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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 7:00am-7:31am AST

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not see, and with what evidence they have so far. and yes, on the fringes of israeli public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the racers the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, the job. searching the rubble for supplies is more palestinians kills than as rose laces strikes on the central kansas while the engine rushed to hospital. the hunter mccrae. this is just here alive from dar ha. also coming up, kansas civil defense teams. very many. i'm identified and decomposed bodies of palestinians. some that have been left out on the streets between the tags is ready
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for the system, the cities to call them in the occupied westbank with full doses in military vehicles deployed in the nicest rights. and 102, unless have been killed in causes since the will begin. it's the with this whole. so media will cause in a conflict in decades. the is rose, light is strong. so and goes, i have killed at least $200.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours a bombing at the ovaries. refugee camp in the center of the strip of killed a people ghost. as health ministry says thousands of people died and strikes some of the jabante, a refugee camp in town. at least 20200 people have now been killed in israel's military response to the mazda attack of october. the 7th, teracon presume, has the largest from rafa and southern garza, of these very forces. today you had expanded the military attacks, of course,
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separate areas in garza's trades only today during the last 24 hours. more than 200 palestinians have been killed along side with the 360 others who have been wounded . the tax to date include the tooth house, the name to the list, which weiss, the impulse palestinians killed, especially among 2 of us to around $100.00 palestinians during was killed by because what are the forces says october the 7th. the attacks today you concluded separate areas of course the territories including the north, the middle areas, which was the main call center at which with the main course increasing of the east by the attacks. and also con eunice in the fall south of the gaza strip. now these, that tax had continued despite the resolutions that touched me by the united nations in terms of scaling up the humanitarian, 8 to the territory as palestinian. see these to hear military and 8 as a significant to blame us hope for them to survive. and to cope with the off to mass of think he's very disruption insight goal is a strict topic about zoom out just
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a rough rough off in the south of the territory agencies of wanting to decomposing bodies left lying in the streets and gaza. or under the rubble of destroyed buildings, of rising the risk of disease el deserves. and also sherry for points from northern gaza. we, members of the civil defense have recovered thousands of bodies moving them for a proper burial. a duck solomon actually meals, shut me out as far as after more than 20 days. here in northern cause of civil defense teams were able to recover bodies of tens of people who are under the rubble of the houses and on the streets and roads will see a show at a limb to democrat hello. civil defense teams were not able to reach them due to the presence of the occupation forces in occupation vehicles in these areas. so you had the model of unmet zillow. neck i shot i showed the of course there is still tens of others killed, that the civil defense teams have not been able to reach in many areas here in the north of the strength of vitamin heavy i just sent me
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a large number of these bodies have decomposed on the street on the roads and under the rubble of homes. unable, most of these bodies are unidentified. now the teams are trying to bury them here in one of the spaces in this area as to how definitely on one of the 11 and to show a lot show on the shore dealt with to day. thank god we were able to cover the terms of bodies and they will be buried now in a mass grave and use it in the nation hospital with the help of our teams. of course, as you know, we are working without any technical capabilities or equipment. unfortunately that also so we were not able to reach the occupation is still present on the outskirts of the area. and we had great difficulty in reaching the area, the roads and the district homes about a show. busy the streets are still not safe, it's not you'd be on the east of targeting a many pass or by as well as the civil defense teams.
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while as you on the show at the show, i do a mass grave for many dead who have not been identified and there is still a large number of bodies on the streets. especially if i use the at all sure matters as well. members of israel's will cabinet have to have northern gaza and mid soldiers taking pods in the ground. invasion of the strip is there any military video shows defense minister, you'll have guidelines and emergency minutes, typically dense, talking to soldiers. where you is present to a binding and is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu have discussed jobs and the phone call. the white house is it included the objectives and facing of the military campaign. personal in children has moved from washington, dc of the us president spoke with the israeli prime minister on saturday. joe biden told reporters that while the bulk of the conversation was confidential, he did not ask benjamin netanyahu to agree to a cease fire inside garza. that's because both the united states and israel worry
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that a ceasefire could allow her moss to re arm and to launch new attacks on his really soil that said a read out from the white house said that the 2 leaders talked about the ongoing pace of the war as well as what the white house is calling phasing. that's a fancy term for how much longer will israel conducted major military operations. the us wants to see those major military operations wrapped up in a matter of weeks, not in a matter of months, as the netanyahu government has suggested would be the case. the white house read out also said that the us is very keen to see that civilians, humanitarian aid workers, and other civilians are protected from the ongoing fighting. especially those attacks launched by the israeli military. and the white house read out says that
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the was once a renewed focus on trying to rescue the remaining hostages. inside garza, this comes of course, after a week and which is really military admitted that it killed 3 hostages by mistake. something which the us and many around the world support. but again, the us is very keen to see major military operations wrapped up sooner rather than later. so that the question of how to deal with the political situation and goals are, can be resolved. rosalyn, jordan, elders, era, washington, this is rose nightly rides in detention to palestinians. a continuing in the occupied with bank a convoy of more than 40 vehicles into the cities to cutting hello send in funds is trying to divert the convoy by exchanging gunfire with the soldiers. the nor shown this refugee camp as witnesses say, a number of palestinians who are outside during the rides. with the times that they
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will release stopped, the soldiers stormed several hundreds. bulldozers that were part of the convoy destroyed infrastructure including the main water pipeline home. the salute has the latest from occupied east jerusalem. several rates going on across the occupied west bank this evening. the 1st and nablus were arrests were reported in bethlehem arrest also reported their additionally just north of hebron were one woman was arrested locals identifying her as a teacher. and finally, the largest rate of the evening in to cut in with the military is focusing on the notice shelves. refugee camp now there were around 40, is really military vehicles who stormed the camp. and on their way in a bulldozer even destroyed the main water supply line to the refugee camp. locals are saying that these really military has surrounded house and are calling for those inside to surrender. there are also reports of fierce and heavy clashes
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between armed palestinian fighters and these really occupation forces as these really army has positions snipers along roots of several different buildings. now rage like this across the occupied west bank had been common over the last 2 years or so, but have intensified since october 7th. and since the war began, as these really military wants to crack down on armed palestinian resistance since october 7th, there had been several 1000 arrests of palestinians. and more than $303.00 killed since october, 7th alone, come to central jersey to in occupied east jerusalem, the palestinian journalist and gaza. and we'll just covering the boil, but also living through it. at least 100 tell us in the engine list have been killed in the conflict. so i find the guns and media office said the grim milestones was reached with the depth of mohammed to of hawaii on saturday, within 15 media premises. so officers had been completely well partially destroyed
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by as rarely strikes, that includes the office of the f, p bureau and gaza. hundreds of palestinian journalists and the families, including our colleagues at delta 0, had been forcibly displaced. they had to abandon the reporting equipments and offices in the north to live and report on the difficult conditions admits frequent communication. blackouts and journalists working in areas of i'm conflict unprotected on the international humanitarian law, just like civilians under the geneva convention. but israel has been accused of violating rules of law repeatedly lily and my colleague fully bossy, but i spoke to tim dawson, he's the deputy general secretary at the international federation of journalists. he said the killing of journalist and gaza is unprecedented. i don't think we've seen a desco of journalist of this concentration in a conflict that i can think of that we're about to 1000 dentist and gaza at the
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beginning of this conflict. while there are a slightly different counts of, of, precisely how many have died. i'm if between 7 and a half and 10 percent have died, that is an extraordinary high number. i mean, just to put up a little bit of proportion, i was looking up the depths of combat soldiers invoice over the last 100 years. and if you look at the american marine corps in vietnam, for example, so these are the soldiers who are going to be facing the most intense fighting with the most highly trained who are going to be in the most the most dangerous situations. just 5 percent of them lost their lives. and during the course of the vietnam war and the gen listing, gaza, they have only cameras and microphones, and notebooks they continue to do during the work despite this. absolutely mind blowing, that's tall indeed is. israel came deliberately targeting palestinian gentleness and gossip. some of them have related to me that they receive frightening calls
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from people proposing to be from the idea of warning them that they're going to be trying to get to the family is going to be talked to in, in the coming days of conflict. i think saying absolutely certain what's happened in this conflict is going to be very difficult so much of gauze as blake them blow, not so much of this has been conducted with enormous volumes that you know, the no real evidence trial. but i think looking at the figures i'm looking at well, got some gen the believe, i think is very hard to say that as well doesn't have a case to answer here. there was an interesting article to him in the washington post a few days ago asking whether where rather is the outrage over israel scaling of journalist in guys that course individual lesson journalist have denounced this. but media institutions as a whole in the west have been relatively silent, don't use it on the desktop of gen miss covering is are as well on gossip. why, i think people's minds are to and then as it becomes impossible to ignore such
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a terribly, terribly fight so. so for all that you're right. i'd like to see major news platforms making more of noise about this. i'd like to see people joining our to demand that the international criminal court investigates. i think people's minds ought to an inquiry sent to us this report from the palestinian journalist time. and then this arrived refugee camp in central garza and a warning report contains disturbing states. i'm currently handing on the rubble of the house of the journalist, how much in the mister rad refugee camp the scene is horrific. here are bodies that are still trapped under the rubber a can use. 20 palestinians have been killed in 4 are still under the rubble, including children. and this house was had at least 18 palestinians that were internally displaced and see this 3 story building as
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a refuge after they were called to evacuate from the another. in parts of the gaza strip. let's walk. people are trying to remove their bodies from under the rebels where they are trapped or under here, sorry for the image. it's very hard and unsolved. but unfortunately these people do not have any equipment. they're thinking with their own bare hands trying to remove these bodies that are trapped under durable, according to the family. there are activities for stairs dropped under the robot and they have been trying to help them and to remove them. since yesterday, as you see, as they're trying to remove them from under the rebels, the ceiling besides, the above us is partially damaged. here,
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people were looking for winter clothes and for blankets. they were trying to take the remains of what's left of this house, the the people who live here were taking their close their blankets because the weather is very winter and they're homeless. learn right now. this is the see that we have been with using since the 1st day of the war on cause. and the, the air strikes continue every single day, people in this area and surrounding this area. it is because the ad in the state off, in other areas, in the gaza strip, have been called to evacuate. what people are telling us that they don't have any place to evacuate, and there is no place safe. this isn't the study as a 0. say it out there for g count because of palestine was still
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a hit here on al jazeera, around response to accusations that's involved in the tax on commercial ships carried out by human species in the red sea. and why one of the leading presidential candidates and the democratic republic of congo says when says general election should be announced, the hello, this very unsettled weather has went through the middle east and live down. you can see that dense cloud pushing its way for the east bringing some heavy rain across the event and into northern areas of saudi arabia where we for some flooding. while the windy and wet weather continues into sunday. but it's not, as well as it has been, those conditions pushing their way further east into eastern areas of iraq and
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a bit of a winter. we wintery edge coming into the causes eastern areas of turkey at the north west of iran. and the time we get into monday that will be more in way of sunshine coming in. but the chance of some cloud for the south across the gulf of places like the top of the doha, seen the mercury pick up to 27 degrees celsius there. on monday now across the north of africa, the wind is still the issue for areas of libya. we have got some warnings out pretty fis wins around coastal areas that some of the story across the western areas were expecting some dust to be picked up and pushed into northern areas of gonna we have got some warnings out for that for the sa. so this a went to a picture, certainly full areas like what's wanna as well as south africa as we go sunday into monday. and we'll see temperatures drop dramatically in gab road and johannes book, by christmas day on the,
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on counting the costs. the global race for electric vehicles is at full speed and it's driving geo political life force. but the widespread adoption of battery powered cars is facing the big challenge. plus how green our electric cars compared to fossil fuel, was counting the costs on alpha 0. and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific. on notice here, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of how top stories the cell is ready. forces have killed more than
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$200.00 palestinians in guns or in the past 24 hours strikes and shelling in the operations. your body of refugee camps have killed thousands of people, including children, gases, civil defense teams have very many on identified and decomposed bodies and tell us the news kills and casa. some will lift, unintended for 20 days, and the problem and st. and palestinian fighters have tried to prevent n is ready military convoy from entering the occupied with banks of youth till coming the convoy of some 20 vehicles included bull doses that we use to destroy the roads and infrastructure with children displaced in guns, struggling to survive and some even forced to find wood to support their families for us who fled to rafa from a suburb of gaza city as among the, the,
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the, the, the, the. 8 the the the now, the, the phone that them on the, the, the, the issue up on the the, the,
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the city of santa friendship is not a member of the united states is it has shut down for drones, heading towards the us for shifting the red sea the us is they would launch from hoops, he controlled areas of human and targeted and american destroyer. they also say who these 5 to and to ship ballistic missiles into the sea. and the southern part of the international shipping line of washington also says, a drone that hit the ship of india as coast on saturday was launched from iran. there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the strike on the vessel, which is a chemical tank it linked to israel. the ship was selling from saudi arabia to india and was at the $370.00 kellum because of the indian cost nor casualties. have been reported or around, store administer has rejected us accusations that helped humans who sees the tact
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vessels on the red sea. washington says tyrone is providing drones, missiles and types of coll intelligence. the us is leading a knife from coalition and response, and the u. k. says it's the same thing, additional voice ships to the region as london balance. so take a tougher line on to our on seen k gammon. bisette will have more data for trade on him and his officially declared its position. it's official spokesman repeats their actions daily demons moving the red sea is completely in any move in support of gaza. and this american accusation about involvement is a baseless accusation against the islamic republic. regarding the issue of the coalition of the red sea, i think the americans before trying to create a coalition that will not help the situation um it should stop genocide or crimes and human siege enforced migration of gaza residents to areas in egypt and jordan in the future, as in the dreams of this faith and his real resume don't tell us any in church leaders have cancelled public christmas celebrations to show support for the people
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of casa families. hotels and businesses are also expressing solidarity sort of hot reports from occupied east jerusalem. this is the not for them sense or are popular how it's how oh you around. especially during christmas celebrations, but this year it says it won't be celebrate thing is it joins in movement in solidarity with the people of gaza. normally right here would be a massive tree. christmas is, is a one of the most and beautiful piece to and especially it's, it's a happy nest. okay. but it's very sad to see that we used to be for the book even over booking. we send some guests to other hotels, but 3, we have shop through this. see actually what's happened and everything is good that i don't know. what does the ends over this or what's run when it's going to be an end for the next month? after 2 weeks, we don't the on the have a strategy, we don't know how to, to be a lot of the future. well, my says one of the nice thing,
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credible views of the old c c, i can see the new gate just from here, the chat. so the hardly set for cold behind me and even all of that loss, just that one and average a 3 to full 1000 visitors would come and take pictures here. but as you can see, it's completely up to see the sadness this year is felt strongly amongst palestinians because of what's happening in gauze or in the occupied territories. but there's one place that's trying to reduce that pain and bring a bit more joy amongst palestinians. and it sends his house in the old city, 25000 people that visit sciences grocer haven't turned up to see it. but nevertheless, santa still says he wants to spread a message. my mother's this year is different than other years. my message is wishing you hope, love and peace from the heart of the world, jerusalem. and i want to wish you
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a merry christmas from i bought the of my hard from the whoa, whoa, whoa, we land police bring you some of the days of the news. now at least 22 people have been killed in finding between government troops and the groups and the central african republic. it happened in the northwest and village if it is, i can do. the un says most of the victims with civilians, it's the full confrontation between the in the groups in the past 3 years to the group in southern burgundy has claimed responsibility for an attack and a village in the country south. what's already say one policeman and 19 civilians were killed including 12 children. but the group called rid tobias is only military and police are among the date. the area is near the democratic republic of congo. border with the group has advice as one of the leading presidential candidates in
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the democratic republic of congo, says wednesday's general election should be a note with a could to make such a mess of fraud and the pulse of the opposition candidates have also called for protest next week and is catherine story reports from control. so there is on these among the public about what's a hit presidential election results from the dashboard r r e. they favor the incumbent appendix just to katy. but it's 2 oddly to gauge a trend to the timing who's waiting these on site to times in the d. r. c. observe is from the car to center. have really used a statement saying several people were killed in the lead, up to the poll, only to deal with emoji, but the 4th thing process was says and get this late. and 21 polling station i think with serious irregularities, observed and civil and of them this,
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that the present and the mid to pick 10 of election, the pro cd. imagine the, the opposition, the to see the election is a shot and they rejects the results. people and can show, saw, are worried about the outcome of the, the government is to blame. we need proper roads to avoid the logistical problems we saw on voting day to the last election was more organized. i know we can't have a perfect collection, but this was not good. many companies are auditors waste and they helped me about what has been going on and some say, the feel that the company has it. you said, i'll just be around in some mexican immigration, all sort of these have removed thousands of migrants by plane from this border with the, with the officials did not feel the precise number of people die post on the cross
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on friday or where they came from the slice and 40 for taishan us presidents, joe biden, and has mixed the contents of bottle inducement. while lopez over the door agreed to a call on thursday to do more to crank down on migration across the board both or if he's in venice. while i have released the 24 year old student from prison. he was charged with conspiracy against president nicholas madura. john alvarez was arrested with 6 union leaders in august. they were afraid and a prisoner swamp with the united states. on wednesday, 10 us citizens and 20 venezuelans were released in exchange for i'm the dra ally who was imprisoned in the us on the money laundering. charges over is says he was tortured into making your confession. he says, no political prisoners must be free for the wives and mothers of russian soldiers honoring those killed the new crime. thousands of them lived flowers at
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the tomb of the unknown soldier near the kremlin. they say they won't. they loved ones to return home safely. a recent poll says 70 percent of russians feel anxious about the war. some of those polled demanding the war in all of those silver. one victory of the today we have a peaceful action. we are laying flowers of the a turn on the flame. we're doing this for a reason that our of tory, these deliberately gloss over the fact that the special miniature, your operation is actually a war. it's not an entertaining safari on the territory of ukraine, and people are dying there. but us woman has given birth to twin girls while living with the rig congenital condition resulting in her having a double uterus. kelsey hatcher who gave birth to doors is roxy and ripple at the university of alabama is booming and hospital. she was pregnant with
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a baby on each side. one was born naturally. the other was born by a c section known as a di cafeteria, pregnancy. it has a one and a 1000000 chance of having a little town tucked away and were real south with mexico has become an international christmas powerhouse. it has 450 workshops all dedicated to one thing, creating a dazzling array of glass bottles. john hohmann went to say some of them. it's the mexican town where it's christmas every day. supple how hidden in the country, south, west, the mountains. everyone else might be just getting ready for the holiday season now . but here they've been actually 2 years turning out 35000000 christmas is from january to december. the your, the, the pride of cloud was our stairs, where they're a piece of our heart in our understanding it from the glass blowers to the painters


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