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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 8:00am-8:30am AST

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these laws actually encourage more violence. 7 personal stories for a global audience. this is the my, you house is the way whether he's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the job searching the rubble for survivors. more palestinians killed in israel's lights. it strikes on the central cancer while the injured a rush to hospital, the hotel mccrae. this is l. just every line from doha also coming up gallons of civil defense teams, berry, i'm identified, and decomposed bodies of palestinians. some that have been left out on the streets
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for 20 tasks. was rarely rides in the occupied with bank columns of homage vehicles in full size. this meets the resistance and not less than to cut them. and we will go from fixing him with a war on causing means christmas celebrations. looking very different this year. the is rose light. it strikes on gauze. i have killed at least $200.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours, a bombing at the elbow res refugee camp and the center of this trip killed 8 people . garza's health ministry says thousands of people died and strikes them jamalia, at least $20200.00 people have now been killed and israel's military response to the mazda attack of october. the 7th. teracon assume has the leg just for rasa and southern gaza. of these very forces today you had expanded the military types of
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course, separate areas in garza's trades only today during the last 24 hours. more than 200 palestinians have been killed along side with the 360 others who have been wounded . the attacks to date include the tooth house, the name to the list, which weiss, the impulse palestinians killed, especially among 2 of us to around 100 palestinians during was killed by because what are the forces says october the 7th. the attacks today you concluded separate areas of course the territories including the north, the middle areas, which was the main call center at which with the main coast increasing of the east by the attacks. and also con eunice in the far south of the gaza strip. now these, that tax had continued despite the resolutions that touched me by the united nations in terms of a scaling up the humanitarian a to the territory as palestinian. see these to hear military and 8 as a significant to blame of hope for them to survive. and to cope with the off to mass will think he's very disruption, insight gauze, a strict topic of assume out just era reform in the south of the territory agencies
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of warning that decomposing bodies left lying in the streets and gaza, or under the rubble of destroyed buildings of raising the risk of disease houses here is on us. i'll share a for points from northern garza, with members of the civil defense have recovered thousands of bodies moving them for a proper burial. so that's all i mean, that's free meals for nothing. shut me out as far as after more than 20 days here in northern cause of civil defense teams were able to recover bodies of tens of people who are under the rubble of the houses and on the streets and roads will see a show at a limb. to democrat hello, civil defense teams were not able to reach them due to the presence of the occupation forces in occupation vehicles in these areas. so you had the model of unmet zillow. neck i shot i showed the of course there is still tens of others killed, that the civil defense teams have not been able to reach in many areas here in the north of the strength of vitamin heavy. i just, i mean, a large number of these bodies have decomposed on the street,
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on the roads and under the rubble of homes unable, most of these bodies are unidentified. now the teams are trying to bury them here in one of the spaces in this area as to how definitely on one of the men and to should allow shut off the shore dealt with to day. thank god we were able to cover terms of bodies and they will be buried now in a mass grave and use it in the nation hospital with the help of our teams. of course, as you know, we are working without any technical capabilities or equipment. unfortunately, that also so we were not able to reach the occupation is still present on the outskirts of the area. and we had great difficulty in reaching the area. the roads and the district homes about a show of the streets are still not safe. it's not really all me is still targeting a many pass or by as well as the civil defense teams. while as you on the show at the show, i do
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a mass grave for many dead who have not been identified. and there is still a large number of bodies on the streets, especially if i use the at all. sure, ma'am. has a members of israel's war cabinet? have 2 in northern garza and mid soldiers taking part in the ground invasion of the strip is riley miller treat video shows defense industry. you'll have content, emergency minutes to been against talking to soldiers. for you as president showed by the end is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu have discussed gaza and a phone call. the white house is included the objectives and facing all of the military campaign. personal in jordan has moved from washington, dc of the us president spoke with the israeli prime minister on saturday. joe biden told reporters that while the bulk of the conversation was confidential, he did not ask benjamin netanyahu to agree to a cease fire inside garza. that's because both the united states and israel,
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a worry that a ceasefire could allow her moss to re arm and to launch new attacks on his really soil that said a readout from the white house said that the 2 leaders talked about the ongoing pace of the war as well as what the white house is calling phasing. that's a fancy term for how much longer will israel conducted major military operations. the us wants to see those major military operations wrapped up in a matter of weeks, not in a matter of months, as the netanyahu government has suggested would be the case. the white house read out also said that the us is very keen to see that civilians, humanitarian aid workers, and other civilians are protected from the ongoing fighting. especially those attacks launched by the israeli military. and the white house read out says that the you was once a renewed focus on trying to rescue the remaining hostages. inside garza,
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this comes of course, after a week and which is really military admitted that it killed 3 hostages by mistake. something which the us and many around the world support. but again, the us is very keen to see major military operations wrapped up sooner rather than later. so that the question of how to deal with the political situation and garza can be resolved. rosalyn jordan elders 0 washington or the is really miller trees, nicely rides in detention of palestinians in the occupied westbank continued in the early hours of sunday. hello send in find his exchange gun 5 with fontes in the city of nicholas in the north. they will also clashes between palestinians and just for any forces in the city of food. kevin, ellen fisher has moved for us for almost quite east jerusalem. and as we saw there another night of his ready rides in the occupied with bank some looking move
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violent than usual, as i meant to stiff resistance. oh well i think the argument that since they look more violent than usual would be disputed by the people who are on the ground and have been suffering this since october. the 7th and novelist, the number of arrests were recorded north of hebron was suddenly hearing that a teacher was among those arrested someone who is identified locally as a teacher. but as you say, the watch, the v exchanges definitely until cut up. what we're hearing is that around 40 is really military vehicles, including bulldozers drove in to talk to them. they are, they started to break the main water supply, leaving in to the refugee time that area that was in some classes. and these really forces came under fire from on the palestinian fighters. these at least then started to put site 1st onto the roof and there were intense. but sporadic
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exchanges between both sides. these relays surrounded the house on, through large speakers or the people to give up. and indeed there were a number of arrests, but this is a continuing pattern of what we've seen in the west bank since october. the 7th, with more than 4600 arrests. i'm more than 300 people that in l in the is early on is just given an update on the day sullivan sold is in the gaza strip. it's such a video noise that 5 had actually died in guys a, a inside to do that has been updated twice in the last couple of hours. first of all, to a 10 numbers included for who were killed in fighting and southern guys and also in northern guys. but that figure has no also been updated to 13, which is the largest number of this and not in spite of these really isn't any single day since october the 7th. these really automate,
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daniel had got it. who was the main spokesman saying that the number of people did, but that because they had been targeted, find themselves, they had been victims of an explosion. and they also pointed to the fact that there has been intense fighting in areas like con units. and that has been continuing through all of saturday and in to sunday. and of course we're hearing from the say at least that they are committed to this phase of the war, even under us pressure. and the us, me want them to wrap it up sooner rather than later. but we'll know 2 weeks on from when we had that from the americans, when we cohen from lloyd austin's visit, and clearly these valleys are continuing to push with the same intensity we've seen over the last several weeks. certainly seems that way. thanks so much. that's ellen fisher for us and occupied east jerusalem of thousands of protesters have gathered and tell of have to express the anger at the israeli government and to demand the
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removal of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. family members of those killed on october. the 7th also attempted. they blamed the government for securities values, the head of the mos attack. active us gathered on the launch sign that read, bring them home in reference to the captives held in garza. bennet smith was at the demonstration relatives and friends exporters of the account. it seems in gaza, i here every night, but on a saturday night it's the main one and this is the 12th ship boxes is released coolant, but they have to do this now. clause wants to subsidize all hope and the tool was about the prospects for possibly cease fire. we know we were talking about now a category american is rarely officials and that's on one side. a representative from how must have met the jeep gibson, security officials in cairo, and house, and suggesting that as well as offering a one weeks east fire return for about 40 chances, particular winning the elderly and the sick. and how much was demanding
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a complete sweet spot association, whole hostilities before they would go any further? what is going pretty quiet. since then we've not heard much and recent days and the really know almost frustration from the relatives and the friends. here we people have been talking about how they won't release now. we've got a one full not ami, a role in the navy saying that we should propose a prisoner release. but how must will not turn down every day as a nightmare for the common saves, and of course the psychological fear, the relatives or friends of dying and guns at least 6 captives have been reported dead this week. it has no proof of that death. but those are the reports coming from gauze unexcused. the police have intervened as opposing groups of protests to supporting palestine and israel clashed on the streets of new york, pro palestinian demonstrations provided. and if it's you, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu with blood on his hands,
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a smaller group of pro, as well demonstrated as gathered in the same place when the 2 groups meant to play, stepped into ease tensions. the thousands have also taken to the streets and european cities in support of palestinians in berlin, around 1500 people march through germany's capital to the brandenburg guys they calling for an end to the war and gone cir, purchased as in the netherlands, march through the streets stopping at major international businesses, including mcdonalds and starbucks chanting shame on you. they were demanding the fast food chains, boy called as well in response to the war on cancer. and in sweden, thousands of protesters braves the winter, snow together outside as well as in the sea and the capital stock home. the crowds using loud speak is demanded as well, with tens what they call stolen land, to the palestinian people. posted in the interior list and gaza and they'll just covering the war. but i also living through us at least 100 tele cindy and
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journalists have been killed in the conflict sofa. the gods and media office of the grim milestone was reached with the death of mohammed of hawaii on saturday. within 15 media premises officers had been completely will partially destroyed by his riley strikes. that includes the office of the if p bureau and gaza. hundreds of palestinian journalists and their families, including our colleagues at al jazeera, had been forcibly displaced. they had to abandon their reporting equipments and offices in the north to live and report on the difficult conditions and its frequent communication blackouts. the journalist working in the areas of um, conflict protected on the international, committed terry law, just like civilians under the geneva convention. but israel has been accused of violating rules of law repeatedly. well, in my colleague fully about the bi, spoke to tim dawson. he is the deputy general secretary of the international federation of journalists. he said the killing of jo, listen,
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cancer is unprecedented. as i don't think we've seen a desco of journalist of this concentration in any conflict that i can think of, that we're about to 1000 dentist and gaza at the beginning of this conflict. while there are a slightly different counts of, of, precisely how many have died, i'm, if between 7 and a half and 10 percent have died, that is an extraordinary high number. i mean, just to put up a little bit of proportion, i was looking up the depths of combat soldiers invoice over the last 100 years. and if you look at the american marine corps in vietnam, for example. so these are the soldiers who are going to be facing the most intense fighting with the most highly trained who are going to be in the most the most dangerous situations. just 5 percent of them lost their lives during the course of the vietnam war. and the gen listing, gaza, they have only cameras and microphones, and notebooks. they continue to do during the work despite this. absolutely mind
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blowing that's tall indeed is israel came deliberately targeting palestinian gentleness and gossip. some of them have related to me that they receive frightening calls from people proposing to be from the ideas about warning them that they're going to be talking to. the family is going to be talked to in, in the coming days of conflict. i think saying for absolutely certain what's happened in this conflict is going to be very difficult, so much of gauze as black and blown up. so much of this has been conducted with enormous volumes that, you know, the no real evidence trial. but i think looking at the figures i'm looking at well, got some gen the believe, i think is very hard to say that as well doesn't have a case to answer here. there was an interesting article to him in the washington post a few days ago asking whether where rather is the outrage over israel scanning of journalist in guys that course individual weston journalist, have denounced this. but media institutions as a whole in the west have been relatively silent,
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don't use it on the desktop of gen. discovery is there as well on gaza. why? i think people's minds are to and then as it becomes impossible to ignore such a terribly, terribly hypo. so for all that you're right, i'd like to see major news platforms making more of noise about this. i'd like to see people joining our to demand that the international criminal court investigates . i think people's minds are turning as well. still a he's here on l. d. 0 why? one of the leading presidential candidates in the democratic republic of congo says when states general election should be a knowns. plus christmas comes early for people in ukraine and an act of defiance against mosca. the
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hello. this very unsettled weather has went through the middle east and live down. you can see that dense cloud pushing its way for the east bringing some heavy rain across the event and into northern areas of saudi arabia where we saw some flooding . while the windy and wet weather continues into sunday, but it's not as well as it has been, is conditions pushing their way further east into eastern areas of iraq and a bit of a winter. we wintery edge coming into the causes eastern areas of turkey at the north west of iran. and the time we get into monday that will be more in way of sunshine coming in. but the chance of some cloud for the south across the gulf of places like the top of the doha, seen the mercury pick up to 27 degrees celsius there. on monday. now across the north of africa, the wind is still the issue for areas of libya. we have got some warnings out pretty fis. when's around coastal areas that some of the story across the western areas were expecting some dust to be picked up and pushed into northern areas of
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gonna we have got some warnings out for that for the sa. so this a went to a picture. certainly full areas like what's wanna as well as south africa, as we go sunday into monday, and we'll see temperatures drop dramatically in gabber road. and just had this book by christmas day. the african countries have struggled to replace many of those effects taken by european colonizers. this is our experience of our identity. in the final part of the series, museums and collectors still hold precious assets selected. few have been returned, but the still a long way to go on progress is painfully slow. restitution topic has stolen on with punctuation on orders. here the
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of the you're watching l g 0 reminder about top stores. the ssl is ready for us as have killed more than 200 palestinians in casa, in the past 24 hours. it strikes and showing in the old version. giovanni, a refugee camps, have killed thousands of people, including children. these really miller trees, nightly rates and the attention of palestinians and the occupied with bank continued in the early hours of sunday. palestinian fine has exchange gun 5 soldiers in the cities that was until con, thousands of purchases have gathered and tell a beef to demand the removal of prime minister. benjamin netanyahu. family members suppose killed or captured on october. the 7th blamed the government for security
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fund use ahead of the mazda of tax. the united states is its shut down for drones heading towards us for shipping the red sea. the us says they will launch from which he controlled areas of human and targeted and american destroyer. they also say who these by to n t shipped ballistic missiles into the sea. and the southern part of the international shipping line of washington also says a drawing that hit a ship off india's coast on saturday was launched from around. there was no immediate climb of responsibility for the strike on the vessel, which is a chemical tank it linked to israel. the ship was sailing from saudi arabia to india and with its 370 kellum, because of the indian caused the casualties have been, report is for many pillows. cindy and christians. this is christmas is more subdued because of the war on gaza. it's a time when thousands of tourists, usually visit bethlehem believed as the birthplace of jesus christ. but his need to
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abraham reports from the city instead of celebrations. many a praying for pace the on christmas wars are buried. knew how to do the homes along this traditional christmas carol in the lutheran church in bethlehem. but her sister indeed was buried under the revel. she was taking refuge in the greek orthodox church because as the oldest christian establishment, the church was hit, it is really won't be on october, the 19th. my brothers went to let them just. but the assistance went to the growth of just the 1st showing was to degree both of those immediately, not as viewed as they said that i want to know immediately she was under the, the said, and they the way of looking for them to stay and fold oh, i understand that he had brothers rage didn't make it. no,
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it says he needed an urgent medical operation. but he could not get to a hospital. do her comes to church to find sol as she gets support from the community even from those she doesn't know a delegation of church leaders around the world travel to the occupied westbank to express their sympathy and sort of darzy. god will not leave us alone. so it's not easy for me to accept this because all my familiar of this love, this and the i'm not there, but even to go in with are born and raised in garza new, have married the palestinian from the occupied westbank. both her and her family need is really me to 3 permits to visit one another. last time she was allowed into garza was 6 years ago, but it ain't was able to come to the occupied westbank. know how shows us how they
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stood in front of the christmas tree in bethlehem. a few years ago now has one brother, one injured sister, many cousins and family members and gaza. it's been a week since she lost her. it's from them. i don't accept my sense does anybody christmas? why my family are facing him on at the city is 6 pride that best live is considered the capital of christmas every year. a big tree is little to welcome pilgrim and to us from over the world. this year, the lights haven't been turned on. there's no christmas tree. that's palestinian. see, there's nothing to celebrate. as you can see, the major square is empty and the mood is that the frustration and sadness, but many here say they refuse to give up on hope in the middle of the killing, suffering and pay it. so the one thing left for them is that, but i came,
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i just need a bethlehem the occupied westbank, the place bring you some of the days of the news. now the white house has failed to convince congress to appropriate an extra $110000000000.00 for the was in ukraine in kansas before the end of the year. congressional support as well remain strong. the president biden bundled his request is riled with $61000000.00 of funding for ukraine. she have pretends he reports. president biden failed to get his request for more money for ukraine passed by congress before the drugs until next year. the white house and thought it was being strategic in bundling funding for an increasing the unpopular war in ukraine with money for israel. taiwan. unable to secure it here. but it was the republicans who sentenced as a teacher opening, realizing how important funding for keith is to the president. congressional
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republicans have held firm with remarkable unity that will be no additional funding for ukraine without health new immigration policy. from those who say enough, unconditional money's been spent on a failed. another jewel peroration and ukraine, the bite administration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win to hook. so i'll give the goal isn't necessarily victory. for ukraine, but the stand up for what they call democracy and lead rusher dry and the price of we're not losing track of that. it's just that border security applies to us as well. it didn't even seem to matter that age as row was also being jeopardized. well, there divided ministration was already demonstrated. it will bypass congress to get as well, whatever it says it needs any way. public and strategy works. the white house now says that in return for the money for ukraine, it is open to increasing immigrant deportations and reducing their ability to claim asylum clinic. this is infuriated,
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so i'm in the democratic process. what is on the table? our policy so extreme that is enacted, it would literally be the most exclusionary restrictive immigration legislation since the racial quota laws of the 1920s. but the white house goes into the election. the best thing that however, right towards the administration pivots in the end, the bags will rally around your bike and due to the fear of donald trump. but base is going to have to decide ultimately in 2024. they're going to have a choice between donald trump and joe biden. and the question is, whom are they going to be able to support? and they're going to be something that present by did that. they really like a lot and they're going to be some things that they like less in the end, but it wasn't enough time for a deal on board the restrictions. so i drove by the end of the year, having enraged the democratic party base even further with his capitulation to the right wing on immigration. and having failed to secure annual funding for a war and ukraine with which he is so closely aligned himself. she everytime see
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elders or washington, one of the leading presidential candidates and the democratic republic of congo says, winced as general election should be involved with. i could, to me, cited massive fraud in the polls. how the opposition candidates have also called for a protest next week. and this catherine sort of reports from can shasta is on these among the public about what's a hit. a presidential election results from the dashboard r r e. they say by the incumbent. it leaks to security, but it's 2 are these to gauge a trend to determine who's weighting these on site and times the driver seat of the others from the car to center have released a statement saying several people were killed in the lead up to the pool only to deal with emoji, but the 4th thing process was says and get this late and 21 pulling station of it,
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with serious irregularities, observed and civil. and all this data presents and admitted to pick 10 of election . the pro cd measure meet the opposition. the to see the election is a some and they rejects the results. people in good shaw saw a worried about the outcomes where everybody really update. the government is to blame. we need proper roads to avoid the logistical problems. we sold on voting day to the last election was more organized. i know we can't have a perfect collection, but this was not good. they need to need. our auditors weighs about what has been going on and some say, the feel that that comes, he added, you said i'll just be around in shot. at least 22 people have been killed in finding between government troops and the groups in the central african
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republic. it happens in the north western villages and does not come to the you in says most of the victims with civilians. it's the full confrontation between the army and the armed groups in the past 3 years. and the group in southern burgundy has claimed responsibility for an attack and a village in the country south. what's already say one policeman and 19 civilians were killed including 12 children. but the um, the group called with the virus is only military and police are among the did. the area is near the democratic republic of congo. boda with the group has a bice. ukraine is getting ready to celebrate the 2nd christmas since the sod of russia's full scale invasion. and for the 1st time the holiday will happen on december the 25th.


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