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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 22, 2023 8:00am-8:31am AST

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nothing goes into garza without itself permits and nothing leaves about that without his rose permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without the gauze itself as another day of his randy, it strikes as the number of us to be on the scale since the will began. boss has 20000 the other one down, jordan, this is honestly or a life and a whole. so coming up the well food program who owns that goss is at risk of a devastating firm, and it's a conflict continuous and un security council folks in our resolution demanding more rates of gauze as push back once again under these 5 palestinians,
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the injured in confrontations with his ready forces during another night to break across the off by the west. the israel's with interest bombing of the gaza strip is continuing with more strikes from the north to the south. there were a tax on neighborhoods in kansas city as well as the giovanni, a refugee camp. roughly 30 palestinians were killed as well as attacks of also targeted civilian infrastructure including hospitals. kansas health ministry says at least $20000.00 palestinians have been killed since october 7. us, but the reassignment is in southern dogs, i have been collecting the bodies of a loved ones from moves a day off days. randy, as strikes on the city of ruffled, i'll just say it was tara otherwise. doing reports not from rough. told it would be safe here. why have you left us behind? why done?
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why father was among those killed in is been as troy on the most in the place. he's been forces to the house that needs to evacuate to as part of the move, the bombs key for them to spring in the mosque. and while he was outside the bombing happened and he was killed. may god have mercy on his soul. my sister, her husband and daughter when the same area and they were very affected. but it was her husband who was scale is where the forces show to homes. alley, most of the hospital, roughly. my mother. she was always good to another more in roughly the families, the same, disappear this as is very sources announce attached to 250 target. of course. going
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to go back 24 hour period. the people have siblings that are not going back to they don't get admitted and they can to remember this type people's homes outside the bodies by not the what's left behind, solve it what the account and try to survive one more day until the next strike. as palestinians escape attacks in the north, israel's unrelenting boom buttons of the south leaves people completely venerable and i'm safe, even in the places where they are taking refuge as more and more of those areas are reduced to russell topic up by zoom out to the euro. roof in the south of goza. in northern gauze, a dozens of people have been killed in his writing, the strikes on residential homes and the jabante a refugee come out 0 is on us, i'll sharif, was up to seeing shortly after the attack and a warning. his report contains some distressing images the progress of
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the unit. and so somebody is debbie, what's the, what is the different benefits to you? why that's why i was not sure. i do not need the the, the, the, the, the, the, the who the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the the, the, the the, the. 7 the commercial hooked the as you've seen, you shutting and from apartments and jumping. this is not the top for games, right. so they just sending killed dozens and ends at the end of the city. if i did the law sherman's, i mean all the world food program as well, and that gauze is at risk of a devastating famine if the conflict continues. report by the us and other agencies
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says at least one in full household's, already facing catastrophic hunger. that's maybe 577000 people out of a population of 2300000 suffering from an extreme lack of food. report says the risk of permanent is increasing by the day. you and agencies say on the 10 percent of gods as food needs. i've been entering the strip in recent weeks, the facebook person to explain the scale of the prices this level of, uh, this level, unprecedented. so that's uh, more than, uh it's, it's about $577000.00 people. i p c level 5 right now in gaza. that's a sort of a police. and like you said, and the just to give you a perspective, this number is 4 times more the level of, of, of, of i, p c, 5 numbers that we see around the world combined. so the complexity,
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the magnitude and the speed of how this crisis unfolded is unprecedented. so we need sustain safe access. we need opening of orders and processing. so if we can come in, we need to be able to deliver that, that a to a food where people need it and we just, we need a ceasefire. we need this fighting to stop because otherwise the suffering will continue normally in order to get into that category, you need to have 2 out of 10000 people die every day because of the food a muscle up because of hunger, malnutrition, simon. so, um, obviously you can imagine how 5 this could get out. and this is not all, including all the other factors that is contributing to the suffering right now is as a, i mean, all the world health organization says there are now no functioning hospitals and northern guns that not only have medical sense has been bomb, they've run out of medical supplies and don't have any fields. as a result,
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it's difficult for any of the 2300000 people in gaza holding a was them to get adequate medical care. so how do you say it gives a palestinian political analyst? he says his father died last sheltering at the hoody family catholic church in gaza because he couldn't get medical care. it seems that there is very uh, detention on uh is really a policy of making sure the palestinians don't get this thing is the need. whether it's food or medical, attention, or even access to hospitals. the way we understand that the way we book got it is or isn't. and it's really attention of policy to push the policy as auto, because of strep day wants to afflict, which means the cause of strep. they want to reapply cause of fully and the more they make, the human turn is the best of the worst thing goes out. the more it is likely that people hopefully from, from gaza strip. so now giving but these are passed close the border and giving that egypt not to allow for letting us to leave a front cause i think that they start in this are sort of still confused on what,
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what's the next step, but yet did they never change these policies, there's no other explanation for why there is not even one function in costs, but the north of casa, except that there is an attempt to estimate click lands or there is a potential even genocide on officials there. so there is no other way as far as i'm concerned and the optically beside the boat. there's like this don't want to see policy that's got to you to continue living and also start israel's ministry spokesman. daniel how gary is, has the armies killed more than 2000 palestinian the fighters in guns of this month? so what they don't want you to allow me to get the people to our forces continued to defend the ground activity in northern and southern gaza. since the end of the seats fight in the ground operation and gaza, our forces of illuminated more than 2000 terrorists from the at sea. i'm blind. we've increased the number of soldiers fights and the northern con eunice. and we'll walk and go with the determination with 5 infantry brigade and making most engineering forces with an emphasis of underground fighting to get the total result
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sits over them and fight them when they come out and clear that area from the terrorism of how much the costs of the games, how much is on the wing has released a video set to show 3 is really captives killed and then is ready to strike. the men include as writing french to a national, and it's really awesome time to have national anthem is riley. earlier because i'm brigades and israel's objective to eliminate the group and gaza was due to fail, a sort of hire out joins us live now from occupied easter was themselves. so what more do we know than about this video released by the cas obligates? well good mornings are and the video shows uh, 3 young uh is writing these 2 as a jewel national, as you said, once french and one continue. and just to let you know, is that those 3 they, the bodies were retrieved already last friday, that was december. the 15th, by the is ready, forces managed to bring back the bodies of those 3 young men. but to israel from
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gauze. uh, this is the sad video in such a short period of time in the last 4 days. how much has released of captives uh, this one in particular. uh, there's a statement that was released with it. and those techs written on the video in 3 languages, in hebrew are because, well as english saying, but it's, that's an yahoo, that's to blame for that. just because of the strikes and not thomas. well, the sentiment head tends to be amongst his re these well in the 1st place, they will take him to the cause of by him us, so they often blame him us rather than the as strikes spot. the interesting thing is, this is the 3rd one. as i said in such a short period of time, and that's just kind of indicate to the way how, how much is saying that the time is taking. if you don't stop the 5 saying she doesn't stop the will in goss, i'm more of the concepts are going to be killed. in fact, in this video, how much that it tries to keep them alive. point thing is that there are so much,
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there's so much speculation about the possible return of a ceasefire, where israel has made it very clear that it want 17 of these, of civilian women and children that release the loss. these 5 came to a very abrupt and how mazda is saying that it doesn't want to negotiate unless there's false, the spot is real, says a false new spot and a stop and a complete stop to the will is not possible. and this makes not very clear. yes or no way from that video friday prayers will be getting on the way in a few hours time. what can we expect them this? yeah, absolutely. just behind me in the distance that you can see that's oh ok. so most common pounds, now we've been covering this every week and every single week, the say a gosh, we've been targeted by that by the is ready forces. and the reason why that is, is a all preventing the majority of worshippers that go to, oh ok. so most to attend the friday prizes the side heard is site for most and they are preventing them from going. they say to reduce any, any flashes,
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any problems because it's will because it's under a state of emergency. however, of so many young says do try to go and not 20 augusta is by it, especially in a place known as was the joe is now in terms of the numbers, the average number of worship is that what attendance between 60 to 70000, every single friday, at the moment you're looking at around 4000 between 40025000 knots of dramatic drop . i know walks, which is the one that is responsible for lots the most says that it's obviously very concerned because this is taught of restrictions on movement by policy. and it's not just for the friday press so, so all of the old city that you see behind me, palestinians are being sold, especially if the youngest is that being prevented from even entering any of the gates science are up. thank you. one is ready for us, is a 5 live rounds and palestinians in the city of ramallah in the occupied west bank
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injuring 5 people. the shootings followed raged by as ready forces across several neighborhoods. the triggered confrontations with thousands of young men had been more rage. the town of coughing and the issue that refuge account and occupied east jerusalem. or a con, has the latest from ramallah in the occupied westbank as well that has been an increase of rights across the occupied westbank all day. so say we thought is race told the surrounding here in ramallah on o from the most violent right happened in the village called i'm a spa, which is only around 10 minutes will north of where i am. these radius came and begin shooting tear gas. and the very densely populated neighborhood which that many people the guns suffering from tickets in hello sion, they also started shooting light bullets and brought the code is still bullets. as people came to confront them. we seen at least 4 people shot and hospitalized off of that. they also went to show off, but the refugee camp,
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which is an occupied east jerusalem. but this side of the is ready rule. and we've seen video evidence of the entering into the cap. and again, shooting lots of tear gas because it was already people going about the daily business. and you can see people walking directly through this to gas, people in the company and came out confronted the soldiers and we've seen them shooting by walks towards them. so that continued out for a few hours, it stopped, and then they re entered at around 2 am and confrontations have continued. since then, we've also seen conversations happening throughout the north of the occupied west by from there it's good to hear about engineering to, to boss on calculate here. but this has been going on on a daily basis on the united nations is actually res, concern? well, a for a month ago that it's increasing the shadow of the war and gone. so yeah, we've seen them and increasing on a daily basis to the point where we've spoken to people instead of just they say they often wear that close to bed at night. because they're afraid of these ways
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taking place. i'm full of prisoners, also packing bags and leaving them by the door in case the taken away again. so the stake is ready. paint a picture of the grim reality here. $303.00 posting is killed here in the occupied westbank since october 7, 511 in the last year, making it the deputy this year in at least 2 decades. laura comp, alpha 0 ramallah occupied westbank, a type of slope right here in out 0. when we come back a my shooting at a university in the check capital prague. it's been called the west and the country's history on the the,
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there, disturbed weather is rolling across from the la. that's right into iraq that's dropping down into northern and western saudi arabia. i want to take in for a closer look, you know, northern and saudi arabia as of late you've had some hail storm. so i think that could repeat on friday, the popular tourist destination of our order that will also get striped with some showers and some of this activity could leak into quake quite windy there as well. but with no real wind around for us in doha, it's going to be a foggy start to the day on friday. so i wanted to give you the heads up about that central asia looking fairly common. if we look at buckets time to see all the shower coming in here, but really i got to get you to turkey a and the fan because this what weather is now slamming into places like 11 on. so baby roots, i think over the next 24 to 48 hours, we could see one months worth of rain. that much rain all at once is likely to trigger some flooding with these really right across the coast of libya. so there are weather alerts in place for that off the coast. we could see waves up to about
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5 meters high, and it has quieted down through central africa. most of the activity is actually south of this. and we're seeing those storms get going. once again for that eastern side of south africa, and we've got that wildfire burning not too far away from cape town, we'll see you soon. it is a tenant upturn to produce object. these problems which many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda for genocide. what these really military it was telling us does not see. and with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of this ready public discourse and seeing more voices persist, sales calling the way to the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, the
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welcome back to pick them out of our top stories here. this our families, the palestinians killed him on his way. the s 5 on rough and southern gaza. i've been collecting the bodies of the number one's temperature shall save and make the strikes of taking the death told to at least $20000.00 for the program. as one of the gauze is at risk of a devastating summit. if the conflict continued just as one and for household's already facing serious. and is there any forces or find live rounds, that kind of demands in vermont that can be optimized westbank, injuring 5 people on is, is brand new rates across several neighborhoods. the target consultations with dozens of youths now the united nations security council has again delayed a vote and a resolution quoting for increased aid into goes up. it comes as
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a death toting cause a continues to rise. israel has killed 20000 palestinians in 76 days in october, the us to beat to the security council resolution calling for humanitarian pauses in the fighting. that was off the 11 days of his ready bombing. in november, the council finally passed a resolution quoting for a pause, but not a ceasefire. at the time, the death toll stood at around 11030 this month. the us again veto. the security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire building $17000.00 palestinians within debt. well, the latest round of discussions has been about a resolution to increase humanitarian aid and to suspend hostilities. the votes been delayed several times since monday, while the un security council is not expected to address that issue on friday. gabriel is also has moved from un headquarters in new york, a several diplomatic sources have told out a 0 that many parts of the resolution had been changed 3 parts. in particular,
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the language about a suspension of hostilities has been changed to creating conditions, leading to a cessation of hostilities. also, the monitoring mechanism is un mechanism that was going to help get into guys that has been scaled back to now just a senior coordinator appointed by the un secretary general. they would oversee that . and now this is key part, an entire section about condemning the indiscriminate attacks against civilians that has been completely eliminated apparently from a new proposed draft. now, when the thomas greenfield, the us ambassador to the un at this to say, we have worked hard and diligently over the course of the past week with the moratti's, with others, with egypt to come up with
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a resolution that we can support. and we do have that resolution now, we're ready to vote on it. but several diplomatic sources tell out to 0. there are several security council members that are not pleased with the change in this language, particularly russia. we're being told things that this resolution is now watered down and loses its primary original impact on getting humanitarian age. the people of gaza that needed the most diplomat say they will be back here at the security council chambers on friday, trying to reach some sort of agreement gabriel's on the i'll just leave it at united nations in new york as well as rainy rests of palace demands have skyrocketed both in gauze i'm the occupied westbank since october 7 rights groups are concerned. some of these really present the setup optimal began of violating international human rights flows and increasingly subjecting palestinians to abuse
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. human con reports from the occupied westbank surrounded by pictures of prisoners, a faithful man, and current. the public standing president society keeps track of those arrested. and those released since october, the 7th. that task has become even more challenging and more and more hearing about women and children, hilda and joe, of being arrested in garza. i'm on the southern a takes testimony. some of these released, she tells us about one female president from gauze, but was hoping to hear throughout the period of her detention show me blindfolded and with her legs and head start the prison according to what she said is a completely open barracks, with no rooms in about 30, all the female prisoners at the change in the same place that would allow the united nations instead on december, the 16th it received numerous reports of mass detentions forced disappearances and ill treatment of prisoners from northern cause of including women and children who
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are specifically, protected under the geneva convention, the little of a conflict. as well as in grunting any organization, excess of its trainees. a fact, the red cross says contributions, international humanitarian. we are not currently getting access. we are speaking to it is rarely all thirty's and reminding them of their obligations on the international. and this includes uh for palestinians as protected persons under the geneva conventions that we all have access to them. and they are allowed to also retain access with their family members. since october, the seventy's riley is have set up or expanded military base is like the woman behind me to hold what they called a mess of prisoners. they say that anybody that's been interrogated that isn't linked to the group is released without charged both international. i'm local human rights groups say that the testimony they getting from people released from places like this and others across the occupied westbank. so
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a significant cause for concern when it comes to international humanitarian law in wrong calling out 0, the occupied westbank. the 2nd look at some of the days of the news now, and at least 14 people have been killed and 25 wounded. and i'm not shooting at a university in the check capital prague. officials say the shooter was a student to the university. so many diego reports a rush, a panic as people flee off the hearings gunfire that perhaps charles university, the somebody to the shooting police field of the surrounding area and all the people to go indoors in the beginning. it was a couple of, uh, uh, banks. i didn't even realize it, so it was a shooting then suddenly your students and teachers running out of
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the, of the building of the, of the. ready faculty, this is the man who's been identified as a sole perpetrator. 24 year old student david called back, who attended the same university where he conducted his shooting spree and died at the scene possibly by suicide. according to the interior minister, his father had also been found dead earlier in the day. and this is where he struck the full flow of the universities, could see a philosophy and a desperate attempt to escape. students timed out of the windows and perched on the ledge. one student was reported to have lost his grip and sales address. before embarking on his dead, the round page cause i left the series of disturbing messages on social media, describing how he wanted to commit mass murders adding to the shop in a country west. such mass shootings are extremely red sonja jago,
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i'll just sarah. the form of donald trump advised that rudy giuliani has filed for bankruptcy. it follows a verdict last week, ordering him to pay a $148000000.00 to to election with because in the us state of georgia, the women said they and your death threats of to juliani made false claims that they committed for to help steal a 2020 presidential election for joe biden. former president, trump is still facing charges in georgia for allegedly pressuring officials to change election results in his favor. and now a similar allegation has surfaced in michigan, bicycle haines, as more from washington, potentially more bad legal trouble for a former president donald trump. now this is all coming from a newspaper to the detroit news and they said they've heard a phone call between president donald trump at the time and 2 local county officials. so basically these officials have just voted to certify the election in their small part of michigan. now, according to this report, donald trump picked up the phone called these 2 officials and said don't sign the
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paperwork. they later tried to change their boat. they wouldn't sign the paperwork, it didn't matter. turns out they didn't need to sign the paperwork and they couldn't change their vote. so the election was certified, joe biden won the critical state of michigan. this is important because we already know that donald trump is facing charges church trying to interfere with the election in georgia. but we didn't realize that the interference went to such a local level. this phone call was with a half within a half an hour, allegedly of when the boat happened. so it was pain, obviously close attention. now we all also though the donald trump is facing for felony counts for his attempts to overturn the election. we don't know if prosecutors already knew about this phone call, but if they didn't, they do know patio high algebra. washington. a no problem says closing its embassy into share and definitely due to restrictions imposed by the miniature jump to relations between the 2 countries of solid sense. they asked, think of nigerian jerry and the president, mom and by zoom in
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a to in july and you minute, your lead is accused prompts of trying to reinstate by them by force. they ordered the expulsion of the ambassador and cooled for french troops to leave and go there . it says it's leaving the opec group of or an exporting country is offered dispute of a production quotas. it's been is to economic results is says membership is no longer setting the country's interests and go, there is one of opec's, smallest produces china has been the export of technology used for processing. red metals, vital to the production of weapons and communications technology. analysts say the move is likely to accelerate plans in western countries to less than their reliance on china for the minerals race debates as deepening in new zealand up to voters like the right wing coalition government in october of election. it wants to roll back use of the mouth, the language, and review the countries founding. treating indigenous need is those say it's an attack on that culture. agent found reports in the capital wedding to sweat. wow.
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at 21. she's the youngest boys in new zealand. challenging the government had w address on policies that of unsettled so many in her community. those government has attacked my whole world from every corner. how can i not take anything personally when it feels like these policies were made about me? the face of nationwide protest, dakota sham plans to co tell the use of memory language in government departments review affirmative action policies and assess how the country's founding treats between murray and the british crown is interpreted in legislation. critics say it's a dangerous backwoods.


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