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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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as a set, i'll just say is most i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at your think? is it the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of woman is it per ottoman? this is the new zone line from jo. how coming out for the next 60 minutes as well, bombard, stayed on, but in central gaza, after ordering people to move from the north, thousands media offices, 28 people have encountered an economic, have destroyed shops and offices in ruins on
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a central street in kansas city. the shop, there's ready, prime minister says the woman's also as exact thing, a heavy price as it. some of the trade desk told nouns and did all the news and go in frustration of the democratic republic of congo. as the opposition denounces the general election as a chef the, it's 16 gmc, that is 6 pm and the gaza strip. for at least a $166.00 people have been killed by is ready to get tax. and the past 24 hours is riley, military is been ordering. people in northern gauze or to fleet south was to the neighborhood of the law. but over night, missiles had struck these evacuation zones. the government media office and gaza says at least 28 people have been killed in the law. in the past 2 days, cases, he's quiz of in ruins. this is the find me back streak market and gaza city. it was
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an intersection of commerce, culture and community for more than half a century and tense is very shunting has reduced a or to a level as palestinian um, through its counter as well as ground invasion from minister benjamin netanyahu says the was exacting a heavy price on the military, that was where the army says $14.00 of its soldiers have been confirmed cold since friday. that's cost to our correspondence arctic of wisdom. he's joining us live from alpha and southern gaza and product. what is the latest situation on the ground and gaza both with the attacks and the fighting on the yes, elizabeth attack, some of the fighting, called the ground, had been a slate thing and accelerating within the last 24 hours. and according to the use really on the announcements, it's considered to be one of the low do you stay for both, for these very ami as the number of casualties along the lines of these pretty forces had increased to date. also from the palestinian slide,
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the military operations on the ground had intensified at the time b. now the main focus of these really all me is on the middle areas of the church. we are talking about a great, i'm most i right there is that which right now is a, is also are receiving different evacuation, oldest to sleep, move to the south of the territory as people start to gather in. these are also a lot of the roads getting themselves ready to flee to southern parts of gauze, which is now over the overwhelmed with people and a factory resent a the, the, the, a real situation in terms of, i think he's very palming detached back sort of rate that according to the palestinian minister of health we there, there is around 166000 years have been killed during the last 24 hours with more than 300 others who have been critically wanted then right now, confrontations continue in, so it goes on different axes, in terms of devalue refuge, account or confrontations on the grounds of the military operations by the
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palestinian fighters. continue to look on to swat up to its militarily made by the occupation forces to take full control of the area as well in separate areas and ashika wolds, one neighborhood active and i thought was areas in central paper hits have gone to city were a, were operations by a palestinian fighters, including military officials, including swiping operations and also a striking the artillery of the military vehicles of the occupation forces continued since the hours of to this morning. and thought, what are your situation for those who are fleeing but fighting and who are fleeing attack x? it's been 2 days and so you run past that resolution quoting from a to end to gaza . have we seen any difference in what's available to people that well and in fact respond to the appreciate if you and resolution to increase the size and the numbers of the aides humanitarian age that will be allowing through
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into the goals district within the coming days. it's considered to be a bind to the step, but you facts there. is there any kind of tactical development in terms of the numbers of the trucks that is getting out that are getting into a gauze on daily basis? we're talking about only 100 up to 100 and $58.00 trips are getting into dollars on these. and these amounts of a is considered to be very limited and cannot completely match the demands of a 2300000 of palestinians who have been going through such her rustic days of bombardments and also get your ration and their humanitarian conditions. as we have been seeing people and watching them when daily basis, they are lining up for long towers in the front of the gates of the united nation distribution centers waiting for having access and loan trends agrees just to get partial and very limited amounts of a humanitarian supplies, we're talking about bands of
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a few bags of the smaller some bottles of water and some kinds of things that can not be enough for the kind of a city, an extended families which could, which completely are suffering. and it's the limited humanitarian access. it to gaza strip or thought it. thank you very much for that. that is thought a couple isn't with the laser situation in gaza as well as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has offered his condolences to the families of his ride. he's killed in the will, but he says the country will fight until the end, and it's broken on correspondent ben smith. he's joining us live from kind of eve and the prime minister netanyahu has been speaking, been it making a point of saying that as well as not taking any directions from the united states . what's he been saying? yeah, as well as the prime minister was talking after a subsidy evening phone conversation with whitehouse and he was present joe biden. and both parties issued statements after those after that conversation but with
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differing emphasis on the different detail in those. and. busy was set in those conversations. the white house was most will come and get it set. joe biden has had a long talk with benjamin netanyahu. it said i was about the objectives. i'm phasing of the military operation as well as the critical need. it says to protect civilians and this is because as we know, over the last few weeks, that's been pressure from the us administration on as well, to move to a less intensive phase of the war to try and launch more strategically. targeted mississauga the how much is leadership role the more but once cool being discriminant, foaming of gauze that is going on at the moment. but from benjamin netanyahu, whose office it was simply that we knew all who had said we will fight until absolutely victorious. and that was old danielle is always have to say about that. he did say a little bit more about his conversation with fight. and just before today, sundays,
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cabinet meets high people. so means we have seen falls publications claiming that the us preventive and he's preventing us from operational operations in the region . that is not true. israel is a sovereign state, our decisions and the war are based on our operational considerations. and i will not elaborate on that. they're not dictated by external pressures. the. so what about internal pressure has been at how is the news of more is why the soldiers being killed recently being received it, is it pushing any pressure on the government? while there is still widespread support in israel for his prosecution of the war in gaza, there's not a lot of cars. no coal here really for any sort of slow down as there is an international goals and they slowed at for a cease fire or any change in tactics. but there is, as nothing, you know, is admitted today the was exacting a very heavy price. we've just had in the last hour the announcement,
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the death of another israeli soldier and god. so that means 50 now have been killed since friday. the total of $487.00 since october, the 7th. well, decimal is your test, so you're in israel out of a sensitive subject because almost every 18 year old jewish is riley is called up to do military service. and it comes just as well seems to be stepping up its activities on the ground in gauze. and we know that the military size is going to send more soldiers to a division as launching more tax in the south of gauze of bodies in the con eunice out. alright, boone, and thank you very much for that. that is ben smith with the latest live instead of a leading is waiting newspaper, has cooled for a drastic change of direction in the will. and editorial and hard says enough for the mass coming in gaza. the distinction must be made between cutting him off terrorist and home and citizens. the fact that there are 129 kidnapped his radius detained. it must be taken into account as well must push an initiative to return
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them and be prepared to pay a heavy prize for the seas far. and the liberation of palestinian prisoners will get in levy as a columnist at hearts. and he told eleanor 0, he surprised at how limited the pressure has been on nothing. y'all one to him. now we are after a year of breakfast against it, then you know. and in those times it was much, much bigger and stronger, and more vocal and moist when sure. there is a certain pressure considering only one issue, releasing the hostages or the wrist is attached. i mean, obviously the sacrifice of god that doesn't interest anybody in this way. but even those things, soldiers, which is so over for every family and every, every individual is not a leverage right now for a growing process. not yet. the process is going, but there's not yet from the beginning. i saw that 1st the book is where it has to
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make a choice, is to have it's priorities, either correction come us with me and what that means or releasing the hostages. you dental to have them both. and is i misled the deeper the government, the obviously both side going and end to end, but that's not the case reaching a point in which it's very clear that these are these bas bearings. now continuing the war over releasing the hostages, and this must be said that it's a very good choice of the i spoke to modules where he's the director of the golf study, sent a couple university. he says the direction is where others taking remains on certain or the last a few days. we have had many of interviews updates um uh, newspaper yet and is writing this paper and tossed it into english and all of them
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indicate that there is a huge division within there. whereas i should go the 1st, the 1st, the 1st issue is done is right, actually, both with basically we can have a mouse or order, or in thomaston does, and, and for you to cup this. now most of the you say you kind of is where it kinda to be both they come up, well even do one can as well and eliminate come off. that's a limited time as i cannot get into the life of the car. because so far, every time they attract that, as that, they lost many of those cars until the 24 hours ago. they are now. so 5 of those captains where to go. so basically the argument, the now the whole government kind of drew both. so they have to choose which one can help is right off, basically it using the marginalization as relation of in the national and community, the using the, the,
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the level of pressure on it. because of all of these vision by human rights, and also a reducing the price on it because of all of this, this respect to the human life and does so what is the best solution? that's what they ask. do you think is real k as about what you're saying is the marginalization on the international community. when it's gracious allied, the united states is very much standing by them. it will have impact because the world is changing. and it knows very well that the survivor is connected is by connecting itself to the work, the more isolated the lesson. so it'd be secure and it's month enough to divide on the united states. yes. sort of data and basically go to visit i in germany says we have another strong ally. it's just many. so they are, they are awarded for example, a belgium position of the financial position of spain or position, but the unhappy of german. and they're not in the states,
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so they know the weight of support internationally. but as a kind of mclee, politically and militarily. and there is a huge, i mean, a benefit announcement is kind of to continue this war without the support of its allies, including the united states. before the larger, as an employee of the united nations and gaza. he says his brother was executed by israeli soldiers when they rated their home in jabante a in northern gaza. i don't want of you on that. that's a from lot. i was new and i am a un stuff. unfortunately, they don't have messy on the un stuff. in a low and international organization stuff. i live in this apartment with my family . the sniper went down to tons came to this area and i told them, and he that the only civilians in this building. but they showed us, my son, my niece, and the 3rd one. i kept telling them we need to be treated like no wait. they continued their shooting. they broke the gates and they brought us down. they told us to take
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a coats off and then told us to come to this area. i told them there was some good people here, but they didn't care. they asked me if i'm with you and stuff. i told them, yes, they took me with the money to get to me 4 times. they accuse me of being a member of how much and i am not to be and they asked me where i was on october 7th. i said i was at home preparing myself to go to my school. they left the children pleading for more than an hour. they told me that the resistance light that used to shut from our house. and of course, that is not true. i told it to my brother in front of my mother with them. they shot him from under his change of hitting his entire calls while they didn't allow me to say good bye to my dead brother. we're good. they kept asking me if i'm asked me, but i told them, no, i'm not a mess. should i bring the you in? because the you and stuff have not protection of them, but these really forces bond to my house. why did they do that? i'm not
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a system fight talk. you have to find that they gave us up papers. i see we ok that we didn't do anything wrong. we will who mediated my brother was killed. my children wounded for no reason. what's our fault? what's the fault of disobedience? so united nations as warning that palestinians of gaza facing catastrophic levels of hunger and the risk of dying from salmon is increasing. its children's agencies uni says says 1200000 palestinians are experiencing emergency levels of acute food and security. children are deprived of 90 percent of water, they need each day to survive. $335000.00 children under the age of 5 are at higher risk of severe mal nutrition and preventable death. and the agency estimates maybe 10000 children on the 5 will suffer the most life threatening form of malnutrition, non a severe wasting, and will need paraplegic foods. the un high commissioner for refugees, for the for brandy,
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says that extra monetary and cx 5 remains essential heroes on the social media platform, x to a to reach people in need. hostages needs to be released and move displacement needs to be avoided. his trust above all that the for the devastation, loss of lives, needs to stop and said that the humanitarian sees font and gaza is the only way forward. us as well as continuous targeting of hospitals is put into strips, remaining health care services in jeopardy, necessary often battling against the all to provide basic care with limited resources. here with some of the stories and heavy and um on top of all wow, how came up for some of them on the move football practice? i was going to say i'm gonna head out as a bed by the way. i'm ok the how to, i mean, i think the do most of the item entice the most of the nothing on the
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sub me the day if it had when i look at the anomaly or they want it can at this at that i'm a believe i want to get the food base with, you know, i'm and even with special hubs, that it'll be say if you next that the want me for that. i'm gonna see how did the fact that it can that it was already the had and then had at the ship the bed yet. oh cool. yeah. i mean, i love them and it's the whole, the thing flock will solve that. it was a lot and i'm, i think i'm any form of either that it got stuck in the apple. yeah. out as event special has that it'll be nice. and i look forward to searching for the study feel by you for the, the engineering. the how i'm inside the to do nothing, only a phone. i have a home, i'm probably a net and we cannot seem to or less than lake washington. my. net my book and i wouldn't kind of should the, for you to sell him as a key to me and that's my, that's how you do this. but i have not had the young man. i mean, it seems to me,
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i can all hot air. so what's the thoughts of my home on the iphone and the kind of messaging via i'm going to some of any, hey, i let you know mostly huh. and this outlook gotten me on this up? no, well i'm from the 9110 mental health and full, but we have to incentive the studies in it and then a, i mean, does it need a different system? does that mean my associate of school that you left? yeah. if one have the code, the 11 was, was home. and what is that to how, what is it, how it could lead by law, i thought of letting that might and you had them by jani, that feeling, i'm like the fact get mad. that's all right. let the maintenance as to be met and i had a sociable home it came out and they, i need a hand on the can. you can see us of holding on was specified. somebody didn't mean an estimate the he and how would i know it's been with us, vanessa 5 to look and i'm of have i'm glad that it's always best fun. yeah. because the fact that hannah, i want to have him, i like to have no way of doing something a with that shouldn't have them. if you had any luck with daniel,
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an amended that to some legs of mind. i'm going to be let in alex on the one of the leading presidential candidates and democratic republic of congo says a general election held on wednesday should be in no most kitchen, but he says there's been massive fold into poll. other offices and candidates have also quoted for approach has next week delays doing wednesdays elections at to an extension of what we're seeing, some of the se compromised as the credibility of the valid election results. so expect and next week. well and can, shall. so catherine solar reports on people's fee is a further disruption, as the elections continue to be disputed. it depends on who you talk to some people at the same place, steve, other left troll commission, a chance to do it still, but then there are those who are saying that, well, the selection is
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a strong and there has to be fresh, fresh election because the credit really see a bill extra and has been put to question we have gone around to different charge is sunday and people are saying that the whole thing full piece full out come. but they also blame the laptop commission as a government for not doing their job or not preparing well. and they said that they are afraid that any thing that comes out of it and he's the election is disputed, it's going to be very problematic. indeed. the client says it's a defense, as i've shut down 14 russian drawings of the south of the country to use has ever launched from the eastern coast of the sales. as all been russia, no casualties were reported. decline set it down to 24. russian joins on friday, most were heading for the ukrainian capital. patrick theory is a defense and security analyst to the university of boss and a form and nature of analyst. he says, you claim needs to plan for the next few years to keep office fight against russia
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. i think really what we're saying is it an attempt by russia to. ready inflict as much time as does it come on. you've probably been infrastructure over the winter months to increase pressure on ads and ski, and indeed that the wider population, whether they're actually that effective, given the amount of air defense going in. we've had recently numerous companies including norway, give utah forms to you, right? uh, it doesn't seem so because then the see the number of either missiles or drones getting shut down is incredibly high. this employee 34 jacks, which seem to be most as it were by uh, a new patriot system. and that's because because the ukrainians have more systems coming in and they can start to move the night towards the phone lines. and then in this case, catch the russians off guard cuz they weren't expecting us so far. really it's,
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it's not much changed. the russians are trying to overwhelm their defense. they using cheaper drones to do. there's a cost balance thing there, which is to be taken into account, but so far they haven't been effective. i think it is. there's some reasonable questions about what is the long term strategy here at the training and military of said they need, you know, 500000 ross for 500 has more. you probably needs to be mobilized. i don't think that would be exceeded to by that lensky. but uh, give them wherever we are. there may need to be some re thinking about what is the actual likelihood of you claim being able to take back all of his territory, for example, against a larger uh, larger entity in which is so potentially there you need to resort plan the strategy aged probably 2026 and not to be resort as well. you great may have to go on the defensive in 2024 to actually train, i'd be ready to do something and 2025. and we need to get those. those ducks in a row that were as it is now,
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3 weeks since jailed russian opposition leader alexi nev only was last seen his family member say they haven't had contact with him since december 6th. his court hearings have been postponed until january. the volley had been removed from prison, there must go to an undisclosed location. following the court ruling earlier this year, he $7.19 your sentence on charges of extremism. record numbers of life in some cross to enter the united states along the southern georgia, maybe 2 and a half 1000000 people have reported to have made their way into the us to see it needed 10000 crossed and a single day image and timber reports of the troubling thousands of phenomena to these migrants across the grounds between mexico and the united states. some say hold is posted, the journey was through mexico, the plaza. they take our money, they hits women and children. they don't care about anything, mexican police and reducing storage. these are chasing gus. they don't care if they crush against us. or if a trained runs us over,
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they are causing accidents. mexicans, security forces, or imposing tulsa measures to, to and hold back, record numbers of migrants attempting the crossing. over the mexican authorities, police immigration offices in um, what the judge is up to $120.00 to let us pass. what happens in the mix? it going to sort of these are mistreating the migrants. how is that too many duty and these people being taken to self in mexico by plane, as part of a repub creation plan. extra measures have begun. often, mexican president, hundreds, manuel lopez, overdue. and us president joe biden met to discuss cutting numbers of migrants at the border. yes. and this company's deal. it got saturated and became a problem. and they had to hold transport and shut down the powder. so, but really solving it, the agreement is to keep working together. we have a proposal to boost our plans. as many of those attempting to cross the border, i think violence,
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poverty and other crises in the heart of nations. but with the partnership in australian and mexico act restrict the numbers, making that trip is likely to get even harder imaging, kinda which is 0. pharma is around the world of worried about the impact of climate change with many expecting pull a harvest from the coming years has come on high. the reports from pocket funded minutes discussion need someone now to an individual funding to get the most down to the end. this is get a good buzz dish done. head and focused on your administrative catch me the blunting keys in a short the winter, the long and cold. the farmer said that increasingly on the mercy of changing weather, packing and i did spitting the last of it to make a girl before winter said thing. it one of the lucky ones benefiting from much game offered by the united nations international fund for agriculture development,
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or i find it all for the money to help local people to boost their agricultural output. them opens here to make a business is me a local used to plot of across some open fields to local seats. but all we are using habits, see basic stuff to support what the code for me and making more money by using less than half of the that most people ahead have small land holdings. where do i know making bigger profit stands to where to go for me? not far away in the same village we made a lot of money as children are helping him pick tomatoes in garden more used by using just 110th of the line. so the nape, i know, was it was difficult to make ends meet with traditional funding, but now i make these profits with less than of this new way of farming offering the promising future to people in the region does good. but this dawn is the region of river mountains and glass, yet people here depend on agriculture jobs,
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but with less than one percent edible line. and the use of the additional med 3rd. farmers that have drug a do increase productivity. no more than most people are changing age or traditions to read the benefits of work to go to farming, to supplement their incomes and support that families come all i that i just need to go to get a good, but this starts still ahead on knowledge as a rough flashing along the israel 11 on board a escalates as well. the tax, what it says hezbollah military size the brought to you by visit capital, a hello. that was not in south asia, and it's a relatively settled in fly picture across much of the region. but we're still
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seeing those folks and smoking issues affecting northern parts of india and some surely stotts to the mornings. but lots of hazy sunshine to be found across pockets done, and the north of india clear skies as well for the central air. isn't that heavy? rain has ease now with just some showers coming into tumble, nodded and careless showers as well for sri lanka. and the mold is, the heavier rain moves away from the north east of india. we can trace that as we head east, pulling across into west in pots of china, or a little weather system, bringing some heavier rain and wintery conditions, but it falls apart by the time we get into choose day. here we're skies to the north beijing at 4 degrees celsius a. so a little cold, but not as cold as it has been. and some improvement for the east across the korean peninsula. so coming in at 6 degrees celsius the on choose date with sunshine, the west coast animal when true weather is too looking across mold in areas of japan. but in terms of temperatures, we will see some improvement over the next few days. still bitterly cold. up in the
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north look at shanghai 11 to be celsius, maximum high there on tuesday. that should weather update the quote to you by visit cuts on examining the impact of today's headlines. explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on l. g 0. what constitutes exempt, so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have lead them in different countries. in the policy i'm, it's going to get 50 percent representation in the hearing in accountability and benefits. no intelligent service this claimant reports would
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that i should just trust the community off to the side effects the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of the the you watching me, elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to of on top stories. the solid overnight, just waiting. this all strikes have had evacuation songs and date of alarm. central gaza, at least 28 people have been killed in the past 2 days. more than 20400 pounds demands have now been killed since the one goes up again. and only the last 24 hours, at least 166 people have been killed by,
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as well as continued as strikes and shunning. and that was really ami says at least 15 soldiers have been killed and fighting and gaza over the weekend. on saturday, israel suffered one of us was daily lost, staunch the consequence. 8 some just died. humans jose say a us navy ship 5 missile targeting, one of the drawings of the red sea. they say the missile exploded near a ship travelling from russia. that's bringing our correspondent russell said bob, he's joining us live from boutique. there's a lot more of a who's he's saying about the latest incident as well. there, there is certainly an escalation in the red sea. so we have seen that the us, the statement saying that today they have shut down for drones belonging to the 40 is that were set to attack the american destroyers. and now who these are coming up with this statement,
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saying that the us the has fired to where the reconnaissance chosen to the hosting is the corner since plain and hastily and very much confusion. and as a result, one of the ship belonging to god born was, was, was the home. so we do not know the extent of this explosion, whether now the ship is stuck there or not. but they said that we confirmed that the track to the international maritime navigation is not a result of their own actions. but rather it is because of the minister position of the red sea by america and its allies who came to the region to protect israel. and they said that if americans continue, they are bullying aca, bullying activities. the red sea will be a building every now. so this is a, a direct track, and not only to the usa, they also say the country is bordering the rats. the also must realize the reality of the dentures that threaten their national security. so in this,
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they're sending out a clear message if the things escalate, they are also going to further expand this war and it's going to affect the countries that are nap neighbor in the red sea. and very soon, as you said, the photos, the us saying it's shot down full with the drawings headed to us, one of us warships. what kind of impact is this escalation having all the region i was seeing already, the impact. so for all defies largest are called what company use they already have holes a day or activities across the red sea. and now they're rerouting the ships from the red sea and directing them to around africa. so it is affecting the deliberate of time. it is increasing the cost and the prize and so on, and also writes cheer and right behind me in the port of ju booty. vfc we were seeing several cargo ships that are scanned, that she had, i'm waiting for these and days to get the clearance. so now which i see that the
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red sea is partially closed, and the red sea is the home for almost more than 20 percent of the global maritime trade. and if the escalation continues, probably that that, that, that is even going to be worse. and if it comes to a complete hold, that is going to affect the global economy. and this is coming in a time while the governments across the globe are trying to deal with the inflation . but these things go like that. probably that is going to affect and on the mind that the for all right, very so thank you very much for that. that's how this will set that up for the latest live and booty. as the pentagon says, more than 20 countries have agreed to participate in the us led coalition in the red sea to some fee attacks, the red se is $1.00 of the world's most important shipping routes for oil and gas between asia and europe. in the south. the now about a month of the straits between africa and the radian financial,
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it connects the red sea. the gulf is 8 and 12 percent of the goals, trade and 10 percent of global ord carried by ships that goes through the strait. suez canal connects of etsy with the mediterranean sea. it is the shortest shipping route between europe and asia. 15 percent of the rules now tom traffic passes through the suez canal. since the vendor who these have targeted vessels me about on monday, i'm forcing may just shipping and oil companies to suspend operations through the red sea rerouted vessels perhaps and make a longer journey. all the way down the east coast of africa via the southern tip of the continent. david, the rush is a professor at the national defense university and full of pentagon, director of arabian financial affairs. and he says that the on going us let if it's to make the red c safe again. so commercial ships will take time. we seen drones and missiles shot down by us ships by saudi land forces by his early land forces,
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by a british ship. and by a french ship, so there's kind of a multi national effort against the, you know, this attempt to disrupt the civilian maritime traffic. the only difference is now there's a formal us lead escort coalition that will allow ships to move under military protection. and there's an alternate french leg, one that will probably do the same thing right now. what you have our ships performing different mission. so one of the ships that shot down a lot of the who, the drones and missiles is actually of us estimation is actually assigned to counter piracy in the gulf of a, by having an organized a system of escorts. the commercial carriers will be able to trans, at the suez canal, link up with the coalition, and then sale through the babel manda of under international protection. capital is, is cowardly. and i think that, you know, it makes sense to avoid an area where there's a,
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a threat to see what happens and see how it takes full. so i would expect it to take, you know, some time before procedures are establishing before there's a level of confidence. i mean, bear in mind, these are on our commercial ships that are being attacked with weapons of war. let's go back to the situation and gaza and the united nation and says that needed to many and people the facing city of food and water shortages on the south. chevy has gain access to northern gaza and reports on the little surprises that as missing me a little while also hired to order the crisis in gauze i. he's getting hard, the lifeline of the displaced people here in w refugee comp. these radio base and forces bummed wells and decidedly nation plants here in north because a lot of i'm not going to do any of music when i came from the very far away place to fill these barrels water we live in. come on that one. we don't have any water that we have to make a lot of effort to carry these barrels back to our area. they put the hose onto the level to get some of the volts,
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and it is really suitable for drinking situations. catastrophic law help us who are simply people in our building and we need to bring both to twice a day because he's borrows early enough for half a day at the gym and as the human i've been my my so i have to send me from a leeway area to get water from here. i told my father we have to live and we have to face the danger of circumstances out here in order to stay in life. my brothers are with me. the water is sometimes enough for a day and sometimes it's not. i do my best to feed my doctor because i use my donkey to bring water. sometimes we share water with our neighbors. suggested as we put too much effort the long distance is to get want to have the every family needs what god knows, how many kilometers on the walk every day and to get some more to go to help all the fees the yeah. the what the will be as what assume the water is polluted and a lot of people are having diarrhea and vomiting that is not,
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i'm willing to take them to medical center. they slowly forced a set of the vent, so as not to get the people any chance of drink clean. what was that was nothing the least that you know, the, i mean, besides the lack of water, there are other crises. there is a lot of electricity and food is very set and this eventually i lock some of compound and occupied east jerusalem. they came in under the protection of israeli police and carried out tools of its coal towns on from days rarely false has created check points to prevent palestinians from reaching the mosque since the beginning of the war, several christian facilities and individuals have come under attack from his body forces, these are the names of all the question, palestinians have been killed in those attacks since the war began. on october 17th, some displays christians were killed in the strife on the out of the baptist hospital complex. 2 days later, one of the oldest christian establishments in gauze of the greek orthodox church
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was bombed. in another attack on this compound, on october 20th, at least 17 christians were code including 10 from one family, 7 more injured. then on november 15th, an elderly man was children killed by israeli forces. outside gauze is only cash for the church. and they have been 3 more attacks this month, including one that destroyed the major greek orthodox church. while the number of palestinian christians acosta occupied territories as dropping rapidly with many blaming the stress of the israeli occupation for leaving their lands. lower con has more now from bethlehem to some of the world's oldest christian communities can be found here in the occupied westbank. and also in israel and garza, many of them can trace the heritage back 2000 years to the bus of christianity and even the nickname of the living stones. there are 6 main to norman ations hostile 3
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close adults. the search roman catholic others include narrow knights, lutherans, august 10th, and a medium box. the number of pulsing and christians is dwindling. here in the occupied westbank. and in these drawers from the around 50000. on the other side of the is ready will be around a $130000.00 with is ready citizenship. i think goza is less than the 1000 fuss. if we go back to publish, find the full 1948, palestinian christians made up around 8 percent of the population. many were driven out during the next best. and the state of israel was created and palestinians were violently forced out by zion. this gang off to 1948, the christian population was down to about 4 percent, but now they make up less the 1.5 percent of the entire population of palestine right now. uh, i cannot go to jefferson. no one from both of them can. can go to jerusalem, go,
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this is only 5 miles away for the church. leadership are located into to send him a of 43 percent of the old city of jerusalem. it belongs to churches. uh, this is where you have the church of the whole septic or this is where you have the logo is uh, this is where you have the amount of toilets. i mean, uh and, and for christians not to be able to go there on, on each data, for example, is it right? it makes it impossible. they give betterments only to 1000 to pedestrians the while. at the same day, they gave a 15000 to jewish settlers as possible. he tells me christians living on the occupations suffer from the same restrictions as all the palestinians, including not being able to access the holy sites. on the opposite side, this will more homes out, is there a bethlehem in the occupied westbank wall as well? the price is on with his assault on garza,
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its this is also engaged on the no. the northern border with 11 on the armies has its targeting. has fallen ministry size off to several shells, will find it as rarely, troops. it's also announced the closure of several main roads leading to as rarely border towns on the hash and reports from the kuda and southern 11 on the latest stays from the airy off ivy to watch the center of the sect to the liberties is really bored. the hezbollah attacked a uh and it's ready position down, according to reports coming from the, the direct hits in one of the houses in of the most. so another another before it's coming from to the eastern set to where there are 5 ins had in my giving you all the which is i know the is really settlements on the board. the also in the morning there was an attack on dish on a couple of attacks here where we are in the food off from the food. i like to watch these really board that is really showed this area that there was several
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added strikes more than 4 strikes. so within few minutes, and i'll send this in this area also to watch these things set to one of the towns that are but the team was hit by you, but was hit. so several attacks on several areas. well, this comes in a situation where the front end up and on isn't any more like before, before. it was intertwined with the one destination. and because of what else has will are saying this is part of the support through the file. i've seen you and people now things are different with is was setting objectives to push hezbollah out on the 30 to 40, couldn't meet this away from the board, the mainly to the lead tanya river. this is right now the main objective as well as having a split thing and it's also contacting separately as strikes on daily basis. head thing has will laws, infrastructure mitra has admitted create infrastructure that hezbollah has been building over the past? 17, yes. is the last 4 in 2006, also hospitalized. hey, thing is really communication up, right?
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this is a, the tom rods, a different kind of satellites on the border. so this is kind of taking a new dimension. he owns the news is really border, is still a head on knowledge, sierra a festival of life in south korea. organizers say they came to us, the documents of the cost you the it is a tenant up there to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda for genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of it's randy public this course and seeing more voices percent self calling the race or the listening close covers how the news is come to watch
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this space for where the story goes. next. barrels of line scorched fine for you, real like accounts rising from beneath the rubble of best foot stories salvaged on the high seas, brought to the groundbreaking sounds from award winning filming the watch. listen, witness. on al jazeera, the explosion at a nickel processing factory in indonesia is reported to have killed at least 12
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people, the injured $39.00 that happened in the motor warranty, industrial park, and central. so the way the province early on sunday, the file was eventually extinguished office. several oxygen tens exploded. the indonesian island to the hub for the production of nickels, used an electric vehicle batteries and for making stainless steel. the anti immigrant alternatives to germany policy is hoping to build on an electrical breakthrough off of one of his 1st male contest and the launch easton town. the party has been searching a national pulse for months. dominant came reports from pen for many germans. winter is a time for christmas markets, and in that sense, piano is no exception, but in another sense, it's unique because this town is just selected as it's matt tim last amendment open links to the far right policy. alternative for germany. many people here on sure what to make of it. so i think it's okay that finally someone else is in the job that they might have a different perspective from the main parties,
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but maybe things will change here soon as well. i'm please. i was, did you decide that this happened? let's see how things turn out tim last night. we'll take office here in the town hall in february representing a moment of trying to him personally. but also for the if day, this is the 1st may oh election victory. in this country, it's also a demonstration of the strengths, particularly here in the old east germany. the one on the list says it's profiting from the main stream parties, errors the best labor to day for the if the would be for the entire green or the entire vote party in germany. and because of green politics will no longer appreciate this. that's much by a big percentage of german population and being folk is not that are attractive for most germans, eva on average. the policy is pulling around 30 percent across. what was the old
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east germany, but in 3 states were important to election. so to you, in september, it's a leading stomach all the way out of the crisis to return to reason stopping off migration by closing the borders and ends migration magnets such as citizens benefits, basic child protection, passport, fraud, and residency for everyone who comes here. the main stream potties of always ruled at working with the alternative for germany on any level, but that was when it was struggling to win votes. now it's hard to, to ignore this election so nice to terminate. i really will be a really devastating moment. i think for germany, because we will see that there will be governments which can only be billed by an old party coalition against the of this on the surface life in eastern germany is calm, but it's clear the tide of far right. populism is rising. here. september's
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elections will show us how high dominant cane al jazeera piano to the south korean capital. the staging a digital logic sufficient alongside a traditional land and festival during the christmas period. space of lights on and technology across sole pay tribute to nature heritage, and hope eunice come has the story from the heart of the city to a vibrant design landmark. and a plot, a light with interactive art south korea's capital is draped and hughes of light. amid the icy weather. this year we decided to create the most visited public festival in the world and prepared the wind to fish to the sol winter festival sprawls across the metropolis at the design, plaza design. but you, rocky british architect the deed, pedestrians enter
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a digital atlantis before christmas. cookies take the stage, chromebook on palace, the seat of power for hundreds of years, serves as a kansas for a kaleidoscope of media art installations by renown, domestic and international artist dot. the newly expanded qual, i'm in square amid the beauty also stand pillars of iron, e. l a. the cubes flash the work of dozens of south pre owned digital creators under the exemption titles nearing human and varying nature. the irreverent and at times of 3rd piece is offering a critique to the state of the world today, creating spaces to be enjoyed by everyone. the events director says she hopes the seasonal facilities will lift the darkness of the past year old and will cry. another little cool, this has been a year of many heartbreaking events from natural disasters to boys. in planning for the festival. we got the life to feel people's hearts with warm hope and love as we faced the new year. so you,
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we hope the people who to be miserable can find the strength to smile, clear eyed, yet hopeful up, lifted by the bonds of family and friends in his skim. oh, to 0. so this is tommy also look at the sports headlines and pizza wills of beacon chelsea and what is the latest blow in what is turning out to be a difficult premium league season. the 6th time english champions were beaten to one at mulling you on sunday. mario lena with the opening goal of the game in the 51st 2 minutes. and then after defense of how lane stoppage time, method delta t took advantage to double the lead. chelsea pulled it back to to one, but it was not to be they, they, they were taking the standings. they hit the wounds on goal difference of crickets . it was meant to watch it has again been stopped. and you say if it's to show solidarity with palestinians in gauze, the straight investment was seen in training with a dub stick on these shoes. and that's what you wanted to display at the boxing day
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test match with pocky stony melvin. but the international cricket council have rejected these requests to show the symbol of peace. colacho had already been prevented by icpc rules from displaying the messages. freedom is a human rights, an old line so equal on his shoes. during the 1st test, anthony joshua return to the ring with a convincing victory over auto falling in saudi arabia. no shortage of celebrities watching on in regard the 5th round, proving decisive as joshua heard falling with a right hand falling coolant decided to pull the suite out of the context of the background. but a potential fight with dionte. while the isn't serious down to a free was stunned by joseph parker, who won with a unanimous decision funds were in place for a while to joshua bound at the same venue in march next year. and the british heavy weight still thinks it's a possibility. me and him could still get it on. we can still get a crack in. i believe i'm a must have for a sophie wall. it is a freight and i still think it does amazing numbers. if we get it on body that down
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to my management train is promoted us to make the decision. i'm down to flight, anyone when of and whoever. and this year we saw a south african lift the rug, the will come from a record full time. but the sport is also growing in other parts of the african continents. as nicholas hawk reports, they call themselves the panther cubs number 5, and the scrum cap is 14 year old mom. i do see that practicing his tackling skills . now on the only 2 rugby pictures in san diego, but also on the beach, on the outskirts of the car, he hopes to lift the world cup trophy. one day. you can tackle installed the rugby bowl. it's more interesting than other sports people watching us. thanks. we look crazy, but for me it's a spell that brings us closer. it's actually tim spirits. my mother's favorite player to have played in the tournament is frances kept in in scrum, a house on 20 people. there are 2 sports that are popular incentive golf roughly.
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and football and it seems rug. beacon vines the both. it's gaining in popularity with young senegalese, starting to recognize a bit of themselves with the players participating in the rugby world cup to only do african countries qualified for the 2023 world cup, maybe a and eventually winners south africa. look at the make up of the teams. most of the players are white, but the sport is gaining ground on the continent. thanks to the increasingly diverse make up of international squats. young black players are role models for the game, prove that what once seemed impossible is actually possible. at least for 23 year old bennett's a said, the problem is, this isn't just the white person's pearl to look at all the people of african origin. paying on the teams, contending, she went from rugby player to international referee standing up to players. no matter where they're from,
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i don't see the color. i see them as play. you're not by the color of the scheme. i'm here to referee to teams, and those 2 teams have only one color for me to watch. the panther's hopes are on 19 year old test for somebody in the prince's baker turned professional rugby player. he's among a growing number of young african signed up by european clubs, one day or 70 for what a 100 to make it to the top. and pay was people from around the world. the panther cubs a small club with big dreams to one day, bring the rugby world cup trophy to the shores of west africa. nicholas hawk, algebra the car. and those use both headlines for the time being you can get more on al jazeera, dot com, and also our social media channels. and you can find much more on a website on all of the stories we're covering. the address for that is i'll just
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say i don't comment and that's just for me, elizabeth rhonda, this new cell, the do stay with us. we're back in just a few minutes with more of today's news, including the latest on the warn garza, the as israel's war and gaza continues, we bring you the nation on the grounds and goes back to bring you the events as they have been reporting 1st 10 on the suffering and lots of people on the list of tasks and states. and we live in okey pod, east garrison covering the latest political developments. and in fact we're here across the west bank. the full thing as how this war is not just massively affecting losing dollars. stay with us for the latest updates and detailed coverage of the war on gaza on alice's 0. as the war
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ukraine rate is on, some young the russians are refusing to take up on the 101 east meets those fleeting to neighboring cars. that stuff on just these call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women in my country and that's suite one. we are not denies all of who we are human beings, and this has to be treated in the holy we are walking in the footsteps, our ancestors, whatever has been done before,
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can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the israel, dom bonds, date, avalon, central, gaza, often ordering people to move there from the north gauze is media office says 28. people have been count the hello. i'm an exhibit for ottoman this is elsie online from doha is so coming up an economic hub destroyed shops and offices in ruins on


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