tv News Al Jazeera December 22, 2023 11:00am-11:30am AST
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the heavy fighting is reported in hon. eunice as israel says it's whitening it's operations in southern guns. the binary pulse of this is out just a live from the also coming up. how the stadiums across the gaza strip stuff. unrelenting is radio strikes, almost 400 have been killed. in the past, 48 hours are un security council vote on the resolution demanding increased age.
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the goal is that is pushed back once again. within 20 countries have agreed to participate in the new us led coalition in the red sea to deal with this threat from humans who these we are that lives in gibbons, the it's a gnc that's 10 am in guns away. israel continues to bomb the strip north to south causes. health ministry says at least 390 palestinians have been killed in the past 48 hours. he's ready on me says it's widened operations in southern guns is con eunice. it says it's conducting face to face bottles of the doubling truth numbers in the area. casualties will be reported in the city of the heavy bombardments in central garza. one person has been killed and several engine audra house was targeted in the bridge. refugee camp is really offensive, is also cutting off access to food and water across the strip. the un is wanting of a devastating famine if the war continues within half
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a 1000000 people in gaza. that's a culture of the population. don't have enough food. well, honey, my food is joining us live now from rafa in southern guns. i honey. tell us what the latest is on the level of strikes that just continuing on a, a little higher and not only relentless bombardment. then heavier deluxe rolling over nights in the southern part of the central part of the gauze and stood. but now we're seeing in increasing intensity and a scale and a magnitude of, of more relentless airstrikes in the northern part. regularly in jeff valley accounts and giovanni rock, these you can be not insured on an area that sends you about the a town where initially 10 people reported school in a, in, in a, in a bombing on a residential blocks in that area. and several other were critically injured and rushed to surround the medical center is remaining
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a functioning medical center. but in devalue refuse, you can, this is not the 1st time it's being attacked repeatedly since the beginning of the we're relentless bombardment of that particular density populated area. we're talking about it to residential, the blocks being destroyed quite massive, relentless error strikes at the same time. this is really military and now it's expanding and right. and again, it's military actions on the ground and conducting a battles of the street bottles, the from house to house on the street, the street in central time unison. the southern part of hon. you is, that is the entrance of rough city, very close to the area is there is a growing concerned of a more expanding of this military operation in the coming debt to include a rubber which is not, not a very good news for, for the 1000000 displaced policy and rough uh city. on top of that, there was a statement issued by these really military to honor why do evacuated some 20
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percent of the population. the vast majority of them are evacuation, displaced in central and southern honda and have just within the past hour, more evacuation orders. but this time in central part of the gaza strip, named the rage, refugee gamma, and all the surrounding neighborhoods, ordering people and the residents of those area to date or the last 50 we're talking about. now people are order to factor way. it's not the 1st but the 2nd time, but this is the 3rd and the 4th time port. a lot of families who have been already displaced the from the northern parts and understand and, and the central part of the gaza strip. the, the worst of what happened last night was a residential home with an entire family inside were, was targeted. and the vast majority of the family member would critically injured, including the uh, the director of health at the ministry of, of health in the gospel lanier, dr. manila,
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as board who was the critically injured his sister who he was sheltering, getting her house was also critical. or injured with, along with her family and his daughter was killed. and that greater strife and honey you'd been utilising for weeks now on the level of the few monetary and suffering and need. now we have this report from the wells food program warning of a devastating simon. i mean, just what is the situation, how, how bad is it right now as well. howard, the more we see of this constant bombings then and more of out of, of terrible actions taken the, conducted by these bear the government on its policies against the gods to proceed in more cases of famine and food and security across the gosford. let's just 1st focus on the northern part then, and the central part of the gas trade,
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the which none of the of the trucks made it to the northern part of the central part. there was a warning by the general deputy commissioner of honor. what of, of, of an imminent as far vision that this already taken place in the northern part of the guster were people having really hard time finding their basic supplies of food and, and water supplies as well as medical supplies? are we talking about health facility been destroyed and pushed out of service? and that's the fear that everybody's talking about more injuries in the northern part, there are no hospitals to receive them and offer the, the immediate medical attention that they need to survive. so we're talking about over whelmed health facilities on top of that mounting christian and food and 6 food and security. but here in the southern part where let more than 1000000 people were pushed to the city of robot are experiencing this food and security. we're talking about a one in 4 households are able to, to get their, their food,
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the food supplies. and if they have the financial, a capabilities, it is still expensive. there is a fear of running fever running out of cash and unable to buy whatever they are able to, to survive the, the situations are getting worse and each passing day and a, a starvation science quite visible. now in a lot of parts of the sort of part of the gaza strip around a very troubling picture. honey, thank you very much for bringing this up today. this is really ami says it's wide and it's operation is in southern gaza. it follows reports of intense fighting between is ready soldiers and how most find is on the streets of hon. eunice, is there any minutes? he says it's killed over 2000 times fighters in the last month. both are a high rock, joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem. so so are these ready? um he says it's intensified. it's finding the doubling its forces in the last week in con eunice. what more are you hearing?
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yeah, that's right. and they've been laying out more details, all the operations in several areas, including a han eunice saying that they've managed to find a huge, a storage of weapons. they said in hon. eunice, as well as other places they've also been focusing, it seems on mentioning of events where they had been targeted or they will attempt to attack troops on the ground by the fights is and then they've said they've been able to respond and killed, for example, they said one of the engineering operatives had tried to puts expose disney troops that on the ground some more details in terms of what they're doing. they're saying they're found finding more maps and more tunnels, in terms of the number of flights is killed. the saying that they've minus the killed 2000 palestinian fights is specifically how most flights is since the beginning of the month. and all of this comes the time when that's very keen to show that they are making gains,
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that they are moving further away from the new office that they've almost finished with the north. and now that they've been heading towards the central parts of the gaza strip now with places like con eunice where it's becoming much more trickier, we're saying more it's randy so just being kills. alrighty. it's been a now since the been killed this morning 3 yesterday that suffice to live about 5 and a lot more injuries around noon is now is a lot more densely populated, as we've been seeing. and many of our reports has, as the, as riley forces had told palestinians to move from the north to safe. but area is one of those was crime units. and that was a time when they bought the house a map and they created it and called up cause a strip into zones and said that those with a safe havens. those of a safe area is the safe car doors. and one of them being time units while the cost is very different because we're getting a lot more videos and stories of it being different. and a lot of civilians being killed,
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especially including the report was yesterday of 11 palestinians, a port executed at point blank range. and sort of the old city is a very seriously behind you. the gearing up for friday, pres, on the increased restrictions once again. absolutely that fighting this war and gaza there i had phone bothering it heavily. we now have more than 20000 people killed. and that's not just where it's all happening. we're also having products thing and unoccupied circuitry such as hair in east jerusalem. but having various movements restricted on another unprecedented level, this has always happened before hired. but right now, since this was started, they don't even allow some of them to be able to go into the old city, which is just behind me. that way you see that will. and then of course, friday prize. the numbers of dramatically dropped. we were talking about 60000 before this war,
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every friday on average. now we're talking full 1000. i know early that we've witnessed ourselves the last few weeks standing just outside one of the gates into a coupon, into raw, the locks up most comb pounds, how they push back policy indians, especially youngsters before they even had a chance to approach that area or even into the most of that, this gives you a sense of the restrictions, the surveillance how it's been fits up on another level. even if you like social media parties that could lines you in jail. it's very arity, quite in the old city everyday. now, closes up a shops rather are closing lots aaliyah. i'm not just gives you a real sense of the tensions here why palestinians are choosing to stay at home to avoid any problems. right. so how do i don't know when the mount of olives in which bodies truce and thank you very much. i us now is really falsified live rounds of palestinians and rates across the occupied west bank. well thought these clashed with local residence in ramallah and in to us,
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in the north following another night of rage, at least 9 palestinians were injured and several were arrested. since the start of the war is really stepped up, its rage and the occupied westbank is arrested over 4 and a half 1000 people. official is in ramallah in the occupied west bank and on another friday, presumably people gearing up to potentials more confrontations, often another night of rates. well, every morning we sit and you're, you're pulling information from all arriving to find out exactly where the rates, whereas the night before, how many people were arrested, was anyone short? was anyone killed? and we've been doing that again. 12 arrests overnight so that it's pretty low key for change, but it's all the usual places where you would expect. so you're talking about but reading and northern ramallah to freedom the apple. so if i refugee camp and an east jerusalem, you're talking about janine and hebron called kalia places like that. so like
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cooper on, for example, i think these really are me saying tend to build those, those that accompanied by troops. clearly the locals were upset by the sight of this. we started setting fireworks off towards the troops. the troops responded with live fire, and so the young man was, was wounded. his condition is set to be quite serious and then and how little which is north of hyper on there was one wounded in clashes there, a more shooting of people being injured, being wounded. but it seems that no one was, was killed over night, which, which makes last night a relatively quiet night. and then you have an incident like calculated where the local said they saw these really are me moving into the talking. there was immediately consent and they saw these really army then moving on to the rooftops of the time, which tend to be the positions that snipers take. that caused a great deal of consent. and the army was there for some time before they decided to load. but as they pulled out, the drop leaf flits,
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and those leaflets we're told read it is time to stop resistance and the left the people with that before heading off. but what is clear is that the continues to be across the west bank from north to so it's almost every single night, some sort of operation by the israeli army. and you have to remember that the united nations, among other organizations have expressed the consent at these operations in the west bank, which many people are bank believe are being done under the cover of the water and gaza, correct unofficially, and remodel. thank you very much. united nations security council has again delayed a vote on a resolution cooling for increased aid for gaza. the security council is not expected to address the issue on friday, the wording of the latest draft. cool, so urgent steps to immediately allow, say, send on him to, to monetary and access and for creating the conditions for sustainable cessation of hostilities. us is now indicating that it would support such a resolution,
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but other members are reportedly concerned. it is ro would retain control over the entry of a into gaza. gabriel, amazon that has more now from you and headquarters in new york. a several diplomatic sources have told out to 0 that many parts of the resolution had been changed 3 parts. in particular. the language about a suspension of hostilities has been changed to creating conditions, leading to association of hostilities. also, the monitoring mechanism is un mechanism that was going to help get 8 into guys that has been scaled back to now just a senior coordinator appointed by the un secretary general. that would oversee that . and now this is key part, an entire section about condemning the indiscriminate attacks against civilians that has been completely eliminated, apparently from a new proposed draft. now,
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when to thomas greenfield, the us ambassador to the un at this to say, we have worked hard and diligently over the course of the past week with the moratti's, with others, with egypt to come up with a resolution that we can support. and we do have that resolution now, we're ready to vote on it. but several diplomatic sources tell out to 0. there are several security council members that are not pleased with the change in this language, particularly russia. we're being told things that this resolution is now watered down and loses its primary original impact on getting humanitarian age. the people of gaza that needed the most diplomat say they will be back here at the security council chambers on friday, trying to reach some sort of agreement gabriel's on the i'll just leave it at the united nations in new york. it's all right,
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let's bring it looks just like our he is an associate professor of goals politics at the top. so universities, thanks for joining us again on set. so firstly, that's concentrate on what's happening inside garza. i mean, you heard from honey, our reporter earlier about the, the desperate situation which obviously are now does have been reporting on for a while now. but now it has this improvement to of the well food program, saying that this is an impending simon potentially affecting a quarter of the population. well, a, exactly. nobody can ignore any more. what is going on and guess on, regardless of the, about the from numbers, whether it's 20015000 or kids. so how many women were killed? this is something that is worldwide recall. the nice that the supervision and ga sites also sent over into money tell you on the times that there is no way that there's no safe place to to be protected from that box. that there is no more hospital, no more doctors taking care of the people i'm is even becoming difficult to count that by this is so that that's why it's the date. they sold some,
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some somehow on probation have to, to, together, because nobody is able to gather the data about how many people has been killed, which were the results of that on there that, that. so the world kind of ignore anymore. and what is going on the united states kind of, you know, any more what is going on. he said kind of, nor any more than what they are doing is be on their own goal of having a military or political objective on this target in the that it needs to be done in the scripture as well. yeah. and you were saying something interesting, earlier on about the, the way that this u. n. s. the resolution has been shifting. it seems to have satisfied the united states. according to their ambassadors, we heard from gabriel in new york. it may have shifted too far to retain the support of some other members because originally it was meant to give more control over the age going in to you in agencies and less to the is really, is monitoring exactly what was going in. however, you were saying that the very fact that the us has signal such a allowance from its suspect developed such
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a resolution could have an influence just in and of itself. exactly. if this is an unprecedented the event or is it 1st time that the us with report that was so it was in that this not defending or supporting 100 percent leased. right. so this is a ad ray of living at maybe 9 or area of hold that we come see that's the international committee finally decided altogether to say this is the limit we have to stop. at least we have to do something different for what we have doing in the us, cynthia. yes, a, i'm the 1st time the united states to realize that there's something more important that's having a restricted support for an ally in the region that the public opinion changed and public opinion change and media will be in your reporting all on the safe stories. having any impact on the policies and the united states, they can, regardless of any impact us, the by that we would face in the united states. so this is, even though that are sometimes as we were discussing, maybe it's not that or easy. another one is
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a 1st step that this thinking is showing that you started kind of keep doing whatever they want because there is some limits on the access i'm. this is also showing that the site is trying to do something different. this very interesting analysis. thank you. very much the child is like are for it. okay, it's still a head now on al jazeera fronds ends. it's decades on operations in these as troops withdrawal from the west african country. the a welcome to worlds weather updates. a storm p a has injected a lot of voice or in the app is very sure. let me show you. it's tied into all of this snow be whipped around the baltic sea with strong winds off. not only the baltic sea but the north sea as well. it is pushing that precipitation, further inland. so for places like germany and pull them,
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we've got active weather here, austria in the czech republic, but there is a mild surge of air here. so most of this will be falling as rain except over the higher ground. this will be snow dos with rain for the live. and so i mean bait route looking to pick up a month's worth of rain over the next 24 hours or so. and still, or what, whether it's a go for that western side of the turkey. a different story though for the other side of the mediterranean, full on sunshine. here we even got some temperatures in the 20s in eastern spain, valencia coming in at $21.00 degrees off to africa. we go. it's a windy pitcher from ne spelled jerry a rate through to at the coastline of egypt. sand. if we go to the south right now, there's that wall fire burning around cape town, it's been hot, dry and windy. these winds will continue. so around cape town, gusts of about 50 to 60 kilometers power. now for the other sides of the country, that eastern side of south africa, we've got some severe storms in the forecast today on friday. so you,
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a unique perspective of africans are willing to change in the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear problem. nations do stand with pablo spine, it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is your, of the the, you watching out just
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a reminder about top stories and so causes health ministry says is really strikes of cubes, 390 percent of students in the past 48 hours. during the to 2 days, internet communications were suspended. the total number of that is past $20000.00 is where the army says it's wide and it's operation in southern causes on eunice, attracting hundreds photographers. it says, forces conducting face to face battles, of the doubling the truth numbers in the area. the world feed program as won't, because it is at risk of a devastating steinman if the conflict continues. it says one in full household's, already facing serious on more than 20 countries, have agreed to participate in the new us led coalition in the red sea. that's according to the pentagon, the task force has been set up to protect ships off the attacks by humans who fees . so, so don, is that and booty and he's joining us live russell, you're there on the western side of the bottle,
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mended straight. the key area of contention here. what is this coalition going to look like? the well, as of now they're still low rates in the, on the details. it's still not for me. yeah. but as you also said, us what people are saying that when it comes is that we already signed the agreement. but that's one important detail here that say that 8 countries that have signed the agreement, they do not want to be named publicly due to the put the consensus dimensions. so we do not know which compet as they were, but how you can see how the regional your politics is actually seen play here. so the details are still not there. the 20 companies assigned that, but whether each of these companies are going to provide the rustles, the war ships, which kind of protection is going to be there. we do not know about that. yeah. how about the officials are saying that each country is going to come from the way you
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can. some of them are going to provide the rustles, some of them stuff, some of them different type of stuff falls with the coupon since the ones. but as i said, steve, they are trying to elaborate, raise the details of the population. but as of now the, the, the, the, the operation 1st started to got them is still not the police. but if he's seen the fees or still being still being created. however, that doesn't mean that no pets rolled in here over the summer to minutes or basis from different countries. the largest one is the us eas minutes. we're based here, it's cost more than 4000 minutes of the us military personnel. and we have also have a quite huge network of the, the bases that are moving, the, the, the, the, the, the dorms to operate across the region. and china has another minute to be here which was published in 2017. china has more than 1000 minutes. it personnel here
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alongside china. know we see utilities here. germany is here for us here and several other countries such as india and brochure. so they've expressed the winning this to is to be submitted to baez's across here. because as of now, we know that the us is particularly petroleum. here us west is our principal in here and they say that's 44 they have for when the sibling attacks that they're coming from difficulties. but as of now at least 12 attacks, keep them with ease and they have also taken the hostage of 25 people that are still in. yeah ma'am, but the in the coming days we had expected to have more more details. and that will patients to be, to, to, to be function and he has to start functioning here. and can you just remind us how strategically important this is for the world economy and what the impact of his crisis is already being the global trade a so bonded man button above and mendez,
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which is the address of the stage you can see right behind me and this is the, an important for the portal for to boutique. so this tree is simply and implants and then 50 percent of the global maritime trade. so it's quite a huge number. and from here this point 3 m and is just the traditional ometer. so it's quite easy for anyone to act as minute to the power to operate across these very much narrow range. that's why it's quite important. and that's why we see that there is lots of interest from the international uh into the companies to, to, to build the, the military base this year. so far we have seen that for what is for out of 5 would love just its a national economy. shipping companies that wanted to say that they are stopping vehicle patients, namely my a cma group evergreen and also your smoke only above the shipping company is one of the, the. 2 oil company,
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but it is petroleum also say that they are going to do the same. so nobody seen a fact off the tray being stopped here by to the back. by friday, the has been the day one person increasing the global oil prices. and this is particularly happening in a time when the governments are trying to deal with the high is nation. so the of trying to bring it, bring it down. but there is the crisis in the state of bob and men that is actually making it much more difficult for the, the, for, for, for, for, for, for the countries, for the government to really have the leads properly. and if there is a, this cries is just continues, probably that's going to even worse than distribution as it is drafting the global supply chain or i'd wrestle sort of the instability. thank you very much. i since october, the 7th is where the rest of palestinians have searched both in garza and in the occupied west bank human rights groups. i concern some of the prisons set out off
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to the will began violating international human rights slowly and increasingly subjecting palestinians to abuse and run con reports now from the occupied west back surrounded by pictures of prisoners, a fight film, and current. the public standing president society keeps track of those arrested and those released since october, the 7th. that task has become even more challenging and more and more hearing about women and children, hilde and joe of being arrested in garza. i'm on the set on a takes testimony, some of these released, she tells us about one of the more prison, different goals i was hoping to hear throughout the period of her detention show me blindfolded and with her legs and head start the prison according to what she said is a completely open barracks, with no rooms in about 30. all the female prisoners have to change in the same place that would allow the united nations and said on december, the 16th it received numerous reports of mass detentions forced disappearances and
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ill treatment of prisoners from northern cause, including women and children who are specifically protected under the geneva convention, the little of conflict, is rose in grunting. any organization, access to its trainees. a fact the red cross says, contributing international humanitarian. we are not currently getting access. we are speaking to it is rarely authorities and reminding them of their obligations on the international. and this includes uh for palestinians as protected persons under the geneva conventions that we all have access to them. and they are allowed to also retain access with their family members. since october, the 7th these riley's have set up or expanded military base, is like the woman behind me to hold what they called a mess of prisoners. they say that anybody that's been interrogated that isn't
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