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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the bodies of victims of it. oh my god. as a refugee encounter moscow pile up outside of the hospital in gus, at least 9 to 5 palestinians are killed in this very bonkers. the
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general baptism. this is audra 0 life and do have also coming up reports of confrontations and the occupied westbank as is really forces storms in name and not most of them are on con, in the occupied westbank. janine refugee camp where locals had a saying that these ready army is turning misplaced one, many garza and other news protests has to storm city hall is savvy as capital. lots of reports of irregularities and last weekends . general election fundraising from suffrage. graduate on the side of the china sea state media accuses philippines over pieces, a bleaching its territory just past 11 gmc, that's 1 pm on christmas day and gaza for the christian world celebrates palestinians are dealing with the optimal. so one of the worst is very effects in
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weeks. at least 95 feet, the location is really strikes on homes and almost as a refugee camp in the center of the stuff on a sunday night, many of the victims were women and children. dozens of people that believe to be buried under the rubble. officials say the desktop is expected to rise. is there any forces of also rated several cities across the occupied west bank? the armies stormed homes and areas including jericho, jeanine on to us and our reports of an explosion in nablus. hyundai is where the armies bombed has bola positions in southern 11 on it says it's destroyed in arms depot and an operation space used to launch attacks on israel. michael, apple begins our coverage. there's a sea of bodies outside on. ok, so hospital in central guys the often that of is rainy strikes on oh my god, the refugee camp of and not it's christmas day. but there's nothing for these
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palestinians families to unwrap. except the plastic containing the remains of their loved ones. the painful good by the stream of mornings pauses through the mold among the dead. many women and children, including a 2 week old baby the injured were taken to pay the functioning hospitals. we start off on able to offer much more than basic 1st thing. upside is one of the few medical facilities in gaza, still open and it's struggling to cope with the growing numbers of data and engine that will do it secret service. the bad? well, no of either of either of these a lot of wounded patients that are still sleeping on the floor because we don't have any place since there's no capacity. you can't even walk in the card was because the number of wounded that exceeds the number of beds uh, the number of patients we have is 5 times capacity that we have in the hospital. israel is bombing campaign on. oh my god,
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z on christmas eve means no risk for family. they spent the night digging through the rubber we were sitting down and out of nowhere, we didn't know what happened. all of the sudden there was an explosion. we didn't know if it was our house or our neighbors. we went down and found dead bodies everywhere. hallway on the number when i thought about our little guy since these days, there is no electricity or water. so everyone at this time of night is just sitting in the houses with the loved ones, but look around, nothing is lift, the whole neighborhood is gone. well, that's how the pains to be populated residential area where it's also targeted last month. at least 50 palestinians were killed in that's what the dates told in gaza has reached unprecedented levels. diplomatic if it's to negotiate, to cease fire or making little progress for many in the world.
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this time of year is marked by families coming together to celebrate tennessee and not to say they final. good bye lucia. who do they will be no joy and no loss to him for palestinians and gaza. each costing day brings another row of bodies draped in sheets and mull families with nothing to celebrate heading into the new. yeah. mike, level l g 0. honeymoon, who's doing his life more offer in southern guys? a micros report there just indicating the even more suffering for the people in garza. yes, rob there, that's correct. and since the early hours of this morning and over night, what we're seeing is just a systematic campaign of death and destruction merely concentrated in the central part of the gaza strip. more people are becoming homeless,
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displays and forced into evacuation and the areas are supposed to be safe, but they are not the end up being killed within hours of their arrival. some of the victims of overnight attacks and the early hours of this morning happened to be among those who were displaced and who would those be evacuated, their areas in the northern parts and gauze, and city within the past weeks. and since the beginning of the work, we're talking about a confirmed number of a 120 people in the central part of the gaza strip. the vast majority a little over 70 people were killed. majority of them were children, women in on not as a refuge, account in an overnight, in massive era strikes and targeting their residential on destroying the vast majority of the areas where people were staying in and sheltering in those residential homes. we're talking about surrounding areas and they'll say it out as well as in a raise where at least 13 more people were killed. the remaining numbers of people
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who work over night are from san unit, the central part of finance, and the eastern part of finance, where most of the air campaign of relentless air is practiced, parted within the past 2 weeks, and is still continuing to pound. that part of new and is pushing deeper into the central part. unfortunately, at this particular time of the year, time of joy and family gatherings, children in the gaza strip are only receiving unpredictable fall in bonds, destroying their homes and wiping out their families. honey, thank you very much indeed, honey mama talking to us from rough as it was. i'm it says find the bodies of 3 of its soldiers and 2 civilians and a harmless tunnel in northern garza. it's believed we were among those captured on october the 7th. a spokesman for the army claims the tunnel was covered under there's a body, a refugee camp, and that it contained weapons and emergency rooms. israel says the tunnel networks served as
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a northern headquarters of homeless fighters. israel's prime ministers criticize the economy minister for saying nothing nuff is being done to protect the lives of troops. then you've been nothing. yeah. who's voted to continue the war despite monday military casualties. at least a 157 soldiers are being killed since israel began in grand invasion gaza. meanwhile, egypt is reported to propose to formula for the truce and the conflict about it. smith is life for us and tell him what do we know about this proposal? from time bernard as well. rope uh these riley will cabinet, has already been discussing this latest proposal from egyptian mediators. and i'll meet again later on monday to continue discussing it. the 1st part of the, also from egypt and media is, is similar to the 1st phase, 5 up to an off of a $7.00 to $10.00 day sci fi and exchange for all of the civilian prisoners. be being held by. i must have it and kept is being held by how much i didn't return
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palestinian prisoners to be released by the israelis. there's the 2nd and 3rd aspects of this that might be a bit more challenging for these rallies to agree to. there's another aspect, the tasks with the release of all female soldiers and expect an exchange of palestinian prisoners. but then the suggestion of one month of further negotiations that will lead to the release of old military personnel in exchange for power relief. old military is randomly to personal health by how much in exchange for old palestinian prisoners and these rarely withdrawal to gauze as borders and is also division within these rarely cabinets. not very united at the moment. won't cabinet administer 2nd, he wanted to see more abstracts that have ground troops because of increasing a ground troop casualties. but such has been sort of jump king and his rail. and he's rarely politics in the moment that these, the presidents, uh it's, i could so, but as an appeal to politicians, he said to be animate, sees the conflicts, the arguments, the struggles between egos,
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and on behalf of grieving families and from line soldiers. i say to elected officials and the internal struggles and the divisions a message because of this positioning for the life pulled up. but let's go down to benjamin netanyahu, who was not really expected to survive beyond the war and office, although he himself, of course, hope to come by now. thank you very much indeed, bundled smith talking to us and telling me it is what the forces of lady properties and several palestinian cities and refugee camps in the occupied y spike. but i've been reports of an explosion. people arrested on fighting between his reading forces in palestinian fighters. novelist rates were also conducted engineering on to us, and on con, has more functioning refugee camp. the right begun around 1 am in the morning at least 200 is really soldiers and 40 on the vehicles came down, these roads are the hit. they've been into the entrance to the account over that where they went deeper into the refuge account. they rated about 10 houses,
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but they didn't actually arrest anybody. they did call the palestinian government to come out and give themselves up. they well then face classes with the palestinians inside the council. they weren't able to arrest anybody. this is leading locals to tell us that this is simply a campaign of harassment against the people who live in this car. let me just show you around. you see, all of this damaged was being done. this has happened since october. the 7th is really coming using bulldozers and destroyed people's homes and any symbols of either a resistance or even nationalism. let me just show you this round about overhead that round about that you can see now where the text is just going past that used to have a map of palestine on it. that was it just a mouth of how it's done. but these really destroyed that as well. now. well, look, who's also telling us, hey,
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that will these ratings are trying to do is turn this into a mini garza and we're on columns out, is there a janine refugee comes to the lab and he's on group as well as, as it's covered at 7 attacks on times in northern israel is funded by launching a wave of air strikes and the group's positions. and lebanese border tons now and he says it targeted military buildings and rocket launcher science christians and the occupied west bank of attended midnight. nice on christmas eve. the, the, the service was held at the church of infinity and bethlehem believe to be the best face of jesus christ. it was a more somber affair than usual last week. the cardinal of deluxe and patrick of jerusalem, called on christians and hold on to kansas and celebrations, installed a diety with the people of gaza. still ahead on all just breaking the fossil fuel habits while our country with all the by conditions is finding its so hard to
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switch to renewables. the what constitutes extent. so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rose to what happened this independent. we won't be in my wants to freedom. we don't have to leave them in different countries policy and it's meant to get 50 percent representation. and accountability and benefit, no 1000 service at this point and you're saying you don't have any reports for that . i should just trust that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth,
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a highly toxic pesticides linked to elevated occurrences of parkinson's disease and the farmers were used. were you ever warned about the health effects of our no fault lines exposes how for decades of global chemical giants withheld information, while 1000 american problems he actually said he should never put the words per quad parkinson's disease in the same sentence, the pesticide play book on a jersey to the the watching, i'll just need a reminder of i told stories. goose is there any other strikes of killed at least 95 people. then almost as a refugee champion, central garza, many of the victims for women and children,
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does as more believe to be buried under the rubble. is there any forces have rated several cities in refugee camps and the occupied west pines, at least one month, soon detained by troops in brook east of ramallah, and also the reports of classes, which is very forces and palestinians in numbers. egypt is proposing a new seas far between israel and home. i've seen gas as it will be implemented in 3 stages as being widely reported that in direct negotiations will be held in egypt, the video sion by kata. i'm the us now the 1st phase. let's see here monetary impulse of 7 to 10 days on us would release all civilian captives and exchange for palestinian prisoners in his way to jones. in the 2nd phase, how most would free all females soldiers over another 7 days as well as releasing bodies. it still holds of his varies killed since october, the 7th. all the remaining chapters will be released during another month long
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series firewall. israel would free more palestinian inmates under the proposal as well, but also withdrawal troops, garza and stuff. it's aerial bombardment of district. i was thinking how much to holly haze that professor conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university is whether it's not and thank you very much indeed for being with us. so in principle, that's understandable. the egypt has one of the countries that's being central to the negotiations of velocities far would want to put forward some sort of process. what are the obstacles that you can see to this one? was the new egyptian a proposal to balance on the costs of a media sion 3 or 4 weeks ago. it implies some challenges as well as some promises . one challenge is a ceasefire versus a truce. and i think the description of the part of simians how mass of talking about the for flood, which is fine. the is about
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a is my and is out of here in truce paul. so we have not seen any detachment from this idea off a short totem pole. then i think the middle luxury and semantics match them in terms of what is now. mason in terms of coming together is what it is and for the city is number 2. nothing. yeah. who needs to convince his guys the, the idea of god or the key thing? how must completely is not feasible. probably been, could not be phased out in i've gotten this done, hadn't really ins or the existing moment in obviously it wasn't what they are raised by the french, the same they can apply to the with my me is that in the invasion by the american, so we have to look up the reality, the point is that gonna be on his end? the jump on is that how much we then we like it or not, that still has some momentum, bullets, paylosity wise, as well as if fixed ivan is in the conflict zone. so we need to bring the is that i,
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it is and how much and the interruptions on one page, what we mean exactly the same, which is basically about a 2 week pause or tools that can be extended to 3 or 4 weeks. but it should also be problematic the minutes from those 3 or 4 week falls and we need to shift directly into a full fledged and do that. but as far, i think the, this is the sticking point in terms of what the via is the, is what it is find and the point of seeing is on the other. there is also another challenge is a contrast within nothing the hours of mind. on the one hand, he is still unable, she is in with how much in directly to do how or candle. but at the same time, his main dreamed them. i am going to dictate how much so i think he lives in 2 separate awards and the end is to either 5 investments hit it. how much is one
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conflict? part like is about 80 like, although in any conflict esteemed to have to do who denies that it is a longstanding presence and influence and impact of all the stake float and the stake holders. so i think the strategy opened as any o the based on this idea the to model do to, to be know how much i think is the main office that can because he can not position how much it would it fits a zip and then meet that we need to negotiate and figure it out of the solution, or is it a terrorist organization will go in? i'm going to in the municipal and i will show the is that the united states now is that it was amazing. the fact that this strategy of counterterrorism, how's the lots have been effective new model? and it's important to remember, isn't it, that the very fact the tools are happening a toll is important, that it is at least the findings creating some sort of bedrock, some sort of basis for it, for negotiations towards
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a structure towards the possible truth. at the same time, as you pointed out, there's pragmatism and practicality that has to be take in into consideration. so looking at what you have seen of egypt and proposal, for example, what are the practicalities but need to be overcome in order to much more readily towards a satisfied that would actually last 2 things. one is well detained when phase, there are 3 stages. one leads to the other within the logic of conflict resolution and mediation. but the concern i have is not just about the that often or i am or how it is what i am, the more of how would that attract the acceptance or 4 boxes or not. and i think that we still have gap between how much i the ability to beautiful lead the as mine, honey, how's visit? okay, it'll so he, so you can send, oh,
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the lady that she both wanted to come and milton military leadership. but i must have been involved in this, but i have not seen any good in the k that was from the is the bottom to see the both of looking face to face through this exemption. immediate them. another problem which is which can be good in terms of pragmatism and practicality. it seems that now we have a hurricane stalemate on both sides. that means we have more than 20000. so videos, kenny, there is a humanitarian apocalyptic situation in the gaza. and how much is feeling depression, but at the same time, with the increasing number of 40 is what i do. so this will have died. i don't think that's enough. any a whole between 2 prizes between the those kennel. those are the 80 sold, the candidate in the conflict zone as well as the open ended cries is about the
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hostages. he doesn't have much lee way to run over. so he is probably going to consider this a hip sion, a proposal in that's, that's the only indicate that i can see. but as i said earlier, and that's on a all as well and decided it does. he want to engage an important thinking process or he is still leaning on what he was told by his gen ed. it was on the 7th of october, doesn't mean he hasn't been dropped in this is diana. i'm of group think. same way in october in november and property as well as in 2020 for me was banners with a correspondence saying those talks that you just started again for these really war cabinet to consider this proposal. we're going to be having a look at that's when we hear anything from those topics, but phenomenal. how much are we? thank you very much. indeed. the now the new state media and beijing of the keys in the philippines of repeatedly
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breaching chinese territory in the south china sea tension around disputed areas has increased and boost and months. both sides have blamed each other for a number of reasons. confrontations between philippine and chinese vessels. state media is a the philippines is relying on the us to provoke china. calling it extremely dangerous behavior long slowly has more formation. all the comments about the south china sea 1st appeared in the common traits in the china daily, and they relate to picked up by the people's daily long considered a chinese communist party mouthpiece. now they struck a raw, the strident tone, but they all what we've come to expect from chinese media, which are launch the only the state owned or state control. now this comments, he singled out the philippines, accusing it of stirring up trouble in the region and also accusing it of doing washington's bidding. now the dispute in the south china sea dates back decade, and it's not just between china and the philippines. taiwan is also a claimant,
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as of several other south east asian countries over different parts of the south china sea. now, but it is chinese and philippine vessels that have had the space of running and confrontations in recent months. and we can see this common t as perhaps china attempting to put its narrative outside the clearly a message that china is upset at what's happening. it could perhaps also be seen as a message that is intended for the us, which frequently conduct freedom of navigation operations in the south china sea, something that china objects to know china is position is that the dispute between manila and beijing over the south china sea is something that ought to be settled in by lot to talk with philippines. position is that it has already brought the mazda to an international type. you know, that type, you know, has already rejected. china is vast times over the south china seats. and so i'm an analyst position, is that what it's doing is within its own territory and within its own right. now that said,
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china and the 10 member association of south east asian nations are trying to draw up a code of conduct to the south china sea in hopes of minimizing conflicts and confrontations . but the has been little progress made on that so far. florence lee l g 0 be several 1000 microphones are set off from southern mexico on christmas eve heading for the us border in the living. chancing migrants are not criminals. the kind of on the people is one of the biggest this year. and that's the time of the tough actual i don't, my 100 banner reading. exodus from poverty. it includes people seen violence and security and more than a dozen countries instead of days off. so the mexican government reached an agreement for strict on migration controls for the united states. nothing about faded and your thing. go to the murphy, i don't have any documents for 3 months. i've been asking for them without any response. i'm tired of being in top of children with my work going hungry and
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having to pay read. it's not easy. it does when use it that would be sent to the united states is using the migration to shaving the fight between democrats and republicans and to put pressure on the compliment of president. i'm dress manual lopez overall, which has a different approach. we ended up going. pilots is broken out in savvy as capital as anti government protest as the amount of election results should be a node. because of a complaining of irregularities. these have used to gas during the stand off. this last of several hours sucks those on the which reports read through the streets of belk rate as anti government protest her as cold for you election a crowd of thousands of people try to storm to city hall building, but they were pushed back by a rise police complete without the people pushed the door very hard. suddenly the door caved in. and at the same moment
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a large coordination of police showed up with shields and anti riot equipment from the center left opposition alliance. serbia against violence has refused to accept the last week's parliamentary and local elections. which international observers say were marked by both buying ballots, stopping at the proper influence of president alexander, of which the results mean his governing, serbian progressive party holds a parliamentary majority. the president has condemned the attempted violence. colmer because what i believe you're telling me fucked. the days we want to this is a living international parties. many were refusing to acknowledge what was being planned either our intelligence services responded. although knowing exactly what the trouble makers were playing with, we wouldn't let them stabilize countries simply pretty much after the 6 years police of using excessive force, thousands of people have been arrested. serbia's grappling with a year of political unrest, sparked by demonstrations against mess,
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shootings which involve to protests against the rising, replacing, and allegations of government. corruption acts as i'm gonna reach out to 0. just before we go, i'm going to bring you some recent pictures from some piece of square in rome. this is where the pope has been and making a speech on christmas day for the christian community. he has said that he deplores the quote, desperate to humanitarian situation. and guys stay with us will be back in hoffman, her the paddler, they after a very cold and wintry spell across east asia. things are looking up and we'll see the mercury continued to rise across pots of china, but still from wintry, whether to be found in the north east, pushing into rushes, far east,
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and on woods to northern japan. so some snow still like a here, we'll see temperatures come down in san die, but lots of heat coming through in the soft attempt using the double digits that double digits as well for shanghai, 15 degrees celsius on wednesday, asian, we'll see some warms, come back a little bit, but still very cold at night here. settled, weather and sunshine dominates of plus much of china when the conditions now back into hong kong. we are expecting some wet to weather. however, to creep into southern areas of taiwan by the mid week. what's the weather continues to linger around the south of india as well as sherlock. as we look to south asia, the rain isn't as heavy as it has been. we will see that pick up. however, by the time we get to the mid week, why a conditions are further north of this lots of sunshine, hazy that in the north. and that's because we still have those smoke and fog issues for the likes of punjab as well as new delhi sunshine. as we extend to the coast in
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pakistan and tara for the northeast, it is a tenant object to produce object these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda for genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of israeli public discourse and timor voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next. hundreds, more killed in dogs since friday is un security council votes for more aides. what practical impacts will the resolution have? and how can a get to 2300000 people living under constant attack among destroyed infrastructure


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