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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 22, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential submitted by mental protection, enhancing investment climate digital licensing, your better tomorrow the the one single venue for to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the program carnage in garza, almost 400 people are killed and this really air strikes in the past 48 hours. this is the scene in rough following intense, bombard alpha 0 gains, exclusive access to jamalia refugee camp in the north after repeated attacks by israel walking towards and on certain the future israel orders,
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thousands of people in central garza to move further south is really police fire to your gas, the palestinian, the worshippers preventing them from going deluxe and most for friday prayers. and 5 days into talks. the un security council is set to vote this hour on scaling of humanitarian aid to gaza after repeated us objections. the, it's 16 gmc, that's 6 pm in goza. where's real is further expanding its ground defensive into the area, despite costs to scale back. it has ordered palestinians, and central guns have to move further south to the city of their obama, continuously or strength and rates across the strip on friday have killed dozens of people. in the past few hours, a car carrying civilians was struck in rough in the south. this is the aftermath. according to the palestinian health ministry, nearly 400 pounds as things have been killed in the past 48 hours. this is really
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army is carrying out its most intensive operation, yet in gaza. second largest city. and i knew this earlier in the war. israel had declared this a safe soon, but now it's double and troop numbers and is conducting house to house operations. as the bombing continues, food and water are becoming even more scarce. the un is warning of a fan and if the war continues and humanitarian aid isn't allowed in, in greater proportions, the world food program says nearly 600000 palestinians, that's a corner of the population. are starting off the zeros honey. my food is it one of the evacuation zones in russia, in southern gaza, where displaced palestinians are living in constant fear of moore is really strikes . a small pocket of largely sand area located in the western side of rough city were 1000 of displays. palestinians have arrived within the past a few weeks seeking shelters of, from the taylor of the ongoing war across the gaza strip. but with no food and
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water and medical supplies, the hardship seems to be only mounting at each passing day for these displays. palestinians. a settlement and we have been forced to move for more than one location since the beginning of the human we contract. the thing these really ministry is saying we arrived here, but there is no guarantee i had not even a little bit. it's class. it is a safe area for us to set something that had and so there is a ceasefire. and then when it does not say face, at any point we could turn into a was, i mean, and will be old enough to say back to where it's again, i know a lot of the model solve the situation and living conditions are very difficult. i moved 3 times before coming to this evacuation zone one for the past 15 days. i haven't had anything, no mattress, no clothes, no food, no water on what i have 4 children who are sick and i have arthritis. so no one is helping offering us anything, and we're constantly miserable. i con, provide for them personally, i really need help, especially on the displays hungry thursday at
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a profoundly terrorized palestinians. this family is trying to set up a town, but with a shattered sense of safety and security, and constantly worried about evacuating. yet one more time, honey, my mode, the data wasn't run rough. i city is going to talk up was the room temperature in ross and southern guns that i think you get here, honeys, report there, about evacuated as well. now israel is telling people who are in the elbow, rage refugee camp, that's in the central gaza to move further south to darrow, by the are people doing that? and if so, where are they going as well. um, evacuation orders had been again right now, issue for people have been informed so fleet from outbreaks to jared got out of town as the attacks on dairy. but i generally continue to be under his he is very
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unrelenting. a bombing, we're people in this area has the know, having a lot of kinds of access to had to during the people clearly had been, had, had more great concerns and kind of mistrust attends what, what does it raise the if it's ready, occupation forces are trying to consent now, early i'd be happy until the residents have been within central areas have gone to the city to the south. now they are starting to inform people who are off to a gaza. why did just lead to more southern areas as they claim to be protected and to be away from the east valley areas of operations. now they are trying to gradually push them to the last a points in the south, which is rough off right now. as people have news safe passage out, they don't have any kind of safety standards to follow as early as where the forces have dropped leaflets, send them messages, informing them to sleep more. but the question is, where they can sleep note place that as these areas have become already very densely populated, dental evacuated from the people from the north. and right now they need to move
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the to the south, which is origin also had been completely a very populated with residents and very overcrowded areas. the and the trust you to is that the are also some confrontation on the ground in the main linking roads between those areas. so there is much more broadening, resting on the lives of those people as they cannot literally have a kind of complete safe passage to devereux by. and we have witnessed a number of people who managed to have a kind of partial access to these areas. but they took a very, a heart risk journey risky, jenny, to reach out to deborah, but which is also had been on the east bed, eastern plumbing as we have their reports. it's during the last couple of days satari the you and this is saying that the entire population of gaza faces the imminent risk of famine. so tell us what for, for palestinians in guys a 2300000 people. where do you get food right now? where does the next meal come from?
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that's completely clear on the grounds in garza but we need to illustrate to important, as i mentioned, i mentions of this crisis, which is the insecurity foot access inside garza 1st. we have 2 parts of the gaza strip right now. the another, another, the software part were talking about. there are still people thousands of people in the northern parts of the church. we, for more than 76 space have been running extremely low on food, water, and medical supplies. as there are new kinds of humanitarian aid had been delivered during the last couple of days to the another. at part of the church, we were people that are dying of hunger and alongside from the east, very intense plumbing. now, the only accessible humanitarian is, is the southern part, which is only right now located in roughly where the majority of people had be evacuating to. and the point now depends only on the humanitarian age provided by the united nations and which also are distributed for out there. 8 senses upon
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people in goals all are completely cumulative, as they have to 1st uh they are forced to buy it off from the hours to get some partial access to on sufficient amount of food for the family members. the majority of activities are taking sholtes and make shift tents, which also lack old basic necessities. and they are forced to look for look hours to have access to water and also to food mid a very notable that your ration of their economic conditions as they have been financially broken off. so losing their jobs and with the destruction of the palestinian economy as well as our cub was. thank you for your reporting there from rough in the southern part of the gaza strip. this guy says health director dr. him one year of bush was injured in and is really a strike on the residential building and jamalia in northern gaza. his 13 year old daughter jan on was killed in that attack. this was his farewell to alone and nothing. oh god, this is my daughter,
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and i gave her to you. this is my daughter. she memorized to the koran. you took as a my task, so accept to load. my daughter fell asleep in my arms and she died. protecting me. she sacrificed household and israel targeted to buy a refugee camp in the north. repeatedly on friday, dozens of palestinians were killed in strikes on a residential area there on a cell sharif went to the scene of one of the attacks and he sent us this report about the a lady i me for. who knows if he shamella the week of an online, intends carpet bombardment on both them to battery over fiji comp and evaluated. but it was finally able to reach inside a google edu computer. and these radio corporation forces destroyed a large number of residential homes. either dozens work you look injured on the bottom matrix, one not able to come to the rescue. as the bombardment went uninterrupted. i'm a no show her the as you can see, the dead body. so those killed as
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a result of that little shelling, remain lying all over the area. full members of this family were killed here with the bodies of the father and the youngest go. we was sleeping and all of a sudden we were showered with me files and shows we watched the explosions to find them, killed and buried unto the rebel. we would traps this part of the house to the be the ambulance. some part of makes us unable to reach this neighborhood warner. the dead bodies of the line here, including these young gold, is the one that has your, the mall could be the, the scale of damages must have in this area as we are filming the. so you look a patient for steve fighting a little shells all over the place. scan the, i'd be more than $25.00 members of my family, a buried under the ruins. that's in addition to more than 20 of my neighbors. all of them are buried under the debris. we are helpless,
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we cannot remove these concrete blocks without bad hands. we have been really on the aerial structure all night, followed by a ways of artillery selling all my family members were killed, including my father, mother, and my brothers and sisters, and all the children over killed, all buried underneath. none of them survived. the title of 50 individuals were killed and buried under the i'm speechless warner. i had a lot of fun stuff. ok, i'm let me stomach and he is the dead body of a young child. it's not even his body only body parts. i bought these young charts like many others. we'll stone to pieces. so auto boss or bush or john, nobody like about 4 in the morning. we woke up to the shilling without a warning. miss 1000 shelves fellow, no heads. the roof collapsed on us. this is the fife, little building of our neighbors. it was leveled and all of them were buried under the rubble. we're not able to do anything. by myself, we covered 5 dead bodies. no one can leave or enter the area. no ambulance with civil defense are able to come to our rescue. that bodies are buried under the
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debris and we are helpless. even the injured and not able to reach any medical help . this is unbearable. oh, no. 10 minute, as long as you can here is right, you look, a patient force is targeting, cause we think that the shells we stayed inside of the neighborhood where we are, is being pounded into these continue to mount with no help on the horizon. i'm sure you honest. oh, so do you remember most of guys a, a member of how boss is political bureau spoke down to 0 earlier and refuted reports in us media that the group is talking to other palestinian factions about how to doesn't govern. garza, when the warrens i went on the years with we are much now speaking of guys, the postwar guys, guys that is part and parcel of the pennsylvania territory. we are speaking about
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for the senior, the are but a senior and domestic affair as a whole. meaning they occupied westbank when guys us through these are paused on pos and, and take it are part of the palestinian territories. and we must maintain our territorial integrity. we as how best have been in constant communication with all of that postilion factions. and even with the is the side of the n z o is the purpose of this is to address the out the words as a parent student, have people not one or 2 affections. we are seeking a unified palestinian stands. and on the basis of this, we can move forward from now what is looking longer, i stated candidly and up into a mode discussing the postwar guys was in the park party, domestic, regional, or globe and gaz that is part of boston of the palestinian front. guys that and the
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west bank are both that it totally and, and they help to the tories mode that communications are under one headline. how to run our domestic fed collectively as a whole load. the guys that allowed this is really police fired tear gas that palestinian worshippers preventing them from locks and loss for friday. afternoon. prayers is really forces have been heavily deployed across the occupied east. jerusalem from where us are a high rock. has this update another week on friday, pray as well. ok, so most compound has remains but truly n c because palestinian worship is i've been pushed back by is riley forces in multiple areas that were cautious. you are in front of damascus gate line guides, and further down the road, the in why the jose normally around 60000 worship is attend the friday. pres, since the south of the will, only about 4000 have been able to attend numbers,
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was slightly higher today. spots is filled and stopped. these riley forces from using to gas, smoke problems, water cannons against the worship is the. a then the back and not restriction of movement is what palestinians here don't keep white east. jerusalem says also affect things a livelihood. some people are unable to open the shops till late. and also there's a lack of tourist because of the will. we've been speaking to some of those living in the old city on around it. how much of the lemons woman has off. she checks the price for every other item on her shopping list and then explains why she's hot to stretch her budget. i couldn't afford a sense of how the price is when top since the was we've had to change her eating habits. if we caught by fruit this week, then maybe the next we have to prioritize. sometimes the grandkids wants meals that are expensive to make. so i replaced the ingredients based on what we can afford it
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up. so this isn't the only change human has family has been forced to make since october 7. they've decided that she's less likely to be stopped by is ready forces from entering the old city gates a how old's age doesn't make her target. most young palestinian men have been turned away at the entrances for the duration of the war on garza. large scale is riley police surveillance and audit trio, rest of also been set up and occupied east jerusalem with movement being restricted, especially that's of workers from the occupied west bank. and it's already having repercussions on the local economy. construction is another domain, another activity that has been deeply affected with the lack of labor and this is due to the aesthetic. is there any measures of access digital set them? so investment in the set that has stuff that he did in some of the major sector that was effected, especially in the old city businesses all suffering,
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especially shops. i've been forced to close before. don't buy these radio pharmacies. some don't bother writing full time anymore. and many hotels have had to put the stuff inside like fish should be the busiest time of the day with christmas and new year around the corner. and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy, was terrorists from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but swindle of religious trinkets and 7 is lined. the centuries old cobbled lanes. tourism is the bread and butter of drew. some light families, the war and slight constellations of minute, taurus on coming. we are next to the church on the whole, the subject of very good location for the tourist. a has sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in a famous place for the christian, for the polygamists to come to visit the church of a 100 separate cost. no tourists empty that occupied east jerusalem is mostly made
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up of small family owned businesses have been postponed for one generation to the next. they seen enough was in a lifetime, but nothing they say could have prepared them to this sort of fight at all. just sara occupied. eastern reason is really forces have shot the palestinian man and the occupied westbank of to what they're calling a ramming attack is really force is a female soldier. was injured near the town of park. the witnesses say the young man was only trying to drive away when he was shot, plenty more head on this news hour, including palestinian americans expressing their grief over the war and gaza as calls for a ceasefire fuel to go unnoticed by the fight and administration. the
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european union has announced a $130000000.00 aid package to the occupied west bank and gaza. the president of the european commission are to live under land, says the situation in gaza and the west bank, including east jerusalem is very worrying. and that the e u has already quadruple to humanitarian assistance to gaza. she added that after careful review. she was also announcing much needed assistance to the palestinian authority. natasha butler reports on this from paris. whether you commission is signed off on a financial aid package worth a $130000000.00 for the public opinion. all source, what we understand is that money will be use mainly to pay the salaries and pensions of civil servants. but also it will be useful to help unable families will mainly in the west bank. now the use, the biggest amount is hiring financial dona to palestinians has already called rueful dates, humanitarian assistance this year alone. and what the commission is saying is that a could also look at releasing another financial aid package for palestinians hall
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for a through 2024 would be some $60000000.00, but that is going to be contingent on the situation will be once is to pay the way to a political solution for palestinians and israelis, and eventually a $2.00 state solution latasha popular. i'll just say the power of the united nations security council is expected to vote on the resolution calling for increased aid for gauze after several postponements this week. it was 1st due to go to a vote on monday, but it was delayed after negotiations and a bid to avoid a us be to the draft has been amended repeatedly because countries disagreed about the language of the text. the us has indicated that it would now support the resolution on aid for god and the wording of the latest draft calls for urgent steps to immediately allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access and also for creating the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. well,
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the united states has a long history of using is vito power to back israel at the united nation. so we'll give you the, just the blow by blow on that before we go to our correspondent that the you in the us is 1st be to on palestine at the un security council was in 1972 as it has blocked 35 un resolutions critical of israel in more than 50 years. 2 of those details have been during israel's ongoing war and gaza. so just in the last 2 months. and the us has vetoed resolutions on israel $47.00 times and all including over israel's invasion of $711.00 on as well as his occupation of serious golden heights. it's about the history talk about the now gabriel elizondo joins us from un headquarters in new york. has promised gabriel give us the, the, the brief history of this draft resolution, an odyssey by now. how did it begin? and how does it look like it's going to end a sure little procedural aspect of it here. and
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then perhaps your 2nd question will talk about the changes in it, but let's just do a little history here. this is a u, a. e, united or everett sponsored resolution. they're the ones that initially drafted it with consultations with others. they initially started circulating it on monday meeting they, they had it, they were working on it even before that. and we thought that there could be a vote on it as early as tuesday because it was very clear. the vast majority of the security council members, 15 of them were happy with the original draft. so we thought there was gonna be about tuesday. then it was pushed back to wednesday. we thought there would be of a wednesday that was pushed to thursday. and now here we are, why the delays? well, there's a whole host of reasons, but primarily it comes down to the united states. wanted to change language in this, and that's why they continue to ask for delays that weren't granted until we got to this point quickly. on procedures. uh we, we expect to get to this vote within the next half hour or so maybe even sooner
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than that it 15 members of the security council. all it needs is 9 votes to pass. however, if one of the 5 permanent members vito's it, then even if it has 9 or more votes, it would be vetoed and not pass. so the key initially is to watch the united states will be of stain uh or vote for this. now the changes have been made and also keep an eye on russia because russia is not happy with some of the changes in this. so gabriel, you mentioned to us at the beginning of the week the us said it could not vote for this resolution several days, past negotiations, etc. now the us, the thing it can sounds like it will. what changed? yeah, the us might vote for this or they might just abstain. we don't know yet the investor would not to would not say even if they abstain and it gets more than 9 votes, it'll pass. so that's sort of a of way of letting it pass without the us actually raising their hand and voting
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for it. we don't know what's changed is a lot of the language, particularly 2 things i want to touch on quick quickly. the previous draft called for a suspension of hostilities, not a ceasefire policies bar, but a suspension of hostilities, meaning it could be temporary that was removed. and now it just calls for creating the conditions for association of hostilities. that's a far cry from suspension. you know, these are words here, but words matter rush, it particularly is not happy about this at all. also the previous draft, and this is important called for a very robust you and lead monitoring mechanism to get aid in 2 guys. this is a, a resolution about humanitarian aid, primarily that has been scaled back as well. now, it just calls for the secretary general to a point, a top humanitarian coordinator, to oversee the aid in conjunction with relevant parties. so these are some changes,
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but fairly significant. and that's why we believe at this point, the us can sort of stomach this and maybe not vote for it, but at least abstain. i don't know, a russia again, keep an eye on russia. they are at rush and some other security council members are very unhappy with the way that has been scaled back and there, if you are gabriel, when that boat happens, that it might not be too much longer. now we'll come right back to you. thank you very much. i at no d, milady is a professor of media and communication and guitar university and all throughout the book, global media coverage of the policy and is really conflict. you were listening to, to what it was saying, everything that's happening at the un, the american ambassador to the united nations says, no, it has not watered down the language, but it really has, it has a dramatically either way. i mean, as your correspond to the idea of correspond dimensions the, the, the, the original wording, which is the key kind of disagreement was the, um,
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sation of facilities. yeah. so not so a pool. and so a quote for the cx 5 and then open up the doors for humanitarian assistance. but also the um, the, the, the original draft is also speaks about the, um, uh, the, the content its a floor of a controlled by the un, which also the united nations type, the old slot then disagreed with. so all of this debate doing the last couple of days was actually pay affords, but also is play of power because the us is trying to make sure that is one stage in control of everything. first of all, state and control of the flow of a. okay, can we explain that to our viewers, please? who controls the aid? this is a, this been this, this intense debate about how to word this the original resolution provided for the un to fully control the aid. that means deciding what goes in checking what goes into guys, etc. absolutely. yeah,
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that appears to no longer be in there. yeah, i mean the, the, the, the drafted version of the, of the, of this document now speaks about is way of controlling the, the, the flow of the aid, whether from the gross sink, or from the, from the other closing, which is um, which is, which is the kind of tell him so in other words, it, how much would it change because it's all ready controls? well, i mean, i mean, i mean, i mean the west lead to the end to this draft, but at the expense of the, the, you would not be able to control. and you flow faded into the actual thoughts with what you, which, which is it makes a huge difference you know, way. because because this we've got auntie dot, the isn't really the government when uh, probably, uh, controlled every 4 of assistance that comes to her. and then we'll decide what goes in and what goes on, what, what, but doesn't, this is one. and then secondly, i mean, we know, for example, during the,
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the period of the stopping of the fighting were yeah, i was about 1200 to day 200 trucks. per they were latino, whereas in the normal circumstances you talk about these 500. 0 yeah. i think it was, i believe it's close to $800.00. yeah. the day that we're going in, and this was at a time when the guys an economy was more or less functional, it was wondering, yeah, could still find their land, etc. all of that obviously has been subsidies appear. it has stopped. busy and or has been destroyed, so there was an increase need for humanitarian aid. and the reality is there's a lot less 8 of course go, i mean, absolutely. i mean, when, when, when me i've been what i've been watching the eye witnesses that the just the, it has been bring again on the screens and the conditions of people across the board in the hugs, a stripe in general. i mean people, we need files ins of trucks per day, whether whether they've got to food, send it to the items, whether we've got to construct some things, whether we've got to probably finance, where people can shelter themselves. i mean,
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we know no, according to old airport, that's at least 1800000 people. they are without the home. they are without the plays. the sure thing. probably dynamics. yeah. so for, so we spoke about we need 5 thousands of trucks with everything that needs to sustain people in this type of time, but on. so i mean, coming to winter, we need to think about the clothes we need to buy the think about society, type of things and so forth. was, was also looking at one of your reports before any success. it's amazing what it says nowadays in most of the areas in the has at least something like $200.00 people share one bathroom. yeah. at least 200 a 30. they share one shower. we didn't want to continue to operate. i was not going to go away if you wait for days to shower. so that's the case. the children as well for the international community that we need to think about the day to day things keeps us as humans, human, and humane. another thing related not only to food,
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forget about food is this is about what keeps me as a human being surviving on this of so you need to, you need the basic things. all right, so, so, so, so here i think we, i mean, i'm surprised that the, the, the united states has been playing with words you know, to, for them to control and what goes and then what goes on. where people are actually need every form of sustainability. uh the tips that my life that nadine, there's one more thing i want to get into real quick because i think this is really important. the language about defining we went from a draft resolution that said stopped the fighting. quoting cessation of hostilities is the un language of the beans and stopped the fighting. a song went from stopped the fighting to pause the fighting suspension of hostilities to really no more talk . no more serious talk about ending the fighting at all. it's a total of what think of the, of the words. so you know, way, i mean the united states, so the administration is this is, this is playing on the,
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on behalf of the is where the government, in order to keep as much control as possible of these, where the cabinets on the has the, and what goes you know what, what goes out also this is about the future of the, the district itself because it's about the future of the people who are there and whether we keep them kind of health feet. or we decide to actually put them to death bit by bit, meaning a slow death through the people of a husband when to think about every form of medicine that he's absent. when we think about the form of hospital adults, the clinic that these i'm fun, children nowadays, we talk about the slow death of about 2300000 people. forget about the $20000.00 that the that have died. but no, and now your report just yet i put today speaks about hundreds of thousands. they have a condo for form of diseases. the top yes me to go through the others. yeah, this is also very much boring. oh look, i mean the,
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the facts or the diseases are spreading, 90 percent of the population has been displaced, close to one percent of the population of gaza has been killed in all of these the u. n. has known about for quite a while now and, and yet here we are at this hour we're gonna suspend this conversation for right now, it's 1630 g m t. the un security council could be voting on this shortly. but that's still a big if they've postpone this 7 days already. when they do, we'll talk about it again. the other lady. thank you. hello. thank you. are still a head on elsie or will have the latest life from the un where the security council is due to votes on scaling of humanitarian aid. the gaza after repeated us injections as we were just saying, the live pictures there. and we'll come back to that when we've got movement at the way the the
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brought to you by visit capital. hello, great to see the so the intense rain in southern india has petered out, all of the weather alerts have been dropped here. and now we're just dealing with fogging small to where the northwest and the northeast and further northwest indian state, the punjab. second highest level alerts issued for fog. so you know it's going to be bad on saturday. reduced visibility to be sure. 3 areas that we're watching here, this patch of what weather over the northern philippines lose on island, southern vietnam, and the 3rd this what, whether pulling in to them of late peninsula, all of this is being boosted by the monsoons. so that means those rain fall amounts will be even higher temperatures slowly starting to come up across, trying to look at it. shanghai 4 degrees, young joe, we got you in for 5 on saturday and still dealing with snow storm conditions for that west coast of japan. some spots here could be buried in 50 centimeters of smell,
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but let's go back to southeast asia or the badger brain. we were talking about pulling in to the malay peninsula. i think the worst of the rain will be north and east of call them for. we could see 100 millimeters or so over the next 24 hours. and for this part i have kind of sound look at this for tapping into a southerly wind here. so that pumps up your temperature to 19 degrees as fall above average. okay, i'm out of time, so using the website to you by visit cuts on a highly toxic pesticides links to elevated occurrences of parkinson's disease. and the farmers who used it before you ever warned about the health effects of hardware . no fault lines exposes how for decades of global chemical giant withheld information. $12000.00 american prophecy actually said he should never put the words per quad parkinson's disease in the same sentence. the pesticides play book on the jersey, the african countries have struggled to reclaim many of the origin. facts taken by
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you repeat the colonized. this is our experience. most of our identities. in the final part of the series, museums and collectors still hold precious assets selected few have been returned, but the still a long way to go on progress is painfully slow. restitution topic has stolen off with pottery ation on orders here. the the watching else 0 reminder about top stories this, our israel has killed dozens of palestinians in the air strikes and ground attacks across the gaza strip on friday. in the past few hours,
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a moving car carrying civilians was struck in rasa in the south. the health industry says nearly $400.00 pounds as to indians were killed in 48 hours. these really army says it has widened its ground defensive in hon. eunice and itself attacking hundreds of homos targets. it says it has doubled, the number of troops and soldiers are conducting the door to door rates. the united nations security council is expected to vote yet again on a resolution calling for increased age for gaza after 4 postponements this week. it was 1st due to go to a vote on monday, but was pushed back to allow for more information to watching the life, which is a tens of thousands of displaced now as things are living and overcrowded shelters. and you and run schools across the gaza strip. many families are putting up pins in any empty space that they can find that includes this camp here in hon. you this is little or no access to sanitation to food to water. the united nations
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says the entire population of guns is at risk of starvation. in the next 6 weeks. when the argument of the mostly l home was headed with ms. ailes and i lost 6 family members. even the team 3 puts out for 3 dozen of our extended family, including women and children, and the elderly with shelves. oh, we're here. no, no mom, we push out. this tends to protect us from the elements to maintain the decency of our women and girls. but life is really difficult. we struggle to find voice of food, and we are forced to use toilets. we more than 150 people are lining up. are assigned to a boost alumni is a british palestinian activist whose mother managed to leave gaza just last week. they're now re united, but they are still worried about the fate of her father and other relative still trapped in gaza. my family were so the 1st to be like from the order because we're, we're going to south street the dangerous um and uh they
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have in this place from the 3 of the 2. they got to choose, you have a not insurance and it's free j. they've had an encounter with that it's it's not available, it's unavailable to watch the other goals such as the main conditions here and there is no the capabilities that she want us to leave because i because just before all this, no chair has stopped and she had as it is up to my sister, i have a problem she's doing and she much to give me the cation.
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so for like you guys are my brother. the process has started almost 8 years ago. and only before, just before october, they got that and the others were we were driving for down to the year, etc. but they got stuck of the business of matches site. um and, and we never since trying to pressure the uh spanish and started to use to facilitate to safe exit for them. but to, oh, that's lucky for some large swats of guys that had been reduced to rubble. and nowhere is the scale of the destruction. more evident than in the north of the strip. also zeros jihad ocean. ah census. this report from northern gaza were palestinians were trapped in
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a christian youth association hospital for days. wiley is really military show the building. no hold on. i'm. i'm familiar with the how camera has come to the warm ca, located on our jolly street at the center of cause a city. these premises were entirely destroyed by these ready occupation forces. i done then these ready soldiers on the ground. still on what was left of the building, some of the many families had taken refuge inside the premises and some a more than one. and now standing in the middle of the odd at the winds here, cousins have come to bury the attachments of those who were killed while taking shelter inside the premises. at the time of the is radio comprising forces, charlotte these radio condition forces kept chilling and firing on us on when we were inside. 8 people were killed and dozens injured. all of us, our civilians, on innocent civilians. we still have this and somebody. this is a mass, great with the victims who died inside the y m. c. a. a buried. what are,
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what was left of the premises off to the is ready, occupation forces destroyed. it was eaten by the flames. nothing was bad. and now we are watching their, the live pictures of the un security council. if you were with us just a few moments ago, you'll recall the conversation we were having at the security council at the united nations in new york is going to vote. we believe imminently on a draft resolution that is focused on getting more aid into gaza. now it's been several days of postponement and negotiations over the language of the resolution. what exactly it calls for this draft resolution? as we understand it would now call 4 steps to immediately allow safe and on hindered humanitarian access into gaza. so that is uh, a step down several steps down from what it was originally the, the original language in the resolution, which was about the
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a cessation of hostilities and then a suspension of hostilities that is no longer in the text. this is about more 8 the gaza. these are life pictures when that but what happens will carry it live and will have uh will debrief it with our correspondent at the un headquarters. gabriel lewis on those. that'll be in a moment. we'll keep an eye on that, but for the moment we'll keep bringing you our continuing coverage of israel's won gaza focusing now on the israel 11 on border hostilities along that area are escalating. but the violence is still largely contained to the border region for the moment. despite intensified attacks. these really army and 11, these armed group has the loss seem to be sticking to their unwritten rules of engagement st. ahold or has the latest from they were all small, small, small. another wave of is really air strikes and so they're loving on. more often than not, multiple targets are hit almost simultaneously. these really are forces targeting, but it says or has those military infrastructure and fighters
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hezbollah to also increase the tempo of its cross border operations using more ex, most of weapons and suicide drones. the years of relative calm along this volatile border ended when the lebanese armed group opened the front against israel to help relief pressure on its ally hum us. in casa 11 weeks later, the battle ground is still largely confined to 3 to 4 kilometers deep on each side of the border. but despite escalating strikes and rhetoric, israel still says it prefers the diplomatic resolution, instead of a war to restore. com. it is mostly that that is the united states, especially at home, is that i am not to expand the or who spill over the this conflict would have been on, in spite of many threats of, from they is really what a ticket on military that is that they want a to, to,
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just to write about as well as says it will not back down as long as, as well, continues to attack garza, no matter the cost. it has already lost more than $110.00 fighters. it believe it is reducing pressure on from us by over stretching the is where the army and the evacuation of towns in northern israel is an achievement on its own. and while the armed group says it is ready for war, its strategy and its actions appear to be calibrated in order to avoid all outdoor, based upon my compensation, which has below has belie, is very keen on keeping the response measured. for a simple fact that there's a believe that these ladies want to wait the slow right now. when has the law does not want to enter all based on israel's time, the un peacekeeping mission and 11 on describes the attacks as a pattern. a sporadic escalation, occasionally as well has struck,
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has bullets sites deeper inside left and on. as the group responds with an explanation of why it chose a certain target, the warring sides appear to be respecting the undeclared rules of engagement in this confrontation, at least for now, setting their elders either they lived in the us state of new jersey, palestinian americans that express their grief and their frustration as continuing calls for a ceasefire and gaza go unheeded and were running a little reports for these palestinian americans. the fighting in gaza may be far away, but the suffering and devastation caused by the war hits painfully close to home. design was the most beautiful little palestinian girl who loved things like k pop and billy irish. her and her sister's only crime were trying to get water when they were shot and killed by is really snipers. 11 speakers, one after the other spoke of their loved ones last since the beginning of israel's bombardment. it's a very depressing one. you know, i mean it's, believe me, i,
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we have the phone with us all the time just sitting, waiting for the good news. even this is becoming, becoming so now we're just waiting to see who was next. what's next? a hope is a ceasefire on tuesday is really president issac hertzog into the, at the possibility of another temporary cease fire around the corner without getting into details. how do they make it? cleo is in the ends. and i mean, and is willing to and going to another your mind to turn pauses and am. now the responsibility lies in the other side. divide and administration is finding itself increasingly isolated over washington's unwavering support for israel, despite the killings. and despite the protest, what's worse for palestinian americans or the feelings of anxiety and hopelessness over whether or not they're crites to the us government or being heard physics and
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buys and these people not number, these people are human. but for now, these calls seem to be falling on deaf ears. my name is that i follow al jazeera. there's been a demonstration outside westminster abbey in london to remember the children of gaza. so near go, yeah, go, has more on there a christmas message for the u. k. is government imagining a christmas on the compartment? this group of parents behind me here who formed power did install a darcy group on june. the british government to do more and they've come here to westminster abbey, one of the focal points of christianity in the u. k. to make the message known to the government. and to say that fundamentally it is the children that are suffering most in this holiday period. this particular action as an activity seemed action, as everybody knows jesus was born in bethlehem. bethlehem is in the white glove spike, which is occupied the legally by its ro, i'm this year,
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the priests and lastly, have across all of the different of not do it on the nations have canceled the christmas celebrations and solidarity with the policy and can. and because that and cause us, so we want to allow people to the fight, but the people of palestine. i won't actually, i'm not celebrating christmas. the people of the town invested. you have my jesus was born. i'm not able to celebrate this. yeah. i was, well that's the problem involvement involves other. 2 other issues as well, but i was in the escalating just so there is the scarcity of food opposed to dangerous. so this could precipitate assignment in the territory. also as winter is now upon us the most as communicable diseases which are ravaging the territory. little adding to a catastrophe that is affecting the territory. something which these power and say has to be sure to stop to. and that has to be done with international axes demanding that that'd be a suicide from you guys all out. is there
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a lot of the still ahead on that which is 0. we'll have more on what to expect from the extended election in the democratic republic of congo. now the poles of close, the power defines out loud. we live here, we make the rule, not the people empower, investigate, exposed. and quinton, they use tend to be just the ella around the globe. one out just the era. the the okay, let's cross over to the you and in new york where the united nations security council
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is about to vote on a resolution calling for increased aid for gaza after 4. if it goes to more members of this when they see it and it looks listened in on the policy, but it does assume 100 percent on exams. and he's don't these kids at israel to participate in this meeting. it is so decided i propose that the council invite the permanent observer of the observant state of palestine to the united nations to participate in the meeting in accordance with the professional rosa procedure and the previous practice in this regard. nothing, no objection inside decided it goes to the security council will not be going into consideration of the item. 2 of the agenda, members of the council have before the document a stroke 2023 stress is 102936. text off a draft resolution submitted by the united arab emirates because the council is ready to proceed to, to the vote on the draft resolution before it to load the
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get this all to those members of the council if you wish to make statements before the vote in and up a lot of that, and i gave it to the floor to the representative of the united arab emirates, mister president. last week a group of security council members travel to the rough quarter. we saw 1st hand the dire challenges that we have been discussing in this chamber for over 2 months now. and we met victims who in george and survived the hell unleashed on gaza following the october 7th attacks on israel. i will never forget meeting how much a boy almost the same age as my son lease, like countless other children. he was recovering at the laurie's hospital from where he's caused by his radio strike. he told me he just wanted to go home and see his parents. and it was heartbreaking to hear from hospital stuff that he had no
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idea that the strikes that had wounded him had also killed every single member of his family or the situation council members. so at the russell order is unbearable . thousands of trucks trying and failing to enter through a trip point, a crossing that was only ever intended to be for pedestrians. nearly 1000000 people are crammed into an area at the rav 4 during gaza, where before the war there were less than 300000. according to the world food program, the food that has entered into garza since the beginning of the conflict is only 10 percent of what is necessary to sustain the population. half of the people of gauze are now starving. the u. n. has reported that the proportion of people hungry and gaza is higher than any country in any conflict in the last 20 years. given the desperate situation, i have just described that as being detailed,
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by the sexy general t o u. n. agencies. things cannot possibly get any worse. let's be clear in the coming period. unless we take drastic action. there will be famine in gaza. this war and the unbearable price being paid by palestinian civilians. 6070 percent of whom we know are women and children is also having a significant impact on neighboring countries. regional spillover is a real possibility. we are seeing it's already including in the west bank where almost 300 palestinians, including 75 children, have been killed or egypt efforts to mitigate this crisis on its border are admirable, but it needs help. this has no egypt problem alone. there must be an international response, and this is why the security council has been asked to urgently step in the text is the product of extensive consultations and engagement between members of this
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council and concern parties in particular, egypt and palestine for whose efforts we are especially grateful. the purpose of this text is very simple. it responds with action to the dire humanitarian situation on the ground for the palestinian people, bearing the brunt of this conflict, while protecting those who are trying to deliver life saving aid. and it demands the urgent release of the hostages and for humanitarian access to address their medical needs. the draft 3 of firms that we are building on the important resolution 2712 and this provisions. it demands that the parties to the conflict allowance, facilitate the use of all available routes to the gaza strip for the provision of humanitarian assistance. what this means is that all possible land see an air roots into gaza must be utilized to allow life saving a to enter. this includes ensuring that the cam shalom current besides impressing
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remains open in full with this councils backing. but even if trucks are going in its scale, if the confliction does not happen, aid simply cannot reach those who need it. current the conflicts and efforts are clearly not working. if a $136.00 u. n. workers have lost their lives because of it. this is why the text reaffirms that un and humanitarian personnel premises consignments are protected and must not be attacked. a vital principle of international humanitarian law that has been repeatedly violated in this conflict. the text also calls for urgent steps to allow on hindered and critically expanded humanitarian access. and it also cools on the parties to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. we know this is not a perfect text. we know only a cease far, well and the suffering, and that is why the u. a. e put a re resolution to the vote in this council on friday, 8th december. unfortunately,
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it failed to pass on 12th december, a 153 countries called for this in the general assembly. again, a cease far did not happen as a result of this cool old of its significance and its moral clarity is clear. the resolution, the way he has put in blue this morning, responds to the cold for a sustainable cessation of hostilities and a massive scale off of humanitarian aid. often in diplomacy, the challenges meeting the moments in the world we live in know in the world that we want and we will never tar and pushing for a full. she monitor and sees far the resolution tasks, the secretary general with the pointing a senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator. their mandate will be to monitor verify and facilitate humanitarian relief to gaza. and the resolution gives them the necessary resources and the equipment to do so. i'm the coordinator will establish a mechanism for accelerating the delivery of aid and we expect the initial report
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on its work. within 20 days. we have a stablish similar mechanisms in other humanitarian crises. we are watching scenes on our screens in recent weeks. civilians desperately scrambling and gauze over basic necessities to live. that should be an alarm bell of a breakdown of civil order and gaza. not only is this morally apparent, it is not in anyone's interest and could spiral unless we address it head on. mister president, many governments including those represented at this table have made tremendous efforts to send aid funds in advance negotiations around hostages. but until we pool efforts for an international response, we will not be able to manage this crisis sustainably. if the current situation continues over the next few days while we are safe at home with our loved ones during the festive periods, civilians and garza will be dying either from military strikes or the secondary
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impacts of war, hunger, disease, and widespread inspection. this council has a responsibility to ensure that they are not victimized twice over. we have extensively negotiated and try to find language that meets everyone's concerns, but also addresses this challenge with a practical response. i'd like to thank each and every counsel member has who has contributed to this tact and then prove that. and i'd like to cite the united states for the complete engagement and trying to find a resolution that meets the moment. that's not reject this reservation when the needs of people are so great. if we do, it will be an additional responsibility that this council on the palestinian people will have to bear. thank you, mr. president. for letter present done. say me the representative of the united or him or and as for his statement, and i'll get the floor to the representative of the russian federation who was putting mr. president's or in the last few days. the security council and together
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with the entire world has been witness to the latest. i'm notified to use this word shameful, a cynical and irresponsible conduct by the united states, which is trying to avoid responsibility for the for the use of the veto resulting tools, sorts of means of sabotaging the security council's adoption or decision on gaza. the will of media and public this entire time have been wondering why is the vote constantly being delayed on the you? a propos draft which was already punched in blue. the onset is a very simple the united states on the very is pretty tech, as has been tracking out. the negotiating process deviating from the normal, transparent and negotiating workspace. instead of this, they have resorted to the site, but to tactic of gross pressure, black males and had twisting. so the last minutes they'd be able to present the members of the council with an ultimatum,
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either the counsel adults. so text that is convenient for washington or the united states will once again block the adoption of any product to draft that is now being for 2 of the which was initially in our view entirely too. so this one but respecting the initiative of our colleagues and the needs we were read ready to support a tons of pressure from the usa. that's essentially intercepted the authorship under sub to welcome the text behind the scenes on various levels that her twisting of the hands of others in the region. with each new drafting, the text lost more and more important provisions. ultimately, the working that is being put to avoid today has been extremely new tubs including its own pretty full on the mechanism that would be supposed to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance. the goal is to ensure its monitoring, but west and all of that. through the efforts of the american delegation, the draft resolution has included mix.


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