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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 6:00am-6:30am AST

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the, the, the off the days of delay, the un security council approves a lot of down resolution for more humanitarian aid to casa, for the us features on russian pool for infection suspension of facilities. this, that as a new issue is a step in the right direction. it must be implemented and must be accompanied by a massive pressure for an immediate some spine. i'd be immediate since the
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other ones aren't doing this sounds. they are a 9 from dell. so coming up is 18 people are killed in his writing strike. i'll be in the set up refuge account for victims with brothers displaced. i'm displaced again. refugees and southern guns are 10 obviously, or they won't feel safe until this. the un security council has passed a resolution demanding increase in a deliveries to palestinians and gaza with a world health organization says are facing the risk of starvation. the resolution ask both as well. i'm asked to provide the safe and on the, in the delivery of supplies, but it did not cool for us stuff in the fighting. gabriel is on that report from united nations. after being postponed, multiple times, google finds the un security council passed a resolution calling for scaled up humanitarian aid. and the guys, a 13 votes in favor,
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russia and the us of stain allowing the resolution to pass without a veto. but at the behest of the united states, the resolution went through several drafts throughout the week. long delay behind closed doors, the americans pushed to alter the wording of the resolution to make it more favorable to israel. previous drafts called for an immediate cessation of hostilities that was later downgraded the suspension of hostilities. but even that language was removed instead, the final resolution called to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities, a far cry from a ceasefire. the previous draft called for a un monitoring mechanism to exclusively over c h shipments that was scaled back to a senior coordinator appointed by the secretary general, who will then establish a monitoring mechanism. but that leaves the door open to possible coordination with
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israel and language that explicitly condemned indiscriminate attacks against civilians has been altered to simply call on all parties to adhere to international law. a frustrated, russia tried to add back in language, calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities. the u. s. b towed it started earlier, i said the vote would be a moment of truth and that's what happened. the us once again exposed their true face in front of the world, blocking an even extremely weak call for a cessation of hostilities in gaza. there is no disconnect here. we are all working to address the humanitarian needs on the ground and we're working to address those needs immediately. that's what this resolution is about. re admin, sir. the palestinian ambassador to the un city full ceasefire is needed and there is an emergency to make it happen. we will not present on 10 with each and
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immediate ceasefire and having the massive amount of humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people and the gaza strip. as for israel is ignored security council resolutions in the past. and there early indications that it is prepared to do so again, israel's deputy u. n. m. baset are said after the votes that his country still reserves the right to inspect all a going into gaza as it sees fit. it's now up to the un secretary general to figure out how to get more aid into gaza as the resolution mandates. and he hinted that it could be quite difficult unless is real changes its behavior. the real problem is that the, what use ratio is conducting visual fantasies is creating massive ops that goes to the distribution of humanitarian. they've eaten side garza and effective a,
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they'll put ation in gallons. that required security stuff will, can working safety, logistical capacity. and the resumption of commercial look cvt. these 4 elements do not exist as difficult as the negotiations were on this resolution. these are the real challenge might be in the coming weeks trying to implement it. gabriel's on do, i would use either like united nations in new york. well in that emotional speech to the un security council, the palestinian ambassador recounted the killing of a young palestinian girl buys writers showing on the national hospital in southern gaza at 12 year old palestinian give with the most beautiful of names donya. which means then yeah and how big it means the whole world must both her parents
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as assistive and their brother. oh can is that a is shooting over at her house? she also lost her leg. and don't you said that was she will never forget their loved ones. she has to continue living that she wouldn't become a doctor to have children as luck as headed to but doing yeah. did not leave to become a doctor or 2 member lisay or family. she was a few days ago that that in the psych and the maternity ward of
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unless possible of course, going to assess a former un relief on works agencies spokesman. he says the security council resolution is a green light to continue genocide. to be clear, it's an american is really genocide is not justice way to genocide because not just as america providing as well with $4000000000.00 less off of ministries approval to add them. it's also, as we've seen tonight, providing as well with diplomatic and political cover to continue with the agenda summit, which is my side, the wholesale and industrial, ignoring of international humanitarian law. and to be clear from what the is very representative of the meeting said below the resolution attempts to force the issue of increase to monetary a. it's clear that is where the intense assets start in the cost to have
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a veto of what goes into because it is very clear to me what has to happen and what has to happen. this is kevin sheila, i'm crossing from israel into the gaza, which has many ladies, many township and twins must be open. 247, and hundreds and thousands of trucks needs guys because of every single week. there's no doubt that what we see is a trickle. and increasing the trickle to a bit more of a trickle is not good enough people in. so solving a miss a genocide, this will the un security council really want to stand by why that continues the big fail also is the what we're seeing is ethnic cleansing, which you know, anyone has seen or what has been the case and the cost of the dollar plan, the idea that it's off with will estimate depends the kind of city of the big concern is that the dream of the, of these on this is now being fulfilled at least in gaza. so many posted as i
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talked to even the young palestinians. i told to say, this reminds us of all grandparents said about 1948. it's in that book, but it's a not the plus. it's a not plus plus genocidal intent input. when wisdom has to be on the said is, i think the biblical genocide injunction, you've heard, well, your of color is really defense minister said about stopping out these animals. we've heard the is why the cabinet minister talking about probably a new tape on. so it's not the plus and that is absolutely terrifying for the palestinians and it bows very badly as well. security as a piece in the middle east will generally what kind of capitalism is in southern gauze and has more now on the reaction that to the resolution palestinians see the resolution that had been issued today. very significant in terms of the important role that took place in terms of mitigating the aggravating to him and at tearing crisis insight garza, as people are mainly right now,
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all depending on the humanitarian aids provided by the united nations and which are distributed throughout the united nation 8 since is inside the territory and others of palestinians are seeing this as us please. so that it might be within the last days of finding that will be down the road as the palestinians are very in and very desperate need for a resolution that would bring an end for the fighting on the ground. target. give a zoom out just a rough, rough off in the south of the territory. as meanwhile, as well as bombardments have gone to continue, it was at least 18 people were killed in a cigarette. refugee camp on friday, local media as a 4 of them were brothers to out a comes will also hit. and there's been a heavy bombing in east and central han. eunice is randy minutes. he says it's close to taking operational control of northern gauze. this whole, but it's still, we are the this house had around 6 displaced families, including my sister's, my uncle, my and the house sheltered,
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a large number of displaced people. i just calculate the number with my brothers. the house sheltered 52 people, 52 people who most of them now are murderers. a larger number of them were injured, done around the house. some of them are children. we were sitting safely, i was having dinner at my house upstairs and suddenly rockets started falling over us like rain. there's no power or might other than with all of the most high. what can i say? much of their bodies were in parts fragments. pieces we were watching the security council decisions of the council. the decision on ceasefire was transformed into decision over aid. do you think we need a, we need to call, we want security, we want a cease fire. god is the only one sufficient in dealing with other affairs, large pots of guns that have been reduced to rubble scale, and the destruction is most evident in the north of the strip. i'll just say it was jad of ocean of sense of this report from northern gaza, with palestinians were trapped in a youth hospital for days. while these randy ministry show the building to
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a man's amelia. the camera has come to the warm ca, located on charles street at the center of cause a city. these premises were entirely destroyed by these ready occupation forces. i've done then these ready soldiers on the ground storm. what was left of the boat, and some of the many families had taken refuge inside the premises. and some a more than one. and now standing in the middle of the, the winds here, cousins have come to bury the attachments of those who were killed. well, take them shout to inside the premises. at the time of the is ready to occupational forces. charlotte. these relocation forces kept shutting and firing on us when we were inside. 8 people were killed and dozens injured. all of us, our civilians, on innocent civilians. we still had this and somebody, this is a mass, great with the victims who died inside the y m. c. a, a buried. what are,
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what was left of the premises of to the is ready to go. keep patient forces destroyed. it was eaten by the flames. nothing was bad and is where it is further expanding its ground offensive. despite international calls to scale back, the army is old and palestinians in the outrage, refugee camp in central garza to move for the south. the city of the bella is ready . armies counting out. it's most intense operations yet in hon units. that's because the 2nd biggest city people they have in order to move south to an mile seat in rafa near the border with egypt. i'll just say we're talking about mood has moved from rough in southern gaza, a small pocket of largely sand area located in the western side of river city where it's 1000 of displays. palestinians have arrived within the past a few weeks seeking shelters of from the horror of the ongoing war across the gaza strip. but with no food and water and medical supplies, the hardship seems to be only mounting at each passing day for these displays.
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palestinians. a settlement and we have been forced to move for more than one location since the beginning of the human we contract. the thing these rated ministry is saying that we arrived here, but there was no guarantee i had not even a little bit. it's class. it is a safe area for us to set something up. and so there is a ceasefire. and then when it does not say face, at any point we could turn into a was, i mean a and will be old enough to say about the rates again. i know a lot of the model solve the situation and living conditions are very difficult. i moved 3 times before coming to this evacuation zone one for the past 15 days that i haven't had anything, no mattress, no clothes, no food, no water. i have 4 children who are sick and i have arthritis, so no one is helping offering us anything. and we're constantly miserable. i can provide for them personally. i really need help, especially on the displays hungry thursday and a profoundly terrorized palestinian. this family is trying to set up a town,
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but with a shattered sense of safety and security, and constantly worried about evacuating. yet one more time, honey, my mode, alicia, the west run rough i city. let's also to come here and i'll just air including 20 countries cybill. suppose the us coalition to protect shipping in the red sea, but it's not clear exactly what they'll do. and well find spread near cape town in south africa with firefighters struggling to bring them under control more not to stay with us the as the war. and you pray, rages on some young russians are refusing to take up on 101 east meets those fleeting to neighboring cousins on a just here's from my elders here on the go. and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the,
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this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it um, it's the world slow down we stand for as homes with kids of global nichols reserves . indonesia is foyce to leave the global, the battery industry. we are definitely manage our abundant resources and play a role in solar energy. harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential, committed to environmental protection, enhancing investment climate, digital licensing, your better tomorrow the
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the welcome back to watching out. just a quick reminder, lots of stories here to sell the un security council as a dump, the resolution demanding is really to come us enable to safe on the, on the independent variable a to cause that says the resolution is insufficient. at this moment, the rest of the catastrophic humanitarian situation created by these 18 comments demands have been killed and, and is ready to complete the set on refugee come from central guns to have a comfortable associates. and that's gonna be foaming at east central units. more than 20 countries have joined the us led coalition to protect ships in the red sea, the white house as a rainy, unintelligence enabled the rebels to attack vessels in the region. your booty south
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of the, by the month, up straight in africa, host ministry bases of several countries entered into the us and china. i'll just say it was rachel said has moved from the on the us, good effort to count to the who with these and keep the red z open for shipping. as soon as i say it has a noise, a bold is national naval coalition to say a red sea, but there is a lack of clarity about the details here. so whether each of these companies are going to contribute to this question by sending the west sauls, the war ships and the person, now all the equipment is not clear. as of this moment, united states will visuals. they're saying that each company is going to contribute to this question, the way it can. however, it's not celebrating on the details. and also there are mixed messages, confusing messages coming from the companies that have been lost, that are the part of this formation. for example, across the that is ways to send the additional labels to the red sea. however,
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bronze forces are not going to produce on the these, it's not quite a sion but rather on the difference command easily says that these forces are going to protect his national, national, and international interests. and they're going to only answer the specific request coming from the teddy and she pulled nurse, but they didn't concern me yet, whether they're going to be part of this question or not. so pain on the other hand, says that it's ready to contribute to their, to safeguard the right seat. how that, what it says that this can only going been may through loud missions or the force that the, for the music by the united, by but by the union, i'm says that it's not read any less or the act of be part of the body shop so the other hand receive denmark says that it's ready to contribute to this question by sending one officer. no, the other lines are going to say and they may with officers, but not to provide see rather in that range. so we can see that despite the most,
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we will say a formation of both international pollution actually gives you ality. there is better little that's going on here and us, it is pushing hard, but many companies are quite reluctant to join this. it's a national quality sham. this will save that. i'll just the right people to or they'll type a 7 time us attack on these rails war on garza is already affecting the local economy in occupied east jerusalem. the lack of christian taurus. this festive season means many small business owners, a losing income. several higher reports in the old city and occupied the store was how much of the lemons omen had off the cheque? surprise for every other item on her shopping list and then explains why she's had to stretch her budget. i couldn't afford a sense of how the price is went up since the well. so we've had to change her eating habits. if we can't buy fruit this week, then maybe the next we have to prioritize. sometimes the grandkids wants meals that
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are expensive to make. so i replaced the ingredients based on what we can afford it up. so this isn't the only change human has family has been forced to make sense or type a 7. they've decided that she's less likely to be stopped by is ready forces from entering the old city gates. how old's age doesn't make her talk. it. the most young palestinian men have been turned away. the instances for the duration of the war on garza large scale is rarely police surveillance. an arbitrary arrest of also been set up and occupied east jerusalem with movement being restricted, especially that's of workers from the occupied westbank. and it's already having repercussions on the local economy. one section is another domain, another activity that has been deeply affected with the lack of flavor. and this is due to the aesthetic images that is of access to do to set them. so investment and
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dislike that has stuff that he did in some of the the major sector that was effected, especially in the old city businesses all soft spring, especially shops of been forced to close before. don't buy these radio pharmacies. some don't bother writing full time anymore. and many hotels of how to put the stuff inside the fish should be the busiest time of the year with christmas and new year around the corner. and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy, was terrorists from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the show findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but swindle of religious trinkets and 7 is lined. the centuries old cobbled lanes. tourism is the bread and butter of drew. some light families, the war and slight constellations have met the taurus on coming. we are next to the church on the whole, the certificate, very good location for the tourist. a has sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in the famous place for the christian,
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for the public good advice to come to visit the choice of a 100 separate cost. no tourist, it's empty that occupied east jerusalem is mostly made up of small family owned businesses have been post on for one generation to the next. they seen enough was in a lifetime, but nothing they say could have prepared them to this sort of fight at all. just sarah occupied eastern reason the let's take a look at some of the days of the news now and in south africa, while fi has made cape town, a force evacuation of a 100 homes dry summit conditions and the high winds are spreading the blaze. at least 300 firefighters on battling the flames, and the ministry has sent helicopters to help officials that describe the situation as unpredictable. at least 31 people have died in the floods in the southern indian state of tumble neither of heavy rains from
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a cycle around this week have paralyzed road and round networks across the region. officials say the kind of desktops could rise, but us supreme court has declined to consider with a former president, donald trump has immunity from prosecution for crimes committed during his time in office. special council jack smith was prosecuting trumpet, but his role in the january 6 comforts arrived at off the justices to take up the issue as soon as possible. an appeal of cold, but not here in january. time not to look at the sports headlines, his speech spent just the city of the club will come champions after convincing phone whenever brazilian clubs looming into in jetta. so he took the lead as early as the 1st minute through. who young over is of definitely been insight own go cobra's, been setup for food. in other words, been wrapped it all up with the 2nd of the evening. this is city's 1st club will, cup title australia best when it was meant to watch. it will not wear a black on band at the boxing. they taste match. but it's working with cricket,
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australia to determine how he can show you support for palestinians in garza. it comes off the culture with chose for wearing a black on banding, the 1st test against pucky stone last week, which he says was for a personal bereavement. he had planned to take the field with writing on his shoes spacing online. so equal and freedom is a human right to raise awareness about israel for on cause a, but it was prevented by international cricket council rules. colacho remains determined to speak out. i don't have any agendas other than trying to sean a lot of what i feel really passionately really strongly about. i'm trying to in the most respectful way as possible. what i wrote in my shoes was really i thought about it for a while when i was going to ride. i may show that didn't want to segue right. different parts of the population, religious beliefs, community sense was kept. religion out of this. i want to be really broad of mind speaking because i'm talking about humanitarian issues. when i look at my suzanne
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and i seeing kids, innocent kids, videos of them dying tossing away. that's what hit me the hottest. i just imagine my young daughter, i'm on the same thing. i get emotional talking about it right now again in the may . and that's the reason i'm doing also managed to make, i'll take this is the opinion of fans is what counts in the question of whether to join a good repeating supanik or not on thursday, units highest for who the banning the secret is unlawful takes everybody's football as it is currently structured, is the way supposes would prefer it to stay. the remaining the same position, we loved cleaning the champions league, and i'm going to continue to this. we have so frivolous to have the link that we have a lot of the competition that we have to have done. so it's empty that we have every single human it was going to happen on the why the tribes? i think these league, i'm not a football supported as to what it's every time because this is beautiful.
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meanwhile, right on madrid coach called at lunch a lot to us back, the revised plans for a new european supanik. it follows that land ma routing the found fee for a new way. so it broke, you know, when blocking the formation of a break away in 2021. and so that he has called it an important decision for football. and he spoke off these rail side school to stop each time when it's a beat i love is one move to the top of my league and the top indian female rest. and it has quit the schools in protest against the federations new presidents. so actually malik brown has made a list of the 2016 olympics, is retiring office, some j sing was elected. the chief of the racing federation of india sing is best buy's pre to say as a bridge bush on seeing and in june was charged with sexually harassing 6 female residents during these 10 years. he denies any wrong doing. malick had laid the process earlier this year against the bridge bush on seeing and those are all your schools headlines for now. you can get more and elders here come and also have a look at our social media channels. well that's it for me down in jordan. so now
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the weather is up and next spend inside story. looks at what's the stake has us president joe biden. donald trump said to elections next year, spectrum done so much of the the, let's get going with your weather update across the americas. thank you so much for your time. so whether alerts now for a huge wants of chilly as those temperatures begin to come up. santiago, 33 degrees and also weather alerts in play for this southeast corner of brazil. we're going to power up some rock in storms here over the next little bit. so it's always roaring winds and the potential to drop some hill there. quite a bit of rain running through now, so we'll see some severe storms there in the forecast on saturday and for central
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america. okay, not too bad. not a lot going on. most of the activity contained toward the caribbean coast of central america, but will get striked with some showers and storms for the bahamas and that western side of cuba over the next little bit. while we've seen a lot of rain in los angeles that has transferred over into arizona, so flood alerts in phoenix and then we've got storms really starting to fire up in texas through arkansas, pushing into kentucky as well. with that breeze, that wind coming off the gulf of mexico, that's really going to add fuel to the storage. and then we're talking about blizzard warnings for the south west of alaska, with this storm in the gulf of alaska. and up to these i think one word we could use to describe the weather here is fairly tranquil but unsettled conditions across the great lakes. on saturdays here, the in a world where the news never ends. understanding what's behind the headlines is more
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important than ever. it takes listening to the people behind the news and to the journalists reporting their stories. it's that intimacy that makes every international story local at heart. i'm only give you that host of the take a daily news podcast powered by the local reporting of elders here. find us where ever you get your pod cast. next year's us presidential election is predictive to be a contests between joe biden and donald trump. but not even that is certain in the most on certain of the election campaigns. so who else might be in the mix? and what are the important issues this is inside story, the.


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