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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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it as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the that is relevant bob's data. avalon, central gaza, often ordering people to move there from the north gauze is media office says 28. people have been killed. the hello, i'm an exhibit for ottoman this is ellen. does he live from? doha is so coming up an economic hub destroyed shops and offices in ruins on a central street in kansas city hall. the font is in the admin site, a u. s. navy missile and targeted one of the drawings of the red sea
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and is ready problem. and assistance of $1000.00 as exacting a heavy price as, as a military death toll mountains. it's 17 g m t 7 pm, and the gaza strip. but at least 166 people have been killed by as rarely attacks and the past 24 hours. that is where the military has been ordering people in northern gauze or to flee southward to the neighborhood of data by law. the overnight missiles have struck these evacuation zones, the government, media, office and gauze us as at least 28 people have been killed, invalid by law. in the past 2 days, he said he's quiz are in ruins. this is the find me back street market. and also city, it was an intersection of commas, culture and community. for more than half
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a century in tens is rarely shuddering, has reduced to rubble as palestinian on groups count as well as a ground invasion from minister. benjamin netanyahu says, the wars exacting a heavy price on the ministry. those ready on these has 14 of its soldiers have been confirmed killed since friday. that's causing antoine correspondent started assume he's joining us live from alpha and southern gaza antibiotic. what is the license situation on the ground? the intensity is rarely a tax and also the fighting a yes, elizabeth, as every night, as every night falls inside, guns, more attacks are carried out by the use. very minute tree is type for areas as they are trying to intimidate residents to sleep, move to the south in order to be forwarded. a full minute tree mobility on the ground as they are targeting residential houses. a single infrastructure and the
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tax also against hospitals continue in another part of the goal is to strip. now the situation exactly is getting much more terrifying on the middle coordinates, which had been the main is really focused during the last couple of days as they are dropping more leaflets for the residents to keep slipping. informing them to flee to the south where areas are supposed to be us is ignited as a save. so now the attacks have continued an a break refugee camp, which had been most of the hit today were dozens of palestinians have been killed at transporting entries to lots of mental hospital endeavors by which also the residents of such a town had been receiving more, wanting to keep us leading to this house, as people have been gathering on the main roads of thought, i had been hating to the south, which is already now overpopulated. and according to the palace, the minister of hills, around $166.00 palestinians have been killed during the last 24 hours were attacked . and artillery shooting in conyers did not stop which also bring
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a police showing that the desk told were rise within the coming hours as well as the casualties of injuries on the product. and what is the situation for those who have survived those attacks who are fleeing the attacks? who are fleeing the flashing? has that un resolution that was past 2 days ago that quote for more a to enter gaza made any difference there as well. main impacts survivors of these very intense funding. guys who managed to get to the south. their conditions are getting kind of deterioration as a, despite the fact that the view and resolution has just and confirmed the increase of the humanitarian aid to the gauze. upon the fact on the ground that there was no any kind of clue until you've use uh, development in terms of this resolution. as the numbers are, the weekly miniature in a truck stack is that are getting into garza, is it still in the same range as before,
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without any clear change in the numbers as also the are a lot, i'm 100. all the human sharing trucks are lined up in the junction side, waiting for further a confirmation to get into garza and right now what palestinians aren't getting inside the mass filters on the inside. also you, on distribution a center is very limited and could be only apparently enough for one family to get only one meal be day as they are receiving a very limited access of humanitarian supplies. but what palestinians are expecting from the announcements on the declination of the, of the un resolution is that there is going to be much more h as it will help them to come with the situation and also to uh, to survive as long as it seems not there are going to be more days to find things inside gone. so product, thank you very much for that. that is product of illumination, situation in gaza. and as topic is speaking, these approaches that thomas has released of fighting between as really
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forces and a fight as of a mos. we believe that these pictures from northern gaza, so again, we can see explosions and those pictures and smoke very big explosions and smoke rising from them. again, these are the latest pictures that her mom has released as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu has offered his condolences to the families of his ride. he's killed in the war, but he says the country with 5 until the end. then smith has moved from tennessee, as well as prime minister was talking today after a telephone conversation with us present, joe biden,
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of the white house on saturday night to different readings from that telephone conversation. the us be more forthcoming about what was said, biden's office saying that they've had a long talk with benjamin netanyahu. about objectives, i'm phasing of the military operation as well as the critical need it said to protect civilians. this is because we know the us is putting pressure on his route to move to a less intense phase of the war from netanyahu's office. it was just much more brief. we will fight until absolute victory, however long takes nothing. yahoo said at a little bit more to add to what the us saying. all the suggestions that us is putting pressure on israel ahead of sundays cabinet meet a hi, presumes green i have seen falls publications claiming that the us preventive and he's preventing us from operational operations in the region. that is not true. and israel is a sovereign state, our decisions and the war are based on our operational considerations. and i will
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not elaborate on that. they're not dictated by external pressures. netanyahu was admitted to the cause of wars, exacting a very heavy price in terms of military casualties. a military desks are of a sensitive subject in israel because almost every 18 year old jewish is riley is called up to do military service on this increase in military debts comes as is rela, pays to increasing to be increasing military activity on the ground in gauze if they say that, that going to be cooling up most soldiers to join a division that is increasing a tax in the south, particularly in gaza, south particularly around con, use bernard smith. i'll just say era telling me again and so they say a u. s. navy ship has 5 a missile and targeting one of the drones over the red sea. they said in the salt exploded near the ship, travelling from russia that's spending on cost function vessel says, ah, he's joining us, lot from booty. a what more the who these saying about this latest incident dressel
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as well as for the statement is using quite a threatening language here. and they said that they affirm that the tat with the international maritime navigation is not a result of their actions. but rather it is because of the militarization of the red sea by america and its allies who came to the region to provide the safety to is rally ships. so, forcing use from the beginning on, had being quite clear of saying that they are not targeting the maritime tray to the red sea. bought brother, they are targeting this, the ships that are related to israel. this is what they claim so far. and also they went on and seen. the red sea will be building a rena, if america and its allies continue in the way of a 1000000000, and also, and other war name for the regional countries. the say that the company is bored into the board and in the red sea also must realize the reality of the dentures
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that attract as they are national security. so the forty's are quite clear here that the, if this escalation continue, it's not going to be one of the only conflict between the usa and who it is. but it's going to be a regional conflict. attracting in the national security of the neighboring companies as well. clearly we see this escalation and now do you as a saying that this is the what's happening let's see, is an international crisis. and that's why it's is trying hard to build a, an international naval cooperation. but so far, there's a force to build that college and has failed. and very so they've seen some of the roles, largest shipping companies, suspend the operations. and this was what impact is this escalation having on the region? cindy, it's for all the for largest global shipping companies. evergreen that he bought lloyd and the cma group and also the my myers. they have announced that they are
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going to stop, there will patient that goes to red, see, and they're going to reduce their ships all the way down to africa. and then the ships are going to turn around africa. and that's, that is affecting the delivery time apple is delaine at, by 10 days, and also increasing the cost of the shipping items as well. so this is coming in a time where the governments across the globe are trying to tackle with it, with, with the inflation, with the high prize. so right behind me, the between ports of the booty. see, and that's some of the, of the car with the cargo ships here have been strand that since days 2 of them belong to the usa. they had been stock here since, um, since december 15. and do you see uh the us, these are forced to build an international quotation to safeguard the betsy sofa. how failed phones, utilities pain, know b, denmark, the netherlands, the war refused to go into this question by providing the warships some of them,
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some of the regional companies as well. saying they do not want to be in an for the coalition that looks like to provide that security to each route. and some of the others are saying that they will not be part of this question because of the 40 the come sensitivities. but anyway, this faith, this red sea is hosting more than 20 percent of the global medi times rate. and as of now it is partially closed. right? so thank you very much for that day. so set that with the nice is live and you booty palestinian christians and they occupied westbank have held the parade in the city of bethlehem to walk the birth of jesus christ on christmas eve. the celebrations uh subdued this year, following more than 2 months of israel's one gaza, summer morning cooling for the water and all this have been seeking comfortable in the christian message of hope a few
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items. so this is what since the beginning of the war, several of question, facilities and individuals have come on to attack from is rarely forces. these are the names of all the question palestinians have been killed in those attacks since the will began on october 17th. some displays christians were killed and a strong called the ali baptist hospital complex. 2 days later, one of the oldest cushion establishments in gaza, the greek orthodox church was bombed and another attack on its compound. on october 20th, at least 17 christians were killed including 10 from one family, several more injured. then on november 15th and the elderly man will show some killed by israeli forces. outside gauze is only catholic church and they have been 3 more taxed this month, including one that destroys the major greek orthodox church.
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nor con is joining us live from bethlehem in the occupied westbank. now, what's happening there? laura? a. hi, elizabeth. uh well yes. i'm in maine to square in bethlehem and today ready sean's sides and some the really a well the parts to what i've witnessed before. i've been in maine just got to swear for christmas a few times. usually the place would be a wash width best of decorations. you have christmas markets, people's thinking, carol's not just in main to square, but across bethlehem. and of course, you have thousands of people from around the world, whether they be pilgrims, locals, christians, and even most plum. looking around today, you can see i'll show you just behind me. here is the touch integrity where christians believe jesus is born. usually at christmas. this place is packed with thousands of people and when they go to midnight, mass,
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many people have to put tickets many months in the phones today. it's going to be very easy just to walk in now that having some events in bethlehem today we've had the lots in patriarch as usual, come from jerusalem, make his way to bethlehem. now usually he would be joined by scouts matching and sticking playing instruments. today it was a silent march. they were also events that were hosted by guess i'm just about to introduce, but they were waging puns from children to the people of god. so now i'd like to introduce you to jessica is a pretty a, as she is one of the house and an activist from bethlehem. thank you very much for joining us. i know you were telling me that today is still the square and you just felt sadness for to tell me why. yes. um, actually we're accustomed every years to have festivals,
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to have the christmas tree standing here with the people and feeling lots of joy and happiness inside, you know, as children wait for this special day in order to feel that joy in the land of space. but today is defense today. the of the event that's happened is delivering a message of space, a message of freedom to our people in goza. and to reflect a deep message to the whole world, to stop this genocide, to software. and guess that because what's happening now in the work is not something only related to the as a, but it is the one this and the unity and the humanities that old people are feeling during the christmas time, which is a holy holy time for all of us and tell me about some of the events that took place today. it wasn't completely quiet. you were hosting a defense council of law. yes. okay. so we have a different speeches from a, from to pastors and from the made of bethlehem. and then the and we had messages
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from a children bethlehem a children of bethlehem, talking about their desire for freedom and desire for justice for palestine. they spoke in different languages. this was um, initiative initiative run by right to move into growth. and we've participated in this initiative to help a children organize uh their, their thoughts how to prepare themselves to be on stage and to express their desire from the bottom of their heart. jessica, thank you so much for joining us. elizabeth. thank you for that. that is the con, live in bethlehem. the still ahead on our 0 and go in frustration in the democratic republic of congo, or as the opposition denounces the general election as a shot. the frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that
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. and so to international that's a bit is the, it is the fact that is it and has declared war on ok. parts. people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroyed. the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headlines, explorer and abundance of world class programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on out to 0 and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question professor applies unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes
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into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads profit without the girl's permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the the, the you watching knowledge of the over me. elizabeth toronto, mendoza. alonda of our top stores, the south of a nice is rainy. miguel strikes have had evacuated. sions orders instead of a non central gaza, at least 28 people have been killed there in the past 2 days. more than 20400 palestinians have been killed since football and gaza began in the past 24 hours at least 166 people have been killed by. as ralph continued as strikes and shunning
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as rainy armies has at least 14 soldiers have been killed and finally can cause over the weekend. saturday, israel suffered one of us was today the loss of some stuff. the conflict with 8 soldiers died. the united nation says that nearly 2000000 people in gaza facing severe food and water shortages on the saw chevy has gain access to nolan, gaza, and reports on the water crisis. there was nothing me a little also behind the water crisis in gauze a is getting hard, the lifeline of the displaced people here in jeopardy of refugee camp. these radio base and forces bummed wells and decidedly nation plants here in north because a lot of i'm not going to do any of music when i came from the very far away place to fill these barrels water we live in. come on that one. we don't have any water that we have to make a lot of effort to carry these barrels back to our area. they put the hose onto the
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level to get some of the volts, and it is really suitable for drinking situations. catastrophic law help us who are simply people in our building, and we need to bring both to twice a day because he's borrows early enough for half a day of the gym and as the human eye ba bye. so i have to send me from a label area to get water from here. i told my father, we have to live and we have to face the danger of circumstances out here in order to stay and life. my brothers are with me. the water is sometimes enough for a day and sometimes it's not. i do my best to feed my donkey because i use my donkey to bring water. sometimes we share water with our neighbors. suggested as, as in white, as with alignment, we put too much effort and we have long distance is to get what's happening with every family and means what god knows, how many kilometers on the walk every day to get some more to go to help all the fees and the yeah the what the will be as what assume the water is polluted and a lot of people are having diarrhea and vomiting that is not,
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i'm willing to take them to medical center. they slightly for us to show the vent, so as not to get the people any chance of getting clean. what we thought was nothing, the place that you know, the, i mean, besides the lack of water, there are other crises. there is a lack of electricity and food. how did they respond to gaza? civil defense spokesman, my boss. and then he says his team has witnessed disturbing incidents of palestinians being ronald and by his very ami backwards and the toddler, hollywood area. the i'm in the process be i'm going strikes are affecting various points of gaza with particular intensity observed when specific regions with somebody in the middle of the neighborhood. it's about 2 for the civil defense teams are operating in locations. but katie, buddy is really all me, even counted distressing scenes left behind, but the occupation forces, particularly concerning them off, is left on the ground with a significant number of these monitors would be composed to being left on attended
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for an extended period. what we did, but we could, the relatives were able to bury the money. we also witness distressing instances of quotes is being run over by is really both those in the military vehicles on a high number of boxes in the area post challenges for our teams. preventing access to certain services like to learn how to get to the presence of his really military vehicles in those areas. the, the model of the espana, some of the days of the news. and one of the leading presidential candidates in democratic republic of congo says the general election held on wednesday should be a nose, was could somebody says there's a mass of forward in the poll? other opposition candidates have also called for a protest next week. delays during wednesdays election led to an extension of forcing problems of as cited compromises. the credibility of the valid election results are expected next week and control. so
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a catherine solar report on people's fee is a said the disruption as the elections continue to be disputed. it depends on who you talk to. some people are saying, please keep either left troll, can be shown a chance to do it still, but then there are those who are saying that, well, the selection is lashawn and there has to be fresh, fresh elections because the credit village of the next one has been put to question, we have gone around to different talk to this sunday and people are saying that the whole thing full piece full out come. but they also blame the left to commission as a government for not doing their job. so not preparing wells and they say that they are afraid that any thing that comes out of it and he's the election is disputed. it's going to be very problematic in flushing between the sudanese ami and power. military rapids support forces is spreading across the central state of tennessee
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to they also have captured was monotony, the regional capital on monday, maybe 300000 people have fled the area which had been seen as a safe hub in the h ones, the conflict. so the on the health ministry is wanting that flashing and was in the dining may lead to a major disaster. your crime says it's a defense of shut down 14 russian drones over the south of the country keeps as they would launch from the eastern coast of the sales. as all the russia, no casualties were reported. the patrick barry is a defense and security analyst at the university of boss and a for the nation of ad list. he says he probably needs to plan for the next few years to keep up the fonts against russia. that i think really what we're saying is it an attempt by russia to. ready inflict as much time as does it come on. you've probably been infrastructure over the winter months to increase pressure on ads and ski, as indeed that the wider population, whether they're actually that effective, given the amount of air defense going in. we've had recently numerous companies,
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including all way give you talk to you fine. uh it doesn't seem so because then the see the number of either missiles or drones getting shut down is incredibly high. the $2.00 jacks, which seem to be most as it were by uh, a new patriot system. and that's because because the ukrainians have more systems coming in and they can start to move the night towards the phone lines. and then in this case, catch the russians off guard cuz they weren't expecting us so far. really it's, it's not much changed. the russians are trying to overwhelm their defense. they using cheaper drones to do. there's a cost balance thing there, which is to be taken into account, but so far they haven't been effective. i think it is. there's some reasonable questions about what is the long term strategy here at the training and military of said any, do you know, 500000 ross or 500 has more?
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you probably needs to be mobilized. i don't think that would be exceeded to by that lensky. but, uh, given wherever we are, there may need to be some re thinking about what is the actual likelihood of ukraine being able to take the whole of his territory. for example, against a larger uh, larger entity in which is so potentially there you need to resort plan the strategy aged probably 2026 and not to be resort as well. you great may have to go on the defensive in 2024 to actually train. i'd be ready to do something and 2025. and we need to get those, those ducks in a row that were to t as, as destroy 29 targets in iraq. and sylvia belonging to kurdish fighters, that song, 12 of its soldiers were killed at the past 2 days in 2 separate attacks onto a fish basis in northern iraq. the tokens defense ministry says it falls, us destroyed oil facilities and warehouses linked to the code as don workers potty . the p k. k is considered
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a tower organization by the us and the european union that set for me, it is of the for on them for this bulletin whether was next and inside story looks at the challenges in getting visual aid to people in gaza. the the of hello that will have a look at africa in environment the 1st to the middle east. and there's some improvement in the days ahead expected for the event. you see that mass of cloud that both rain so the likes of the occupied palestinian territories. israel, syria and lebanon, but it is pushing its way further east. we'll see more in the way of sunshine and dry a skies in the week ahead. the what? the weather still lingering around eastern areas of iraq, but it clears up pushing its weight further east. away from iran,
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we are expecting show some showers to affect eastern areas of saudi arabia. and that cloud could link down in the gulf piece of light could talk expecting to see that we could see the return of some stronger winds on choose day kicking down the gulf. that was you move across the north of after the wind is the story here. we've got some very blustery conditions across northern areas of libya as well as, as egypt. so the sol, so this across from the central areas, the dust continues to be picked up by those stronger winds. but at launch the dry picture for the west of africa. it's down in the south. we think the west of the weather was some field on the storms continuing to rumble their way from angola through botswana and 2 easton areas of south africa. calm day and kate's on, on monday. but that's the wind come tuesday. we know what's happening in our region, we know how to get to the places that others hang on. i want to hear god by that,
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put it on purpose half the time. and it to go live on the go live. another story that may not be mainstream as far as the, the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. hundreds more killed in dogs since friday is un security council vote for more aides. what for us? so impossible the resolution have and how can a get through to a point 3000000 people living under constant attack among destroyed infrastructure in a live bottle zone. this is inside story, the .


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