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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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even though i'm out of town tucked away in rural south west, mexico has become an international christmas powerhouse. it has 450 workshops all dedicated to one thing, creating a dazzling array of gloss christmas bobbles every day. john holman, went to see some of them. it's the mexican town where it's christmas every day. supple how hidden in the country southwest, the mountains. everyone else might be just getting ready for the holiday season now . but here they've been up to 2 years. tuning at 35000000 christmas is from january to december. the goal, your, the, the pride of cloud was our stairs, where they're a piece of our heart in our understanding it from the glass blowers to the painters . all of us put a part of ourselves in the towns. people say this special because they have made from the final licks of painting glitter so that beginning with most of gloss
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blower, augustine, he's been working at to move in the to use pups out fresh sheets like so many here . this is everything to him. as the photo cuz it's really important to me and my family, it puts food on the table. it means that my children can study christmas ornaments resurrected the time from a tragedy, a huge land slide that engulfed it and put it in to its gold mining industry. in the thirty's, it was lost to migrant khaki. munoz came back from chicago to be some new know how, how to make christmas tree baubles. he quickly set up his business and the rest is local history. this is his son jose luis in the museum dedicated to his parents. when we were funny this out loud, how immuno see my dad return from chicago? he told my mom what he'd learned when they started the process of glass blowing christmas fears either. since then. fucking how ornaments have decorated the vatican, and the white house,
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about 60 percent of the spheres insightful. how are exported now? so it's not just christmas central in mexico. it's an international seasonal power house. still looking around the town, the question remains. sometimes you'll get tired of christmas. no, i come. oh not a bicycle. there's no tired this because every year we're waiting for it to be excited because we know we're going to give joy to the homes in mexico. it's a good piazza, but there's truth. the 2 for town, but saved it. so through christmas john home and i would say the type of house and those all the headlines is always the algae 0. don't come to keep you up to date with all the news. so is the following. bottom line is next using music and as a form of resistance during the boss and you're in the ninety's actress. i mean,
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the most interesting forms for children and sorry about each for many, both means it is very easy to empathize with the people of gods. less than a month ago was changed to performance and we quoted pain and cut out. i felt not just duty, but an enormous desire to raise awareness about toward gossip. either both the enact or is joined an initiative by the asked or theater, a non profit, public opinion, ensemble base and come out of luck. as the people who survived on the side who survived the siege will survive the aggression. i think that our obligation to be the people will always be the 1st for a 0 voice. i'm standing in front of the saturday of a city hall, a well known monuments burns down in the water. it's been renovated just like the rest of the city, but the psychological scars of the war are self visible here. on counting the costs, the global rates for electric vehicles is at full speed and it's driving geo
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political wave over. but the widespread adoption of battery powered cars is facing the big challenges. plus how green our electric cars compared to fossil fuel was counting the cost on alpha 0 a. hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question. if the palestinian authority has largely been a spectator during the is really war on gaza, what will its future be after the war? let's get to the bottom line. the us president joe biden wants to see a revitalized palestinian authority to take charge and gaza once the war is over. the only catch is that israel has killed an injured tens of thousands of palestinians there in the past few weeks and basically flattened the entire gaza strip, making normal civilian life impossible. the other catch is that the palestinian authority, which co manager civilian life with the is really military in the west bank, is just not popular there either. and wait, there may be 2 more problems. one,
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no one's asking the palestinians what they want into the is really government has already said it doesn't like jo biden's ideas. so where does that leave america's plans and is the policy needing authority stuck in a catch 22 situation where its efforts are undermine before they even begin? today we're talking with the former prime minister and finance minister of the palestinian authority salon fi odd who is now a visiting scholar at princeton university. so i'm thank you so much for joining us and obviously this is a grim subject. it's tough to discuss while a war is under way to be talking about what happens the day after. but you initiated that discussion with an important article in foreign affairs where you said there are things that need to be done. the and and, and you look at the palestinian authority and the p. o o. can you share with our audience what you think the building blocks are of a sensible future on the palestinian side? well, thank you very much for having you on the program. the i decided to actually go out
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with this office and i guess the backdrop of the getting to hear the some background conversations and noise about. so could they ask those one? well, what it was sweet in 1st when for the exact date, but hi, todd does of the opposite. that is indeed loss of your life, destruction and all. but what struck me it was, was a sign of thinking that to the, as a was going to be connect device by a system then which from us had no existence, which was the, i guess with the object the going to is that instead of what it says when it's actually launched this, this was at the sound of the, to me actually that wasn't, i'm stuff the, the and because everybody knew at the time is what it was called on it. that, that goal. it was impossible, but in a mass is that a garbage?
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it is a political move up to the general ideas and what it cannot destroy, it will take a moment, a subsequent to that. uh, some other words will mention the little bit of the scaling back of the last. what soon? what we still have to this day ranges from the impossible to the just the name of composition. we the actually meant that tens of thousands will put us in a lively tash before we get to that the ever. and that was not really going to have photos of it. and so i decided against the backdrop of the really, yeah, what's the, it is the members of the, you know, just like my own ideas about what, what look good. and so that, but the guys asked the group, but the categories are occupied in the physics of them. but actually a couple of by view of the person in the to now a consistent with that will do that. i have just like a, on the line. it was,
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i decided to do this to have that conversation by pointing to what to not, because as a 1st i said, no, i mean, but that's the content of dates, subjugate, things are going to send me an imposing arrangement of the after subjugate. and then so because of that to be really out of the together and by that i was heading to background noise about some transitional arrangement in guys a involved in some people from deb dealing with the community and or again, assuming that the mass is outside of the single duty, but with that, the mind that the time was the thing during the going to be see an upcoming couple guys on the back of his way to that as is often said. but even if it were willing to do it, i, i said it is not in a position to do it. and by that i really meant the but the 2nd week of us that the, it was the, that's what we've actually as a certain way into a conversation as to what did it to happen in order to why the,
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what is the kind of being able to do it, but it's enough to be able to assume that by so this possibility that's the background of that's how i got this and i'm going to get into it. basically i said what needs to happen is press one to really deal with it. the reason as to why it is that they found it so after 3 decades with these processing is i get that i'm going to see what is it gonna speaking so weeks, or people will not much time the public's one out. and the kind of give us a little should that w of even more expensive now as to why we work there as well. and that the reason was the failure of the back that the piano took back and let united for me on the also these process the living on promise of safety for the purpose of this. it has been many years now since most heavily, when it came to the ocean. that promise was never going to be before if it doesn't, if it's not on the bad weather. but as soon as i found out it says in the aftermath
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and in the course of that process. so that was the key cause we need to do that week this and much, much the same as i have completed with his standing of the piano. is that what happened with coming to do with the was the vehicle, has last much of a slow presentation about capacity? that's really the problem as i saw it. and i've seen this for many, many years. with the video, i'm no longer really present to the concepts of view on spanish, and that's the way it did over the 5 year period between my team. if, if i left the lot of freight that goes outside that you know, the complete doesn't close. as fletcher pursue or above, decided, all those locals would be best to do that. and if they, they will also can deliver on the promise of us in a staple that you know, the, the, basically a lot more and more of that, the visual capacity. what even to have it was to expand the people in order to be
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a good image, sleggs or 7 factions, and moving laws that back to the beginning, especially to come as is really jarrett and the voices. and by the way, from us, it was the web not only may say is when it into was look, that's on affections within the piano itself. that's actually the back to the, you know, the back to different from the beginning. now the smallest that, you know, the best of the sites we have from was little expanded progressively. so what we're looking at today is the general used to be, i'm not really say this with drawing. actually, i'm going to say i have a realization that we have to do everything we possibly get to present what they have caused one, again, on having a home for us. 4 percent is what's your one point? actually, it's meant something to say this one is at the present of the people, but how much of the 3 the go through this just after this day?
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that's why i said by saying, you don't have to do in the say what, what are these things that i'd say, because i do, if this has to be what it says, it is, this one is the, but it has to be expect the bullet points of view, it has to be that tent, that measure that, that's what everybody including come as of here that we thought it was the basic idea that i have the, which was actually in my, you provide the political been able to do the because the posted off on it is a search on the other status of the vehicle. so it's a remarkable provocation because what you're arguing is the palestine is 40 as it is now, is broken. and there is no hope of reviving this broken authority in current form. and so to re anchor legitimacy, bringing all of the parties back into the yellow, including the one that israel's, that we're with, including the one where much of the west says can never be in the government.
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you're arguing that in that patchwork, a perspectives, hamas has to be in your mind, getting that right. you're getting the right. and as that's been my do for many years the, it's obvious the be a little has less much. it was our presentation about, i mean, look at this, it was what people say about what it is that they expect and how they really feel about. that's what these process, that's the soon as you know for long have you left the stairs. and so out of the presentation of money room, if you with, for him to actually present this floor or, or what's to be on hold. and that's all things that one actually has to be expanded to reflect both of those bunch of views and not to really continue to be what i look at when, when in fact it adds a little agreements back and left. you lots of wait, it's obvious that is something that we didn't use either. now, why is that? is also in it,
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but then that may be want to clear what i need to have in mind when i started to be as it exists. do that is i'm able to assume that the responsibility even if it were willing to do it, i had in mind people that's a week that's the, that's of the benefits. if you will. i did not have in my, you know, technical capacity of the capacity, which might be actually the real estate must been by america offers of us over some of us now using the as like a li white the lies that be a surely there was a level the by the residual that's, that's like why anyone would tell you that this involved in the weeks the less it gets all chronic absorbed. so there's no question that that has to be fixed . the, the, it was, the thought of this capacity to cover must be in hazardous times that and it must double in the letter in front of the piece up to the one that's, that's obvious. but that's not what i have in my prior to now is 4, but it's
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a 10 must be and the focus must be squarely, but it's a good enablement. the count as is able to send them as long as the government, which in micro section needs to be closer to by the expanded funeral, which includes or factions. i don't want to come forces. i wouldn't trust them is that the government goes to the good and good and the day after which will cost when it goes with will not have that each to. so for the best types of people who have been killed or jump over the very best majority, do i have been displaced? not to measure the mass of the structure. that is what i'm heavily involved as the website will do most of it. so how invest in is a government like the going to draw up to the, at the beginning, just to lift the responsibility unless it is a product of a national consensus by that's to be the absolute best such of because mine is a, it just simply will not have the just of us. i want to ask you about jake sullivan,
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the president's national security advisor present biden's, national security advisor, you know, meeting uh with mock boot a boss trying to indicate that the united states is hoping the palestinian authority can clean up its act. can deal with corruption. can bring in young leaders. what i'm hearing from you is that is a false choice. am i? am i hearing that right? the best the best buy because the far as the letter was it is because it goes above and in the bank in funding legitimacy. and, you know, making the deal what it is, what it shouldn't be, what it was, and it needs to be a pin, you know, our sort of the present. that's it. you know, that's absolutely important. and that is really what, what, why is it the most invested, the, the, and the political enable them. and that's why i'm not coming to say via the stop exit and just have actually mentioned that. but it is that the reason why we should be the way, and it is, it believe is a case that is just now that it has to be done with that to be a,
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it has not to be the best. no one has bothered in the would, that's the, that's not what the composition ought to be. as long as the additional to be on as of a big question or what it is, it's my big the front of the which one be logical towards the most logical doors. i salute this possibility for managing that affairs. but as to the people that gives us that exactly as it is a responsible much and that both of us, if you look into us back, is it incumbent on us? but to send this to say, yeah, we already believe it actually assume that responsibility. so any competitor and we empower and politically, it may have a beautiful, it's under also, it doesn't have the responsibility of this for the vision about what's going to be doing, what does it have to do with vendors? and here's the company behind behind, you know, such as just this, not as we, we both love due to his dentist. and so this the other thing that it will add to
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the estimates of pressure on the government of his right to stop this low. but vision that by the way it has to be, i will override they found if you like about the positions, can we, you know, we might transition vision of that kind of stuff to get away. what is the why now is because of the empowerment and enabled the thought of the dust, little of the responsibility of the day before to. and by the way, that is imminently know of doing better. i'm with, with, with great. see it. the bill is gonna be in the some of the reasons i mean over oh, so the generals of various actually is the most, the reason for which the, this and a lot i'm in, in july of this year. and what happens is, what happened to them was actually a statement developed by president a best a basically said the problem for the use of the floor of a fall off committee to follow up with that which that we've developed. and before we bump the, the, what we really need is right to start to get to pick this even eventually for them
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to say no conditions on anybody. this is open for anyone, regardless of the vision or what is it the g or program i might send you a welcome to join me that no one has good visuals on anyone. it's open for everybody, but i'll be talking about is if one of those is actually the home of a model do vision platform, right? we'll do the vision scan. going just have the same pat, but that's what it was about. this alone, let me ask you a question about the, the composite of the p l. o. now, who's handshake? as i understand, the secretary general of the p l. o is reticent about him off coming into that has commented to jake sullivan, that their violent tactics disqualify them. so i'm interested in the tech tonics of how this might come about. do you think the p zillow will accept what you're saying? it needs to do to reorient the legitimacy of the palestinian people as you will
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they be? oh, that's what i say. it has, it says the max, the if, if the be a little bit loose, this will continue to basically say, unless belief, actions included, come as, unless you agree with our last 4, you kind of joint, what does that it's going to really have to with, if i don't want people to devote before the specialist would decide to join it. we ask the question and that's what the people i want them to get up. that is that really a logic? that expectation is that the logic, an expectation for membership and the general for this month isn't factions, but a send it on the side to actually do own the website in the you know, to back. and matthew met, definitely when 3 of the knows that that process was the biggest. anyway, it's not any longer it got, it's impossible to do it. whereas the mapping, some logic to the back into the idea is you don't invest,
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you subscribe to this vision that's really important to you that produce to be a. when is that the logic of them to expect that to be a demand? what i expect is the send the ups, when in fact, the consent to the women of all that was never expected of any government. it is right. i would have to visit, but we'd be able to, to assist on that expectation. i'm gonna have jab of those, maybe even the different be the zipper put this on that as a, a ticket for membership when the government and it's not the, not the incentive for many, many, many years. oh, yesterday was bradley of being the guy. we'd actually just throwing cost a little bit. now i'm said only reason for anyone who wants to do this a little bit. this a lot to be any sanity in the thought to be on the between the but for this event, you might have to set it up with
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a zip codes. those it is this. so where is that expectation? is this all kind of some of those? well, to doing, but for that that's one of the vehicle. you know, this is make it to, to the launch of the monthly the outlet, the response of a. so the 1st 2 may be obvious with where to go. the bad position is much better. is that the why you might have both of them quantity is not good enough for that to be presented by the dental, because variable right now, those are presented this way, right? and it's good for come as a know it was up to this where old you have to use those little but most of the but it is best for us united to presented towards what was this vision i go from what i was, what i knew here i mean, i've been doing to deal with us. that's the best buy, but what i'm hearing from you so long as is fascinating because you're not asking permission for misery. a lot of the us, you're saying this is what palestinians and the p o. o can do to restore the
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legitimacy of a movement across the public. and if israel wants to play great, if israel doesn't want to play, you're going to continue to proceed. so i am interested in a couple of things. one is, how do you think israel will respond to a p l o, where they restored legitimacy? what do you think the united states would you identify as one of the most powerful actors in this should be doing with regard to a restored p zillow, that basically expels the palestinian authority uses it if it can discards it. if it's irrelevant. i see it was with all the is my purse blue saying it's about what it is that isn't all of a simple as a sort of since the beginning, the composition by what so it is right, right. so it's definitely the wrong foot to enter this room in the or was it was find the supplement, supplement we. we know that this really is not the right way to go. there is no nash and boom, that the seats, the malaysia as i was, you know, as the ability to,
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to do it that to be the actual size of the business. oh, oh, well it's, it's, it's kennedy. does. i also see that just really is on the fundamental right. so to me is that there's no other solution to the kind of impasse does a gun, janet exactly vs diffraction in our body. part of it we need, we need to repair that as soon as possible. and that's actually the stoppage of the water. ready is actually good things on our capacity to accomplish that objective. this, whenever we put ourselves in a position to what to say, here we are united in this position and it is my bit. and this is not really something that i constructed in the abstract, based on many, many propositions i've had of years ago with many would love to really want to have the went from asked you have this, that's what any of the cool, actually in do some people have been telling me you've been telling us this by the
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way, getting anywhere near to it's really is up to us and i was the i believe if we monitor, i mean as i it was not very fun. that's just the number is the funding of dealing with the general and anybody was going to think about originally knows that is the thing humanly possible to avoid dealing with the vehicle and try to look for one minute. i'm gonna do decide that there's no other way of what to do. they actually try to be talking with visuals bill, that's what it decided to leave. know this when, when they decided to do the, do this transaction amazement movie channel, that is the fact that they have drugs. what we really need to do is to ask some questions. and how is the about, you might think, oh, but anyway, the bench as possible. what the say this is we are, this is what we really want to accomplish and does that. we really want to go about
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it. why? but is that where we've been with you and i have to put us in a part of it. if we book the project i was as, as you know, with the component to you at another, there i am, i'm, i'm gonna play that as well as those will be exporting the differences. and the 1st one, how on the 1st, oh, really? what was it that is no other way? there is no, i'm not just to communities. do you want to use other fashions, including a muscle jet and then it's no longer for him as long as you have to continue doing . i believe it actually for 46 to join the piano tomorrow on. nope. and there's no one has the visuals on anyone. this has given up is the thing except in passing. but what we have to do is just look at what is what it is you know, it has been why do that? the center of gravity was there anybody? part of it was not excepting of the idea of this, of the stamps on the, by the end of this week, something especially in the us back. well,
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we'll have to leave it there. fascinating conversation, former palestinian prime minister salon fy od. thank you so much for joining us today. thursday, but i left for the shift. so what's the bottom line? listen more than 90 palestinian journalist, the only journalist on the ground and gaza, for the most part, had been killed by his really forces in the past 73 days. that means more than one journalist killed on average per day. one of the latest diseases out, is there a camera man summer abo dock, a go along with gospel chief, corresponded wild doc to was fired on by it is really drone at an elementary school that had already been destroyed earlier in the day. they were trying to bring us the story of what's happening. so on her blood for hours and medics. we tried to reach him. we're not allowed to get close. while was injured that survived. if you remember, most of his family was killed by his really forces earlier in the war. if media who we're bright signs indicating they are media or targeted, all are clearly targeted. and this is what the world is watching right now.
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thankfully, the world has fearless people who are literally risking at all to tell us what's happening. and that's the bottom line, the on the job interview or what do you, what that will be at that? send me a send me the so you need to talk about it i and then it's about 80 to sponsor to console him to den slim. and would you like another minute to book a say, i don't think this, but the file must have had to fill out like a me, it's literally just have them a folder,
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not glue on them. and it'd been in that zillow just get them in a minute. and we'll, we'll freleigh hazy, are frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that and so to international that's a be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on ok parts. people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, highly toxic pesticides linked to elevated occurrences of parkinson's disease and the farmers were used, were you ever warned about the health effects of our no fault lines exposes how for decades of global chemical giants withheld information. 12000
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american prophecy actually said he should never put the words pair quite parkinson's disease of the same sentence, the pesticide playbook on the jersey to the . ready on the hello, i'm real about this, and this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, unrelenting violence, more than 200 policy indians are killed. and israel is the latest strikes on gossip . is there any manager? he says at least 13 of his soldiers are being killed in bottles and the gaza strip over the weekend. more is really rates in the occupied west buying columns of homage. vehicles and bulldozers meet stiff resistance and not.


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