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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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last is that the, this is where we, the sex allies. i'd love to find out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new that you think is it the the un security council calls for increased a to gaza about com to agree on a call for a cease fire. the me say that this is out just 0 live from the hall. so coming up at least 18 people are killed in this riley strike on the side on the refugee camp. children are long as the bank sends the intense
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bombing in south lebanon as this well, targets has been la positions. and we were bold from a veteran village in the occupied westbank with palestinians of facing davy attacks . and right, right. these, such as the soldiers it's 11 am g m t, that is 1 pm in gauze where more than $2000000.00 palestinians who suffered more than 2 months of unrelenting is ready, a tax, waiting to see if the un security councils 1st resolution on the conflict will make any difference, but it demands an increase in a to palestinians in gaza and asks both israel and thomas to provide the safe and on him the delivery of supplies. there's been no coal for a cease. fire is
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a 8 agencies. well, that criticizing the reservation, among them all the spam whose middle east regional director described the vote as a dereliction of duty by the un to safe guards. civilians ha says the resolution doesn't address the catastrophic humanitarian situation created by israel. while the un security council was voting is right of the strikes continued across garza 18 people were killed in the site on the refugee camp in strikes on residential buildings. women and children are among the dead and injured gabriel. that is on the reports now from new york. after being postponed multiple times. finally on the un security council passed a resolution calling for scaled up humanitarian aid. and the guy's a 13 votes in favor, russia and the us of stain allowing the resolution to pass without a veto. but at the behest of the united states, the resolution went through several drafts throughout the week. long delay behind
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closed doors, the americans pushed to alter the wording of the resolution to make it more favorable to israel. a previous draft called for an immediate cessation of hostilities that was later downgraded to suspension of hostilities. but even that language was removed, instead, the final resolution called to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities, a far cry from a ceasefire. the previous draft called for a un monitoring mechanism to exclusively over c h shipments that was scaled back to a senior coordinator appointed by the secretary general, who will then establish a monitoring mechanism. but that leaves the door open to a possible coordination with israel and language that explicitly condemned indiscriminate attacks against civilians has been altered to simply call on all
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parties to adhere to international law. a frustrated, russia tried to add back in language, calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities. the u. s. b towed it started earlier, i said the vote would be a moment of truth and that's what happened. the us once again expose their true face in front of the world, blocking and even extremely weak call for association of hostilities in gaza. there is no disconnect here. we are all working to address the humanitarian needs on the ground and we're working to address those needs immediately. that's what this resolution is about. re admin. sure. the palestinian ambassador to the un city full c spire is needed and there is an emergency to make it happen. we will not present until we are the age and immediate ceasefire and having the massive amount of humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people and the gaza strip. as for israel,
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it has ignored security council resolutions in the past, and their early indications that it is prepared to do so. again, is really deputy un ambassador said after the votes that his country still reserves the right to inspect all a going into gaza. as it sees fit, it's now up to the un secretary general to figure out how to get more aid into gaza as the resolution mandates. and he sent it that it could be quite difficult unless is real changes its behavior. the real problem is that what use ratio is conducting visual fantasies is creating massive ops that goes to the distribution of humanitarian. they've eaten side garza and effective a they'll put ation in gallons that require of security software can working safety, logistical capacity, and the resumption of commercial look cvt. these 4 elements do not exist as
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difficult as the negotiations were on this resolution. these are the real challenge might be in the coming weeks trying to implement it. gabriel's on though i would use it at united nations in new york. i would delighted to have joining us now from or off thomas white's. he's the director of unruh says in gaza. thank for joining us. first of all, does this un resolution solves a humanitarian crisis in gaza for a certainly welcome. anything that brings more items a gaza, but you're quite correct. the resolution falls well short of what we need here and guys, we need a seats for a space for that will stop the killing of civilians and the destruction of civilians civilian infrastructure in gaza. but most importantly,
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to enable the conditions on the ground here. so that we can effectively deliver, hide to the people of gaza, a thomas just to be absolutely clear here as a new day. don't that in garza off to this resolution, all you in any position to increase a deliveries because of this resolution? oh, oh, not at this stage where waiting to see what will come from the resolution in terms of the amounts all by that we can bring into gaza. but we remained very concerned here the once the id using gaza . the ongoing conflict is preventing us from delivering that i it is very difficult. we are restricted from accessing the population in a north by the is riley army. but the level, i mean, the security here means it's very difficult for us to access many of the population
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. and in fact, you know, at sites where we should be protected, allied work and should be protected there at risk. we had one of our staff who was hits, what by what we understand is tank far into a tractor he was operating at a dump side the other day. and down on the board itself, the roof of border crossing. we've had 3 drawings drawing strikes and racing size, so we need to be able to have safe and secure access for i'd work as the convoys that we have to access populations across garza, under our facilities, the schools that you run your stuff any say for today because of this resolution of the latan will i only tell what i can say is that, you know, we've had a 100 and i t of our installations in gaza. many of them hosting people seeking safety people's taking safety under you and flag have been seats all over 200
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people have been killed in those installations. but as the un security council was meeting the other nights at the same time, messages were being passed to the community in the middle areas of gaza, telling them to evacuate. this is telling more people to move, many of them who are being displaced before to an area that cannot provide them with shelter. so at the same time we're, we were discussing things that the security council, the, as riley army was telling the more people to move and signaling a broadening of the, the offensive hearing gaza. so thomas, did i understand you correctly that when i asked 2 moments ago, if you're in a position to increase age and you said we're waiting to see. so is it a case of so fall? you're not in a position to, to increase anything. you're just waiting to see at
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this stage, let's see what the resolution brings in terms of our ability to bring more items to gaza. but once again, i saw you that we need to have a reduction in full. i think in fact we need a ceasefire. that will enable us to serve the population here in gaza. people continue to be pushed around jobs into an increasingly smaller spice. yeah, i trucks alone and i'm not going to solve that problem. you know, we have in got in rafa right now. a city that normally has 290000 people hosting a 1000000 people. i trucks alone and i'm not gonna solve that situation. we need to satisfy here in gaza, if the suffering of the civilian population he is too big to end. a sent me thomas oscar of one file. tell me and tell views. what has changed for you right now as things stands right now, since this un resolution came out to
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be quite honest with you, nothing has changed. there a hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people living in the open, literally made has from way with, with speaking. they are a, strikes continue to heat, all parts of gaza always in a hospital. the other day, the wards, the overflowing, there are people who have had amputations lying in the car doors. it's disproportionately affecting women and children and gaza. this is what needs to stop. the civilian population continues to be the brunt of the conflict. and you know what, let's wait and see what this resolution brings in terms of and during the ending that suffering. thank you very much. thomasville time. we wish of course, the best for all of the under one aid workers as well as the innocent civilians put off with this. thanks so much, thomas white, the well,
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that spring in model on the shot, i'll just say we're a senior political analyst model on. i'm sure you're listening to chat that with thomas white. i wonder heard nothing. pick a well, we get exactly. that was maybe the most important thing that in this changes, nothing for a non. i'm looking at the statements coming out the security council. and i'm, i'm trying to match it with some of the statements listening to the ease of bye. so the saying, quote, it was the christmas miracle. we were all hoping for. it doesn't sound like that. listening to people on the ground like thomas white. does it? absolutely not this the christmas night that it's that christmas nightmare for the people and guys are, but it is christmas in washington. i think the washington has gotten its way. washington prioritizes the war over the safety and then a humanitarian way being of the people in garza. unfortunately, the american ambassador, i'm telling you all the way must be shaking in his grave. she used,
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she invoked the suffering of the children and gaza in order to make the argument for prolonging the suffering of the children. and god, so why, why would it do that? i think this was america's chance to come back, sent the stage in the middle east and to dictate the agenda of the united nations security council when it comes to this conflict that's become the focal point of the geo politics of the region. all right, hold that, sold for a 2nd because along those lines we've been listening not only to people like thomas white from underwood. today my one we've been listening to people from ox fam, who's been saying along those lines, that this doesn't make a whole lot of difference to their operations. the aid is not the solution to this problem. and i say that is actually mandatory. and you heard the un secretary general come in at the top of this program, aid can't work unless commercial activity is happening. it can't work,
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it aid workers are running for their lives. and aid can't work while the bombs are falling and, and, and destroying houses. factories, farms mills bakeries, there's no point in bringing flower if you can't big bread with it. so the focus is entirely wrong. and i think the consensus on the resolution that ultimately adopted reflects that in comparison to the wide gulf between the us and the rest of the world on what's really needed. so this resolution model on about a do you can hear from the a book is on the ground, but let's say you've got along that then was this more of a victory rather than a victory for the palestinian civilians who need that aid rama. then for the u. n, is it really more of a victory for the us diplomatic position? so it's a different yes for the diplomatic and strategic position. see, because the whole point of american support is right and said, think it's aircraft carriers, a nuclear submarines
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a the money and arms is to send that message. the china restaurant here on that america is back in the middle east and the america is leading in the middle east. it will not leave a vacuum for moscow badging it on to her on to for it in. and it was due changed about oh, impact the balance of power. and the security council is why does the region? well, i mean, a lot of is, this is, this is in play as it, right, right. that's in place. but that's, that's the focus about what happened just in terms of the american position. america is ready to sacrifice the people of satisfied in order to make a strategic game against its nemesis rate in the region and beyond. so the idea here is very simple. we have a portal and i'll just say it online, basically sort of a thing, not just one, but several humanitarian directors of several international organizations including video and including the secretary general. everyone uses of the word, but we welcome humanitarian, blah, blah blah,
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blah blah. but this is not going to work. so to fix the question in washington and everyone else, which part is not clear in the fact that you cannot have humanitarian a distributed to the people who need them in gaza? why bonds are forwarding on them? which part is not clear, right? you can have a humanitarian. the reason why the water is waged, you need to stop the water ceasefire without the ceasefire. you can't tell you right that. so what is the number that says there is no disconnect. there's an up shoot, disconnect. what does it tell us more one about the us time table at this point? well, this is probably the most important part of it, right? because we have and is, and is there 8 o'clock that says we need 2 or 3 months to finish up the job. right? but the us talk is a bit sure to 2 or 3 weeks who's taking the loudest. what i think with this resolution as the americans, because now if you're going to use this with this,
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right, or to say you have to 3 weeks, what's not in the world, not doing the want to figure it out to something less intensive and more discriminant. but the more we continue, and that is the tragedy of this whole exercise is that you have the united nations security council that's supposed to maintain peace and security code on the world. expressing yes i know that was the notion that does not embody what the charter stands for. it needs a ceasefire in order to pave the way for humanitarian aid. not the other way. i don't think so much model on the shot of all 5 thing is continuing between is riley forces and has the law in southern lebanon on friday. has the lawn care about 5 attacks on his writing and actually positions targeting barracks and gatherings of his ready soldiers in the vicinity? is there any forces attached to a number of positions including roads along the border? i'm conducted raids near the towns of cuff, kayla,
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and the down the river island fish it is in occupied east jerusalem. so i think a question on the minds of many viewers and will be, is this cross border exchanges don't? is it now escalating? it is perhaps been a bit more intense than the last 24 hours, but it still remains for todd war between has fall and these relays certainly for these really it's a got they've been that their focus is largely on gaza as a net attempt. they can do with that, and that's exactly what has fall. i know, i certainly on friday, what we saw was a launch of motors from the liberty side of the board. the towards is really army positions at several locations. and there were tillery strikes, going back the other way across the border. then this morning i that is really army . jack struck a number of positions which they say, where has ball
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a military installations and infrastructure, and they were destroyed. but people on that side of the border, i've also seen a number of attacks just like some of them were captured on video, including one camera mind who managed to film what loose like rockets being fired towards some targets on the lebanese side of the border. i clearly there was some concern as some of these really attacks also went via a unit fil possession unit fil, being the united nations mission and lab and on that will certainly consent and those who are involved in that population on international organizations as well as on friday the is really so not in step one is really so just had been killed in the was hezbollah. attacks taking the number of soldiers killed since october, the 7th. it was described by these families as the northern front, $210.00 in total has ball. uh, they say they've lost $119.00 fighters in the battles that have rage since october
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the sub or will leave at that time, some challenge official. a still a head on al jazeera. why the us size iran is involved in a tax on commercial ships carried out by evans to see remo group the ride. see the the the had a lot of the, the winter weather has to be in the story across east asia with some heavy snow. thanks to a cold wave pushing its way from west to east across china and the korean peninsula . it dropped some very heavy snow and shined on eastern china disrupting some of the transport the but it doesn't look rather pretty. now the winter weather has cleared up here instead pushing across the yellow sea into the korean peninsula.
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and we'll see those waves of winter weather continuing to affect the western flank of japan. but still some warnings remain new for heavy snow here. much dry up behind that for large areas of northern china, a patch of heavy snow. however, touching into the very north as we go into christmas day for the south of this clear sky. so i'm just picking up slightly spacing and shanghai but still well below the average to this time if yeah. now as you move to south asia, it's all about the heavy rain that's been affecting southern parts of india holding flooding and tumble. and i do, but it twice up slightly on sunday bits and pieces of rain here and that into carol . the rain comes back those heavier showers on monday. and it persists in sri lanka, putting across to the multi, much twice story up in the north and for issues in the northeast with some heavier rain coming into bundle dish. i'm in my sunday to monday, the
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president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line or and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on now to see if the the you're watching out just see or a time to recap on headlines now. the un security council has the dumped to the
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resolution demonic asylums from us. enable the safe delivery of more humanitarian aid into garza. my says, the resolution is insufficient. does not address the catastrophic humanitarian situation. crazy bias around at least 18 palestinians have been killed in an israeli attack on the site on the refugee captain central gaza. 2 other counts were also hits. east and central ton unit. the sounds so heavily bombarded is variety. forces has rated the following via refugee camp in the north of occupied east jerusalem. several pallets can use while arrested before his ready troops with troop of us is accusing a ron of being involved in attacks on commercial ships, carried out by evans who the rebel group. washington says iran is providing trends, missiles and tactical intelligence to the group that's attacked several ships in recent days. the by the ministration recently announced in naval coalition. so
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solid thought joins us now from tribute here to. so any reaction in the region that to the accusations from the lighthouse us while we're running a supplement, either or has a, has a long speech today, but he has completely ignored his indications and the conditions that are coming from the usa. so the white house spokesperson, the white house secure, and national security sports person said that they have no reason to believe that iran is trying to prove to, to, to disagree the idea that the whole thing is from this reckless behaviors. and they say that they believe you're on is deeply involved in the planning of these attacks . and the packages that was provided by iran has been a crucial element of these attacks. however, he hasn't provided a chinese substantial evidence for that. but later we have seen them on to come published on what's the journal and they said that as a quote through some of the sources to west and original officials,
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seeing that the lawn was involved and they were providing the weird timing tabs as to what these weapon res, including the thrones and the nice size of heavy use. i mean, does that tax pricing policies on the, the, the ships that we're passing through the red sea and the american officials insist that with these do not have the rate of technology. and we don't run into assistance so the new styles will be just dropping. the whole thing is on the other hand, i see that they have to look the on the intelligence facilities over the years of the aggression a guest them. so that of whose excavations here, however, the evidence is that are provided by the usa or not sufficient enough, or rather they are substantial evidence as full as of now. russell one is the lack of clarity on who all the members of what hardware will be committed. what does it tell us as well?
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the us, they seem that's 20 countries have agreed on for them in a, in a move to national task force. and they will cooperation c, as in indian threats, use threats to safeguard the freedom of the navigation of the ships. but so far, so very little countries, just small number of the companies have actually active, equitably say that they're going to be part of the grease and u. k. one. the other hand we see that the other comes. ready across utility and spain, the say that they're not going to be the part of this, but the rather they are going to act on the national interest. patty and ships are going to only answer the course images, of course, from the italian ship or nurse prostate that the sports is going to just act on the french command. spain says that is going to only join that nature laughed museum. so denmark, netherlands, i know they say they're going to send some stuff, some of them one, some of them 5 stuff, but not in the red. see, rather in, by frames. so as of now we see that the usa is really pushing hard,
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but completely we have almost nothing substantial here. yes, yes, it has one of the largest military base this year and it holds more than $4000.00 us. i'm going to do personnel. but as of now that hasn't been any additional may with forces coming to that region. yeah. so the companies are pretty much reluctant to be a part of this. this quantity should even support the itself saves that it's not going to be a part of that. and these other companies do not want to be publicly named here. so it is as of now, almost a video of formation of these question as of now sending stuff back from a some sort of thought into booty. now in the village of model jonathan, the occupied westbank palestinian bed to insight the suffering from daily attacks and strides from israeli settlers and soldiers or a con. now with more a i'm here in the bed when that age of my auto shots. now this is located between
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the cities of ramallah and jericho. i've been speaking to the veterans living here, they said at the end of november. so miss randy set the entity in step village and started shooting towards the people. they then took many of the shoes, which they were in line for that livelihood, and they destroyed their tents. nobody helping coming back ever since. and they say they've been supported by the is ready, all the so the last a new here was about 15 minutes ago. let's go ahead and take a look. so not a lot of problems, but not the listing. yeah. well, what, what was study of the settlers with masks they have weapons and they see everything even what decades they claim that we come with crimes, even when my single child sees the suck those, these thoughts screaming. we all know when to present our futures only feed for our children and the community with those. i'm just about speak to the wife all the jamal and the hats. now it's just inside here, this is where they say one of the attacks took place. her baby was inside this
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carrier. when these reset the they tell me start kicking assets. she quickly grabbed her baby and went an officer that she said that they were shocked at her gym. and in a 100, this little bit of an he attacked us inside our home. he gets my little girl, why she wasn't the carrier. then he's left me and hits an old lady sitting with us . and he took our phones, then started joining the books and store or sheep. he didn't leave anything inside the house. for a thing in cub hello from southern as of theresa close attacked me when i was heading, they got my hand to me in the stomach through gas and attacked us dying as soon as this on chuck and oh and we shall we have always had problems when the word got worse, they had of the settler's g brains, started making issues at night. they came down on tractors and attacked us even an hour ago. they came with the army who help them. they work together. they're all friends. what date this area surrounded by 5 illegal is right. assessments are
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situated all along the top of the hills. and the policy, the ration organization tells us that at least $1600.00 posting and veterans having dispossessed from the land since october, the 7th and international. i'm the write scripts say that some of finance is often sponsored by the states in order to drive people from the homes, and this is on the rise north on al jazeera occupied westbank. well, let's get some all the news now. the last french soldiers of less than the share of the country is new rulers. 7 defense ties. relations between the 2 countries broke down following a minute. recruit in july amended race reports signing these documents effectively. harold's the end of a century of colonial and post independence, frank presence image share on the time of the last of the troops lined up to board to transport planes that the parties.


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