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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 4:00am-4:31am AST

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to beyond the human capacity, the professors here accused israel of competing war cross bar targeting health facilities and golf for turkish structures. find the most ration is an appeal to the international community to take action against israel. the of the days of delay, the un security council approves a what's a down resolution for more humanitarian, a to gaza. us vito's, a russian coal for an urgent cessation of hostilities. this resolution is a step in that direction. it must be implemented and must be accompanied by massive pressure for an immediate supply on i'd be immediate since the
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hazards think of this is i just see it i live from. busy also coming up at least 18 people are killed in and is really strike on the stated receipt. g camp full of the victims were brothers. born into a war, we speak to a family with a new born who are living in a cam for internally displaced. people for the past 4 months. and we report from a veteran village in the occupied west bank with palestinians all facing daily attacks and threats from israeli settlers and soldiers. the, the un security council has passed a resolution demanding an increase in a deliveries to palestinians in gaza, who was a world health organization say, all facing the risk of starvation. the resolution asks both israel and how much to provide the safe and the delivery of supplies. but it does not cool for suspension
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of hostilities. gabrielle is on the reports from the un. after being postponed, multiple times, google finds the un security council passed a resolution calling for scaled up humanitarian aid. and the guys, a 13 votes in favor, russia and the us of stain allowing the resolution to pass without a veto. but at the behest of the united states, the resolution went through several drafts throughout the week. long delay behind closed doors, the americans pushed to alter the wording of the resolution to make it more favorable to israel. a previous draft called for an immediate cessation of hostilities that was later downgraded to suspension of hostilities. but even that language was removed instead, the final resolution called to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities, a far cry from
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a ceasefire. the previous draft called for a un monitoring mechanism to exclusively over c h shipments that was scaled back to a senior coordinator appointed by the secretary general, who will then establish a monitoring mechanism. but that leaves the door open to possible coordination with israel and language that explicitly condemned indiscriminate attacks against civilians has been altered to simply call on all parties to adhere to international law. a frustrated, russia tried to add back in language, calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities. the u. s. b towed it started earlier, i said the vote would be a moment of truth and that's what happened. the us once again expose their true face in front of the world, blocking and even extremely weak call for association of hostilities in gaza. there is no disconnect here. we are all working to address the humanitarian needs on the
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ground and we're working to address those needs immediately. that's what this resolution is about. re admin. sure. the palestinian ambassador to the un city full ceasefire is needed and there is an emergency to make it happen. we will not present until we are the age and immediate ceasefire and having the massive amount of humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people and the gaza strip. as for israel, it has ignored security council resolutions in the past, and their early indications that it is prepared to do so. again, is really deputy un ambassador said after the votes that his country still reserves the right to inspect all a going into gaza. as it sees fit, it's now up to the un secretary general to figure out how to get more aide into gaza as the resolution mandates. and he hinted that it could be quite difficult
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unless is real changes its behavior. the real problem is that the, what use ratio is conducting diesel fantasies is creating massive ops that goes to the distribution of humanitarian. they've eaten side garza and effective a location in gallons that require of security software can working safety, logistical capacity, and the resumption of commercial look cvt. these 4 elements do not exist as difficult as the negotiations were on this resolution. these are the real challenge might be in the coming weeks trying to implement it. gabriel's on though i would use either at the united nations in new york. the reaction to the un security council vote has also been coming in from around the world 8 h. c. aux them is one of those that's been critical of its,
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its regional director for the middle east and north africa. sally abbey faleen cold, the failure in comprehensible and actually callous following what she called a deliberate delays. she also described the vote as a dereliction of duty by the united nations to safe, gone the lives of civilians and added that an immediate and permanent sci fi is the only way to deliver aid at scale and speed. a, a scott poll is an associate peace and security director at oaks family. he joins us now from brighton in the us state of michigan. thanks so much for being with us in comprehensible and actually callous is what your colleague said. pretty strong, what staff from your organization. thank you. i'm for having me on and that's exactly right at the, the resolution that was adopted ultimately calls for creating the conditions for a cease fire, a sustainable cessation of hostilities. but obviously the conditions it's referring
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to aren't conditions on the ground and gods that may be the conditions that israel and hamas need for a cease fire. but the conditions on the ground and guys are absolutely unbearable. authoritative analysis came out yesterday into the fluid security situation and found that the vast majority of palestinians there are facing a cute hunger and the entire population will be at risk of salmon in the next month and a half. if these aren't conditions that require a ceasefire, i don't know what are, what are you heard from the us ambassador. and in gabriel is on does report that linda thomas green field saying that they, they have listened to the concerns of humanitarian organizations like yours. and she said there is no disconnect and they are, they are addressing this with this resolution. and one of the things that calls for is a pointing up a coordinate to, to, to handle all of this. what do you cite to that or the us government is trying to
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solve an aid problem and agencies are trying to solve a humanity problem, a humanity crisis. aid is not the solution to this problem. and i say that is actually mandatory and you heard the un secretary general come in at the top of this program. a can't work unless commercial activity is happening. a can't work at aid workers are running for their lives. an aide can't work while the bombs are falling in and, and destroying houses, factories, farms, mills bakeries. there's no point in bringing in flower if you can't take bread with it. so the focus is entirely wrong, and i think the consensus on the resolution that ultimately adopted reflects that in comparison to the wide gulf between the us and the rest of the world on what's really need. a lot of humanitarian organizations have pointed to the uh, the, the check points uh between uh the uh, between the eastern garza and and he's,
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well the kids shalom, which is not being used to is to its full potential. and then the pressure needs to be put on as well. uh to, to open that up. do you think that's where that's, that's the main issue there. as far as getting the a through look. no, i don't think it's the main issue. the main issue is the violence, but it is the, the violence and the seas announced by a israel following the parenthesis attack by a mass on october 7th or what's causing the crisis. those are the route, the routes of the problem. but regardless of what the routes of the problem is, it is inhumane to deprive civilians of assistance that might save their lives even in small amounts. so there is a problem to be solved in terms of the mechanism of a delivery. but i think when she mandatory ends, like those of us at ox, them who have colleagues and gaza fighting to survive, trying to envision
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a better future. and be here a lot of talk about the counting of a truck. so we should be counting the lives lost and the inhumanity that we see around us. that's where i think the frustration comes in. good to get your thoughts on this scope. cool, thanks very much. the thing is much for having our an emotional speech to the un security council, the palestinian ambassador, who you heard from earlier recounted the killing of a young palestinian go by is really showing on the naso hospital in southern guns and the 12 year old palestinian give with the most beautiful of names doing yet. which means then yeah. and how big it means the whole world must both had parents.
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s s just and their brother old kid is that 8 is shooting over at her house. she also lost her leg. and don't you said that was she will never forget their loved ones. she has to continue living that she wouldn't become a doctor to have children. as luck, that's headed to but doing yeah. did not leave to become a doctor or 2 member lisay or family. she was killed a few days ago that in the psych, in the maternity ward of an us hospitality.
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a todd was whom is in southern gaza and has more on the reaction that to the us account security council resolution palestinians. see, there was a notion that had been shipped to date, very significant sometimes of the important role that took place in terms of mitigating the aggravating human at tearing crisis. insight garza, as people are mainly right now. all depending on the humanitarian aids are provided by the united nations and which are distributed throughout the united nation 8 since is inside the territory. and others of palestinians are seeing this as us please. so that it might be within a move, days of finding that will be down the road as the palestinians are very, in very desperate need for a resolution that would bring an end for the fighting on the ground. target. give a zoom out just a rough rough off in the south of the territory. meanwhile,
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as well as a bomb bomb meant of gaza continues at least 18 people were killed in the, in the site as refugee camp on friday. local media, st. 4 of them were brothers to the camps were also hit and there's been heavy strikes in east and central con units is really ministry says it is close to taking what it costs operational control of nodes and garza or this whole. but if so, we are the, this house had around 6 displaced families, including my sister's, my uncle, my and the house sheltered, a large number of displaced people. i just calculate the number with my brother's a house. sheltered 52 people, 52 people who most of them now are martyrs. a larger number of them were injured, done around half of them are children. we were sitting safely, i was having dinner at my house upstairs and suddenly rock it started falling over us like rain. there's no power or might other than with allowed the most high. what can i say? much of their bodies were in parts fragments. pieces we were watching the security
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council decisions of the council. the decision on ceasefire was transformed into decision over aid. do you think we need aid? we need call, we want security. we want a cease fire. god is the only one sufficient in dealing with other affairs with so many palestinians in gauze, i have now been displaced, full mold in 2 months and a facing di, living conditions in the quote that he has been to a camp and dated back to his some of the stories among them is one of a new born baby living in a tent. today we are in that in bella and one of the rescue g times in the south of the causes troop and were visiting a gem of the family. the family that's floods from a chest, with one neighborhood from the not been part of the causes to for this area, is currently being heavy bonds by these really forces. and that is ready times are also stationed. here is their tents here where they put their clothes in here is
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where they cook. they made for themselves a very small kitchen and a very small house as they have been internally displaced for more than 2 months. right now, let's go in and see how sydney and his comedy are currently living. let's dockwood cindy image. i'm of right now and ask him about everything he has been going through since the day he evacuated from the another cause sleep. look into security. now i'm is who has quad selling? can you tell us about your living circumstances and this can be how you well, i know i seen him the little side by side, but we are living in very difficult conditions and we all liked the basics. we have an infant and we don't have enough nutrition for the mother to be able to provide
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that to the infant. and so we don't know what to do, but we also do not have enough food. the children keep asking for food. the children can be on well on this price is not fit for daily living in the sewer of willie. we do have a 30 minute and have you been affected by the rain and how that the gave the thought of the i spent the whole nights carrying my thoughts on like this, sending to avoid the rain from all of these holes. and that's why you see the water . life is hot, the baby is congested and at night she keeps the thought. this grace is not fit for animals, certainly not fit for a new form of the. this is not only send him a general dentist on many thousands and hundreds of thousands of palestinians who work internally displaced our living and going through the same harsh conditions. this is in the city. i just need a good a, as i said i had on i just need
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a new york times investigation reveals israel's frequent use of massive, so called dumb bombs in areas. it designates as safe for civilians. 3 walk by spread the south bath because cape town finds as a struggling to bring them under control the the, the weather brought to you by visit, cut off. let's get going with your weather update across the americas. thank you so much for your time. so whether alerts now for a huge was of chilly as those temperatures begin to come up. santiago, 33 degrees and also weather alerts in play for this southeast corner of brazil. we're going to power up some rocking storms here over the next little bit. so as always, roaring winds and the potential to drop, some hail there, quite a bit of rain running through now. so we'll see some severe storms there in the
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forecast on saturday in for central america. okay. not too bad, not a lot going on. most of the activity contained toward the caribbean coast of central america, but will get striked with some showers and storms for the bahamas and that western side of cuba over the next little bit. while we've seen a lot of rain in los angeles that has transferred over into arizona, so flood alerts in phoenix and then we've got storms really starting to fire up in texas through arkansas, pushing into kentucky as well. with that breeze, that wind coming off the gulf of mexico, that's really going to add fuel to the store. and then we're talking about blizzard warnings for the south west of alaska, with this storm in the gulf of alaska. and up to these, i think one word we could use to describe the weather here is fairly tranquil but unsettled conditions across the great lakes. on saturdays here, the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the in on a settled time upfront takes on the big issue. studies are posted to what's
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happening now. it says it's context questions, professional and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into golf and without us of permission, nothing leaves us out with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. the the again, you're watching, i just see a reminder about the top stories this out to you. and the security council has adopted a resolution demanding israel, and how much enabled
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a safe. and i'm in the delivery of more humanitarian aid to cost. how much does the resolution is insufficient and does not address the catastrophic humanitarian situation creates a fines. u. k based agency auction has criticize the resolution full planning to cool for a c spot, a cold, the emission quotes, income principal, and optimally cabinets. dereliction of the duty of the you into safeguards to be at least 18 palestinians have been killed in an as rainy attack on the, on the site at 50 g can insensitive causes to the cancer also hit and it's been heavy bombardment in east and central con units in south shed will, selma is a partition palestinian activist whose mother managed to leave gaza last week. they are now reunited, but she is worried about the site of her father and other relative still tracking gauze. a lot of fun when we were so the 1st to be display from the order
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because we're, we're going to substitute the dangerous um and uh they have been displaced from the 3 of the 2 items. they got to choose the tab and no insurance. and uh, if they, they told her that you sounds reasonable is unreadable to watch the other girl such as the main conditions. i hear that is the category cheese that she want us to need does that because this before this note here has started. she had this is up to my sister. i have
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a son and she much to get the patients. so what is my brother who has thought to old age years ago, and only before, just before october, the got got the year, etc. but they got stuck on the uh the so much is fine. um and uh, and we see ever since trying to pressure the uh spanish and started to use to facilitate a space for them. but to, oh gosh, lucky for some as an investigation by the new york times has found israel has routinely used one of his biggest and most destructive farms in areas. it
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designates a safe for civilians. the newspaper says it found evidence that israel dropped 900 kilograms bombs in an area southern, gaza where it had on it pallets they use to move for their safety. it identified more than $200.00 craters. military analysts say these types of bombs, almost never drunk by us, forces in densely populated areas anymore. in response to questions from the newspaper, these were elementary said is priority is to destroy it. how much was the cost of that is a security analysts then based in belgrade, he told my colleague 40 by to both the type of bombs being used often missed the targets, leading to civilian casualties, including is really sold as so according to is riley own data this was released from is rarely sources about 50 percent of ariel bonds used so far
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since october. the 7th have been the so called dump bump. so now let me explain a done. the bottom is above that you aim with an aircraft and you drop it. so it's not extremely precise and so just like throwing a stone, you throw a stone, you come pinpoint anything to pinpoint things to hit something very precisely. you need to use smart bombs. now smartphones are usually those same done bombs, but they have 2 additional bits. one up front that's tells it where to go. and one of the back, the controls how it goes. i just want ask you about this done bomb. as you say, they used the using them extensively, you say, and you penned an interesting article for a website in which you say, you ask. in fact, why is, is ralph's military killing so many of its own, would these really big tens in gaza?
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have also been the victims of these so called don box a week ago, israel to release that's out of 105 soldiers killed at that point. 20 were killed by friendly fire and other incidents now out of the 20 who were killed. 13. busy were killed by is riley air force bones. so it is quite possible that the majority of those were dumb bombs that missed. that was also the problem of a wrong identification. now in battle, it is of course, very important to know where your forces are. so you don't want your own side, but that happens, but i would say that's a this, a relatively high number of 13 out of flint dates dying in, bombardments, does, indicates that the is rarely airforce aiming, is not as precise as anyone on the grounds would once palestinians who are civilian
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victims or is rarely are me who also gets killed. how do you think they might conduct this urban warfare phase of the conflict and are, is really soldiers. well trained and well prepared enough for, for such a you know, us for such a phase of the conflict. so how would they deal with it? is what has been in guns a several times since it's withdrawal in 2005. but those were obviously small numbers and the soldiers really last for a few years when they become older, they get for places into other units. reserve is they for gifts, well, they've been told so i think that they're not very well prepared as israel, i wanted its own society to believe in the village of mazda jobs in the occupied westbank policy. and veterans say they are suffering from
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daily attacks and threats from is really surplus and soldiers. the settlers are living in the area surrounding the land, which are illegal on the international law, nor hon. visited the bed winds, minutes off the setlist had come on to that territory to i'm here in the bed when that age of my auto shots. now this is located between the cities of ramallah and jericho. i've been speaking to the veterans living here. they said at the end of november, so miss randy set the entity in step village and started shooting towards the people. they then took many of the shoes, which they were in line for that livelihood. and they destroyed their tents. nobody helping coming back ever since. and they say they've been supported by the is ready, all the so the last a new here was about 15 minutes ago. let's go ahead and take a look. this up. what was it? yeah. what, what, what was study of the settlers with masks they have weapons and they see everything, even what decades they claim that we come with crimes,
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even when my single child sees the suck those, these thoughts screaming. we all know when to prison, our futures only feed for our children and the community. how we so i'm just about speak to the wife all the jamal's, but i had no just inside here. this is where they say one of the attacks took place . her baby was inside this carrier. when these reset the they tell me start kicking assets. she quickly grabbed her baby and went an officer that she said that they were shocked at her gym. and in a 100, this little bit of an he attacked us inside our home. he gets my little girl, why she wasn't the carrier. then he's left me and hits an old lady sitting with us . and he took our phones, then started joining the books and store or sheep. he didn't leave anything inside the house. first thing in color from southern, as of theresa, close at that me when i was heading because my hand took me in the stomach through gas and attacked us dying as soon as something shocking. oh,
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and we shall. we have always had problems when the word got worse, they had of the settlers g brain started making issues at night. they came down on tractors and attacked us even an hour ago. they came with the army who help them. they work together, they're all for and see what date this area surrounded by 5 illegal is right. assessments are situated along the top of the hills and the policy the ration organization tells us that at least $1600.00 posting and veterans happening dispossess from the land since october, the 7th and international look right, scripts say that some of the items is often sponsored by the states in order to drive people from the homes and this is on the rise north on al jazeera, occupied westbank, the right of that was new stories now and in south africa. wildfire and the cape town
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have forced evacuation of a 100 homes dry summer conditions. in high winds, driving the flames, at least 305 flights of battling. and the military has sent helicopters to help the officials describe the situation as unpredictable. at least 31 people have died in floods, in the southern indian state of terminal, not the heavy rains from a cycle in this week of allies, roads, and railroads across the region. official se assets are on the way to reach. thousands of people still trapped by rising waters and the current desktop could rise. of the electoral commission in the democratic republic of congo started releasing provisional results after a contested election. kimberly's votes as a choosing the president, as well as national regional and local representatives. voting was extended off the delays and problems with machines. international observers from.


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