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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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here we make the rules, not sales. people empower investigate, exposure and questions they use tend to be just of our around but go on out just there. the . ready to the is where the air strikes target homes across you guys are killing at least 95 kind of stands. you know, my gosh refugee i don't know about this when this is all just you rely from dell. i'm also coming up reports of confrontations and the occupied westbank is ready for his storms. your name and novelist on him. wrong con in the occupied westbank jeanine
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refugee camp, where locals have a saying that these ready army is turning misplaced. each one, many garza the christmas and a time of war with them. bethlehem, what christians are praying for those on the bottom of june. gosh and other news, china run something special. rates on the sides. china sea state media accuses the philippines of repeatedly reaching its tire check. the is. there is carried out air strikes on residential buildings and all. my gosh, a refugee camp in central garza, at least $95.00 minus 10 and so being killed. many of them women and children dustin's have been injured, and the con has more massacre on christmas. eve is really air strikes at a residential block in the gauzy refugee camp and central guns. and many women and
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children have been killed in the attempt, including a 2 week old baby to get an injured or frantically rushed to hospitals that have been rendered non functional, barely able to provide the basics and 1st aid the nearest hospital to the camp. is it l also hospital in dare above? nearly 5 kilometers away is already overwhelmed. following a tax in other places. is that that will do it because somebody goes to bed? well, no, i'm either of these a lot of wounded patients that are still sleeping on the floor because we don't have any place since there's no capacity. you can't even walk in the card was because the number of wounded that exceeds the number of beds uh, the number of patients we have is 5 times capacity that we have in the hospital. there's no rest, no rest paid for palestinians. as many been together throughout the night to save the theory trapped under the rubble,
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we were sitting down and out of nowhere, we didn't know what happened. all of the sudden there was an explosion. we didn't know if it was our house or our neighbors. we went down and found dead bodies everywhere. we got 5 dead bodies out of my neighbor's house. however, you're trying to rescue those parameters to find the total weight on, you know, on the part of our little guy. these days there is no electricity or water. so everyone at this time of night is just sitting in the houses with the loved ones, but look around, nothing is lift, the whole neighborhood is gone. well, that's how the densely populated residential area was also targeted last month, where at least 50 palestinians are killed and it is really attached to the mounting, dest tune gauze. it has reached unprecedented levels with diplomatic channels working overtime and the hopes of achieving an immediate cease fire. for many in
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the world, christmas will be marked with family laughter when enrollments to last a lifetime. you know, you know, you have when supper palestinians within gaza, the reality on the ground is very much different. it will be marked with way to grow by room in the cries of those not being able to hold the loved ones into the new year. and run a la hon. l to 0. i'll just need his hand cards where he's at democracy, refugee counseling, she sent this this report in this building behind me, this is a 3 story building. dots has been targeted and another house here and another house here. according to the family, he told me that 5 of his family members are still under the rubble, including his wife. his children, among them is a 2 year old palestinian babies. he also told me that there has been no ambulances or civil defense since yesterday,
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and he can't do anything about it. he's trying to dig with his own bare hands. but unfortunately, the ceiling is dropped. is on the floor flat and on the floor. and he turns him out of himself. there are other people we're trying to go and see other people that are trying to use equipments like silver to dig in into rescue these people from under the rubber. this seems like a movie and seems as if it's like something. and really what we're seeing today is completely undescribable. i see bicycles, i see belongings to people. memories of these people were refugees and people who were just phase from different areas across of the gaza strip. and they came here as this, this place was
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a safe area. let's walk in and see how people are removing people from under the rubber. it smells like blood and we see chattered bodies and we just saw them remove a little baby from under the level. as you see with his fair hands, they're using their hands through him, move people from under the rebels. they found part of the body and they're trying to pull as much as they cost. and this is not the 1st time we see this. we have been seeing this phase of 2 days. the same exact same people with their own bare hands, the
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of those comedies have been under the rebels trapped under the rebels for more than 10 hours right now. and according to the people's surround, knew these areas, this is not the only area that has been targeted by the is there any forces in not the only area that still have people trapped under the rebel? but i'm getting sick in the civil defense are overrun because there are a lot going through across the street. this is in the city. i just need a massage the cause of well, how many months during his life and rough, i in southern guy. so that was in there talking to us about the efforts to pull people from under the rubble in my gosh, they took us through the other areas that have been hit because regardless of, of course, is not the only place that's being targeted. the well, at this particular holiday season there seems to be just more bonds and more of
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death and destruction across the gaza strip. not only the central air they've been, have you been bartman and concentrated that the area, but we're looking at other areas that are coming under heavy, a relentless airstrikes and both those the ink uh as well as the, the raising of agricultural land. mainly the eastern side of the, of the city and old, the eastern, a border line of from these for inside of gaza city. as well as the northern part, we took about an area that has been a completely raised, the older residential buildings been destroyed. a very consistent with the efforts made by, by these really a government and the cabinet were policies and this really military and it's invading forces in the ground to make life on it to make gaza and the eastern part of it particular uninhabitable for people. when this work uh is, is over which we, we don't know exactly when it's going that to happen. but the fact that none of
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that more areas are being destroyed, a more agricultural land being raised and further a destruction of the residential buildings and all the infrastructure. just giving people that sense that all of this is feeding into a permanent, this a placement so far. we're seeing lots of it happening in the southern part more of an overnight destructive at a relentless area. so i can the central parts more on on in the northern part where it just within the past due a couple hours a, the tax on india body and particularly targeting is small local businesses. we heard the confirmed report of from an attack on, on a small factory in jeff valia where another warehouse that accommodates uh, some of the, the trucks. then some of the mechanics tools that are used for local businesses and they are being destroyed as well. and then not only now, we're looking at a pattern of homes, the homes being destroyed, then and,
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and the public facility. but there's a direct attack on local businesses, the very private sector being destroyed and just sending the entire goals up to date on a known on, on search entity for the coming days. i mean, not going to enroll fund southern gaza, honey. thank you very much indeed. it was prime minister benjamin netanyahu was invited to continue the war, despite mounting military casualties. later today is those wall cabinet is expected to meet and discuss a new proposal made by egypt as part of the negotiations to secure the release of. is there any chapters house why home us and we go to barton smith, whose life was in television? what more do we know about this proposal from connor gardner, the rob, the walk out, but it's all already been discussing these proposed spot proposals and we'll continue discussing it today. the gyptian mediation is suggesting a $7.00 to $1010.00 day ceasefire,
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in which all civilians will be released in exchange for palestinian prisoners off broadly similar to the last ceasefire. so these writers might be open to that. there's a couple of other parts of it that they may 5 find more difficult to swallow, including wellness suggests a month long of discussions, asked about initial ceasefire that would really result in the release of old military personnel in exchange of palestinian prisoners and a full withdrawal of is riley miller treat to gauze as borders on. the cabinet isn't particularly not to care. and israel at the moment, there's been some criticism of the will come paying, for example, the increase in military desk because of the intense ground operation. instead of using ass strikes, won't cabinet administer not happy with us. that is prompted as rails presidents like that. so to appeal to the country's political leaders, he says that the enemy sees the conflicts, the arguments, the struggle between egos. and he says on behalf of grieving families and from the line soldiers, i say to elected officials and to be internal struggles. and this divisions that's
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just keen going on. and israel's government for what happens after benjamin netanyahu, the wide assumption being is that he won't be prime minister once of all after the war at bernard smith and tell him, be bound to thank you. it is all the forces of rated properties and several cities in refugee counts and the occupied west bank and operation is underway in jericho down there, at least $19.00. we seem detained by troops in boca east of tamala, that have been post of an explosion. people arrested on fighting between these really forces and palestinians in nablus range, but also conducted in the cities of jeanine. i'm 2 of us getting on cons. got the latest from jeanine refugee camp since one of the most rated camps since october, the 7th. and the whole of the occupied west by the rate, it began around 1 am in the morning like these, where the army came along these roads ahead and then they went with that yellow
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taxi is into the refugee camp itself. they actually rated about 10 houses that were about 200 is really sold is about 40 minute 3 vehicles. the went in through that very narrow street that they would make the match with resistance for the palestinian fighters. the classes involved. uh and like, i say they rated about 10 houses, but they didn't arrest anybody. and that's leading people here to say that we always knew that this was a campaign of harassment. but this is now what it feels like because they didn't arrest anybody. now like i say, this is the most rated camp in uh since october the 7th in the occupied west, but i can just take a look at the massive amount of damage. this is all taken place since october, the 7th people's houses have been destroyed. anything that might be either a symbol of resistance or even just the symbol of national pride. the round about that you'll see that used to have a map of palestine on it's the is really simply knocked it down. they've dug up
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a rhodes here. they making it very difficult for the residence of janine refugee. can they get about, do that the business, but also to actually even live hey, what we're hearing now is people are having to leave this refugee camp and go to other places. i've been out twice removed refugees and then the sound sport jobs mel. success is gonna start sending ships through the red sea in the gulf of 8. and again, they're linked for the bob on monday straight. and it's a vital to see which links to this. so is cut out several fun stopped using the root when humans for the fighters talking to tankers and container ships. who, if you say that's a response to asians war on gaza masks as it's decision to use the root again, is because of protection offer to buy a us coordinated fleets. muscle. santa is monitoring developments from josie, a. d. i agreed to resume the ship and i'm a drastic through the red sea and that they're working on plans to drastic. the 1st
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russell said that the, the safety of their employees is of all most importance. cool seating the challenges to ration the, the rats and the say that they're going to do to continue to reserve the ship in the tanks to the new national of the maritime source being formed by d. i see in the red sea, however, the uh, the does, the company is also saying that they will not hesitate to have been re distribution if a venture just was the cause, any kind of draft. and that we do not know as of now whether it was because of the pressure that is coming from the i see that they made this decision or whether this is an objective assessment. because earlier they haven't noticed that they are going to stop. they will petition and not only myers evergreen high paid mold floyd cma group, and even the all wheel drive the giant oil company. but it is petroleum said that
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they might stop, they will patients that goes to read the due to the challenging security situation here. and by doing that, of course, it's a significantly adding to the prizes the shipping cost and also the loss that they are going to review the of ships from this $3.00 is cut off from the red sea and around africa. and that is significantly a fact the, the delivery time at least a time, these delay and, or also increasing the shipping cost. just go ahead and i'll just say the breaking the fossil fuel habits for our country with all the white conditions is finding is so hard to switch to renewables. the a hello there. let's look to southeast asia and we'll start with the
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satellite image and you can see across the western areas of the region, we all seem very sick. a cloud and sun the storms go. that rain pool ring into the malay peninsula. that's already cool. some flooding and pots of malaysia and the drenching downpours continue for northern areas of sumatra. for indonesia, we are expecting that rain to continue to full as we go into the mid week, coupled with some very bluster, we winds blowing down. those will also be felt across parts of indo china vietnam, continuing to see those widespread showers and live the shelves and storms all the story across the philippines. now, despite the stormy weather that was predicted for eastern areas of australia, it was sunshine and joy on bondai beach and sydney. lots of merriment and twice, guys to be found there. well, the weather has swept its way and you can see those storms rumbling their way up the coast of queens and some more digging down into the very southeast corner when windy conditions dominating here. so what's the weather looking across the north that'll gather of us moving to areas of western australia by the time we get to the
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mid week, but it's still a very hot story. full central and weston areas. a spring scene 41 degrees celsius . the on wednesday with lots of heat it is a tenant object to produce object these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of israeli public, this course and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the race or the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes next on the
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the towards, you know, just need a reminder of our top stories is uh, is there any other sites have killed at least $95.00 people and almost positive refugee champions, central gaza. many of the victims were women and children. dozens more, i believe, to be buried under the russell. is there any forces of rated several of the cities in refugee camps in the occupied west bank? at least one man was seen detained by choosing book, east of ramallah. the reports of flashes between his very forces and palestinians in numbers is war cabinets expected to meet in the coming hours to discuss a new egypt options to spot proposal to the deal. as old would withdraw troops and garza and stopped ariel bombings of the district. we're going to bring in tunnel cover to use a specialist in conflict resolution, humanitarian aid. he's also an assistant professor of public policy at the doha
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institute of graduate studies, as all also being with us since the conflict began giving us his analysis. so let's talk about this. a junction proposal leading towards the truths are corresponded bundle specials, outlining some of the details of it. and if i, if i break it down correctly, it would start with a 7 day cease far. it would then be a month long cease, far from the exchange of the remaining captives and for prisoners, and then towards towards the end of the consulate itself. what are the objections likely to be to that? what are the obstacles? so i think when it comes to the 1st phase, the head of woods, which involves the essential civilian captains from from the 2 sides. and also human attendance has 5 that allows for data and bit as into it that it as though this might succeed. there is a, there might be an interest on, on both sides is what i and, and pass to gauge with this with this face in particular. but when it comes to the 2nd phase is because the, this. busy proposing more or less,
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it's the 1st one is the genetic, however, is genetic road map. the more or less leads to some concrete steps towards establishing a political path over ending was a subject to endorse the 2nd and 3rd phase. i think this would be the more complicated ones, because the 2nd phase involves shifting up on a scene and then put us in a battle between the, how much the stomach you had. and also it's also it's, it's going to play thing with either of stablish and a picnic corrupt government in the us back and does that to enable elections to take place in the future when it comes to this, the internet for the civil conservation died open, bring and how much and further into the p l o 2 unites, the police didn't leave the ship to, to, to have uh, one address for the palestine. this is what the things could get tricky because of one important thing that many continued to the medical industry to be to uh uh, since how about us uh, took over guys on one the elections and 2006,
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the americans of police. they many cars and there's always a place a veto on him as a on, on pet that starting with thomas. so you'll have 2 things. of course the 2 part does have the disagreements of defense is over the future of palestine and the subject to struggle. but the most important thing is that the americans and design is made sure that there will be no sufficient f. what's, i mean the veto was the so that was threatening factor that, that, that if they engage in any, via the consumption efforts, they wouldn't be marginalized. isolated and sections would be based on the fact that has what. so this needs to has to be removed. this is delta dental for this to succeed for the students to be able to establish ethically or the crop government to, to, to do it on the elections in the future. and to sit as a united front with these ladies, this vehicle. but how much has to be done by the american? so the americans are willing to engage with this idea and i would laugh and then i can see a window of opportunity for something to go to often back when it comes to the
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entire political process. you know, over this conflict. so, and you know, this is, was also the emphasized by the former from just sort of set up for. yeah. like you just, i mean he was on the 0 and then into the view what he said, that only how much and a fellow would make this successful me including it. so while it's gone, it was saying that meeting with these really wall cabinets is going on at the moment to discuss the elements of this. it will be interesting to see what comes out of that as well. we're obviously going to be talking about that's when that happens for another time. a good. thank you very much. indeed the, you know, the new state media and virginia choosing the philippines of repeatedly bleaching chinese territory. and so i was trying to see tension around, disputed areas as increased in recent months. both sides have blamed each other for a number of reasons. the confrontations between philippines and chinese vessels, se media to say the philippines is relying on the us to provoke china,
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calling it extremely dangerous behavior phones, but he has more foundation. all the comments about the south china sea 1st appeared in the common traits in the china daily, and they relate to picked up by the people's daily long considered a chinese communist knology mouthpiece. now they struck a raw, the strident tone, but they all what we've come to expect from chinese media, which are launch the only the state owned or state control. now this comments, he singled out the philippines, accusing it of stirring up trouble in the region and also accusing it of doing washington's bidding. and the dispute in the south china sea dates back decade. and it's not just between china and the philippines. taiwan is also a claimant, as of several other south east asian countries over different parts of the south china sea. now, but it is chinese and philippine vessels that have had a space of run ins and confrontations in recent months. and we can see this common
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t as perhaps china attempting to put its narrative out, that the clearly a message that china is upset is what's happening. it could perhaps also be seen as a message that is intended for the us, which frequently conduct freedom of navigation operations in the south china sea, something that china objects to know china's position is that the dispute between manila and beijing over the south china sea is something that ought to be settled in by lot to talk with philippines position is that it has already brought the mazda to an international type. you know, that type, you know, has already rejected. china is foss, peyton's over the south china seats. and so minutes position is that what it's doing is within its own territory and within its own right. now that said, china and the 10 member association of southeast asian nations are trying to draw up a code of conduct to the south china sea in hopes of minimizing conflict and confrontation . but the has been little progress made on that. so from florence,
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we out to 0 police and savvy a how far to guess it demonstrates is alleging photo fold. the hundreds of opposition support has gone to the other side of the city council building in belgrade. he broke the windows at the entrance of the building for the police and barricaded themselves in the process to say the routing crossing great last week's general election for president. i send a whole church has denied the claims for decades, a small island in the gulf of thailand loving to the local government to join the national electric grid. but the cost i waved the benefits. so the island is a coal shake, took masses into their own hands on one solar, now they've on the original award for sustainable energy use. however, strongly chain reports, they remain the exception to the rule. sleeping under the hot sun, collecting a limitless energy source, their own tie, hoses down the solar panels on his roof. when he's done,
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you can sit under the fan and enjoy an ice cold glass of water, all due to the island. so the energy grid for decades, the and then relied on diesel shipped in a great expense. so that was a natural choice. but a hard sell me gone from we asked the administrative department, local government offices like the provincial energy office on cellphone, which was difficult and took his every 2 years on the grounds from the australian government and technical support from a team of academics. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store only energy they need. item life has been transformed schools now, well is the constant power to all the student's needs. even the fisherman is switching across the solar, charging the batteries from the boats at the collective charging stations on land. just down the coast, an indication of how most ties get their energy. a huge coal fired power station,
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a massive transport ships queuing up to offload thailand stick to the future of fossil fuels. nope. renewables with natural gas from the gulf of thailand. power station funding, co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels, could be relatively easy in thailand, solar hydro and bio mass. energy could generate $43000.00 megawatts, 25 percent more than current demands. but the government remains committed to colon, guess highlands is the railings renewable energy is that's all for to. so if you look at the policies of our country, we can see clearly pelham, you go directly to the force to consumption on the island road, the seeing the benefits of their renewable grid homes that used to ration expensive electricity. now, free to use appliances whenever they,
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once the peace and tranquility no longer interrupted by the hum of generates his friends and neighbors, able to chat and go sit long enough, the dog, even the cat goes hunting for a late night snack tony cheng al jazeera cupcake in the gulf of china returning, not until a coverage of israel's war on gaza christians and the occupied west bank of attended midnight mice on christmas eve. the service was held at the church of elizabeth the inbox i believe, to be the best place of jesus christ. it was a more somebody affair than usual last week for todd no of the last name, patrick rock of jerusalem, called on christians and the holy land to kansas celebrations and solid dollars for the people of cancer. it abraham reports from the christmas time, but it's not like you might expect it to be those thousands of people turning up
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like major square in the city. no christmas carols, no festivities. instead, a display of togetherness might palestinians and bethlehem showing they are one with garza separated by geography and is read. you mean the 3 check points, how the city is with the occupied westbank say they can not isolate themselves from god's us pain. it's too much says are this product sensor, the palestinian christian from bethlehem. he was inspired to rearrange the traditional christmas major scene to present was buried under rubble. virgin mary, in the historical christmas story, is joyous as she is tilting at down. and the baby is wrapped in a coffin, reminding us of the scenes coming out of casa. it's open for interpretation. if you want to imagine the child being dead or alive, the star and the christmas story guides the 3.


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