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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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what was that was the service display and you're saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding, generally some elders, the integrity in the pursuit of truth, the unrelenting violence more than 200 pounds of stadiums are killed in israel's latest strikes on gauze. the robot, the sum of this is audra 0 life from del have also coming up is really ministry says at least 14 of its soldiers have been killed in bottles. and the gaza strip over the weekend were in bethlehem, where the water and garza means christmas celebrations. looking very different this year and another news,
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anger and frustration in democratic republic of congo officer k all take the general election denounced by the off position as a shop. the is ready forces to show no sign of scanning box or offensive and goes up despite growing international calls for restraints. and for more age to reach, palestinians trumped in the strip. is there any strikes of killed, more than 200 pounds? a study is over night, more than 20400 pablo stadiums not being killed in the is really attacks since october the 7th, 2 thirds of them, a women and children. it's increasing pressure on survivors who don't have enough food or all the basic necessities, the united nations has. the risk of famine is called increasing each day. meanwhile, palestinian on groups of resisting israel's ground invasion. is there any army says 14 of the soldiers of being confirmed, killed since friday. i mean,
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malcolm was joining his life not from a rough and southern gaza. just bring us up to date with the latest on those. is randy attacks the yes there are now they confirmed the statement by the ministry of held there more than 200 people in the box. i've been killed overnight and the early hours of this morning and different attacks across the gods to but many concentrated the central part. we're talking about refuge account, the great and my hobbies, and the played out then all the surrounding neighborhoods. in fact, the oldest part it is within the past 2 days, work evacuation orders. i should buy this for the military sharply. bordering people these back away these records you can see in the central part of the guster, but the eastern side of full. i had been wrote, an ordering them to evacuated, there is, but unfortunately those people found themselves under relentless. he'll be bombardment indeed in front of the very area do were told,
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evacuated to understood at been. 6 the potter we have seen within the past, we were people told the evacuated, but then they, they, they are due area of that designated safe by that is really military only to find themselves victims of those berlin. but there is right within hours of their arrival in the case of their and by those displays, palestinians arrived there just unless then it 12 hours. they were under heavy bombard, we're talking about it within the overnight, an early morning, more than 40 people had been killed, manly women and children displaced. women and children have been the victim of those targets. here in rough i cities more concentrated at the eastern side, which is very consistent with these really a narrative so far about a greeting of buffers going. so what this is really military is doing now and conducting aggressive music clearing more areas in the eastern side by destroying residential vending, raising agriculture land. in another attempt of,
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of establishing this buffer zone that they have talked about since the beginning of the, or as part of an announce the plan that we're running from for the north. northern part of it goes through all the way to run across things that will eventually squeeze the people inside of the gaza strip. i mean, let's talk about the, the aid surprise and it wasn't long ago that the, the u. n. was saying that the aid must be increased into a gas of just talk us through, how much is getting in and with the process that it's going through. and obviously what's happening to it once it gets into gaza so far the, the mechanism on the ground is very difficult there in the united nations, the sooner a secretary describe that the difficult does on the ground out. it says it's lacking. major elements do do to be able to deliver uh, 8 to palestinians,
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displaced palestinian in the northern parts and the southern part. first of all, to start with the inability to get any of those uh, trucks. humanitarians directly into the northern part of their r u. b. is really monetary presence and that prevents crew members of on or one other international juicing of delivering it. but here in the southern part, there is 0 safety to guarantee the work off of the safety of the crew members on the ground as well as a distinctly impossible. we're talking about just a small number of a truck to be unloaded pretty in comparison to the dire situation. excuse me. i'm the need of, of the dire need of people out the living experience of hearts living conditions. also we're talking about a v, a inability of, of those of those it's. busy trucks to get to areas where people were told they are safe, but they are not. there is also that component of fear components that feeds into
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the inability of, of delivering and this through the process of food. a distribution displays, palestinians across the gastric overall. what people are hoping for is a of a more of like a permanence these very that will allow them when they go out and get their food. they, they would be at least feeling got sense of safety and security. not on the relentless, bombardments kind of odd and rough or any thank you. agencies or warning, there's more risk of disease because bodies are decomposing than the streets or under level in gaza. i'll just see those honest actually, for reports from northern garza, were members of the civil defense of recovering dozens of bodies to bodies improperly. a solemn, initially meals for nothing, shut me out as far as after more than 20 days here in northern cause of civil defense teams were able to recover bodies of tens of people who are under the rubble of the houses and on the streets and roads will see a show at a limb to democrat hello. civil defense teams were not able to reach them due to
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the presence of the occupation forces in occupation vehicles in these areas. so you had the model of unmet zillow. neck i shot i showed the of course there is still tens of others killed, that the civil defense teams have not been able to reach in many areas here in the north of the strength of vitamin heavy. i just, i mean, a large number of these bodies have decomposed on the street, on the roads and under the rubble of homes unable, most of these bodies are unidentified. now the teams are trying to bury them here in one of the spaces in this area as to how definitely on one of the men and to should allow shut off the shore dealt with to day. thank god we were able to cover the terms of bodies and they will be buried now in a mass grave and use it in the nation hospital with the help of our teams. of course, as you know, we are working without any technical capabilities or equipment. unfortunately, so also, so we were not able to reach the occupation east and present on the outskirts of
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the area. and we had great difficulty in reaching the area. the roads and the district homes about a show. busy of the streets are still not safe, it's not really army is still targeting and many pass or by as well as the civil defense teams. while as you on the show at the show, i do a mass grave for many dead who have not been identified. and there is still a large number of bodies on the streets, especially if i use the at all. sure now, because it was prime minister benjamin netanyahu has offered his condolences to the families of israelis and the killed in the war on garza. but he says, the country will fight until the end of the fisher has more from occupied east jerusalem. speaking before a cabinet meeting in tel aviv, which got under way and just about an hour or so ago he made some comments. he said that the war is taking a heavy price on his bill, but there is no escape from these heavy costs, obviously,
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referencing the very difficult we can, that these really army has had with the loss of a number of soldiers. he also said that he had spoken to president biden, which we knew on saturday, and he said he very much appreciated the solar position of support to our war effort. the joe biden had taken out. he was also addressing comments in these really media, particularly over the last 2456 hours. this suggested that the united states stopped. and there's really preemptive strike on his bullet targets just around october the 8th, just after the, the, with the watering guys, i had a goat under way. he said these were not true, and they will fight as long as it takes and until biden understood this, he understands that they will not yield to international pressure. essentially, what he's saying is our forces of war. we will do it on a time scale and we will do it until we achieve our goals,
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which he again reiterate to where the destruction of a mass through a ton of people who are being held as captive. and to create as a place that guys can no longer threaten israel, security is really military is carried out. more raids in arrest. so power steering's in the occupied westbank, found a city and fighters exchange gun firewood soldiers and the city of novelists and the north alley. on sunday palestinians and his really forces also fort in the city of co hum satellites have entered the alex and last combined, unoccupied, east jerusalem. they came in under the protection of his very police and canada tours of his courtyards on friday is ready for his creative check points to prevent palestinians from reaching. they are like some of while israel prizes own with this assault on gaza, its forces are also engaged on the northern border with levon on the album. the army says it's talking has bought a ministry sides off to several shelves are far. that is why the troops it also and
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as the closure of several main roads leading to is very border times out of how sions got the latest from the quarter in southern lebanon. the over the past i was the was several is really a strikes in this area behind me. the laguna hills that's overseeing mccorda and also sort of thing from the other side. she won't be bit set on roche, china, across from these really side. a couple of attacks from has will last since this morning and then is ready as airstrikes. several of the strikes for the moment though, and no casualties yet before this was intertwined with the watering does not what's right now. it seems that things are be having their own separate thoughts with us as well as pushing to have his beloved behind the lead time, the it about which is like 20 kilometers from the board as probably in some areas. so this is right now where this fight is concentrated on several areas from the west and sector where we are to the central sector to the eastern sector. they've
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been several attacks over the past days yesterday. for example, his beloved claimed responsibility for around for a tax is, well, i've said that it's also i conducted several air strikes on his will infrastructure as well as using this all fortunate the also to hit the, the many targets on the audit subpacket. it's bank the target banks for has been the infrastructure in the past that was definitely locked over the years since 2006 will attend today. as well as using this opportunity to hit this infrastructure at the same time as well as using this opportunity to head the, the is really the intelligence jobs that ain't got but opposite on the board or whether it's communication up or not. this is whether it's kind of rush out of the same time hitting direct to is ready in front 3. and we've been since that we've been seeing several of the casualties over the past days. is it wrong for them? and it says rejected us accusations. it's helps humans cruelties attack vessels and
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the red sea washington says to hahn is providing drones, missiles and tactical intelligence. k. gammon bas, settle high. for example. trade on human has officially declared its position. it's official spokesman repeats their actions daily demons moving the red sea is completely in any move in support of gaza. and this american accusation about involvement is a baseless accusation against the islamic republic. regarding the issue of the coalition of the red sea, i think the americans before trying to create a coalition that will not help the situation um it should stop genocide or crimes and human siege enforced migration of gaza residents to areas in egypt and jordan in the future, as in the dreams of this faith and his real resume. hope the fighters are continuing to attack strips, traveling near the bottom and up straight. that's a narrow seat passage between yemen and to booty. providing a route from the radians see to the red sea by so, so that has more functionality or several countries have military bases, including the us,
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a war on guys that is not doing the original war. that's happening between how my son, israel bodies having a global verification. so a pentagonal sports person has said that on saturday, a drone struck an oil tanker in the indian ocean and she said that the throne, the incident happened a $200.00 new decal miles from the cost of india. and he says that that one was a one way attack to them directly fired from the wrong. and so this is coming right off the official saying that you run into attacks that are conducted by these in the red sea and also the united kingdom maritime trade operations say that at dawn was fly low on a rustle that was cruising through the red sea and for the after that, it explored it, so it's not clear whether it was trying to attack the wessel or whether it was conducting this, certainly as activities. still ahead and i'll just say the mexico in the united
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states worked together to reduce the fold tens of thousands of migrants, tons across the border into the us, the hello there for south america. there are 2 areas of concern. we're watching where there is a clutch of storms pushing across the north of brazil, bringing some very heavy rain into southern parts of columbia and further across into peru, an equitable we could see some flooding from those storms. we've got another developing set of storms pushing that way across the north of origin, tina, across the uruguay in to pyro glass, bringing some very heavy rain here, and those are likely to drop temperatures. but across that central bad, we scored an area of high pressure sandwich didn't and it's pushing temperatures up
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full bolivia and eastern areas of brazil for the down in the south. what it continues to says all across parts of it should have santiago coming up to 36 degrees celsius to for a festive christmas day. and that's not the case temperature wise, of course pots with central america and the caribbean things, we don't lot cooler for cuba as well as the bahamas. and we are going to see some wet weather starting to push its way east tanks to this area of low pressure. second, a lot of the energy away from mexico is to find dry settled whether to be found here. but there is that what? so whether pushing its way further east, as that area of low pressure takes the storms to florida and cuba by christmas day the, it's the world slow down. we stand for as homes with tips of global nichols reserves. indonesia is points to leave the global, the battery industry. we definitely manage our abundant resources and play
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a role in solar energy. harnessing offerings. 75 percent of the global carbon credits essential. committed between environmental protection, enhancing investments, alignment, digital licensing, your better tomorrow of the georgia. i'll just need a reminder. i told stories this out. is there any forces there showing no sign in scanning, boxed of offensive and gaza despite growing international calls for restraint? at least $200.00 palestinians are being killed in the latest strikes. young bombardment is increasing pressure and survivors who don't have enough food or other basic items. and oxidation says the risk of pharma is increasing for the day
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. is very ami says at least 14 soldiers have been killed in fighting and gaza over the weekend on saturday israel stuff and one of its worst daily losses since the start of the concert when 8. so start okay, let's bring you some of the days of the news. ukraine says it's air defenses. i've shown done 14 russian jones of the size of the country. caves, as it were launched from the eastern coast of the sea of us off in russia, no casualties have been reported. great. instead of down to $24.00 russian drones on friday, most of them heading for the planning and capitol. it's not 3 weeks. this is gerald russian opposition leader alexi, nevada and it was last seen this. family members have not have contact with them since december. the 6th is court hearings have been postponed until january. the bonding had been removed from a prison near moscow to an undisclosed location following a quarterly earlier this year, is having a 19 year sentence on charges of extremism to one of the leading presidential
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candidates in democratic republic of congo as, as a general election held on wednesday, she'll be a node once it got to me excited massive fold into poll. other opposition candidates of also called for protests next week. catherine. so i as in the gap in conjunction with the latest and we have hard from the left. so commission and the commission to say that they are still compiling the results and they also say that the new king, in 2 cases of an extra and mock practices are calling stations and you know, destruct. so not all of by lots of boxes and papers as well know about that issue in north cube province, where voting is still going on. but the materials did not arrive until very recently, the material has to be transported by
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a and even also the materials got to the destination of poor tub. had to physically take the materials to the paulding stations because of the bad roads. and these are the things that we've been talking about in the last couple of days, this logistical problems that the country has been facing. and then this prompted the electoral commission basically to push the election to extend a voting by today. but open, we certainly do the things that by itself is unconstitutional. the position leaders of especially the candidates are saying that they want fresh elections and they say nothing else except to go to them. and on group and their own day has claimed responsibility for an attack. and a southern village authorities involved the so say 19 civilians including 12
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children, were killed along with a policeman on group calling itself red to bottom, says it killed 10 members of the security forces. areas near the border with the democratic republic of congo. the group has a base, i didn't suppose that had a nickel processing factor in indonesia is killed at least 12 people in injured searching 9 others the boss to place out here on sunday and caused other oxygen types to explode as well. indonesian island is a hub for the production of nickel based metal used for the electric vehicle. batteries and stainless steel. parts of bay routes are being flooded off to the cities river bust as banks, heavy rain fall and the liberties capital lead to the river flooding roads. at least 40 cars were left stranded and some drivers it'd be free to buy emergency workers. the anti immigrant alternative for germany party is hoping to build on an electrical breakthrough after winning its 1st male contest in a large eastern time. for months the party has been searching and the national
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polls. dominic came reports from pen for many germans. winter is a time for christmas markets, and in that sense, piano is no exception. but in another sense, it's unique because this town has just a link to those. it's meant tim lock that open links to the far right policy, alternative for germany. many people here on sure what to make of it. so i think it's okay that finally someone else is in the job that they might have a different perspective from the main parties, but maybe things will change here soon as well. i'm cuz i was the decide that this happened. let's see how things turn out to me last night. we'll take office here in the town hall in february representing of moments of trying to him personally. but also for the, if day, this is the 1st may oh, election victory in this country. it's also a demonstration of the strengths, particularly here in the old east germany. the one on the list says it's profiting
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from the main stream. potties errors, the best labor to day for the if the would be for the entire green or the entire vote party in germany. and because of green politics will no longer appreciate this . that's much by a big percentage of german population and being folk is not that are attractive for most germans, eva on average. the policy is pulling around, so she has sent across what was the old east germany, but in 3 states were important to elections on to you in september. it's a leading stomach all the way out of the crisis to return to reason stopping off migration by closing the borders and end to migration magnets such as citizens benefits, basic child protection, passport, fraud, and residency for everyone who comes here. the main stream potties of always ruled at working with the alternative for germany on any level, but that was when it was struggling to win votes. now it's hard to,
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to ignore this election so nice to terminate. i really will be a really devastating moment. i think for germany because we will see that there will be governments which can only be filled by an old party coalition against the of this on the surface life in eastern germany is calm, but it's clear the tide of far right. populism is rising. here. september's elections will show us how high dominant cane al jazeera piano. the record numbers of migrants are crossed into the united states from its southern border. this year, maybe 2 and a half 1000000 people are reported to have cost in 2023, with a record of nearly 10 fighters. and in a single day, off to discussions between mexico and the us migrants on the borders. a mexico started imposing horshal measures and those trying to make the journey image and came to reports of the traveling thousands of phenomena to these migrants across
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the grounds between mexico and the united states. some say the hardest part of the journey was through mexico. the plaza, they take our money, they hits women and children. they don't care about anything. mexican police immigration authorities are chasing us. they don't care if they crash against us. or if a trained on just over, they are causing accidents. mexican security forces, or imposing tulsa measures to, to, and hold back record numbers of migrants attempting the crossing over the mexican authorities, police immigration offices. and um, what the judge is up to $120.00 to let us pass. what happens in the mexican authorities? i'm mistreating the migrants. how is that too many duty and these people being taken to self in mexico, you buy plane as part of a re pop creation plan, extra measures of the going off the mexican president on drugs. manuel lopez, overdue, and us president joe biden met to discuss cutting numbers of migrants. but the
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buddha. yes, and this company's deal. it got saturated and became a problem. and they had to hold transport and shut down the buddha. so, but really solving it, the agreement is to keep working together. we have a proposal to boost our plans. many of those attempting to cross the border thing, violence, property, and other crises in the heart of nations. but with the board and up in instruction and mexico, i to restrict the numbers, making that trip is likely to get even harder image and kinda, which is 0. ok, let's return to the war on garza, israel's continuous talkative hospitals is put into strips, remaining health care services in jeopardy nurses are often boxing against the order to provide basic care with limited resources. here are some of their stories and heavy and um then how much was it all? well, how came up with some of them on the move football practice? i can just sit on the head out as a bed by the way. i'm ok the how to, i mean,
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i think the do most of the item entice the most of the, looking at the saw me the vase and how did, when i look at the anomaly or the on the why it cannot this at that i'm a but we not want to get if we base what the law i'm and even with special heads up it'll be say if you notice that the want me for them and see how did it can that it was a legit. ahead and then had it to ship the video. oh cool. yeah. i mean i love that comment. it's the whole the thing flock. well, so hold on to that. it was a lot and i'll put comedy from either that it got stuck in the apple. yeah. as either i'm supposed to have that it'll be nice. yeah. now locally searching for the subject to the body for the bench mode, you have them inside the field and nothing on your phone. i have a home, i'm father and that one cannot seem to, well, that's the way it was on the line that my book and i wouldn't kind of should end up
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with you to sell them at acumen. and that's my that's, that's going to do this. but i have not huh. yeah, yeah. and then i mean, if you make an offer, and so what's the loss of my home on the iphone and the came another gene fia, and then i'm going to some to any, hey, i let you know, we'll see how and it up look, gotten me on this up now while i'm from the 911104, but we have to incentive the studies in it. and then a, i mean, does it need a different system? does that mean my associated school that you like to have? if one have the full, the 11th as well, and what is that to how, what is it, how it could lead by law? i thought of letting that might and you had them by jani, that feeling? i'm like, fuck get mad. that's all right, let the bomb maintenance as have been met and i had a sociable home it came out and they, i need a hand on the can. you can see us of holding on was specified. somebody didn't mean an estimate the he and how would i know it's been with us,
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vanessa 5 to look and i'm of have i'm glad that it's always best fun. yeah. because the fact that hannah, i want to have him, i like to have no way of doing something a, with the shame and have them if you had any luck with daniel, an amended levels of the legs of mine, i'm going to be let in. i like for fun us to mean christians and the occupied westbank christmas celebrations this year have been muted because of the war on garza. this is a time when sizes a tourist would normally visit that they have believed to be the best place to of jesus christ. but is need abraham's opponents instead of celebration? many are praying for peace. the, the christmas wars are buried knew how to do the hums along this traditional christmas carol in the lutheran church and bethlehem. but her sister, indeed, was buried under the revel. she was taking refuge in the greek orthodox church
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because as the oldest christian establishment, the church was hit, it is really won't be on october, the 19th. my brothers went to left in church, but the sisters went to the growth of just the 1st showing was to the vehicle. so that's immediately, not as big as they said that i want to know immediately. she was under the descent and they the way of looking for her and she stayed for oh, i understand that he had brothers rage didn't make it. no, i suppose he needed an urgent medical operation, but he could not get to a hospital. do her comes to church to find sol as she gets support from the community even from those she doesn't know a delegation of church leaders around the world travel to the occupied westbank to express their sympathy and sort of darzy. god will not leave us alone.


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