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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 23, 2023 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm so robin, you're watching the, i'll just it renews online for my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. the se desperate
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search for loved ones after it is really strong. at least 200 palestinians have been killed and gaza in the past 24 hours. because of civilian defense teams, very many and identified and composed bodies of palestinians. something else on the streets for 20 days. a 100 journalist has been killed in gauze since the world again. it's the worst death, toll fulcher, and lives in a conflict. in decades, thousands pretends to several european capital cities in support of the palestinians. the welcome to the news are its $1900.00 gmc, about 9 o'clock in the evening in garza, but more than 2 hundreds palestinians have been killed, biased by only
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a tax and the past 24 hours. now the bobbing boat raged refugee camp in central gauze that has killed at least 8 palestinians, including children. while the strike on jabante a refugee camp is believed to have killed dozens, mo, to decompose bodies, some left unattended, for at least 20 days, and the rubble in streets have finally been buried by the civil defense teams. and the latest un resolution continues to drill criticism 8 agencies, including all the time that slammed the resolution, the coastal aid to go. so without addressing a see sign, this a, as long as the bombing continues guessing any, a doubt that is practically impossible. meanwhile, at least a $110.00 less of being killed since israel's will on gauze to begin. let's according to new. if it goes from guns that media office, among them is a palestinian jealous, how much of a white be killed and then is really strong. called is tommy's home into china, east of golf and city. tony couple, his name is all correspondent and
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a rasa in southern gauze that with the very latest that just start to waive the ongoing assault by the is riley's despite any sort of un resolution, about 8 getting into the area as well. uh, generally uh, the, the goal is a straight and the residence inventory tree. considered this a resolution by the united nations as a very significant on the right track to mitigate the aggravating humanitarian crisis inside gaza strip. as people in the territory. i've been going through difficult days, being hungry 1st stay on displaced losing everything behind, including the houses and the businesses as well. so be a scalable to humanitarian aid into the church was a very good advantage for palestinians, but what really is important for gardens is the velocity and the duration that the humanitarian aid will be allowed to interrupt the trip. the territory with
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maximizing in terms of the size of the number of the trucks on convoys into garza's trip. now as a pallet soon as clearly know that there are hundreds of human steering troops, indies, which inside bottled up for long weeks waiting for the confirmation to get into the chart, treat and right now palestinians have only one source of receiving visa humanitarian page, which is the united nations as the are, i've been forced during the last couple of weeks to line up for hours to have a kind of partial access to such a humanitarian supplies. which is, could they barely enough for palestinian families, families to survive from the all the hands, however, palestinians see these, the humanitarian aid as a charms, as well as, as also as a key sewing that this confrontation on the ground extended with the ongoing days box in the general sentiments inside of the gaza strip is that the palestinians are really appreciating the system. wishing for further calling the resolutions that
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might bring an end for the finding inside the territory other cool. so you have to get more worrying numbers in terms of the death toll 20000 across the territory in terms of civilian law says. but of course, a significant number for journalists today as well. yes, this is the 1st time that doing that. i have been killed, i'm full and victim. as they were covering the conflict in the ground, the st. johns was stripped. but this, if these kinds of different talk you think of doing that, let's consider it to be us talk, violation of old. the principles of the international humanitarian low as total as must be afforded protection and times of bull as the are covering all the latest updates on the grounds of the not take part in any military activities inside the church. we bought the number at this time of the journalist have been killed in psych, garza's trip is very shocking. as around 100000 journalists have been killed,
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some of them have been killed along side with the family members. others have been killed as they were reporting uncovering old b is rarely attacks on violations insolent goals. this trip taught a couple of them for us, the in rough, i think the palestinian gen listing garza and not just covering the bowl, but they're also living through it. as we mentioned, at least 100 palestinian gen list have been killed and the conflicts so far. i'm assuming officials, i'm going to say that number could be much higher, more than 50 media premises or offices of incomplete clinic or partially destroyed by his right. he strikes of that includes the office of the associated funds of p fund support bureau in garza, hundreds of that kind of city in general and their families including all colleagues, vouchers, there have been forcibly displaced, but they've had to abundance reporting equipment in offices in the north to life and reports and difficult conditions, i missed frequent communication, blackouts, generalist work, you know,
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resolved conflict unprotected on the international humanitarian law, just like civilians under the jeep geneva convention. but israel has been accused of violating rules of law repeatedly. oh yeah, my colleague fully bossy, but i spoke to tim doles know he's the deputy general secretary of the international federation of general is he said, the clinic of jenn listing goes that is unprecedented. i don't think we've seen a desco of journalist of this concentration in a conflict that i can think of that we're about to 1000 dentist and gaza at the beginning of this conflict. and while they're a slightly different counts of, of precisely how many of died i'm, if between 7 and a half and 10 percent have died, that is an extraordinary high number. i mean, just to put up a little bit of proportion, i was looking up the depths of combat soldiers invoice over the last 100 years. and if you look at the american marine corps in vietnam, for example. so these are the soldiers who are going to be facing the most intense
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fighting with the most highly trained who are going to be in the most the most dangerous situations. the 5 percent of them lost their lives. and during the course of the vietnam war and the gen listing, gaza, they have only cameras and microphones, and notebooks. they continued duty during the work despite this absolutely mind blowing, that's tall indeed is. israel came deliberately targeting policy and gentleness and gossip. some of them have related to me that they receive threatening calls from people supporting to be from the idea of warning them that they're going to be trying to get to know that that family is going to be talked to in, in the coming days of conflict i think saying absolutely certain what's happened in this conflict is going to be very difficult, so much of gauze as blake been blown up. so much of this has been conducted with enormous volumes that you know, the know rid of it this trial. but i think looking at the figures of looking at well, got some gen believe, i think it's very hard to say that as well doesn't have
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a case to answer here. there was an interesting article to him in the washington post a few days ago asking whether where rather it is the outrage over israel scaling of journalists in guys that course individual weston journalists have denounced this. but media institutions as a whole in the west have been relatively silent, don't use it on the desktop of gen miss covering is are as well on gaza. why? i think people's minds are to and then it becomes impossible to ignore such a terribly, terribly high tow. so for all that you're right. um. i'd like to see major news platforms making more of a noise about this. i'd like to see people joining our to demand that the international criminal court investigates this, i think people's minds ought to. and so we're heading to cause the reason does this report from a palestinian gen this home in the new script refugee compton, central garza. and we do,
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one of you is that the report does contain disturbing scenes. i'm currently handing on the rubble of the house of the journalist, how much time in the new service refugee camp. the scene is horrific. here are bodies that are still trapped under the rubber a can use. 20 palestinians have been killed in flor are still under the rebels, including children. and this house was had at least 18 palestinians that were internally displaced and see this 3 story building as a refuge after they were called to evacuate from the another. in parts of the causes. let's walk. people are trying to remove their bodies from under the rebels. where they are trapped or under here, sorry for the image,
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it's very hard and unsolved. but unfortunately these people do not have any equipment. they're thinking with their own bare hands trying to remove these bodies that are trapped under the rubber, according to the family. there are activities for stairs dropped under the robot and they have been trying to help them and to remove them. since yesterday, as you see, as they're trying to remove them from under the rubber. the ceiling, besides, the above us is partially damaged. here people were looking for winter clothes and for blankets. they were trying to take the remains of what's left of this house, the, the people who live here were taking their clothes their blankets because the
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weather is very winter and they're homeless. learn right now. this is the scene that we have been witnessing since the 1st day of the war on cause. and the of the air strikes continue every single day, people in this area and surround me, this area. it is my guys and in the state off, in other areas in the gaza strip, have been called to evacuate. what people are telling us that they don't have any place to evacuate, and there is no place safe. this isn't the whole city i 0 say it out there for g count because of pods time. well, as we just showing you, much of gaza now lies in ruins, following continuances by the bombing and occupation by is really ground forces bodies along in the streets. buildings have been destroyed and full days, i'm just there was on us, i'll sharif reports now from tell us lots of neighborhood. news of the giovanni a refugee come and a warning 12 use again to this report does contain distressing scenes that the few
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months, but this, the not thought who know it, we are in the tells us a neighborhood. no, no, no. from that you're finding a refugee camp that it was under siege, imposed by these radio occupation forces for more than 20 days off the apartment. i should be in the home, said one of y'all, and when we came here, we saw the bodies of thousands of people i showed by is ready for slang in the street. oh, come on, i'm sure i do know. i saw a show how the i can also see the scale of business structure and close body is really bombarded with all the heavy alonzo far posted in your medical team and haven't managed to reach the area because of the ceo to the neighborhood is totally destroyed. of the seems a very difficult to take and as you can see, the bodies of many dead people. lang everywhere. know the model color heavy. i mean there is schools around the indonesian hospital was that heavily bombarded. i mean has again, a hell of
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a yet. and it is really ministry vehicles have tried to advance from these stories to was that your body a refugee camp? palmer fit, the hassle should be chem and who know they started from districts near the indonesian hospital to was the to allows us a neighborhood until mom, how and a decode in a month to put the azako whole not the model paula. and as the show and streets and buildings and infrastructure only being destroyed, of the neighborhood is no longer habitable because of the mass of destruction, i'm sure i had national and that, that you had an almost a shrug. i would have the most fish from now moving in the direction of the allows the hospital, which has been under siege for more than 10 days. i left it up almost at the bottom of the or has he, i'm with cisco, who know the general manager and some of the medical stuff he's being arrested money, occupation forces will help them with special i would the awesome the northwest, our brother of the post to teach for 18 days to come,
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no one was allowed to go anywhere. if someone tried to move the shut them immediately, the old, the old people in between 20 and 40 to go out to the house and make it in groups of 20, out of a in center, the flow of the city. and actually, these really forces to good way to force good, as well as dr. ohio, as your father should have kind of got cut off with dish grow after the mother of danielle. the next day they came again to the doctor and they took some administrative people and then they took those above the age of 16, the dresser only their underwear. and they took about 8 to 6 people and the condition of volume. the modern man as a queen. why not rejoice really on how i came here and destroyed all the buildings? you will leave me out the hospital and these 2 ladies were on their way to the hospital to deliver the baby's zillow. john, come on level folder. uh broke up,
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i gotta jump off of the house but the one of them was killed, the fellow and his bodies under the rubble. so these really bulldozers killed them all. like i'm on the sit down. let me say how um it is come on. because there are other pregnant women in this area, what killed the to the pregnant women without mercy. all of them, the general fireball. come up like a lot. i did go ahead and get the one who . uh, i'm not sure i do know a few months, but the thought that the house of this is the scene in the tell us that the neighborhood doctor has been under sage for more than 20 days. the mall seeds, i saw the destruction and dead bodies, industries them as the medical teams have not yet been allowed to collect them. unless the study of just the all smell has to the relative is, may be kept as being held in goals that have been protesting. and tell of these 2 pressure thing is really government to do more to secure the release, but at least $120.00
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a kept is all believe to be still being held in gauze dependence. smith phase lot for us that in tell of even if it goes to the strong showing on saturday evening in terms of the protests against the government, we seem to have just lost. but of course, we're trying to get back to as soon as we kind of cause lots protest, i will continue to follow that i think the raven because of the rain moving all day now the head of the media office in gauze, it says that the pools that is really troops coming down to executions in the territory, relatives and friends and supporters of the account it seems in gaza. i here every night, but on a saturday night it's the main one and this is the 12th ship boxes is riley's coolant, but they have hops to do this. now. clause wants to stop today all hope and the
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tool was about the prospects for possibly cease fire. we know we were talking about no category american, these really officials and that's on the side. a representative from how must have met the jeep and you can security officials in cairo and house and suggesting that his route was offering a one week ceasefire. return for about 40 sentences, particularly within the elderly and the sick, and how, how much was demanding a complete sweet spot? a cessation of hostilities before they would go any further? what is going pretty quiet. since then we've not heard much in recent days. i'm the original mist frustration from the relatives and the friends. here. we people have been talking about how they won't release now. we've got a one full not ami, a role in the navy saying that we should propose a prisoner release, but thomas will not turn down every day. is it night for the coming saves? and of course, the psychological fear, relatives, or friends of dying and guns,
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at least 6 campuses have been reported dead this week. there's no proof of that death. but those are the reports coming from gauze unexcused requirements in the system that best without talking about the lodge protest by the families all the way the captives. but let's go back now to meet you over thing garza with a, have been talking about these ready troops, so that a car, that executions in the territory. this is what they have to say. what's the she had the, you know, in addition to fit, it is received testimonies from people who said these read the army executed more than 137 postings and gaza. and the north they did because with tens of civilians were buried while they were still alive. then executed others by shooting them at close range and very then using pull those. there's dozens of others who were also killed in front of their family members. do a patient for social security, pregnant women, who are on their way to all of the hospital in north of casa,
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while carrying white flags. they were shut from close range, coming out of chicago is the director of israel apollo side advocacy at the human rights. and foreign policy thinks i could help you with this on the program. mr. shapiro. thanks to joining us. a, i mean you and resolution the sort of the just being passed it full show the aid agencies to help babies in dining and garza and the non stop bombing campaign bodies. right. these, which goes on through the night. so as we've been hearing, has, has anything really changed on the ground for the palestinians from where we're both sitting or no, absolutely not, not just from where sits where we are sitting, but where posting using guys are sitting. in fact, in some ways what we've seen today has been worse reports coming from does the city indicate that hundreds of members of the single family were killed in one of the worst incidents so far in what has been just a heretic salt, but it's really military and gaza and so the, you know,
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the human resolution at this point is toothless. um, because it has no, as long as united states refuses to pressure israel, there's nothing that will compel is rolling this resolution to stop what it's doing . and already we've seen organizations like medicines on frontier and others decry this resolution as having, you know, insufficient to meet the needs of the mandatory need of the, the hosting people any that want company bring the site released at the moment, especially of diplomats. and i just want that because a resolution, as we say, has been passed, but the work continues behind plays, tools doesn't fit with thing. talking center and advise is like yourself the talking to countries, silver and countries that the you and putting pressure on the security council to do more would not be the right sort of assessments where we are now. we know, as we headed into what would be a slow period as christmas, a new year begins with a diplomat. so go home. yes,
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this has been an unprecedented response by civil society. you know, not only in palestine, but globally to call for ceasefire to pressure. our governments to take action in the streets to create, you know, policy members and articles and office advertisements and newspapers, calling for a ceasefire and, and engaging with our governments. and we've seen some response from governments. unfortunately not from the the one government that would make the most sense in terms of being able to changes arouse decision making. and that's the government to the united states where i'm sitting at. and it pains me, given the discussions that i, and of my colleagues and others have had with congress people with people you ministration, making clear, and somebody's obvious points about what's going on and why a ceasefire is needed, that we're not seeing the kind of change that we need and as we enter this holiday period in the west and elsewhere, we're very concerned that israel might take steps to escalate this already grave situation and,
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and do things like perhaps push people across the border into egypt or escalate their attacks on people in the south, or perhaps even establishing new settlements in the north of gaza. i mean, these are all hypothetical situations that been by within nothing's consent. but can i just take you back to where you are? you're in washington dc. i've just recently returned myself from the us. the one thing i noticed very clearly was protests on the streets b, it's small, uh, the normal, but a lot more vocal in the us than i've ever heard before. we're seeing that reciprocated and replicated across asia and europe, with people coming out in the hundreds of thousands of to support the palestinians into coal for a ceasefire. more than anything else is there. is there a mind change a mood swing? how do you read the situation? on the ground in the us, when politicians themselves are looking for votes. so looking for support as we had to a presidential election next year to the public response in the united states in terms
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of taking to the streets is, is massive. may not be materialized in terms of uh, on a single saturday. the same way you have in london where hundreds of thousands of people show up. but across cities, across the united states were having tens of thousands of people in cities. and so you and add that up across the country were having hundreds of thousands of people disrupting life as normal train station shopping centers, all kinds of things. so that kind of responses registering the politicians and most importantly, at this point, we're seeing the polls show that president biden is losing support against key constituencies in the united states that are showing that he will lose the next election. if he doesn't change his policy. and that message, i think, is really getting home in the white house and causing the prices for them. we had more sort of murmurings that the us, especially the president himself, his voice to disquiet the death toll. and that was, puts it on the side ruler agreements. about how many debts are acceptable to the us
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and israel harsh is, it may sound that 20000 is 20000 too many for, for the civil society across the world. what sort of conversation do you think is being had about to when this is going to stop? when this is going to be rain day? is this a, is this a conversation the think tanks have with politicians? it's a certainly is a conversation that we have all the time and definitely we have, you know, and others have, have talked about the idea that you know, that you can't set a number of dead in terms of like, when enough is enough enough is enough. the for from the 1st day and failed policies for decades or what god was here in the 1st place. so continuing those tail policies, including unrestrained weapons transfers from the united states to israel, are, are part of that problem. let's say we're dealing with a president in the white house who has declared himself a self invalid zionist. we need to always keep that in mind. and so pushing on that to change is, is really climbing a mountain. this is not
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a president and not new ministration that is, that started off in any way neutral. or even in some ways, or even basically with the care for making a peaceful resolution to this conflict. it was an administration interested in supporting israel, full stop. whether it was through additional weapons, sales, additional aid, or through setting up, you know, the abraham records and, and making these peace deals with their neighbors. while ignoring the post indians for the bottom, it will leave at adams repair vehicle. so i will be on picking more of what's going on with you throughout the evening. thanks so much for joining us in washington dc . children displaced in garza a spelling to survive, and some even falls to find work to support the families who dos who fled to rafa from a suburb of cause the city is amongst them or the
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last one is the gentleman. that's what i want to be on. 8 no no, no, no, the just got a phone that them on the phone. the issue up on the the the, the,
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the city of self insurance. i'm not a member of the industry still has all the i'll just even use the christmas celebrations i canceled in beth man and to show solidarity with palestinian suffering. and that is randy, bump, bump in guns. the head of the if anyone dreaming of a white christmas in europe, well it's going to be hard to find. but if it's wet and wendy whether you want, well, we've got loads of that thanks to the storm system. so ready cost floods the cost of most of germany, that rain continuing to push its way further. east across denmark, bring a wintery edge to norway. now that's where you could find your white christmas, and also some wintry weather as well. pushing off to the east of poland, but it's the windows that are going to be
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a problem. you can see them picking up as we go into christmas day for britain on the island of island. some snow an ice issues could remain for scotland, but it is a bit of a washout there with the winds and the heavy rain a personal central various places like front we all sing more the way settled conditions with lots of sunshine and bright to sky stretching across the mediterranean, that spring, some festive joy as well to the southeast corner, lots of sunshine and settled weather there. but you can see the weather and the moon, winter weather pushing its way towards the north east in terms of temperatures while it is looking mild. as we go sunday in to monday, london. so 10 degrees celsius, the button 10 degrees, but it's all slow that can. ringback use to feel robert cheney minus to the on sunday. the latest news as it breaks, officials taste tub 0, temperatures of pulse smells,
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and china are forcing emergency teams to work as quickly as they can with detail coverage. i'm not. sees the maya trade a part of a larger plan to modernize mexico for his critics. the whole thing is just a vehicle for his ego from around the world. ukraine was already harnessing the potential, the full to mation and artificial intelligence, special digit workers, cuz now it celebrated that process are examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and weld cause john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 hospital stories for a global audience. this is a mighty policy. this is the way what these are fitting to tighten the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era or
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the looking back your fields. there was news with me. so rob, nevermind, of all told stories. is there any forces are killed, more than $200.00 palestinians in guns in the past 24 hours of strikes and shelling of the algebra and giovanni, a refugee comes of kills dozens of people including children, jobs, and civil defense, teens of very many on identifies and decompose bodies of palestinians killed in casa, some while left unattended for 20 days from the level. at least $100.00 to unless of being killed, since israel's will, on gauze. if again, that's according to the latest that goes from concepts. media office is really
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attacks of kill 2 reporters in the last 24 hours. the us present, dr. barton has been discussing the situation in garza with the is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu that's in, you know, his office says that he insisted israel will continue with his military campaigning garza until how much is illuminated. let's get more of this. more correspondent, last name jordan, and he's in washington dc. so a pre christmas conversation, but i'm sure his conversations will continue over the best of periods roles to well being the us president is a 247365 day job. so i would imagine that as the us president joe biden has to camp david for the holiday period, that he will continue to have the interactions with these really prime minister as well as with arab leaders in the region about the ongoing war. inside garza, we don't yet have a read out from the white house other than it'll heads up. that there was
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a conversation on saturday between the us president and the as really prime minister. but as you noted, the israeli government is saying that it's going to continue it's war and garza until it reaches what it says it's goals have been achieved. are roles thanks very much for the update, of course will continue to monitor what does come out when not read out is published. thank you. the 8 agencies have criticized even security council resolution to increase site to gossip as it failed to address. the goal for sees file box of describes the security council's in action as incomprehensible. it says any, an immediate cease fire, it can meet urgent, humanitarian needs. doctors without borders, believes the water down resolution will have a meaningless impact on gaza. civilians say the children expresses similar sentiments, stating that anything other than an immediate cease fire is inadequate. and the international rescue committee calls the counsel salia to demand the ceasefire unjustifiable. but again,
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jeffrey is the communication advocacy coordinator action 8 and the occupied palestinian territory. she says the people in gone so need a complete ceasefire. the un security golf surface of the ocean that the bat, what's best here the last night is not enough ink. to me is nothing. a ford that is deliberate and gather a what is needed? a full and complete ceasefire that you bought it and get the need this war to be in depth and that people in gather, need, this escalation to be stopped. and therefore, as i am going to an end in the organizations and we come up and deliver it to the people in gather on the continuance bumping as so and that he wanted to be an organization. august took that abraham and therefore means we
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had to do with this towards that incidence of gather on the continuance of them being under the streets of evacuation and orders over regulation. and there is a human interior and get that through. we did as a family and did as a separation in gather and this then you, when he didn't get that to be needs more. and i'm going to be a concrete actions to be taken white international community to own both seats, where i'm to adhere to in force. it's in the international humanitarian know. so it you want to tell you and it come up to be different on the situation. also more across the board, there's need to be open to allow a large scale of the to reach the people, you know, thousands of protesting that across some of your ups capital cities and support all palestinians and balance around 1500 people marching through the streets to the front of the gates calling for an end to the war in garza. and it's the same scene in the line. it needs to be as thousands by palestinians,
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lines of energy as well to stop attacking civilians. this comes as residents and got a concept of facing salvation and selling that possessions for food according to the world health organization. the funny thing is continuing between is really full, says and has belong in southern lebanon on friday. it has blo kevin about 5 of tanks on his way to the military positions, talking barracks and gatherings of his ready soldiers. and the vicinity is very false, is attacked a number of positions, including roads along the border, and conducted raids into the towns of kayla and dolly with the palestinian church late as have counselled public christmas celebrations, to show support for the people of casa families, hospitals on businesses also expressing solidarity sign, a kind of poster from occupied east jerusalem. this is the not to them sense are, are popular how it's, how oh you around. especially during christmas celebrations,
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but this year it says it won't be celebrating is it joins in movement in solidarity with the people of gauze. normally right here would be a massive tree. christmas is a one of the most and beautiful piece to and especially it's, it's a happy nest. okay. but it's very sad to see that we used to be for the book even over booking. we send some guests to other hotels. about 3, we have shop through the see actually what happened and everything is good that i don't know what is the end of this or what's going on when it's going to be at an end for the next month after 2 weeks, we don't do any of a strategy, we don't know how to to bids our future. well, my son is one of the most incredible views of the old. let's see, i can see the new gate just from here, the chat. so the hardly set for code behind me. i'm even, oh ok, but last just that on an average day $3.00 to $4000.00 visitors would come and take pictures here. but as you can see,
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it's completely up to see the sadness this year is felt strongly amongst palestinians because of what's happening in gauze or in the occupied territories. but there's one place that's trying to reduce that pain and bring a bit more joy amongst palestinians. and it's son says house in the old city, 25000 people that visit sciences grocer haven't turned up to see it. but nevertheless, santa still says he wants to spread a message. my mother's this year is different than other years. my message is wishing you hope, love and peace from the heart of the world, jerusalem. and i want to wish you a merry christmas from i bought all of my heart from the ho ho ho we land. the bethlehem is riveted by christians as the best price of jesus christ. this time of year, the town is usually packed with thousands of ford taurus,
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as i mentioned. but the longest that means most a staying away did abraham. it pulls from a nativity scene, which represents what's happening at the moment. it doesn't look anything like christmas here in bethlehem with palestinians and christians around the world believe that jesus has been born more than 2000 years ago instead of the big christmas tree with the lights as well as the christmas carols. we're seeing an m. c, manger square here in bethlehem, and instead of the tree, there is this artwork that has seen the rearrangement of the traditional christmas grotto to resemble the pain and the suffering of palestinians of the b. c. school district. virgin mary holding baby jesus in a way that resembles the mothers in gauze of the for holding their babies. after being bombarded the 3 wise men who have been bringing in the traditional christmas
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story gift to the holy comedy are holding whites coffins. you know, this scene reminds palestinians, a lot of the images that have they have been seeing in gaza. it doesn't look a lot like christmas. i. let's hear more about that from beth lens may or had not had any of who's joining us today. can you tell us how you and the community here in bethlehem are feeling in this day? actually in our days before i'm in morning we've, we feel so sad. we are as an essential part of what i've seen and committed to. so we counsel the celebrations and sensitivities this year and christmas season. and we put this model as you will see, to reflect the reality. it's what's happening and goes a step. there is aggression against our people. there is the genocide and weekends this time. there is ethnic cleansing, and we are a jet the because this isn't
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a humidity that there is that i, you know, your vision via lifting the international violating the human rights. and from here, from best line, we are sending a message to the international community. and to come here to stand with the police to get an cause and to force as our end to stop this aggression against our people . usually all eyes turn to bethlehem during this time during christmas. do you think people are looking to buy the land or looking at the suffering of palestinians nowadays, i believe i left a message when receive and all over the world. that's why we decided to have a clear message from bethlehem to the hardware. and again, we are going to the international community from bethlehem and this message to step this aggression again out again. so what are people? thank you so much. and you know, as you can see here in bethlehem, it's empty. it's
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a city that has long depended on tourism as it's main income. but instead of christmas instead of celebrations, there is a lot of grief. there's a lot of social and there's a lot of pain. is that but he just ita bethlehem the occupied west bank. well, still out here on the news, i why small volunteer groups and you cranes, a new entity grass close. i make it home to see the what the deadly fires rage out of control and believe use amazon regents with a climate phenomena in menial heating south america. this year, temperatures are higher and droughts more severe. unable to control the flames, live yet has appealed for international health. brazil is facing its soon disaster with fires destroying the front the now the world's largest tropical wetland,
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and menial and climate change have not only caused drought in the amazon. they're also responsible for unusually debbie rain storms in the south of brazil. government officials say that this year, almost 6000000 brazilians have been affected by extreme high temperatures and floods in the states, a few get into the so in some pick up by the, in the more than 25000 people have been forced from their homes, tried to get the same region in southern brazil just 2 months ago, killing almost 50 people. the book about let's forget the days of the news though. the electoral commission and
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the democratic republic of congo has started releasing provisional results, object hills collection that i think was extended after delays and problems and facing machines covering so it has more from the capital control. so we received the results from the bass for a, they show that the president, for next to the cabbie is leading their bates too soon to gauge out voting trend. now what we know is that there are 2 uh, top presidential contenders, dots of president and moist cartoon. be a full mock up enough of a tongue of province in the south. is i the retest providence in the country? and he has said that the, the election, he's a, some of the presidential candidates have saved the same thing. some of them want
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fresh election. we've also seen statements from some independent suburbs like the cost of foundation. it says that it has cited serious irregularities in different polling stations and a lot of confidence. now this is steve, this is what people have been talking about. they say that they want a credible election and what happened on paulding day is not acceptable. now here you can just the residence a waiting for the results and they have been told by the next couple of missions to stay calm and wait for the commission to do its job. so it will be very interesting to see how things play out, especially if the election is contested. catherine saw you all to 0, can show the french soldiers of less than the shadow after it's the rulers 7th defense toys,
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and ordered frances on basset to leave relations between the 2 countries breakdown following a ministry cue in july. and the address has moved out from the capital named me signing these documents effectively. harold's the end of a century of colonial and post independence frank presence in this year. on the time of the last of the troops lined up to board to transport planes. the parties month by a riley in front of the same base of the french court just hours before supporters of the cool. yeah. or it late, it was just the one that's on the same as we need the new rulers to forge tried and defense relations with countries with latrice us with fairness and respect this day, we consider as out day of independence, missouri is now left for giving us a helium that lies monday and we're looking at fossil disagree or each voters and
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to bring in goods. the french begin pulling out of new jersey is october 10, after the june to canceled or defends agreements with the former power. the departure of the last prince georgias marks the end of the case on principle of your presence. here is your relationship with the competitors to tell you right to the shop, please. especially july large, made to to print others into the military side. the french have moved out of their military hardware to friends and some of it to neighboring tribe leaving behind the struck just of these would be quickly occupied by troops from the united states. and germany was to maintain some defense agreements with miss. yeah. and any say any yeah, cool. has upset long spending relations with many countries among them from us in the military ended support. is that choice down the french not the general populace. i think restoring democracy will normalize everything with the international community,
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the french and even if you're not the best of terms ending decades of political, economic, and defense engagements. it's not clear if these broken relations could be mended anytime soon. how many degrees? i'll just see that you have a nice yeah. adrian's right? because damaged on his radio link to ship in the arabian sea, 370 kilometers of the coast of india. there was no immediate claim of responsibility full destroyed, but to maritime agencies, confirm the liberia slang technical tank. it had been hit. india says it sent a coastal guard ship towards the vessel. the ship was saving from saudi arabia to india. their casualties have been reported. french was already saved, that they've gone to the plane headed to nick around your own suspicion of human trafficking. now the plane carrying 303 indian nationals deposit from the united, remember it's on thursday. i loved it at a friend chapel full refueling. please say,
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detain the craft off to another of us to be empty. immigrant alternative for gemini party is hoping to build on an electro brakes for after when he gets 1st merrill 10 a contest in a launch eastern town. that's amongst the policy has been searching in national polls. so somebody came to pull stuff from tabitha. they have high hopes for the regional elections next year. so, so many germans winter is a times of christmas markets. and in that sense, piano is no exception. but in another sense, it's unique because this town has just the link to those. it's matt tim, last amendment, open links to the far right policy. alternative for germany. many people here on sure what to make of it. so i think it's okay that finally someone else is in the job that they might have a different perspective from the main parties, but maybe things will change here soon as well. i'm cuz i was, did you decide that this happened? let's see how things turn out to look and i will take office here in the town hall
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in february representing of moments of trying to him personally. but also for the if day, this is the 1st may oh election victory in this country. it's also a demonstration of the strengths, particularly here in the old east germany. the one on the list says it's profiting from the main stream parties, errors the best labor to day for the if the would be for the entire green or the entire vote party in germany. and because of green politics will no longer appreciate this. that's much by a big percentage of german population and being folk is not that are attractive for most germans, eva on average. the policy is pulling around 30 percent across. what was the old east germany, but in 3 states were important to elections on to you in september. it's a leading stomach all 6. the way out of the crisis is to return to reason, stop mass migration,
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by closing the borders and ends migration magnets such as citizens benefits, basic charge protection, passport, fraud, and residency for everyone who comes here. the main stream potties of always ruled as working with the alternative for germany on any level, but that was when it was struggling to win votes. now it's hard to, to ignore this election so it needs to terminate. i really will be a really devastating moment. i think for germany, because we will see that there will be governments which can only be billed by an all party coalition against the of this on the surface life in eastern germany is calm, but it's clear the tide of far right. populism is rising. here. september's elections will show us how high dominant cane al jazeera piano. ukraine's president is cracking down on corruption as part of
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a push to meet the regulations ahead of joining the blog. i think the few rules for volunteer groups helping the will against russia. but some charities say the new anti graft rules will make it harder to do the work. but mcbride has spoken keith, this is the military from one of its warehouse units, stuff with come back alive. process the late to shipments. if you read it by soldiers on the front lines, as you cranes biggest private volunteering group, it is collected in spent hundreds of millions of dollars since the start of the full scale rule nearly 2 years ago. now, along with a lot of the rules and nice ations, it will have to follow new government regulations and just making volunteering and donating more comfortable because of all the concerns of what of them down to the people. what taking advantage of the system number 8 and military get, wasn't being tracked and we didn't know if it was ending up in the right time. so the government is centralizing the system for processing and tracking different
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types of aid with volunteering groups and individuals required to register formally, it's seen as being part of ukraine's overall left foot to become more transparent, a heads of possible european union and nato membership. but since the scots of the war, a boss number of small a voluntary groups have sprung into being victims, have the results is a big or organizations come to yes, larger groups have lots of stuff who can handle this issues that they get the salary for this is their job. we don't have this people. small, the groups like this one say the new requirements will make the delivery of aid. honda and slow. when the more i have not had a day or for a year in the house, when they come home in the evening, i start mobile into in court. and what the cost is going to work every we cannot, we don't have time for this extra bureaucratic. and for these volunteers. questions about e. u. membership. um meaningless. without victory on the front line. mcbride,
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i'll just say era. keith town tucked away in rural south west mexico has become an international christmas powerhouse. it has 450 web shots, sol dedicated to one thing, creating a dazzling array of glass christmas bobbles every day. child home went to see them in action. it's a mexican town where it's christmas every day. full. how hidden in the country southwest, the mountains. everyone else might be just getting ready for the holiday season. no, but he it, they've been up to 2 years. shooting at 35000000 christmas is from january to december. the lot of all your, the, the pride of cloud. wow, was our spheres where they are a piece of our heart in our understanding it from the glass blowers to the painters . all of us put a part of ourselves in the towns. people say this special because they have made
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from the final licks of painting glitter so that beginning with most the gloss flow augustine, he's been working at it for moving the to use pops out fresh sheets. like so many here. this is everything to him. i would say the photo cuz it's really important to me and my family puts food on the table. it means that my children can study christmas ornaments resurrected the time from a tragedy, a huge land slide that engulfed it and put it in to its gold mining industry. in the thirty's, it was lost to migrant khaki. munoz came back from chicago to be some new know how, how to make christmas tree baubles to quickly set up his business and the rest is local history. this is his son, jose luis in the museum dedicated to his parents. when we buy the house and we don't see my dad return from chicago, he told my mom what he had learned when they started the process of class blowing christmas fears either. since then fucking how ornaments have decorated the vatican
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and the white house. about 60 percent of the spheres insightful. how are exported now? so it's not just christmas central in mexico. it's an international seasonal power house. still looking around the town. the question remains. sometimes you'll get bit tired of christmas. no, i come. oh not a bicycle. there's no tiredness because every year we're waiting for it. excited because we know we're going to give joy to the homes in the mexico. it's a good piazza, but there's truth, the 2 for town, but saved itself through christmas a john home. and i would say the subtle how about to as well as will on goals. when janice of the baby published a video of a palestinian child telling the tragedy of childhood and the pain of wolf, this is aliesha. these i what's the story of
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the i guess the, the, the the money
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the the whole where some such a young man, i'll have more news for you on the other side of the break you helping much of your houses ever use our visa roms until then to take a the thought provoking on, but the patient doesn't have time to wait for fix truly unfortunate. there are no quick wins and events or research hard hitting interviews. do you feel like america is less than the days of these days, or is it just a different full? i think the demography of the process facing realities. do you see that the fracture is already starting the g 7 in the us on one side, china and the brakes on the other? i think there is
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a huge piece of that to happen via the stores on tools to how does era the man went to the usually puts in color, does it is i'm of quotes. the other social handling methods just has limits. i just have to come a little of each of us seems to
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be giving you just depending on how you been haven't done what i'll go over the. 6 the most of the problem with the the, the dispute search for loved ones after it is really striking. at least 200 palestinians have been killed in guns in the past 24 hours the


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