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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential, committed to inquire mental protection, enhancing investments, alignment digital licensing, your better tomorrow the, [000:00:00;00] the way you're watching audra 0 live from to have with me for the backbone coming up in the next 60 minutes after days of delay, the un security council of foods a watered down resolution for more humanitarian, a to gaza. but the u. s. veto is our russian call for an urgent secession of ha stages. it's still this concept 75 days to
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finally i thought of the session of hostility to outside of the works to session will possibilities born into a war, we speak to a family with a newborn, who are living in a camp for internally displaced people for the past 4 months, applicant optic seems from the jabante a refugee camp in northern garza. after is video strikes, leave a trail of destruction. bodies of bodies of those killed are left decaying inside homes. and we report from my bed when village in the occupied west banquet policy and are facing daily attacks and threats from these railways, soldiers, and segments the in the united nations security council has passed a resolution demanding an increase in a deliveries to palestinians in gaza. for the world health organization say are
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facing the risk of salvation. the resolution asks both israel and him off to provide the safe and on hand the delivery of supplies. but it does not call for suspension of hostilities. a mazda is the resolution, is insufficient, and does not address the catastrophic situation created by israel. the us and russia abstained, and all of the members of the council voted in favor. just yesterday, he manage area in groups released the report on the darn food security crisis in godsa. and the word famine has started to enter the vocabulary of humanitarian leaders. i've met with surgeries are being performed without anesthesia. people huddled in overcrowded you and shelters. others are sleeping in the streets . this resolution speaks to the severity of this crisis, and it calls on this all to do more. early in the us, v towed
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a russian call for an urgent and sustained secession of hostilities. the russian ambassador to the you and accused the us of sabotaging the security council of decisions on goss supposedly genius be good news. so it is a post this to me in the last few days. the security council i'm the entire world has bone witness to will type then don't hesitate to describe that shameful, cynical, and irresponsible conduct by the united states. the efforts to evade responsibility for further use of the veto resulting to various means to sabotage this occurs, the council's decision on gaza has become apparent the global media and public have been left wondering. why is the votes and the you? a propos dropped repeatedly delayed. the answer is very simple. under various pre tax, the us is drawing out the negotiation process to all the security council voted, came after days of delays, and back from negotiations. the resolution calls for the immediate appointment of
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the un humanitarian coordinator to lead the task of increasing the present flow of supplies into gaza. it also demands full corporation from all involved parties. however, the resolution refrain from demanding a suspension of all cities the us. suppose this demand and insisted on removing a clause, granting the un exclusive control over here by the terry and deliveries. instead, it appears only for the creation of quote conditions for a sustainable succession of hostilities or the policy num basset, or to the un express disappointment that the security council for the delayed response to the fly to civilians. and gosh, it took this concept $75.00 days to finally, i thought of the succession of hostilities to opt out of the session will possibilities for the days of the general assembly fast to be fair to that
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objective. and tens of thousands of palestinians can later that spring and gave her medicine to live for us at the united nations. so tell us more about this resolution and how it came about gabe. and what it means for the people of costs, as well as security council, was hoping that this means some help to for the people of guys in the form of an increase of humanitarian aid at a very large scale. that was the point of this resolution from the very beginning of resolution that was written and sponsored by the united arab emirates. they pushed very hard for this over several days, but ultimately had to make concessions based on what the united states wanted changes in it. or else the u. s. potentially threatened to veto it. but the bottom line is, even though not everyone got what they want it out of this resolution, it has certainly been watered down that is without question. there is still some
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hope that it is focused on humanitarian issues and it will at least get potentially more a into gaza and have some account ability for, for, for, for the international community really to get that aide. and so that is what the main focus was here on this resolution. so even people that did not get everything they wanted, or at least glad in part that something got through. tell us about how these rallies have responded to this resolution. this well, israel has ignored security council resolutions in the past multiple times, and there's early indications that they plan to ignore all, or at least part of this resolution, even though it's bound ink binding by international law. the deputy is really ambassador to the un spoke after the vote was taken and he said that his country
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reserves the right to continue to inspect any and all 8 consignments going into gaza as they see fit. even though the resolution says that this will now be the auspices of a and someone appointed by the secretary general. so it's clear that israel's not happy with this resolution if they, if it was up to them, if this would have never even come to a vote. and we also heard from the policy and, and boss it a gave we add months. so who seemed very motional yeah, he did, he gave a very emotional speech in the security council chambers. he was grateful for all the work that was put into this resolution. he was very clear about that. but he also said again, ceasefire, cease, fire ceased for that's what he's been calling for all along. he says it doesn't matter how much age you try to get in. if guys is still under bombardment, it won't make much difference. by the way, the secretary general of the un also today calling for a cease fire as well. never the less react ment sewer tried to put
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a real human face on the negotiations. listened to what he had to say. a 12 year old palestinian give with the most beautiful of names during yet. which means then yeah and not a big it means the whole world must both her parents s has just abruptly old kid is that i is shooting over that house. she also lost her leg and don't you know, said that was she will never forget their loved ones.
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she has to continue living that she wouldn't become a doctor to have children. as luck, that's headed to but doing yeah. did not leave to become a doctor or 2 member lisay or family. she was get a few days ago that, that in the psych and the maternity ward of unless possibly very powerful speech, thereby re odd manser. and if you looked closely sitting behind him or to other people, those are deputy ambassadors. and if you look closely, they were both the wiping away tears from their eyes as he spoke. very rare that you see that in the security council chambers that just shows you how personal this has become and how important it is. uh for the palestinian investor and for the
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secretary general, quite frankly, to continue to push for a cease fire because they say clearly until that happens, more innocent civilians could be killed from is really bombardment of guys, sir. okay, thank you very much for that. given name is under reporting that live from the united nations in new york. and his tyrique. i've wizell now in 7 guys out with the reaction, the 2 fridays un security council resolution, the palestinians. see, there was a notion that had been issued today. it's very significant sometimes of the important role that too late in terms of mitigating the aggravating human at tearing crisis insight dollars as people are mainly right now. all depending on the humanitarian aids provided by the united nations and which are distributed throughout the united nation 8 since is inside the territory. and others of palestinians are seeing this as us please sign that it might be within
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a long days of fighting that will be down the road as the palestinians are very in and very desperate need for a resolution that would bring an end for the fighting on the ground target by zoom out just a rough, rough off in the south of the territory o u n. secretary general and tony gutierrez's is aroused, indiscriminate, military assault on gaza has so far made it impossible to conduct relief operations . the real problem is that what use ratio is conducting diesel fantasies is creating massive ops that goes to the distribution of humanitarian. they've eaten side garza and effective a little peroration. you guys are required. security software can working safety, logistical capacity, and the resumption of commercial look cvt. these 4 elements do not exist. well, i saw speak to chris, kind of us who's a former on russ folks, went on right. is the you an agency for palestinian refugees. chris,
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good to have you with us again on our 0. what do you make of this resolution calling for scaling up humanitarian aid into guys as urgently as possible, and distributing as well? all conditions right, for this resolution to have an impact on the ground to this resolution is a green light for continued genocide. and to be clear is un american is ray. the genocide is no adjuster to any genocide because not just as america provide his will for $1000000000.00 less well from industry supposed to add them. it's also, as we've seen tonight, providing as well with diplomatic and political color to continue with the agenda. somebody which do small side, the wholesale, industrial, ignoring both international humanitarian law to be clear from what the is where the representative at the meeting said,
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although the resolution but tends to force the issue of increased 2 months having paid. it's clear that it's williams has started the paul to have a veto of what goes into the guys. and yeah, i was going to ask you about that because many things still unclear. i mean, the timeline of getting this increase stayed into guys. uh, how much of it will go in? what will be the mechanisms of delivery and so on that it has, was that clear to you from from the text? it's very clear to me what has to happen and what has to happen. this is carolyn shalom crossing from it's, well it is a gaza, which has many lanes, many trunk shipping points must be open. 20 full, 7, hundreds and thousands. oh, trust needs guys. because that every single week, there's no doubt that will we see as a trickle increasing to a bit more of a trickle is not good enough. people in costa, us stopping amazing the genocide. this will be un secuity company. really want to
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stand by that to continue. so what, what i mean, you mentioned care level asylum costing being open there. but even if it's the case that it's open, would really change anything when these ratings are attacking even the crossings that allow a to go into god as well. i'm been around long enough for me in the, the whole debates of the care. i'm sure long the appeals built it with a huge amount of money, and this will essentially said if the needs security needs, it simply said that it was not possible to protect the is way the size, and therefore it close to the will simply stood by webcam shallows close to my concern, given the weakness of this resolution that will continue. meanwhile, the link also will be continue to look at the printing a single to start think it's an absolute disgrace of the international community. embodied in the security council sitting around the whole street table in new york content. it's back on stuff vision being used as
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a webinar for genocide. it's up to disgrace. yeah. coming back to the text christ, it calls for also the immediate appointment of a you and you might it over here by the terry and coordinator, i should say to, to lead the task of increasing the flow of 8 into gaza. but the us doesn't want the united nations to have exclusive control of the deliveries the us and israel, if not for you. and then who as well the major question is that because we've seen the amount of terry in the pool places come and go with with, with no impact whatsoever. we still totally bless. says the cool to envoy. we know very well what little good he did, how few of the, the number of check points he had listed moves in the west bank. so yes, i mean, that is the big question that i'm not convinced that anyone has the also. and the real problem is that in the absence of any officer is will continue to use the
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patient as a weapon of war and to pursue this genocide of a big fail. olsen is what we see is excellent cleansing, which you know, anyone has seen what has been the case and the cost of the dollar plan. the idea that it's off with, with, as simply plan is to protest against the big concern. is that the dream, all the of these are, this is now being fulfilled with beast and gaza. yeah, and the well 1st program, chris warning of a devastating firm. and if this conflicts continues, has it ever been, well, it's about diego on face. will so many posted as if i chose to even the young palestinians. i told to say this reminds us of the grandparent and said about 1948 . it's in that, but it's a not the soft. it's a not the tough genocidal intent intent for me. semester, yahoo said invoking the biblical in genocide injunction. we've had to you of color
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is really defense minister said about stopping out these animals. we've heard the it's a couple of minutes to talking about probably a new table. so it's not the class and that is absolutely terrifying, but it's kind of savings and it goes very badly as well. security as a piece. kimberly small, generally press kindness. thank you very much for joining us. so now to sierra, thank you for your time, for the policy and health industry and gaza says 319 policy needs have been killed during israel's military operation and other territory in the past 2 days. at least 18 people were killed in the new se, rock refugee camp on friday. local media say 4 of them were brothers. 2 other camps where i also hate and there's been heavy bombardment in east and central con eunice . these are the military says it's close to taking operational control of northern casa, is there always further expanding his ground offensive despite international calls to scale back? the army has ordered palestinians in albert res,
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refugee camp in central guys to move for the south to the city of down by law. these are the armies carrying out its most intense operations. yet in con eunice, god, the 2nd largest city people they have in order to move south to milwaukee in vasa, near the border with egypt. for many palestinians in guys, i have now been displaced for more than 2 months. and all facing di, living conditions in hold every has been to a debt by law to account bad to hear some of the stories of people living there. among them is one of a new born baby living in attend. today we are in that in bella, and one of the rescue g comes in the south of the causes troop and were visiting a german, a family, the family that fled from a chest with one neighborhood from the not been part of the causes due for this area is currently being heavily bombed by these really forces in that is ready.
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tanks are also stationed. here is their tents here, where they put their clothes. and here is where they cook. they made for themselves a very small kitchen and a very small house as they have been internally displaced for more than 2 months. right now let's go in and see how sydney him and his come. we are currently missing. let's talk with sydney imaging mode right now. and ask him about everything he has been going through since the day he evacuated from the another and costs. so me and i'm getting that i'm is who has quad selling. can you tell us about your living circumstances and this can see how you like the i seen him the little side by side, but we are living in very difficult conditions and we all liked the basics. we have an infant and we don't have enough nutrition for the mother to be able to provide
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that to the infant. and so we don't know what to do, but we also do not have enough food. the children keep asking for food. the children could be on well, and this price is not fit for daily living limits to wherever we live at the start them and, and how do you think affected by the rain and how that the gave me the thought of the i spent the whole nights carrying my thoughts and like this to sending them to avoid the rain from all these holes. that's why you see the water. life is hot, the baby is congested and at night she keeps a saw. this case is not fit for animals, certainly not fit for a new part of the. this is not only send human jamila into somebody, thousands and hundreds of thousands of palestinians who worked internally displaced our living and going through the same harsh conditions. this is in the city,
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i just eat it and i'll just, there is honey, my moody's at any evacuation. so in, in vasa, in southern guys where the space pharmacy needs are living in constant fear of more is really strikes a small pocket of largely sand area. located in the western side of rough city where it's 1000 of displaced palestinians have arrived within the past a few weeks seeking shelters of, from the taylor, of the ongoing war across the gaza strip. but with no food and water and medical supplies, the hardship seems to be only mounting at each passing day for these displays. palestinians. a settlement and we have been forced to move for more than one location since the beginning of the human. we contract the thing, these random and the tree is saying that we arrived here, but there is no guarantee i had not even a little bit with the class. it is a safe area for us to set something up. and so there is a ceasefire. and then when it does not say face, at any point we could turn into a was, i mean, and will be old enough to say back to where it's again, i know
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a lot of the model solve the situation and living conditions are very difficult. i moved 3 times before coming to this evacuation zone one for the past 15 days that i haven't had anything, no mattress, no clothes, no food, no water. i have 4 children who are sick and i have arthritis, so no one is helping, offering us anything. and we're constantly miserable. i con, provide for them personally, i really need help, especially on the displays hungry thursday at a profoundly terrorized palestinian. this family is trying to set up a town, but with a shattered sense of safety and security, and constantly worried about evacuating. yet one more time, honey, my mood, data west run, rough i city. israel has targeted jabante, a refugee camp in the north, repeatedly on friday. dozens of palestinians were killed in strikes on a residential area. i saw sharif went to the scene of one of the attacks. and has
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this report, is that the a layla i need? so who knows the shipment of the week of an online intends carpet bombardment on both on the value of a cd comp and evaluated by that. we were finally able to reach inside a good 1. 80, it could be that these radio corporation forces destroyed a large number of presidential homes. either dozens walk you look in just on the bottom, makes one not able to come to the rescue. as the bombardment went uninterrupted. i'm a no show her the as you can see, the dead body. so those killed. as a result of that little shelling, remain line all over the area. full members of this family were killed here with the bodies of the father and the youngest go. we was sleeping and all of a sudden we were showered with me files and shows we watched the explosions to find them, killed and buried unto the rebel. we were trapped these parts of the house to the
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be the ambulance. some part of makes us unable to reach this neighborhood, who knows the dead bodies of the line here, including these young gold. this is the one that has your dom markovich. the on the scale of damages must sit in this area as we are filming the. so you look a patient supposedly steve fighting a little shells all over the place, count the i be more than 25 members of my family, a buried under the ruins. that's in addition to more than 20 of my neighbors. all of them are buried under the daybreak. we are helpless, we cannot remove these concrete blocks without the hands. we have been really on the aerial instruct. oh, not followed by a ways of artillery selling. well, my family members were killed, including my father, mother, and my brothers and sisters and all the children. all of a killed, all buried underneath. none of them survived. the total of 50 individuals were killed and buried under the i'm speechless warner. i had a lot of fun stuff. okay, i'm let me stomach and he is the dead body of a young child. it's not even his body only body parts. i bought this young chart
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like many others. we'll stone to pieces. so to boss the bush, but yeah, and then know about a like a bulk fully in the morning. we woke up to the shilling without a warning. ms. 1000 shelves. hello, know a heads. the roof collapsed on us. this is the fife, little building of all neighbors. it was leveled and all of them were buried under the rubble. we're not able to do anything by myself recovered 5 dead bodies. no one can leave or enter the area. no ambulance with civil defense are able to come to our rescue. that bodies are buried under the debris and we are helpless. even the injured and not able to reach any medical help. this is unbearable. oh, no. as long as you can here is right. you, a patient force is targeting, starts with a single shells, these data insight you to a neighborhood where we are is being pounded into these continue to mount with no help on the horizon. i'm sure you've honest, oh, sorry for me. most of guys
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a as demonstrations as being held in the occupied westbank have to have moscow for protests against israel. alan fisher was at one of the protest seen ramallah several calls from us for widespread protests across the west bank on friday in the end. they will be disappointed by the numbers that they turned out here in ramallah . it was probably the biggest protest with about 300 people who came on people from all walks of life, expressing their support for the people of gaza. i'm calling for them, let me just see far look like so the name of the company. we raised our voice to the world. we demand an end to the massacres and use humanity that are taking place and does that everywhere. every corner in palestine where their people always being murdered every day. we hope that here in palestine we, the people will one day have our right to exist,
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to live where we belong to a small protest in janine and the what small was emphasized to is find there was a protest until could um as well, but places where you would expect your lots ton of how much support as the likes of hyper on a novelist. the numbers there were smaller, almost non existent. but that hasn't stopped the people here coming out to express their concern and their voice to the international coal for them. let me just see spar know the death toll and gaza is more than 20000 island for sure. i'll just need a new model of the occupied westbank in the village of myra john to me occupied westbank palestinians, beto in palestinian better way to say they are suffering from daily attacks. and threats from is really soldiers and settlers. the settlers are living illegally in settlements surrounding their land, which is illegal under international laura con, visited the veterans minutes after settlers had come onto that territory,
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or i'm here in the bed when that age of my auto shots. now this is located between the cities of ramallah and jericho. i've been speaking to the veterans living here, they said at the end of november, some is ready to set the entity in step village and started shooting towards the people. they then took many of the shoes, which they burn line for their livelihood, and they destroyed their tents. nobody helping coming back ever since. and they say they've been supported by the is ready all the so the last a new here was about 15 minutes ago. let's go ahead and take a look. so no other. com, the something with the yeah, well what, what was studying? the settlers with masks they have weapons and they see everything even what decades that they claim that we come with crimes. even with my single child sees the suck those, these thoughts screaming. we all know when to present our futures only feed for our children and the community with those. i'm just about speak to the wife all the jamal and the hats. and now it's just inside here,
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this is where they say one of the attacks took place. her baby was inside this carrier. when these reset the, they tell me start kicking assets, she quickly grabbed her baby and went an officer that she said that they were shocked at her gym. and in a 100, this little bit of an he attacked us inside our home. he gets my little girl why she wasn't the carrier. then he's left me and hits an old lady sitting with us. and he took our phones, then started joining the box and stored or sheep. he didn't leave anything inside the house 1st and then cut off from southern as of 3 so close attacked me. when i was heading, they cut my hand to me in the stomach through gas and attacked us dying. as soon as i saw the shocking, oh, i'm sure you have always had problems. when the word got worse, they had of the settler's g brains, started making issues at night. they came down on tractors and attacked us even an hour ago. they came with the army who help them, they work together,
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they're all friends. what date this area surrounded by 5 illegal is right? assessments are situated all along the top of the hills. and the policy, the ration organization tells us that at least $1600.00 posting and veterans having dispossessed from the land since october, the 7th and international. i'm the write scripts say that some of finance is often sponsored by the states in order to drive people from the homes and this is on the rise north on al jazeera occupied westbank. the still ahead on algae 020 countries say there's a for the us coordination to protect shipping in the red sea, but it's not clear exactly what they'll do. a vigil is held in london for children and during war. in guys, i will have the details in a few minutes to see the hearing. the facts have you had any links that he has the support of 15 and samantha, she'll take
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a moment then asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this places out as it was teams across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story, i'm actually going to show you got to read about that. but i'm going to do it live on come funny enough for the police left behind us to black essential workers share their experiences of racism in the u. k, replaced i to the point where they've done breakfast well and showed the way the black. it was on the weathering on that jersey to the
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the the, you're watching out a 0, a reminder of our top stories. the silence, the united nations security council has adopted a resolution demanding israel and how mos enable the safe and on hinder delivery of more humanitarian aid. to guys come off says the resolution is insufficient and does not address the catastrophic humanitarian situation created by israel. at least 18 policy and step and catering and history on the attack on the new se, right? press you to come in central guy to have a counselor. i also hate him as being heavy from bond meant into cen, central con eunice. in the meanwhile, the european union has announced
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a $113000000.00 a package for the west bank and gaza. the president of the european commission are sort of on delay and said the situation in gaza and the west bank, including east jerusalem is very worrying. and that the us has already quadruple to monetary assistance to gaza. the she added that after careful review, she was also announcing much needed assistance to the policy and also to well, let's discuss this and other developments in gaza with lorenzo combat, who is a professor of history of international relation to the university of children. joining us from rome, professor very good to have you back again on knowledge is here. i wanna get your thoughts 1st before we talk about the europeans, your thoughts about this resolution that was passed today at the u. n. a diluted resolution. what message do you think the security council and the us in particular sending with the stressors in the garden and doris and joseph. it is well
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documented that cbm a proportional fast is larger, it goes to it, and that's an old or conflicting to print the same thing. this persecution, uh, the one that was passed will not change that. and also the warranting that have been adopted to us from all will let israel to continue this this campaign and also to continue the orders that you are documenting 6 weeks. i would like to also to point out the conference that uh where uh, watering down despite solution, claim that says fire will be between mental and they also claim that much of what we are witnessing is the result of the fact that these are what we do from that together is free, but in 2000 and find that bro to power from us. but do subject him gus is fired because of this claim shall be aware of the fact that back in 2005, a few months before a stroke to marine uh, pharma, nicole, my irish enrolled in the den prime is still visible to remove $7000.00 separate
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hispanic as his trip and at the same time, settled, handles 1000 all 4 others. cypert, send the supplements across the west bank and creating much of the condition that you are documenting. so there's rarely unilateral withdrawal form that gets us tape was not all in violation of the also of course, but ended up putting him up for pre tweeting and defying. i mean, most, it didn't bother and so, rather than i'm doing them. yeah, we know the us position, it's on wavering support for israel. i wanted to ask you about the europeans because it's not as a unified position as the the american one is certainly b e u commission today announcing more aid to the occupied kind of city and territory. so guys of the west bank, east jerusalem. does that make up the thing for the lack of support we've seen from some european capitals for the palestinian people? yes, this concern the precise of the depth. let me tell you that in europe,
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under your pin uh, you can count as you continue, as they are above defended the policy now, sneed county, that is a common sense and so 2 year and on disappear some persons that claim that todd the same person that completely ignored the non violent demonstrations products for eclipse, that will cure already named 1987. but the one in my lean be leading into 20082009 . i have seen with my eyes for several years that there were a peaceful demonstration and many other students were killed. are the same person that ignore the we can post a song difficult. i agree, marshall for turn in march 2018 where completely peaceful protest. uh, and despite this is right, it's not was killed 270 bought as the most weight of so these 4 saying that in europe a very often the res, uh on the one end, complete the document phone, the routes on the ground sometimes. so there are practical interest politically in
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for us that are there, but i to standard that the most often it's a complete ignore ounce of the structural pression, the, to our new commenting. thank you so much for talking to us and sharing your views. lorenzo come out, professor of history of international relations at the university of touring, thank you very much. more than 20 countries have joined a us led coalition to protect ships in the red sea. the white house, as the rain in intelligence enabled the many who fees to attack vessels in the region for sol, saddam has moved from the force of people to the night to say it has a noise, a national naval for addition to safe red sea. but there is a lack of clarity about the details here. so whether each of these companies are going to contribute to this question by sending the west of the war ships and the personnel or coupons, is not clear as of this moment, united states,
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what visuals they're seeing that each company is going to contribute to this question. the way it can, however, it's not an upgrade to on the details. and also there are mixed messages, confusing messages coming from the companies that have been laws that are part of this formation. for example, across the that is ways to send the additional labor force to the right seat cover . bronze forces are not going to produce on this. it's not quite a sion, but rather on the difference command easily says that his forces are going to put it back, is national, national and international interests. and they're going to only as of the specified request coming from the teddy. and she pulled nurse, but they didn't concern me yet, whether they're going to be part of this question or not. so pain on the other hand, says that it's ready to contribute to the, to safeguard the right seat. however, it says that this can only volumes in may to loud visions for the, for the,
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for the music by the united. by but by the union i'm says that it's not with any laterally act on the part of the body shop. on the other hand, receive denmark says that it's ready to contribute to this quote. and by sending one officer know they have another land or going to say, and they may with officers, but not to provide see above that in that range. so we can see that despite that most of these are said for formation of both international pollution actually gives you ality. there's been a little bit is going on here and us, it is pushing hard, but many companies are quite reluctant to join. this is a national body shop. christmas have that. i'll just the right people to thousands of people have gathered in humans capital so not to protest against these ras, from bond meant of gaza. the crowds waved found a simeon n d, and many flags in a show of support for the people of casa, the protests. for stage days after you see me, to add the money out, who is the cities who would continue a tax on these really own ships?
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they were similar scenes in jordan with thousands of protesters valley via the us embassy in amman. some also call for the kingdom to cut old diplomatic ties with his route and, and military relations with western countries. thousands of protesters in the us also took to the streets in new york, on thursday, led by labor union said march to the american israel public affairs committee. headquarters. odessa has projected a message on to the building, accusing the committee of funding, genocide, and called for a ceasefire in the us state of new jersey policy. mean americans have expressed a grief and frustration as continuing calls for a sci fi in guys. i'd go on heated money a rap hello reports for these palestinian americans. the fighting and gaza may be far away. but the suffering and devastation caused by the war hits painfully close to home. design was the most beautiful little palestinian girl who loved things
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like k pop and billy irish. her and her sister's only crime were trying to get water when they were shot and killed by israeli snipers. 11 speakers, one after the other spoke of their loved ones last since the beginning of israel's bombardment. it's a very depressing one. you know, i mean it's, believe me, i, we have the phone with us all the time just sitting, waiting for the good news. even this is becoming, becoming so now we're just waiting to see who was next. what's next? a hope is a ceasefire on tuesday is really president issac hertzog into the, at the possibility of another temporary cease fire around the corner without getting into details. how did they make it? cleo is in the ends. and i mean, and is willing to and going to another humanitarian pause and, and now the responsibility lies in the other side. divide and administration is
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finding itself increasingly isolated over washington's unwavering support for israel, despite the killings. and despite the protest, what's worse for palestinian americans or the feelings of anxiety and hopelessness over whether or not they're crites to the us government or being heard visits and biogen. these people not number, these people are human. but for now, these calls seem to be falling on deaf ears. my name is that i follow al jazeera. there's been a demonstration outside westminster abbey in london to remember the children of casa. sonia diego has more on the christmas message for the you case. got or imagining a christmas on the compartments. this group of parents behind me here who foam deposited in solidarity group. judging the british government to do more unsafe, come here to westminster abbey, one of the focal points of christianity in the u. k. to make the message known to
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the governments and to say that fundamentally it is the children that are suffering most in this holiday period. this particular action is an activity seems action as everybody knows jesus was born in bethlehem. bethlehem is in the whites westbank which is occupied illegally by its ro, i'm this year, the priests in west of they have across all of the different does not do it on the nations have canceled the christmas celebrations and solidarity with that policy and can. and because that and cause us, so we want to a lot people to the fight, but the people of palestine. i won't actually, i'm not celebrating christmas. the people of the town invested. you have my jesus was born. i'm not able to celebrate this year. i was want us to bombardments and dos or there are other issues as well, but opposing the escalating just so there is the scarcity of food opposed to dangerous. so these could precipitate assignments in the territory. also as winter is now upon us the most as communicable diseases which are ravaging the territory,
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little adding to a catastrophe that is affecting the territory. something which these power and say has to be sure to stop to. and that has to be done with international axes demanding that that'd be a suicide. funny guy at all. i'll just say era. london still head on algae 0 will be taking a look at some of these avenues and 3 wives fires right here. south africa escape town firefighters a strongly to bring them under control the
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news, [000:00:00;00] the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the as not. take a look at some of the days having use in south africa. hundreds of fi fi to is are battling multiple blazes. mia? cape town. high winds, driving the fires and authorities, i've ordered evacuation of homes in the past. the 5, somebody to me that has the details. the wisdom tapes, 7 peninsula is blanketed in smoke as 3 major fires. but the largest started on tuesday within $300.00 firefighters and civil a croft, including drones, was the valence of being deployed. and thursday night strong winds caused a blaze to spread from simon's down into neighboring scarborough. under another cya broke out along the main highway. the joint team managed to slide between ourselves certificate the risk with the systems from,
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from the provincial disaster management. and so it is a coordinated if it's at any given time. and we've had, we've had up to 250 uh, firefighters on the file with multiple tankers. and at times it is so used up to $680.00 couplers with spots to actually bomb some of the file lines. especially yesterday we, we may have such strips that you weeks evacuation orders be issued for about 100 households, many and the early hours of the morning. so to authority say it's a precautionary mission. on friday there was some respite from the wind, but they all consented to pick up again, fanning the flames from the act of the key from um and uh we sold areas
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resources a stretched the military has sent in additional helicopters, tsr t say the situation is unpredictable and more people may need to lead their homes all the way up to contain the files and prevent damage to properties. for me to miller, i'll g 0 at least 31 people have died in flies. they need 7 indian state of time and now too heavy rains from a cycle. and this week if paralyzed roads and railroads across the region, a visual se f is on the way to reach. thousands of people cell tramped by rising waters. and the current desktop codes, rice to the left whole commission in the democratic republic of congo has started releasing provisional results after a contested election. companies voters have been choosing the president as well as national regional and local representatives. voting was extended after delays and problems with voting machines. international and service from the congress center have reported irregularities at 21 following stations. opposition candidates have
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called a process tainted and others accounting for every run. in senegal, the supreme court has confirmed a prison sentence for the matter of the car who was convicted of killing a mine in 2011. the court rejected back to me just as appeal and ordered him to pay $41000.00. he won't spend any additional time in prison because of the time he spent in free trial detention. josh, if he has credit of present microsoft, he says the timing of the issue is meant to hinder his 2024 presidential bit. protesters in argentina calling for a general strike as demonstrations against the recently elected government of have a delay, continue his protest and the capital of the size came a day after president may unveiled a sweeping imagine c decree. that includes $300.00 measures aimed at rapidly deregulating the economy. argentina is filing the sessions,
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significant inflation and growing poverty. a. u. s. supreme court declined on friday to consider whether form a present. donald trump has immunity from prosecution for crimes committed during his time in office. special council jack smith, who is prosecuting trump over his role in the january 6th 2021 capital ride. had asked the justices to take up the issue as soon as possible. an appeals court will now hear it in january. the decision could delay trans trial scheduled to start in march. the check creek public is in morning after thursdays, my shooting which killed at least 14 people in prague. the attacker turned the gun on himself when police approached coming that delay, passport paying tribute to the dead moon, as in prague, have left candles and flowers in front of the child's university philosophy. building off to what sorts to be the worst of my shooting in the country's history
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. because on the part of charleston versus numerous in this, we are very the religious, horrible institution happened yesterday. so i felt that have to come in the field of the victim's body come associated released by police on friday shows, officers clearing the area and storming the building where a 24 year old gunman had opened fire, killing more than a dozen people among them. fellow students, he then went to the balcony where he showed advice, sent us outside an injured 3 people. as we arrived, the gunman felt the news tightening and made the usual decision in these cases, which is suicide. police say the attack does not appear to have been only due logic. he motivates the gunman did not have a police record. the police had already been searching for him after his father was found dead earlier on the 1st day. you got there now think he's also behind the
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killing of a fall button baby from the 50 to send the check government has to can stop today a national day of mourning. the metal ex, i'll do 0 phone lines, new foreign minister has made his ukrainian counterpart in keith to show his country support as other allies waiver on age. among the shoes on the table was the month long brocade of the border by police truckers. they say relaxed the restrictions for imports and exports and to ukraine has hurt their income on ukraine's foreign minister told his polish count upon the brocade is unacceptable. natured lima was leave with these very sensitive aspects, but we need to find solutions. the 1st thing to do is to unblock the board because the situation in which of friendly relations find themselves in the shadow of the block, the board is unacceptable and harmful. that is why i'm very happy that rather came today and they had the me things,
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not only with me that with other officials in order to stop the resolution process . because our opponents, new foreign ministers asking keys allies to mobilize more support for you. crane's military numbers on just the news, just as a new government. we are not yet fully acquainted with what is in the warehouses and with the production capabilities. but it seems to me, and this is my 1st impression that in poland, as in the whole of europe, economies, especially the arms industries, are still operating in peace time mode. we need to upgrade their capabilities to the crisis mode that we are on doubted. lee, in the sky, you probably should. we are as an economy as the west, the european union, the united states, taking together 20 times wealthier than russell. but russia has switch sits economy to war mode. their factory is don't work 8 hours a day,
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but much more. and we cannot allow russia to produce more on the basis of what smaller economy. because wars are not one by tactical battles. wars are won by production. if the west mobilizes, i have no doubt who will win, but it must finally start mobilizing. cuba has become just the 2nd country in latin america and the caribbean to authorize use in asia. the country's national assembly passed a change to the legal framework for its universal and free health care system. if an asia is of practice intentionally ending the life of a patient to limit suffering from medical conditions, it's opposed by most religions and the chaise. west valley reported in cuba state on media time now for look, it's force use here speech. i meant just the city, all the club will come champions after convincing phone. whenever brazilian club looming in say in jetta, said he took the lead as early as the 1st minute through who the on over is after
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flipping insight own go cobra's been setup for food and all the rates been wrapped it all up with the 2nd of the evening this is the city's 1st club cup title, australia batsman was mancha watchable not square or black on bandit, the boxing day taste match. but it's working with cricket, australia to determine how he can show the support for palestinians in gaza. it comes off the culture was chose for wearing a black on band in the 1st test against punky stone last week, which he says was for a personal bereavement. he had planned to take the field with writing on his shoes, facing online. so equal and freedom is a human right to raise awareness about israel for on cause. but it was prevented by international cricket council rules, but colacho remains determined to speak out. i don't have any agendas other than trying to sean a lot of what i feel really passionately really strongly about. i've tried doing the most respectful way as possible. what i wrote in my shoes was really, and i thought about it for a while when i was gonna ride. i may show that they want to segue right. different
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parts of the population, religious beliefs, communities, hence, was kept religion out of this. i want to be really broad and i've mind speaking because i'm talking about humanitarian issues. when i look at my history van and i seeing kids innocent kids, videos of them dying tossing away. that's what hit me the hottest. i just imagine my young daughter, i'm on the same thing. i get emotional talking about it right now. again in the may . that's the reason i'm doing also manage and make hello take. this is the opinion of fans, is what counts in the question of whether to join a group in supanik or not on thursday, units highest for through the planning the super, the is unlawful to believes football as it is currently structured is the way supposes would prefer to stay the remaining the same position, we loved cleaning the champions league and i'm going to continue to this. we have so frivolous of the league that we have a lot of the competition that we have to have done. so it's empty that we have
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every single came with it was going to happen on that. what he drives? i think these league, i'm not, are full support of this to watch it every time because he is just beautiful. meanwhile, right on the dread coach called lynch a lot to us back, the revised plans for a new european supanik. it follows that land ma routing the found fee for a new ways of broke. you know, when blocking the formation of the break away, you can 2021 and so that he is called an important decision for football. he spoke offerings, rail side school to stop each time when it's a beat i love is one move to the top of my league and the top indian female rest. and it has quit the schools in protest against the federations. new president's section malik brown has made a list of the 2016 olympics, is retiring office. some j sing was elected. the chief of the racing federation of india, seniors bestbuy's pre to say, as a bridge bush on seeing the means susan was charged with sexually harassing 6 female residents during these 10 years. he denies any wrong doing. malik cadillac
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protest earlier this year? against a bridge bush on seeing and those are all your schools headlines for now you can get more and elders here come and also have a look at our social media channels. and that's and use or not on knowledge is eric, do stay with us? thanks. so much as 2023 comes to an end, a just us teams on the ground of work at the fire report stores from the continuing conflicts in the frame. that's the sound of artillery east side. this is the news, our license to the war in gusts as we are talking to you right now. the sound of it is very from boston and different right now. and the inside of the center
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to the people who need is the most on the just the african countries have struggled to replay, many of the artifacts taken while you repeat, colonized, this is our experience, most of our identities in the final pose of the series museums and collectors still hold precious assets selected few have been returned, but the still a long way to go on progress is painfully slow restitution because stolen off with country ation. on notice here as the war ukraine rages on, some of the young russians are refusing to take up on one on one east to meet those fleet to a neighboring cousins on just a minute to the world. slow down, we stand for as homes with tips of global nickel reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global,
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the battery industries. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy harness the offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential. committed to being fine mental protection and has the investment assignment, digital licensing, your better tomorrow. the off the days of delay, the un security council approves a watered down resolution for more humanitarian, a to gaza. for the us features of the russian quote. for an urgent cessation of hostilities, this resolution is


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