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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 24, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the console roman. what channel does it renews? online for my headquarters here. even though coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel bump on the line. central gaza after ordering people to move back from the news. sconces, media offices, 28. people have been killed the which isn't much of heavy fighting between the boss is military waiting on this very soldiers in the middle of the street. also dozens of desperate palestinians
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attempt to move along the main highway all because the strip despite is railing warnings up the road is of buckles. i've been traveling long distances to access clean water in golf as the sound of nation funds and wells come under is really a time report from giovanni. a refugee come plus to the sciences in yemen. say a us navy miss. i'll talk to one of that writings event, the red sea, the welcome to the news, are it's 1900 dollars gmc, that's 9 o'clock in the evening, and garza went at least 166 people have been killed by is really a tax in the last 24 hours, the as many military as being older and people to in those and gaza to free southwards to the neighborhood of data by law. but i'm not in the science of struck these evacuation settings. now the government media office in gaza says at least 28 people have been killed in data about
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a or in the last 2 days. most scientists have released a new video of intense lighting in those causes a senior officer and he is really ami has been killed by raising the confirmed death total of his railey soldiers over the weekend to 15 key city squares or in ruins. this is send me back street markets in garza city. it was an intersection of commerce, culture and community foot mold of half a century. well, as you can see, intense right of showing has reduced it altered level. and this is the main highway of the strip side of dean street, a route dozens of civilians are using to flee, cause a city the is ready. army has declared the road, an active bottles. i'm an extremely dangerous but people are still taking that chances. let's go save tarik uprising in rough and in southern garza and of course, uh and does a very bloody day across the whole cause district just bring us up to speed on what
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we know is happening on what is christmas eve night. yes on this night, which is a very important ok to for christians around the globe. the gaza strip had been widely attacked by the usability met it. treat and the main attacks had been at last against a very densely populated area. and we're talking about the middle areas of guns. a strip were as much as the most erect. they were by and operates. refugee camp had been widely hit by the east, really a forces as we're talking about the series of it's really a strikes steps truck. and because the refuge account, we're more than 15 palestinians have to report that killed with those and others who have been wanted to be weed and worked. transported to derek by a main center of hospitals and to the fact on the ground in these areas that had been on the east, very intense plumbing for the last few hours, where the injuries had been transported,
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also to unlock. so it's like some at the hospital to receive a treatment, and people in these areas had received different evacuation orders by the is what the forces recommending them to sleep to south for safety. main. meanwhile, these areas of uh, the designated safe in the south had been a main central areas of is ready bombing during the last couple of days were hon. units in the south had been a back to zone when the palestinian fighters were around 22 pounds. things have been killed since the hours of today's morning with rough, relatively right now comp. but previously it had been widely hit by the east where the military and the destruction, and it's in every single corner in the southern parts of gauze. this trip keeps being 2 days since the un security council pass that resolution to a lot more a to get into gaza get aid agencies of said, trying to distribute it is near impossible,
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waive the conflict on going. so where are we in terms of a getting into the region? what sort of distribution process is that if there is one to tool to yes, uh, generally uh, humanitarian aids, uh, keep generally flowing into gone as well. but with a very slow mckenna sims, and what is power steering is receiving right now is considered to be very limited with the needs. we're talking about 1900000 pallets. themes will have been evacuated from the houses and they are in very desperate need for these aids on the spot. the resolution of the movement of age into the church. we have not been accelerated to within the last 2 days, but with the very also restricted access over humanitarian age into guns that were palestinians of are forced to line up from the hours when they get phases. just to have a kind of partial humanitarian supplies that we would tell them to survive. and what is it is very difficult also for them is that the amount they get is very also
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a sufficient and they are in a very, a deep need for these age. just to continue surviving on the ground on know, palestinians are appreciating the system by the also recommending the international community to guarantee the velocity of the shipment of this age into gauze as they are hundreds of human to generate trucks as to in the section slides waiting to get entering into the charts report, the fact on the ground is that palestinians are appreciating this is step consider as the cost of the ring. this is step as a very significant and they are, we think also for further resolutions by the united nation to in the hospitality, is inside a garza strip and to allow the chance for palestinians to reach back again to the houses as they were twice today. and they have been a subject to expose to these really fires where a number of residents have been injured. thought of capitalizing that force and rough a. thank you. now is there a spoke to cause a civil defense spokesman about moving the bottle? he says his team has witness disturbing incidents of bodies,
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of palestinians being run over by is really on the vehicles in the town of how our area the be ongoing strikes are affecting various points of gaza with particular intensity observed in specific regions with somebody in the know the neighborhoods of all to for the civil defense teams are operating in locations vacated by the is really all may have been counted distressing scenes left behind. but the occupation forces, particularly concerning the boss, is left on the ground with a significant number of these monitors. would be composed to be left unattended for an extended period where we did what we could and their relatives were able to bury the money. we also witness distressing instances of quotes is being run over by is really boulders of the military vehicles on a high number of boxes in the area post challenges for our teams preventing access to certain feelings like to learn how to get to the presence of these really military vehicles in those areas. the bose or the other guy as an employee of the
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united nations in garza. he says his brother was executed biased by the soldiers when they rated the human jabante a in northern garza. and i'm with you on that. that's a from lot of how much new and i am a un stuff. unfortunately, they don't have messy on the un stuff in a low an international organization stuff. i live in this apartment with my family . the sniper went down to tons came to these area. i told them and he that the only civilians in this building, but they shut us. my son, my niece, and the 3rd one. i kept telling them we need to be treated like no wait. they continued their shooting. they broke the gates and they brought us down. they told us to take a coats off and then told us to come to this area. i told them there was some indian people here, but they didn't care. they asked me if i'm with you and stuff. i told them, yes, they took me with the money to to get to me full times. they accuse me of being
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a member of how much and i am not to be. and they asked me where i was on october 7th, and i said i was at home preparing myself to go to my school. they left the children pleading for more than an hour. they told me that the resistance like this used to shot from a house. and of course that is not true. i told the kid, my brother in front of my mother with them. they shot him from under his chain hitting his and pious cause. they didn't allow me to say good bye to my dead brother. we're good. they kept asking me if i'm asked me and i told them, no, i'm not a mess. should i bring to you in that? because the you and stuff have not protection of them, but these really forces bond to my house. why did they do that? i'm not a system fight. you have to find that the, they gave us a paper that sees we ok and that we didn't do anything wrong. we will who mediated my brother was killed my children wounded for no reason. what's our fault? what's the fault of the civilians?
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as the united nation says that 82000000 people in guns are facing severe food and water shortages, and social rates has gained access to northern casa reports on the water crisis. as nothing me a little boss of hired to water prices in gauze a is getting hard, the lifeline of the displaced people here in jeopardy, a refugee comp. these radio basic and forces bummed wells and decidedly nation plants here in north because i live in the museum and i came from the very far away place to fill these barrels before we live in. come on add one. we don't have any water that we have to make a lot of effort to carry these barrels back to our area. they put the hose on to the level to get some of the votes and really suitable for drinking situations. catastrophic law help us who are some 2 people in our building and we need to bring both to twice a day because he's borrows early enough for half a day the, the gym and as the little uh, the price will have to send me from
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a label area to get water from here. i told my father we have to live and we have to face the danger of circumstances out here in order to stay alive. my brothers are with me. the water is sometimes enough for a day and sometimes it's not. i do my best to feed my doctors because i use my don't get to bring water. sometimes we share water with our neighbors. i guess it hasn't been way as we put too much effort. the long distance is to get, want to have the head of every family means what god knows, how many kilometers on the walk everyday you have to get some more to go to help all the fees the yeah. the what the will be as you're assuming the water is polluted and a lot of people are having diarrhea and vomiting that is not, i'm willing to take them to medical center. they slowly for us to show the event. so that's not to give the people any chance of getting clean water. oh, there's nothing the place that you know, the besides the lack of water, there are other crises. there is a lot of electricity and food. with each passing day, things are getting hotter,
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full palestinians, who being displaced from the knolls, many in our living, and make shift shelters in rasa himself. or they have to hold or have been forced to improvise, to cooks the families and challenging circumstances that are bizarre ramada. we click on fire and firewood is expensive and we cannot buy it. so i sent children to look for plastic and maryland to use. it's punching a fire. oh, the smoke causes all kinds of disease and cancer. the need prompted us to do so. this is probably what is expensive and we look for um 2 cartons in the markets. 2 used to like 5 years to prepare food. we q for bread and until they finish all these things we eat breakfast off to sunset or dinner most days. well, as we mentioned earlier, the palestinian families have been forced to move from north and gaza to death by the hidden counter holes from the on. this line is called the seed area, and this is for a family a booth some of this time. and,
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and they gifted this area to the refugees and displaced palestinians from another area. so because as you see, they're thinking and they're setting up the 10th because there is a re, new storm and more palestinian families are displaced at evacuating from a place to another in the gaza strip. that is there any forces or speed for living in as much as the end to say dos and other areas in the middle area of the gaza strip to evacuate to debt and, but that's why more people are coming and are evacuating in this area. the schools are parks, the houses are pock hospitalized, are packed, and there's a lot of diseases spreading according to the policy administer of has that people are getting rash on their skin. and the situation in the hub situation is victoria to the situation continues and people in the gaza strip are devastated. they're telling us that there is no pace for us, for them to evacuate,
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and they have no shelter. and especially when it's raining right now, people are fearing brain at their strikes. this godaddy does ita that is the cause of as well as just bringing use is coming in from dogs or at least 20 palestinians are being killed and several houses damaged after it is really a strike. hit the central part of the strip of massage the rescue cheek him alice and help initial so the total is likely 6 lines hoping him on that as we get it. so it was probably minister benjamin netanyahu says the will ring calls or is exacting a heavy price on the military. israel's army says 15 soldiers with killed since friday. that's m yahoo! size is ready, forces are getting deeper into the straight time. we'll fight until the end bandit smith has moved from television, as well as prime minister was talking today after a telephone conversation with us present,
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joe biden at the white house on saturday night to different readings from that telephone conversation. the us be more forthcoming about what was said, biden's office saying that they've had a long talk with benjamin netanyahu. about objectives, i'm phasing of the military operation as well as the critical need it said to protect civilians. this is because we know the us is putting pressure on his route to move to a less intense phase of the war from netanyahu's office. it was just much more brief. we will fight until absolute victory, however long takes netanyahu said at a little bit more to add to the us same. all the suggestions that us is putting pressure on israel ahead of sunday's cabinet meets a hi, presumes green i have seen falls publications claiming that the us preventive and he's preventing us from operational operations in the region. that is not true. israel is a sovereign state. our decisions and the war are based on our operational considerations, and i will not elaborate on that. they're not dictated by external pressures.
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netanyahu was admitted to the gauze of wars, exacting a very heavy price in terms of military casualties. a military that sort of a sensitive subject in israel because almost every 18 year old jewish is right and he's called up to do military service on this increase in military debts comes as israel appears to increasing to be increasing military activity on the ground in gauze that they say that that going to be calling up most soldiers to join a division. there is increasing a tax in the south, particularly in gaza, south, particularly around calling us bernard smith. i'll just tell him, you know, a leading is reading newspaper, his cold for a drastic change of direction in the wall. and the tauriel in her right says that's enough with the mess coming in. gone. so the distinction must be made between killing him us terrace,
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and humming citizens. the fact that there were 129 kidnapped israelis detained that must be taken into account. israel was push an initiative to the, to them and be prepared to pay a heavy price with a sci fi and the liberation of palestinian prisoners getting in love. it is a colorless dots how right see told down to 0. he surprised how limited the pressure has been all netanyahu until now. we are almost a year after breakfast against that then yell. and in those times it was much, much bigger and stronger, and more vocal and moist when sure. there is a certain pressure consuming, there's only one issue. releasing the hostages or the wrist is attached. i mean, obviously the sacrifice of god's that doesn't interest anybody's way. but even those things, soldiers, which is so horrible for every family and every, every individual is not a leverage right now for
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a growing process. not yet. they put this going, but there's not yet from the beginning. i sold it 1st. the book is where it has to make a choice, is to have its priorities, either crushing hum us, we mean what that means or releasing the hostages. you dental to have them both in misled the deeper the government, the army, as you both said, going can end to end. but that's not the case. reaching a point in which it's very clear that these are these but bearings now continuing their war over releasing the hostages. and this must be say that it's a very rare choice. now you haven't seen face say a us navy ship find a missile targeting one of the ad, right. and so for the red sea, they say the missile, it exploded, never ship traveling from russia so, so the reports not from booty. south of the not above other men deb straight
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between the arabian peninsula. but don't forget the several countries have military bases in gpc, including the us. a closing statement is using quite a threatening language here. and they said that they affirm that the tract with the international maritime navigation is not a result of the of actions. but rather it is because of the militarization of the red sea by america and its allies. we came to the region to provide the safety to is rally ships. so hosting us from the beginning, no one had been quite clear of saying that they are not targeting the maritime trade through the red sea, bought the brother of the target team. this the ships that are related to israel, this is what they claim so far. and also they went on and seen. the red sea will be a building, a rena, if america and its allies continue in the way of a bullying, and also and other war name for the regional countries. they say that the company's
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boarding to the board and in the red sea also must realize the reality of the dentures that attract is the national security. so the policies are quite clear here that the, if this escalation continue, it's not going to be on a, on the conflict between the usa and who it is. but it's going to be a regional conflict tracking in the national security of the neighboring companies as well. clearly we see this escalation, and now do you actually seeing that this is the, what's happening let's see, is an international crisis. and that's why it's is trying hard to build a, an international naval correlation. but so far, there's a force to build that question has failed. now the pentagon says more than 20 countries have agreed to participate in the us led coalition in the red sea to stop the attacks. the red sea is one of the world's most important shipping routes for oil and gas between asia and europe. in the south,
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the narrow bible bonded straight between africa and the radian peninsula connects the red sea and the gulf that's 8 and 12 percent of the wells trade and 10 percent of global oil advice ships goes through that straight. the sewage canal connects the red sea with the mediterranean sea is the shore to shipping route between europe and asia. 15 percent of the world's maritime traffic passes through the canal. well, since november, the who fees of targeted vessels nearby bottom on the forcing major shipping and oil companies to suspend operations through the red sea rerouted vessels will have to make a longer genuinely way down the east coast of africa via the southern tip of the continent. millennium, my colleague elizabeth per, uninspired to samuel romani, and associates the seller of the voice united services institute. he says the reluctance of several countries to join us that coalition highlights the divisions within global alliances. well, i need you to ask, are they ready to be in security, in security and the restoration that reflect the need to create
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a coalition against the maritime strikes highmore over it does also apply to world narratives to jean dee, who are these new orleans and the one side of the americans and the other with the americans in britain with david camera explicitly blaming around for these instances and the right answer, the hudy's cleaning at the gas and denials, to kind of deflect from the the us as allies, soule, the radio, egypt, the united arab emirates haven't joined the spouse on coalition from spain and italy have pulled out of it. what does it mean for its credibility in the region? why didn't this different reasons why different actors is on the side to participate for egypt, for example, i think is we had coverage in egypt is overwhelmingly against the us support for israel and the guys of war and the issues why show solidarity by distance of a 1000 american dishes like this, even though the strikes and the red sea to threaten the americans should be in the obviously this was canal for the moratti's. i think it's because they've always help trust in their back channel dialogue there on which have sometimes mitigated
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and easy disease. in the past, i've seen that even in 2019, when i say name pro incident happened to the for jar attack happen. they chose their back channel, the ron overpopulating with the united states and for saudi arabia, it just these don't want the em and water we eat again, and booty certified and drowns and re add an oil fields. as you mentioned, all of these countries have very specific reasons for not joining this coalition this mount on task force. but it again, what does it mean for the credibility of this maritime naval force, given that the countries from the region that around the border, the babylon month of the straight and not part of it. why didn't get the major motor, the ability of it, obviously, and also if your team powers are australia disengaged here, there's like science and re and fracturing within the western alliance. i think the failure of siding radiant you the straight the invitation gamma after were the started ways of dean and cars on this day, i think already made this concepts something and i still struggle. and obviously
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the non participation regional actors mesa data significantly worse as are the 15 attacks announcing the hudy's on commercial shipping according to some constance interpret 70 a lot has made of yvonne's backing of the hood phase around is the state act. we've had the pentagon recently saying that the japanese own chemical tank of which was struck off india is closed on saturday. that it was targeted by a drone fired from yvonne. this is a very serious accusation, isn't as well. is there a serious accusation in the right hand side of it, very careful to raise a degree of, i'm certainty, and that, and predictability of what they might give is friendly, for example, to just actually begin gibraltar to target american access and imagery, and see in the red sea, but they also been very insistent that they don't, on movies, they don't provide intelligence to movies. and they vigorously deny these kinds of allegations. but given the fact that the kids on the board drown that, we've seen that they would use instruction was the load with the right answer produced. i depended on a quite
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a bit of best of consensual evidence to blame or on this guess. the spring in the days of the news, the one of the leading presidential candidates and the democratic republic of congo says a general election held on wednesday should be an old. what was it could be says that as being massive fraud in the poll, other opposition candidates levels i called for a protest next week not delays during wednesdays. election led to an extension of the things some of service at compromises a credit bill. it to you have the balance election results so expected. next week, catherine solely has moved from the capital controls. electro commission said it's still compiling the result. it's a very long process. is the result of coming in the territory by territory. there are 26 provinces in the driver's seat. uh,
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we also know that the voting is still going on in some areas you that is in north cube province. and he tore probably and says, this is where election materials i did not arrive on time and then the material had to be flown in. and even after that, a port is had to be used to get to these very remote port calling stations because of the bad road network. and these are the things that people have been talking about these logistical problem for the electoral commission to extend both c by 2 days. and that by itself is their problem. i stick with hard from a position leaders and say that it is unconstitutional. they say that they want fresh elections. cassie saw you all to 0, control to the fighting between the sudanese all be in power and military rapids
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support forces is spreading across the central state of georgia 0. we also have captured a want to amend dani. the regional capital of monday, at least 300000 people have flooded the area which is seen as a safe hub in the 8 months long conflict. most of those health industry is warning that finding in what madonna may lead to a major disaster for. but how do i, i did the moving military operations to what mcdonny with who's a massive threat to the life of the citizens. there are more than 7000000 citizens with chronic diseases who could face flu debt if their needs are not met. and if the flu supplies is not facilitated, one amongst the different governor rates of so done. on the other side, the military operations expansion con, exacerbate epidemics and corner of heat in particular, which can kill thousands and thousands of food in these people. reco them as
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a volume instead of crossed into the united states a least southern boulder. 32 and a half 1000000 people are reported to have made their way to the us this year. maybe $10000.00 cost in a single day imaging kemp. ripples off, the trumpeting thousands of phenomena to these migrants across the rig runs between mexico and the united states. some say hold is posted, the journey was through mexico, the plaza. they take our money, the hits women and children. they don't care about anything. mexican police and immigration authorities are chasing us. they don't care if they crush against us. or if the training on just over, they are causing accidents. a mexican security forces, or imposing tulsa measures to, to, and hold back record numbers of migrants attempting the crossing over the mexican authorities, police immigration offices. and um, what the judge is up to $120.00 to let us pass. what happens in the mexican authorities?
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i'm mistreating the migrants. how is that too many duty and these people being taken to self in mexico, you buy plane as part of a repack creation plan. extra measures have begun, often, mexican president on drugs, manuel lopez, overdue, and us president joe biden met to discuss cutting numbers of migrants at the border . yes, it is on this deal. it got saturated and became a problem and they had to hold transport and shut down the boat to feel better, ready solving it. the agreement is to keep working together. we have a proposal to boost our plans. many of those attempting to cross the border thing, violence, property, and other crises in the heart of nations. but with the following up in instruction and mexico act, restrict the numbers, making that trip is likely to get even harder image and kinda which is 0. i will still head here. all the news are deserted, streets investigate him. why did the place of jesus is not celebrating christmas?
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the hell that it might be a festive feel across the north of europe, but there's certainly not any christmas cheer when it comes to the weather. we've got unsettled weather conditions, dominating with very windy conditions, blowing from west to east, but down in the south. a much more settled field with plenty of sunshine coming in for spain and portugal that stretches across the mediterranean might feel a little bit windy across the some of the islands like sardine, a plenty of sunshine, extends out east for greece and to a kia that's not the case, the cool central air is you can see that heavy rain continuing to move across the low countries, germany on woods to poland, and we'll see something of a wintry wave blowing through the baltic states on which to southern pots of russia, wintry weather as well to be found across scandinavia, some strong wind is blowing down here and things are improving across britain,
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on the island of island. by the time we get to choose day, but not for long, you can see that heavy rain starting to pour into southern parts of england. by the time we get to the later part of the day in terms of temperature as well, that will be coming down for london from 13 the on monday. but williams coming in for bell and i'm also bell great. and bucharest, 17 degrees celsius. they're very settled on tuesday. the what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk, you were saying, i want you to start with just the fence right as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education. my wants to be the we don't have lead them in different countries policy and it's going to get 50 percent representation and
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accountability and benefit no $1000.00 service this placement. then you're saying you don't have your reports with it. i should just trust too much as the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders, the integrity in the pursuit of truth, groundbreaking films from award winning filmmaker. watch. listen witness on how to 0. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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book about to the, i'll just have a new song with me, so he'll rob, never mind to of on top stories. and is really i strongly because it's because the refugee camp in central gauze are killing at least 20 palestinians. officials will the death toll the increase in the coming hours come off sciences of release. the video of intense financing in northern garza, they senior officer in the is really all business being killed, raising the consent that told of his rating. so just to 16 since friday i've given to visa us navy ship, find himself talking a lot of ads, right? and so for the red seats, they say the masonic studies, a couple like ship traveling from russia. now the united nations, as warning, the palestinians in guns were facing catastrophic levels of hunger. and the risk of dying from famine is increasing its children's agency units that say that 1200000 palestinians are experiencing emergency levels of
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a cute food in security. children are deprived of 90 percent of the water they need each day to survive. 335000 children under the age of 5 or higher risk of severe malnutrition, preventable death, and the agency estimates nitty 10000 children and the 5 will suffer the most life threatening full value. attrition, that is severe wasting a will lead a therapeutic few foods to the un high commissioner for refugees. philippe grande's says that the humanitarian cease fire remains essential evo to all the social media platform x and we quote for age to reach people in need. hostages need to be released and more displacement needs to be avoided. he's stressed up a whole lot further. devastating loss of lives needs to stop. he also said that humanity we can see solving garza is the only way forward. a list of continuous tossing of hospitals is putting the strips, remaining health care services in jeopardy. this is
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a of to buckling your guys the all to provide basic care with limited resources. here are some of the stories and um, heavy and uh, how much was it all? well, how came up for some of them on the move football practice? i was going to say hello. sure, that is at the bottom of the house. i mean, i believe i know when i do um, most of the item and highest uh, most of the nothing of the sub me the vase ahead of when i look at the anomaly or they want it can at this at that i'm a but we're not going to go get to the base with you now. how many single such of a 100 it'll be say if you notice that the want me for them and see how did it can that it was a legit. ahead and then had it to ship the bed yet. oh cool. yeah. i mean, i love them and it's the whole, but the flock will so hold that it was a lot and i'm upload comedy from about the that it gets stuff in the apple. yeah.
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out as even unsuccessful, has that it'll be nice and i look forward to searching for the study to the lady for the office this morning. how inside, if you do nothing on your phone, i have a home, i'm putting a net and we cannot seem to or less than what it was for my net my book and i wouldn't kind of should in love with you to sell or not exceed even a nice myself, can you do this? what i have not huh. yeah, yeah, man, i mean, as you make down all heart and soul with us, the loss of my home, the iphone and the kind of messaging via i'm going to some of any had let you know. mostly huh. and it up to the guy in the, on the bus up know, well, i'm from the 9110 medicaid and food. but we have to incentive the studies unit, a man a, i mean, does it need a different custom? does that mean my associate of school that you'd like to have? if one have the quote the 11 was, was wrong? and when did that to how, what is how it could lead by law. i thought of letting that might and you had them
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both. yeah. and that feeling, i'm like the fact get mad. that's all right. we had the a bomb minus as to been met and i guess i should be home. it can then the i need to hand and can you can see us of how it and then we specify sidebottom and mean an estimate the he and how will i know you've been with us, vanessa. 5 talk and i'm of have i'm a lead that it's always best fun. yeah. because the fact that hannah, i want to have him, i like to have no way of doing something a, with the shame and have them if he had the like about neck. but daniel, an amended that was the legs of mine, i'm going to be let in. i like the apollo sitting christians and the occupied westbank have held a parade in the city of bethlehem to month the birth of jesus christ on christmas eve. but celebrations also of to this year, following mold in 2 months of israel's will on garza. so the morning calling for
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the roles and others have been seeking comfort in the christmas message of hope cease to be in the place has appealed for peace while leading midnight now. so st. peter's, the civic, are investigating city functional head of the roman catholic church, said done by close to $900.00 a hall. so in bethlehem, where the prince of peace is one small rejected by the few ty, logical war by the clash of items that even today prevents him from finding room in the world as well. since the beginning of the war, several christian facilities and individuals have come under attack from is really false. is these all the names of all of the christian palestinians have been killed in those attacks since the war began. on october the 17th, some displaced christians were killed at
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a strike on the holly baptist hospital complex. 2 days later, one of the oldest christian establishments in gaza. the greek orthodox church was boned. in the attack on its compound, on october, the 20th at least 17 christians were killed including 10 from one family, several more injured. and then on november, the 13 finality, the man was shot and killed by his really full size outside garza's only catholic church. and there are been 3 more attacks this month, the one that destroyed the major greek full to dox church. the number posted in questions across the palace to the entire trees as dropping rapidly. with any blaming the stress of the israeli occupation, the leaving the loans, the con has moved now from best to him. some of the world's oldest christian communities can be found here in the occupied westbank and also in israel and garza
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. many of them can trace the heritage back 2000 years to the bus of christianity and even the nickname of the living stones. there are 6 main norman ations hostile, 3 close adults. the search roman catholic others include narrow knights, lutherans, august 10th, and a medians. the box, the number of pulsing and christians is dwindling. here in the occupied westbank and in the story some there are around 50000. on the other side of the is ready will there around a 130000 with is ready citizenship. i think goes a this less than the 1001st. if we go back to public fund before 1948 palestinian christians made up around 8 percent of the population. many were driven out during the macbeth. and the state of israel was created and palestinians were violently forced out by zion. this gang off to 1948. the christian population was down to about 4 percent,
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but now they make up less the 1.5 percent of the entire population of palestine. right now uh i cannot go to jefferson. no one from both of them can, can go to jerusalem, go. this is only 5 miles away for the church leadership located in jerusalem. uh, 43 percent of that were to to of jerusalem. it belongs to churches. uh, this is where you have the church of the septic or this is where you have the via the locals. uh, this is where you'll have the mount of olives. i mean, uh and, and for christians not to be able to go there on, on easter, for example. uh, is it right, it makes it impossible. they give them its only to 1000 to pedestrians the while at the same day they gave uh, 15000 to jewish settlers. as pastor i, he tells me christians living and occupations suffer from the same restrictions as of the palestinians, including not being able to access the hoody sites. on the other side of the school
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. more home to alta, sarah, bethlehem, and the occupied westbank and all tech sufficient support all palestinians and garza has been set to about the locked in charge and the occupied westbank comfortable to. i'm here with the charge of the holy redeemer and type a where ordinarily this would be a celebration of the birth of jesus christ. but instead that hiding under the rubble in garza, you can see joseph the baby jesus and mary that hiding amongst the rubble. but it's not just them. this thing is also traditionally in the way that it has the 3 wise man, also taking shelter and make con, actually gets to the baby jesus. this is a scene that is being repeated across the occupied westbank. people are using this moments the birth of jesus christ to mock the long garza, i'm here with the parish priest had father just told me this must have been
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a difficult decision to you guys to take in terms of putting this up rather than a traditional celebration yes, uh, thank you very much for 1st the full for your coming in for you to be here. um this is significant. they say it's a, it's a difficult it see sadness but say among this sadness i'm with this difficult situation. maybe jesus is the light for what is the patience is the light of always face the light of christmas, the light to infinity. so from all of these destroyed that you are the, any a seeing here in, in the this a go to and we call it growth. those guys the you, we can see it also jesus in among, in these, this through the story. and jesus is the a, we're a sort of ration our lights and we are the lights from jesus or the light of the words. we can hear the, the bells ringing. now this is
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a time normally of celebration. this area would be packed with people. i mean, it must be a very difficult time feel congregation not just you. yes, it's very, very difficult for the difficult time for the people, for the position there is here and type in this the city of this village. the jesus also went to this village. when we opened them as son john gus booth, chapter 11 versus 54, we can say just as jesus lived, it was on him and came to type it to a friend, gave the biblical name with his disciples to rest here. so we, we think this a visit that drink to invite the people to come to the vigil is the mess the vision mess of the christmas eve here and tell you to put some hope to puts christian hope to put the lights of jesus in the huts. in each heart of the petitioners here and tell you, and from all of these is a difficult situation with the effects of the settlers. with that extra from the
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soldiers, with that text from the patient that's effect, our aware village of our homes were, were and, and things that season of harvest things also. they affect us. we still here, we decided to be here. we decided to be here like jesus who, who was born here and until the end of their life of his life, he stayed here until the disk, but also with that was addiction. so from the nativity of jesus, we can't arrived at the trust of jesus and there's a direction. thank you very much. certainly as some of the time here in ty, but in the occupied westbank. and we're on con out, is there a type of these really says we have now sort of has a significant christian population. but palestinian is riley is the i don't celebrate in christmas and the usual amount of either a booth at the bottom with this carnival. it's not possible to talk about the feelings of christians only. rather it's necessary to talk about the feelings of everyone in the middle east. everyone in the middle east doesn't feel joy during
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this period when we used to celebrate the birth of the lord jesus christ. we're living in a sort of depression because we no longer feel safe with a person to lose his safety and security. he loses everything of to that. as though it was a lot of this christmas. instead of it being the christmas of peace, law and brotherhood, it's done now to be christmas of war destruction and brutality. unfortunately, you don't feel the joy of happiness this time, every one and now that i can send celebrations. normally, people used to come have a big limits and people that used to go to bethlehem or typical agreements. but this time the westbank is and it was people who are inside and not willing to celebrate and eat while others don't afford. and what this ukraine is giving up to essentially celebrate christmas day on december the 25th for the 1st time this year . but it feels that oaks church of ukraine and the government change the dates officially in a sub to russia. 5 months ago, the russian orthodox church says that on january the 7th finding the law in july
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presence go to visit, let's be said that you quite. he is wanting to live that own life with their own traditions, such as bank has moved from keith. this year ukraine will be celebrating christmas on the 25th of december. now that's a break away from the russian orthodox church that celebrates it. on the 7th of january that traditionally, ukrainians have celebrated along with the russian orthodox church. but since the start of the war last year, ukraine was the civil war, ties with russia and must go now that ukraine orthodox church has been of choosing the past, like the keep government having links to moscow. now the ukraine orthodox church says that they have 7th, those ties as of last year. and they also say, well, they want to be independent. now when you speak to people here in case they're happy about this move, they want to be independent. but also this is a political move is a snub. why key to must go, but also presidents and then speed and key one to align themselves with europe, many european countries and the western world. and this is seen as
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a step towards that. but when you speak to, people are head happy and they also want to be independent of russia. but what impact does it have on the rest of the country? well, this is a vast country. it has a population of 40000000 people. and it's difficult to say how people across the country will take this move in whether they will be celebrating on the 25th of december or the 7th of january. but this is a step why keep to 7 old ties the dresser and 2 states its independence. by celebrating christmas on the 25th of december, i said vague. i'll just 0 keith. the queen size inside defenses of shut down full teen motion right inside the cell. the country keeps, as they were loaded from the eastern coast of the sea events of russia. the casualties have been reported. ukraine set it down 20 full of russian trades on friday. most were heading for the ukrainian capital. a well still a head here, all the news reports focused on the west palm is,
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are adopting new methods to boost ideals. the unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads garza without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without fails of life scorched fine for you real quick accounts rising from beneath the rubble of desperate stories salvaged on the high seas,
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brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera, the book about the key. it says it's destroyed. 29 targets in iraq and syria. belonging to kurdish fighters, us up to 12 of its soldiers that killed in the past 2 days in 2 separate attacks on packaged bases in the rock. the turkish defense ministry says its forces destroyed oil facilities of warehouses linked to the coast on work as ponti took. he is president richard typo to one place, don't toe, but to continue putting pressure on was he called terrorist targets in both
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countries as that explosion that a nichol processing site ran into nature was reported to have killed at least 12 people, an engine before the 39, it happened the model wally industrial park in centrals to the waves. the province of the on sunday, the fire was eventually extinguished. after several oxygen tanks exploded. the indonesian island is a hub for the production of nickel used to the electric vehicle back trees and the making stainless steel solvers around the world worried about the impact of climate change with many expecting pool harvest in the coming years. but the small hydro pulls from bunk is phone administer. it gives me some, an upsetting to vertical funding to get the most out of the land. this is get a good buzz dish darn head and focused on your administrative catch me the blunting keys and a shot. the winter's
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a long and cold. the farmer said that increasing the on the mercy of changing weather back in and i this beginning, the last step is to make a girl before winter said thing. it one of the lucky ones benefiting from much game offered by the united nations international fund for agriculture development. or i fact it all for the money to ahead. local people to boost their agricultural output in them opens here to make a business is me a local used to plot of across some open fields to the local seats. but all we are using habits, seat and basic structure to support what taking the farming and making more money by using less than half of the land. most people ahead have small land holdings. where do i know making bigger profits? thanks to work? good for me. are not far away in the same village we made all my lease is good and i had been picked tomatoes. you said the garden moore is by using just 110th of the
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line. so the thing that we need to know was it was difficult to make ends meet with traditional funding. but now i make big profits with less than this new way of farming or for the promising future to people in the region does good. but this dawn and the region of river mountains and glass, yet people here depend on agriculture jobs, but with less than one percent edible line. under, you'd have traditionally mentored farmers that have drug or do increase productivity. no more than most people are changing age or traditions to read the benefits of work to go to farming, to supplement their incomes and support their families. i'm all i that i just need . uh, it's got to get a good but they're starting to look at these bolts headlines, a piece of stomach areas, a spinning and a gym. red. let's face it to a quiet a 25 percent staking 20 times english champions. manchester united. valued at around $1590000000.00 records picture chemicals company in your group will take
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control of the clubs, football operations as part of the deal. he will also provide $300000000.00 for future investment into the old trafford stadium. the deal is subject to custom, meet regular treat approvals at the club. hopefully it will be completed as soon as possible was a beacon chelsea and what is the latest blow it? what is turning out to be a difficult premium league season. the 6th time english champions were beaten to one at more than you on sunday, mario amena with the opening goal of the game in the 51st minutes. and then officer defense of how lane stoppage time met duncan's. he took advantage to double the lead. chelsea pulled it back to to one, but it was not to be they, they, they will taking the standings. they hit the wounds on goal difference of crickets . it was meant to watch it has again been stopped. and you say if it's to show solidarity with palestinians in gauze, the strait investment was seen in training with a dub stick on his shoes and baths, which he wants to to display a boxing day test match with pocky stony melvin. but the international cricket
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council have rejected these requests to show the symbol of peace. colacho had already been prevented by icpc rules from displaying the messages. freedom is a human rights, an old line so equal on his shoes during the 1st test. and this year we saw a south african lift, the rugby will come for a wrinkled full time, but the sport is also growing in other parts of the african continent. as nicholas hawk reports, as they call themselves, the panther cubs number 5. and the scrum cap is 14 year old mom i do see the practicing his tackling skills. no, on the only 2 rugby pictures in san diego, but also on the beach, on the outskirts of the car. he hopes to lift the world cup trophy one day. you can tackle installs a rugby bowl. it's more interesting than other sports people watching us think. so we look crazy, but for me it's a spell that brings us closer. it's actually teams periods my mother's favorite player to have played in the tournament is frances kept in in scrum,
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a house on to when people they're into sports that are popular in senegal, wrestling, and football. and it seems, rug. beacon vines the both. it's gaining in popularity with young senegalese, starting to recognize a bit of themselves with the players participating in the rugby world cup. only 2 african countries qualified for the 2023 world cup media and eventually winners south africa. look at the make up of the teams. most of the players are white, but the sport is gaining ground on the continent. thanks to the increasingly diverse make up of international squats. young black players are role models for the game proof that what once seemed impossible is actually possible, at least for 23 year old bennett's a said the problem was, well, this isn't just the white person's pearl to look at all the people of african
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origin paying on the team sending, she went from rugby player to international referee standing up to players no matter where they're from. i don't see the color. i see them as play. you're not by the color of the screen. i'm here to refer me to teams and those 2 teams have only one color for me to watch. the panther's hopes are on 19 year old test for somebody in the prince's baker turned professional rugby player. he's among a growing number of young african signed up by your pin clubs one day with the honda to make it to the top and play with people from around the world. the panther cubs a small club with big dreams to one day, bring the rugby world cup trophy to the shores of west africa. nicholas hawk al jazeera, the car. i am as useful as headlines for the time being. you can get more on l g 0 dot com and also our social media channels. and they'll be more news on the other
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side of the break until and thanks for your time and your company. the other bad news was the most of
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the the it is a tenant object to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of his really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of israeli public discourse, anti war voices persist sale, calling the race or the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, there is no channel that covers world views like we do as a roman correspondence, i am constantly on the goals, covering topics from politics was making some stuff to environmental issues. the scale of this is like nothing ever seen. what we want to know is how does these
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things affect people? we revisit places stay human when there are no international headline, houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the police 20 palestinians have been killed and several houses damaged, often is really asked by kids. most policies come in central guns. the whole robin, you're watching officer, along with headquarters here, and also coming up the image of


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