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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the low, the system use our own algebra 0 for the back. people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. after days of delay, the united nations security council oppose a watered down resolution for more humanitarian aid to guys that but the us veto was a russian call for an edge. and secession of cost city to it's still this concept
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$75.00 days to finally a thought of the succession of possibilities to opt out of the words to session with possibilities. born into war, we speak to a family with a new born who have been living and account for internally the space people for the past 4 months. applica, elliptic scene. certainly, giovanni, a refugee camp in northern gaza after is really as tried to leave a train of destruction bodies of those killed. i left the cane inside homes and we report from a bed when village in the occupied westbank with palestinian say they're facing daily attacks. and threats, some is really settlers and soldiers. the thank you very much for joining us. it's $21.00 g m t took them days to get paid. but the united nations security council has passed a resolution to increase
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a deliveries to gaza after several days this week. it calls for urgent steps to deliver a to desperate guy, the civilians, but not for a suspension of hostilities. the us and russia abstain during the vote on friday and all the members of the council voted in favor. just yesterday, he managed area in groups released the report on the darn food security crisis in gaza. and the word famine has started to enter the vocabulary of humanitarian leaders. i've met with surgeries are being performed without anesthesia. people huddled in overcrowded you and shelters. others are sleeping in the streets . this resolution speaks to the severity of this crisis, and it calls on this all to do more. well, earlier the usb towed a russian amendment to the techs,
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which call for an urgent and sustained to session of hostilities, the russian ambassador to the you and accused the us of sabotaging the security council decision on gossip. suppose good news, the good news. so if there's a post to stay within the last few days, the security council of the entire world has been witness to what type den don't hesitate to describe that shameful, cynical, and irresponsible conduct by the united states. the efforts to evade responsibility for further use of the veto resulting to various means to sabotage this occurs, the council's decision on gaza has become apparent the global media and public have been left wondering. why is the votes and the you? a propos dropped to repeatedly delayed. the answer is very simple. on the various pre tax, the us is drawing out the negotiation process. what, what is the main focus of this resolution? then 1st, it calls for the immediate appointment of a un humanitarian coordinator to lead the task of increasing the present flow of
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supplies into gaza and also demands for cooperation from all involved parties. however, the resolution refrains from demanding a suspension of hostilities. the us opposed as demand and insisted on removing a clause, granting the un exclusive control over humanitarian deliveries. instead, it appears only for the creation of quote conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. and of course, while the pat, assuming and by sort of to the un has expressed disappointment of the security council for the delayed response to the flights of civilians in gosh, it took this concept $75.00 days to finally i thought of the succession of hostilities to opt out of the succession of possibilities for the days of the general assembly. fast the fed to that objective and tens of thousands of palestinians can lift that spring and give it any sound though at the
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united nations headquarters in new york for a sold gabe. finally, a resolution passing at the un security council on gaza. tell us 1st about what this will mean for the people of guys and how it's been received that as well the size, the resolution that was delayed, as you said many, many times over the week, which very rare to seize. so many delays and resolutions like this, but it just shows you how important this was. one was and how contentious it was. particularly with united states. i mean that the majority of the security council supported it from the very beginning. it was united states, they continued to ask for delays. now what all and pastors and security council members are hoping that this resolution does is it means that it will have some sort of effect on the people in guys that, that need a, the most calling for increase a scale of, of
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a going into guys and then distributed to the people that need it the most. this was a humanitarian and is a humanitarian resolution edits heart. and it's real core. and that's what they're really hoping for. and that's primarily what this was focused on. and what spin israel is response. see, is there any, i'm baffled or to the un to this resolution passing with these early so it's been very clear. they never, if it was up to them, they would never want this resolution ever. if it didn't even brought to the security council in the 1st place, even though the united states uh watered it down and made it as favorable as possible to the israelis, it's clear, israel's not happy with it, none the less, he's really deputy ambassador to the un speaking after the resolution was voted set, so as much as in his own words saying that is real reserves the right and will
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continue to in his words a monitor and inspect all a going in to guy. so that runs counter really to the and simulations of this the resolution. nevertheless, it's clear that's what is real is going to do, perhaps even ignoring parts for maybe even all of the resolution itself. and we also heard gay from the palestinian and bassett of re add months. so who was very motional? he called the resolution a positive 1st step, but said that this was not enough. yeah, that's right. to realize man sure is very grateful. he said, for all the work that was put into this resolution, particularly in the by the united arab emirates and others on the council that have been pushing for it from the very beginning. but he clearly wants to cease fire. he said, you can get the aide in there and get it distributed safely without a full c spar. that's something that he and the secretary general have both been calling for for many, many weeks now. regarding manser, these are
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a little bit of his cup. his very emotional comments at the security council where he specifically tried to humanize what was at stake. that 12 year old palestinian give with the most beautiful of names doing yet. which means don't. yeah, and i don't think it means the whole world must both her parents as assistive and their brother, the old kid is ryan, is shooting over at her house. she also lost her leg. and don't you know,
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said that was she will never forget their loved ones. she has to continue living that she wouldn't become a doctor to have children. as luck, that's headed to but don't you did not leave to become a doctor. or 2 member lisay or family. she was killed the few days ago that that in the psych and the maternity ward of unless possible. so how do the people of guys, i view this resolution, that costs when increased a to the occupied palestinian territory that spring entire capitalism? who's in a rock, a force in southern gaza? so what's the reaction to this resolution or palestinians satisfied with it?
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i don't as well in facts palestinians in gauze. let's see. the resolution issued by the united nations is considered to be a very positive and significant on the right track to help to mitigate the deterioration of the humanitarian crisis in psych garza in terms of the each spending and scaling up the numbers of aids. and uh, for the chart tree part, what is really worrying palestinians regarding that is the mechanisms of a delivery to the territory in terms of the duration of the shipments at the distribution inside gaza strip. as there are a lot of people in the chair in a troops that have been vials up in the section slide for long weeks waiting for the confirmation of admission to get into that territory as palestinians in gaza strip have going through very difficult days as they were very hungry, fast to i'm being displaced, living and make shift times in public areas in the south of the territory. so on other side, do you see the, the,
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the allow for more expansion of the monitor 8 to the territory as a step. that would also give them a key indication that the fighting on the ground inside the gaza strip might continue. but in the main, meanwhile, they are waiting for a resolution that might bring an end for the conflicts on the ground as well. yeah, well that's not the case of this resolution tally because you know, in israel has been further expanding its ground defensive despite international call. us to, to scale back. fee is really ami, has ordered palestinians in our bridge, refugee camp in central guys to move for the south to the city of there are by these are the armies carrying out his most intense operations. yet in con eunice guys, a 2nd largest city and people they have in order to move south to a wasi in vasa, near the border with egypt. so target got people actually heating this call to move even further south,
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as well as people in these areas have receive different leaflets and also messages by these very minute treat, informing them to evacuate to the south. as people have been during the last couple of weeks, we're moving as clean to milwaukee area, which become very densely populated right now and full of make shift tents where people are taking refuge in flight, which also that old kinds of basic necessities. now those people, it just seems to be very risky and dangerous to flee to the south of the church, we as specials and confrontations are taking place in the south as well. and these pennington's plumbing during the last couple of days is getting much more intensifying in terms of the rates and then on both a strikes. also in call. notice that during the last 24 hours around $42.00 palestinians have been killed in this area, which tend to be a bustle. so uh, in golf, uh and as, as roughly the last couple of days has been a focus for the is very minute trip. a textbook,
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the question is like how power city is will be able to be transported the and the at wondering the most of great cuz the among palestinians like board is next to go ask the south, had been now simple for the east, very operations as well sorry, thank you very much. terry cup was on reporting the lie from wasa in southern gaza . and i'll just, there's honey, my mod reports now from one of the evacuation zones in ron. for that tar. if mentioned there, where the space palestinians are living in constant fear of more is really strikes a small pocket of largely sand area located in the western side of rough i city, we're 1000 of displaced. palestinians have arrived within the past a few weeks seeking shelters of from the horror of the ongoing war across the gaza strip. but with no food and water and medical supplies, the hardship seems to be only mounting at each passing day for these displays.
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palestinians. a settlement and we have been forced to move for more than one location since the beginning of the human we contract. the thing these rated ministry is saying that we arrived here, but there was no guarantee i had not even a little bit with the class. it is a safe area for us to set something that had and so there is a ceasefire. and then when it does not say face, at any point we could turn into a was, i mean a and will be old enough to say back to where it's again, i know a lot of the model solve the situation and living conditions are very difficult. i moved 3 times before coming to this evacuation zone one for the past 15 days that i haven't had anything, no mattress, no clothes, no food, no water on what i have 4 children who are sick and i have arthritis. so no one is helping offering us anything, and we're constantly miserable. i con, provide for them personally, i really need help, especially on the displays hungry thursday at a profoundly terrorized palestinian. this family is trying to set up a town,
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but with a shattered sense of safety and security, and constantly worried about evacuating. yet one more time, honey, my mode of data west run rough. i city. well, many palestinians in guys i have now been displaced for more than 2 months facing dia, living conditions. and who do i really for some dare out by law? she tells us about a make shift to camp. when many internally displaced, people have taken refuge among wlan, is a new born living in a tent. today we are in that in bella, in one of the rescue g times in the south of the causes troop and were visiting a german, a family, the family that floods from a chest with one neighborhood from the not been part of the causes due for this area is currently being heavily bombed by these really forces in that is ready. tanks are also stationed. here is their tents here, where they put their clothes. and here is where they cook. they made for themselves
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a very small kitchen and a very small house as they have been in turn into this place for more than 2 months. right now let's go in and see how sydney and his comedy are currently living. let's talk with sydney image image right now, and ask him about everything he has been going through since the day he evacuated from the another cost to me and i'm getting that i'm is who has quad selling. can you tell us about your living circumstances and this can't see how you came on line. uh, i seen him the little side by side, but we are living in very difficult conditions and we all liked the basics. we have an infant and we don't have enough nutrition for the mother to be able to provide that to the infant. and so we don't know what to do,
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but we also do not have enough food. the children keep asking for food. the children could be on well, and this price is not fit for daily living limits. so we're willing to do a 30 minute and how do you think affected by the rain and how that the gave me the thought of the i spent the whole nights carrying my thoughts on like this to send them to avoid the rain from these holes. that's why you see the water. life is hot, the baby is congested and at night she keeps saw. this place is not fit for animals, certainly not fit for a new form of the. this is not only send human sham alenta, somebody thousands and hundreds of thousands of palestinians who worked internally displaced our living and going through the same harsh conditions. this is in the city. i just need that. and israel has targeted giovanni, a refugee camp in the north of casa, repeatedly on friday. dozens of policy needs were killed in strikes on
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a residential area. and i saw sharif went to the scene of one of the attacks. and as this report that the a lady i me for who now if he shamella the week of an online intense carpet bombardment on both of the value of a cd comp and evaluated by that month we were finally able to reach inside a good 1. 80, it could be that these radio corporation forces destroyed a large number of presidential homes. either dozens work you look injured on the bottom, makes one look able to come to the rescue. as the bombardment went uninterrupted. i'm a no show her the as you can see, the dead bodies of those killed. as a result of that little shelling remain lying all over the area. full members of this family. we killed here with the bodies of the father and the youngest go. we were sleeping and all of a sudden we were showered with me files and shows. we watched the explosions to find them,
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killed and buried under the rubble. we were traps this parts of the house to montgomery both the most to be the unborn. some part of makes us unable to reach these neighborhoods. who knows the dead bodies of the line here, including these young gold. it is the one that has the more convinced the month of the scale of damages must have in this area. as we are filming the, so you look a patient supposedly steve fighting a little shells all over the place. count the i'd be more than 25 members of my family, a buried under the ruins. that's in addition to more than 20 of my neighbors. all of them are buried under the daybreak. we are helpless, we cannot remove these concrete blocks without bad hands. we have been really on the aerial instruct. oh not what. followed by ways of artillery, selling all my family members were killed, including my father, mother, and my brothers and sisters, and all the children. all of a killed, all buried underneath. none of them survived. the total of 50 individuals were killed and buried under the i'm speechless warner. i had a lot of fun stuff. okay, i'm let me stomach and he is the dead body of
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a young child. it's not even his body only body parts. i bought this young chart like many others. we'll stone to pieces. so to boss the bush, but john the know about a, about 4 in the morning. we woke up to the shilling without a warning. ms. 1000 shelves. hello, know a heads. the roof collapsed on us. this is the fife, little building of our neighbors. it was leveled and all of them were buried under the rubble. we're not able to do anything by myself recovered 5 dead bodies. no one can leave or enter the area. no ambulance or civil defense are able to come to our rescue. their bodies are buried under the debris and we are helpless. even the injured and not able to reach any medical help. this is unbearable. oh, no. as long as you can hear these, right, you know, professional force is targeting starts with a theme to the shells. we stayed inside a google neighborhood where we are,
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is being pounded into these continue to mount with no help on the horizon. i'm sure you've honest, oh, sorry for me, most of guys, a of the united nations secretary general. antonia gutierrez, says, is, or as indiscriminate military assault on guys or has so far made it impossible to conduct relief operations. the real problem is that the, what use ratio is conducting visual fantasies is creating massive ops that goes to the distribution of humanitarian. they've eaten side garza and effective a, they'll put ation. you guys are required security spot for can working safety, luxurious because capacity and the resumption of commercial activity. these 4 elements do not exist. meanwhile, the european union has announced a $115000000.00 a package for the occupied west bank and gaza. the present of european commission
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or some of underlay and said the situation in gaza and the west bank including east jerusalem is very worrying. and that b e. u has already quadruple to 90 terry and assistance to gaza. she added that after careful review. she was also announcing much needed assistance to the palestinian or 14. well, let's discuss all these developments with lorenzo cml now. who's a professor of history of international relations at the university of children is joining us from rome. thank you very much, professor. come after being with us once again on audra 0. let's discuss 1st the resolution of the un security council which was finally passed after many days of delays. a 1st resolution of the security council on gaza. what message do you think it sends? and what effects do you think it will have on the ground? a good, well, federal image of sec, time, now some i'll just sent that's used in the resolution,
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meaning creating the conditional for us is fire. it's broad enough to uh, so my people might think way for using already for monday. wait for a say no to us is fire fighting so same to on the lives of the reason why many of this conference, particularly west and compress the project. us is fire. after this proportion to top talked, which killed over $8000.00 children. and the reason why the claim is acceptable because of the claim that we need 1st to enter decatur mass. what does it mean to eradicate come off? that is a key question, i think. and in order to answer to this question, we have to always give for into account that 70 percent of the not be time stuff because of the strip come from feminist. so 1st, which is that where expelled from nash the much dol uh the seat stuff was a number of other villages on the ashes of which state are being built actually at all thought i made and other villages these populations together state but the whole press them both allies for the case, and for do so,
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claim that all the decent started with a criminal attack of her mazda in october, at the sentence, posting and are invisible on the surface. i'm all to be the one ice. let me also remind you why the 3 main fonder self come us and why it may, it starts to know why are these 3 funders? the 1st of the 3 was all you have to worry for part of his family. it was my 2nd and i thought us and the rest, the it was spelled when he was a 2 years older and was supposed to come use that now it's on the bones. the 2nd one was a, i've seen it that was spelled when he was 13 years older and was a sped from a jew and i've used to be the check was raised to the ground and was best bloodshot . they saw in the coastal area. and they got this trip. the 3rd one was so out of the sea. i don't think it was spelled when he was one year old. is all little better with his family from people not to come eunice. so the bottom line of all of this is that if the want to really already came from us, no need to know. and to address these 3. of course, there's no way, uh way of implying that old part of seeing a children which lead them to or leave on
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a new my life will become media time. so it will be, i'll tweet just the price on for that. that's what i want to say. is that it we need to know is 3 otherwise it seems to come, us came from marks and it says that he's not the case, important historical context that you give us there. and we really appreciate it because indeed from the beginning israel say it has said that its mission was to destroy him, us entirely, militarily, politically. and is increasingly clear when you see what's happening on the ground that that's not happening. i wanted to ask you about the europeans position. as you mentioned, many western countries are opposed to the idea of a c spot ceasefire. but at the same time, the calling for more humanitarian aid, the europeans have announced more age money to be occupied palestinian territories . do you think that makes up for their lack of support of from many of these countries to the palestinian people? a yeah, this is really something that i wouldn't want to make any,
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any change. let me in this context also remind you to death according to the status of this really and calling them is that i haven't been able to that about 78 percent of do you money. 38 that are sent to the potter's payments and up and does really economy. so let's say that there are different stop is, but that we know the certainly a large percentage of this. you want the agent to hold the right to the pot, a student by the end up in does riley call me. so in the sense that you can union and should to be more careful. so he may have relation to that being aware that you are on account of select the west bank, which at this population is the full control of the full control. they are pride immediate thought records. the west bank is the only place then the entire ward in which there are uh are you any letting me thought, of course, so accord for our children between 12 and 15 years old, as i said, is the only place in the entire award, and which is
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a court for you and the rate of completion for part of students in front of this meeting thought records sold for all due. so he's according to is rarely detail official data 99.74 percent. meaning they are almost sure that they end up with a conviction that they appear in union shall dash what they came to account. these settled these. yeah, coming back to the call fiction in guys that how do you see it evolving? in the next few days, the next few weeks with this resolution now calling for more humanitarian aid, which was adopted at the security council. are we likely to see another resolution on a ceasefire or the security council? or is that still far from, from happening? a problem today and we'll see another one, but that would be about what our down our solution. i don't see at the moment. so any chance that will be something really yeah. with some all that we may come in,
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but the place in the short are in the short term. so you asked me what we come next to i think that's the plan that was clearly stated by many, squarely public health visuals. and for the patients, we know also that there's rarely meetings through intelligence was telling us that the plan was to expel all part of students to at least a large percent of the policy them to or to see night. so to make a livable, they got those 3, but that goes as a place where now of course also the weapons that i found there, the slowly left. so it's a place that is unbelievable. so once that the place is complete and livable, people would be obliged to, to leave, certainly not only, but the large percentage of them. so in this sense, you will ask you what will happen unless the national community really start to make real pressure and also conference like the us and so on would realize what is really up and when did wrong, i left that i see that this will, this is partial will we don't care. thank you. thank you so much. professor lorenzo, come out from cherry and university,
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joining us. everyone. thank you very much for your time. i and still ahead on this island is there and use our has a to is held in london. vic, children in during the war in gaza. will have a detail suggest the, let's get going with your weather update for europe and ask for good, nice to have you along as always, let's begin with the big picture right now. we see these fierce wins shut this precipitation further in line to central europe. so let's pick up the weather story there. we've got some active weather germany, poland austria to the czech republic, still vac. yeah. and hungry. now there is a mile push of there here. so most of this will be falling as showers, but snow over the higher ground here. then i got to take you to the mediterranean. these are med here, look at all this rain running into the coast of the bad,
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you know, be roots, could see a months worth of rain in a short period of time. this will drop down that goes through to the event. i think just some showers though, for guys the worst of the rain really will be in bed route. now, other side of the major training, completely different story full on sunshine here, temperatures look at that, say 10 degrees of l. 18. and by like all looking good, back to the northwest, we go still some snow around the baltic sea here, so continues to be an unsettled picture. and a pretty good run of rain coming in to scotland to kick off your weekend on saturday. now for the minute training and coast of africa, it's wendy, and some of these winds could produce showers through the coast of libya and egypt . not showers, but storms were seen for the eastern side of south africa and keeping the heat for the western cape providence. bye for now. the, the latest news as it breaks. officials taste tub 0 temperatures. a full smells in
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china are forcing emergency teams to work as quickly as they can with detailed coverage. i'm not. sees the maya trade a part of a larger plan to modernize mexico. for his critics, the whole thing is just a vehicle for his ego from around the world. ukraine was already harnessing the potential, the full summation and artificial intelligence, special digit workers, cuz now it celebrated that process as the war, you pray, rages on. some young, the russians are refusing to take up on one. 0, one east meets those fleeting to neighboring cousins on just the challenges here with the
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the welcome back here watching audra 0. a recap of our top stories. this our united nations security council has passed a resolution to increase a deliveries to gaza after several days. this week, it calls for urgent steps to deliver a to desperate guy civilians but not for a suspension of hostilities. he's around his gales. thousands of palestinians in s likes and crowned a tax across the gaza strip friday. in the past, the past few hours, a moving car carry civilians with struck in vasa in the south. part of simeon health ministry says nearly a 100 times since we killed in the past 48 hours. and these ready army says it's widely squandered, offensive in con, units in southern guys,
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talking hundreds of mass targets. it says it's double the number of choose and soldiers are conducting door to door rates in the occupied westbank meanwhile, is ready forces. i've shot a policy in man after what they're calling a ramming attack. is there any forces say, a female soldier was in danger near the town of buff. huh. but witnesses save a young man was only trying to drive away when he was shot demonstrations of being held in the occupied westbank. i've to have my last call for protests against israel. holland fisher was one of the demonstrations in my several calls to hold us for widespread protests across the west bank on friday in the and they will be disappointed by the numbers that they turned out here in ramallah. it was probably the biggest protest with about 300 people who came on people from all walks of life, expressing their support for the people of gaza. i'm calling for the regency far
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duplex. so it's the name of the company. we raised our voice to the world. we demanded and domestic raising is humanity. they're taking place and does that everywhere in every corner in palestine, where there are people always being murdered every day. we hope that here in palestine we the people will one day have our right to exist, to live where we belong. to also a small protest and janine into what small was emphasized to is fine. there was a protest until could um, as well, but places where you would expect your lots turn like a must support as the likes of hybrid all. and then a novelist, the numbers there were smaller, almost non existent. but that hasn't stopped the people here coming out to express their concern, their voice to the international coal for an immediate cease. far know the death, told the guy that is more than 20000 island for sure. i'll just need
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a new model of the occupied westbank in the village of my restaurant in the occupied westbank, the palestinian bed. when sarah targeted daily by is really soldiers and settlers. the bed windsor surrounded by a legal settlement ride schools say this is part of a state sponsored effort to drive them from the land or con, visited the community. many softer settlers had come to threaten the residence. i'm here in the bed when that age of my auto shots. now this is located between the cities of ramallah and jericho. i've been speaking to the veterans living here. they said at the end of november, some is ready to set this entity. instead, village started shooting towards the people, they then took many of the shoes, which they were in line for that livelihood. and they destroyed their tents. nobody helping coming back ever since. and they say they've been supported by the is ready, all the so the last a new here was about 15 minutes ago. let's go ahead and take a look. so no other. com, the something with the yeah. well, what,
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what was study of the settlers with masks they have weapons and they see everything even what decades that they claim that we come with crimes. even with my single child sees the sufferers, these thoughts screaming, we all know when to present our future is only feed for our children and the community with those, i'm just about speak to the wife all the jamal and the hats. and now it's just inside here, this is where they say one of the attacks took place. her baby was inside this carrier. when these reset the, they tell me start kicking assets, she quickly grabbed her baby and went an officer that she said that they were shocked at her gym. and in a 100, this little bit of an he attacked us inside our home. he gets my little girl why she wasn't the carrier. then he's left me and hits an old lady sitting with us. and he took our phones, then started joining the box and stored or sheep. he didn't leave anything inside the house for a thing in color from southern as a recent clothes attacked me. when i was heading,
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they got my hand to me in the store make through gas and attacked us dying. as soon as something shocking. oh, i'm sure you'll we have always had problems when the word got worse, they had of the settlers. g brains started making issues at night. they came down on tractors and attacked us even an hour ago. they came with the army who help them . they work together, they're all friends. this area surrounded by 5 illegal is right. assessments are situated all along the top of the hills. and the policy, the ration organization tells us that at least $1600.00 posting and veterans happening dispossess from the land since october, the 7th and international. i'm the write scripts say that some of finance is often sponsored by the states in order to drive people from the homes, and this is on the rise north on al jazeera, occupied westbank. the positivity is along the 11 on israel border escalating,
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but the violence is still launch the contain to the border region. despite intensified a taxi is really ami and the lebanese group has the loss seem to be sticking to the unwritten rules of engagement as an a. how it is a harder has the latest on built. small, small, small, another wave is really airstrikes and so they're looking on more often than not. multiple targets are hit almost simultaneously. these really are forces targeting, but it says are hezbollah, those military infrastructure and fighters? hezbollah to also increase the tempo of its cross border operations using more explosive weapons and suicide drones. the years of relative calm along this volatile border ended when the lebanese armed group opened the front against israel to help relief pressure on its ally. hum us in ga, so, 11 weeks later,
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the battle ground is still largely confined to 3 to 4 kilometers deep on each side of the border. but the spike escalating strikes and rhetoric as well still says it prefers a diplomatic resolution. instead of a war to restore. com, it is mostly that that is the united states pressure on is that i and not to expand the who spill over the, the, this conflict went up and on, in spite of many threats of, from they is really what a ticket on military need that is that they want to destroy, the hezbollah says it will not back down as long as isabel continues to attack gaza, no matter the cost, it has already lost more than 110 fighters. it believe it is reducing pressure on from us by over stretching the is where the army and the evacuation of towns in northern israel is an achievement on its zone. and while the armed group says it is ready for war,
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its strategy and its actions appear to be calibrated in order to avoid all outdoor, based upon my compensation. so which has below has belie, is very keen on keeping the response measured. for a simple fact that there's a believe that these ladies want to wait the slow right now. one has the loss of one to enter all based on israel's time, the un peacekeeping mission and 11 on describes the attacks as a pattern, a sporadic escalation. occasionally as well has struck as well as sights deeper inside lifted on know how to build as the group responds with an explanation of why it shows a certain target. the warring sides appear to be respecting the undeclared rules of engagement in this confrontation, at least for now center for their interest. either they to the white house is accusing. yvonne has been deeply involved in planning attacks against commercial vessels in the red sea and, and they just have ons, intelligence, west, critical,
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any enabling governments who the fight is to target ships. the whole fee said veritax signed support of palestinians in gaza. while the pentagon says more than 20 countries have agreed to participate in the us led coalition in the red sea to stop who via docs. the red sea is one of the world's most important shipping roads for oil and gas between asia and europe. in the south, the narrow bi mandavi's street between africa, any arabian peninsula connects the red sea with the gulf of 8 and 12 percent of the wealth street and 10 percent of global oil carried by ships goes to the street. the suez canal connects the red sea with the mediterranean sea. it's the shortest shipping route between europe and asia. 15 percent of the world's maritime traffic assets to the suez canal. since november, the whole fees of targeted vessels near by monday, forcing major shipping and oil companies to spend operations through the resi rerouted vessels. we'll have to make
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a longer journey all the way down to the east coast of africa via the southern tip of the continent. while g booty south of the by mandavi's straight in africa, house military bases of several countries including the us and china outages. here as result, sit down has more from there on the us, slid effort to counter the who fees and keep the red sea open for ships. united states has a nice, a pro is national naval addition to safe red sea, but there is a lack of clarity about the details here. so whether each of these companies are going to contribute to this question by sending the west of the war ships and the person, now all the equipment is not clear. as of this moment, united states will visuals. they're seeing that each company is going to contribute to this question, the weight, steve chang, however, it's not celebrating on the details. and also there are mixed messages, confusing messages coming from the companies that have been laws that are part of this. for example,
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across the that is ways to send the additional labels to the red sea. however, bronze forces are not going to put it on this. it's not quite a sion, but rather on the difference command easily says that these forces are going to protect his national, national, and international interests. and they're going to only answer the specifying request coming from the teddy and she pulled nurse, but they didn't concern me yet. whether they're going to be part of this question or not. so pain on the other hand, says that it's ready to contribute to their, to safeguard the right seat. how that, what it says that this can only going been may through loud missions or the for the, for the music by the united, by but by the european union, i'm says that it's not with any less or the act of be part of the body shop so the other hand receive denmark says that it's ready to contribute to this quote. and by sending one officer, no, the other lines are going to same. they may with officers,
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but not to provide see rather in that range. so we can see that despite the most, we will be the said formation of both international pollution actually gives you ality. there is better little that's going on here and us, it is pushing hard, but many companies are quite reluctant to join this. it's a national quality shop christmas that that's just the right people to, to thousands of people have gathered in humans. hulsey controlled capital to condemn is rouse, worn gaza crowds waves palestinian engine, many flags in support of the people of guys or the protest. some days after the hosting said they would continue, a tax on is really on ships and the red sea. they've been demonstrations also in london outside westman, savvy to remember the children of guys. sonya good go, has more on the christmas message for the you case government imagining a christmas on the compartment is group of parents behind me here who foam
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deposited in solidarity group on june, the british government to do more unsafe? come here to westminster abbey. one of the focal points of christianity in the u. k . to make the message known to the government. and to say that fundamentally it is the children that are suffering most in this holiday period. this particular action as an activity seems action as everybody knows jesus was born in bethlehem. bethlehem is in the whites westbank, which is occupied illegally by its ro, i'm this year, the priests in west of they have across all of the different does not do it on the nations have canceled the christmas celebrations and solidarity with the policy and can. and because that and cause us, so we want to a lot people to the fight, but the people of palestine. i won't actually, i'm not celebrating christmas. the people of the town invested. you have my jesus was born. i'm not able to celebrate this year. i was want us to bombardments and dos or there are other issues as well,
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but opposing the escalating just so there is the scarcity of food opposed to dangerous. so these could precipitate assignments in the territory. also as winter is now upon us the most as communicable diseases which are ravaging the territory, little adding to a catastrophe that is affecting the territory. something which these power and say has to be sure to stop to. and that has to be done with international axes demanding that that'd be a suicide from the guy at all. i'll just say era london stay ahead on now to 0. we'll have more of the day. so i've been using what to expect from the extended election in the democratic republic of congo. now the polls have the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the test. i'll take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. and the polls have goes in the democratic republic of congo, those elections to that softer a chaotic vote is that has to be extended for 2 days because of logistical functions. the 1st provisional results i expect of lease on friday, voters are choosing the president as well as national regional and local representatives. the poles have taken place amid renewed fighting in the east. katherine solely has the latest from the capital congested. this is the national
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presidential tiling center and we expect results to start trickling in in the next couple of hours. both counting is ongoing in different calling stations across the country. and this has all been met with mixed reactions, especially formally. i've extension of the whole thing because of logistical and security problems we have been hearing. i'm from government officials will say, i mean they are saying they are telling people to stay calm, to wait for the election commission to do its job. you've also heard from positions the does particularly presidential candidates will pause the selection. i some the they say it is saying said others are calling full fresh elections. one big challenge is security particularly is we have been monitoring slicing of going on between government forces and
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a rebel group called em to do sweep people off see from dell homes. now there's supposed to be a ceasefire in place, but clearly that has gone away. now he knows people, problems in another problem is called a tori. millions of people have been displaced in that part of the country. we have more than a 100 rebel groups who have been healing a civilian millions of calling area. say they want these and many of them were not even able to vote cassie so you can show the remaining $157.00 french soldiers still in the share have left for country events more than a decade of french operations in the sale region. fonts is also closing its embassy in the army indefinitely. relations between the 2 countries, deteriorate, a doctor, the ousting of the country's present moment,
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passed them an echo in july. the check capital is in morning after thursdays, my shooting which he'll at least 14 people at a university building in prague. the attack a turn the gun on himself when police approach coming in another like has more paying tribute to the dead moon is in prague. have left candles and flowers in front of the child's university philosophy building off to what's thoughts to be the worst. my shooting in the country's history here because on the part of the trusting of our members in this we very the religious, horrible institution happened yesterday. so i felt that have to come in the field of the victim's body. come so she was released by police on friday shows. officers clearing the area and storming the building was a 24 year old gunman had opened fire, killing more than
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a dozen people among them fellow students. he then went to the balcony, where he showed advice, sent us outside, an injured 3 people. as we arrived, the gunman felt the news tightening and made the usual decision in these cases, which is suicide. police say the attack does not appear to have been only due logic. he motivated. the gunman did not have a police record. the police had already been searching for him after his father was found dead early on the 1st day. you got there now think he's also behind the killing of a fall button baby from the 50 to send the check government has to can stop today a national day of mourning metal like i'll do 0 of the firefighters in south africa bottling multiple wild fires near cape town, the flames have been burning for days from me to me that has a detail the wisdom tapes,
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7 peninsula is blanketed in smoke as 3 major fires, but the largest started on tuesday within $300.00 firefighters and civil a croft, including drones, was the valence of being deployed thursday night, strong winds caused a blaze to spread from simon's down into neighboring scarborough. and another fire broke out along the main highway. the joint team managed to fly up between ourselves and risky with assistance from the provincial disaster management. and so it is a cold and night if it's at any given time. and we've had, we've had up to 250 uh, firefighters on the file with multiple tankers. and at times it is so used up to 680 couplers with spots of things to actually bomb some of the file lines. especially yesterday we, we may have such strips that you weeks evacuation orders be issued for about 100 households, many and the early hours of the morning. so to authority say it's a precautionary mission. on friday there was some respite from the wind,
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but they all concerns it will pick up again, fanning the flames from act of the key from um and uh, resort areas resources, a stretched the military has sent in additional helicopters, tsr t say the situation is unpredictable. and more people may need to lead their homes all the way up to contain the files and prevent damage to properties. for me to miller, i'll choose 0. the time not for look as far as his speech, i meant just the city. all the club will come champions after convincing phone whenever brazilian club looming in say in jetta, said he took the lead as early as the 1st minute through who the on over is after
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flipping insight own go. colbert has been setup for food and all the rates been wrapped it all up with the 2nd of the evening. this is the city's 1st club will cub title australian best buy was mine, colacho will not wear a black own band at the boxing data is match, but it's working with cricket, australia to the, to them and how he can show the support for palestinians in garza it comes off to college, it was chose for wearing a black on band in the 1st test against punky stone last week, which he says was for a personal bereavement. he had planned to take the field with writing on his shoes spacing online, so equal and freedom is a human right to raise awareness about israel for on cause. but it was prevented by international cricket council rules about colacho remains determined to speak out. i don't have any agendas other than trying to sean a lot of what i feel really passionately really strongly about. i'm trying to in the most respectful way as possible. when i run my shoes was really i thought about it for a while, when i was going to right. i may show that didn't want to segue right. different
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parts of the population, religious beliefs, community sense was kept religion out of this. i want to be really broad and i've mind speaking because i'm talking about humanitarian issues. when i look at my suzanne and i seeing kids innocent kids, videos of them dying tossing away. that's what hit me the hardest. i just imagine my young daughter, i'm on the same thing. i get emotional talking about it right now. again in the may . that's the reason i'm doing also managed to make, i'll try to assess the opinion of fans is what counts in the question of whether to join a good repeating supanik or not on thursday, units highest for who the banning the super, the is unlawful takes everybody's football as it is currently structured, is the way supposes would prefer it to stay. the remaining the same position, we loved cleaning the champions league, and i'm going to continue to this. we have so frivolous to have the link that we have a lot of the competition that we have to have done. so it's empty that we have every
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single human it was going to happen on the why the tribes? i think these league and on, on our thoughts about it as to what it's every time because he's, he's beautiful. 40 or meanwhile, right on madrid coach called at lunch a lot to us back, the revised plans for a new european supanik. it follows that land ma routing the found fee for a new way. so broke, you know, when blocking the formation of a break away in 2021 until he has called it an important decision for football. he spoke of these rail side school to stop each time when it's a beat i love is one. move to the top of my league, and the top indian female wrestler has quit this fulton protest against a federation. new president's section malik brown has made a list of the 2016 and lympics is retiring office. some j sing was elected. the chief of the resting federation of india sing is best buy's pre to say as a bridge bush trying to sing in june was charged with sexually harassing 6 female race moves. during his tenure,
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he denies any wrong doing. malick had laid the protest earlier this year against the bridge bush on seeing and those are all your schools headlines for now. you can get more and l just the or dot com and also have a look at our social media channels. to thank you very much. that's the news for now on out a 0 say with us, we're back in a few minutes with more of the daisies. why your why your might the annual as you know, higher month i included. right. i know we have are in addition to the in built valves which are part of the irrigation canals, farmers have resorted to extra and with water hoses to pump water onto their fields . the practice the government considers illegal.
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i'm or from ha ha ha, thank you bye to say, why would that? and that's the cheapest anya, that we've talked about this was a highly toxic and pesticides linked to elevate to the currency of parkinson's disease in the farm. as we used for you ever warned about the health effects of the hardware, no fault lines exposes how for decades of global chemical giant withheld information. $12000.00 american prophecy actually said he should never put the words per quad parkinson's disease in the same sentence. the pesticides play book on a jersey to me to the world slow down, we stand for as homes with fits of global nichols reserves. indonesia is points to
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leave the global, the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harness the offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential, committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow the the play you're watching audra 0 live from to have with me for the back, people coming up in the next 60 minutes after days of delayed un security council of foods, a watered down resolution for more humanitarian aid to guys. but the u. s. veto is


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