and the palestinian red crescent, are sounding the alarm about the state of hospitals in the gaza strip. the w h o says there are no functional hospitals left in northern goza leaving 800000 palestinians, deprived of medical services. cassandra gates him off his armed wings claims to hit tel aviv with a barrage of rockets that they say they fired in response to is really massacres is really security forces, say the rockets were interested is really war planes of unleashed. yet another strike on the residential building and han eunice, killing more than 30 palestinians, mostly women and children officers. honeywell shire reports from the scene of the attack on what was supposed to be a safe, so my zillow said earlier,
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the optimism unit it was than when i see it is yet another massacre carried out by these really will play against on civilians. in the south eastern part of hon units and it is to show the least deep understanding of what killed one is the of the majority of those killed women and children and i come up. so don't, i don't know if you had up unless i run the out of the way to allow you to see the picture more closely. not even then this is the aftermath of the is it really a real bombardment? this house belongs to the walmart family. it was totally destroyed by these really jet fighters in the home of the fall, as mentioned on the tape on a student who were killed, embody many, yet still missing, not relieved to be buried under the department has been a, let's see. is the possible have, which has been ours noted like no, see the defense teams of arrived to search for survivors or at least recover the dead bodies of those underneath the rumble of them. often even of this is mainly because the old access roads are destroyed. must uh,
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an over be something with you at this time. you want us to go to this area close to the you will be in the hospital or in the middle east of con, unit south of the gaza strip. what's the height of this area was declared, but it is really forces as a safe zone. it as a highlight, has to come in the in addition, let's look at that to come off. the noise warning was given to the residents to evacuate. fema, you know, many civilians. i had mostly displaced from other parts of the city. what taking refuge in this residential building as if he would be giving it to be safe because i was interested in that, i'll call to him and i do these riley's legs, the southern parts in regards to skip the sites where it is the select safety of these ratings are trying to force us out of a home on the other night, more than 50 women and children were killed. there's no presence of $0.85 here. we do not know what to do a way to government killing by the dozens. and this is the natural result of the indiscriminate carpet bombing, like this really will play, that is young, densely populated residential area,
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is highly sharp. not to do the video to kind of bring you other world news. now the some breaking news coming out of the czech republic, where 10 people have been killed in the capitol, prague after a man opened fire at charles university's faculty of arts. 9 others have been seriously injured. officials say the shooter has been killed by police for the sealed off the area, or the university is being evacuated. loading in the democratic republic of congo. it's general election has been extended by 2 days across the country with folding stations. now closing on friday, the electoral commission initially extended the pole by a day after delays of some pulling centers in the capital can shop it on wednesday and several other towns. some polls did not open at all on the 1st day of voting. there were also reports of faulty voting machines and allegations of voted, fraud, opposition, candidates and the extension is unconstitutional and they have called for a rerun of the election. catherine,
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so is in contrast that she brings us the latest a wheel auto calling station and can show stuff counting of votes here as going on in many other areas across this country. voting is still going on. the electro commission has extended voting by 2 days. uh, so a pulls will close on on friday and this is because of a lot of, um, logistical a and a security challenges that send me the electro commission cost face in some calling station voting materials did not arrive. and then, you know, there was a lot of frustration by people who destroyed some of the machine. they send me is investigating that as well. and these are issues that we expected because even the president of the elect, charles commission himself,
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i talked about this toddler does, he talks to all the 0 about the issues that the commission is facing. especially when it comes from supporting a bylaw materials to different parts of the country. we've also had from a position the dead of opposition. presidential candidates who called is what is happening. i assume. and some of them say they want a fresh election. catherine saw you alls, vera can shop is 8 months into sedans, conflicts fighting between the army and the rapids. support forces of forced up to 300000 people to felicia 0 or a province recently, an area southeast of hard to man previously untouched by the fighting to 0. it had become a hub like humanity or in aid. while the are assessed to control of sedan,
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2nd largest city of one medina on monday after the army or treated hundreds of thousands fled the city on foot along with many aid groups you in the world. food program had to temporarily suspend its food assistance to some parts of the region . and a recent history of sedans. conflict on april 15. what began as a power struggle between students, military leader of the thorough behind and his former deputy mohammed homes on the low erupt into open conflict. the un says after more than 8 months of war, an estimated 12000 cities have been killed. more than 7000000 people have been forced from their homes, many of them display several times. and at least 500000. that's half a 1000000. i fled door for one of the regions most effected by the fighting, the neighboring chad if to some getting food reports. oh, active struggles to hold back tears when she thinks about her son being beaten to death. fios was 12 years old. when to dan's power,
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military forces pulled him out of line at a check point in west r, for, along with other young man by the name of his father tried to test you him about to put them down and then they hit him. he fell down that the boy away and told him to crawl the fuel scrolling wide they would beating him with a wooden dog and he bled out. a watch if and her surviving children are just one of hundreds of my salad families who fled the fighting and with the 4 foot chad. all around her in this refugee camp. people have similar tales of violence that seems far from random without plus the positive was supposed to have to. they were very young children. my nephew was only 2 months old when he was beaten, his mother did not take him of her back. when she pulled him off her back, she found him dead. the un has condemned reports of ethnic violence in dot for. it says the systematic killing and displacement of massively populations could amount
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to more crimes. after more than 8 months of violence, the battle field is expanding beyond hot tomb and our for and does the side or is advance more suit and he's fear their children will be killed or caught in the crossfire. if this i'm getting food audra 0. still a head on alice's 0, argentina is new president faces protest silver, his radical austerity measures. as infested seemed to be happy. the
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the thousands of protesters and rally didn't argentina's capital against austerity measures announced by newly elected president javier mulay. there was a heavy police presence while the government threatened cutting welfare that anyone blocking major roads. theresa, but reports from when a site has left wing groups trying to make it to the center of origin. tina's cappy telemundo site is they came here to protest against the economic policies of heavy army lays new government for the 1st time in years. they were met with resistance by security forces w, solano, st. i mean a is trying to remove a certain fundamental rights. the, the government is violating the rights of protesting argentina. they want to violate the judiciary. and the legislative branch is with a series of laws they want to pass. i'm very worried about democratic freedoms. in argentina,
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the police controls access to the capital and film to people on buses and train stations or trying to make it through the center of the city. there's lots of tension in the center of one upside is with hundreds of police officers that have been deployed via the government said that the protesters are not allowed to cover their faces or to carry what could be considered a west point like a stick. they're also saying the protesters won't be allowed to block abby road, which has been a common practice on him. now. despite these demonstrators on fort, managed to reach the glass of the module in front of the policy to insure the palace, the origin, teenagers in the middle of an economic crisis. inflation was already very high. when have you had to be late? took office 10 days ago, but at 54 percent evaluation of the currency last week has made the situation even worse. the lady says only an orthodox economic plan. we get origin tina out of the
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crisis. we'll drop it off here. and that's why on wednesday he announced a mega decree to reform thousands of laws on issues like leave or export state companies and land located the will. the objective is to begin with the reconstruction of our country, these back freedom to our individuals and begin to dismantle the enormous quantity of regulations that have stopped and complicated economic growth in that country. this is always the 1st step. the government says the economic situation. we start to improve in the next few months. people here are not convinced avow to remain ready to fight back the. so we'll just see that when a site is venezuela, it has fried it 10 us prisoners and exchange for the release of a close ally of president nicholas madura. the americans are now back in the us. the exchange comes weeks after the white house agreed to suspend some sanctions, following
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a pledge by mid doro to work towards free and fair elections next year. alexandra ramp, yet the reports. i. yes ma'am, i guess to alex off, this is the moment that really swell as president close ally alex of good off a plane and cut out because i'm wednesday because i'm getting businessman was freed from the us, presenting miami in exchange for the release of the american scale by the venezuelan, redeem mdx rendition of a fugitive defense contractor. wow, that's part of the deal could, i guess, also released at least 13 minutes when i'm political prisoners. the deal breaker by could start is the largest release of american prisoners in venezuela's history. it comes weeks after us president jo biden's administration agreed to suspend oil sanctions and venezuela following the commitment by works with them president because my daughter to work towards free and c and presidential elections in 2024 earlier in the day by the and said the deal was
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a step in the right direction. we have no har austin as well of us far for not over yet home of the many in the region. see the release of alex up as a major concession to my daughter. so have was arrested a money laundering and other criminal charges in 2020 and was regarded as a key tool against the redeem standing side by side with the business. when i'm president celebrated his release and could i guess, calling for the normalization of relations with washington corner at all, showing respect. everything can be chief with mutual respect, can advance towards the different ways in our relationship. hopefully, some analysts believe this deal allows both sides to show that however difficult
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either negotiations or working. i'm not going to be sure that disagreement guarantees that the doha in barbados agreement remain in place. it buys time to maintain the oil and gas license is the us that the us had threatened to withdraw from it. there's no doubt that the deal will anger up my daughter's political opponents, but in the end that could prove to be a win win for everyone. involved by then guess to bring safely home to us prisoners . well, my daughter shows that he's still in charge and that he's willing to do anything it takes to save those and it's close to circle strengthening his position before next year's presidential elections. i listened that i'm get to adjust the both the a record breaking surge of illegal crossings along the us. mexico border is overwhelming. the border patrol more than 10000 migrants have crossed daily and recent days largely into the south western states of texas and arizona. julia go,
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yano has more from mexico city a moment of prayer before waiting into the freezing waters of the rio grande. the youngest today just 2 months old. this is part of a huge search of migrants to reach the us border and recent days. over 4000 a day in the mexican state of while we live alone, it's taken most of the months to get here. they're exhausted, but one after the other, they tell us what they've heard from family and other migrants. that now is the time to cross over here. that's also one of my friends have cross, they have a cross. now, how does that look what we've been waiting for months you? it was very hard to get through immigration, it's back to now. this is what lies in store for them, hours of waiting in the cold to be processed by over whelmed custom and border patrol officers on the texas side of the border. a cdp says the situation is posing
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a serious challenge to their operations. the border authority say the increase in illegal crossings is the result of smugglers moving large numbers of people through mexico. but there's always multiple factors that bring migraines through mexico and cos, spikes in us border crossings this year. and specifically, budget cuts to the immigration authorities here have meant they stop detaining and reporting on documented migrants in mexico. meaning many more have been able to reach the us border. the crisis has let the us to close to of the main cross border cargo railway disrupting key supply lines between the 2 countries and coughing, millions and financial losses. the move is partly to redirect cdp staff to processing centers and also to dissuade additional migrants from using the trains to cross mexico. biggest concern is a possibility that several of the companies affected by this closure will have to stop operations. as pressure grows on
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a sharply divided us congress to add thousands more migrants in southern mexico are preparing to head north trying to reach the us before the new year. do we ago? yeah, i know i'll just euro mexico city, more than 20 people have been killed and hundreds of others displaced by floods in the south indian state of time. a lot of the meat are illogical. department says unprecedented rains dumped more than 20 times the volume of water usually seen during this time of year. middle fernandez reports ruling was of war to leaving a trail of destruction across parts of south india. the state government to blame the cues unworthy code recalled green, heavier than folk showers and warnings which came a bit late. oh, not a good word. i entered into the saloon, the owner guests and doesn't kitchen i since was swept away in the floods. there's nothing to eat. a situation is very bad. looking
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administrator said they didn't know they lee entity greenwood was defected. hundreds of friends by rising floods. want to rescue teams was todd to reach butler, but victims like this pregnant woman and this young baby trap by the floods and this but i'm to have the helicopters garden that they would immediately taking that heavy carpet and based on the information that was coming to us with regard to the screen, people who were stranded on 3 thoughts on the roof. they've uh, immediately taken and i missed, but i'm due to the helicopter for sort of the helicopter record rescue about 17 people including the 20 pregnant ladies, cooked food and restroom packs. with being distributed to those trap of my floods, the deluge occurred while the state was still recovering from the damage caused by cycling mission which lashed the coast earlier this month, getting at least 13 people. the floods beginning to recede and residents
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desperately hoping for the respite marine window fernandez of to 0 a time. now for a look at the latest sports headlines with peter simmons plans for revamped a european symphony and have been announced off to europe. highest court ruled banning clubs from joining such a break waiting is unlawful under the fresh proposal by $822.00. the back of the original super league. 64 clubs will complete acosta. 3 leagues, they will be no permanent members. the women's competition within 252 clubs across the 2 leaks in april 2021. the supanik boost announced but quickly scraps of true public backlash, your wife and fee for threatening to sanction those of joining the breakaway deed. but with this new ruling, the don't to reviving the supanik is being opened right on the grid and boss alone . i have already come out in support of a 20 two's plans while i'm anxious to united and bind munich or against it. well, little one of the original clubs who initially signed up for the scene for the full
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dropping out the manager union flop is not too pleased with some of the cubs fans at the moment. stuff was unhappy with the atmosphere at hand filled in little pools 51 way of a waste time, which filled them reach the b cups. any finals, the face for the 2 lakes were replaced in the final, but up next they have a top of the table premium match with also the lumps that today and corpus urging support is to get the find the team. the need to from the 1st 2nd. so if you really want it so much, but by example, i don't know, sorry you have to played as well. but if you all know the right shape gives you a ticket to somebody else in spain boss, learn a hell of bottom top. i'll marietta to win 32 and move up to 30 lovely good boss, a captain surgery roberto. but he saw a 21 up in the 2nd off, but a mistake from boss's number 2. go keep the email. keep pena allowed me to yet to equalize before the both of school, the 2nd of the game, just the cubic foot chevy side. keating and puppies. integrated, he's 25th with a bus going to go through comparisons. humans when of
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a mix in the french leave. these 1st was a bit special. the phones kept and they made it 31 good 7 minutes late. in added time above a 16 year old brother, e time came over the bench to make his day before the tops around the some memorable night for the family. and in the, in the age, all named beam school, the season high, 51 point, some grad 12 rebounds. as the philadelphia $76.00 is goes to pay trip in minnesota . it's in the woods, philadelphia with a 127113 winful. they 763, and 8 games. it was in beads, 12 straight game with 50 or more points. and 10 plus rebounds means longest such street. since the 197172 cds, and those are useful tate lines for the time being, you can get more on al jazeera dot com, as well as al social media channels. we're going to take a quick break, but just a reminder that we're watching the un security council right now, life pictures that you want to see convening to vote on a draft resolution calling for the scaling up a few minutes here in
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a deliveries in the besieged gods estimate for have one that when we come back at the very top be our that's in just a moment to stay with us the of the interview on my what do you, what that will be at that vendor? min more minutes. what else do you need is that have that, did i solve that? and it's about 80 ponce, that's fine. so let me just then let me, uh, would you like another mentioned book a say i don't think this, but the file must have had to fill out like a me, it's a really does have that i'm
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a photo, not glue of them. and it'd been, is that a zillow just him in a minute and we'll go. freleigh hazy are several times upfront takes on the big issue. studies of polls, text to what's happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. questions about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads scottsdale with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without 0 unique perspectives of africans are willing to change in the streets because of the sense of urgency that people don't know more and more lives of voices. you don't often hear problem nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you find elsewhere,
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you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is your what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here to assist you to we believe everyone has a story board here and the witnesses tell to 0, that is really forces in gaza executed at 11 unarmed palestinian men in front of their families. the other 10. then you good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the program. the world health organization says there are no functional hospitals left in northern. you guys are due to


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