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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, to off the days of delay, the un security council approves a wants of down resolution for more humanitarian aid to gaza. the us, vito is a russian call for an urgent cessation of hostilities. this resolution is a step in the right direction. it must be implemented and must be accompanied by massive pressure for an immediate since why i'd be immediate since via
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the sake of this is i just need a life front door also coming up at least 18 people killed in this radius strike on this. say that refugee camp, 4 of them were brothers, big scenes from jump valley. i know of an a gauze the officer is really asked strikes, bodies of those killed are left decaying inside people's homes. the un security council has passed a resolution demanding an increase in a deliveries to palestinians and gaza at who the world health organization say all facing the risk of salvation. and the resolution asks both israel and how much to provide the safe and the delivery a supplies. but it did not cool for suspension of hostilities. how much says the
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resolution is insufficient and doesn't address the catastrophic situation created by israel, us and russia of stains. and all other members of the council voted in favor just yesterday, he manage area in groups released the report on the darn food security crisis in gaza. and the word famine has started to enter the vocabulary of humanitarian leaders. i've met with the surgeries are being performed without anesthesia. people huddled in overcrowded you and shelters. others are sleeping in the streets . this resolution speaks to the severity of this crisis. and it calls on this all to do more. early of the us veto, to russian call for an urgent and sustained cessation of hostilities, the russian ambassador to the you and accuse the us of sabotaging the security council's decisions on guns. supposed to be doing is the good news. so it is
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a posters to meet in the last few days. the security council i'm the entire world, has bone witness to what type then don't hesitate to describe that shameful, cynical, and irresponsible conduct by the united states. the efforts to evade responsibility for further use of the veto resulting to various means to sabotage this occurs, the council's decision on gaza has become apparent the global media and public have been left wondering. why is the votes and the u. a propos dropped repeatedly delayed. the answer is very simple. under various pre tax, the us is drawing out the negotiation process to be the security council resolution came off the days of delays and back negotiations. it calls for the immediate appointment of the un humanitarian coordinators to lead the task of increasing the present flow of supplies into gaza. it also demands full co operation from all
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involved parties. the us us for the removal of a close drawn thing, the you and exclusive control of a humanitarian deliveries. instead of appealed only for the creation of what it called, conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities. a policy and ambassador to the un expressed disappointment of the security council for the delayed response to a flight to civilians in gaza. and it took this concept $75.00 days to finally i thought of the session of hostilities to opt out of the session will possibilities for the days of the general assembly fast the fair to that objective and tens of thousands of palestinians can later a gabriel is on the has mall from the un security council, i was hoping that this means some help to for the people of guys in the form of an increase of humanitarian aid at
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a very large scale. that was the point of this resolution from the very beginning of resolution that was written and sponsored by the united arab emirates. they pushed very hard for this over several days, but ultimately had to make concessions based on what the united states wanted changes in it. or else the us potentially threatened to veto it. but the bottom line is, even though not everyone got what they want it out of this resolution, it has certainly been watered down and that is without question. there is still some hope that it is focused on humanitarian issues and it will at least get potentially more 8 into gaza and have some account ability for, for, for, for the international community really to get that in. so that is what the main focus was here. on this resolution, so even people that did not get everything they wanted or at least glad in part
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that something got through or in an emotional speech to the un security council, the palestinian and best of that who we just heard from a moment ago recounted the killing as well, of a young palestinian and go by is really showing on the nasir hospital in southern guns, a 12 year old palestinian give with the most beautiful of names during yet. which means and then yeah. and how big it means the whole world must both had parents s s just and they had a brother, old kid and is that 8 is shooting over at her house. she also lost her leg.
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and don't you said that was she will never forget their loved ones. she has to continue living that she wouldn't become a doctor to have children. as luck, that's headed to but doing yeah. did not leave to become a doctor or to memorize the family. she was get a few days ago that, that in the psych and the maternity ward of an us faucet with that i thought apple i assume is in southern gaza and has more on the reaction that to the un security council resolution palestinians. see, there was a notion that had been a shift today very significant in terms of the important role that took place in
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terms of mitigating the aggravating human at tearing crisis insight dollars as people are mainly right now, all depending on the humanitarian aids are provided by the united nations and which are distributed throughout the united nation 8 since is inside the territory. and others of palestinians are seeing this as us please sign that it might be within a few days of fighting that will be down the road as the palestinians are very in and very desperate need for a resolution that would bring an end for the fighting on the ground target by zoom out just a rough rough off in the south of the territory. a former unreal, a spokesman chris gun. it says the un security council resolution is a green line for continued genocide. to be clear, it's an american, it's really genocide is not justice way to genocide because not just as america provide as well with full $1000000000.00 less off of ministry support wants to add them. it's also, as we've seen tonight,
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providing as well with diplomatic and political cover to continue with the agenda summit, which is my side, the wholesale and industrial, ignoring all it was nationally monetary and low. and to be clear from what the is where the representative of the meeting said below the resolution attends to 1st the issue of increase to monetary a. it's clear that is williams and assets starting the cost to have a veto of what level goes into gaza. it's very clear to me what has to happen and what has to happen is the council i'm crossing from israel into garza, which has many lanes, many transshipment points. must be open, 20 full 7, hundreds and some of these, oh, trust needs go because of every single week, there's no doubt that what we see is a trickle, and increasing to a bit more of
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a trickle is not good enough. people in casa solving moves, the genocide, this, the, well, the un security council really wants to stand by that continues. the big fear also is what we're seeing is ethnic cleansing, which you know, anyone is, see what, what has been the case and the cost of the dollar plan. the idea of israel with will estimate depends the protest against the big concern is that that dream all the of these are and this is now being fulfilled at least in gaza. so many posted as i talked to even the young palestinians. i told to say this reminds us of the grandparent and said about 1948. it's in that book, but it's a net plus it's a net book plus genocidal intense input. well, mister netanyahu said, is, i think the biblical in genocide injunctions, you've heard, well, your of color is really defense minister said about stopping out these animals. we've heard the is way the cabinet minister talking about probably
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a new table. so it's not the class and that is absolutely terrifying for the students and it bodes very badly as well. security and so piece in the middle east will generally cause us health ministry says $390.00 palestinians have been killed during israel's military operation in the territory. in the past 2 days, at least 18 people were killed in the new site. i'd refugee camp on friday, local media say 4 of them were brothers. 2 other counts were also hit and there's also been heavy bombardment in east and central time use is very ministry says it is close to taking operational control of northern gauze. israel is for the expanding its ground defensive despite international calls, the scale back, the armies or the palestinians in the elbow days, refugee camp in central garza to move further south to the city of dated by the armies, carrying out its most intense operations. yet in con units,
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because the 2nd largest city people, there have been order to move the south to my why fi and roughly near the border with egypt. just as hanging, my mood is at an evacuation zone and rough and southern gauze, or where displaced, palestinians are living in constant fear of moore is really as strikes a small pocket of largely sand area located in the western side of the city, where it's 1000 of displaced palestinians have arrived within the past a few weeks seeking shoulders of from the terror of the ongoing war across the gaza strip. but with no food and water and medical supplies, the hardship seems to be only mounting in each passing day for these displays. palestinians. a settlement and we have been forced to move for more than one location since the beginning of the human we contract. the thing these ready ministry is saying that we arrived here, but there was no guarantee i had not even
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a little bit. it's class. it is a safe area for us to set something up. and so there is a ceasefire. and then when it does not say face, at any point that we could turn into a was, i mean and will be able to not to evacuate to can i know a little bit model solve the situation and living conditions a very difficult. i moved 3 times before coming to this evacuation zone. when for the past 15 days, the i haven't had anything, no mattress, no clothes, no food, no water. i have 4 children who are sick and i have arthritis. so no one is helping, offering us anything. and we're constantly miserable. i can't provide for them, but i really need help. that displays hungry thursday and profoundly terrorized palestinians. this family is trying to set up a town, but with a shattered sense of safety and security, and constantly worried about evacuating. yet one more time, honey, my mode alicia, the west run rough i city demonstrations have been held in the occupied west bank
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of the hamis called full protest against israel. how deficient was that one of those protests in remo? several calls from us for widespread protests across the west bank on friday in the end. they will be disappointed by the numbers that they turned out here in ramallah . it was probably the biggest protest with about of 300 people who came on people from all walks of life, expressing their support for the people of garza. i'm calling for them. let me just see far look like so the name of the company. we raised our voice to the world. we demand an end to the massacres and use humanity that are taking place and does that everywhere. every corner in palestine where their people always being murdered every day. we hope that here in palestine, we the people will one day have our right to exist, to live where we belong. to
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a small protest in janine and the what small was emphasized to find there was a protest until come as well, but places where you would expect your lots ton of how much supporters the likes of hybrid all and then a novelist, the numbers there were smaller almost non existent, but that hasn't stopped the people here coming out to express their concern and their voice to the international coal. for them, let me just see spar. no deductible, and garza is more than $20000.00. 0 and for sure, i'll just need a new mala. it'd be occupied. westbank a still ahead on. i just need a 20 countries say they support a us coalition to protect shipping in the red sea. but it's not clear exactly what they'll do. we walk by spread new south africa's kate down 5 flights of struggling to bring them under control the, the frank assessments to the problem is that is,
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is it or is allowed to be outside of that? and so it's international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera fathers in and sent me a natural spring. there. ramona, se incursions by seth was some of them happening almost daily the little. so bringing the and we just need the board meeting. i go, we do me your hunting. booker, your double leg. i never get through sharing the double legends corrected. who am i not looking for anything you want to? yeah, i'm looking,
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i'm trying to get the product. yeah. good. yes. not good to match the hook up with the the again you are watching. i just need a reminder of on the top stories to sell. the un security council has adopted the resolution, demanding israel, and how much enabled a safe and in the delivery of more humanitarian a to gaza. how much as the resolution is insufficient and does not to address the
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catastrophic humanitarian situation create to find the least 18 out of stains have been killed and it is ready attack on the new site as a refugee camp in central cause. 2 other counts were also hit, and there's been heavy bombardments in east and central san eunice in the south. hundreds of protest this have much food cities in the west bank to condemn is russ actions. in garza, the coal for the demonstrations came from high mass, but in some of the movement strong holes. the turn out was more of the october 7th harmless attack. and israel's war on gaza is already affecting the local economy in occupied east jerusalem. food prices have gone up and israel has stepped up its restrictions on palestinians. the lack of christian tourist. this festive season means many small business owners are losing income, saw the height of reports from the old city and occupied east jerusalem. the,
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the account much of the lemons open has off. he checks the price for every other item on his shopping list and then explains why she's how to stretch her budget. i couldn't afford a sense of how the price is went up since the was so we've had to change our eating habits. if we can't buy fruit this week, then maybe the next. we have to prioritize. sometimes the grandkids once meals that are expensive to make. so i replaced the ingredients based on what we can afford is upsetting. this isn't the only change them and has family has been forced to make since october 7. they've decided that she's less likely to be stopped by as really forces from entering the old city gates. how old's age doesn't make her talk it. most young palestinian men have been turned away at the entrances for the duration of the war on garza. large scale is riley police surveillance and audit trio, rest of also been set up and occupied east jerusalem with movement being restricted,
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especially that's of workers from the occupied west bank. and it's already having repercussions on the local economy. construction is another domain, another activity that has been deeply affected with the lack of labor and this is due to the aesthetic. is there any measures of access digital system? so investment in the set that has stopped and he did some of the major sector that was effected, especially in the old city businesses all soft spring, especially shops. i've been forced to close before. don't buy these radio pharmacies. some don't bother writing full time anymore. and many hotels have had to put the stuff inside the fish should be the busiest time of the year with christmas and new year around the corner. and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy with terrorists from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but swindle the religious trinkets and 7 is lined. the centuries old cobbled lanes
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. tourism is the bread and butter of drew. some light families, the war and slight constellations of minute taurus on coming. we have next the choice of the whole, the subject of very good location for the tourist. a has sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in the famous place for the christian, for the polygamists to come to visit the choice of a 100 separatists. no tourist as empty that occupied east jerusalem is mostly made up of small family owned businesses have been postponed for one generation to the next. they seen enough was in a lifetime, but nothing they say could have prepared them to this sort of fight at all. just sarah occupied easterly slim more than 20 countries have joined the us led coalition to protect ships in the red sea. the white house, as iranian intelligence enabled. yeah. many who the to a tank vessels in the region. you booty south of the bad in men, dep, straits in africa,
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host military bases of several countries including the us and china. vessel says has more from there on the us late efforts accounts to the who these and keep the red sea open for ships. the united states has a nose, a broad international naval addition to say, a red sea. but there is a lack of clarity about the details here. so whether each of these companies are going to contribute to this population by sending the west of the war ships and the personnel, or a coupon is not clear as of this moment, united states, what visuals, they're saying that each company is going to contribute to this question, the way it can however, it's not an upgrade to on the details. and also there are mixed messages, confusing messages coming from the companies that have been laws that are the part of this. for example, across the that is ways to send the additional was forced to the red sea. however,
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bronze forces are not going to produce on this question, but rather on the difference command easily says that is, forces are going to pull it back, is national, national and international interests. and they're going to only, as of the specimen requests coming from the teddy and she pulled nurse, but they didn't concern me yet, whether they're going to be part of this question or not. so pain on the other hand, says that it's ready to contribute to their, to safeguard the right seat. however, it seems that this can only bullion been made to loud visions or the floors that are for the music by the united, by but by the european union. and it says that it's not really that's really act on the part of the body shop. so the other hand received, denmark says that it's ready to contribute to this question by sending one officer normally on another line, or going to saying they meet with officers. but not to provide see above that in that range. so we can see that despite the said formation of and both international
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pollution actually gives you ality, there's been a little bit is going on here. and us, it is pushing hard, but many companies are quite reluctant to join this. it's a national cooperation principle said that i'll just the right people to a thousands of people gathered in humans capital sent out to protest against you as well as from bob meant of gaza, crowns waste palestinian, and germany flags in a show of support for the people of gaza, at least protests with stage days of to the who the latest said his good will continue a tax on his really own ships. similar scenes in jordan with thousands of protesters riley, near the us, embodies embassy in the capital. i'm and some also called for the kingdom to cut or diplomatic ties with israel and in the military relations with the west and countries. the
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the take a look. some of the news now to hundreds of 5 flights is of battling several blazes near cape town in south africa. high winds are driving the flies and authorities have ordered the evacuation of homes in the past of the flames. the media mill, it has all the wisdom tapes, 7 peninsula is blanketed in smoke as 3 major fires. but the largest started on tuesday within $300.00 firefighters and civil a croft, including drones, was the valence of being deployed thursday night. strong winds caused a blaze to spread from simon's down into neighboring scarborough. and another fire broke out along the main highway. the joint team managed to fly out between ourselves and risky with assistance from proving provincial disaster management. and so it is a cold and night to if it's at any given time. um, we believe that we've had up to $250.00 uh,
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firefighters on the file with multiple tankers. and at times it is so used up to 680 couplers with spots of things to actually bomb some of the file lines. especially yesterday we, we may have such strips that you weeks evacuation orders be issued for about 100 households, many and the early hours of the morning. so to authority say it's a precautionary mission. on friday there was some respite from the wind, but they all consented to pick up again, fanning the flames from the act of the key from um and uh we sold areas resources a stretched the military has sent in additional helicopters, tsr
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t say the situation is unpredictable and more people may need to lead their homes all the way up to contain the files and prevent damage to properties. for me to miller, i'll choose 0 to the electoral commission in the democratic republic of congo, started releasing provisional results after a contested election. companies, voters are choosing the president as well as national regional and local representatives. voting was extended, often delays and problems with voting machines, international exhibits from the conference center. i have reported irregularities at 21 polling stations. opposition. candidates have cooled, the process painted, and others are calling for a re run. a protest as an option t now calling for a general strike demonstrations against the recently elected government of how the mulay continued this protest in the capital one of size comes a day off the present. amelia unveiled
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a sweeping emergency degree that includes $300.00 measures and the rapidly de regulating the economy argentina's battling with session inflation and growing poverty. that's it for me. it has them secret inside stories. next, looking at what's at stake as president joe biden. and donald trump at 2 elections next to the hello, great to see the so the intense rain in southern india has petered out, all of the weather alerts have been dropped here. and now we're just dealing with fogging small to where the northwest and the northeast and further northwest indian state, the punjab. second highest level alerts issued for fog. so you know it's going to be bad on saturday. reduced visibility to be sure. 3 areas that we're watching here, this patch of what weather over the northern philippines lose on island,
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southern vietnam, and the 3rd this what, whether pulling in to the late peninsula, all of this is being boosted by the monsoons. so that means those rain fall amounts will be even higher temperatures slowly starting to come up across, trying to look at it. shanghai 4 degrees, young joe, we got you in for 5 on saturday and still dealing with snow strong conditions for that west coast of japan. some spots here could be buried in 50 centimeters of smell, but let's go back to southeast asia, or the bachelor brand we were talking about pulling in to the malay peninsula. i think the worst of the rain will be north and east of call them for. we could see 100 millimeters or so over the next 24 hours. and for this part i have kind of sound look at this for a tapping into a southerly winds here. so that pumps up your temperature to 19 degrees as fall above average. ok, i'm out of time susan. the
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. the latest news as it breaks. officials taste tubs, there are temperatures of pulse smells in china. i forcing emergency teams to work as quickly as they can with detailed coverage. i'm not. sees the maya train a part of a larger plan to modernize mexico for his critics. the whole thing is just a vehicle for his ego from around the world. ukraine was already harnessing the potential, the full summation and artificial intelligence. majority of workers cuz now it celebrated that process next year as us presidential election is predicted to be a contests between joe biden and donald trump. but not even that is certain in the most on certain of the election campaigns. so who else might be in the mix and what are the important issues? this is inside story. the


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