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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 1:00am-2:01am AST

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a high temperatures and floods in the states, a few put into the so in some pick up by the, in the more than 25000 people have been forced from their homes, floods get the same region in southern purcell, just 2 months ago, killing almost 50 people the, [000:00:00;00] the opposite of robin, you're watching, noticed it, renews online for my headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes on the pages for it, search for loved ones after it is really a strike. at least 200 pallets, city ends up being killed in garza, in the past 24 hours. because of civil defense teams,
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very many on identifies and decomposing bodies, the palestinians, something that will be left out on the streets 1st, many is up to 20 days. a 100 john list has been killed in dogs. this is the will, because it's that was the death toll for media was in the conflict in decades. and this rails will cabinet ministers, your gloves, and the guns resulted in know, the casa, the welcome to the news is really strikes in the gaza strip of killed at least 200 pallets to indians. in the past 24 hours, at least 20200 people have not been killed by israel since october. the 7th. bobbing at the o behavior, refugee camp in central garza killed 8 to palestinians. the him, us health industry says dozens of people died in strikes on the giovanni, a refugee camp,
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and the town. not civil defense teams have been stuff going to bury all the decomposed bodies left on the street. some unto the russell is where the ministers, kalonde. i'm betting gunsmith, troops and nose and gossip, but the military says it's close to taking a we quote, operational control. meanwhile, the goal is that media office says at least 100 gen. this'll being killed in the conflict, palestinian gen list mohammed apple id was the most recent killed, and that is really a strike east of gauze. a city on site today. tarik, oppose the how's the latest from rafa in the south of casa of these very forces. today you had expanded the military types of course, separate areas in garza's trades only today during the last 24 hours. more than 200 palestinians have been killed alongside with the 360 others who have been wounded. the tax to date include the tooth house, the need to list which weiss, the impulse palestinians killed,
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especially among to let us to around $100.00 palestinians doing was killed by because what are the forces says october the 7th. the attacks today you concluded separate areas of course the territories including the north, the middle areas, which was the main call center at which with the main coast increasing of the east by the attacks. and also con eunice in the fall south of the gaza strip. now these attacks had continued despite the resolutions that touched me by the united nations in terms of a scaling up the humanitarian a to the territory as palestinian. see these to hear military and 8 as a significant to blame us, hope for them to survive. and to cope with the off to mass will think he's very disruption. insight goal is a strict topic of assume out just era reform in the south of the territory is really defense, ministry of gland 10 to a cabinet minister. any guns have visited the northern gauze and strip from all of this would join the homes, so they talk correspondent, and occupied east jerusalem. obviously, the narrative from these by the government is that they're in charge. and the
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military assault continues, even while you might say will cabinet members view the scene of the war cabinet member been against visiting garza for the 1st time along with the defense minister iyala kalonde to bates for the northern city of bid to noon, saying, but they are in full control there. they also held the military assessment with officials. they're on the ground saying that they are expanding their ground offensive in different parts of garza so they can obtain full operational control of the areas they have designated as what they're calling him. as hot spots with a lot of infrastructure and fighters, they're, all of this comes as these really are me spokesperson. daniel, how gaiety says that 5 more is really soldiers were killed since the ground defensive began making that total a $145.00. he also met, mentioned excuse me,
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there were $44.00 injuries just in the last 24 hours alone. additionally, you have these really army chief of staff hurts. see how levy visiting the southern part of gauze, the info on eunice thing, but quote, while it was an impressive offensive on the ground, there's still a lot of work to be done. these really army, while acknowledging there are big losses in this war. they have no choice but to continue via land air and see what we do. the now is that that has been a telephone call between these way. the prime minister and the american president was the prime minister's office saying about coal. this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu started off that call with us president joe biden, by thanking him for the american position and standing with these are all after you one security council, but then he reiterated,
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but the war is not going to be over until israel achieves its objective, he said that until there is a total victory and how much is illuminated, the war is not going to stop. while b is really is acknowledge that they are in control of some parts of guns. the, the reality on the ground is showing a different picture when it comes to the 3 objectives these release have sought to achieve since the beginning of this war 78 days ago. they acknowledge that there is a lot of fighting still on the ground, but that they are still easing their way and maneuvering into areas that they have . and so these really prime minister reiterating his position that they are not going to stop the war on garza from the slit foresight occupied east jerusalem. thank you. that's cool. save it to washington dc and get the view from the us with ross and enjoyed my correspondent waiting, standing by for us rose high. oh, obviously we were waiting for the white house. we got the official notification of
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that conversation between the prime minister of israel and the american president. that said the president has been speaking before his christmas break to well, the president described the conversation with the israeli prime minister as a private conversation. but he did say, when asked that he did not ask benjamin netanyahu for its needs, why are we have now received the official white house read out? i'm going to quote from it. the 2 leaders discussed israel's military campaign, a golfer to include its objectives and phasing. in other words, how much longer will major military operations go on him? continuing the president emphasize the critical need to protect the civilian population, including those supporting the humanitarian aid operation. and the importance of
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allowing civilians to move safely away from areas of ongoing fighting. continuing the leaders discussed the importance of securing the release of all remaining hostages. the agree to remain in regular consultation both directly and through their respective national security teams. so that's the official version from the by net ministration of south the phone call between the us presidential button and the as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. again, no request for a cease fire. oh, certainly in light of the fact that us abstained from a un security council resolution vote on friday, which own calls for us to station in hostilities, so that you monetary and aid can be brought into garza as quickly as possible. and was the president is on his way to come, david, his job doesn't stop because christmas is just around the corner. does it? you know, it does not stop. the president will get regular updates on the course of the war
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between israel and gaza, as well as getting updates on the war in ukraine. now, whether the president is going to have any more personal interventions while he is at camp david for the christmas holiday. well, will simply have to wait for white house officials to alert the public of those. but suffice it to say the president is not going to be ignoring what is happening simply because he is observing a major holiday in the christian calendar. was told that for us in washington, dc, thanks for us. withdrawing the items repair dropped to always ro, palestine advocacy. i told the human rights and phone policy think tank in the us. joining us from washington dc. anatomy being with us throughout the evening, listening to those developments, obviously that conversation read that now official between israel's prime minister and the american president basically doesn't look like this. good to be any push
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full that see spies that and the from the us. but i think the nation that the us does want to my dear about the timeline to military operations, is that what we can read into that particular document at the moment? and i think, well, we can read into this document is this kind of there's, there's 2 things going on at the same time. one is what the biden whitehouse wants to sort of message out to the american public. which is attempting to sort of suggest that the president is concerned about the humanitarian situation on the ground and is looking for a timeline. the other reality however, is what an s and yahoo, you know, is saying, and what he's doing in terms of not only in terms of the, the prosecution of the assault on garza. and that is to say that he consistently has said, since the beginning, that is also objective is to uh, eliminate from us and pretty much at any cost. and next, the cost is very clear. it's so far, 20000 lives more than 20000 lives in,
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in gaza and, and, you know, scores of thousands injured. and, you know, who's consistently said that, that's going to continue until the, that objective is met, which means months and potentially even years. and so the, the, the difference between these 2 realities is stark. but one is actually reality because we see it on the ground. we see it in the images that you're broadcasting in what is being reported around the world and on social media. israel is directing what is happening in reality and present barton seems to be engaged in the section of the call. so you talk about the messaging a to the us. and i, i tend to think of the messaging in 3 particular areas of the media messaging, the political messaging, and the public messaging. i mean it's, it's very, very stock about what all 3 areas a dealing with because you've got public on the streets reacting to the pictures that they're saying through the media. and also reacting to what the politicians
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are saying and doing or not, as the case may be in the us. indeed, we are seeing that the public is responding actually and has been increasingly responding in one direction, which is to say demanding that american politicians and policy makers secure a ceasefire and stuff. this, this, this attack, this assault, this war, whatever you want to call it. the polls show that across the republicans, democrats, independents, that there's an overwhelming majority for a cease fire. and we're starting to see these calls started coming from members of congress. however, we're not seeing it from the the binding ministration, which seems to be doing everything you can possibly imagine to not call for a ceasefire, including what we saw this last week at the united nations, where the american administration at the u. n. went through, you know, a hula hoops, basically to come up with alternative language to do anything but call for
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a ceasefire. and, and it's getting absurd. and i think i think the globe, you know, the international community, other state leaders are pointing this out to the americans in vitamin is losing very clearly in his messaging. indeed, you as well as george, my correspondent that in washington said, you know, the american president's job doesn't stop because the christmas holidays are just around the corner. a no does not job to stop for other world leaders who are watching their respective populations. also take the streets and demonstrate how much work is involved in you being a thing, positive thing time. how much work is involved in those conversations with diplomat . some things behind the scenes because while we're in this festive period, i'm sure they're working on the next potential resolution to be put forward for a ceasefire or to the general assembly or to the un security council. up in the global civil society is can speaking with one voice, and that voice has been said, demands an immediate cease fire that would defense,
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human rights organizations. think tanks, so mandatory in groups. and this is global, and we're all trying to engage with our policy makers and diplomats from our governments in the international community. and increasingly, we're seeing, you know, as a solid singular message being carried out across the world ceasefire. now, the only 2 entities for the most part that are refusing to go along with the global consensus of the united states and israel and they are isolated. and this isolation is only going to harm the united states strategic interest globally going forward. and it's, i believe it will also hurt president biden domestically when it comes time for elections in less than the year. which is the what does happen, others period good to get your insights on your analysis. thanks so much for joining us in washington dc. i think of thousands of protesters have got that in telling me to express that right and get these really government and demand the removal of the prime minister,
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benjamin netanyahu family members of those killed. i will tell you, but the 7th also attended. they blamed the government for security failures ahead of the a mazda attack, active as gathered under a large sign that red, bring them home in reference to the captives being held in guns. a bed of space was a demonstration. relatives and friends, exporters of compensates in gaza, i here every night, but on a saturday night it's the main one. and this is the 12 ship boxes is riley's coolant, but they have to do this now. clause wants to subsidize all hope and the tool was about the prospects for possibly cease file. we know we were talking about how a category american is riley officials and that's on the side, a representative from homicide messages. you can security officials in cairo and house and suggesting that as well as offering a one weeks east fire and return for about 40 sentences, particular winning the elderly, and the sick. and how, how much was demanding
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a complete sweet spot cessation of hostilities before they would go any further? what is going pretty quiet. since then we've not heard much and recent days and the residual, almost frustration on the relatives. and the friends here with people have been talking about how they won't release now. we've had a one full not ami. i'm role in the navy saying that we should propose a prisoner release. but how must will not turn down every day as a nightmare for the common safety. and of course the psychological, via the relatives or friends of dying and guns, at least 6 campuses have been reported dead this week. there's no proof of that desk for those. the reports coming from gauze unexcused but the end goal is to say they don't believe friday's resolution adopted by the un security council. which cool for more right to garza will speed up the delivery of 8 in the near future. honey, my mood has moved from a distribution center is off in
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a new normal defined by there and destruction. this is the daily routine of hundreds of palestinians come in at the early hours of every morning to queuing the line for hours to receive one bag of of flowers, and sometimes 2 bags in case they have a family of 5. all of this happening a mid talks about a possible new mechanism for food delivery and distribution in the gaza strip. but the vast majority of palestinians here are quite frustrated and very depressed . the new un security council resolution does not include a complete seeds fire that would give them a sense of safety and security, while at the same time, the queueing a line for their food 8 effectively way uh, delivering i on the fire. it's very difficult for us to access the north because of
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restrictions from the is riley on me to access the north. but even in the south, you know, the conflict continues. there were a strikes. we had one of our staff members who was driving a truck to the other day. hit by what we understand was tank fire. now stuff down at the border crossing in the last few days we had 3 drawn strikes in the area at the bottom and look it up and get them basically get machine to initialize even if we can't find anything. and i'm the only thing here is the suffering of all these people. you see people have to spend 3 or 4 nights here just to get 2 bags of flower, or 3 depending on the size of the family. on top of our suffering, we are having to deal with the lack of food and water and the incoming cold weather, a sword and security, and a possible famine here at this food. a distribution point management operated by on or what were 1000 of people wait for long hours and go through a complicated, very accredited process, only to get a trickle of food. i mean,
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my move was just the it out on or what distribution points and dropped off the bushes and gauze to say that being false to so capital it honestly gripe due to us of a food shortage and impulse bends beat has also become more expensive. rising from about $4.00 to move and $7.50 per kilo. well, food product on says home to population stopping and just 10 percent of the amount of food needed has ended. garza, since the will started, you know, table products to these in goldsboro facing what the you and it's called a perfect store for diseases. they, the 2000000 people that sold us the entire population have been displaced some several times that falls to live in crump conditions. and over crowded you and in public shelters most have sought refuge in the south. turning to rafa in gauze as most densely populated area, overcrowded shelters mean the lack of hygiene and disease, all spreading rapidly. health officials of the quoted 355000 cases of skin diseases
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and infections. case of diarrhea amongst younger children, the 5 of increase by 2000 percent. that are more than a $160000.00 cases of acute respiratory infections. palestinians don't have enough to eat or drink and the un says hoffer population stopping the units that say, the recently displaced children in southern golf that can any access 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day, which is not enough to survive on of the bodies less lying around in the street and so run to the rubble of destroyed buildings that were not likely cause of disease. oh, just there was and i saw sharif repulsed from the title of that time neighborhood north of the jabante a refugee come. but we do, will you that some of the images and this report auto stuffing the few months since the zach thought who know it, we are in the tells us, enabled on the north and that you're finding a refugee camp that it was on the seas imposed by these radio occupation forces for
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more than 20 days off the apartment, i should be in the home. no, sir, i went to y'all and when we came here, we saw the bodies of thousands of people i showed buys, ready for lag in the street. oh, come on, i'm sure i do know. i shall have to show her that i can also see the scale of destruction caused by these rarely bombard. we bought a heavy alonzo far posted in your medical team and haven't managed to reach with area because of the sea or the neighborhood is totally destroyed to the seems a very difficult to take. and as you can see, the bodies of many data people. lang everywhere. know the model color has he and dad is school is around the indonesian hospital was that heavily bombarded? i mean had the gun how we looked at it yet and this is really minute truth. vehicles have tried to advance from these stories to was that your body a refugee camp? palmer did. the hassle should be ken and who know. they started from the streets
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near the indonesian hospital to was to to allows us a neighborhood coming to mama. how is the whole in a month to put the azako on the model, paula: and as the show and streets and buildings and infrastructure only being destroyed, of the neighborhood is no longer habitable because of the mass of destruction. i'm sure i had known that that you had done it almost fisher. i would have the most dish. i'm now moving in the direction of the allows the hospital which has been on the siege for more than 10 days. i left it up on the bottom with the or has he, i'm with cisco, who know the general manager and some of the medical stuff you'd be interested money, occupation forces as well to help them with special i would the awesome the northwest . i brought that. yeah. dean push to teach for 18 days. no one was allowed to go anywhere. if someone tried to move the shut them immediately, the old, the old people inch i mean 20 and 40 to go out the house and make it in groups of
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20 out of band center. the florida actually. and actually, these are the forces to good way to force good, as well as dr. how are your follow? should have 10 a got cut off with dish to grow after the mother of danielle, the next day they came again with the doctor on it. and they took some of the district people. then they took those above the age of 16 addressed only their underwear. and they took about 8 to 6 people. and i'm not a condition of volume in the modern men as inquiry. why not rejoice really on how game you and destroyed all the buildings. you will leave me out the hospital and these 2 ladies were on their way to the hospital to deliver the baby's village. john, come on level folder uh, woke up. i got a job offer that has been the one of the most killed and he's bodies under the rubble. so these really bhutto just kills them all. well,
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i cannot just sit down and say how um it is come on. because there are other pregnant women in this area, what killed the to the pregnant women without mercy, all of them, the double fireball. come up, let them not all in it and get the one who i should do in a few months. but the thought that the house of this is the scene and to tell us that the neighborhood has been under sage for more than 20 days. the mall seeds, i saw destruction and dead bodies industries, as the medical teams have not yet been allowed to collect them on the study. if i just see all some of those to the apollo sitting, john listened. garza looked just covering the wall, but also living through it must be mentioned at least $100.00 pulse standing jealous of being killed in the complex. i saw the gauze that means the office says that the grim milestone was reach for the death of mohammed abdur who waited on saturday. bolden,
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15 media premises over offices being completely or partially destroyed by his riley strikes. and that includes the office of the f, p. b, or in garza, hundreds of palestinian gen lives and their families, including all colleagues, the challenges there have been forced to be displaced. they had to abandon their reporting equipment and offices and the knowles to live and report of the difficult conditions. i missed. frequent communication blackouts, jen list working areas of all conflict, unprotected on the international humanitarian law, just like civilians under the geneva convention. but israel has been accused of violating rules of little repeatedly earlier, my colleague fully bossy, but i spoke to tim dawson, he's the deputy general secretary at the international federation of jen list. he said the beginning of june listing garza is unprecedented. i don't think we've seen a desco of journalist of this come some pricing in any conflict that i can think of
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that we're about to 1000 dentist and gaza at the beginning of next conflict and one other a slightly different counts of, of precisely how many have died i'm if between 7 and a half and 10 percent have died, that is an extraordinary high number. i mean, just to put up a little bit of proportion, i was looking up the depths of combat soldiers invoice over the last 100 years. and if you look at the american marine corps in vietnam, for example, so these are the soldiers who are going to be facing the most intense fighting with the most highly trained who are going to be in the most the most dangerous situations. just 5 percent of them lost their lives. and during the course of the vietnam war and the gen listing, gaza, they have only cameras and microphones, and notebooks, they continue to do during the work despite this absolutely mind blowing desktop and data is israel came deliberately targeting palestinian genesis and gossip. some of them have related to me, they receive threatening calls from people proposing to be from the idea of wanting
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them that they're going to be trying to get to the family is going to be talked to in, in the coming days of conflict. i think saying absolutely certain what's happened in this conflict is going to be very difficult so much of cause i let them blow, not so much of this has been conducted with enormous bones that you know, the no real evidence trial. but i think looking at the figures i'm looking at well, got some jen, this to leave, i think is very hard to say that israel doesn't have a case to i'm so here. there was an interesting article to him in the washington post a few days ago. asking whether, where rather is the outrage over israel scaling of journalist in guys that course individual lesson journalists have denounced this. but media institutions as a whole in the west have been relatively silent. don't you touch on the desktop of gen discovery is there as well on gossip why i think people's minds are to and then as it becomes impossible to ignore such a terribly,
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terribly high tow. so for all that you're right. um. i'd like to see major news platforms making more of a noise about this. i'd like to see people joining our to demand that the international criminal court investigates this. i think people's minds are turning in calgary incentives. this report from a policy in general as home in the industry as the refugee camp in central garza. and we do well and you again that some of the images in this report of distressing as i'm cranky, handing on the rubble of the house of the journey. and this time attending in the service refugee camp. the scene is horrific. here are bodies that are still trapped under the rubber a can use. 20 palestinians have been killed in flor are still under the rubble including children. and this house was had at least 18
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palestinians that were internally displaced and see this 3 story building as a refuge after they were called to evacuate from the another. in parts of the causes. let's walk. people are trying to remove their bodies from under the rebels. where they are trapped under here, sorry for the image, it's very hard and unsolved. but unfortunately these people do not have any equipment. they're thinking with their own bare hands trying to remove these bodies that are trapped under the rubber, according to the family. there are activities for stairs dropped under the robot and they have been trying to help them and to remove them. since yesterday, as you see, as they're trying to remove them from under the rubber. the ceiling, besides,
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the above us is partially damaged. here people were looking for winter clothes and for blankets. they were trying to take the remains of what's left of this house, the the people who live here were taking their close their blankets because the weather is very winter and they're homeless. learn right now. this is the see that we have been with using since the 1st day of the war on cause. and the, the air strikes continue every single day, people in this area and surrounding this area. and then my guys and in the state off in other areas in the gaza strip, have been called to evacuate. what people are telling us that they don't have any place to evacuate, and there is no place safe. this isn't the whole city i 0. we say it out there for
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g count because of pods time. still had him on the i'll just ever news around respond to the accusations that it's involved in the tax on commercial shipping. carried out by evans, who the rebels in the red sea that's suitable from best we have. well, the war on gauze that means that christmas celebrations are looking very different from usual the a hi. lo, that'd be exceptional. he'd continues to dominate down on the what's the western and central parts of a stray? a sizzling over the festive period with temperatures pushing up suddenly in places like puff, that's not the case. in the southeast corner, we've got some very width and windy weather plaguing new south wales, pushing up into queensland. and we'll see that intensify in that southeast corner
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as we go sunday into monday with wet and windy weather sweeping into victoria and tasmania. kara skies across more southern areas and to the west, and that's where we are seeing a lot of the wounds for past 36 degrees celsius. the on sunday coming down slightly as we go into monday. now we hop across the talisman to new zealand. christ church is being gifted from wonderful weather as we go sunday into monday, 29 degrees celsius. the we're going to have why, skies with more in the way of slices of sunshine than cloud with the weather. however, continuing to plague the south island, we'll see that prep up as well. in the very north of the north island, there was a move to southeast asia. a heavy rain is still the story pouring in. so the malay peninsula, not just affecting quite a lump of northern and southern areas and northern sumatra,
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the the back to watching out 0. these on at least the whole run. the reminder of all told stories is very full of killed littleton, 200 kind of studies and gone through in the past 24 hours. that strikes and shelly, given the other barrage and giovanni, a refugee come so killed dozens of people including children, gaza civil defense, teams of batteries, many and identified and decomposed bodies. all palestinians killed in gaza. some were left of the tended folks when today is level and on the spring at least 100 list being kills, as well as for and cause if you can browse according to the latest figures from causes me to your office,
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is there any attacks of kill 2 reports is in the past 24 hours that are on the phone, but it still has rejected us accusations that it helps the evidence who the group attacked vessels in the red sea. washington says the test wrong is providing grades besides and tactical intelligence. the us, as we think, enable coalition response, and the case says that it's sending additional warships to the region. i think a government settle, huffman was able to trade off to him, and his officially declared his position. it's official spokesman repeats their actions daily demons moving the red sea is completely yeah. many move in support of gaza and this american accusation about involvement is a baseless accusation against the islamic republic. regarding the issue of the coalition of the red sea. i think the americans before trying to create a coalition that will not help the situation should stop genocide or crimes and human siege and force migration of gaza residents to areas in egypt and jordan in
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the future. as in the dreams of this fate and his real resume. but here's the attacks of missing talk. the chips near the bible bundle straight tight now was the passage between the oven and beauty that connects the indian nation and the red sea . so, so that has moved from booty by several countries, including the us, have been a 3 basis that one has not to officially respond to the accusation coming from the us. here. however, previously separately, rand new officials, including the for the minister have said that they have nothing to do with the tax you directly. i guess the ships passing through the the through the state. but you white house, national security spoke person have said that they have no reason to believe that iran is trying to dissuade hostings from the reckless behaviors. and they said that they believe iran is deeply involved in planning these attacks. later we have seen some articles from the that the last media say that one is for why do real time is had to just weapon to include in the drones and besides,
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to hoses that have been used, a gas the ships in the red sea. and they said, that's what these do not have the rate of technology, and we don't run an assistance that new size will just look in the water or see that they have the will be on the packages facilities over the years of regression, a gas them. so there are serious allegation, so for serious acquisitions, but very little success evidence to, to back up these acquisitions. and do us say say that they're trying to this, to see the war in gaza from the attacks in the right. so yeah, that's it. that's actually the red sea is an international crisis, and that's why this trying to build up. i mean, some national coalition here to handle these crisis. but so far that has been very little commitment from the countries to these international enabled. a naval question here falls easily as the pain they have rejected to officially drink this international cooperation. and several,
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all the regional companies even do not want to be named publicly due to the point to go faster because we can't see that. yes, it is really trying hard to form an international law. so for you reality that has been very little progress, especially said that up to 0 with the palestinian church leaders have cancelled public christmas celebrations to show support for the people of causa, families, hotels and businesses also expressing solidarity. so i don't know how i wrote reports not from occupied east jerusalem that says the not to them sense are, are popular herds. how? oh yeah, around especially during christmas celebrations, but vis you. it says it won't be celebrating is it joins in movement in solidarity with the people of gauze. normally right here would be a massive tree. christmas is a one of the most beautiful piece to, and especially it's, it's
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a happy nest. okay. but it's very sad to see that we used to be for the book even over booking. we send some gifts to other hotels, but 3, we have shopped through this, actually what's happened and everything is good that we don't know what is the end of this or what's wrong when it's going to be at an end for the next month after 2 weeks we don't see any of a strategy. we don't know how to, to bids our future. well, this is one of the nice thing, credible views of the old to see i can see the new gate just from here, the chat. so the hardly set because a high me, i'm even, oh ok. but last just that on an average day $3.00 to $4000.00 visitors would come and take pictures here. but as you can see, it's completely up to see the sadness this year is felt strongly amongst palestinians because of what's happening in gauze or in the occupied territories. but there's one place that's trying to reduce that pain and bring
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a bit more joy amongst palestinians. and it's sons, his house in the old city, 25000 people that visit sciences grocer haven't turned up to see it. but nevertheless, santa still says he wants to spread a message. my mother's this year is different than other years. my message is wishing you a hope, love and peace from the heart of the world, jerusalem. and i want to wish you a merry christmas from i bought the of my heart from the ho ho ho we land physically, him is riveted by christians as the best place of jesus christ. and this time of year, the town is usually packed with thousands of foreign taurus, but the will in gauze that means that makes the staying way. the pool is not a problem and the typically seeing which represents what's happening at the moment . or it doesn't look anything like christmas here in bethlehem with palestinians and christians around the world believe that jesus has been born more than 2000
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years ago instead of the big christmas tree with the lights as well as the christmas carol, we're seeing an m c. manger square here in bethlehem, and instead of the 3, there is this artwork that has seen the rearrangement of the traditional christmas grow to, to resemble the pain and the suffering of palestinians in the b. c. school district . virgin mary holding baby jesus in a way that resembles the mothers in gaza that are holding their babies after being bombarded the 3 wise men who have been bringing in the traditional christmas story gift to the holy comedy are holding whites coffins. you know, this scene reminds palestinians, a lot of the images that have they have been seeing in gauze of it doesn't look a lot like christmas. i. let's hear more about that from beth lens may or have not
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had any of who's joining us today. can you tell us how you and the community here in bethlehem are feeling in this day? actually nowadays, beautiful. i'm in morning we've we feel so sad. we are as an essential part of what i've seen and committed to. so we counsel the celebrations and says to me, it is this year and christmas season. and we put this model as you will see, to reflect the reality. it's what's happening and goes a step. there is a, the restaurant against our people. there is the genocide and weekends this time there is a snake cleansing and we are a jet the because this isn't a humanity that there is that i, even if you fission volume, lifting the international via and i think the human rights and from here, from best line, we are sending a message to the international community and to come here to stand with the police
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to get an cause and to force as our head to stop this aggression against our people . usually all eyes turn to best land during this time during christmas. do you think people are looking to buy the land or looking at the suffering of palestinians nowadays, i believe i left a message we'll receive an all over the world. that's why we decided to have a clear message from before him to the hardware. and again, we are going to the international community from bethlehem and this message to step this aggression again out again. so what are people? thank you so much and you know, as you can see here in bethlehem, it's empty. it's a city that has long depended on tourism as it's main income. but instead of christmas instead of celebrations, there's a lot of grief. there's a lot of sore and there's a lot of pain. is that but he just ita bethlehem the occupied with the bank by the police intervene. those opposing groups have protested. supposing palestine
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and israel clashed on the streets of new york pro, posted in demonstrates as the rated and f, a g of as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu with blood on his hands. a smaller group of pro, as well demonstrations gathered in the same place with the 2 groups that n y p d office has stepped into. these insured thousands of also taken to the streets and european cities as opposed to all the palestinians invalid around 1500 people, march the japanese capital to the front, and the gates that calling for an end silver in tanza. that protest isn't the dutch city if you try to march through the streets, stopping a major international businesses, including mcdonalds and starbucks fronting shame on you are demanding the fast food chains. boy, you cause is round in response to the rule of goal. so the evidence suite themselves, the protest has raised the winter snow together outside as well as i'm just saying, the capital still co, the crowd using lots because demanded as well,
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with tons. what they call stolen land to the palestinian people. and thousands more gathered throughout the night, and we're okay to using phones to lie to tonight. scott demonstrates us how to protest outside of us. consider office in casablanca. well, still head here on out 0. why? one of the leading presidential candidates and the democratic republic of congo says wednesdays general election should be in notes and patriotic support mixed with other sciences as the wives and mothers of russian soldiers pay tribute. those fighting in ukraine the this is the largest only bowl processing punch in the occupied westbank. 50 full promised in uniforms. bring that home is to, to be pressed into a product. isn't
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a good you generate around $200000000.00. each of these tags contains around 200000 liters of olive oil with a monkey. the value of around $300000.00 gives you a sense of just how we pull the olive oil industry is to the palestinian economy. it's about to send you an agricultural ministry estimate to else. the cheapest sense of the harvest, including college scrolling calls will be lost because of the will. and illegals is really settled. a white fence comes through trying to stimulate olive grove as well as all but still to be sure and comments to palestinian farm is to harvest the crumbs near the settlements this year. pharmacy is rails, warren calls that is damaging the only the industry like never before the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the spring of the days of the news now and all the group in southern birthday has claimed responsibility for the attack and the village and the country south authorities saved it gives a say that one policeman and 19 civilians were killed including 12 children. but they all drew cold. red to barbara says, oh, the military and police, what amongst the dead now the area is maybe dead because it republic of congo boulder where the group have been based is one of the leading presidential candidates in the democratic republic of congo. says wednesday's general election should be an old, was it could to be cited massive fraud at the pole of the opposition candidates civil cycles. but protests next week will come through so we can pull someone from control. so that's an ease amongst the public about what's the head presidential
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election results from the dashboard r r e. they say by the incumbent appendix just to katie. but it's to our lease to gauge a trend to determine who's waiting these on site at times. the d r c. observe is from the car to center, have really used a statement saying several people were killed in the lead up to the pool, only to deal with emoji, but the 4th thing process was s as in get this late. and 21 polling station i think with serious irregularities observed and civil and of them this data that presents an image to pick 10 of next in the pro cd measure, meet the opposition, the to see the election is a shot and they reject the results. people in good shaw saw a worried about the outcome where, where the back of the government is to blame. we need proper roads to avoid the
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logistical problems we saw on voting day to the last election was more organized. i know we can't have a perfectly election, but this was not good. many companies are auditors way. think about what has been going on and some say, the feel that they've come. he added, you said, i'll just be around. totally 16 people are dead and 25 injured of to a bus crushed in nicaragua. now the accident happened on the bridge and the capital of maniacal around 70 people on the bus of the times of old, close with a bunch. the victims ukraine says it shut down 3 russian. fine to tread so claim not independently verified yet because of all the reasons besides disaster also be a see if it's almost like this one over the cash on region. let's the cold it
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a success in the 22 months from war. russia has not commented on the incident. the wives and mothers of russian soldiers, i'll bring those killed in ukraine. dozens of them lived flowers of the 2 of the a 9 soldier and in the kremlin, they say they will. they loved ones to return home safely. the recent poll says 70 percent of russians feel anxious about the war. some of those polled on demanding the war. and while others still won victory high. today we have a peaceful action. we are laying flowers of the a turn on the flame. we're doing this for a reason that our of tory is deliberately gloss over the fact that the special miniature, your operation is actually a war. it's not an entertaining safari on the territory of ukraine, and people are dying. their rushes electoral commission has bought a pro peace candidate from to for the 2020 full presidential election. they say, yeah, if that being the school, the house mistakes on the application and school, the is a city counselor and
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a full which in this bush or holes is presidential election in march of this month because of let them f pete and said that he will run again. what's in the case of many people write to me saying you gave us hope. if you managed to get registered, we will definitely vote for you just so they don't see any alternative about considering boy coughing the elections are supposed to be. consider auntie immigrant alternative for germany policies hoping to build on electro brakes for after winning its 1st barrel calm test. in a large eastern town, some of the came has moved from path now. for so many germans winter is a times of christmas markets. and in that sense, piano is no exception, but in another sense, it's unique because this town has just selected as it's matt tim last amendment open links to the far right policy. alternative for germany. many people here on sure what to make of it. so i think it's okay that finally someone else is in the job that they might have a different perspective from the main parties,
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but maybe things will change here soon. well, i'm cuz i was do decide that this happened. let's see how things turn out to me last night. we'll take office here in the town hall in february representing of moments of trying to him personally, but also for the if day. this is the 1st my own election victory in this country. it's also a demonstration of the strengths, particularly here in the old east germany. the one on the list says it's profiting from the main stream parties, errors the best labor today for the if the would be for the entire green or the entire vote party in germany. and because of green politics will no longer appreciate this. that's much by a big percentage of german population and being folk is not that are attractive for most germans, eva on average. the policy is pulling around 60 percent across. what was the old east germany,
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but in 3 states were important to elections on to you in september. it's a leading stomach all the way out of the crisis to return to reason, stop mass migration, by closing the borders and ends migration magnets such as citizens benefits, basic child protection, passport, fraud, and residency for everyone who comes here. the main stream potties of always ruled at working with the alternative for germany on any level, but that was when it was struggling to win votes. now it's hard to, to ignore this election so nice to terminate. i really will be a really devastating moment. i think for germany, because we will see that there will be governments which can only be billed by an old party coalition against the of this on the surface life in eastern germany is calm,
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but it's clear the tide of far right. populism is rising. here. september's elections will show us how high dominant came al jazeera piano. no town tucked away in rural south west, and mexico has become an international christmas powerhouse. so have a how it as 450 workshop sold, dedicated to one thing, creating a dazzling array of glass. christmas full bulls every day. child home with ripples, the it's the mexican towns where it's christmas every day. supple, how hidden in the country southwest, the mountains. everyone else might be just getting ready for the holiday season. no, but here they've been up to 2 years. tuning at 35000000 christmas is from january to december. the goal, your, the, the pride of cloud was our spears, whether a piece of our heart in our understanding it from the glass blowers to the painters . all of us put
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a part of ourselves in the towns. people say this special because they have made from the final licks of painting glitter so that beginning with most of gloss blower, augustine, he's been working at to move in. the to use pops out fresh sheets. like so many here. this is everything to him. as the photo cuz it's really important to me and my family, it puts food on the table. it means that my children can study christmas ornaments resurrected the time from a tragedy, a huge land slide that engulfed it and put an end to its gold mining industry. in the thirty's, it was lost to migrant khaki. munoz came back from chicago to be some new know how, how to make christmas tree baubles. he quickly set up his business and the rest is local history. this is his son, jose luis in the museum dedicated to his parents. when we were funny this out loud, how immuno see my dad return from chicago? he told my mom what he'd learned when they started the process of glass blowing.
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christmas fears either since then. fucking how ornaments have decorated the vatican and the white house. about 60 percent of the spheres insightful. how are exported now? so it's not just christmas central in mexico. it's an international seasonal power house. still looking around the town. the question remains. sometimes you'll get tired of christmas. no, i come. oh not a bicycle. this no tiredness because every year we're waiting for it excited because we know we're going to give joy to the homes and mexico. it's a good piazza, but there's truth, the 2 for town, but saved it. so through christmas john home and i would just say the top of our time now for looking at the sports news with pizza. it also will remain at the top of the premium each standings to split 110 again, split the pool because a lot of cases mean actually took the lead and feel resilient defended gabrielle with that. ok go beautiful. who could have gone up and
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selves the victory here? we're able to equalize through the tennis man, well, how much self? and so it ended in this state and history was made in the match when rebecca welch became the 1st for them to referee a primitive match. the 40 year old 1st rate for reading 2010 before going full time . 9 years later, she rick reed at the women's world cup in australia and seen an early of this year as well. but, and the one this context to know and just so you might as well as are continuing. the latest say thank is a to the seems to west have jericho and finish this slick pulsing, moving to put the whole side in front of the 72 minutes with them and go to 2nd. shortly off, the 3 mohammed crews were holding results for david moiz was once in charge at old
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trafford. if means man united have now gone to games without win win controlling the game and didn't give them united anything and recreated 3 good chances. and we didn't take them and then one moment though, switching off and we are down, we are losing the game. and i think that is how i see the performance. yeah. saw who else go to for school. could have probably one the game. and thankfully, we go to, we didn't, we didn't stop particularly well, but we, we kept myself in the game. never got, well, she also became much more aggressive after the 2nd half in the science. like all those, those moments with lots of to these even school, they low as they have a total against bangladesh as they was thrashed by 9 wickets in the 3rd and final o d i it was bang the dishes 1st. if i already i big treat in new zealand. tenzing house on the 2nd story with 3 wickets. and i'm be some 50 from knowledgeable who's saying shunted and helped bangladesh to victory. he's even already had the series
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wrapped up to what it finished. how does it use both headlines for the time being you can go to l. just see where does come from what was what was checking out our social media channels. that's it from me. so how robin full, this means of my colleague, husband see to a lot more on the other side of the rates and follow all of these on the website to out. is there a dot com do stevens? president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis, or does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, a bomb up twice as a thorough with this thing is pro, this day begins to sink and i don't know was a happy child who loved to play for sprains the attack happens during one of the almost daily is really ministry, right? it's almost a tube to need realty for which, you know,
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on he says it's around it this foam and kill to come on to really on posting a resistance, according to adams family. and with this is the lead drive of slow down short, 15 year old bus. then shop big year old. how to the back of the head. i wish i was it a 3 and someone would come to wake up 10 me. i'm just really. i would never a god's name which these felix to anyone. it's hard, but they got we aren't really what am i supposed to feel the has is around one? gaza continues. we bring you the nation. we're on the grounds and goes back to bring you the events as they have been reporting 1st 10 on the suffering and loss of the
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people under and then the list of tasks and states. and we live in okey pod, east garrison covering the latest political developments. and in fact, we're here across the west bank. the full thing as how this war is not just massively affecting losing dollars. stay with us with the latest updates and detailed coverage of the war on gaza. on alice's 0 the job searching the rubble for survivors smoke, palestinians killed in is the latest strikes on. so. 1 was the injured a rush to austin the sake of this is i just need a life from the also coming up. is there any forces still in the city of to caught


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