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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the hours the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of truth. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello. this is in use. our knowledge is 0 for the back. people live until coming up in the next 60 minutes. a desperate search for loved ones after and he's really yes, like at least 200 promised to meet up and killed him guys. in the past 24 hours. more and identified and decompose bodies,
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some house on the streets for 20 days. i find the being very, it's a 100 sister and this has been killed in guys. i since the war began is the was best on for german loose in a conflicting decades. the 10000 protest seen several european capital cities in support of palestinian news. thank you for joining us. it's 18 g m t, that's 8 pm in guys with $200.00 more palestinians have been killed by is really a tax. in the past 24 hours, the bombing at the album res, refugee camp in central guys that has killed 8 palestinians, including children. why a strike on jabante a refugee camp is believe to have kills thousands more, decomposed bodies, some left unattended for 20 days in the rubble and streets have finally being
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buried by the civil defense teams. and the latest un resolution continues to draw criticism agencies including ox from, have slammed the resolution that costs for more a to guys and we've out addressing a ceasefire. they say, as long as the bombing continues getting any 8 out there is not possible. meanwhile, at least 100 during this have been killed since these are as well on guys i began that's according to new figures. from guys as media office among wlan, is protest city. and during this mohammed, apple y d killed and then is really a strike. i assigned these home issue julia, east of guys, a city. let's get old latest now from terry cub wizell, who is in rafa for us in southern gaza. i last to talk about to our target. let's start with the latest attacks by israel across the entire gaza strip. tell us about what's been happening. yes, um day by day night. probably no. its about tax on the church. we do not talk where
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civilians have been killed during the last hour in a very large re to we are talking about non stopping strikes and the number of parts of the chart treat, including developed. yeah, refugee camp undervalued. got a town in the another and 6 of the church reworks will power citizens have been killed, the loan to enforce family off to the destruction of the residential house that they were living inside of the vast majority of the people who have been killed in this s strikes and this is in this as track where a young children, a woman, and these attacks also continued in the middle governance of the gaza strip. me including a break of my guys, they got the most iraq for a few decals were doses of palestinians have reported killed in these areas. despite the fact that the majority of these areas had receive different evacuation owed as to the fleet to the south of the gaza strip. but the fact on the ground, they do not have a food at any safe. corey,
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due to the southern part of the fact also that the southern part right now is very densely populated with residents as people do but find any safe shelter in these areas. we are talking about to $200.00 pounds city as have been killed during the last 24 hours with more than $300.00. busy palestinians will have already been injected during the stay and according to the government media office in the church, which they had announced that the death told, had sort past a 20000 pounds. the news alongside with more than 53000 of those who have been wounded as well. and an unprecedented number of journalists, eric have also been killed to tell us about the latest casualties. it's yes, 100 pounds to be in joining list have been killed since the russian of this conflict inside guns. uh the uh, the vast majority of them have been killed along side with the assembly. a members of those had been killed as they were reporting on the ground at the latest is very
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violations by the, the attacks on the only directed towards during the list. but it's also against condemn. it's meant to come work as a civil defense team on o classes, independent living community. we're talking about 8000. the child has been killed during a since they october. the 7th. 8000 dreams. do not see lights. i will not see lights anymore. we're talking about a wide range of destruction inside guns. this trip, and the attacks against the strong list continued to silence the past. the narrative um to, to force palestinians to not reports against the latest is ritual crimes. but what we noticed among journalists is that there are a great determination to keep proposing on to deliver the voice of palestinians that look around the globe topic. and we thank you for a terry capitalism. thank you very much. that's the course fondant in southern gaza with the latest staff were a palestinian journalist and gaza and not just covering the war. but i also living through it as we mentioned at least
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a 100 policy. and during this have been killed in the conflicts so far. odyssey and officials and guys, i say that number could be much higher. more than 15 media premises or offices have been completely or partially destroyed by is really strikes that includes the office of the a, f pete 0 in garza, hundreds of palestinians during the send their families including our colleagues, the now to 0, have been forcibly displaced. they have to abandon their reporting equipment and offices in the north to live and report on to a very difficult conditions and it's frequent communications. blackouts during this working in areas of on the coffee shop, protected under international humanitarian law, dress like civilians under the geneva convention. but israel has been accused of violating rules of law repeatedly. when i speak to tim dawson about this, he's the deputy general secretary of the international federation of during this joining us from london. thank you very much for being with us, tim. first of all, what is your reaction to this staggering desk?
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so i've done this and gotten i'm absolutely horrified, i don't think we've seen a desk told of journalist of this concentration in any conflict that i can think of that we're about to 1000 janice and gaza at the beginning of this conflict. and while they're a slightly different counts of, of, precisely how many have died, i'm, if between 7 and a half and 10 percent have died, that is an extraordinary high number. i mean, just to put, i think, a little bit to proportion. i was looking up the depths of combat soldiers and was over the last 100 years. and if you look at the american marine corps in vietnam for example. so these are the soldiers who were going to be facing the most intense fighting with the most highly trained who were going to be in the most the most dangerous situation. the 5 percent of them lost their lives during the course of the war. and the gen listing, gaza, they have only cameras and microphones, notebooks,
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they continue to return to work despite this absolutely mind blowing death toll indeed is israel came deliberately targeting protestant, ingenuous, and gossip. so i kind of say, i've spoken to a great manager and this thing goes on that is that widely held belief that there is no question in the minds that that's what's happening. some of them have related to me. they receive frightening calls from people proposing to be from the idea of warning them, but they're going to be trying to get to know that family is going to be targeted in, in the coming days of conflict. i think saying absolutely certain what's happened in this conflict is going to be very difficult so much of cause i like them but not so much of this has been conducted with enormous problems that you know, the know rid of it this trial. but i think looking at the figures i'm looking at well, got some jet and the believe, i think is very hard to say that as well doesn't have a case to answer here. all right, there was an interesting article 10 in the washington post
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a few days ago asking whether where rather is the outrage over israel scaling of journalist in guys that course individual weston journalists have denounced this. but media institutions as a whole in the west have been relatively silent, don't use it on the desktop of journalists covering is there as well on casa, why? well, you know, the clearly, all people who have an instinctive feeling that they want to support israel book belonged to this concept continues. the more people died it would seem needlessly. i think people's minds are turning in that, that piece in the washington post i think, which was timely and quite a brain space. i think people's minds are to and again, and it becomes impossible to ignore such a terribly, terribly hypo. so for all of you, right, i'd like to see major news platforms making more of a noise about this. i'd like to see people joining our to the mountains that the international criminal court investigates this. i think people's minds are turning
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. right. and i do want to ask you about what you do at the international federation of during this. i mean, despite the killings, as we heard from my own correspondence on the ground, despite the obstacles they're facing on a daily basis. these journalists continue to inform the world about what's happening in gaza. what is the international federation of during this doing currently to help protect during listen, guys, or what's being done to ensure that palestinian during the se in garza and elsewhere are respected and protected as well. it's a simple, practical level. we have lost the appeal which has been widely supported to provide actual but you know, by the released good fortune a. so for example, early in the conflict, we provide a less trauma packs that were handed out on the streets to jan this reporting. and we know that some of those have been used when we don't just have been hit by smart device and have saved our lives. we will add to that, you know, protect, invests,
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and elements, and other equipment to that time. it was, it was there to get it. almost all the gent listing guys are, have lost the homes. they've brought to the left possessions. so they're living in terms of simply getting intense and sleeping equipment and kitchen equipment, his voice, well prior to so at the practical level, we've been doing our very best to get a into a lounge. and this thing does have to continue working on his instructional level. we've been trying to be able to come pay them to build support for the international criminal court to, to investigate. we have been, we, we have tried to meet with these way the governments to make the case to them that they need to ensure the soldiers are working in such a way they do with respect to international law and to protect generalists live. i was going to ask you, what type of pressure you're putting on on these are in the government and whether you think they'll be accountability when it comes to journalists getting in. gosh, i think it's very important that there is, i mean we have repeatedly tried to contact and an and hold meetings with these right and government. my colleagues, the general secretary went to the west bank. i'm trying to organize
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a meeting with these where the government, they refused to meet just him. so we're doing a level best. but i, it would be remiss of me to suggest that these writers have been anything other than reluctant to engage. and, you know, i fear that given this death told us because there is some, i don't know whether that rogue forces or whether it's coming from the tall. but something is happening amongst the ideas which is leading to an awful lot of generalist tasks. thank you for talking to his team dawson, deputy general secretary of the international federation of janice. thank you for your time. i or one of our journalist on the ground and guys i hadn't heard every sent us this report from a palestinian during this home. indeed, the se right refugee camp in central guys are wanting to argue is that this report contains disturbing scenes. i'm currently handing on the rubble of the house of the journalist. how much teresa in the service refugee camp. the scene is horrific.
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here are bodies that are still trapped under the rubber a can use. 20 palestinians have been killed in 4 are still under the rubble including children. and this house was had at least 18 palestinians that were internally displaced and see this 3 story building as a refuge after they were called to evacuate from the northern parts of the causes. let's walk. people are trying to remove their bodies from under the rebels where they're trapped are under here, sorry for the image. it's very hard and unsolved. but unfortunately these people do not have any equipment. 3rd, thinking with their own bare hands trying to remove these bodies that are trapped under durable, according to the family,
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there are activities for still dropped under the robot and they have been trying to help them and to remove them. since yesterday, as you see, as they're trying to remove them from under the above, the ceiling. besides, the above us is partially damaged. here people were looking for winter clothes and for blankets. they were trying to take the remains of what's left of this house, the the people who lives here were taking their clothes their blankets because the weather is very winter and they're homeless. learn right now. this is the seeds that we have been using since the 1st day of the war on cause. and the, the air strikes continue every single day,
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people in this area and surrounding this area. and then my guys and in the state off in other areas in the gaza strip, have been called to evacuate. what people are telling us that they don't have any place to evacuate, and there is no place safe. this isn't the whole city as a 0. with a doctor for g come because of pods time or much of guys and now lies in ruins. following continues is really bone being an occupation by is really ground forces. bodies are lying, industries, building stuff and destroyed in both those houses. here is a nice house for me for some the tell as that on neighborhoods know. so the jabante, a refugee camp and a warning that he's report contains upsetting scene. so that was a few months since the zach thought who know it. we are in the tells us, enabled on the north and that you're finding a refugee camp that it was on the seas be imposed by these radio occupation forces for more than 20 days off the apartment. i assure you me, oh no sir. i know y'all, and when we came here, we saw the bodies of thousands of people i showed by is ready for lang in the
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street. oh, come on, i'm sure i do know. i saw a show how the i can also see this guy left the destruction caused by the is really bombarded. we bought a heavy, a lot of the car go posted in your medical team and haven't managed to reach the area because of the c o to the neighborhood is totally destroyed. the seems a very difficult to take. and as you can see, the bodies of many data people, lang everywhere know the model, color heavy. i mean, there is schools around the indonesian hospital was so heavily bombarded. i mean has mccann a how we looked at it yet and this is, randy. minute tree vehicles have tried to advance from these stories to was that your body a refugee camp? palmer did the hassle should be chem and who know they started from the streets near the indonesian hospital to was the to allows us a neighborhood coming to them
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a how it is a don't in a month to put the azako. oh, not the model paula. and as in the show, other streets and buildings, an infrastructure only being destroyed, of the neighborhood is no longer habitable because of the mass of destruction, the amount of share ahead national and that, that you had done in almost a sure i would have the most fish from now moving in the direction of the allows the hospital to which has been on the siege for more than 10 days. i left it up on the, on with the or has he, i'm with cisco who know the general manager and then some of the medical stuff you'd be interested money, occupation forces as well to help them with special i would the awesome nor to sorry about that. yeah, dean push to teach for 18 days. no one was allowed to go anywhere. if someone tried to move on to shut them immediately, the old, the old people inch, i mean 20 and 40 to go out the house and make it in groups of 20 out of band center the florida actually. and actually the easy, the forces to go with the force good as well as dr. how are your follow? should have 10
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a got cut off with dish ro i for the mother of danielle. the next day they came again with the doctor. how much money and they took some administrative people. then they took those above the age of 16 addressed only their underwear, and they took about $8.00 to $6.00 people. and i'm not going to do so that's all you need with the modern man as inquiry. now, why not rejoice really on how game you and destroyed all the buildings, you will leave me out the hospital and these 2 ladies were on their way to the hospital to deliver their babies on zillow. john, come on level folder uh, woke up, i got a job offer that has been the one of the most killed and he's bodies under the rubble . so these really bulldozers kills them. oh, well i come on. just sit down. let me see how um it is come on, because there are other pregnant women in this area,
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what killed the to the pregnant women without mercy. all of the fireball come up like a lot. i live in queens and get the one who i should do in a few months, but the thought that the house of visit the scene and the tell us that the neighborhood has been under siege for more than 20 days. the mall seeds, i saw the destruction and dead bodies in the streets. there's the medical teams have not yet been allowed to put them on the study. if i just see all some of those or the head of the media office in guys says they have multiple testimonies that is really true. carried out executions of palestinian cities. what's the she had the validation to fit. it is lucy. testimonies from people who said is read the army executed more than 137 postings and gaza. and the north they did because with tens of civilians were buried while they were still alive,
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then executed others by shooting them at close range and buried them. using bulldozers, dozens of others were also killed in front of the family members. do patient for social security, pregnant women, who are on their way to all of the hospital in the north of casa, while carrying white flags. they were shut from close range. let's discuss this and other developments in gaza now with hassan barry who was a professor of international affairs of contact university. thank you for joining us. so we have israel being accused of executing civilians in gaza. israel being accused of targeting journalists in gaza. what does this suggest to you about how they're conducting their operations and guys are right now and what it says about where they're headed in this conflict. it is a statement about what this rate is stand for. i mean, the minister of defense,
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a once remarked that a but a scene is out even some human a, even with the words and the most referring to the palestinians. and, and this is a kind of a complex, a superior to complex. and he looks down to them if means that he'd be humanize the palestinians and demonized them so killing them. something is the logical conclusion of kind of or this mindset. so i'm not surprised that they really think this way, actually this is a fast exam as tactics i mean, used in 19 for a, the old, the mexico's even after the establishment of the states. it was in 1956. there was the thumb through mexico and they met some civilians. they were going back home and they shot them all. or maybe more than 65 or 70 people to wish for that in, in less than a couple of minutes and is documented about this. and this is actually, this is a video story, is we'll discover that data is ready to themselves and there's never justice or accountability for him. oh no, you know, because if they kill the,
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in many cases when they can live in a scene in big good to find, you know, some find me with this then 11 that are, you know, it again, it is a reflection of the way they look down at the senior, so targeting civilians targeting very pregnant women kind of thing also gives us this. oh, i think fine with these ladies. as long as this serve their on objective in the world, they want to finish the what they want to terrorize people. and they want to push them leave and, and, and these are the tactics is by them. all right, tough and stay with us because we want to talk about what's happening inside israel right now. relatives of, of these really captives being held in guys that have been protesting in tel aviv to pressure. these are the government to do more to secure their release. bennett smith is at this protest for us. tell us about what's been happening for us for an totally the relatives and friends exporters of the account. it seems in gaza. i here every night, but on a saturday night it's the main one and this is the 12th ship boxes is riley's
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coolant, but they have to do this now. clause wants to stop today all hope and the told was about the prospects for possibly cease fire. we know we were talking about how a category american, these really officials and that's on the side, a representative from homicide method, gibson, security officials in cairo and house and suggested that his role is offering a one week ceasefire. return for about 40 practices, particularly within the elderly, and the sick, and how, how much was demanding a complete ceasefire. cessation of hostilities before they would go any further? what is going pretty quiet. since then we've not heard much in recent days. i'm the original mist frustration on the relatives, on the friends here. we people have been talking about how they want been released now. we've had one full not ami, a role in the navy saying that we should propose a prisoner release, but how much will not turned out everyday. is it not for the common saves?
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and of course, the psychological fia, the relatives, or friends of dying dogs, at least 6 captains have been reported dead this week. it was no proof of that death. but those are the records coming from gauze audit skies. and i also reports printed of more is really soldiers killed in gaza. yes. 5 is riley soldiers for $42.00 of died. i'm that was a moment's silence at the beginning of this event. pull those, these rarely soldiers, but an indication of how much this is traumatizing this nation, and how much this nation's control over time by workshop and the pain many is riley's still feel. so i'm going through this country, prosecute this war, and thank you very much for that. prentice may apply for a set in tennessee. well, let's pick this up with hoss. i'm very again from catch how university. as you saw, the more pressure on this now it would seem the government would these protests the
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news of most soldiers being killed in gaza? does it really put more pressure on him or do think it doesn't matter what the people at home is saying? he's going to go on with, with his, what he calls is objective enough. what will it does, but a lot of pressure on him and because he knows pretty well that the vague public does not trust him. there's a deficit and fast and efficient and or pull is actually indicate that the really public does not trust nothing else. and he knows this very well and, and also they have the feeling that nothing nathaniel is, is not taking this as a priority. like for leasing, they hosted his and he wanted to continue the war so he doesn't really give a lot of attention to the grievances of people and the need for the people in the caps or to go home. and there's a way i know it because it's really public understand that there's a way, if you want to do this, there's a price, you have to pay the price which means own for own. and this would be for me to
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present to the buy how much i think it's a win win for both side, but nothing. it was not interested in that as long as he can continue the war. as long as he enjoyed the blessing and the backend with americans, you want to continue and, and this is the problem for him is intended. it's about cause. yeah and, and i know you've been watching the coverage of the war. a news, riley, news, really media. how much of a disconnect is that between what these really public is being told by it's for cabinets by prime minister miss. now, when, what is actually happening on the ground in gaza as we know it over there is, there's a huge disconnect. as i told you before, and that to me, always trying to present the different picture of what is happening there. but the media now is picking on a discrepancy is a picking on what they say as his lies and, and conducting the war. and, but only certain media and that's leading media and it's the media of course, and the also the, the time to expose the, uh, the bankruptcy of his propaganda about the war. and now he's fine also too many
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play the public by saying that, you know, he received letters from the families of the kill soldier saying, go on the door, you know, they need to be jump needs to be done. and because you want to offset the pressure amount is by this time it is of the hostages. so he's trying to play a game, and now it all boils down to one. it seems that the one thing that and that to me who wants to continue the war they want to pay for, it fits with the, made it over there for the scene. and this is the only way that he can get off the hawk when, you know, when i, when door comes to on and he went to the c, it has the ones who it is right in to a victory. because the, the moment of truth is coming and is, is fast coming. and he is going to be blamed by everyone in his file by the left and by the right. interesting. thank you very much for talking to us about this hassan, very professional international relations at katara university. joining us on the news our and still ahead on the program christmas celebrations are canceled in bethlehem, in
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a show of solidarity with palestinians in cost. the hello. this very unsettled weather has swept through the middle east and live down . you can see that dense cloud pushing its way for the east, bringing some heavy rain across the event and into northern areas of saudi arabia where we saw some flooding. while the windy and wet weather continues into sunday, but it's not as well as it has been, its conditions pushing that way further east into eastern areas of iraq. the bit of a winter, we wintery edge coming into the court causes eastern areas of took here on the north west of iran. and the time we get into monday that will be more in way of sunshine coming in. but the chance of some cloud for the south across the gulf of places like a topic, doha,
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seen the mercury pick up to 27 degrees celsius the on monday. now across the north of africa, the wind is still the issue for areas of libya. we have got some warnings out pretty fis wins around coastal areas that some of the story across the western areas were expecting some dust to be picked up and pushed into northern areas of gonna we have got some warnings out for that. for the south of this a where to pick to certainly full areas like what swanner as well as south africa as we go sunday into monday. and what's the temperature drop dramatically in gabber road. and you had this book by christmas day, the, as israel's war and gaza continues, we bring you the nation. we're on the grounds and goes back to bring you the events as they have been reporting 1st 10 on the suffering. and lots of people on the list of tasks and states and we live in occupied east curious and covering the
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light, this political developments. and in fact, we're here across the west bank of voting as how this floor is not just massively attract singles and gaza. stay with us for the latest updates and detailed coverage of the war on gaza on alice's 0. on counting the costs, the global rates for electric vehicles is at full speed and it's driving geo political wave over. but the widespread adoption of battery powered cars is facing the big challenge. plus how green our electric cars compared to fossil fuel, was counting the cost on alpha 0. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you watching out you 0 live from to high a reminder of our made stories on this news. our is really forces of kids more than 200 college students in casa, in the past 24 hours as strikes and shelley in the outer rage and giovanni, a refugee camps of keels. dozens of people, including children, because of civil defense seems, have buried many on identified and decomposed by use of thomason instead in gaza, somewhere left unattended for 20 days in the bible and streets. and at least $100.00 journalists have been killed since he is wrathful on gas at the time. that's according to the native speakers from these guys. the media office is really a tax of kids to resources in the last 24 hours. the agencies have criticized the un security council resolution to increase a to guys a isaac failed to address the call for
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a ceasefire. the director of when raw says in, gosh, i've, i've see you in reference to you an agency for policy and refugees. while he said that they can't deliver more aid until a ceasefire is in place. as the un security council was meeting the other not at the same time messages were being passed to the community in the middle areas of gaza, telling them to evacuate. and this is telling more people to move, many of them who've been displaced before to an area that cannot provide them with shelter. so at the same time we're, we were discussing things that the security council, the is riley army, was telling the more people to move and signaling a broadening of the, the offensive hearing gaza. nothing has changed. they are a hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people living in the open, literally made has from way with, with speaking. uh, they are a, strikes continue to hit all parts of gaza always in a hospital. the other guy,
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the wards, the overflowing, there are people who have had amputations lying in the car doors. it's disproportionately affecting women and children and gaza. this is what needs to stop. the civilian population continues to bear the brunt of the conflict. and you know what, let's wait and see what this resolution brings in terms of entering the ending that suffering. well, other agencies have been more scathing and the criticism oxfam describes the security council's in action as incomplete, sensible, and says only and immediate sci fi can meet urgent, humanitarian needs. doctors without borders believes the water don, resolution will have a meaning less impact on guys as civilians save the children expressive, similar sentiments, stating that anything other than an immediate cease fire is inadequate. and international rescue committee calls to councils failure to demand to cease fire on justifiable. we have jaffar easy communications and advocacy coordinator at the action age in the occupied palestinian territory. she says, the people in guys
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a need a complete sci fi for you and security golf service of the ocean that the bat, what's the best deal the last night is not enough ink to me is nothing but a board that is deliberate and gather a what is needed a full and complete ceasefire that you bought it in, get the need this war to be in. this is that people in gather, need this escalation to be stopped. and therefore, as i am going to an end in the organization and we cannot deliver it to the people in gather on the continuance bumping as so and that human it's area and organization august took the wrong and therefore means very do with this starts that incidence of gather on the continuous of them being under the
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streets of evacuation and the orders of the thank you wishes and there is a human interior and get that through. we did as a family and did as of the restaurant in gather and this then you wouldn't get him to the doctor. we need more and i'm going to be a concrete actions to be taken white international community on both seats. i have to adhere to force in the international community and know so if you want to tell you and it come up to be different on the situation. also more across the board, there's need to be opened to allow a large scale of the to reach the people of all thousands of inc, protesting across some of your capital cities in support of palestinians. and berlin, around 1500 people marched through the streets to the brandenburg date, the accounting for an end to the war in gossip. in milan, italy, thousands waves policy and flags and judges are up to stop attacking civilians is
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comes as residents and gods are facing salvation and are sending that possessions performed according to the world health organization. meanwhile, fighting is continuing between is ready, forces and has for law in 711 on on friday has relied carried out 5 attacks on these really military positions targeting fabrics and gatherings of these really soldiers in the vicinity. is there any forces attacked, a number of hezbollah positions, including votes along the border, and conducted, raised me out of town. so calculus and the godaddy river, a palestinian church leaders have cancelled probably christmas celebrations to show support for the people of golfer families, hotels, and businesses. also expressing songs our c high right before smockey bodies to us . this is the not should um center of popular hurts how oh yeah, around especially during christmas celebrations. but this year it says it won't be
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celebrating is it joins in movement in solidarity with the people of gaza normally right here would be a massive tree. christmas is a one of the most beautiful piece to and especially it's, it's a happy nest. okay. but it's very sad to see that we used to be for the book even over booking. we send some guests to other hotels, but 3, we have shop through this. see actually what's happened and everything is good that's i don't know. what does the ends over this or what's wrong when it's going to be at an end for the next month after 2 weeks, we don't do any of a strategy. we don't know how to, to bids our future. well, my says one of the nice thing, credible views of the old city, see i can see the new gate just from here, the chat to the hardly set for code behind me. i'm even, oh ok. but last, just that on an average day 3 to full 1000 visitors would come and take pictures here. but as you can see,
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it's completely up to see the sadness this year is felt strongly amongst palestinians because of what's happening in gauze or in the occupied territories. but there's one place that's trying to reduce that pain and bring a bit more joy amongst palestinians. and it's sons. is house in the old city? 25000 people that visit sciences grocer haven't turned up to see it. but nevertheless, santa still says he wants to spread a message. my mother's this year is different than other years. my message is wishing you hope, love and peace from the heart of the world, jerusalem. and i want to wish you a merry christmas from i bought all of my heart from the ho ho ho we land or bethlehem is reviewed by christians as the birth grace of jesus christ. this time of year, the town is usually packed with thousands of foreign choice. but the war on guys
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means most a staying away need of the brain reports from a nativity scene, which represents what's happening at the moment. or it doesn't look anything like christmas here in bethlehem with palestinians and christians around the world believe that jesus has been born more than 2000 years ago instead of the big christmas tree with the lights as well as the christmas carols. we're seeing an m c . manger square here in bethlehem, and instead of the 3, there is this artwork that has seen the rearrangement of the traditional christmas grow to, to resemble the pain and the suffering of palestinians in the b. c. school district . virgin mary holding baby jesus in a way that resembles the mothers in golf the holding their babies. after being bombarded the 3 wise men who have been bringing in the traditional christmas story gift to the holy comedy are holding whites coffins. you know,
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this scene reminds palestinians, a lot of the images that have they have been seeing in gauze of it doesn't look a lot like christmas. i. let's hear more about that from beth lens may or had not had any of who's joining us today. can you tell us how you and the community here in bethlehem are feeling in this day? are actually in holidays, bethlehem in morning we've the we feel so sad. we are as an essential part of the scene and community. so we counsel the celebrations and says to me, it is this year and christmas season. and we put this model as you will see, to reflect the reality. it's what's happening and goes a step that is aggression against our people. there is the genocide and weekends this time there is a snake cleansing and we are a jet the because this isn't a humidity the, the is that i,
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even if you fission via lifting the international law by lifting the human rights. and from here, from beth line, we are sending a message to the international community and to come here to stand with us to get an cause and to force as our head to stop this aggression against our people. usually all eyes turn to bethlehem during this time during christmas. do you think people are looking to best land are looking at the suffering of palestinian nowadays? i believe i left a message when receive and all over the world. that's why we decided to have a clear message from bethlehem to the hardware. and again, we are going to the international community from bethlehem and this message to step this aggression again out again. so what are people? thank you so much and you know, as you can see here in bethlehem, it's empty. it's a city that has long depended on tourism as its main income. but instead of
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christmas instead of celebrations, there is a lot of grief. there's a lot of social and there's a lot of pain. is that, but he didn't just eat on bethlehem they occupied with us as accused yvonne as being involved in a tax on commercial ships carried out by humans. who is the rebel go? washington says the ron is providing drones. miss silas and tactical intelligence to the group that's attacked several ships in recent days. the biden administration recently announced the naval coalition, who's the attacks of mostly targeted ships near the bottom and job straight and narrow sea passage between human energy booty that connects the indian ocean and the red sea. my soul said don has more from general t west several countries including the us have military bases you, one has not officially responded to accusation coming from the us here. however, previously 7 and new officials, including the fort administer,
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have said that they have nothing to do with the tax indirect c, a gas the ships passing through the through the state. but the white house, national security spoke person have said that they have no reason to believe that iran is trying to dissuade policies from the reckless behaviors. and they said that they believe iran is deeply involved in planning these attacks. later we have seen some articles from the, the us media say that you want these for why do real time intelligence weapon to include in the drones and besides, to hoses that have been used against the ships in the red sea. and they said that both these do not have the rate of technology and we don't run an assistance, definitely size. we'll just look at what are seeing that they have the will be on how to just send it to use over the years of regression against them. so there are serious allegation so far serious acquisitions, but very little substantial evidence to, to back up these acquisitions. and do you say say that they're trying to the source
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yea to the war in gaza from the attacks in the red sea. and they say that texting the red sea is an international crisis, and that's why they're trying to build up any international coalitions here to handle these crisis. but so far that has been very little commitment from the countries to these international enabled uh, naval questions you falls easily as the pain they have rejected to officially drink this international cooperation. and some of them are the original companies even do not want to be named publicly due to the point to go says step is we can see that do yes, it is really trying hard to form an international fuss full for you. reality that has been very little progress, especially said that people to drones dry cause damage and is really link shape in the arabian sea. $372.00 dom it is off the coast of india. there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the strike,
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but to marry time agencies confirmed the liberia flags. chemical tanka had been hit . india says it sent a coast guard ship towards the vessel. the ship was sailing from saudi arabia to india, and no casualties have been reported. the still ahead on algae 0 will be taking a look at some of the days avenues and why small volunteer groups in ukraine say you on tide graphs, dollars on making it harder to do their work, the and, and finish journey that has less than broken gay involved, they thought they could make it to europe, traveling from senegal, through the sahara to the edge of the mediterranean. in new year. the traffic has sold us onto some dippy. i like slaves piled in a dark cage on the metre high out of the 120 people that were with us. only 17
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survived. the stop, what your opinions perceive as an unstoppable flow of africans, the pressure you share it to making the traffic of migrants illegal. but now the low criminalizing of legal migration is being revoked. the you now, for years, a new wave of migrants. this will cost that and the best such about that would also mean more people coming to the u. despite the humiliation abuse and suffering all day and isa are willing to attempt the journey to europe again in search for what they hope will be a dignified life. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the now to have in use and at least 22 people have been killed and fighting between government to send onto the scene of the central african republic. it happened during the northwest and village of buttons on come to the u. n. says most of the victims were civilians. this is the 4th confrontation between the army and then tom schools in the past 3 years in the democratic republic of congo. the electoral commission has started releasing provisional results after e k on a general election. voting was extended off to delays and problems with voting machines, vouchers, here as catherine story, as well, from contrast as we received the results from the bass for us. they show that the president for nix, this is cathy, is leading their bates soon gauge out voting trend. now what we know is that there are 2 uh, top uh, presidential contenders,
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dots of president and moist cartoon. be a full month up enough of a tongue of province in the south. is i the retest providence in the country? and he has said that the these election, he's a, some of the presidential candidates have saved the same thing. some of them want fresh election. we've also seen statements from some independent suburbs like the cost of foundation. it says that it has cited serious irregularities in different pulling stations and a lot of confidence. now this is steve, this is what people have been talking about. they say that they want a credible election and what happened on paulding day is not acceptable. now here you can just the residence
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a waiting for the results. and they have been told by the commission to stay calm and wait till the commission to do its job. so it will be very interesting to see how things play out, especially if the election is contested. catherine saw you all the 0 can show friendship all these say they've grounded a plane headed to nicaragua on suspicion of human trafficking. the plane carrying 303 indian nationals departed from the united arab emirates on thursday and landed at a french airport for refueling. please said detained via crafter after an anonymous tip. thousands joined migrant caravans that set off from central american countries in hopes to reach and cross the us border. to be anti immigrant alternative for germany. parties party had what it calls an electrical breakthrough last week at one, it's 1st may or the election in
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a large town in the east of germany. for months the party has been surging in the national polls and as ami came reports from pay and they have high hopes the regional election toy regional elections next year. for many germans, winter is a time for christmas markets. and in that sense, po now is no exception, but in another sense, it's unique because this town has just selected as it's matt tim last amendment open links to the far right policy. alternative for germany. many people here on sure what to make of it. so i think it's okay that finally someone else is in the job that they might have a different perspective from the main parties, but maybe things will change here soon as well. i'm please, i was do decide that this happened. let's see how things turn out to me last night . we'll take office here in the town hall in february representing in moments of trying to him personally, but also for the if day, this is the 1st may oh election victory in this country. it's also
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a demonstration of the strengths, particularly here in the old east germany. the one on the list says it's profiting from the main stream. potties errors the best label to day for the 50 would be for the entire green or the entire vote party in germany. and because of green politics will no longer appreciate this that's much by a big percentage of german population. and being folk is not that are attractive for most germans, eva on average, the policy is pulling around. so she's the science across what was the old east germany, but in 3 states were important to election. so do you in september? it's a leading stomach all the way out of the crisis to return to reason, stop mass migration, by closing the borders and ends migration magnets such as citizens benefits, basic child protection, passport, fraud, and residency for everyone who comes here. the main stream potties of always ruled
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at working with the alternative for germany on any level, but that was when it was struggling to win votes. now it's hard to, to ignore this election so nice. there are many are really, will be a really devastating moment. i think for germany, because we will see that there will be governments which can only be billed by an old party coalition against the of this on the surface life in eastern germany is calm, but it's clear the tide of far right. populism is rising. here. september's elections will show us how high dominant cane al jazeera p on the us supreme court has declined to consider whether for my present donald trump has immunity from prosecution for crimes committed during his time in office. special council. jack smith, who is prosecuting trump over his role in the capital,
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lied in 2021. had asked the justices to take up the issue as soon as possible. an appeals court will now hear the case in january to now to ukraine, where the president is cracking down on corruption as part of a push to meet a regulations ahead of joining the blog. that includes new rules for volunteer groups, helping in the war efforts against russia. but some charities, saving you on tied grass rules will make it harder to do their work. rob mcbride's re, for some keeps from one of its warehouse units, stuff with come back alive. process the late the shipments of the read it by soldiers on the front lines. as you cranes biggest, private volunteering group, it is collected and spent hundreds of millions of dollars since the start of the full scale will nearly 2 years ago. now, along with a lot of organizations, it will have to follow new government regulations and making volunteering and donating more comfortable with arriving since it was i'm done with the for more
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people. what taken advantage of the system? number 8 and military get wasn't being tracked and we didn't know if it was ending up in the right tons of local. the government is centralizing the system processing and tracking different types of aid with volunteering groups and individuals required to register formally it's seen as being part of ukraine's overall left foot to become more transparent, a heads of possible european union and nato membership. but since the scots of the war, a boss number of small of voluntary groups have sprung into big that don't have the results is a big organization. dot com. yes, larger groups have lots of spells who can handle this issues, then they get the salary for this is their job and we don't have this people. small, the groups like this one say the new requirements will make the delivery of 8. honda and slower. when the more i have not had a day or for a year in the house, when they come home in the evening, i start mobile in to include and what the cost is going to work every we cannot,
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we don't have time for this extra bureaucratic and for these volunteers, questions about e u. membership um meaningless. without victory on the front line. mcbride, i'll just say era keith and ukraine will be celebrating christmas on the 25th of december for the 1st time this year in a bit to care of russian influence. as orthodox christians, most ukrainians follow the traditional russian calendar at celebrate christmas. on the 7th of january, the country's main church announce it would drop the tradition this year. now town tucked away in rule south west mexico has become an international christmas powerhouse. it has 450 workshops, old dedicated to one thing, creating a dazzling array of glass christmas bottles every day john home and went to see some of them. it's the mexicans home where it's christmas every day.
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full, how hidden in the country, southwest, the mountains. everyone else might be just getting ready for the holiday season now . but here they've been actually 2 years turning out 35000000 christmas is from january to december. you did a lot of all your the, the pride of cloud was our spears. they're a piece of our heart in our understanding it from the glass blowers to the painters . all of us put a part of ourselves in the towns. people say this special because they have made from the final licks of painting glitter so that beginning with most the gloss flow augustine, he's been working at it for moving the to use pops out fresh shapes. like so many here. this is everything to him. as he the purpose is it's really important to me and my family. it puts food on the table. it means that my children can study christmas ornaments resurrected the time from a tragedy. a huge lance slide to the goals that i'm putting into it's gold mining
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industry. in the thirty's, it was last to migrant khaki. munoz came back from chicago. we some new know how, how to make christmas tree baubles. he quickly set up his business and the rest is local history. this is his son, jose luis in the museum dedicated to his parents. when we put this out loud, how immuno see my dad return from chicago? he told my mom what he had learned when they started the process of glass blowing, christmas fears since then. so i feel how ornaments have decorated the vatican, and the white house about 60 percent of the spheres insightful. how are exported now. so it's not just christmas central in mexico, it's an international seasonal power house. still looking around the town. the question remains. sometimes you'll get bit tired of christmas. no, i come. oh, not advisable. there's no tiredness because every year we're waiting for it. excited because we know we're going to give joy to the homes and mexico. it's
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a good piazza, but there's truth, the 2 for town that saved itself through christmas. i don't home and out to see the subtle how well. and that's the news. now analogy is here, that's it for me for the back to go back to stay with this, my colleagues. so hell rahman is with you next on. obviously, i think for president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis with this. anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line. in a world where the news never ends, understanding what's behind the headlines is more important than ever. it takes listening to the people behind the news and to the journalist for reporting their
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stories except intimacy that makes every international story local at heart. i'm only can be the host of the take a daily news podcast powered by the login reporting of algebra. find us where ever you get your pod cast. as israel's war and gaza continues, we bring you the laces on the grounds and goes back to bring you the events as they have been reporting 1st time on the suffering and loss of the people on the list of tasks and states and we live in occupied east teresa and covering the latest political developments. and in fact, we're here across the west bank. the full king has how this war is not just massively affecting losing dollars. stay with us with the latest updates and
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detailed coverage of the war on gaza on alice's 0 the the, [000:00:00;00] the alonzo rom, and you're watching the, i'll just it renews on life. i'm


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