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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the low, i'm sammy say that and this has been use our life from dell. the bodies of victims have been, is riley massacre. that's a refugee camp pile off outside the hospital and central gaza at least 95 palestinians. what killed revolts of palestinian fights is confronting is riley forces storming cities in the occupied west spine on them, or on con, in the occupied westbank jeanine refugee camp, where locals had a saying that these ready all mean signing misplaced,
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its one many dollars or more exchanges. a fire between these right in the army and has the law sizes on the 11 and bought out of a live update. and now the news paging ram stop, it's right click on the south china sea estate media accuses the philippines of repeatedly preaching is power train the it's just pos 10 am gmc that's mid day christmas day on gaza. and the christine wolf celebrates palestinians of dealing with the off the mouth of one of the worst is ready, mastic isn't weeks. at least 95 people were killed in his riley strikes on homes. and that will cause the refugee camp in the center of gauze or on sunday nights. many of the victims were women and children. thousands of people i believe, to be buried under the rubble. officials say the death toll is expected to rise and
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is right. the forces of also did several cities across they occupied west bank. the armies stones homes in areas including jericho. janine and 2 of us are also reports of an explosion in novelist. these right, the army has bottomed has belong positions in southern lebanon. it says it destroyed the noms death row and operations space used to launch attacks on, as well. by colossal begins on coverage. there is a sea of bodies outside on ok. so hospital in central gauze of the often mass of his rainy strikes on oh my god, is the refugee camp of and not it's christmas day. but there's nothing for these palestinians families to unwrap except the plastic containing the remains of their loved ones. the painful good by the stream of mona's pauses through the mold among the dead men and women and children, including
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a 2 week old baby the injured were taken to pay the functioning hospitals waste off on able to offer much more than basic. first thing, upside is one of the few medical facilities in gaza, still open and it's struggling to cope with the growing numbers of data and engine that will do it because they're just a bad, well know of either of either of these a lot of wounded patients that are still sleeping on the floor because we don't have any place since there's no capacity that you can't even walk in the card was because the number of wounded that exceeds the number of beds uh, the number of patients we have is 5 times capacity that we have in the hospital. israel is bombing campaign on. oh my god, z on christmas eve means no risk for family. they spent the night digging through the rubble. we were sitting down and out of nowhere, we didn't know what happened. all of the sudden there was an explosion. we didn't
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know if it was our house or our neighbors. we went down and found dead bodies everywhere. all the new number, when i thought about our little guy these days, there is no electricity or water. so everyone at this time of night is just sitting in the houses with the loved ones, but look around, nothing is lift, the whole neighborhood is gone. well, that's how the dance, the populated residential area was also targeted last month. at least 50 palestinians were killed in that says, totaling does, has reached unprecedented levels. diplomatic if it's to negotiate, to cease fire or making little progress for many in the world. this time of year is marked by families coming together to celebrate tennessee and not to say they final goodbyes. who do they will be no joy and no loss to him for
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palestinians and gaza. each causing day brings another row of bodies draped in sheets and mull families with nothing to celebrate heading into the new. yeah. mike, level l g 0. the 0 to send the cold the using that in my god, the refugee camp sent us this report is in this building behind me. this is a 3 story building dots has been targeted and another house here. and another house here. according to the family, he told me that 5 of his family members are still under the rubble, including his wife. his children, among them is a 2 year old palestinian babies. he also told me that there has been no ambulances or civil defense since yesterday, and he can't do anything about it. he's trying to dig with his own their hands. but unfortunately,
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the ceiling is dropped. is on the floor flat and on the floor and he turned to him help him says, there are other people we're trying to go and see other people that are trying to use equipments like silver to dig in into rescue these people from under the rubber this seems like a movie and seems as if it's like something. and really what we're seeing today is completely undescribable. i see bicycles, i see belongings to people. memories of these people were refugees and people who were just faced from different areas across of the gaza strip. and they came here as this, this place was a face area. let's walk in and see how people are
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removing people from under the rubber. it smells like blood and we see chattered bodies and we just saw them remove, listen baby from under the level. as you see with his fair hands, they're using their hands during most people from under the rebels. they found parts of the body and they're trying to pull as much as they cost. and this is not the 1st time we see this. we have been seeing this phase of 2 days, the same exact same people with their own bare hands the those comedies have been under the remo trapped under the rubble for more than 10
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hours right now. and according to the people's surroundings, these areas, this is not the only area that has been targeted by the is there any forces and not the only area that still have people trapped under their blue bus? the i'm getting says in the civil defense are overrun because there are a lot going through across the street. this is in the city. i just need a advocacy because i've had a bus load joins us now live from golf off in southern gaza and highly as much to the west and will celebrate christmas. today the images of bodies piling up and the living, looking for drinking bullets are really on the schools the global disconnect. yes, sammy, this particular holiday season on a christmas eve over night just brought unfortunately. and it tragically to say no presents to palestinian children,
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but rather death and destruction. we're talking about a little over a 120 people that being killed in massive, relentless ears strikes on as much as the refugee camp where entire families have been obliterated and buried under the rubble of those. a 120 we're talking about are the one being identified by the paramedics and remaining family members was served 5, those relentless attack. there are more under the rubble of tens under the rubble. we're talking about a densely populated area where the residential homes turn into piles of rubble is then a part of ruins where it's hard work for people on the ground to search for the remaining uh, remaining survivors under those piles of rubble. no, no proper machinery. no heavy equipment, no, no, but those are to help remove these large pieces of concrete. what people are doing
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the neighbors then, remaining family members are using their, their hand to remove these a pile of concrete. su s. so save, who might have survived those relentless error strikes. it takes not all the days, but sometimes weeks to be able to remove all of these large pieces of concrete not only but as a refuge account being is side of this, these massive virus, right. but also surrounding neighbor surrounding refuge account like an insight on an album res, where at least 13 people were killed from one family, largely this lease and evacuated from other parts of the gaza through just within the past hour of the residence of, of other neighborhoods in the very particular a, i know my, the version on the site. all right, so you can receive sharp evacuation orders more people are asked to leave in what seems to be
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a preparation for more relentless attacks. talking about the fighting video emerging about the showing the fighting. what does it tell us about how the battle is chasing up? yeah, we've been getting good some reports of from particularly hon units where much of the fierce fighting is taking place that they eastern part of time unit fence moving it for gradually into the central and hard part of on units work as the not sort of a hospital is located that much of the findings taking place from street the street . the house to house were palestinians, the by thing groups on the ground are conducting the counter attacks then to try and do it to push a is really times an army. vehicles are from a parts that they, they are invaded within the past if you, if you days and just given this your level of destruction,
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those of finding goods are low goals. busy residents of the area do you know the ins and outs of it. busy the seem to be taken advantage of the pile of rubble rubble, the created by this your level of destruction. i've been able to conduct effective counter attacks and causing damage to his really military. 3 equipment tanks and armored vehicles that in, in some cases where able to do kill uh, as soldiers israeli soldiers on, on the ground. we've seen this that within the past a week or so and happening in the northern parts. and then the eastern part of god forbid the worst is really monetary announced, it's full control of areas. but within hours we soon see those counter attacks happening. and from the very areas that there's really a military announce full a full control. there is also a call for more troops and more forces to join the current invading forces on
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the ground just to help expanding the military operations. but when, in fact, more of the troops, more destruction and more displaced, people are going to be a cause. as a result of what's going on. all right, thanks so much kindly my fluid that a space, right, the army says is found the bodies of 3 of its soldiers and 2 civilians in how mass total and northern garza. it's believe they were among those cap to the on october, the 7th. the spokesman says the tunnel was discovered underneath the giovanni a refugee camp and that it contained weapons and emergency rooms swell says the network of underground passages served as the northern headquarters of how much fights is. israel's prime minister has criticized the economy minister for saying not an off was being done to protect the lives of soldiers in garza and you may nothing. yeah. who is pledged to push ahead with the offensive, despite mounting the tree casualties. the army says at least
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a $157.00 is right. the soldiers have been killed in the ground invasion of gaza that began the end of october. meanwhile, egypt is reported to have proposed a formula for the truce in the conflicts scope it out to button smith. he's in tele visa, ben for. so what are you hearing about this suggestion proposal to him? the conflict? if somebody is rails that will comment, it has already started considering the proposals put forward by the egyptian mediators. and the 1st part is broadly similar to the previous face. 5, that is a said i don't for of a 7 to 10 day ceasefire in all civilians. would be released in exchange for the release of palestinian prisoners. the next 2 stages might be a bit more problematic for these railways. the 2nd one is a proposal to extend the seas 5 by 7 dates, release old female soldiers and exchange for policy indian prisoners. and then the
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last bit is the one month of further negotiations to discuss the release of old military personnel held by how much in exchange with palestinian prisoners and his royal withdrawal to gauze as bored as so those, particularly the, i'm vicious demands from my further extended see spot, israel's won't cabinet, excuse me. we'll get, we'll discuss it further. and we're expecting to hear from them at some stage of course, where they have to say. and then it's how unit 5 is based, right? the cabinet, as it considers these proposals and the path forward as well. there are political considerations of course with this netanyahu has already said repeatedly, he's gonna push on until that's victory. but there is pressure on his rail, not just internationally for a move to a less than 10 sized war that's coming from the fight of ministration. but domestically because there's been a high rise of casualties, rate of casualties. 17 soldiers killed that since friday, and no hostages,
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no captive yet released. so israel is coming up as one cabinet administer saying the government really should be doing more strikes and not launching a ground invasion. all of this back and forth is prompted. israel is present. it's i could so sort of cold peace amongst the political leaders. he says the enemy sees the complex, the arguments, the struggle between ego. busy those and so on behalf of grieving families and from the line soldiers, i say, to elected officials and the internal struggles and the divisions. because at the top of his rails police positive political system, there is joe king, joe king, amongst politicians who want to succeed netanyahu the believe phase, although he wants to cling onto power that a bit when this war is over is going to be very hard for him to stay in office until there's plenty of others who wants his job. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much but and smith is there any forces of rated
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properties in several palestinian cities in refugee camps in the occupied westbank? there have been reports of an explosion, people arrested and fighting between these ready forces in palestinian fights as a novelist. rates were also conducted in jeanine until boss about hon is in jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. so 1st of all, the raids, not any targeting the camps, but also symbols of national identity in the comes right. that's absolutely right. the right place here around 1 am in the morning. these really is actually came down these roads and the road behind me about 200 soldiers about 40 um and vehicles. uh, went down the street where you can see the white call is going down. they rated about 10 houses in that street. but interesting, you know, they didn't actually arrest anybody and people, we've been speaking to say that this is becoming more, most typical. the actually, what they do is simply harassing the people of the count. now,
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let me just show you this. this is one of the main roundabouts engineering refugee camp. that destroyed statute is simply a map of palestine. these readings tore it down. all of this time is that you can see um has taken place since october. the certain roads have been dug up. uh alex has the cables have been caught. uh, this is simply a way of for these ladies to try and make life as difficult as possible for the people that live inside the account. now when they were here, they did meet with stiff resistance, like i say, they didn't arrest anybody, but that have been 35 arrest and various other rates across the occupied west bank that brings the amounts of prisoners arrested us. or do you about palestinians arrested since on top of the $7.00 to $4730.00 now about half of those in administrative detention are actually held without charged. and how is all of this
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of impacting the spirit today in the west bank as well as you know, there are a lot of questions here in the occupied westbank in bethlehem in ty, but even had just a few comments as a way for me. but again, one of the oldest churches, but the, the atmosphere is incredibly subdued. no one is actually celebrating the bus of jesus christ. certainly not the catholics who use the 25th to celebrate the orthodox. they do that a couple of weeks later. and everybody who is using the time to mock what is happening and goes and just trying to highlight what is happening and goes it. it is an incredibly sub judith. i must say we're in a catholic church and type a on christmas eve. a mass was due to take place that it happened, but it was nowhere near the amount of people that they would normally expect. in fact, the fall, the priest that spoke to me and told me that normally they would be getting, you know, to $3000.00 visitors a day over this period. but right now nobody's visiting. well,
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i will leave with that. thanks so much jim. on con, 11 days um group has the law says it's carried out several attacks on towns in northern israel, as well as responded by launching a wave of ass strikes on the groups positions in lebanese border towns. the all me says it targeted mitre buildings and rocket launches sites. let's get more of this from ali hash and he's in the quarter in southern lebanon. i understand just the last hour also it has been used strikes. take us through that much a oh yes, on a it's not to come day today and saw slip in on several is really bombardments on the borderline with lebanon on also a couple of attacks by has, will on, is ready positions has been diagnosed yesterday. that's one of its fighters as being killed also just few minutes from now. i know the statement that has the law . uh said that uh and all the fights,
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uh well skilled enough and his radio struck today on may since you about the area to ahead for here where we are in the pull it off. uh, the vicinity of this village has been hit by a artillery also to watch the uh, the east masons about medicare, about uh, also on the other side is really side the town of me taught as well. i said that its own fights as launched and, and i missed signs towards a and admitted fee position in the top as well. of course, to the moment there are no reports of casualties. however, this is just the beginning of the day that and then not a how is the is why the objects is in this conflict in the north shaping up so far . and i don't know was the conflict over here as thoughts. it's being at the beginning,
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it was intertwined with, with this situation and does a lot of things that it's a tax on mainly install it that it can support, but later on, things started developing and that's what was actually expected is where we started requesting that as well, that moves from the borderline as of the condition so that it's when the launch, i mean to treat campaign on 11 on and, and there's been several mediation is going on in disregard is really, is saying that it's people in the north of thousands of these readies who are right now, this phase to just the same, like on the other side, we live in a well, so thousands of live in these all these days. but it's right in saying that the only condition for its people to get back to the border is that hezbollah gets away and has a lot of the moment is in giving a clear, clear answer. but they are linking the whole conversation over the presence on the, on the board, the, to the end of the war to complete the end of the one guys. and then after that there's, there's going to be maybe
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a conversation about that. but given what we had a hearing from the law officials or what that hinting to, they don't seem to have the intention to leave the board the without really without any, any, any, any situation. i mean, they don't really think that and is ready campaign could really get them out of here because this happened in 2006 and they didn't leave the they bought the despite the united nations security council resolution, 1701. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much on it. how should and now egypt is proposing a new seas, 5 between israel and thomas in garza, that would be implemented in 3 stages. it's been widely reported in direct negotiations. would be held in egypt with mediation by a outside of the us. the 1st phase would see a humanitarian pools of $7.00 to $10.00 days. how mass would release all civilian
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captives in exchange for palestinian prisoners in his riley jails. in the 2nd phase, how mass was free, all females soldiers over another 7 days. busy is releasing bodies, it still holds of israelis killed since october. the 7th. all the remaining cat saves would be released during another month long seas 5 while is row with 3 more palestinian inmates on the proposal. israel with also withdrawal troops from garza and stuff. it's aerial bombardment of the strip us last spring in time. that is called a mote sees a specialist on conflict resolution. and do you mind miss terry an a, he's also an assistant professor of public policy at the delta institute of graduate studies. good to have you with us, thomas. so 1st of all, well, let's start with the diction presence. and i was just talking about that. what do we know about this proposal and the war? is it getting traction? so suddenly, obviously it is a good thing for action because we see uh i'm from who. so the i'm actually the
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ship a single of the ship and the druggist. i'm a single ship this thing with the ship and keitel. they would invite them to a couple of days ago. understood the discussing. the initiative oldest proposal. and this proposal it's a multi phase approach. so the 1st phase of it involves or focuses on uh, on the on the tenants is funded exchanging prisoners and captives from the 2 sites . but there are other components to it. and this comes in phase $2.00 and $3.00, which talks about it proposes a thinking across government funding garza then preparing for elections more or less uniting to put a scene in house to prepare for the convertible host of both will administration, can that technocratic government that understanding between policy and infections be changed unless the us changes its position, its subjection to palestinian reconciliation, particularly between 5 and how much. i mean that's,
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that's the big question. because we know, i mean what, how much one, the elections it was not recognized by the us buyers that i buy mean the western countries as a legit cnn party. and then it was sanctions isolated. and then that has been like sort of attempts to conserve upon how most, the, the last of which was in the judy and before there wasn't tired. one even caught that host the around of the freak about a student that into consideration. but they were all old sales, mainly because the american veto was thought that was own was so that, that if it, if the queen size of how much it would be also sanctions as well. so it's the americans, if this, if this is the one solution for the product to has any such as of success, the americans have to remove this. so what does that mean? effectively this talk about how much entering the p a low cannot happen until the withdrawal. let's see for the of the us visa. yes, of course. i mean it's, it's how much is a main screen?
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let's put it the capacity. so does that mean but ultimately stocks and in this, unless scenario where if the palestinians comp reconciled is not going to be a post palestinian post will government. right. that's what we can solve. yes, i was the continuation of kale. so the picture is very complicated because. ready is what they want as they want to talk about how much they don't, they don't want it. they don't want to see any government good order for how much of it has. but the stick with that's not possible because how much is the kind of the bypass at the same time for i need to consideration efforts and for any of the construction and political process to be uh, the initiated unit. how much you up and gauge with how much sense that is that different than little so the americans have to realize this have to be nice. this and for anything to succeed on this front. if the veto is the, i mean the psycho so the suffering would then continue. and if, if we, you know, unless that happens, and if we take a step back for
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a 2nd time and look then at the situation, the global situation that we have celebrations in the west on christmas day occupation, cj the body's timing of starvation. as of as you know, sit down for the christmas mail, we've got starvation further racing garza and embodiments of the complete disconnect that's going on in the world right now. so suddenly through semi, i mean, humanity has been but the thing is, i mean nowadays, especially in the some of the, i mean the use even in bethlehem in an old. but as soon as these uh, instead of like to know the christmas, the, the festive moves, the displays of maybe juices and problems. you know, the big problem is the theological justification of this. would that mean the phrase is even been hearing from nothing. yeah. who would like to know using the sons of flights? there's a sense of, of darkness. i mean, don't get, well,
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i'm elected you quoting the 1st book of time. exactly. the stain is a level and this old, this ignores the fact that you know, most trans kristen's use that on a fence. the condition is part of this region and they have to exist the system for a long time. the problem is what sign isn't with colonial circular dollars with a patient? that's the problem. so we're at the, at the very dark stage and in history when it comes to, to the behavioral for humanity. the international community, uh towards us thing is let's see and, and, and, and towards ending and the prospect, the end that your patient. thank you very much time on the most for coming in the now now the newsday media and by doing are accusing the philippines of repeatedly breaching chinese territory in the south. china sea tension around disputed areas has increased in recent months, both sides of blank each other for
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a number of recent confrontations between philippine and chinese vessels. the state media say the philippines is relying on the us to provoke china holding it extremely dangerous behavior flowing slowly, has mall from badging. all the comments about the south china sea 1st appeared in the common traits in the china daily, and they relate to picked up by the people's daily long considered a chinese communist party mouthpiece. now they struck a raw, the strident tone, but they all what we've come to expect from chinese media, which are launch the only the state owned or state control. now this comments, he singled out the philippines, accusing it of stirring up trouble in the region and also accusing it of doing washington's bidding. now the dispute in the south china sea dates back decade, and it's not just between china and the philippines. taiwan is also a claimant, as of several other south east asian countries over different parts of the south china sea. now,
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but it is chinese and philippine vessels that have had the space of running and confrontations in recent months. and we can see this common t as perhaps china attempting to put its narrative outside the clearly a message that china is upset at what's happening. it could perhaps also be seen as a message that is intended for the us, which frequently conduct freedom of navigation operations in the south china sea, something that china objects to know china is position is that the dispute between manila and beijing over the south china sea is something that ought to be settled in by lot to talk with philippines. position is that it has already brought the mazda to an international type. you know, that type, you know, has already rejected. china is vast times over the south china seats. and so i'm an analyst position, is that what it's doing is within its own territory and within its own right. now that said, china and the 10 member association of south east asian nations are trying to draw up
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a code of conduct to the south china sea in hopes of minimizing conflicts and confrontations . but the has been little progress made on that so far. florence lee l g 0. 16 people have been killed in an attack in nigeria that i do. a nami told the i s t news agency. the attack happens in the small village of most, you know, central region of plateau. the army says clashes between how it is and farmers in the area on common to 5 days on from the elections in the democratic republic of congo official results. they get to be announced. the presidential vote is being mobbed by logistical problems and it concerns of its credibility. catherine, so it reports from the council can shasta public frustration is growing. these companies are on, she's here waiting for election results. some to the past to charge. they hope for a peaceful outcome, but across the d r. c. there's a sense of uncertainty. london,
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i'm wondering election oil. i witness the disorganization and kyle, so there is nothing good that will come out of the election. machines were not working. the polls need to be cancels and if you let them know enough about most of the people in this comp, for the displaced in north keith was prof. visual copy to a coma did not get to vote. conflict and part of the eastern region has been raging for many. yes. may i speak, which are who are you at the other 2? i didn't vote because i'm from rich sherry and they excluded me from these elections. i feel very bad if we'd very chatted. we could have elected our true representatives. now there is no one to protect us. the total with the election commission is compiling results and asking for patients the commission is looking into allegations of irregularity that may have happened in calling stations. some group destroyed voting machines and intimidated election was because
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bulk of the charge some more cheapest blame the government for the cables they witnessed the see any outcome will likely be contentious. catherine, sorry, i'll just sierra can chef the police in savvy. i have $510.00 gas demonstrators alleging votes of fraud. hundreds of opposition suppose has gathered outside the city council building and ballad, right? they broke windows at the entrance of the building with police barricaded themselves. the protest to say the routing policy rigged last week's general election, president outings on the which is the 9th. the claim that i had on al jazeera, well, have you? why danish trends for john is musk has decided to resume shipping through the red sea. the
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christmas mass in a time of wearing best to have work for students of frank. so those on the bombardments in casa the, the had lower the legs on rap, the weather across europe this christmas day. and things are looking very festive and joyful. across the south of the very settled weather conditions here, thanks to an area of high pressure is really more in way as sunshine. now that's not the case across the north go to area of low pressure and some very dusty winds opposing a problem in places in particular for denmark as well as poland, we've got some red warning salt for coastal areas. the heavy rain rolls into bruce and the on the island of island, with some snow in scotland, wintery and snow. we conditions dominate for iceland,
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and we can see that winter weather continuing to push its way east, across scans and navy. this, that heavy rain rolling into poland, but on boxing day we are going to the moon wave settled conditions, fine and bright to conditions for parts of england. but the rain isn't very far away. you can see that coming in to the south, west wrenching down pools, stretching away across fronds, ahead of that. it is looking most 2nd, certainly across the south, the southeast corner, more in the way it's sunshine and was 90 degrees celsius. the athens, spain and portugal, a similar story, lots, a seasonal joy to be found here, that sunshine dominating look at the temperature in madrid. it comes down and things are looking a lot more cloudy on choose day on counting the costs. the global rates for electric vehicles is at full speed and it's driving geo political rivalry. but the widespread adoption of battery powered
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cars is facing the big challenges. plus how green are electric cars compared to fossil fuel ones? counting the cost analysis 0 for just medical staff are working in solar down to wisconsin. they say the plot sputtered grounds. they will speak for the palestinian victim. so israel for use the phone. ok, yes. let the horror is a for 2 years ago and settled in his stomach. he lost $21.00 relatives in garza on october. the 14th is on the payment we live and has to be on dish and we capacity the professors here accused israel of competing war cross bar targeting health facilities in golf for turkish structures. find the most recent is an appeal to the international community to take action against israel. the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, for the mags, you're watching out just 0 time to recap. the headlines is right the strikes of killed at least $95.00 palestinians, and that above all, the refugee camp and central garza, many of the victims where women and children thousands more believes to be buried under the rubble. is there any forces of rated several cities in refugee camps in the occupied west bank? at least $35.00 pilot simians with these chains? there are reports of consultations between his writing forces and palestinian fights as a novelist. 11 age group has the law says each carry about several attacks on towns and northern israel is ready. i mean, responded by launching a wave of ass strikes from the fight as physicians and beloved in these for the
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towns. the dr. henley and the doctor on is the spokesperson for our locks the hospital in central gallons away bodies. from the out of mythology mexico been piling off. there's a paving for international action and paints a bleak picture of the health care system. he says is over the collapse. so that's why the upfront the hospital was fluid and there's no place for a single additional case. and most of the newcomers were put on the ground and between the beds and in the internal and external core doors, the health system in our hospital and other hosp going guys that has collapsed. we have the wounded people with the poorest and the most basic standards of care because we don't have medicine and medical supplies. a lot of people have lost their lives because we do not have available alteration rooms. and we don't have any place in the intensive care unit or respirators. we urge the world and the most on the internet, the community and the free people around the globe to open the crossing and let the grid to go. when the people go, go and be treated outside,
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guys threw me off and we urge them to send this medicine and supplies. we need medical teams and feed the hospital. we urge the world to stop this aggression and to send us for humanitarian aid and relief. danish transport giant musk says it will start sending ships through the red sea in the gulf of 8. and again, that link bind the bible monday straight. it's a viable sea routes which leads to the sewage cut out several phone stops using the roots. when the evans, who the fights is targeted tank cars and contain the ships, the host, the say, it's in response to his roles. war on garza mask says it's decision to use the root again. is because of protection offered by us led multinational fleet as close of announcer a sol solved valid, joins us from 2 debility. so is most decision indicative that international
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shipping sales threats the safe again of the well, it's not clear top or so must say that they're going to resume the shipping through the rad see tanks to the international maritime coalition that's formed by the u. s. c. the so that as of now, they are working on plans to dispatch the 1st ships to sale to the red sea. so they haven't started yet. however, they also have noticed that there are still tremendous risk and challenges across the region. and they said that any time they could even read the situation if they see signed the venture rise. so that is the statement that we know now, but we do not know yet whether this decision or resuming shipping across the red sea is in jeopardy assessments off of my us, or whether it is due to the pressure that is coming from the usa. because usa is
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maybe it could be, or that the, the, the ships shows de la cruz across the rest, the inside the facility and they are ships and russell, i understand polls or pharmacies that have told you they going for the economy business as usual. tell us about your interview of the well they did they did the chairman or did you go to ports here? she told me that as of now the business has not been disrupted yet. however. is that on suspicion here? if this cries the one that they are going to have to mind this business losses. and interestingly, she said that the only solution to sol describes us is that the ship owners to be convinced that last that they have nothing to do with israel, their sheets are not going to as well. i'm not coming from these right. of course. so practically, he is suggesting that the sheep owners, the sheep calling because the company is shipping companies to announce that they have not been as need business with israel. and for that, she said that there's
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a requirement of a certain kind of a clear communication with forces. but as of now, there's not any kind of communication between americans and forties and destination is still there. and he's just yesterday said that if the americans continue the ability in activities in the red sea, they are going to turn the red sea into that burning arena. all right, and we mentioned, you mentioned the coalition has actually been activated. i know it's not activated. yes. yes, i declare a nice, that's when it comes up, signed it, and but so far, there's such a knuckle for collaborative and there is a confusion here. so we know that only the u. k. have confirmed that this is going to send to worship under these cooperation, but from spain, utility they have rejected to be part of this question. and the companies such as the netherlands, denmark,
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canada said yes to say they're ready to contribute with these quotations, but not sending the warships instead of that just contributing in a way of sending some of the naval officers here. so it's not in place. and the activity is the minutes activities that you're seeing here in the red sea so far it has not be conducted by division, but rather by americans. all right, thanks so much so. so sort of the, the christians in the occupied west bank of attended midnight mass on christmas eve . the the service was held at the church of nativity. investigate him, believes to be the best place of jesus christ was a most somewhere affair than usual. last week, the cause and all of the latin patriarch of jerusalem, cold on christians and the whole the line to cancel celebrations in solidarity with
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the people of gaul. so that abraham reports from basically him the christmas and best time. but it's not like you might expect it to be those thousands of people turning up a major square in the city. no christmas carols, no festivities. instead, a display of togetherness might palestinians and bethlehem showing they are one with garza separated by geography and is read. you mean the 3 check points, palestinians of the occupied west bank say they cannot isolate themselves from god's us pain. it's too much says art, this part of the palestinian christian from bethlehem. he was inspired to rearrange the traditional christmas major scene to present it was buried under rubble. virgin mary, in the historical christmas story is joyous and she is tilting got down and the baby is wrapped in a coffin, reminding us of the scenes coming out of cause. it's open for interpretation if you
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want to imagine the child being dead or alive, the story, the christmas story guides the 3 wise men to bethlehem and has been recreated here, but now reflects the realities of israel's bombardment. the host i'm still home because he's all the 3 wise man who of prostate expensive gifts to baby jesus. instead, they are holding white coffins. this represents the world leaders who instead of helping people and gaza, all sending them coffee invisible for 12 months ago. it was a different seats. this is thought of helping build festive carts for christmas parade. the to a different cities in the occupied west bank, bringing joy to children. this year. people in bethlehem want to remind the world their children are being killed, injured, stores, and displaced. this can be considered the most silent and turns of their often pop 3 out of jerusalem to them it to be turned in by him. usually when he arrives
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secure. this is basically the announcements of the beginning of the christmas celebrations today. the assignments can be heard during the patry arc with the coffee radio journalist george. i know, as he says, he wanted to emphasize the jesus was native to the land just like them. we're here to pay, but also to ask him not just for the as far as his body is not enough, we have just these a, these are status and then the to turn the page because violence generates on the violence and the ministers of christmas. he's not violence, his peace unless any and say the 1st day of peace will be the last of israel's occupation. need that, but he does eat on bethlehem the occupied westbank on or off. your thoughts is called an a to for use of jesus homeland. he joins us from occupied east jerusalem, good to have you with us so. so how it's
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a very difficult time in the occupied territories. how is that impacting the turned out for christmas surprise. yes. every year on christmas eve, we as think site and science back to maybe and then that's fine. was the 1st time we seen the meaning of silence. like it wasn't very sign inside here in georgia and then and had white and does a lot. the bone being nice as was the certified right, like old and i said the october 7 and turns been 17. ready of the a closing a guy here in jerusalem and for me and my somebody every at 1st and that he, we send it back to you start that. what's the best thing in the home as morning and then we come back to joe's. i am still at the mass injure the mentor network, but our center that i'm and then we go back to bed. that just celebrates the prayers inside the. ready nothing but the rest of the this the we've been doing it
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budgeted was boarded by this you know, unfortunately for all the reasons and because of the best in the head was news that was not as we cannot and said that and from even from jonathan in from the inside 0 is that an ad from the website? so we did not uh go to bed and picked up for me. uh, what's the 1st time i did not send the bridge right now and i'm going to think where it's, it's like it's 10 minutes or about 20 minutes from my in my out, lo decent but. ready like list and all that stuff and it's from all over the world and add this right now we're looking for this needs and we are living around the dates. we did not had the chance to go there and just send the bread there and to read the actual speed of christmas this year. we cannot set advanced placement not because we are
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a standing with the people of god that we cannot. the is the bitch christmas because we are the people who are suffering because of the to basic. we are the seafront large stuff in from the genocide. right? our feet and then does the suffering from the drop that right at you all of a palestinian but also a christian. and i'm wondering do you feel the narrative of christians being on the occupation being on the siege in gaza, being on the bum. bossman is the last on some of your co religionist in the west. yes. to unfortunately many russians all over. i cannot in instead of see you then reinforce sol sick wishes who are living in the dad who are living can find the son. and i want to remind all the questions, all the categories and the word that we are here, the,
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the big questions and don't want to not we are living phones that jesus, right? so about the brand and sold the jewish freeze on fine sunday that if even if you eh and like getting side and they decide and then living store and it will show. so we are shouting about the living phones, the building that are shouting now led absolutely all the way to senior, the voice of the real question of the, of the no quick questions over by the side. and it's like a message in this christmas for all the questions that the word death of that situation continue here. the question that are living near the order that will be the questions in the ration of that will do that. so this responsibility that has been submitted, they will stay the same right on the, on the question that everything here, but on all the questions that were thank you for your time off your thoughts. it
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now was, it was in us quake hit selves until the key i have gathered on sunday for christmas in the ruins of one of the oldest churches in the world. the antioch orthodox church collapsed when the ground shook across to the kids and syria on february. the 6th bull that remains is a pine tree which has been decorated with lights and memory of those who lost their lives. the 59000 people were killed and millions were left homeless. the christians across india, attended midnight mess at christmas eve, where they sign carol's and prayed for recently displaced floods, victims, and the time on the due area. many families continued to celebrate throughout the night. eating sweets and singing carols. beach go is sidney flocks to bundle beach,
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to celebrate christmas. the strategy in wayne join the sons the inside spike warnings of severe thunderstorms. it was bright and sunny and 5 on usual sense as a visited 2000 school chief was in time, and edison stressed and rather than weiss arrived alimentary school with gifts and balloons for the children. time now for a look at the sports headlines was sent out and was become a basketball to this. and the 25th of december is a huge day in the in be with 5 games in total. one of the biggest night, top season abroad, james and the lakers take on the old rivals, the boston celtics. the bron goes into the game coming off season high 40 points in his last match. it's not a happy christmas for one of the m. b 's biggest stars. philadelphia 76 is a pledge
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o l m b has an ankle injury and won't be an action against last season's finest. the miami heat and the nfl, the miami dolphins are celebrating, making the playoffs. they sealed, and now 22 to 20. when over the dallas cowboys, adult is top the ac in football. now in 2nd place to live a pool, have the chance to go top of the premier league on tuesday, yoga and clubs, side to face burly and head into the match following a tense 11 drawer would lead those arsenal. as a villa also have the test and books in day on top this season surprised package our level and points would live a pool and we'll visit struggling matches to united hor down in a place. there is some good news for united fans, bridges, spilling, the surgeon ratcliffe had agreed to by a stake of up to 25 percent in the club. hell, invest $300000000.00 in that old trap of stadium and take responsibility for football operations off the yeah. we saw south africa lift the rugby,
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woke up for rack, hold full time, but the sport is growing in popularity. elsewhere on the african continent. as nicholas hoc reports, they called themselves the panther cubs number 5 and these chrome count base 14 year old mom. i do see that practicing his tackling skills. no. on the only 2 rugby pictures in san diego, but also on the beach, on the outskirts of the car, he hopes to lift the world cup trophy one day the can tackle. and so the rugby bowl, it's more interesting than other sports people watching us 6. we look crazy, but for me it's a spell that brings us closer. it's actually teams periods. my mother's favorite player to have played in the tournament is frances kept in in scrum, a house on to when people a derek to sports that are popular incentive, golf, wrestling, and football. and it seems, rug. beacon vines the both. it's gaining in popularity with young senegalese,
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starting to recognize a bit of themselves with the players participating in the rugby world cup. only 2 african countries qualified for the 2023 world cup media and eventually winners south africa. look at the make up of the teams. most of the players are white, but the sport is gaining ground on the continent. thanks to the increasingly diverse make up of international squat. young black players are role models for the game proof that what once seemed impossible is actually possible. at least for 23 year old bennett's a said, well, this isn't just the white person's pearl to look at all the people of african origin . paying on the team is contending. she went from rugby player to international referee standing up to players no matter where they're from. i don't see the color . i see them as play years,
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not the by the color of the scheme. i'm here to referee to teams, and those 2 teams have only one color for me to watch. the panther's hopes are on 19 year old test for some of the and the prince's baker turned professional rugby player. he's among a growing number of young african signed up by european clubs one day with the 100 to make it to the top. and pay was people from around the world. the panther cubs a small club with big dreams to one day, bring the rugby world cup trophy to the shores of west africa. nicholas hawk elgin's era, the car. and he's always full of headlines for more. you can go to a website all the 0 dot com and on those social media channels as well that say it's from me for this news out, but i will be back in
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a moment with another full show that's coming up with rob. so stay with us, the, the the, the, i'm the female. yeah. lovely thought about love hands on this lovely again. love visual plays my go ahead and as if i come in and so
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let's check the my when i'm in on several times upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it to the school question professional and unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads garza without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire,
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demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 the, the, the bodies of victims of it. oh, my god, is a refugee encounter moscow pile up outside of the hospital in gus, at least 95 palestinians are killed in this very bonkers. the general baptism. this is audra 0 life and do have also coming up reports of


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