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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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the vital role in solar energy harnessing offerings, 75 percent of global carbon credits essential submitted by mental protection, enhancing investments alignment digital licensing, your better tomorrow the the for the executable, you're watching out you 09 from coming up in the next 60 minutes. several palestinians are killed and how those injured off for these really military attacks, residential areas and refugee camps in north and central cost on the un security council calls to increase fading to guys i but not an end to providing state agency say it won't help the situation on the correct the resolution full well sure of
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what we need here. you guys, uh, we need a suite for the thousands that protesting it costs some of your capital cities in support of products and omni the heem and bethlehem where productivity is take pride in calling it the capital of christmas. and instead of a christmas tree, there's an artwork that depicts the palestinian story with historical figures from the manger. in bethlehem have been rearranged to tell the stories of palestinians in garza, the age 16 gmc 6 pm in guys are where a 150000 people are being forced to move from the center of the strip. as israel expands this military operations,
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its bombing of the album res refugee camp in central gaza is reported to have killed 5 people, including children. while a strike on jabante, a refugee camp is believed to have killed diamonds, agencies, including ox. i'm meanwhile, have criticized a new un resolution that costs a more a to guys that but not for a sci fi. you might hear an organization say, why the when baldwin's continues, it's impossible to distribute any aid and on israel. northern border is really strikes, have targeted areas of southern 11 known as fighting gifts continues between the 11 east on group has the law and a israel. a $118.00 has full of fighters have been killed so far and 19 civilians including 3 journalists. let's get an update on the situation and gaza 1st with tie cup was in a southern, gaza in a rough or more precisely tell us about what's been happening in these last few hours a topic as far as these really bombardment of the
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yes. um, the tax credit sconces strep did not stop during the last hour, which has been intensified specifically on the mid regions of the church reword a series of residential buildings have been completely attacked by the use of a military. you are talking about a non profit status. indians have been killed and out of my house a refuge account, including 2 young children alongside with a separate tax on that dairy by abrasion which 5 south cities have been a totes, and it kills bite. it is really mandatory, as these areas had been the main focus of that he's really admitted to offensive during the day. also these attacks a graduate extended to different areas in gauze truck or are talking about 12 palestinians who have been killed in your belly and pellets area. and the vast majority of those victims were including children and women. and all of these areas that are densely populated, had become on the, is very wide attacks of tests also extended to reach con units, which had completely turned into
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a back tools. those now these 2 beside the military attacks that these palestinians have claimed the lives of around moved on to it. more than 20000. the top of 20000 about was to means alongside with more than 53000 others according to the palestinian america governments. media offices in dollars, i know these that tax on the church. we continue as move back, tends to be killed in psych goals is true. but what is really shocking for policy is that there are still thousands of residents tubes and there are still under the ruffles, without having any kind of rest 2 efforts to be obtained and to be pulled from the wreckage of the destroyed houses and tell you what to palestinians make of the un security council resolution, which has call for increased age into gaza. ave, hopeful that it could make an impact. that is to bring about some change from improvement to that ice. to yes, absolutely. from the perspective of palestinians, they see this resolution as
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a very good results of the international diplomatic efforts made by different eh, a regional and international bodies to mitigate the human. it's eric crisis inside garza and we are appreciating the a b s k. a lot of old kinds of humanitarian, a visit to the jury. 3 point. what do you really want me to be practically translated on the ground? is that the velocity of a delivery into the church, we as the one to beat new kinds of age to be allowed to the church or within a very short time to help them to survive and to uh, to be able to get coup with the coming days and more grubbing consent the more expanding the village. reparations, of course, construct, and what is also essential for palestinian this that the must be afforded with more cordial. with all the human to turn age, there are no receiving disagreements or an age for out one of outlets, which is a rough 1st thing. and the want to be more reduced for the 2 or 3. given mary time for adult child according to just to help them to reach and to receive the ultimate
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number of humanitarian hayes as they have lost their jobs. they have been going through a very difficult day during the last couple of weeks as the is really intense plumbing called the church. we did not remain anything left for postilion unless the only right now depends inc or such age to survive. and also the appreciate all efforts may be one to reach a resolution that would tell to end the fighting on the ground and become again returned to the houses despite the fact that they are being completely or partially destroyed. sorry, thank you for the update tire cap was on live for us to enroll. fi in southern gaza . well, aid agencies have criticized the un security council resolution to increase a to guys as it fails to address the calls for sci fi, the director of phone ride the un agency for palestinian refugees in garza. i said they can't deliver more 8 until a ceasefire is in place. just as the un security council was meeting the other
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night. at the same time, messages were being passed to the community in the middle areas of gaza, telling them to evacuate. this is telling more people to move, many of them who bring the slice before to an area that cannot provide them with shelter. so at the same time we, we were discussing things that the security council, the is riley army, was telling the more people to move and signaling a broadening of the, the offensive hearing gaza. nothing has changed. they are a hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people living in the open, literally maces from way with, with speaking. uh, they are a strikes continue to hit all parts of gaza, always in a hospital. the other guy, the wards, the overflowing. there are people who have had amputations lying in the car doors. it's disproportionately affecting women and children and gaza. this is what needs to stop. the civilian population continues to bear the brunt of the conflict
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. and you know what, let's wait and see what this resolution brings in terms of, in, during the ending that suffering for all other agencies as the most caving in their credit. as an ox describes the security council's inaction as incomprehensible and says only and immediate sci fi, i can meet urgent team out of terry and needs doctors without borders. police a watered down resolution will have a meaning less impact on guys of civilians. save the children, expressed as stimulus sentiments, stating that anything other than an immediate cease fire is inadequate. and the international rescue committee calls the counsels failure to demand to cease fire on justifiable, let's speak to on use kind of mine. now. who is the secretary general of i miss the international and a former you and special robert tortious life from leo in friends. thank you very much. very much miss. cut them off with speaking to us. hold on to 0. uh, i guess i, i want to ask you 1st what you make of this,
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you end security council resolution, and whether you think it can have any meaningful impact, even a minimal impact on the lives of policy and some guys you know, i think you're, i will i will rejoining what to what we've heard so far. we want to hold that this resolution, we bring some respite to the, to the suffering and deal by the people of goza. but i hope all know it's very high the, you know it's, it's really not that quick as long as there is no ceasefire. the conditions for the delivery of humanitarian assistance simply on the day of so the security council can adopt to regional you sion calling for more you might need terry and assistance . but if he does not create the conditions full, then delivery to actually be possible. it's not going to happen, it's going to be
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a drop in on the ocean of suffering to what was, what was the point of this resolution? what was the purpose after all, the negotiate all the a new way. we can only hope that there will be a bit more humanitarian assistance. david, the point was a political point you towards, um, uh, you know, clearly an attempt to buy the united states to demonstrate its powerful position. uh, its use of a view to add this right to push for a welding and the original use and that matched what they wanted it to use. highlighting the i pull chrissy and to show rate all the tool is highlighting the complete breakdown of international. why do we need a resolution cooling for? you might need the assistance when these is a basic plan support under international your money, diane?
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no, this should not be in trends too. you might need to and then you very of you many diana systems. these writers should not stopped the delivery of humanitarian assistance and he's right and should not create the conditions that make the delivery of you many times as systems impossible. the in discriminate the targeting these bush and they won't be of surveillance. oh, you might need down and call the voice of you many doing an act to us all know that all the causes for the complete breakdown of you many terry and the system in get is that right? and this is what the result is should should do. yeah. and it has and done that, you talked about is right. and it's kind of my it and they seems to be somewhat of a disconnect for significant disconnects. some would say between the way these really see the humanitarian situation in gaza and the way the rest of the world
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sees it. these ratings will tell you there are no 4 challenges and guys, or for example, or how do we change how, how, you know, how do we get to a point where israel is force to allow this agent. and i'm heading that way without attacking a trucks without attacking the crossings that allow these a truck trucks to go and handle. um, i don't know what tweed visa, tipping point, and this, you know, at this time, i think it is very clear that they are only one country. and he's only one country that as a key to unlock what's happening at the moment, which he's at college, which she's mind scale, you know, most kids violation of humanitarian little and human rights. so that country, the united states, those are,
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those are the people in the white house. and in the state department, they add the key to allow to make it possible for the people of guys to receive you might need tell you in the systems they of the key to the ceasefire . of course is right twins section us maybe more keys. but at the moment, there is only one state that she's really protecting easily against the rest of you know, the world really it ease and then tell you man made crisis led by, by to west coast. and the more clarity that should be driven, the decision making right now is completely lacking in the white house, completely lacking. so what we'd be keeping point, we have 20000 that at the moment a cell does something on home. ok,
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children. 52029 out of 10 people. forget all hungry oh, stomping. we have collective punishment. we have use of starvation as a weapon of war. we have, you know, at 1250 crimes being committed. we have hostage being held in a by must what tweeted these with keeping for what toys needed for the white house to utilize that they are allowing, you know, put a college going on in front of or is it cameron's of the, what they do is, frankly it's kind of our briefly before we let you go, they can ever be justice for all the crimes that you've listed that are being committed on the people of casa, is the kind of being able to option for us, but to demand justice, and to build the system between the allowed trustees to be then we need to ensure
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that the international criminal court delivers what to can and really investigate twenties happening. we need to ensure that o d u once before, procedures, because these items can deliver. um, just you know, if you're asking me with the address piece, we let them within the next year or 2. no, you know we, we need to work at it and work at it and work kept it a long low weeds of people of guess as a people in the west bank. these of just the same, the people of the side diesel just as a matter of fact the people of 1000. these are of december trustees. so that must be the key priority. moving forward along with finding finally find 30 or 42 quotes to use them. so that the people of these written and published and then people can leaving dignity. thank you. thank you so much miss. i just cut them off secretary general of amnesty international, joining us a, a from funds. thank you for your time. i a thank you. so much of guys are non lies
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invoices following continues. these really bombing and occupation by is really gone . forces reports of bodies laying in the streets, buildings destroyed in both. those i'll just here is on our sal sharif reports on the tell as that to a neighborhood north of the giovanni a refugee camp. and wanting to argue is that his report contains upsetting seats. that there was a few months since the zach thought who know it, we are in the tells us enabled. oh no, no, no. from that you're finding a refugee camp that it was under siege, imposed by the use radio occupation forces for more than 20 days off. yeah, i'll call them and i should be in the, i'm not sure i don't know joe. and when we came here, we saw the bodies of thousands of people i showed by is ready for lying in the street. oh, come on, i'm sure i do know. i saw a show how the i can also see the scale of the destruction close body is really bombarded with all the heavy i love the car posted in your medical team and i haven't managed to reach the area because of the ceo to the neighborhood is totally
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destroyed to the seems a very difficult to take and as you can see, the bodies of many dead people lying everywhere. now the model paula, has he and my dad is school was around, the indonesian hospital was heavily bombarded. i mean, had again a hell of a yet, and this is randy. minute tree vehicles have tried to advance from these stories to was that your body a refugee camp? palmer did. the hassle should be chem and who know they started from the streets near the indonesian hospital to was the to allows us a neighborhood coming to them a how it is a don't in a month to put the azako on the model, paula. and as the show and streets and buildings, an infrastructure only being destroyed, of the neighborhood is no longer habitable because of the mass of destruction, the amount of share ahead national and that, that you had done in almost
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a sure i would have the most fish from now moving in the direction of the allows the hospital to which has been on the siege for more than 10 days. i left it up on the, on with the or has he, i'm with cisco who know the general manager and then some of the medical stuff. she's interested, money, occupation forces as well to help them with special i, with the awesome the north west, our brother, dean, push to teach for $18.00 days. no one was allowed to go anywhere. if someone tried to move the shut them immediately, the older old people in between 20 and 40 to go out to the house and make it in groups of 20 a day in center. the flow of the city and actually the easy to forces to good way to force good, as well as dr. ohio. as your father should have done a got cut off with dish a row after the mother of danielle. the next day they came again with the doctor on it, and they took some of the district people. then they took those above the age of 16 addressed only their underwear, and they took about $8.00 to $6.00 people. and i'm not going to get to the file,
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you know, the modern man as inquiry them. why not rejoice really on how game you and destroyed all the buildings. you will leave me out the hospital and these 2 ladies were on their way to the hospital to deliver the baby's zillow. john, come on level folder. uh, broke up. i gotta jump off of the house, but the one of them was killed, a fellow and his body is under the rubble. so these really bulldozers killed them all. why come on just sit down. let us, how on that come on? because there are other pregnant women in this area, what killed the to the pregnant women without mercy, all of the general fireball. come up, left and not only what you didn't get. the one who . uh, i'm not sure i went to a few months, but the thought, the, i don't know how sort of this is the scene in the tellos at the neighborhood doctor
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has been under sage for more than 20 days or the mall seeds. i saw destruction and dead bodies in the streets as the medical teams have not yet been allowed to collect some unnecessary if i just see all some of those at least 20 palestinians, including children, have been killed in. is there any strikes in the sea right refugee camp in central garza and buried under the rubble. several of those killed had evacuated their homes in northern gaza to escape is ras. compartment into diary has this report and a warning that you may find some of the scenes in it upsetting what i'm saying, please is handing on the rubble of the house of the journalist. how much teresa in the service refugee camp the scene is horrific. here are bodies that are still trapped under the rubber a can use. 20 palestinians have been killed in 4 are still under the rubble, including children. and this house was had at least 18
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palestinians that were internally displaced and see this 3 story building as a refuge after they were called to evacuate from the northern parts of the gaza strip. let's walk. people are trying to remove their bodies from under the rebels. where they're trapped under here, sorry for the image. it's very hard and unsolved. but unfortunately these people do not have any equipment. they're thinking with their own bare hands trying to remove these bodies that are trapped under there. but according to the family, there are activities for stairs dropped under the robot and they have been trying to help them and to remove them. since yesterday, as you see, as they are trying to remove them from under the rebels. the ceiling,
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besides the above us is partially damaged. here people were looking for winter clothes and for blankets. they were trying to take the remains of what's left of this house, the the people who live here were taking their close their blankets because the weather is very winter and they're homeless. learn right now. this is the see that we have been with using since the 1st day of the war on cause. and the, the air strikes continue every single day, people in this area and surrounding this area. and then my guys and in the state off in other areas in the gaza strip, have been called to evacuate. what people are telling us that they don't have any place to evacuate, and there is no place safe. this isn't the whole city as
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a 0. say it out there for g. come cause a pumps. time children displaced in guys struggling to survive and some are even forced to work to support the families. sierra. so fled to vasa from a suburb of guys that is among them. the last one is the gentleman, this is what i want to be. 8 somebody now the just got a phone that them on the phone,
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the up on the go to the city of going to finish of the i'm not, i'm not a thousands have been protesting across some of europe's capital cities in support of palestinians in garza, in berlin. around 1500 people are marching through a straight to the brandenburg gate that called in for an end to the war in gas. it's the same and milan, it's me with thousands have been waiting promising in flags and urging is route to
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stop attacking civilians is comes as residents and guys are facing salvation and are setting their possessions for food. according to the world health organization, at least a 100 j unless have been killed since, as well as well on guys that began. that's according to new figures from guys as media office. the latest victim is part of simeon during these mom, just while i'm at apple quite to who was killed and, and these really yes, right on his saw me, whole into jaya in the neighborhood, east of guys, a city and not a policy engine, is mohamed. how the far west killed during the past 24 hours when he's ready will paint bomb this holmes in the, in the say, right refugee can or well let's discuss all these latest developments now with hass on very who's a professor of international affairs of content university thank you for joining us again here on out here. let's start with these protests 1st in several european capitals. we've seen them every weekend, almost since this conflicts began. are they making any difference these from the test when you see the best solution of un security council has come up with on,
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on got you well, you know, the 1st thing, you know, at the very beginning of the complex, you know, and october 7th day, if you know, there was nothing in here for instance, and then as a door goes on and people realize that, you know, it's not their box reaction to what happened on october 7th. it was a war of as well again. and they've had a senior people and that's why the international community, like everywhere in europe, in london, for instance, even america, if you see people take to the street and say free palestine on by that, but that's fine. and they do not accept the, the fact that the, the washington forces accomplish it to what they've always been doing and, and gas and, and this is very indicative, i think, is going to have some impacts in, in, in weeks will come. but until this moment, i think the, the, the process have managed to sway the lead, their leaders like any of now they're trying to distance themselves from the american. and now this is why mark is being isolated now of the international level . as seen this in the security council, this the only country,
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they've seen this in the general assembly, 150 or more than 150 to stay safe. they should be suicide. so everyone is calling for sees, fell apart from the, the american restrictions. and i think this is the impact of the public opinion and what is obvious these days? what, what do you think it's going to take to get the americans on board finally, i mean, they give lip service. some would describe it as to, to the situation of people in guys of the humanitarian situation. but at the same time they have same from, from voting on this uh, security council, rest solution missed calls to increase 8 into gaza. the unconditional support of, of the american. so israel, you know, what will it take for it for that to be a dent in that, even a minimum of one through the 2 points here. the 1st one is that the support for is what is bipartisan. so it's not only the democratic want do with most of the public
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and foxes india out. we think each of those who would, you know, service little more. and this is a problem, this kind of disconnect between the public sentiments and what the administration has been doing and, and this i think going to continue for some time. and we cannot ignore the fact that the american administration, all of them in a role support as well. not only is that i am, i mean, not only the commitment to these various if i survive on, but also expansion of seen this when it comes to settlement and stuff like this. but the other point to that, to a more americans are realizing that the account is being isolated. and not only that, they've seen that the american, it's an interest are being threatened. now see what happened and, but i'm in denver, etc. and the who would be and, and stuff like that. so i think we would time. uh, the only thing that would make the americans change course is if they feel genuinely that their interest abroad hotspots. and so it's not only the public
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opinion of america, but this should be also supported by interest, other options and m. c with the who it has been doing. i mean, many people like dismissed this as being kind of grand standing thing, but i think it would have an impact on people. right. does not with impact the international economy. yeah. if prices are going up, insurance are going up now. all or many ships have to go through the cape of the good whole not this was canada, which means like more time is more insurance, more money, more, more losses. and there's an image where the internet should commit to can scan, you know, absorb this, but, you know, i think with the, with time they're making the station will step in and change force. and do you think we're likely to see a resolution in, in the near future calling for sci fi and gas, or is that still? no, i can see that. yes, of course, that's not the land. okay. i can see that, okay, who is going to is this is individual. okay. and then what would come to an end? i think the you on security council should have the same of the question whether it's going to be under article 7 or i think 6 makes it been beautiful. 7946 being
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for our viewers who may not be aware of as you know, sometimes the resolution is like documentation which we have to for to we have c 38 . so is that has been in the think around the bush since 1967. and now we want to see something like sort of that pushes is that to put a price tag. so if he doesn't implement and comply, then there's, there should be a price unless we see this is a win or lose fee of that they can evade it. okay, thank you very much. have some very for joining us. thank you for sharing of use with us and still ahead on how to 0 christmas celebrations are cancelled in bethlehem in a show of solidarity was promising in, in cost the
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brought to you by visit capital had a lower there. was that in south asia, and the skies may have dried up in the south of india, but the flood waters remain for places like tumble. now do we have some very heavy rain? at half launch we cleared up still, some showers remain a legacy of charlotte as well. pushing across into carroll, we are expecting some heavy rain as we go into the new week. persistent rain continues for sri lanka, but on sunday it's a north east of india as well as bung with dish that will see the heaviest show. as long as we settled and fly across the north with some fog warnings issued for the northeast paces like a do show could deal with some bad visibility to the fog. and some of the issues continue from northern parts of the north west of india, as well as northern areas of pocket stump of the launch. we settled picture across the region over the next few days, and long as you settled for areas of east asia in particular, a china, lots of sunshine and settled weather, but bitterly cold. up in the north for phasing and shanghai,
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seeing the temperature is well below the average for this time if yeah, the winter weather pushes out further east. we're expecting most snow on the west and flank of japan, some heavy rain as well. pushing out east over the next few days, but in terms of temperature, we will see things warm up slightly over the next few days into monday. the weather brought to you by visit castle expo 2023. the world, the fascination to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023 years from al jazeera on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that
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the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the, the, the welcome back. a recap of the latest development seems guys are, these really military hasn't taught the average refugee camp in central gaza and giovanni, a refugee camp in northern casa, dozens of people are reported to being killed, including children. thousands have been protesting across some of your ups capital
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cities in support of palestinians calling for the war in guys had to stop more than 20000 people have been killed since the conflicts began. on october, the 7th, the un security council as adopted the resolution demanding each route and how mos enabled a safe delivery of most by the cherry need to guide by agency save the situation on the ground can not be improved without a ceasefire. already i spoke to doctor, i'm it on diary who's the regional director for the eastern mediterranean at the world health organization. he says the un resolution won't make much of a difference. so this is exactly the same as the resolutions for all disagree call . so no problem that again, not as somebody is not providing us that much to because you know, the security situation is very bad. boulevard rental for different places and because it, including gifts capacities, it is continuing holds are interrupted because of the timing. so it is
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a combination of lack of security and that goes to the infrastructure and growth. so, you know, if you take the same as sort of supplies the bluff difficulties and some sort of changes, you don't have to across folders, either online or come up with sort of, you know, girl support as. so please. yeah. unfortunately, the sort of positions are providing, you know, how and if there is a 100, because bare minimum to provide some nice to people here. that is, you know, i could be nation all snack a food, lack of water, lack of medical supplies, bishop outlined golden rule, and overrated with no one sees yet there's no shortage of the blood and blood products. so patients updating with no, you know, sort of position infections. i was speaking with the patients that kicked people into that you know, your costs because so it is a combination of difficulties. i'm trying to bless the data 0, sylvia sure. pick up from around 90 over 90 percent of the population. there are
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they live as of the coming, you know 5 and 5 and in that area you know, don't it was a are now. bethlehem is reviewed by christina as the birthplace of jesus christ. this time of year, the town is usually packed with thousands of foreign choice, but the war on guys a means most a staying away policy and business owners who rely on the income during the christmas season. say the suffering more than ever. cha, stratford re for some bethlehem palestinian would call those have been working at this time live on business in bethlehem for almost a 150 years. but this christmas war on gulls and subsequent increase these really military rates across the occupied west bank as post tourists to stay away. who's saying how much is being called in christian figurines. like this one for more than 3 decades. depends on his job based family of 6. and what's the head of this work
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is in my blood? i love it, and i love my workplace and my fellow workers, the situation is terrible everywhere. the boss is trying to help us to work by any means, but it's hard for him when business so bad. rumsey, zachary is the full generation to run the business. pictures of his great grandfather coughing would hang on the wall. it had of its cool solve the situation and bathroom is hard because 80 percent of the economy here depends on tourism. and we're trying to keep the workshop running for the workers because they all have responsibilities. and this is all i know the address going to come here as long as well goes on. it's terribly hard inside. nobody, at this time of the best of him would be bustling with hundreds of thousands of tours from around the world. the war on garza is keeping them away promised sending business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. this is what tourists are afraid of as well as little military
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rage across the occupied westbank, including on the best of him almost every night since the warm gauze assaulted. his real says it's targeting suspected members of the palestinian homes resistance groups. but these radio army has destroyed what's estimated to be hundreds of millions of dollars with private and public property and killed almost sweet 100 palestinians during the rates. this is the almost 1700 year old church in the tibbetts. he built the both place of jesus this year. they're all new accuse of excited fall and faces. and there's virtually no one side hotels that should be full, empty, or closed souvenir shop surrounding the ancient square. either shuts it off or struggling to remain open as well as the this is the worst here. it's ever be. even during bad times we used to work and they were few tourists now. many shops don't
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even bother opening for saying his fellow would cause and thousands of other palestinians who depend on the festive season for their livelihoods. they will be no christmas this year. trouble stopping houses 0 big long occupied with bank and live not to need an e frame whose investment him in the occupied westbank for his so 2 days before christmas need of what, what is the mood like investment? well i'm standing here in front of what was supposed to be a toll christmas tree filled with lights and you're the means are square usually with see. passivity is christmas carols as well as lights being all over bethlehem . and this is the christmas market. this year. none of that, the major square is almost empty, but instead of the trees, there's this article that has just been, you know, great to today from tell us to be an artist, products of stuff. you know, when we go to see the details of it, he has,
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we pick to the original major seen the growth so that we present to the whole each family. but instead of it, she painted the pictures to show and he made the pictures to show as the story of palestinians and garza, like virgin mary's supposed to be holding baby jesus in the original major scene. but now she's holding her son in a way that resembles how kind of city and mothers are holding their dead babies after these been killed in garza next to her is joseph trying to console her. the 3 wise men that are huge when he bringing gifts to baby jesus instead, they are carrying white's coffins. this is all symbolic of what's happening to allow us to be in the b c's, cause us to present it to the to itself is you can see has been bombarded the angels,
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the artist says were present the souls of palestinian children will have been killed in gaza, so he kind of rearrange the whole scene to tell a story that palestinians have been seeing again and again for the past 78 years and has been speaking to people who say the counseling christmas celebrations is not just because they want. this will sort of dirty, it's not just because they want to stand by the fund, new products, that means that the disease causes through but some more saying, oh, even has it's in them to celebrate christmas in such a dark phase of palestinians. you know, they're only, they're not only seeing processing is being killed them well guarded and pushed away from their homes. but they're also finding it difficult to find a piece of bread and water to continue their daily lives. so for palestinians here they were saying, we didn't even imagine that this war would go as long as this that we would be even
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marking christmas in a place where palestinians are proud to call the capital of christmas while a what other fellow palestinians are being killed in gaza and sure to amongst other institutions and hospitals are also being bombard. it's a summer mode indeed. need to thank you very much for that. challenges here is neither a brand reporting their life from bethlehem. having use the us as accused yvonne of being involved in a tax on commercial shapes carried out by humans who the rebel group. washington says yvonne is providing drones miss size and tactical intelligence to the group that's attacked several ships. in recent days, yvonne has dismissed the allegation, saying that with these were acting on their own. the healthy attacks have most of the targeted ships near the bottom and job straight and narrow sea passage between gammon, n g bulky that connects the indian ocean and the red sea out there as race. so
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saddam has more from the booty with several countries, including the us, have military base to you. one has not officially responded the accusation coming from the us here. however, previously 7 and new officials, including the fort administer, have said that they have nothing to do with the tax indirect c, a gas the ships passing through the through the state. but you white house, national security spoke person have said that they have no reason to believe that iran is trying to dissuade policies from the reckless behaviors. and they said that they believe iran is deeply involved in planning these attacks. later we have seen some articles from this that the last media say that you want these for why do real time intelligence weapon to include in the drones and besides, to hoses that have been used against the ships in the red sea. and they said that both these do not have the rate of technology and we don't run an assistance. definitely size will just look in the water or see that they have the will be when
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he had a just as soon as he's over the years of aggression against them. so there are serious allegation so far serious acquisitions, but very little substantial evidence to, to back up these acquisitions. and do you uh say say that, yeah, trying to gauge the war in gaza from the attacks in the red sea. and that's it. that's actually the red sea is an international crisis, and that's why they're trying to build up. i need some national quotations here to handle these crisis. but so far that has been very little commitment from the countries to these international enabled uh, naval questions here falls easily. that's the pain they have rejected to officially joined this international cooperation. and some of the, all the regional companies even do not want to be named publicly due to the point to go assess services. because see that do yes, it is really trying hard to form an international fuss full for you.
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reality that has been very little progress, especially said that people with to a drones strike has damaged your knees. really links shipping, the arabian sea, 370 kilometers off the coast of india. there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the strike, but 2 maritime agencies confirmed the liberia flags. chemical tanka had been hit. india says, had sent the coast guard ship towards the vessel. the ship was sailing from saudi arabia to india. no casualties have been reported. and will have more of the days of in use coming up, including will explain what's behind the threat of drought across se, asia that could hit rice, prompts a staple from millions of people in the beach, the cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find
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creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself and that person shares. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life and all the stages we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we want. we are nothing either all or do we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are in the footsteps. our officers claim that has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision is keywords you in the
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the welcome back. let's take a look at some of the days i've been use. now in the electoral commission, in the democratic republic of congo has started releasing provisional results, soft re chaotic generally election. voting was extended off to the maze and problems with voting machines. katherine sawyer reports from the capitol. contrast, we received the results from the bass for a. they show that the president, for next cabbie is leading their bates too soon to gauge out voting trend. now what we know is that there are 2 uh tub uh, presidential contenders. that's the president and moist cartoon. be a full month up enough of a tongue province in the south. is i the retest providence in the
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country? and he has said that the beast election is a some of the presidential candidates have said the same thing. some of them want fresh election. we've also seen statements from some independent of the like the cost of foundation. it says that it has cited serious irregularities in different pulling stations and a lot of confidence. now this is pete, this is what people have been talking about. they say that they want a credible election and what happened on paulding day is not acceptable. now here you can just uh, residence a, waiting all the results. and they have been told by the electoral commission to stay calm and wait for the commission to do its job. so it will be very interesting
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to see how things play out, especially if the election is contested. kathleen saw you all just there. i can show the last french soldiers have left the share of today's new rulers, cut defense dies and ordered frances and bass that are to leave relations between the 2 countries, broke down after a military coal in july army. these race reports in the capital yummy signing these documents effectively. harold's the end of a century of colonial and post independence french presence in this year. on the time of the last of the troops lined up to board to transport planes. the parties mount by arriving in front of the same base of the french court, just hours before supporters of the cool. yeah. it late, it was just the one that's on the same as we need the new rulers to forge tried and
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defense relations with countries with latrice us with fairness and respect. this j, we can see the day of independence. missouri is now left for giving us a helium that lies molly and breaking a fossil with this account, each voters and bring in goods. the french begin pulling out of new jersey is october 10 after the june to canceled or defends agreements with the former colonial power. the departure of the last french soldiers, marx from the end of the case of french military presents. yeah. is your religious or pretended printers to try to your right to the shop, please? especially july, largely due to french the french of moved out of their military hardware to friends and some of it to neighboring chide. leaving behind the struck just of these would be quickly occupied by troops from the united states and germany was to maintain some defense agreements with miss. yeah. and any say any
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yeah, cool. has upset long spending relations with many countries, among them, from the military ended support. is that chase down the french? not the general populace. i think restoring democracy will normalize everything with the international community, the french and even if you're not on the best of terms ending decades of political, economic, and defense engagements. it's not clear if these broken relations could be mended anytime soon. how many degrees? i'll just see that you have a nice yeah. the us supreme court has the excite declined driver to consider whether for me to present donald trump has immunity from prosecution for crimes committed during his time in office. special counsel john smith, who is prosecuting trump of his role in the capital riots in 2021, had asked the justices to take up the issue as soon as possible. the appeals court . well now he had a case in january, drought good, significantly impacts rice,
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havas. across asia this season because to the weather phenomenon known as el nino, this comes as parts of into asia are reading from previous drop conditions. and in one of the world's biggest rice exporters, vietnam farm is a having to adapt to their farm lands, drinking as a result of climate change. jessica washington has our report in vietnam, southern me come delta region. rice is up to send to us lights and provides a livelihood for thousands. most of the countries rise comes from here. a life is changing. erosion ends, drought prison, the suicide of land. both increase the amount of sold in the rice paddies and contaminate crops a uh to a and when they see these being a lot more on seasonal rain, i feel that is the most challenging time because of climate change when it rains pool is when it's sunny. it's really sunny, this period is quite difficult. new and used to grow rice,
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but like many film is in the area of the erotic with the patterns, forced him to switch to other crops. despite the l nino phenomenon, vietnam's rice exports, he's a record high in 2023 prices sold up to india band exports of the green. some is we're instructed to start planting earlier than normal in part to help mitigate some of the effects of el nino, vietnam is among the world's top rice produces and the me comb. delta area is often called the countries rice, bowls, but authorities will seek to reduce exports, incoming use, possibly in response to challenging weather conditions. nadisa is west java risky. a says the soil is so dry and hard. it's damaging, he's trying to. he has worked in rice fields since the early 19 eighties on the 12th of the whether or not in the past. the weather was very good by october and november would already be
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a lot of rain and the password usually come in august or september. but now they are unpredictable sign to say finding resilience across varieties is essential as to whether it becomes more unpredictable. joining on, you know, on the press and also. so this is um ethics, but it increase climate change. so we'll have impact on uh south what they do, she and in the, by the vice we'll monday advice we to decrease the productivity or if one of you can of the plan. so on this way, the entities, as president, joe cool with dodo, has ordered the military to help farmers plant rice in areas. lorraine has started to full to mitigate the delay caused by the dry weather. meanwhile, rosky is taking all jobs to suffice. he says he's tied as plowing dusty fields and looking up the clouds waiting for the rain. jessica washington,
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the ultra 0 west java indonesia time. now if i look at the source headline says feature the manchester united is what is all continuing. the latest sit back is a to know the feet to west have chattered bone finish this slick. pausing, moving to put the whole side in front of the 72 minutes wisdom and go to 2nd. shortly off the 3 mohammed cruise, it means man united have now gone full games without wind, rewarding results for david moiz was once in charge at old trafford. united's local arrivals meant just associated become the 1st english side when 5 trophies in the calendar year to go some crude in overrides help city, secure a photo victory of a fluid. nancy, in the club will cup final in saudi arabia, said he boss. pick claudio, that is the 1st manager to win the competition full times and with 3 different teams. hard to fit into the we, we close the chapter. we won already all the types of some of them in
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a row. so there's nothing us to we had the feeling that the jump is done door and yeah, really please. so now is breast of the reading christmas times and try to buy another book and are set to writing again because the book that i said use it's, it's over movie suarez as we united with an e mail, messy off to consuming that. he's joined. emily sighed into miami for the 2020 full season. suarez was named best play in brazil's top lead this post season of the scoring 17 gold, so green you now joins the david beckham mountain club as a free agent. the 36 year old will pay a long side for my boss alone to teammates, missy surgical escapes and jody oh, but as beside go in search of the 1st m. l is cop trophy. these even school, they low as they have a total against bangladesh as they, with the rest by 9 we could send the 3rd and final o d i it just, bang the dishes 1st. if i already, i'd victory in new zealand. tenzing house on the 2nd story with 3 wickets. and i'm
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be some 50 from knowledgeable who's saying shunted and helped bangladesh to victory . he's even already had the series wrapped up to what it finished. x the n b a is raining in v p. jolaine beads stored once again for the philadelphia savings. a 6 is the toronto raptors and beat and now has a 13 game street or at least 50 points in saying we bones the longest. some scream of the job of 16 games. 3 in the 197172, c one o 5, and the denver nuggets of no 16 of the last 7 games is they beat the brooklyn next to mulberry school. 32 points. when they come to you all coach had 29. i've been sick to the foot straight, the feet on them is to 5 for brooklyn, and those are useful headlines for the time being. you can get more elders here dot com as well as social media channels. visa, thank you very much for that. stay with us. on how to 0, we've got plenty more news coming up, including the latest developments in guys by way,
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more than 200 people have been killed in the past. 48 hours. we'll have a live report from my correspondence and just a few minutes. stay with the a frank assessments to the problem is that, is it or is allowed to be outside that? and so it's international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is and has declared war on no coupons, people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera have developed the sub level in
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the shop window of the usually puts in color does it is i'm a full sold. and as one of the social, when i just had the method is just where the come a little of each of us seems to make you know, the big how you been haven't done what i'll go over to the. 6
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most of the pop up with the ever, the more than 200 people are killed in guys in the last 24 hours as is rarely intensifies its relentless farming company. the low i'm 20 back to boy. you're watching l g 0 life from to ha also ahead. the un security council calls for increased state to gaza but not an end to the violent state agencies say it won't help the situation on the grounds. the resolution.


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