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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 22, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, a heavy fight thing as opposed to the hon. you, just as israel says it's whitening is operations in southern garza, the
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binary pulse of this is l 0. live from the ha. also coming up at least 5 people have been killed and is really strikes in rough or almost $400.00 to the ends of died in the past. $48.00 the world food program ones because it is at risk of a devastating simon. if the conflict continues to be telling you that the workmans about last formation of 50 to national task force to safeguard routes, the, it's 11 gmc, that's one p. i'm in garza where casualties are continuing to mount with news really strikes targeting areas throughout the besieged strip. the health industry says nearly 400000 units have been killed in 48 hours. the latest strikes had killed 9 palestinians in gauze, a city in the north, at least 4 people had been killed in rates in the jamalia refuge account of the
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south. at least 6 people, including a 5 month old baby, had been killed. these are the ami is intensifying attacks on han eunice gauze, the 2nd largest city. it was early adults as a safe soon, but now is very forces conducting house to house operations that and there's the battle rages, food and water is becoming scarce. the un is wanting of a devastating spine and if the war continues more than half a 1000000 people in gaza as a quarter of the population don't have enough to 8 slots, waves of gauze that have been reduced to rubble. the scale of destruction is most evident in the north of this trip. i'll just here is jihad. i was trying to med palestinians who a truck in the homes for days in northern garza, while is where the soldiers run the streets of the, of the society. i, i'd say that a camera is moving down outside of the street. this is where the is ready. so there's a station for 6 days. during that time, everyone was trapped in the night. however, we were able to document
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a number of testimonies for witnesses through the narrow windows of the buildings of druids. and we also saw as riley tanks and soldiers moving around shelling and firing indiscriminately. they destroyed any infrastructure as though standing crushed and use association that excuse me, just behind me, wish out more than 12 people inside will code that bodies of stone. lang that is ready. soldiers set fire to the buildings. one was now standing at the intersection of china and alaska to my left is part of our street. and ahead of me is a what side of the road. as you can see, the family is trapped inside the homes for days now trying to lead to the west of garden city to the far right to the far end of the street. the scale of destruction is massive. the damage is huge. behind me is an extension of the wall road leading to the off season medical complex. this is the off, the mazda is the latest struck by israeli war plains have been my tendency to my phone. i can see many bodies below these concrete slot problems. there are no civil
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defense teams, no heavy equipment without help plus the bodies will remain under the rubber for weeks because all the roads are closed and there is no heavy equipment to help. but this is thrown all over the roads and under the degrees you have cameras have document this repeatedly the video juggle. is there any tanks on? so just came here destroying everything in the pos, living in it all to the ground. they destroyed this building which had more than 150 women and children inside a few minutes late to the soldiers, withdrew and at 16 by digits, pounded them with the missiles. then the tank sweep time to make sure every one was that the body to survive. as a life the buddha is us, came uncle, trouble over them to body them. mold many of those women and children west to live on screaming for health, but these really patient forces fired at them. we were watching from a distance, unable to do anything. we tried to call the civil defense to come to the rescue, but the whole area was surrounded by tons. does really so just kept fighting
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a dentist and we found the body of a woman with her baby. both be headed completely headless. the heads was separated from their bodies. we met and divided them in the open area over there. and this happened right before our eyes. okay, we got to correspondence covering this for us are a high right? is live in occupied east jerusalem. but 1st that's across to honey my mood and rough uh, in southern gaza. honey, a lot going on in the last few hours we have a strikes come ons again, from the user id mean to treat people to relocate inside the strip. well, can you tell us a yes more death and destruction across the gods. us from the, from north the south as air it relentlessly. rous, right continued to pound the gaza strip. every inch of it is becoming unsafe for,
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for not only residents of these area, but also displace palestinians move, forced to move it from their homes and their neighborhoods to different areas. we're here in rough city, the west trip, particularly the western side of robust city. it's then extension of the mos evacuation is the one where we've seen within the past few days. 810-0000 people just poured into this area. it's a large, it's a large lead. sand area in western side of a very close do the coastal road. the near the, the, the, the beach near the short of the gaza strip from the western side where we're seeing more people as setting up their tents here, taking refuge in this open, largely found area would know basic supplies, no necessity is a no survival items. and no intervention whatsoever, and services are provided from either on or what or the red cross or the international organization. there is an expectation that are more people are going
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to be coming to this particular area and set up more of these. the major shift tends in this part of the of the vac evacuation going in the coming hours as more evacuation orders being issued in con eunice, particularly in central han, unison, the southern part of time eunice, the neck. and it's got, according to a statement that by these really military this, these, they are becoming very dangerous and they are in the, in the red zone of the israeli military action, as the invading is really forces on the, on the ground or conducting. how's the, how's the street, the street and battles, and confronting a palestinian fighting group on the ground. there's also an expectation of a larger number coming to this there area as the central part of gaza, particularly we're talking about the refuge account, the, the, the res refugee cans, and all the neighborhoods. and then they'll say it all at the end of the month as they also rep is you can everywhere order to move due dated by law. but under
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constant heavy bombardment, a lot of people are thinking, uh, this is not safe for them to move in the central area and making a decision of leaving the entire central part of the gods driven and, and coming straightforward to the rough estimate. the in this particular area was so far we've seen many of the cars carrying it back to ways and, and displace palestinian would whatever they were able to carry. either on the on cars or carts pulled fights, animals and, and setting up their, their tents in this area. right, honey, my mood in southern garza, thank you very much. all right, straight to sarah. hi. right now. who's in occupied east jerusalem? so these are the armies saying that it's intensifying, it's fighting in hong eunice. what more can you tell us about the of the yeah, that's right, that's released the statement talking about. so how the fight thing is continuing,
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and con eunice especially talking about finding weapons, how they've targeted rocket launches and some areas nearby as well as the targeting fights is coming out of tunnels. they said, especially those that had been attempting to attack the troops on the ground and not just kind of gives you a sense of the type of calm, but that's going on between these rating troops and fights is because high noon is a densely populated area. it was supposed to be a safe area, full palestinians that were forced to leave the north, where we saw incredible videos of leave them leaving in the thousands. they've also warned palestinians to avoid completely. so law had been road, which is one of the main roads. it takes you from the north all the way to the south, saying that the hassan units has become a buffalo zone. it says,
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and so particularly avoid area is to the north and east of the city. and they've come up with another area that will allow full movement of people, as well as a humanitarian aids. now in terms of the spices, they say they've killed, they say they've killed about to thousands of them. but this is also very important for the is riley's effort is suddenly for the war cabinet. so keep reminding the public of the goals of why they are pushing forward militarily. because that they are trying to convince the public that the only way they've been able to reduce caps is, is through military mites. and thus, despite possible negotiations that may be happening at the moment with regards to another sci fi. again, none of that has been confirmed. i'm sorry, how about the situation? the way you uh, another friday pres, under severe restrictions deluxe and most of the yeah, subsidy high. and while there's a wall going on in gauze,
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are and palestinians are being killed by, as strikes as well as some captives until now there's also been problems happening just behind us in the last hour. actually, it's gone very quiet right now, but there were friday pres, taking place. that's all ok. most compound, just behind those. that golden done. there is known as the time of the rock. slightly higher number in worship is 12000 last week. and then since the beginning of the war has been around 4000 why ship is attending those, pres, however, nothing. and compared to before the war where it was around 60000. now, what made some of the confrontations different today is that it wasn't just concentrated in one place down the road that way close y, z o jos. it was happening in multiple locations outside damascus, gate, outside lines, gate. i'm in several other areas and not was because palestinians in some other places had called for youngsters to head towards the locks to try and pray because they've been prevented from doing so. anyone under
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a certain age hasn't been able to attend. there's been major restrictions on pa, this thing and movement in occupied easters to them, but also that was not just to gas was use that was water cannons. we also so 3 of the horses re galloping up that highway all the way to why the o. joe's as a tried to push the palestinians for the back. it seems that they had got wind of this plan of some of the most and other areas shutting down to insure and try and get people to go to ok. so we've been sort of a of those trying to pray in the streets, which is what the have to often do when they call and get close to a lock. so, and they were even disposed then again, still continuing, and we're probably going to see this for the next 2 weeks. that's and the is roll says it's doing this because it doesn't want any problems because this is a war and that is, it's on the, an emergency lower as well. but of course, so kind of thing is even though this is nothing new to this, they say is the harshest comes down on them in the everyday lives as well as doing
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something as simple as what you're paying as much. then in all of the most subtle how right to nobody's truth and thank you very much. right, let's bring in my show. now he is a professor secuity, i'm military studies in the, the institute for graduate studies. but my thanks for joining us. let's concentrate on what's happening in gaza right now. these really when she's talking about intensifying operations in han units and doubling the number of troops fighting in that particular part of gaza in the last week or so what you'll read on what's happening right now. so the, the is a, these believe that some of the areas in the north of the, uh, i'm assuming it's dated with vendor compet ineffective. or by this way these are mean ology, dismantled. so they mentioned this about the issue. yeah. yeah. yeah. which was a saw some heavy fighting earlier on. and so some of the troops fighting, they have a native of the paratroopers and others. and they mentioned the same thing about beta here, and they tend to in the north and also in the shelter camp in the
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a north east of the, of gaza. and to they mention in multiple areas. they believe that the, there is this and invest capable units of, of how most fighters there. although we saw it for the operations and photos i for mentioned units including using a coordinate in, in, connected to it and to tanker these are guided differentiation, a empty tank, a missile, and a guided missile in a place like a and b like in the very very north, so we see some, still some fighting there, but not at the same level. so what they're doing right now is the really deploying some of the, the elite, the tip of the dispute, if you wish that some of the troops, some of that the, but a troop. so the 90 the one of the paratroopers battalions, one of these the 7th, i'm good with to the uh, another uh big gate. uh they are in uh at the moment in, uh,
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fun units. uh and that are also all the big gates um operating south and i think it said the whole 19 and 98th division is operating south of the guys of city. so it tells me that the, the, the tape of dispute is heading south where, where, what, why the holding ted cities are holding areas in the north with reserves. so with this capable of soldiers and what's the objective, is it still that they believe that i'm a senior leadership in honey and as they believe so, but they were, i think they will continue all the way to the south. so next will be the next will be off. what they're doing is since the beginning of the operations, they're trying to isolate areas. first that they try to isolate the government needs to the guys that govern the rates. and most of guys are govern rates. the eyes, they want to isolated from the center to data better and the solve the units and, and, and drop off at why because they don't want the units to the what we call the ground lines of communications. they don't want them to be going on. so units cannot 3 constitute if, if the, if you destroyed one unit, it cannot go to another unit,
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then ask it for more weapons, more and munitions woman to, to be able to fight back again in the same city. so they, they're doing that. and the reason they're doing this is also because they want to be very careful. so they cannot take the whole strip at the moment, but be very careful to limit the casualties. so now they, they, they assume that the, the north, the, the, not in those guys that gaza is almost a dismantled or less good. that's effective. and now we're, we're going to focus on the sun, eunice, and the, the rest. so off the can use, i think the next will be data, but and all right, thanks for watching that very close to the on my show from good. so i'm sure to graduate studies. thank you. are all right, still ahead on your 0 front ends. it's decades on operations and vision as groups withdrawal from west africa style region. the
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hearing the thoughts have you had any links that he has the support of $15000.00, implement the shop economic plan out to 0 is teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about 2 ways to tell when you closer to the house of the story. african countries have struggled to reclaim many of the artifacts taken by you repeat the colonized. this is our experience, our identity. in the final part of the series, museums and collectors, still hold precious assets selected, few have been returned, but the still a long way to go in progress is painfully slow. restitution topic has stolen off with punctuation on orders here. frank assessments to the problem is that, is there any is allowed to be outside that and such international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on no coupons, people informed opinions,
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the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, the the, you're watching all just a reminder of our top story is this out. casualties continued to amounts across the gaza strip in new intensified is very strikes and raids. the health industry says nearly $400.00 to needs to be killed in 48 hours. a 5 month old baby is among the dead. these really, he says it's widened operations in southern causes,
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con eunice attacking hundreds of targets. it says forces that conducting face to face bottles of the doubling tooth numbers in the area. i promised any man has be shot by his very forces and the occupied westbank of to what they're calling a running attack. those forces say a female soldier was injured near the town of bucks off. but witnesses say the young man was only trying to drive away when he was shot island facia is in ramallah in the occupied westbank. and i wanna thank you in front of a protest right now. tell us what's going on on the well, how about the culture process right across the west bank on friday and so forth. of the people in guys, this is probably the biggest one and there's only a few 100 people here. you can see them us flags. but there's also a political leaders, leaders from local communities and lead us from the local churches as well, whose tongue died. and they've come here to say now is the time to stop the killing in guys. so the tunnel will disappoint him. us undoubtedly because we're hearing
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that while there is also a protest and to cut them is a very small protest and getting the what very was emphasized here is when we asked about it in most other places that ignored the coal. to come back to the super heater in ramallah as it say, it's about a few 100 strong people who want to show their support for the people in gaza and also to call for an urgency spiders. well, what about the, the issue we were just talking about the, what do use is ready for us as a cooling and attempted running attack? what witnesses the saying? something very different of the, the site this was uh just a few hours ago. but its really, i mean, i've moved into a time to try and i finally see some vehicles that were considered illegal. the obviously like the confrontations between the people whose cause we're about to be sees and these really army. so one point it's these early on the said the one of
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their soldiers, a female soldier, was run to buy a car, and that's why the open fire. we've seen video and spoken to i where this is, i'm from the video that we've seen it. we haven't seen all of it and it doesn't give all the angles. but it looks as if one man was trying to get back to this cock to move it slightly out of the way. and it may have brushed me brush. i just really sold you on the leg at that point easily. soldiers and did go for that with fine and we're going to move, protest moves on. we don't want to get caught up for that. i mean, they moved and decided that to be open fire a 2 people were wounded, possibly in the time know that there is quite a considerable amount of touch. and you know, we're just going to pull the camera over this way a little bit. so you can get an idea of the size of the process and you can see that there probably is what maybe 200, maybe 3 hundreds and they're all out here. so essentially make their voices had.
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then you can see it's political leaders, as well as religious leaders here, not just from of us on facebook, from a number of faith. so if you come out onto the streets on friday here in ramallah, and you hear the chance as they call for sci fi as well, it gives you an idea. the sense of feeling across the wise find can be of course, the west bank highs. degree suffered as well over the last 2 months with the number of nighttime rates that have happened, the number of arrest, most of the 300 people that, that'd be, have been killed. and it is rarely read a story which would normally dominate the world headlines. but of course, has been completely overshadowed by what's going on and guys under a go to believe that's exactly why the silly academy and the rates the county go to the extent their county yard at the moment because they can do it. and it doesn't attract that much attention given what is happening in gaza,
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which is the main reason why these people have come out onto the streets in ramallah today. all right, i'm an inter, amount of thank you very much for all the way to stay. now the united nations security council has again delayed a vote on a resolution calling for increased aid for gaza. the security council is not expected to address the issue later on friday. the wedding of the latest drops calls the urgent steps to immediately allow safe and on hindered humanitarian access, and also for creating the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. the us is now indicating that it would support such a resolution, but other members are reportedly concerned that israel would retain control over the entry of aidan to gaza. gabriel, alexander has more from you in headquarters in new york, a several diplomatic sources have told out to 0 that many parts of the resolution have been changed 3 parts. in particular, the language about
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a suspension of hostilities has been changed to creating conditions, leading to association of hostilities. also the monitoring mechanism, this you and mechanism that was going to help get into guys that has been scaled back to now just a senior coordinator appointed by the un secretary general. that would oversee that . and now this is key part, an entire section about condemning the indiscriminate attacks against civilians that has been completely eliminated apparently from a new proposed draft. that when to thomas greenfield, the us ambassador to the un at this to say, we have worked hard and diligently over the course of the past week with the moratti's, with others, with egypt to come up with a resolution that we can support. and we do have that resolution now,
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we're ready to vote on it. but several diplomatic sources tell out to 0. there are several security council members that are not pleased with the change in this language, particularly russia. we're being told thinks that this resolution is now watered down and loses its primary original impact on getting to a managerial age. the people of guys that need the most diplomat said they will be back here at the security council chambers on friday, trying to reach some sort of agreement gabriel's on the i'll just leave it at united nations in new york. the . all right, let's take a look at some of the other news of the day now, and the remaining 157 french soldiers still in asia have left the country. it ends more than a decade or french operations in west africa. so hell,
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region front is also closing its embassy nija indefinitely. relations between the 2 countries have solid since new the ousting of new jersey. president mohammed by zoom in a cruise in july. the final day of voting is on the way in the democratic republic of congo. it follows a chaotic collection that had to be extended to 2 days due to logistical problems. there was also a fighting in the eastern democratic a republic republican congress between congress ami and, and 23 rebels votes as a choosing a president, as well as national regional and local representative government. so it tells us more about the election and the various other issues from contrasting as well. counting in different parts of the country and pulling stations is to, is going on uh we are waiting for results to start pre cling in. um this uh main calling center and it depends on who you talk to about how things are going. uh,
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we have hard from government officials who are telling people to stay calm and wait for the electoral commission to do its job. but we've also been hearing from, you know, position lead us, particularly presidential candidates who call this election a sean, they say that election has already been painted. some of them are saying that once press elections and so it's going to be very interesting to see what happens going forward, especially if the result is contested. check republic has declared today is morning off to the countries worst of a mass shooting. at least 14 people were killed and 25 wounded. police gave no details about the victims or a possible motive. the shooting on concord has upheld charges of sedition against media tycoon. jimmy life lies accused as conspiracy to publish the vicious publications under colonial era law. but he also faces several other charges under of
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a genuine pose national security loss that could see him jailed for life. the glasses are broken out between police and anti government protest as the ocean city and city of cordova. similar demonstrations were held in cities across the country. they are demanding more financial support for the poor on wednesday president, have you any leg introduced more than 300 measures? do you regulate the struggling economy? and that's it for me. how are you suppose since so now you can find much more use on our website. i'll just 0 dot com. the weather is up next. and then it's inside story looking at concerns. israel's won't could trigger a why the cops the, the hello right off the bat. let's talk about snow storm warnings still for the west coast of japan. great to see you. so all has to do with this lake effect snow. you get cold air coming over the born sea surface here,
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and that could produce about 50 centimeters of snow in some spots. wouldn't be surprised if we see blizzard conditions as well. temperatures are slowly starting to come up in china. shanghai is now up to 4 years. young joe got the pencil then for 5 degrees on saturday and it was intense rains in southern india have now petered out. really, fog is a big deal from the north west of the northeast and for the northwest indian state of punjab. we've got our 2nd highest level alerts issued for fog in this area now for buckets on. there had been some rain here over the higher ground in cape u. k. providence, most of that is tapered off, some snow the up against the foothills of the himalaya and a few showers. not too far away from the pit on. on saturday there's been some more flooding in northern saudi arabia. this was in the book. we've got water logged, roads here, all has to do with a storm system. so we've got the weather in the bands moving into each rock, dropping down into kuwait, northern and western saudi arabia. and now i think it could be mecca profit. and so we've got weather alerts in place here for how intense that ring could be on
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saturday. that's it says in the, in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that the another i couldn't think is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing. lead scottsdale without permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. a 20000 palestinians killed in gossip by israel armed and backed by the us and european allies, more fighting nearby to his butler and loving on the policies and young men among
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the groups involved. israel's war trigger


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