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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the most of the pop up with the, the more than 200 people that killed in guys in the last 24 hours as is rarely intensifies its relentless farming company. the low i'm 20 back to boy. you're watching l g 0 life from to ha also ahead. the un security council calls for increased a to gaza, but not an end to the violent state agencies say, it won't help the situation on the grounds. the resolution falls well short of what
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we need here and gaza. we need, i saw in thousands of processing across several european capital cities in support of the it's 17 gmc 7 pm local in gaza when more than 200 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. and israel's military attacks in the past 24 hours and the last few hours, these really bombing of the of res refugee camp in central gaza. us killed at least 8 people, including children in another strike on the jabante. a refugee camp in northern guys had 12 people were killed, the victims were all women and children from one family. meanwhile, international 8 agencies have criticized a new un security council resolution calling for more a to go as that, but not for
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a ceasefire. humanitarian organizations say it's impossible to conduct relief operations while the bombardments continues as get the latest from ty, god bless on. who's in the rough? i in 7 a guys or 4 is so tired is around keeping up with the bombing campaign even after this un security council. resolution that costs when police and in the a 2000 tell us about what's been happening for us in these last few hours. yes, absolutely. during the last few hours is really forces had expanded and intensified the fire power inside the gaza strip for our targeting a number of residential buildings in separate areas. of course the church we starting from the north of the chart tree where devalue had been, why do you attacked it during the last a few hours which will of palestinians have for reports of killed belonged to unforeseen family. and that the mate, the vast majority of the victims, were young children and women. now this somebody had been previously attacked
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yesterday were a number of residents from the same time we had been killed, including the injury of the director of the many stroke hills in gauze. and now these attacks, but not only included in the northern part, but also reach to the middle regions of the church read includes and as the refugee camp, which to palestinians have been killed during an attack that had destroyed our residential building. now, the destruction of residential house has continued and the rage refuge account were 5 palestinians have killed off to a target. things that have been carried off by the is where the war plains against our residential building. now this area had been informed previously to flee to the south and east, where right now was adopting the approach of intensifying a bit. it strikes in these regions that have been informed to evacuate to the south in order to force them to flee to the southern parts of the church. we haven't a clue absence of safeco result to this region and also hon units and be solver.
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and part of the gaza strip had been on the is randy relentless to shooting bodies. but ultimately as confrontations in this area is wind ending as well. and so we're seeing women children being kills tyrique and an unprecedented number of during this as well. yes, absolutely. uh the, the display of these by the attacks have to post on present the death tools for guns. and since it's something good that's completely that we did not witness it for our previous confrontations and complex that type of upsets between homeless and he's really inside guns. this trip. now we're talking about $100.00 pound a city. and joining us has been killed since october the 7th, and it is very deliberate attacks that have been carried out against the families, some donor this have been killed on their duty while the republican i'm covering on the ground. the latest is rated genocides like games, spouse, cities, and also others have been killed while they are with their family members in the
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places that they were teaching refuge in science and only during the last 24 hours around $200.00 pounds. the names have been killed, would move them 300 now this happy new day by day. this particular is what x x causes move casualties on the ground as adjoining list are the main focus of the is very minute tree attacks. i seems to end the beginning of this will. now these all kinds of these attacks seem to sewing in the palestinian narrative in the past an invoice in order to know that the world knew anything regarding the situation on the ground. as israel is literally destroying everything of the new report, central areas, now they are expanding the miniature operations to reach the southern uh, 6 of the gaza strip. i'm a journalist, doctor's farmer, and full classes, and trying to finance community are being targeted by the is very ministry as well . sorry, thank you for the update tara camp was boom, lived there in a rough i,
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in southern gaza, while agencies have criticized the un security council resolution on guys that the director of the palestinian are the, are the you in refugee for palestinian refugee? is you an agency for policy refugees? i should say. illinois has said that they cannot deliver more aid until a ceasefire is in place. as the un security council was meeting the other nights at the same time, messages were being passed to the community in the middle areas of gaza, telling them to evacuate. this is telling more people to move, many of them who are being displaced before to an area that cannot provide them with shelter. so at the same time we, we were discussing things at the security council. the is riley army was telling the more people to move and signaling a broadening of the the offensive hearing gaza. nothing has changed. they are a hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people living in the open,
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literally made has from way with, with speaking. uh, they are a strikes, continue to hit all parts of gaza always in a hospital. the other guy, the wards, the overflowing. there are people who have had amputations lying in the car doors. it's disproportionately affecting women and children and gaza. this is what needs to stop. the, the civilian population continues to be the brunt of the conflict. and you know what, let's wait and see what this resolution brings in terms of entering the ending that suffering. well, other agencies have been more staging and the criticism of sam describes the security council's reaction as incomprehensible and says only an immediate cease. fire can meet urgent, t monetary and needs doctors without borders beneath the water. don, resolution will have a meaning less impact on gaza civilians save the children, express a stimulus sentiment stating that anything other than an immediate cease fire is
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inadequate. and the international rescue committee calls the counsels failure to demand to cease fire on justifiable italy. i spoke to agnes kind of ma, who's the secretary general of amnesty international. in a former un special laboratory. she says it's just one country that could stop the warrant garza, that's the united states. the conditions for the delivery of humanitarian assistance simply on the day of so the security council can adopt a resolution quoting for more, you might need terry and assistance, but tv does not create the conditions for that delivery to actually be possible. it's not going to happen, it's going to be a drop in an ocean of suffering resolution cooling for you many day in a systems. when these is a basic principle under international, you might need to am no, this should not be hindrance to,
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you might need to and to the delivery of humanitarian assistance. ease writers should not stopped the delivery of humanitarian assistance and is ready to should not create the conditions that make the day he very of you many times a systems impossible. i think it is very clear that they are only one country. he's only one country that as a key to unlock what's happening at the moment, which is a college, which is mine scale, you know, mass kids, violation of humanitarian law and human rights. so that country, the united states, those actors, all the people in the white house, uh and in the state department, they have the key to allow to make it possible for the people of guys to receive you many, terry and assistance they of the key to the ceasefire or much of guys and now
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lies invoices following continuous is really bombing and occupation by is really ground forces. bodies are lying in the streets, buildings have been destroyed, and both those i'll just here is on us. i'll share a free force on the tell us at a time neighborhoods, north of the giovanni a refugee camp. a wanting to interview is that his report contains upsetting seeing that there was a few months since the zach thought who know it, we are in the tells us enabled. oh no, no, no. from that you're finding a refugee camp that it was under siege, imposed by these radio occupation forces for more than 20 days off the apartment. i should be in the home, said one of y'all, and when we came here, we saw the bodies of thousands of people i showed by is ready for lying in the street. oh, come on, i'm sure i do know. i saw a show how the i can also see the scale of the destruction caused by the is really bombarded with all the heavy i love the car posted in your medical team and i haven't managed to reach the area because of the ceo to the neighborhood is totally
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destroyed, of the seems a very difficult to take and as you can see, the bodies of many data people. lang everywhere. know the model color has he and dad is school was around the indonesian hospital was that heavily bombarded? i mean, had the gun a how we looked at it yet and it is really minute truth. vehicles have tried to advance from these stories to was that your body a refugee camp? palmer did. the hassle should be, can who know they started from the streets near the indonesian hospital to was to, to allows us a neighborhood coming to mama. how is the month to put the azako who de paula and as the show and streets and buildings and infrastructure only being destroyed, of the neighborhood is no longer habitable because of the mass of destruction. dementia had national and you had done it almost fisher. i would have the most fish
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. i'm now moving in the direction of the allows the hospital which has been under siege for more than 10 days. i left it up on the bottom with the or has he almost fish burrow, who know the general manager and some of the medical stuff you'd be interested money, occupation forces all will the help the most special. i would the awesome the northwest, the that us. yeah. theme poses each for 18 days. no one was allowed to go anywhere . if someone tried to move the shut them immediately, the old, the old people inch i mean 20 and 40 to go out to the house and make it in groups of 20 out of. and so now the florida actually and actually these are the forces to go with the force good as well as dr. how are your follow? should have 10 a got cut off with dish ro i for the mother of danielle. the next day they came again with the doctor, how much money, and they took some administrative people. then they took those above the age of 16, the dresser only their underwear,
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and they took about $8.00 to $6.00 people. and i'm not going to get to the following it with the modern man as inquiry. why not rejoice really on how i came here and destroyed all the buildings. you will leave me out the hospital and these 2 ladies were on their way to the hospital to deliver the baby. zillow. john, come on level folder. uh, broke up. i got a job rough, uh the husband, the one his name was killed, the fellow and his body is under the rubble. so these really bulldozers killed them all. like i'm on just sit down. let me say how um it is come on. because there are other pregnant women in this area, what killed the to the pregnant women without mercy, all of them, the general fireball. come up and not all in quiet and kept the one who. uh, i'm not sure i do know a few months, but the thought that the house of this is this evening to tell us that the
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neighborhood doctor has been under sage for more than 20 days or the mall seeds. i saw the destruction and dead bodies industries them as the medical teams have not yet been allowed to collect some of the show you just the all, some of those of thousands of protesting across some of europe. capital cities in support of palestinians, in berlin, around 1500 people are marching through the streets to the brandenburg gate, the calling for an end to the war in gas to same and milan, it's in the us thousands waste part of sending flags in j throughout the summer talking civilians is comes as residents and guys are facing salvation and are selling depositions for food. according to the world health organization, still a head on i, which is 0 christmas celebrations, are cancelled investment made. it show solidarity with promising means and costs to stay with. the
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president biden says, one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. i'm charles thoughts. you want to raise her behind sides a dramatize to pub cost from al jazeera and they say, we hear from some of history's blogs, notable women, and unconventional and extraordinary office. i am 40 that got the communist revolution of every one in china, new my space. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out now subscribe way. if you listen to pub in the heart of s. hillside, our job is to keep you safe. keeping communication open with
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h t m, which you left off. so the task is done well. and those who do it the best hail set space to deliver your vision the the welcome back, a recap of on top stories on how to 0. these really military hesitancy, operators, refugee camping, central, gaza and giovanni, a refugee camp in northern gaza. dozens of people are reported to have been killed, including children. the united nations security council has adopted a resolution demanding israel and how mos enable the safe delivery of more
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humanitarian aid to gaza. but he might heroines ation, say, the situation on the ground cannot be improved without a ceasefire. and at least 100 years has been killed since his rascal on guys of the gun that's according to the latest speak is from guys as media office. he's really attacks, have killed 2 weeks for chase in the last 24 hours. let's discuss these latest developments now with how son, very, who's a professor of international affairs at contact university. good, you're happy with us again. thanks for joining us. so israel continuing its attacks on gaza even after this a un security council resolution which calls for increase aid and ended aid to gaza . what was the point of this resolution? if it's not going to be followed, that is the point. you know, um if they were there was no c say are then there's no way with us to implement this kind of a resolution, which is very important that i'm seeing that it's a bad one. cause that it meant over him. it turn 8 is what everybody's stuff in
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a box, but also it all boils down to the what is the needs and wants in this the stage with a war. and that to me, i want to continue and he believes genuine. he believes that the, the minutes a pressure would weaken how mass would make them compromise when it comes to the negotiations over the present as well. so it is really side, has no interest in the cease fire looked at on human acute an ac. just to also is a to slide is paying lip service to this because they want to push different a scene and maybe to, to and again is how much. so it is very complicated is on the and so i just, i them this, there's something decisive. yeah. coming from abroad to, to this lady is just the top it's, you know, and i think they're going to continue on checked. yeah. how much of a disconnect uh professor, do you think there's between what netanyahu is telling these really public right now and what is happening on the ground in gaza with, you know, the objective being to eliminate for these rarely so eliminate time us both
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militarily and politically. is that happening uh, these signs of that happening right. um there is some, uh, you know, disconnect. i mean, we can see this uh, i might supply a, you know, a bit of a website, a photo, the rated price. and i see that to the way they cover, the war is different from what is taking place on the ground. they actually hide a lot of lots and deposit the palestinians and the present door as if it's a success. i mean, maybe slow, but there's an insistence that is, that is intriguing story about children to realize it's subjective. so this is the, uh, way to pull that up again. mm hm. and is the, to the bar. so they're trying to convince the people that you know, was the, is good for, is that because this is the only way a to push from us to release the hostages and be to realize is ready to to, which is i was just mentioning how much. but what is happening to the ground, the now i think the signs i clear that it is not is not succeeding it's fading
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vaccine into daily basis. and, and this is moving a little bit into these very media. now if you read had its front of cents, you can see some, some of that because they are very daring out of the people saying that is taking this data public that nathaniel has been actually not doing the them the tooth. uh, what is happening as a is a calamity. it's a disaster. the, for the scenes are paying a huge price for no return. so it's, it's going to continue like this from hottest for perspective. and one more point had this is alexis leaning. i would say a newspaper, so the followers and the organs are like finding they know it, giving this right is but you know, with time anything is going to have a great impact on this side of it. now what about uh, the uh, negotiations to, to get and not a ceasefire going and more kept his release and more palestinians prisoners for you to him. he's really jails. there was a little glimmer of hope last week about perhaps another ceasefire being negotiated
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by the country's being successful. what's, what's the latest on that? what i think is it's not to be going to succeed the way it is and the present. and now why this lady they've raised wants to have as well. mm hm. and they have to sit list of, i think, 40 or 50 people, elderly women and stuff like this. but how much people understand one thing, that is why the interest has been debating or securing the release of the hostages on the to continue the war. so there is no point from him as perspective is to make things easier. and if any of they want to use hostages as them then yeah, partnership in order to force is left x. if this is fire, this is ultimate. and for him us right now is to have is his file. but, you know, as he came up with this equation, old for or so is that how much would release every one under the control provided that is that with the also release and hold present as which is more than 7000. so
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this is the price. how much assumes correct you, so that is where you probably put support such a deep because this rate is for uh, secure and the own people they own hostages. they don't care about the price of how many i've seen that they're gonna release. so i think it takes time, but what, what is taking place in the ground now is really hard on just because of the coming because of, of the disaster. thank you. it's very difficult to see how they can negotiate analyses. 5, when you see what's happening on the problem. thank you very much. professor hassan barry from cash. how university my children displaced in guys struggling to survive in summer, even forced to find work to support their families. fear i so fled to rafa from a suburb of guys, a city is a monk. then here's the story of the the general manager to the b.
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8 some b now the, the, them on the, the, the issues up on the the, the, the city of santa friendship is
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i'm not, i'm not finding is continuing between is really forces and hezbollah in 711 on, on friday, the lebanese onto group carried out 5 of ty, so on is really military positions targeting barracks and gatherings of is there any soldiers in the city see, is there any forces attached to a number of positions including votes along the border and conducted raised any of the tons of car car k 5, caroline, sorry, and the cut donnie griffin, drones dry cause damage on is really lynch ship. any arabian sea, 370 kilometers off the coast of india. there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the strife, but to maritime agencies, confirmed the library. a 5 chemical tanka had been hit and he says it's sent to the coast guard ship towards the vessel. the ship was sailing from saudi arabia. to india, no casualties have been reported. now bethlehem is reviewed by christians as the birthplace of jesus christ. this time of year,
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the town is usually packed with thousands of foreign choice. but the war on guys a means most a staying away policy and business owners will rely on the income during the christmas season, say the suffering more than ever. john stratford re for some bethlehem palestinian would call those have been working at this time live on business in bethlehem for almost a 150 years. but this christmas war on goals and subsequent increase of these really military rates across the occupied west bank. as post tourists to stay away who's saying how much is being called in christian figurines. like this one for more than 3 decades. depends on his job based family of 6. look the this work is in my blog. i love it, and i love my workplace and my fellow workers, the situation is terrible everywhere. the boss is trying to help us to work by any means, but it's hard for him when business so bad. rumsey,
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zachary is the full generation to run the business. pictures of his great grandfather coughing would hang on the wall. it had of its cool solve the situation and bathroom is hard because 80 percent of the economy here depends on tourism. and we're trying to keep the workshop running for the workers because they all have responsibilities. and this is all i know the address going to come here as long as it will goes on. it's terribly hard inside that nobody at this time of the best of him would be bustling with hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world . but the war on garza is keeping them away. palestinian business owners here say they have seen nothing like this ever before. this is what tours to refrain of israel as little military rage across the occupied westbank, concluding on best to him almost every night since the warm gauls of salted israel says it's targeting suspected members of the palestinian homes resistance groups.
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but these radio army has destroyed what's estimated to be hundreds of millions of dollars worth of private and public property and killed almost sweet 100 palestinians during the rates. this is the almost 1700 year old church in the tibbetts. he built it the 1st place of jesus this year. they're all new accuse of excited fall and faces. and there's virtually no one side hotels that should be full, empty, or closed souvenir shop surrounding the ancient square. either shuts it off or struggling to remain open as well as the this is the worst here. it's ever be. even during bad times we used to work and there were a few tourists now. many sharps don't even bother opening flows saying his fellow would call was and thousands of other palestinians who depend on the festive season for their livelihoods. they will be no christmas this year. will stop at houses 0
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big long occupied west bank. well, that's the news for now. the weather is next and then inside story will last keep the un resolution on guys i will have any impact on the unfolding, humanitarian catastrophe. stay with us on options. the . the hello, this very unsettled weather has swept through the middle east and live down. you can see that dense cloud pushing its way for the east bringing some heavy rain across the event and into northern areas of saudi arabia where we saw some flooding while the windy and wet weather continues into sunday. but it's not, as well as it has been. there's conditions pushing that way further east into eastern areas of iraq. the bit of a winter. we wintery edge coming into the causes,
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eastern areas of turkey at the north west of iran. and the time we get into monday that will be more in way of sunshine coming in. but the chance of some cloud for the south across the gulf of places like a topic, doha, seen the mercury pick up to 27 degrees celsius the on monday. now across the north of africa, the wind is still the issue for areas of libya. we have got some warnings out pretty fis wins around coastal areas that some of the story across the western areas were expecting some dust to be picked up and pushed into northern areas of gonna we have got some warnings out for that for the sol. so this a went to a picture, certainly full areas like what's wanna as well as south africa as we go sunday into monday. and what's the temperature dropped dramatically in gabber road? and i had this book by christmas day on the zeros here to report on the people often ignored,
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but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine lydia young region. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we tear. instead the un security council passes the motion on the golf of war. that's come off for 2 months if it's really attacks that have killed $20000.00 palestinians, the resolution we can buy us pressure calls for more aid, but not for israel to stuff. it's fun, parchments. will it have any impact? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm getting you navigate to the united.


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