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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 22, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the on the back to boy a watching ology 09 from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes. the un security council. the food is a resolution for more humanitarian, a to gaza after days of rambling but the us vito's, a russian call for an urgent situation. of of the real problem is that the,
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what use ratio is conducting diesel fantasies is creating massive ops that goes to the distribution of humanitarian. they've eaten side gaza cottage in guys that almost 400 people are killed in these radio strikes in the past 48 hours. this is a scene in rafa. following intense from bond meant al jazeera games, exclusive access to giovanni, a refugee camp in the north of gaza after repeated attacks by israel, and walking towards an uncertain future. israel orders thousands of people in central garza to move for the south. the thank you very much for joining us. it's 19 gmc 9 pm in guys. it took some days to get there, but the un security council has just passed a resolution to increase a deliveries to gaza after several days this week. it calls for urgent steps to deliver a to desperate guy, the civilians,
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but not for suspension of hostilities. the us and russia of stain during today's old and whole other members of the council voted in favor. just yesterday, he manage area and groups released the report on the darn food security crisis in gaza. and the word famine has started to enter the vocabulary of humanitarian leaders. i've met with surgeries are being performed without anesthesia. people huddled in overcrowded you and shelters. others are sleeping in the streets . this resolution speaks to the severity of this crisis. and it calls on this all to do more clearly at the usc towed a russian amendment to the resolution which call for an urgent and sustained secession of office to disease. the russian ambassador to the you and accuse us of sabotaging the security council's decisions on gossip. suppose good news with good news,
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so it does help us to stay within the last few days. the security council i'm the entire world has been witness to will type then don't hesitate to describe that shameful, cynical, and irresponsible conduct by the united states. the efforts to evade responsibility for further use of the veto resulting to various means to sabotage this occurs, the council's decision on gaza has become apparent the global media and public have been left wondering why his device and the u. a propos dropped repeatedly delayed. the answer is very simple. under various pre tax, the us is drawing out the negotiation process. that's go live to all just there is gabrielle, is on don't know who's at the united nations headquarters in new york who's following all the development fair for us. so lots on pick a with this resolution, it's a base to get here. i diluted text tell us about what's in this resolution and what's not in it. primarily this resolution is about
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scaling up humanitarian aid into guys as urgently as possible. not only facilitating collecting and getting that 8 into guys, but then also distributing it as well. the resolution also calls for the secretary general to appoint a humanitarian coordinator of his choice. that would sort of oversee this humanitarian aid consignments. and then also sort of scale up as well. a u. n. lead monitoring mechanism. that is the key. a few of the key aspects that are in this 3 and a half page resolution that was agreed upon. what is not unit is sometimes just as important as what isn't it? there is no call for a cease fire. there is no call for humana, terry, and paused per se no call for association of hostilities. the closest that this resolution gets to is that is just says that they call for conditions leading to
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a sustainable cessation of hostilities. so that's sort of what's in it. and the key parts that are not in it as well. yeah. and this i believe gabe and correct me if i'm wrong is the 1st resolution on guys i have to pass at the security council since october the 7th. what has been the reactions, of course, the russians wanted and amendment to the text, which was opposed by the us. what was said about that, the yeah, the russians and i should say, a couple of other members of the security council as well. but the russians were most vocal about it. i do not like the way that this was changed. the russian say that the reason they're all these delays is because of the united states in and their words continue to water down this resolution so much that it's losing it to monetary and impact. the russian ambassador said that the changes in the resolution are a big us. and he also said that they are vague and unclear. the russian and pastor put, as you mentioned,
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put an amendment before the main bolt having trying to get the language back in calling for a suspension of hostilities. and that was immediately be towed by the united states . and as we speak, gave the ambassador of the pallet to noon and basset, or to the un, we had months or a speaking right now at the, at the stake up position of the un speaking to reporters. a, along with the m a right to your boss that are and other have in bassett, as you may right, is of course, where the ones who submitted this resolution to vote at the security council. we heard the policy noun and basset earlier reacting to, to the adoption of the resolution and re add months or seemed very motional. when he spoke he did number one, he said that he supports the efforts being made to bring peace to the to gas. and the stuff to bombard meant by israel, of guys up, but clearly this is not
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a resolution that went as far as he would have liked. he's clearly his stated he wants to fall cease fire. the secretary general of the united nations also stated that as well multiple times after this resolution was passed. putting that aside though, this is a little bit more of what the palestinian and pastor re add meant sewer had to say in a very emotional speech. and the security council, after the draft resolution was adopted as it 12 year old testing and get with the most beautiful of names don't yet. which means don't. yeah. and how big it means the whole world must both her parents s. s
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and the other brother old kid is that 8 is shooting over that house. she also lost her leg. and don't you said that was she will never forget their loved ones. she has to continue living that she wouldn't become a doctor to help children. as luck that's headed to but doing yeah, did not leave to become a doctor or 2 member lisay or family. she was a few days ago that that in the psych and the maternity ward of an us hospitality. the very powerful words there is you could see from the palestinian ambassador we had meant sooner. you could also see his 2 deputy
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palestinian ambassadors there in the background sitting behind him, also holding back tears. so it was a very unscripted moment there, and it was really showing how much stress this is put everyone under and how the posting in bass are. there was really trying to humanize the diplomatic debate. and this is why i believe that you continue to hear from him and from others, and more than a 150 countries at the united nations that have boated for a full ceasefire because they know until that happens, there could be more innocent people that lose their lives, they thank you very much for that. gabriel is on the line for us there at the united nations. well, let's find out how this is being viewed and guys, and i clicked on corresponding terry capitalism, who's involved in the southern gaza strip. so tarik resolution has finally been
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adopted at the un security council on guys. how are palestinians viewing this? yes, absolutely. palestinians in gauze, i clearly understand the significance of this a step and this resolution made by the united nations and in terms of allowing the humanitarian aids into the territory, which will look it completely to a, in a very significant way to reduce the aggravating humanitarian crisis. inside of the territory, and especially in the summer part of the gaza strip, which is now very densely populated area of palestinians on the stand, the entry and the expansion of the humanitarian aid. to that church, we as a very significant step and the same time the off rate that the allow for further humanitarian aid to that church, we will be only to help palestinian to cope with the situation as these very forces might expand the military operations within the coming days and which means that there is going to be a new extension of,
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of attacks into territory with more days of fighting on the ground were palestinians are afraid of that scenario. but the general mood of mind gauze and says that they are appreciating this step as they are depending mainly nowadays, and vc humanitarian aid off to the loss of jobs and the destruction of the collapse of the palestinian economy. paul, they are completely desperate and they are seeking for further resolutions that would bring an end to the fighting on the ground in san gauzy. yeah. as a policy and, and bassett, a set, this resolution calling for more 8 in 2000 is indeed a positive step, but more needs to be done. a cease fire is needed. we've seen ongoing rates, fabric and heavy strikes across the gaza strip in the past 48 hours with nearly 400 people killed. and this is happening also in the south where you are. and israel is asking people to move for the south for the safety on people heating call.
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yes, um, this is yes. and this is completely contradictory to the all the, to the evacuation of what is for uh by these really minute pre 2 pallets. the need of resistance, as they've been bought and it isn't every single corner in the church we are talking about. and you evacuation or does have been given to residents of a open brace to move to derrick, but our in both 80 towns. the attacks continued during the last hour, in particular with 2 residential buildings have been completely flattened in the, in the area. and the southern part of the gauze is trip. you are talking about new list which has tend to be completely a battled zone between the palestinian fighters and the east valley soldiers and it has been on the mass is ready to shooting. during the last hour we 5 palestinians have to report that killed during the last hour were off to destruction over residential building. and the southern part also including russia, which is already overwhelmed. a densely populated with evacuees have been also attacked during the last couple of days. and also earlier today were 5 palestinians
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have been killed off to an attack that carried out against a civil palestinian call in the central areas of rough. now these attacks on the south continue as people have a kind of mold, growing kind of mistrust to follow. the oldest is very ami under the same time, become the afford it a safe cory door to the southern parts and to, to reach different areas in the south due to the high intensity rates of is very bombing through the southern parts of the gaza strip. all right, terry, thank you very much for the update. that's not correspondent in 7 guys. are terry couple as well. and as terry mentioned, they is released further expanding their offenses the ground defensive in central guys a despite calls to scale back. and israel has ordered palestinians in the area to move for the south to the city of there are by law and continues as strikes and res . across the strip on friday have killed dozens of people. a car carrying civilians was struck in vasa in the south. and as we've already said,
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the palestinian health industry say nearly 400 people were killed in just the past 48 hours. and these are the armies carrying out its most intensive operations yet in gaza. second largest city con eunice, earlier in the war, is ro had to create a safe zone, but now it's double tooth numbers and is conducting house to house operations there . and as the bombing continues relented, stay, food and water are becoming even more scarce. the united nations is warning of assignment if the war continues and monetary and 8 isn't allowed in the well food program says nearly 600000 policy invest a quarter of the population all starting. it allows you, there is honey, my mood is one of these occupation zones and bra, fine southern guys i where displace palestinians are living in constant fear of moist rarely strikes a small pocket of largely sand area located in the western side of rough i city
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where it's 1000 of displaced. palestinians have arrived within the past a few weeks seeking shelters of, from the taylor, of the ongoing war across the gaza strip. but with no food and water and medical supplies, the hardship seems to be only mounting in each passing day. for these displays, palestinians of thought amendment, we have been forced to move for more than one location since the beginning of the william and we contract. the thing these ready ministry is saying that we arrived here, but there is no guarantee i had not even a little bit. it's class, it is a safe area for us to set something to happen. so there is a ceasefire. and then when it does not say, face, at any point, we could turn it into a was, i mean, not, and will be old enough to evacuate again. i know a little bit more to solve the situation and living conditions are very difficult. i moved 3 times before coming to this evacuation zone. when for the past 15 days, i haven't had anything, no mattress, no clothes, no food, no water. i have 4 children who are sick and i have arthritis,
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so no one is helping offering us anything. and we're constantly miserable. i can't provide for them personally. i really need help, especially on the displays hungry thursday and a profoundly terrorized palestinian. this family is trying to set up a tent, but with a shattered sense of safety and security, and constantly worried about evacuating. yet one more time, i need my mood under the western rough i city. while, as you saw in that report, many palestinians in gaza has now been displaced for more than 2 months facing di, living conditions, and kodachi reports. now from there by law, she tells us about the make shift to comp, when many, internally to space people have taken refuge amongst the stories. is that of a new born living in a tent? today we are in that in bella, in one of the rescue. g comes in the south of the causes troop and were visiting a german, a family. the family that's floods from a chest,
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with one neighborhood from the not been part of the causes to for this area, is currently being have any bomb by these really forces and is ready times. are also stationed here is their tents here, where they put their clothes in here is where they cook. they made for themselves a very small kitchen and a very small house as they have been internally displaced for more than 2 months. right now, let's go in and see how sydney and his comedy are currently living. let's talk with cindy image image right now, and ask him about everything he has been going through. since the day he evacuated from the another cause lead. i'm getting the i'm is who has quad selling
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. can you tell us about your living circumstances and this time see how you like the i seen him the little side by side, but we are living in very difficult conditions and we all liked the basics. we have an infant and we don't have enough nutrition for the mother to be able to provide that to the infant. and so we don't know what to do, but we also do not have enough food. the children keep asking for food. the children can be on well, and this price is not fit for daily living in the sewer when they do affect them and have you been affected by the rain and how that the gave me the thought of the i spent as a whole nights carrying my thoughts on like this, sending them to avoid the rain from all these holes x and that's why you see the water. life is hot, the baby is congested and at night she keeps a saw. this price is not fit for animals, certainly not fit for a new pulling of the. this is not only cindy measure, mylanta, somebody,
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thousands and hundreds of thousands of palestinians who worked internally displaced our living and going through the same harsh conditions. this is in the city, i just need that, but let's find out more about the fates of children in gaza and speak to jihad. shara, who was a pediatrician and member of the syrian american medical society. he works with syrian refugees in jordan is joining us from chicago. dr. shar, thank you so much for being with us on algae 0. so we have the well food program warning of a devastating funding if the conflict in guys a continues. but of course, the children were already impacted before this latest war with a lack of, of you know, proper food and, and humanitarian age even before this. can you tell us what for the risks these children are facing today? yes, thank you for having me. it is critical for a child to receive adequate nutrition and grow and supplement to grow proper. they
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need fab, any protein, any part of it. in record, you can, i have seen that chronically. you get those in lower amounts. that effects to that the results can decrease growth rates. it results in effects upon develop, including drained of all that. now when you have a situation where that is pretty much entirely cut off, then you have a much greater acceleration of these problems in a much greater and probably permanent effect on the children that are suffering. what, what effects precisely how with what you need protein to grow and you, if you don't get protein for awhile, it's done for growth and it's not going to be something you can get back. you can start that adequate nutrition and you will start growing again. but you end up with extensive growth, a stunted body, and not to the physical norm you would have had otherwise under to a brain. you really needs 5 really needs protein really needs the,
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the bottoms that are critical force development. and if you don't get that, you will get children who have decreased ability academically, intellectually, and possibly other lifelong developmental effects. these are, are permanent things that are very difficult to correct once they occur. yeah. and as we saw in haynes report, babies are being born right now in gaza. what, what is the impact on them of this lack of proper nutrition from, from, you know, the day that they're born? well, for newborns, this is a very hazardous time. you know, children have an incredible ability to bounce back from the physical insult, them electrician, but they have very low wizard. so if you cut off from attrition, you can set up a cascade of events where you, we could not just the body, but the mean system leaving them much more susceptible to infections, degree and environment where they don't have access to adequate culture. it's
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basically a risk of mortality increases dramatically in that situation. yeah, and you've already addressed this a little bit, but uh the, the long term impact on, on this generation of children in gaza who are facing a severe amount nutrition to date of the risk of finding even uh, what is it going to be as well, you're going to see this knock off, probably 4. if it doesn't, it doesn't stop soon. i would imagine, you know, probably decades of the chunk during the being born today and who are in the very beginnings of their lives. not getting adequate nutrition is going to influence or ability to, to, you know, develop their brain and that's going to affect them intellectually moving forward that will affect their ability to that, to be able to do work. that will leave them more susceptible to infections, more susceptible to diseases,
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more destructible to conditions like cancer. and you're looking at a potentially a last generation that will have a very difficult time coming back if these events are not change. thank you so much doctor for speaking to us, dr. shara, do you have to try to joining us there from chicago? we appreciate your time and insight on this. thank you. thank you very much. well, the latest developments on guys, of course, the united nations security council passing a resolution to increase a to guys a after days of negotiations. a resolution which passed that the united states and russia abstained from the un secretary general antonia because terry so says a said lot of the israel's indiscriminate military assault on gaza. so if i'm needed impossible to conduct relief operations. the real problem is that the, what use ratio is conducting diesel fantasies is creating massive ops that goes to
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the distribution of humanitarian. they've eaten side garza and effective a they'll put ation in gallons. the required security spot for ken working safety, logistical capacity, and the resumption of commercial look cvt. these 4 elements do not exist. well, early of the european union announced a $130000000.00 aid package for the occupied west bank and gaza. the president of the european commission r c of on delay. instead, a situation in gaza and the west bank including east jerusalem is very worrying and at the eu has already quite drew. $1490.00 terry and assistance to guys that she added that after careful review. she was also announcing much needed assistance to the palestinian or associate or let's speak to lorenzo. come in about all these developments. he's a professor of history of international relations at the university of cheering and is joining us from rome and it's lee. thank you very much for being with us. uh, let me ask you your thoughts for us about this resolution,
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which has finally passed off to days of negotiations. it was by muted a resolution calling for increased aid. what effect do you think it will have now that it's past a business resolution will have a very, very limited effect. uh, not least because providing you monitoring aid to the bonuses kind of contradiction in terms creating the conditions for a cease fire. as stated in their solution, i saw the pro logic way for st. northwest expire. and this comes off throughout disproportionate, at the top which kills over $9000.00 children. this resolution will not stop. so the goal of that has to be in is pressed by these around the mean instead of intelligence that by others talk, visual center. and israel or false thing, this will corner you money. tatiana, if a question also the part is pinions for the scene. i me back in 1948, 150000 photo students succeeded to remain within the borders of the state a visa,
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or we would say all the situation with or not today. but let me just briefly mention that just 3 days ago, the general assembly, some of the city concert general assembly with your not the nation of past better solution for affirming the right of the policy on people to self determination. just for states both that i guess that's a better solution out of what i'm the 93 member state of the rent. these 4 states where micronesia and i would always rather, and they us right in the us very upfront because yeah, just go ahead and finish your thought and i'll ask you my, my following for just it was just said that the us big wilson's claim to be here at the end of the day of the south, the permissional both is rarely some follow statements, but if that was indeed the case, the rest would have both, not only for the resolution of the test mention, but also for the menu, a solution that content, the girl for set from single by 3 doors, they would have tied to us say, till the end of the set, the men girls that would have any mean it that effects the documents that the us
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see. that's kind of thing. if they provide information to set for an answer and also the last thing also the visa band for separate are set the washington a few days ago. amounts to is large of a saw of the because the mature set, the set there, sorry us see that and they don't need to be sent me way. so you think largely a facade. but is it perhaps because it's happening of the security council now that we have this 1st resolution adopted at the security council since the conflicts began? even if it's a diluted text, is a though perhaps a watermark moment after the massive international pressure. israel has found itself in as well. i think that's a real way forward with the 1st up to him, but i meant to cease fire with me more that we can not the state sync tool. it's a major and definitive solution. now it's time for the little stats and of course that's also a huge step in many ways. so the spike will be the real game changer. the 2nd game changer most structure would be to pay attention to the channel. so what is this
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volcano? all the channels, the fact that according to your m data, between january to 1000 and data and the 6 of october, 2023. i'd be killed. the 4 or 6407 font a senior and 2 young ladies. rarely, most of them, in both cases where cdns, so if you have such a number of people killed the not and for the years you have a situation in the 12 medium soft giving them set that up friday. not mean the thought of course has failed. the present been tied warden, which since more than also send 3 there are millions of city just prior to me thought of course. so if you have in front of these 2 are in front of ok, now you can call her double channel with a, with a cat, but then they will k. now we arrived, we must come then the rupture not in our people. can we? because target the city of wilson, the case of come us and these are, is never acceptable. but if we don't take care of the volcano, natalie, that will kind of will erupt again. but we want terrible people to find a breach most. all right, and then police side by side,
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lorenzo pays professional engine. let me ask you about the europeans beat before we go to break. i mean there announcing additional age to the west bank and gaza and there's been a lot of criticism of the us, of course, it in the know the way supported a israel in this war. but what about the europeans and does making this gesture of additional 8 guys? i change anything to the fact that the laundry seemed to have abundant palestinian people. yes. don't change anything in the past. when day european union and european countries with less the and then the lead subject to the same person, pauses european countries play the much more problem then diplomatic role done today. also he to lead my counseling at the time of funding to all the cox and the other part of me is that what's on meaningful act or induced? i'm ready. 3 and was, i mean in fact during this conference, the wife to day, we have put too much so you read it onto the political 11 discomfort the close of
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the bottles. and i see that this is a major problem that people also from a south priest perspective, because this is not the final weight conference for us. and the same, it is in the policy series. i'm is, i'm a full, you know, so visible in french and how long the site is still sold 12, a real concrete rolled by the open human and you appear on campus will be really, really portable. so for us, thank you so much for talking to us and sharing your views, lorenzo cml, professor of history of international relations at the university of tier. and thank you very much for your time. thank you. and more of a coverage of his ras, one gaza in just a few minutes. a visual is held in london for children and during war in gaza. details after the break to stay with us, the the, let's get going with your weather update for europe and ask for good,
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nice to have you along as always, let's begin with the big picture right now. we see these fierce wins. shut this precipitation further in line to central europe. so let's pick up the weather story there. we've got some active weather germany, poland, australia, the czech republic, still back in hungry. now there is a mile push of their here. so most of this will be falling as showers, but snow over the higher ground here. then i got to take you to the mediterranean. these are med here, look at all this rain running into the coast of the band. you know, be roots, could see a months worth of rain in a short period of time. this will drop down that goes through to the band. i think just some showers though, for guys the worst of the rain really will be in bed route. now, other side of the mid training, completely different story. full on sunshine here, temperatures look at that. say 10 degrees vill 18. and by like all looking good, back to the northwest, we go still some snow around the baltic sea here, so continues to be an unsettled picture. and a pretty good run of rain coming in to scotland to kick off your weekend on
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saturday. now for the minute training and coast of africa, it's wendy, and some of these winds could produce showers through the coast of libya and egypt . not showers, but storms were seen for the eastern side of south africa and keeping the heat for the western cape providence. bye for now, on the, on counting the costs, the global rates for electric vehicles is at full speed and it's driving geo political white horse. but the widespread adoption of battery powered cars is facing the big challenge. plus how green our electric cars compared to fossil fuel, was counting the cost on allison 0. what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk here, see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we want fees. we want, i want to,
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we don't have to leave them in this country and policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. know $1000.00 service at this point and you're saying you're reports for that. i should just trust too much out of the community off to the side of the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of the the, you're watching college, a 0 live from to high latest a recap. sorry, of the latest developments of these rascal on guys on the united nations security council has just voted and passed a resolution calling for increased aid to guys that have to 14 days this week. the
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resolution calls for extra steps to deliver aid to desperate civilians in gaza, but not for a suspension of possibilities. all is really strikes have killed dozens of palestinians at foster gaza strip on friday. in the past few hours, i am moving costs. carrying civilians was struck in by in the south house ministry says nearly 400 palestinians, where killed in 48 hours is really ami, says it has widened this ground offensive in con eunice in the south, attacking hundreds of some target. it says it's double the number of troops and soldiers conducting door to door rates. now on investigation by the new york times, as found, israel has routinely used one of its biggest and most destructive funds. in areas it's designate so say for civilians. the new york times has found evidence that israel dropped 900 kilogram bombs in an area of southern gaza where it had ordered
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policy and to move for the safety. more than 200 craters have been identified military unless say such bombs are almost never dropped by us forces in densely populated areas anymore. and response to questions from the use paper. these really military said it's priority is to destroy him. us, let's speak to the wrong coast of arch about this is a security. i'm this joining us from downgrade. can you tell us 1st about the types of weapons said israel is using on guided weapons? how widely are they being used, and what is the impact on civilians and costs? so according to is riley own data. this was released from is riley sources about 50 percent of ariel bonds used so far since october. the 7th, have been the so called done, bumps not let me explain a done, but bottom is
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a bottom that you aim with the aircraft and you drop it. so it's not extremely precise and it's just like throwing the stone. you throw a stone, you come pinpoint anything to pinpoint things to hit something very precisely. you need to use smart bombs. now, smart bombs are usually those same done bombs, but they have 2 additional bits. one up front that's tells it where to go. and one of the back, the controls how it goes. so in the initial faces of the fighting, when israel was taking grounds and the ground farmland, it was natural normal to use the simper and cheaper. that bumps are once you get into the urban areas using done bombs is very
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dangerous, because if you miss and mrs. are often the case, you are bound to hit something else. so you can't really expect to hit one building . if you suppose that's how mazda is kept hiding in one building, you need to use a smartphone. otherwise, if you missed by just 20 or 30 meters, you might hit the next building and kill civilians in it. that exactly has been happening from the very beginning. so it is possible it is to be expected that in this phase of urban fighting, when a israel has its own soldiers on the ground, that is going to reduce the use of done bombs and use more smart bombs because of the danger of hitting the road side, okay, and before i ask you how these are been bull fan might pan out for israel, i just want to ask you about this done bomb. as you say, they used the using them extensively, you say, and you penned an interesting article for a website in which you say, you ask. in fact, why is,
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is ralph's military killing so many of its own would these really victims in gaza have also been the victims of these so called dumps that we don't know the details but to a week ago as well, to release that's out of $105.00 soldiers killed at that point. 20 were killed by friendly fire and other incidents. now out of the 20 who were killed. 13 were killed by is riley air force bones. so it is quite possible that the majority of those were done bombs that missed. that was also the problem of a wrong car dent vacation now, and that's what it does, of course, very important to know where your forces are, say don't bump your own side, but that happens. but i would say that's a, this,
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a relatively high number of 13 out of 20 dying in bombardments does indicate that this is rodney air force aiming is not as precise. uh, as anyone on the grounds would once palestinians who are civilian victims or is rarely are me who also gets killed. all right, you talked about urban warfare and you said that it's likely now that israel is moving into this next phase. they will use less of these, these bonds and weapons that they've been using in the early stage of the war. how do you think they might conduct this urban warfare phase of the conflict and are, is really soldiers well trained and well prepared enough for, for such a, you know, as a, for such a phase of the conflict. so how would they deal with it to i would say that the, the urban warfare has been going on for the past 2 weeks in
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a gaza city. and for the past week or so in the con, eunice urban warfare is probably the most difficult and dangerous type of warfare. because the troops are very close to each other. they don't have a big field of vision. and all sorts of booby traps are possible and that exactly has already been happening. so we were told we were being told for years the israel have these simulators the 2 pads and the urban conditions. uh, simulator for cause out. but i'm not sure that they're, that's well trained is right. has been in gaza several times since. it's uh, withdrawal in 2005. but those were obviously small numbers and the soldiers really lost for
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a few years when they become older. they gets real painted into other units. reserve is they forget, well they've been told so i think that they're not very well prepared as israel wanted its own society to believe um, on an occasion they lost in one incidence 9 soldiers that shows of course, a lack of experience. and it's great to if it continues, it's going to be very bloody. yeah, very interesting to hear your thoughts about this. thank you so much for your time as or on the coast of odds. so security on is joining us there from them. great, thank you. a large swans of guys that have been reduced to rumble. the scale of the destruction is most evident in the north of the gaza strip . i was just there as jihad, bush and absent as this report from northern guys or where palestinians were trapped in the christian youth association hospital for days. while these really military shouts of the building. none of them familiar with the camera has come to
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the warm ca, located on our traveler street at the center of cause a city. these premises were entirely destroyed by these ready occupation forces. i done then these ready soldiers on the ground storm. what was left of the boat, and some of the many families had taken refuge inside the premises. unfamiliar more than one, and i'm now standing in the middle of the yard or the winds here. cousins have come to bury the attachments of those who were killed. well, take them shout to inside the premises. at the time of the is ready to occupational forces. charlotte these radio condition forces kept yelling and firing on us when we were inside. 8 people were killed and dozens injured. all of us, our civilians on innocent civilians. so had this and somebody, this is a mass, great with the victims who died inside the y m. c. a, a buried. what are, what was left of the premises of to the is ready to go,
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keep patient forces destroyed. it was eaten by the flames. nothing was bad. hostilities along the 11 on israel border escalating, but the vine into still launch the contain to the border region. despite intensified attacks. these really on the end of the lebanese onto a passport law, seem to be sticking to their unwritten rules of engagement. in a condo has the latest small, small, small, another wave of is really air strikes and so they're loved and on. more often than not, multiple targets are hit almost simultaneously. these really are forces targeting, but it says, or has bellows military infrastructure and fighters hezbollah to also increase the tempo of its cross border operations using more explosive weapons and suicide drones. the years of relative calm along this volatile border ended when the lebanese armed group open the front against israel to help relief pressure
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on its ally hum us in casa 11 weeks later, the battle ground is still largely confined to 3 to 4 kilometers deep on each side of the border, but despite escalating strikes and rhetoric, israel still says it prefers a diplomatic resolution. instead of a war to restore. com. it is mostly that that is the united states pressure them is that i am not to expand the or who spill over the this conflict would have been on, in spite of many threats of, from the is really what a ticket on the military that was that they want a to, to, just to write about how's the bella says it will not back down as long as isabel continues to attack gaza, no matter the cost, it has already lost more than $110.00 fighters. it believe it is reducing pressure on from us by over stretching the is where the army and the evacuation of towns in
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northern israel is an achievement on its own. and while the armed group says it is ready for war, its strategy and its actions appear to be calibrated in order to avoid all out war based upon my compensation. so which has below, has, below, is very key on keeping the response measured. for a simple fact that there's a believe that these ladies want to wait the slow right now. when has the law does not want to enter all based on israel's time, the un peacekeeping mission and 11 on describes the attacks as a pattern. a sporadic escalation, occasionally as well has struck, has bullets sites deeper inside loving on. as the group responds with an explanation of why it shows a certain target, the warring sides appear to be respecting the undeclared rules of engagement in this confrontation, at least for no center for their elders either. they lived in the us state of new jersey policy, and americans have expressed
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a grief and frustration as continuing calls for a sci fi in gaza. go on, hated manual popular reports for these palestinian americans. the fighting in gaza may be far away, but the suffering and devastation caused by the war hits painfully close to home. design was the most beautiful little palestinian girl who loved things like k pop and billy irish. her and her sister's only crime were trying to get water when they were shot and killed by is really snipers. 11 speakers, one after the other spoke of their loved ones last since the beginning of israel's bombardment. it's is a very depressing one. you know, i mean it's, believe me, i, we have the phone with us all the time just sitting, waiting for the good news. even this is becoming we, me coming. so now we're just waiting to see who was next. what's next? a hope is a ceasefire on tuesday is really president issac hertzog into the,
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at the possibility of another temporary cease fire around the corner without getting into details. how do they make it? cleo is in dens. and i mean, and is willing to and going to another your mind to turn pauses and am. now the responsibility lies in the other side. divide and administration is finding itself increasingly isolated over washington's unwavering support for israel, despite the killings. and despite the protest, what's worse for palestinian americans or the feelings of anxiety and hopelessness over whether or not they're crites to the us government or being heard visits and biogen. these people not number, these people are human. but for now, these calls seem to be falling on deaf ears. my name is that i follow al jazeera and it's been a demonstration outside westman savvy in london to remember the children of gaza sonia go,
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has more on their christmas message for the you case. government imagining a christmas on the compartments. this group of parents behind me here who foam deposited in solidarity group on june the british government to do more unsafe. come here to westminster abbey, one of the focal points of christianity in the u. k. to make the message known to the government and to say that fundamentally it is the children that are suffering most in this holiday period. this particular action is an activity seems action as everybody knows jesus was born in bethlehem. bethlehem is in the white glove spike, which is occupied the legally by its ro, i'm this year, the priests and lastly have across all of the different them. not do it on the nations have canceled the christmas celebrations and solidarity with that policy. and you can and because that and causes us so we want to a lot people to the fight, but the people of palestine. i won't actually, i'm not celebrating christmas. the people of the town invested me have my jesus was
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born. i'm not able to celebrate this year. i was want us to bump involvement in dogs that. 2 all the issues as well, but opposing the escalating, just so there is the scarcity of food opposed to dangerous. so this could precipitate assignment in the territory. also as winter is now upon us the most as communicable diseases which are ravaging the territory, little adding to a catastrophe that is affecting the territory. something which these power and say has to be sort of stop to. and that has to be done with international axes demanding that that'd be a suicide from the guy. as all i'll do is era london coming up after the break. we'll be taking a look at some of the days avenues. and we'll have more on what to expect from the extended election in the democratic republic of congo. now that the phone says the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, something back. let's take a look at some of the days having news now. and more than 20 countries have agreed to participate in the us led coalition in the red sea. as according to the pentagon, the task force has been set up to protect the ships after a tax by humans who fees are so sit down, has more from the photo to body. it's nice to say it has a nose, a gold is national naval addition to safe red sea, but there is a lack of clarity about the details here. so whether each of these companies are
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going to contribute to this question by sending the west sauls, the war ships and the person, now all the equipment is not clear as of this moment with united states, what visuals, they're saying that each company is going to contribute to this question, the way it can, however, it's not celebrating on the details. and also there are mixed messages, confusing messages coming from the companies that have been lost that are the part of this formation. for example, across the that is ways to send the additional labels to the red sea. however, bronze forces are not going to produce on the these, it's not quite as him, but rather on the difference command easily says that his forces are going to protect his national, national, and international interests. and they're going to only, as of the specifying request coming from the teddy and she pulled nurse, but they didn't concern me yet,
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whether they're going to be part of this question or not. so pain on the other hand, says that it's ready to contribute to their, to safeguard the right seat. how that, what it says that this can only bullion been made to loud visions or the f. what was the quote, the music by the united, by but by the european union, i'm says that it's not read any less or the act of be part of the web issue. so the other hand receive denmark says that it's ready to contribute to these quotes and by sending one officer, no, the other lines are going to say and they may with officers but not to provide see rather in that range. so we can see that despite the said formation of both international pollution actually gives you ality. there is better little veteran's going on here. and us, it is pushing hard, but many companies are quite reluctant to join this. it's a national quality sham. this will save that, i'll just the right people to the poles have goes in the democratic republic of congo in the election. nat softer
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a chaotic vote of how to be extended for 2 days because of logistical problems. the 1st provisional results are expected. soon, voters are choosing the president as well as national regional and local representatives. the polls have taken place and made renewed, fighting in the east. catherine solely has the latest from the capital contrast. it will fly saying is going on in north q will. providence is by saying is between government forces and militia groups that are said to be a lied to the government against a rebel group called m $23.00. the tools that the villages are fleeing from those areas where the slicing is going on. now they're supposed to be a ceasefire in place, but clearly that has gone away in the is to there are more than 100 on groups of who have caused how,
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how books they have too many companies over the years. they have barnes the villages and people there save that. they just one piece, many of them. i'm not even able to votes now here in contrast to where we are counting of both is still ongoing and different appalling stations. the votes will be tallied here at the main center of government. officials are asking people to stay calm and wait for the electro commission to do at its job. a we've also heard from a position he does call these a paul a some and it is already painted. some leaders are calling for fresh an actual so it's going to be very interesting to see what happens going forward. especially if this paul is called tested cast we have for you all to 0 can show us the remaining 157 frames. soldiers still in the share have left for country get ends more than
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a decade of french operations in west africa. so have region francis also closing assembly see in yeah, i'm a investment 3 relations between the 2 countries. deteriorated after the ousting of the country surprise that mom at the court in july india is opposition. alliance has been holding protest against the suspension of more than a high during 40 politicians on the ongoing parliament session. the governing b. j. t accused opposition and base of disrupting parliamentary proceedings after they demanded an official response on a security breach of the chambers last week. the opposition is accusing the bu, jersey of swapping democracy by preventing a discussion on the issue now to ukraine, where the war has cause a shop as drop in the countries birth rate since it won independence more than 30 years ago. why mcbride has the story from keith at one day old max is not only the source of joy for his parents as one of ukraine's us citizens. he's also a symbol of hope for a country locked in. was a capital via yeah, that will janet?
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yes, there is a will, but life goes on on the both of a child, no matter how we plan it, it's never going to be a 100 percent. we need to continue, but the we have the 2 blogs, the same i showed dr. natalia, as of you as a noticed attrition that the country's leading maternity hospital and the families of franklin to be frank, they are broken. it is is this is just like broken add to it will have the real, real bad. in fact, an already demographic situation. even for families not separated by the will, the pressures and things i tease caused by it a forcing many to put off having children just off to the full scale will be gotten nearly 2 years ago. the both rates which was already low because of the pun, demik dropped 5 mold and a quarter threatening to was a new cranes demographic game,
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violence with 30 percent of the population now being punch. it is the problems of a future population in balance that max and his generation will likely be tackling for much of their lives. rob mcbride, i'll just say era keith, the right stay with us on algae 0. it will have more of the day's news, including the latest on these rascal on guys are interested in the deadly fires rage out of control and believe his amazon regents with the climate phenomena menial heating south america. this year, temperatures are higher in droughts, more severe, unable to control the plains. olivia has appealed for international health. brazil is facing its soon disaster with fires destroying the front the now the world's largest, tropical wetland, and menial and climate change have not only caused drought in the amazon. they're
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also responsible for unusually heavy rain storms in the south of brazil. government officials say the fiscal year, almost 6000000 brazilians have been effective by extreme high temperatures and floods in the states, a few credentials. so in some pick up ideas, more than 25000 people have been forced from their homes, try to get the same region in southern brazil just 2 months ago, killing almost 50 people. african countries have struggled to reclaim many of the artifacts taken by you repeat the colonized. this is our experience of our identity . in the final pose of the series, museums and collectors still hold precious assets selected few have been returned, but the still a long way to go on progress is painfully slow restitution because stolen or with punctuation on orders here. and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue.
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there is a context to what is that for now? it has a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to to days that the another link is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads about that without the girl's permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. the, the un security council oppose a resolution for more humanitarian a to guys after days of rising. but the us vito's, a russian call for an urgent association of cost, $17.00, the
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player watching how to 0 live from. don't have with me for the bad people also ahead. the real problem is the,


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