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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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a high temperatures and floods in the states a few been introduced when some pick up by the in the more than 25000 people have been forced from their homes. tried to get the same region in southern purcell just 2 months ago, killing almost 50 people, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is the news our live from coming off in the next 60 minutes to you in security council quotes, but increased dekaiser. pecans agree on the cold for a safe spot. at least 18 people are killed and, and it's very strong to come into surround for if you can. children are among the victims. the contents bombing in south living on is
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israel. targets has been law positions. and we report from bid, when village in the occupied westbank were, palestinians are facing daily attacks and threats from israeli settlers and soldiers. the, it's 10 gmc, that is mid day and gals are way more than $2000000.00 palestinians who have suffered more than 2 months of unrelenting is rarely a tax waiting to see if the un security councils 1st resolution on the conflict will make any difference. it demands an increase in i to palestinians and garza and asks both as well animals to provide the safe and amended delivery of supplies into this trip. but there has been no call for a cease. 5 agencies have criticize the resolution among them or expand which has described the vote as
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a dereliction of juicy by the united nations sized scouts of indians. a mazda is the resolution, does not address the catastrophic humanitarian situation created by as ro, awhile but you in security council was buzzing, is riley strikes, continued across garza 18 people were killed in this around the refugee camp. and strikes on residential buildings. women and children are among the data and injured gabrielle alexander reports from new york. after being postponed multiple times. finally, the un security council passed a resolution calling for scaled up humanitarian aid. and the guys, a 13 votes in favor, russia and the us abstain, allowing the resolution to pass without a veto. but at the behest of the united states, the resolution went through several drafts throughout the week. long delay behind closed doors, the americans pushed to alter the wording of the resolution to make it more
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favorable to israel. a previous draft called for an immediate cessation of hostilities that was later downgraded to suspension of hostilities. but even that language was removed, instead, the final resolution called to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities, a far cry from a ceasefire. the previous draft called for a un monitoring mechanism to exclusively over c h shipments that was scaled back to a senior coordinator appointed by the secretary general, who will then establish a monitoring mechanism. but that leaves the door open to a possible coordination with israel and language that explicitly condemned indiscriminate attacks against civilians has been altered to simply call on all parties to adhere to international law. a frustrated, russia tried to add back in language,
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calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities. the u. s. b towed it was started earlier, i said the vote would be a moment of truth and that's what happened. the us once again expose their true face in front of the world, blocking and even extremely weak call for a cessation of hostilities in gaza. there is no disconnect here. we are all working to address the humanitarian needs on the ground and we're working to address those needs immediately. that's what this resolution is about. re admin. sure. the palestinian ambassador to the un city full ceasefire is needed and there is an emergency to make it happen. we will not present until we reach an immediate cease fire and having the massive amount of humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people in the gaza strip. as for israel, it has ignored security council resolutions in the past and their early indications that it is prepared to do so. again, is really deputy you
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n m master said after the votes that his country still reserves the right to inspect all a going into gaza as it sees fit. it's now up to the un secretary general to figure out how to get more aid into gaza as the resolution mandates. and he hinted that it could be quite difficult unless is real changes its behavior. the real problem is that the, what use ratio is conducting diesel fantasies is creating massive ops that goes to the distribution of humanitarian. they've eaten side godsa and effective a, they'll put ation even gals that require of security staff. what can working safety, logistical capacity, and the resumption of commercial look cvt. these 4 elements do not exist as difficult as the negotiations were on this resolution. these are the real challenge
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might be in the coming weeks trying to implement it. gabriel's on though, i would use either united nations in new york, but it'll just, there is honey about going to joins us live from profit and southern gaza now. and he can just take us through the reaction to that you in resolution what the palestinians make of it to the today. the, the yes, well i, the, and the next, the reading of the resolution gives us a sense that there is a hold that the world, again is not recognizing that palestinians are starving and their lives are weather and got we. but when we talk to people, there is a sense of restoration and depression and largely depth of stating that the very language of the resolution have to undergo many changes and words, alteration and, and came out large man's fever of israel. and it's
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a war machine on the words conducting across the gaza strip. people are not only frustrated at this fact, but also they are frustrated and that largely a, i'm great and asking a lot of question about the mechanism of, of delivering the humanitarian aided trucks. when we look at the ground particularly and see the large as she or the level of destruction causes the infrastructure as well as the residential homes. the many people who became displaced either in on or what the shouldering centers or, and evacuated as zone. there are a lot of questions here that need to be direct, then a straightforward answer. we're looking at area, particularly in the central and the northern part of the gaza strip. that is going going and in a starvation on going hungry and thirsty. and there are none of the a trucks at who were, who were allowed into jobs to within the past few weeks made it to the notified there's literally starvation going on. and that's consistent with what the uh, on, or what, uh, that'd be a deep uh, commission, or jenner who described that there is a start vision going on in here. the,
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the situation in the southern part of people are so reacting in a very frustrating to them because these, the, on the ground that the mechanism of delivery is going to be very difficult given the ongoing constant bombardment across the gaza strip. yeah. and to just on that point high, and they just wanted to think about the resolution in an age. the killing them does that continues can use, took us through the latest rides, but as well we can see a live picture from within gallons or at the moment with plumes of smoke at once again rising above the strip what well, i mean people is a frustration and a non gray is over the fact that while the work talks about this, increase the human to turn it to the gods to. but the same time do their reading about family members or relatives who are trapped either in the northern part on the central part of gaza being bom, door b, and send these evacuation orders to move it from one place to another. and knowing
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that, in fact, within the past week, certain since the beginning, the word, the have evacuated several times, 2 areas that were designated a safe area for them in order to avoid getting by bit found themselves under these on a predictable fall in a bond on their home destroyed a large part of, of their, of their, of the infrastructure and all of their residential blocks. and now a less than a non unprecedented at development. and what's going on is the a complete a build those ink of agriculture landed the eastern part of the gods trip. so now we're seeing the powder not only residential home public facility use. the schools are hospitalized out a those a small and the plot of land, the palestinians used for agriculture and purposes are being a res danville. those completed the point of not being utilized in the future. here in dropbox, more residential homes are targeted just sending waves of concern of for the
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1000000 display palestinians of been for, into the area since a the, the, these disorders in the area strikes in the central part. another part shutter and getting a sense of safety and security and makes people who, who are making about to make a decision of moving from one area to another to it probably stop because, you know, they are going to get bonded anyway. whether this stay in those areas that are mark as read or moving to supposedly a safe areas. thanks so much honey. we really do appreciate it. it's highly recommend for us and rough uh, as a reaction to the un security council vote has been coming in from around the world . ox fan is one of those that's been critical of the resolution. it's the regional director for the middle east and north africa cooled the resolution in comprehensible and actually callous following what she said were deliberate to live . she also choose the united nations of it, their election of its juicy to safeguards, opinions,
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and edits that an immediate and permanency spot is the only way to deliver aide at scale and speed. scott pool is from, i'll expand. he says, the lack of aid is not the cause of the problem and also not the solution. aid is not the solution to this problem and i say that is actually mandatory. and you heard the un secretary general come in at the top of this program, aid can't work unless commercial activity is happening. it can't work, it aid workers are running for their lives. an aide can't work while the bombs are falling and, and, and destroying houses. factories, farms mills bakeries, there's no point in bringing flower if you can't big bread with it. so the focus is entirely wrong. and i think the consensus on the resolution that ultimately adopted reflects that in comparison to the wide gulf between the us and the rest of the world on what's really needed, as well as bringing mulanda shaw l just here,
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a senior political analyst to break this soul down for us, we haven't had a chance to talk to you since the you in resolution. so very interested to get your thoughts on how you sold it all paid out through the week leading up to it as well as the final resolution and the wording. and it, what do you, what do you make of this? well, i think our team in the united nations did a good job in explaining the chronology of how this has been, what are down basically to what it is today, a humanitarian type. there's a new version of an urgent political strategic type resolution that guys needs to end the war. so you could say that there is um, some bits and pieces of good in it for the people. and guys, in the sense of some humanitarian aid wouldn't come in and it would be tied into an international organizations like the united nations. so there wouldn't be some sort of international oversight to that. but it's clearly
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a win to the united states that has a after $75.00 days of what amounts that genocide does, a has rejected any type of cease fire. the fact that we went through this a come back to the language about suspension of, of, of a cease fire from station will cease fire to noise. no mention of cease fired whatsoever. that was quite the, there was a lot of twisting and turning and manipulating, manipulating right, the way through it. obviously, the resolution that was passed as is all about getting it, and we'll just take a closer look at how it actually makes it into casa. so supplies arrive in egypt on cargo ships, add port side or by plane at leverage airport. now i had trucks jew to enter this trip through the roof of border crossing a checks by is ready to go thursdays and it's on and then cross back into egypt.
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and then go on finally in 2000 now on sunday trucks into the gallons a through the is really controlled calm of a side i'm crossing for the 1st time since the october, the 7th attacks. 190 has got through so far this week. but before the war, 500 a trucks a day entered this way. israel says it's been inspecting hundreds of trucks a day, and many remained outside gallons, a, b, u, and says as well as bowman campaign is making it too dangerous to deliver a regularly. i was just on that last point now and, and we heard or expand extremely critical of this. how do you deliver aid into a was on when the bones still folding and, and how uh, you know, a lot of people might be saying that this is a witness. you in resolution is a win. but it's not, isn't really when you're trying to get a little bit aside into a, into a very narrow strip of land as uh, as the 5 and continued. okay, so this is where it gets complicated. right?
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and this is where the humanitarian aspect of it could become a reflection of something deeper that is going on and goes on. so let's try to dissect that. i think this resolution has come under what i would say. or when americans watch america's timing, and the war in guys that is happening on israel stymied is right. is the one that is dictating what kind of a war it's launching and goes off for the past 7. 2 days it dictated what goes on, on the ground, and how intensive it is. when is the land and vision starts and how much of the collective punishment including the organization of hunger as the ox from cold? yes, or the starvation as human rights cold, it becomes a weapon of war for it is right. now there is a bit of a new one shared between americans watch and as far as timing, of course americans watch from the very beginning was very much and aligned
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with as far as timing in as far as defeating how much cisco sir, for the past 75 days this has not changed and people are on the hour of yours need to understand that despite the, the, the verbal acrobatics and the change of tone, america's position has not changed from his drugs position. that the end game here is different than come up with how to do it. that's why it is a bit of a new ones. and from the very beginning, when by didn't was in his right. and he said, go ahead and get justice. meaning, take your revenge, but maintain some kind of a civility when it comes to that population, right? so for the population. so now, so i said directly your answer and i would say the following. the united states to this resolution is time to push is read to phase out its land invasion to another kind of awarding cause or something more discriminant, more selective, less hands on. and that's what the american invoice had been discussing with. is
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there a phasing out the intensive aspect? so can we deliver a to guys on the intensive is really what absolutely not to have no doubt about that. there wouldn't be no aid delivered to various spots and guys if the intensive face of the work continues. yeah, and do you expect that to continue? do you expect as well to continue doing? what does that mean during the voyage day? we're still dropping palms on gaza was the thing to see i'm discussing watches. i'm not discussing any kind of a general prediction ball. yeah. right, so is there a said that it needs couple of months to finish it? intensive phase of the war. in fact, i was just reading headlines from these really saying now they're going to reach new areas and garza so as art is continuing with its logic with its timing in terms of incense, the face of the war. the americans have urge that this needs to meet these needs to
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be done or wrapped up within a couple of weeks. right. so now we're, we're talking about between christmas and the new year, or soon after the new year. and as far as the american watch is concerned, this needs to drop off by the beginning of the enhanced humanitarian. a couple of thoughts coming again. but we're not sure that it was going to abide by any of that to get. yeah. right. and the thing is that a mark i've stained on this is so why did what did that down completely, it's still up staying, which means we don't know how much leverage it with the united states use with this right in order to get it to respect this into this us take care of the cost of solution because this is more than that you and as we all know, you under the assumption resolution, right? and since this has passed an israel and the units has not beat to that. and now basically the international community is saying, ok, you know, we had to take about to america. the again,
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that was report card because it is the one that is messed up. mind that this is a notion that does not include any mention of i see is fire invoking the names of childrens of gaza in order to put the wrong zip suffering in gaza. so there was the bloomberg mentioned and then there's a fighting and so on. so, and yet it is america that managed succeeded in getting this when it use it's leverage with his writing or that to really make sure it does move to the next phase of the war in order to allow humanitarian a get in. that dimension to be seen. yeah. and a thanks so much mile and we really do appreciate to your insight. thank you for finding is continuing between is riley forces and has a lot in southern living on this really media reports. its forces have attacked physicians, including roads along the border, and conducted freights near the valley river has blocked, announced it's carried out 5 attacks on his rally,
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military positions targeting barracks and is riley soldiers. ellen fisher, it isn't occupied east jerusalem. and can you just give us an idea or just how, how large this military offensive was from, as well of the, it's certainly been an extensive operation across the board. the in lebanon has been going on for a number of hours of pictures that have been imagining, some of them quite frightening with a camera mind driving along the road and suddenly a real kit hits something in front of him. there's also been an artillery barrage just across the border as well as this part of these really gives me these really armies ongoing assault on has bullet because of his ball as on going a sold on israel to, to have been involved in a tit for tat war since october, the 7th, and despite the warnings of these really his fellow has not backed off. so this is continued in the areas that you've been talking about. when i went in and said that
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the, so a high switch was targeted with 2 is really myself, essentially obliterating the whole and there is nothing left of it. how did you say the it's really so i've been trying to target what they say has bullet strongholds, has bullet positions. but what would be psycho the slightly can certainly is that one of these attacks came very close to unit filters that you need to fill, of course, being the united nations mission and lebanon. and that will send some alarm bells sounding to the international community as well. it was on friday that these early so 9 that one soldier had been killed that took the number of soldiers killed in what they describe is the northern front to 10 and has bullet, has estimated that the lowest in the region, all $120.00 fighters in all of the exchange, it's since october, the 7th. okay, thanks so much for that. update ellen, ellen fisher, for us and occupied east jerusalem. is there any forces have right at the columbia
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refugee camp in the north of occupied east jerusalem? several pell, of sending you this. what arrested before is there any troops with true israel has intensified its rides in the palestinian territories following him off as a tag on october the 7th. this is where the soldiers have withdrawn from the janine refugee camp off to override that loss of the several hours. they forthwith to palestinians in the camp after cutting off its electricity. others also storms, villages, south of nablus. before him is revered as the birthplace of jesus christ. this time if you have the town is usually packed with thousands of foreign tourists that the war on god's that means the staying away this year palestinian business owners who rely on and come during the christmas season. site the suffering more than ever tell strength of the reports from bethlehem. palestinian would call those being working at this time leave on business in bethlehem for almost
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a 150 years. but this christmas war on goals and subsequent increase, these really military rates across the occupied westbank as post tourists to stay away. who's saying how much is being called in christian figurines. like this one to more than 3 decades. depends on his job based family of 6. and what's the head of this work is in my blog. i love it, and i love my workplace and my fellow workers, the situation is terrible everywhere. the boss is trying to help us to work by any means, but it's hard for him when business so bad. rumsey exact area is the full generation to run the business. pictures of his great grandfather coughing would hang on the wall. it had of it's cool, saw the situation and bathroom is hard because 80 percent of the economy here depends on tourism. and we're trying to keep the workshop running for the workers because they all have responsibilities. and this is all i know the truth is going to come here as long as it will goes on. it's terribly hard inside that nobody at
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this time of the best of him would be bustling with hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world. but the war on garza is keeping them away promised sending business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. this is what tourist, the refrain of israel was launched military rage across the occupied westbank, concluding on the best of him almost every night since the warm gauze assaulted his real says it's targeting suspected members of the palestinian homes resistance groups. but these radio army has destroyed what's estimated to be hundreds of millions of dollars with private and public property and killed almost $300.00 palestinians during the rates. this is the almost 1700 year old church in the tibbetts. he built the both place of jesus this year. they're all new accuse of
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excited fall and faces. and there's virtually no one side hotels that should be full empty, or closed souvenir shop surrounding the ancient square. either shut it off or struggling to remain open as well as the this is the worst here. it's ever be. even during bad times we used to work and there were a few tourists now. many shops don't even bother opening flows saying his fellow would cause and thousands of other palestinians who depend on the festive season for their livelihoods. they will be no christmas this year. i will stop at houses here a big long occupied with bank of reverence, mitre la. he is the founder and the president of the l. kelly may university and bethlehem. you joins us now. thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera. this. what we saw a little bit over there in the story we just ran, but how, how has the war affected this is christmas festivities. i mean,
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is there any desire at all to actually celebrate with everything that is going on right now? right. i mean by churches as well as the city council decided to kind of said all the festivities for christmas, because how can we celebrate and were you know, a festival for us to do it for the rest of it is what our people and guys are experiencing a genocide and an ethnic cleansing and actually where the english supplements and con, uh, hold on is the worst bang uh that. continuing to grow and talking. oh ive city eh, ability, donald buck lab where really only 14 percent of our land does on that all at home going through its at 86 percent is on the is really a jewish going toward. you've said the christmas story is a pill, a study in story can. can you explain exactly what you mean by that? yes, i mean that christmas story,
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and this is why i'm doing the to the patients i've canceled the judge. is there a way to have the services because the christmas story is an event to the like man, he never did before. uh for me is that good story is indeed if i send you a story products or loss, because if you read the story that talk about that india and the wife christmas on virginia, but as the owner of this packaging that came with the, with a commercialized eh, and they couldn't do much of say at the christmas, but the christmas stokes, really about the holy families that lives. and then also 1st time in that is that it does order by and a video degree to move south at about the lab to just that that's exactly what the people in gaza has been experiencing. and then you hear about mary. uh uh,
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breaking a 2 man in the 9th month on that on. uh, making this long to, you know, 50000 thinking into a man in guys uh, add on that onto the and they don't have a place where to bring that kids to live. this is why jesus could not find even at this at the end. and so he was put in a manager that jesus was born as a refugee like manual for a lot of kids right now. and guys, and then you're here to about how do i as a bloodthirsty and not dr. steve boe out of the order to get the kids in the classroom. and we have a check for them. buckland, for the and at, for the getting all these innocent kids. i think it got over 50000 kids have been knocked out so that nothing you know, can stay longer in palm and saw that christmas story. you'll see you think it's coming cut out of gaza and they actually that's the christmas story wants to to tell us that if we want to find guide to the,
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the amount that you guys don't. yeah. well, a given all of that, i mean, normally christmas is a time of heart, but many feel completely hopeless. right now, given everything that is going on, how do you maintain, or given the circumstances you know, for me really it's, it's very bleak time for us finish demands. but thoughts, i think, worldwide. i mean, you know, we are seeking to model the piece on the us and the you and good not even agree on the ceasefire to seize more in god's off why the christian community worldwide in georgia and president biden. would it be singing based on? yeah, yeah, so this is being ashamed for and so how can, how we went dental? i tell you for me, hope is what we do. and so we continue to advocate to, i took it for the just these,
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we continue to mobilize people to speak up and not to be afraid to speak through the power. and we continue to work for it just these. so that is regulated, punished and in christian. joseph muslims can. she has an ad on equinox to think the setting and with human dignity and freedom. this is not to be a box to words. thank you so much. we really do appreciate your, your time and your insight here on notice here, that's a reference material here. thank you. norma. the still ahead on al jazeera 20 countries side i was supposed to do is cover the sheets protect shipping in the red sea, but it's still not clear how they intend to prevent lucy attacks. the has the unsettled weather is dominating in the lead up to christmas. across europe,
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i'm afraid we've got a very strong storm system. is weighing heavy rain from west to east across central parts of europe. the heavy rain close to flooding in hamburg and disruption. and the risk is still there. that wet and windy weather pulling its way from the north of the u. k. with a warning salt for heavy rain and winds as well as ice and snow for the likes of scotland. it works its way across the low countries with red warning. so the netherlands for potential flooding, pushing into a jeremy, dropping some very heavy rain and snow is expected. on the opposite is likely to be a white christmas in pots of switzerland. the winter weather continues to push its way east as we go in to sunday bits and pieces of snow expected in southern areas of russia, scandinavia, seeing that wintery edge as well, a little quiet down in the south, and go sunshine dominating to spain and portugal that southeast corner as well. same thing is dry up as that weather system pushes its way for the east, across to kids. now in terms of the temperature of things offset,
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to get more mild as we get into christmas eve, but then coming up to 10 degrees celsius there, but much cooler in the north for places like no way. we're expecting a white christmas. and also on monday, the hearing the have you had to be late that he has the support of 15, implement the shelf economic plan, asking questions. what do you expect this 1st think for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target displacements. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the sound. let's see you in security council has adopted
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a resolution demanding is where i land them off. in april the safe delivery of more humanitarian aid and to concept mazda has the resolution doesn't to address the catastrophic humanitarian situation created by israel. leading age groups have also criticized as at least 18 palestinians have been killed and is ready attack them into throughout refugee camp and central kansas and 2 other kids. and so hes at east and central con, unison himself were given leap on bugs. and this ready for his have for i just the columbia of refugee camp and the news off coupon. east jerusalem. several palestinian, you'd swear a risk before it's ready. troops withdrew for more than 2 months. many palestinians and guns. i have been displaced and a living in ty conditions and cut our reports from the make shift. captain j o bala were internally displaced people including a newborn, have taken shelter in tents. today we are in that in la,
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in one of the rescue g times in the south of the causes troop and were visiting a german of family. the family that's floods from a chest, with one neighborhood from the not been part of the causes to for this area, is currently being have any bomb by these really forces. and that is ready times, are also stationed here is their tents here, where they put their clothes in here is where they cook. they made for themselves a very small kitchen and a very small house, as they have been internally displaced for more than 2 months. right? now, let's go in and see how sydney and his comedy are currently living. let's talk with cindy image image right now, and ask him about everything he has been going through. since the day he evacuated from the another and cause sleep. i'm getting that i'm is who has quad
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selling. can you tell us about your living circumstances and this can be how you well, i know i seen him the little side by side, but we are living in very difficult conditions and we all liked the basics. we have an infant and we don't have enough nutrition for the mother to be able to provide that to the infant. and so we don't know what to do, but we also do not have enough food. the children keep asking for food. the children can be on well, and this price is not fit for daily living in the sewer of when david do you start them in and how do you think affected by the rain and how that the gave me the thought of the i spent the whole nights carrying my thoughts on like this to avoid the rain from all these holes. and that's why you see the water. life is hot, the baby is congested and at night she keeps a saw. this grace is not fit for animals. so to means it's not fit for
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a new form of the this is not only send him a general dentist on many thousands and hundreds of thousands of palestinians who work internally displaced our living and going through the same harsh conditions. this is in the city. i just need a good a so the u. s. has accused of ronald's being involved in the tax on commercial ships carried out by humans, 50 ripple group. washington says, ron is providing drones, missiles and technical intelligence to the group that the tank several ships in recent dies button administration recently announced the naval coalition to be formed for more than 20 countries. before on this we're going to go now to visual said a who joins us from your busy and the result around supremely, that has a as just spoken out against the you with what did he say? and was there any reaction to the time that around is behind the, with the attacks? well,
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that hasn't been any reaction to gotten into us is latest allegation that you run is deeply involved in planning off these attacks that are conducted by with these. however, previously several uranium officials, including the you, right, you put in, you running for administer said that you're on has not been involved in this attacks and has nothing to do with them to say that this attacks are being decided by these. and so uh, however, the white house security uh, the national security spokesperson said that they have no reason to believe that the rotten is trying to just read what it is. uh, from this reckless behaviors. i'm just following the same logic of saying that that's why they believe that iran is involved is attacking the planning at least. but she hasn't provided any concrete evidence. there's no, no substantial evidence regarding that. later we have cnn article published on the journal and courting at west end and regional official saying that that runs the
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part of me part of military forces. not the official forces are providing the real time intelligence and weapons, including the thrones. a miss isaac had been used in his attacks conducted by force . he's a gas to shifts that are passing through. they're not through the red sea and the say that what's the use the do not have the radar technology that goes because target this ships. and that's why it must be runs, assistance to 4 days. but for these are seeing that well through the years they have to remove the on uh, ink cartridges facilities, uh, over the years of aggression, a guess them. so the huge allegations here, but so far that hasn't been any concrete substantial evidence has, but rather the, the substantial evidence is, are being provided by the usa. okay, thanks so much uh results that as a result set up for us and gpc in the village of no rush out in the occupied with bank. tell us in the and bid when say they are suffering from daily attacks and threats from israeli settlers and soldiers. the st. louis that
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living in the areas surrounding the lands to the legal. i'm the international law. laura. com. this is a bit of and shortly out of the simplest head into the territory. i'm here in the bed wind village of my auto shots. now this is located between the cities of ramallah and jericho. i've been speaking to the veterans living here. they said at the end of november, so miss ray, the set was entered instead, village started shooting towards the people. they then took many of the shoes, which they were in life livelihood. and they destroyed their tense. nobody helping coming back ever since. and they say they've been supported by the is ready, all the so the last a new here was about 15 minutes ago. let's go ahead and take a look. so not a lot of the, something with it. yeah. well, what, what was study of the settlers with masks they have weapons and they see everything, even with jackets, that they claim that we come with. crimes,
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even with my single child, sees the suck those, these thoughts screaming. we all know when to present our futures only feed for our children and the community with the i'm just about speak to the wife all the jamal and the hats. and now it's just inside here. this is where they say one of the attacks took place. her baby was inside this carrier. when these reset the they tell me start kicking assets. she quickly grabbed her baby and went an officer that she said that they were shocked at her gym. and in a 100, this little bit of an he attacked us inside our home. he gets my little girl, why she wasn't the carrier. then he's left me and hits an old lady sitting with us . and he took our phones, then started joining the box and stored or sheep. he didn't leave anything inside the house. for a thing in color, from southern as a recent clothes attacked me when i was heading, the cuts my hand took me in the stomach threw gas and attacked us dying as soon as the southern shopping. oh, and we shall,
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we have always had problems when the word got worse. they had of the settlers. g brains started making issues at night. they came down on tractors and attacked us even an hour ago. they came with the army who help them. they work together, they're all friends. this area surrounded by 5 illegal is right. assessments are situated along the top of the hills. and the policy, the ration organization tells us that at least $1600.00 posting and veterans having dispossessed from the land since october, the 7th. and international, unlike write scripts say that some of finance is often sponsored by the states in order to drive people from the homes. and this is on the rise north on al jazeera occupied westbank. it's so still a hit here on al jazeera will tells you what's behind the threads of trousers across se, asia. they could hit bryce crops a cycle, some millions of people in the region,
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the an unfinished journey that has left them, broken, gay and bell. they thought they could make it to europe traveling from said and go through the sahara to the edge of the mediterranean image here. the traffic who sold us 2 groups and zippy. i like slaves piled in a dark cage. only a meter high out of the 120 people that were with us on the 17 survived. the stop what your opinions perceive as an unstoppable flow of africans, the pressure you share it to making the traffic of migrants illegal. but now the law criminalizing legal migration is being revoked. the you now for years, a new wave of margaret's. this will cost best and the best searching. but that would also mean more people coming to the you. despite the humiliation abuse and suffering all day and isa,
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they're willing to attempt the journey to europe again in search for what they hope will be a dignified life. the the . now let's take a look at some of the dies up and use the electoral commission and the democratic republic of congo has 1000 releasing provisional results of to the k also collection folks as a choosing the president as well as national regional and local representatives funding was extend it off to the lie. some problems with the busing machines. international observe is from the causes since i have reported regularities. at 21 polling stations, opposition candidates have cooled, the process, tainted, and others, a cooling for a re run. well the more on this fits go to katherine story,
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who joins us live now from it can show ser into catherine provisional results. uh somebody coming through they showing a clear lead a at the stage. i yes. so we have received uh results from the bass for a uh they show that the president, the looks to see katie. he's the thing there, but then it's too soon to get a p, a sense about how the results are going. we know that so the provisional or results are expected to freeport frequently from 2 nights. and we also know that so in the next couple of days that we will see a clear margin. but what we also know is that there are 2 leading presidential contenders that the presidents and moist cartoon be
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a full month's. 7 golf or not old, from cause hung up pro vince. this is the re test providence in d r c. and he has already said that this election is a sean and we've also heard from different uh, presidential candidates who have say the same thing. others are calling full fresh selections, and we have, you know, that set statements from, you know, and let in independence observe us who are sightseeing. you really, you read latitudes in many polling stations and it, like you said, yeah, it has been described. is it as a sham as well as kyle, take a with many originally already. so what are the chances that it will actually be rerun? while a lot of people are saying that they hope for, you know, for, for
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a credit for the election opposition leaders are saying that they will not take any results that is not fair. lying down, they say that going to go to the constitution calling to constitutional court. now, what has been happening? what happened on voting day? many people that we talked to, i'll call that, you know, something more like it was so disorganized when appalling stations here in construct stuff uh well voting. materials did not arrive on time. many people say the names were missing on the voters list. um, you know, even when uh the materials arrived and they was, you know, that was a lot of technical bleaches as well in other parts of the country on green molds, destroyed more voting materials. so people are very, i know there's just passing about this particular election. they say that they want
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a free fed incredible election. it's going to be very interesting to see how things play out, especially if the election is this new pets and a we will uh know that'd be talking to you over the next few days as well. thanks so much catherine. the catherine story for us. in contrast to in south africa, hundreds of firefighters are battling several places near cape town, high wind, so dropping defies. and with all of these, of all the evacuation of homes and the pods of the flames. to me, the miller has the wisdom tapes, 7 peninsula is blanketed in smoke as 3 major fires, but the largest started on tuesday within $300.00 firefighters and civil a croft, including drones, was the valence of being deployed thursday night. strong winds caused the blaze to spread from simon's down into neighboring scarborough, and another fire broke out along the main highway. the joint team managed to sign it between ourselves, so keep quiet and risk you with assistance properly provincial disaster management
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. so it is a coordinates, if it's at any given time. and we've had, we've had up to 250 uh, firefighters on the file with multiple tankers. and at times it is so used up to 680 companies with spots of things to actually bomb some of the fine lines. especially yesterday we, we had such strips that you weeks evacuation orders we issued for about 100 households, many in the early hours of the morning. so to authority say it's a precautionary mission. on friday, there was some respite from the wind, but they all concerns it will pick up again, fanning the flames from act of the key from resort areas
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resources, a stretched the military has sent in additional helicopters, tsr a t say the situation is unpredictable. and the more people may need to lead their homes all the way up to contain the fires and prevent damage to properties. for me, demo ultra 0 to send a go. supreme court has consented to prison sentence for the nearest the call, who was convicted of killing a man and 2011 of the court rejected properly meet the says appeal and ordered him to pay 21000 dollars. he wouldn't spend any additional time in prison because of the time he spent in pre trial detention. the house is a space critic of president nicky. so he says the timing of the issue was made to him to his 2024 presidential bit. ukrainians will be celebrating christmas on the 25th of december for the 1st time this year. and if it's a curb of russian influence and the war torn country as orthodox christians, most ukrainians follow the traditional russian calendar. that celebrates christmas
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. on the 7th of january, the country's main church announced that would drop the tradition to see the following russia's invasion. which ralph could significantly impact russ harvest's across asia. this season, june to the el nino with a settlement. and this comes as positive indonesia, still reeling from previous droughts, conditions, and one of the world's biggest bryce exports is vietnam farm. is that having to a den so they found lens shrinking as a result of climate change. jessica washington reports in vietnam. southern me come delta region, rice is up to send to us lights and provides a livelihood for thousands. most of the countries rise comes from here. a life is changing. erosion ends, drought prison, the suicide of land. both increase the amount of sold in the rice paddies and contaminate crops a to a and when they see these being a lot more on seasonal rain,
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i feel that is the most challenging time because of climate change when it rains pool is when it's sunny. it's really sunny, this period is quite difficult uh new and used to grow rice but like many foam is in the area of the erotic with patterns, forced him to switch to other crops. despite the nino phenomenon, vietnam's rice exports, he to a record high in 2023 price is sold up to india band exports of the green. some is we're instructed to start planting earlier than normal in part to help mitigate some of the effects of el nino, vietnam is among the world's top rice produces and the me comb. delta area is often called the countries rice, bowls, but authorities will seek to reduce exports, incoming use, possibly in response to challenging weather conditions. nadisa is west java risky. a says the soil is so dry and hard. it's damaging, he's trying to. he's worked in rice fields, sincerely 19, eighties. i mean the due to i thought that by there are not in the past. the
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weather was very good by october and november. that would already be a lot of rain in the past, which usually come in august or september. but now they are unpredictable. scientists say finding resilient proprieties is essential as to whether it becomes bull unpredictable. joining on you know, on the press and also. so this is um, ethic, really increase climate change. so we'll have impact on uh south what they do, she and in the, by the vice we'll, by the advice we had a decrease in the productivity, or if one of the cannot, the plans on this slide it and it easiest president joke over dodo has ordered the military to help farmers plant rice in areas, lorraine has started to full, to mitigate the delay caused by the dry weather. meanwhile,
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rosky is taking all jobs to survive. he says he's tied as plowing dusty fields and looking up the clouds, waiting for the rain. jessica washington, the ultra 0 west java indonesia. the u. s. supreme court has declined to consider with a full the president. donald trump has immunity from prosecution for crimes committed during his time and office special council jack smith, who was prosecuting trump of his role in the capital rise in 2021. had asked the justices to take up the issue as soon as possible and the people's court. well, now here's the case in january with tom. now for a look at the sports headlines with jim in manchester, city half the time, the 1st english side to win 5 tri fees in a calendar year. 2000 who didn't. alvarez help says he's a full no victory over 3 minutes, a in the club world cup final in saudi arabia, city balls, pep, claudia is the 1st manager to win the competition full times. and with 3 different teams is also his 16th major try fee. since taking charge out the account,
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kind of fit into the we, we close the chapter. we won already all the types of some of them in a row. so there's nothing us to we had the feeling that the jump is done door and yeah, really please. so now is breast of the region christmas times and try to buy another book and are set to write in again, because the book that i said years it's, it's over a huge game in the premier league lights, it would never pull up against also with both sides of knowing, one of them will be top of the table at christmas, off no head to and field one point clear of their opinions, but they haven't done that for more than 11 years to bait that says even more difficult, livable, haven't looked at home in 20 matches hasn't caught up, has criticized the atmosphere at the home ground in the day is building up to this game and wants to see the funds. find the voice moving as a, as they look to replace the gunners at the top message game. great,
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great to have them. um, great to meet them. we met obviously quite frequently and. yeah, script that you have to make sure we make it step proper home game proper and peace experience that's all is going to be especially diagnosed here was leave the to team zine in a very moment. you know, really good position really. so i'm position both teams, i'm sure i prefer the game to win it and to go for it. and i'm just going to be in to as much aston villa have the chance to go top of the family temporarily, at least. but they were denied off the drawing one or was jeff fields. you know, he said it was full of that. apply a camera. ok. who's done the highs? sheffield united states, but 7 minutes into at a time in the color. it was on a recipe to point so you know, m reside meetings and as 12 in white, great. top of the table dies on luis flores has reunited with the legal messy
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officer, confirming that he's joined a left side into miami. so the 2020 full season suarez was named best plant and for those totally this past season. after scoring 17 goals for grammy, you now joins the david beckham and club as a free agents. the 36 year old will play alongside for my boss when his teammates messy, says you, if this gets and jody alba as decides going such as that fast my laptop, tracy easy and school that allows us to have it towed. so again, fine with ashes, they was thrashed by knowing wickets in the 3rd and final 80 on it was bangladesh as best as the victory in new zealand. townsend hassan's that keeps storing with 3 with it. and it'd be some 50 from natural wholesale shelter then how to bangladesh to victory. an easy didn't already have the series wrapped up to want it finished. and the denver nuggets have now 16 of the last 7 games as they beat the book. and that's jamal murray score. $32.00 points, while nickel, you'll get chap $29.00 as a inflicts at
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a 5th straight defeat on the nets. those are your sports headlines. you can get more apps out as they were adult calm and all social media channels. well, that's it for me. they tell mccrae for this news out that 70 sites and we'll be back in just a moment with much more of the dice and use of to the show for the was the last what
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the the the thoughts providing on. but the patient doesn't have time to wait for fix truly. unfortunately, there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is the best thing to do since these days, or is it just a different full? i think the democracy in the process basically entities do you feel that the fraction is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side showing the and the brakes on the other. i assume there is a huge piece of that to happen via the stores on talk to how does their hairs from
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al jazeera on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is mobile app available in your favorite top to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the of the the un security council calls for increased a to gaza, about com, to agree on a quote for a cease fire. the lima sammy's


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