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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the hello, i'm sammy's item, this is the news out, live from dell coming off of that like 60 minutes. a new mexico in gauze or off through his radio strikes. who's the policy refugee time in the center? bodies pilots outside the hospital is 90. 5 people are killed. the mice is med suite waiting size. its
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tall good thing is right. the soldiers and the north of gaza. this while it confirms the depths of 917 soldiers since friday. the faults of confrontations in the occupied westbank is this right. the forces storm janine and novelists did not even use the protesters, try the storm, city, whole and savvy as capsule off the reports of irregularities this weekend's general election, the is just passed. 1300 gm 2, that's 3 p. m in gone. so where palace opinions are dealing with the off them off of us. another is very the massacre. at least 95 pay for what killed in is riley strikes on the homes and the more calls the refugee camp in the center of the strip on sunday night palestinians all searching through the rubble in hope of finding
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survivors. thousands of people are reported to be trapped on the collapse residential buildings. bodies are piling off in hospitals by the minutes is israel intensifies its attacks. the locks, the hospital grieving, palestinian families have been collecting the bodies of their loved ones for burial . and these right of the army is carried out more as strong. so across garza, thousands of people were killed in attacks on the site on the refugee camp and the house in the northwest of garza city. michael life will begin so coverage. there is a sea of bodies outside. oh ok. so hospital in central guys of the often mass of his rainy strikes on oh, my god, the refugee camp over not its christmas day. but there is nothing for these palestinian families to unwrapped except the plastic containing the remains of
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their loved ones. a painful good by the stream of mona's pauses through the mold among the dead men and women and children, including a 2 week old baby. the injured were taken to pay the functioning hospitals waste off on able to or from much more than basic 1st aid oxide is one of the few medical facilities and guards are still open and it's struggling to cope with the growing numbers of data and ensure that that that will do it because they're just a bad, well know of either of either of these, a lot of wounded patients that are still sleeping on the floor because we don't have any place since there's no capacity. you can't even walk in the card was because the number of wounded that exceeds the number of beds uh, the number of patients we have is 5 times capacity that we have in the hospital. israel bombing campaign on. oh my god, z on christmas eve means no risk for family. they spent the night digging through
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the door. we were sitting down and out of nowhere, we didn't know what happened. all of the sudden there was an explosion. we didn't know if it was our house or our neighbors. we went down and found dead bodies everywhere. all i knew the part of our little guys, these days there was no electricity or water. so everyone at this time of night is just sitting in the houses with the loved ones, but look around, nothing is lift, the whole neighborhood is gone. well, that's how the paints, the populated residential area was also targeted last month. at least 50 palestinians were killed in that as told in gaza has reached unprecedented levels. diplomatic if it's to negotiate, to cease fire, or making little progress for many in the world. this time of year is marked by families coming together to celebrate tennessee and the not to say they
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final good bye will show who do they will be no joy and no loss to him for palestinians in gaza, each costing day brings another row of bodies draped in sheets and mull families with nothing to celebrate heading into the new year. mike level l g 0. i'll just say it was hen told the isn't as much as a refugee camp and sent us this report are in this building behind me. this is a 3 story building that has been targeted and another house here and another house here. according to the family, he told me that 5 of his family members are still under the rubble, including his wife. his children, among them is a 2 year old palestinian babies. he also told me that there has been no ambulances or civil defense. ready yesterday and he can't do anything about it.
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he's trying to dig with his own their hands. but unfortunately the ceiling is dropped. is on the floor flat and on the floor and he turns him help himself. there are other people we're trying to go and see other people that are trying to use equipments like silver to dig in into rescue these people from under the rubber. this seems like a movie and seems as if it's like some things. and really, what we're seeing today is completely undescribable. i see bicycles, i see belongings to people. memories of these people were refugees and people who were just phase from different areas across of the gaza strip. and they came here as this,
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this place where the face area. let's walk in and see how people are removing people from under the rubber. it smells like blood and we see chattered bodies and we just saw them remove electron baby from under the level. as you see with his fair hand through using their hands through most people from under the rebels, they found parts of the body and they're trying to pull as much as they cost. and this is not the 1st time we see this. we have been seeing this phase of 2 days, the same exact same people with their own bare hands the
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those comedies have been under the remo, trapped under the rebels for more than 10 hours right now. and according to the people's surround, need these areas, this is not the only area that has been targeted by that. is there any forces in not the only area that still have people trapped under the rebel, but the ambulances in the civil defense are overrun. because there are a lot going through across because this is in the city. i just need a lot of my kazi, cause of hi me. my mood has the latest for us from or off, off in southern gaza, a since the early hours of this morning. and over night, what we're seeing is just a systematic campaign of death and destruction merely concentrated in the central part of the gaza strip. more people are becoming homeless, displays and forced into evacuation and the areas are supposed to be safe,
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but they are not the end up being killed within hours of their arrival. some of the victims of overnight attacks and yearly hours of this morning, happy to be among those who are displaced and who, who knows to be evacuated, their areas in the northern parts and gaza city within the past week. since since the beginning of the work, we're talking about a confirmed number of a $120.00 people in the central part of the goddess trip. the vast majority, a little over 70 people were killed. majority of them were children, women, you know, not as a refuge account in an overnight, a massive era strikes, targeting their residential home, destroying the vast majority of the areas where people were staying in and sheltering in those residential homes. we're talking about surrounding areas and then they'll say it out as well as in other res where at least 13 more people were killed. the remaining numbers of people who work over night are from san unit, the central part of finance. and the eastern part of funny is where most of the air
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campaign of relentless air is practiced. parted within the past 2 weeks. and it's still continuing to pound that part of canyon is pushing deeper into the central part. unfortunately, this particular time of the year time of joy and family gatherings. children in the gaza strip are only receiving unpredictable fall in bonds, destroying their homes, and wiping out their families. how mass fights is have released new video showing, then targeting is riley forces in the north of gone. so these right, the minute 3 says 17 of its soldiers have been killed since friday. at least a $156.00 is ready to be solved as of now being killed since the ground invasion of 1000. again on october, the 31st of israel's army says it's found the bodies of 3 of its soldiers and 2 civilians. in the highest tunnel in northern garza believe they were among those captive not tobar. the 7th,
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a spokesman for the army claims the tunnel was on covered under the giovanni a refugee camp, that it contained weapons and emergency rooms. israel says the tunnel networks of this, the northern headquarters of how much fights is as well as prime minister has criticized the economy minister for saying nothing off was being done to protect the lives of troops. and you mean this and yeah, who is valid to continue the war despite mounting military casualties. and fisher is live for us and occupied east juice. and 1st of all, out, and bring us up to speed with what we know that's being reported about an egyptian proposal to try and, and the conflict of the let's talk about the proposal 1st of all. so i mean, it would come in c parts. the 1st part would be relatively uncontroversial that there would be a 7 to be to $7.00 to $10.00 day spot. and that would allow the exchange of
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captives and how much this part they would free all the civilians that are being held, including the sick and the insurance. and all of the women, i think exchange, they would get a number of power studies being freed from custody. and it's really jailed the 2nd and thought stages could prove and upon we have proved more problematic. the 2nd stage would be the release of all females. soldiers in exchange for a number of power, city and prisoners, to be named by have us approved and by the israelis and the southern states, which mean a month long set of talks with the talk about perhaps getting all of the captives back from guys in exchange for more a palestinian prisoners being released back to guys until the occupied westbank. that the intention then would be that through the utilities would pro. ringback but to the guy supporters, thomas would commit during the after that period to no longer conduct military
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operations against israel. so it would be a longer term seatbar. but literally, just in the last couple of minutes from the reuters news agency quoting to security sources in egypt. the say that how much and this allow me to had, have rejected that idea that this was being brokered by the egyptians, the guitars of the united states. they thought that there was something there that could be walked on. but it's clear if these report from reuters are correct, just literally in the last couple of minutes. so this plan is that no, it's full but, and they have to go back to the drawing board as they go back to the drawing board . how united is these right? the cabinet in the siding, the way forward. well, certainly what we've seen from the buck who is the finance minister, sorry, as the economy minister. he has criticized the way that these really army is
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conducting this operation. he believes that his putting soldiers are risk and he's caught. busy for more air strikes that has been dismissed by benjamin netanyahu. besides, he's taking advice from those who actually know how to wage this sort of war. and the soldiers are giving complete an air support. but then you said this would be a long a difficult war for the news. so there would be a fairly casualties and benjamin netanyahu, i said before the cabinet meeting on saturday. i, i then again to do that. so there's a price to be paid as bill must be solved to that, given the result that they want, which is the defeat of from us situation between leaving cabinet ministers as go so tense as the president president has all these really presidents has spoken and said look, people need to essentially rain in the criticism. so this isn't doing any good for israel. it's actually giving some comfort to how much they should concentrate on
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getting the war completed with the goals achieved rather than trying to score political points. so for the, it is really present and to step in and essentially say to senior cabinet ministers cooler, keep quiet. let's get on with a joke that she was. hi, split the cabin. actually it's all right, thanks so much. alan fisher that to continue this now with how much of colleague who's a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. good to have you with us since we're talking about conflict resolution diplomacy, diplomacy is about bridging the divide, right? and looking at today where many us celebrating christmas while others are in the complete situation of siege occupation, salvation bombardment. does it really? i'm the school, the disconnect. and the failure of diplomacy. while so far there is no concrete
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path toward the pro my see because if you consider but the water coming into for us anyways, the win is basically a thought of get in. so really is kidding more. but a staying in is with the aim of eliminates and how most of which is a question be question, look, if we go said the most recent phone code, which when the warehouse presents by then n, as in e o, he urged him to pro thanks. he really is, but misled by then did not make any hand to what is his 5. so the was going to one golden rule and what is conflicts need an immediate says fire and an immediate shift toward negotiation so far. well, now on the 8th day of the war war, hey, and cut it fixed in a human. it's serious situation where i'm no exceeding more than 20000 civilians,
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dad and guys. but both, you know, they, in the mediation of cuts out, and now the new proposal of asians are hampton toward, or i should into, would, that's needed, says 5, unfortunately nothing, you know, has not, it is founded positively and it is not a u. s. pressure in this direction basis fire is the magic war, or we may have heard there are corresponding referencing moments ago, referencing a report. let's find royces, news agency that how masses rejected the egyptian proposal to end this conflict. what's happening? what does that mean? if, if that is in fact, confirm the end of the road or does it go through another evolution 8 the brings us more complex that they offer this autumn with the conflict because of a major problem. the how mess and is right out. i'm not speaking the same. what do you think can language when we talk about his file, how much end up sense?
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cuz as far as an endo or hostile it is. but in the, what do you think dictionary opened up the neo and the support those? it's a, the 8th is a pause or it is a true. so we go back to a digital voice, and i do, we had 3 or 4 weeks during the godaddy mediation. so unfortunately this of lot of that whole day is a heavy kennings and goes, i think the to going to go in on to stakeholders as little as a and then how much have not space and the same reality. and then for the, this, this spot, a deal of objective and also the difference will want to go to the objective for a how to end this war. obviously that's the obvious objective, but in terms of who can run garza off to was a technocratic government. can that be put together without reconciling? i'm us inside the will we, us withdrawal subjection to that reconciliation? a lot of issues, a lot of questions. right. and the 1st,
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the traveling is that no one can give us a flying the draft of the day after this is a very ambiguous sent out a with the name of the, the emissions, nor the is on our end is know how much can throw it. or 3, fix it in advance. so what we have left is a guess, a quarterly into the bottom so far. and the same time data wouldn't be no 00 sum gain or loss. and we are not going to end with a winner and lose that in this way because of the nature of the conflict. so have mass combatants when buddy k to in their panels, is the, is the one, it's best. now it seems there is a hooked and still made sense data. the number of this girl and number of these a cable is about 80 sony of. so what these left is in and this is part
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of the con, the conferences, and that is something you wish and asked to come from, does the itself, oh, the more that it is on the ground. sure, the have paved the way for a find a resolution. i'm not in favor of the visualize in uh at a formula that can be in full from the i would say it would be the from kyle or for them and it took them outside the house. right. all right, thanks so much for how much on holly this is why the forces of right in prophecies in several palestinian cities in refugee camps in the occupied westbank. there have been reports of an explosion. people are arrested and fighting between these very forces and palestinian sciences in nablus rates are also conducted in janine until boss and bon khan has more from jeanine refugee camp. and it's one of the most rated camps since october, the 7th. and the whole of the occupied west by the raid head began around one of them in the morning make these ready,
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all mean came along these roads ahead and then they went where that yellow taxi is into the refugee camp itself. they actually rated about 10 houses. the about 200 is really sold is about 40 minute 3 vehicles. the went in through that very narrow street that they were made to match with resistance, with the palestinian fights as to what classes involved. and like i say they've rated about 10 houses, but they didn't arrest anybody. and that's leading people here to say that we always knew that this was a campaign of harassment. but this is now what it feels like because they didn't arrest anybody. now like i say, this is the most rated camp in uh since october the 7th in the occupied west. i can just take a look at the maximum amount of damage. this is all taken place since october, the 7th people's houses have been destroyed. anything that might be either a symbol of resistance or even just the symbol of national pride. the round about that, that we feel seeing that used to have
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a map of palo starting on its v is really simply knocked it down. they've dug up a rhodes here, they making it very difficult for the residence of janine refugee camp. they get about and do that the business, but also to actually even live hey, what we're hearing now is people are having to leave this refugee camp and go to other places. i've been out twice removed, refugees, the of these folks woman for jailed criminal in critic galaxy in the volume. they says he's being moved to a remote toxic penal colony in northern russia. it follows weeks of uncertainty concerning his whereabouts. the opposition lead his lawyer has visited in the valley at the prison in the amount of minutes region and says he's doing well. and the volume is serving a 19 year sentence on challenges of extremism. and now the new state media in
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beijing is accusing the philippines of repeatedly breaching chinese tower 3 and the south china sea tension around disputed areas has increased in recent months. both sides of blame the child up for a number of recent confrontations between the philippines and chinese vessels. state media says the philippines is relying on the us to provoke china. cooling it, extremely dangerous behavior, fall and slow. it has moved from badging. of the comments about the south china sea 1st appeared in a common traits in the china daily and they relate to picked up by the people's daily long considered a chinese communist knology mouthpiece. now they struck a raw, the strident tone, but they all what we've come to expect from chinese media, which are launch the only the state owned or state control. now this comments, he singled out the philippines, accusing it of stirring up trouble in the region and also accusing it off doing washington's bidding. now, the dispute in the south china sea dates back decade,
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and it's not just between china and the philippines. taiwan is also a claimant, as of several other south east asian countries over different parts of the south china sea. now, but it is chinese and philippine vessels that have had a space of running and confrontations in recent months. and we can see this common t as perhaps china attempting to put its narrative outside the clearly a message that china is upset. it's what's happening. it could perhaps also be seen as a message that is intended for the us, which frequently conduct freedom of navigation operations in the south china sea, something that china objects to know china is position is that the dispute between manila and beijing over the south china sea is something that ought to be settled in by lot to talk with philippines. position is that it has already brought the mazda to an international type. you know, that type, you know, has already rejected. china is false claims over the south china seats. and so in, in this position,
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is that what it's doing is within its own territory and within its own right. now that said, china and the 10 member association of southeast asian nations are trying to draw up a code of conduct to the south china sea in hopes of minimizing conflict and confrontation . but the has been little progress made on that so far. florence lee, l. g 0 finance has broken out and so the as capital is anti government protest is demanded, the election was all to be a knowledge signing of irregularities. place use 10 gas doing a stand off that last several hours ourselves. i'm of which reports read through the streets of belk rate as anti government protests as cold for you election. a crowd of thousands of people try to storm to city hall building. but they were pushed back by a rise police. previously over not that people pushed the door very hard. suddenly the door caved in. and at the same moment
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a large formation of police showed up with shields and anti riot equipment from the center left opposition alliance. serbia against violence has refused to accept the last week's parliamentary and local elections. which international observers say were marred by boat buying bel, accepting at the proper influence of president alexander, of which the results mean his governing serbian, the progressive party holds a parliamentary majority. the president has condemned the attempted violence. take colbert. you thought it was because it only us telling me fucked. the days we wounded this is losing international parties. many were refusing to acknowledge what was being planned either our intelligence services responded, although knowing exactly what the trouble makers will play english, we wouldn't let them stabilize that countries simply put them up after the successfully. so using excessive force, thousands of people have been arrested. serbia's grappling with
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a year of political unrest, sparked by demonstrations against mess, shootings, which involve to protests against the rise and replacing and allegations of government, corruption, axles. i moved out as they were assigned for the why that he is called on now a hi. lo, that things are looking rather mary and bright across central america and the caribbean, will get that in a moment for us to, to south america. and it's very wild. and what whether to be found across the southern, the southern region. you can see that clutch of storms developing its going to stretch its way further north of the next few days, running through a year of wide power wise, southern positive result and northern argentina. we've also got some very strong winds coming in for patagonia, we'll see temperatures across this region drop down over the next few days. but it was all those storms a pull out to see. you can see them swelling away, giving way to move in the way of showers, running up to northern parts. so present heavier rain to come here on tuesday. and that will stretch its way further north,
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over the next few days. some very heavy rain to come across the gulf of mexico. you can see that poach in storm running its way east across the florida panhandle. some of the shows and storms touching into western parts of cuba headed that we do have settled weather here with sunshine in that system. the story for mexico, lots of settled conditions to be enjoyed on christmas day, but have a look what happens on choose day. that storm pulls its way further east, some very heavy rain to come across central parts of mexico. we will see full sunshine, however, for eastern cuba on choose day. it will still ahead on al jazeera will tell you why danish transport jobs mosque has decided to resume shipping through the red sea plus the christmas mass in a time of war. where in bethlehem, where christians are praying for those on the above mentioned garza
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the marion shaheen. filmmaker and i've been working in and around garza for 30 years. as i watched the 2023 devastation of concept ideas, really army. i looked back at the place and i knew the optimism of 2005, when these were at least to the destruction of the wars. the echoes of the last casa fated hopes on l. g 0 in on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. 3 questions. first of all, 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us your permission. nothing leads about that. without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire,
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demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. the come back here watching, i'll just say the time to recap, the headlines is right the strikes of killed at least 95 people in other my cause the refugee camp in central garza, many of the victims where women and children thousands more on believes to be buried under the rubble, israel's will cabinets is expected to meet to discuss the result of the gyptian seas. 5 proposal under the deal is trial with withdrawal troops from guns and stop
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ariel bombings. this district is right. the forces of rated several cities in refugee camps in the occupied west bank. at least 35 palestinians with chains. there are reports of confrontations between his right forces in palestinian fights as a novelist. the lebanese group has, the law says it's carried out several attacks on towns in northern israel, so i'll respond to it by launching a wave of the strikes on the group's positions and loving these board. the towns beyond me says it targeted mid free buildings and rocket launcher sites. let's get more of this now from ali. hi schuman, he's in the quota in southern lebanon, and i understand, has beloved been releasing statements. what did they sign? got a as well. so i mean, since this morning that been several attacks, the latest one was, i'm just beside on see a on the minutes for the position. we saw
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a huge exclusion. and now the also all the attacks that has the law claimed responsibility for one on. and i've reviewed another one on the top box, the said on miscast from which is to watch the eastern sector. and this 4th one on an area called. but it could 3 shots which is on the side is ready. military positions has we like name dot, and one of these attacks there were casualties or confirm casualties, as they said, also as well. last several strikes on want to describe the sensible laws, infrastructure of energy infrastructure in several areas from this area where we are here in the philadelphia. what's i, the shop where a separate on the residential homes where of a lot of destroyed or partially destroyed by is ready, shutting down the bottom and also to watch the east mason jump on. that also has
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will announce that one of the statements that one of its fight as well skilled a. and then is where the strike donnelly, looking at how the baffle is developing, take us to the indications that these are i was trying to create a new reality on the board a while the fact is that it's over the by 17. yes. at the start, the school has been presented with us since what has willa is on the living he's bought the is right, is on the, on the is ready both of course, but that was a kind of a truth on, on and i was truths. but since the 7th of october and then the 2nd day one has the line gauged in this confrontation with is a, that's been a lot of changes at the beginning. it was a, a bottle off. so the solid, dotted, the support that says will not said, but later on that started becoming a bottle, where the key objectives is run once has will lot to be pushed away from the board . and it's saying that this is the only condition for is mary's who
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a display. so there are thousands of his readies who were at this phase from the thousands, the board to 1000. so it's right. it's saying that without says, will i be 1st from the board, us, then this is not going to happen and people are not going to come back. and this could mean that ministry, campaign, and level as well as been silent. actually on this however, they've been saying that any conversation, any negotiations over the big be of the future over the new stuff to school wouldn't have happened before the end of the water in drugs or before the ceasefire . all right, thanks a lot. shawny hash and but that's and you know, government does come out with a list of do's and don'ts with john is covering its war on gossip document is available on the government website. it says media all forbidding from reporting on a topics without prior approval from the ministry census office. the older prohibits publishing details about weapons used by israel oil seized by him. us. it
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bothers reporting on how most targets hitting strategic infrastructure, including power and gas plants, submitted free bases, and transportation, depos details of wall cabinet meetings are also not to be published without limited trees, approval. so okay, that was all is a columnist that todd's newspaper joins us live from tennessee. so 1st of all, what impact do these rules have on the coverage? well, some of these rules, uh, not very effective. uh students. uh, from my experience i can tell you that. 5 first of all, we know what to do in order not to undermine the attempt to offer the military to fight terrorism and not to help the enemy to uh, target is riley, uh,
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strategic units. so it's small to what they told me that because every is rarely journalist is either a veteran soldier. maybe some of them read you a even of the secret service or the most side of you need h 200 a and they know the rules and um, since they have been bought off the this uh uh, providers and they know that they don't want to home, the neighbor who is now based in guys on their brother, older son who is now basing doesn't. so these rules are not actually new. the problem is or how much could that so then of a self censorship as well. that's, that's something that i am personally very concerned about, because at the time of, for the juvenile has become more soldiers,
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part of the ideas or parts of the secret service. and the more concerned about the security and about to the viewers and the viewers don't want them to be, so to speak, and just see what that is doing. a very balanced reporting from both from guys out there and, and for me as well, where the mazda is he d, c, b is indeed these, where many julie, so at the top knows what his clients want him to do. so he will not, the reporting about some of the exempt may undermine the attempt to get to the captives out of a to target to a but a scene instruct agent to unit what does that translate into full coverage of the human suffering that's going on in this conflict are,
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is riley seen that. yes, but uh, actually, uh, i want to, i will just you, uh, and i watch cnn, but most is where is that to watch the, he's really networks or read the, these rarely newspapers day believe that there is only one fix it. there is only one there and then the narrative is a starts and, and the to the 7th. and this gives is rarely tell me to do whatever it likes or needs to do. um, the thing is that uh, okay, besides the game, but what about social media has not changed that sort of ability that you know, traditional media can have to present only one side. yeah, he's riley's who oh, bothering to follow do was through the social media. facebook yeah they,
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they are exposed to this, but they don't like to do it. is it you need? some of you do need to understand that it's very different now is i still remember the atmosphere during the 6 days more and the, the young people in the 11 on to was, is very different. the footage that's these very saw on october 7th. and since then, the stories on the captives a day to and also the journalist from doing ballast on this reporting tool is really bad to us. and if you add to this, that's we are not allowed to go into guys that the only way to get into guys into see and report and offer of footage is to follow the military spokesperson, who takes these rarely journalist as well as the lucky form for us to where he
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wants them to go to show them that tunnel is the vios to speak to the offices that they pick up. they cannot meet it, but a scene is until today. i didn't see any is ready networks. an interview was about a senior woman side of all the books in the camps. and the reason is, you know that this is not what the customers want to see and the media doesn't want to on top of noise declines. well, luckily you do have another choice, you can watch us headed down to 0. we'll continue to bring you coverage from browser as well as from these by the side of all of the thank you so much akiva of the hall. let's call them this stages of danish transport. john musk says it will stop sending ships through the red sea in the gulf of 8. and again, that link to bind the bible month up straight. it's
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a viable c routes which leads to the sewage cut out several phone stops using the routes when the edmonds hosty fights is targeted. tank doesn't contain the ships. the hope they say it's a response to a sales floor on gaza masks as it's decision to use the root again is because of protection offered by us lead fleet. so sort of dollars monitoring developments from due booty. steel agreed to resume the ship and i'm a drastic through the red sea and that they're working on plans to drastic. the 1st russell said that the the safety of their employees is of all, most importance. we'll see that any of the challenges to ration the, the rats, and the say that they're waiting to do to continue to reserve the ship in the tanks to the new york national of the maritime source being formed by d. i see in the red sea, however, the uh, the does, the company is also saying that they will not hesitate to have been re distribution
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if a venture just was the cause, any kind of draft. and that we do not know as of now whether it was because of the pressure that is coming from the i see that they made this decision or whether this is an objective assessment. because earlier they haven't noticed that they are going to stop the operation. and not only myers evergreen high paid mold floyd cma group, and even the all wheel drive the giant oil company. but it is petroleum said that they might stop, they will patients that goes the rest, the due to the challenging security situation here. and by doing that, of course, it's significantly adding to the prizes the shipping cost, and also the last that they are going to review the of ships from this $3.00 is cut off from the red sea and around africa. and that is significantly a fact the, the delivery of time at least
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a ton of these delay and also also increasing the shipping cost per francis as cold for an end to the war in gaza during his annual christmas day mass. so that's, can you describe the situation in the strip as desperately in judging is riley forces the stop or the cold. vera polling harvest of innocent civilian victims. he also describes the october 7th how mass attack calling, as well as a bowman level. cooling on mice. to release caps is held in garza as christians in the occupied westbank have attended midnight mass on christmas eve. the service was held at the church of nativity in bethlehem believes to be the both place of jesus christ was the most somewhere offended. unusual last week, the cause and all of the life and patriarch of duras and cold on christians and the how the line to cancel celebrations in solidarity with the people of garza
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and the that abraham is live for us in bed. java. so how's the festive spirit then now? and i can tell you that this is how bethlehem looks during christmas. se located. this is one of the entrances debates of the city adjacent to bethlehem . it's surrounded by illegals, this way, these supplements all around. and you might be able to see those as really buses and car is that they're passing through. they, you know, pass freely between palestinian the cities to go into the legal this way these sacraments, while palestinians, as you see right here, they cannot use their cars to go through this road. so what they do now is they walk by foot and they use some of the public transportation here, as you can see now, a lot of taxis to pick people up because they cannot. and they're not allowed to
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use their cars. so if anyone asks you about christmas in bethlehem, the birthplace of jesus is believed by many christians. this is how palestinians are going through their daily lives. also this located has started since the 7th of october. it's still continuing and this is leading many christian leaders to say that if the holy family were to come to bethlehem during christmas, it will be blocked by the will by these wally me. the 3 checkpoints that have been closed and also by, you know, alternative routes that posted is used to use to be able to get to where they want . so basically it's a sad mood. there are new celebrations, no christmas tree, but many posting is i've been speaking to say they have hope that the what would and despite the oil pain, despite all the killings, they have hope that this will come to an end. so the that i was speaking to policy
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named kristin. lead is earlier who express the concern about the the, the death, the end of palestinian christian communities tool coast through why that's a real concern there for those living under occupation. as you know christian families in the occupied to us back in garza as well as those living inside israel are now 1.5 percent of the population of palestinians. oil. and also that gives you an idea of the numbers that have been dwindling from 7 percent before. 1948 the neck about which the displacements of hundreds of thousands of policy news that has continued to decrease the numbers of christians here in palestine. and, you know, as many would tell you that in the western media or in some analysis that they are leaving because of how mouth room leaving the country because of the muslims. here
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. we have to remember that christians here during christmas, they wanted to make a point that they are one with the people in gauze and they are one nation even if they come from different religions. so the reason why when we ask so many researchers talking to follow suit and find that is why are you leaving the birthplace of jesus? basically, this is a whole is place for palestinian christians for christians in general. they would tell us because of situations like this because of locates like this. you know, bethlehem itself has seen similar seems like that in the 2nd palestinian uprising or in the fall the in the early 2000. so this is not new. also, best lab also depends on tourism a lot and you've seen it, it's empty. there is no life lied for the economy here. so that has driven also more palestinian families, more christian families out of palestine. still those who are remaining, they say we cannot leave our lives,
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we cannot leave our homes. this is what this real ones, and we don't want to give it to them. all right, thanks so much. nita abraham are still ahead on al jazeera in sports. we look ahead to a day of festive action in the m b a that more coming up to the break room. the us 2023 comes to an end, adjust us teams on the ground of work at a higher storage from the continuing conflicts and the frame. that's the sound of artillery east side. this is the news, our license to the war in cost as we are talking to you right now. the sound of it is very from boston. right now. i'm the inside of the sense of
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how the people who need it the most on the just the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the . the, i'll come back 16 people have been killed in an attack in nigeria. then i do a nami told us the news agency, the attack happens in the small village,
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you move to the north central region of plateau. the army says clashes between hurdles and farmers in the area of common for 5 days on from elections in the democratic republic. of congo official results, so yet to be announced. the presidential votes being mobbed by the just typical problems and concerns over its credibility. catherine saw a report from the capital. can she also republic? frustration is growing. these communities are on, she's here waiting for an election results some to the past to charge they hope for a peaceful outcome. but across the d. r. c. there's a sense of uncertainty. the head of the catholic church in the country held christmas mass and could shasta and cold out organizes of the poles. more than half of companies are catholic we have just witnessed what might be called
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a truly gigantic plan to disorder in bearable images that have circulated following the select oral process. women strip naked, humiliated, beaten, and thrown to the ground. if it's for the sake of power, that power can never come at the expense of a human being. most of the people in this comp for the displaced in north keith was provisional copy to, coma did not get to vote. conflict in parts of the eastern region has the region for many. yes. may i speak which are who are you at the other 2. i didn't vote because i'm from rich sherry and they excluded me from these elections. i feel very bad. if we defected, we could have elected our true representatives. now there is no one to protect us. back on the election commission is compiling results and asking for patients. the commission is looking into allegations. all irregularities that may have happened in calling stations some who are destroyed voting machines and intimidated election was because bulk of the charge,
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some or cheapest blame the government for the cables they witnessed the see any outcome will likely be content is catherine. sorry, i'll just sierra can shesta several 1000 migraines set off from southern mexico on christmas eve heading for the us for the they've been charging migrant. so not criminals. kind of out of people is one of the biggest this year. it's less the town of dublin to the door behind the final reading. exodus from poverty. it includes people fleeing violence and insecurity more than a dozen countries. they said all the days off to the mexican government reached an agreement. so strict and migration control with the us. nothing about pay. this is your thing. go today. mostly i don't have any documents for 3 months. i've been asking to them without any response. i'm tired of being in touch with children with
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my work going hungry and having to pay read. it's not easy. it does when use it that would be sent to the united states is using the migration issue in the fight between democrats and republicans as put pressure on the government of president. i'm dress manual lopez overall, which has a different approach. a worship isn't as quite a hit, solving to it. okay. i have gathered on sunday for christmas and the ruins of one of the oldest churches in the world. the antioch orthodox church collapsed when the ground shook across to kit and sylvia. on february, the 6th, with all that remains is a pine tree which is being decorated with lights in memory of those who lost their lives. at least 59000 people were killed and millions were left homeless. time now for a look at the sports headlines with said that are in what's become
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a basketball tradition. the 25th of december is a huge day in the n. b a with 5 games in total. one of the biggest match up season abroad. james and the lakers take on the old rivals, the boxes, celtics. the bron goes into the game coming off season, high 40 points, and his last match is not a happy christmas for one of the m. b 's biggest stars philadelphia. 76 is a pledge o l m b has an ankle injury and won't be an action against last season's finest. the miami heat and the nfl, the miami dolphins are celebrating, making the playoffs. they feel the now 22 to 20. when over the dallas cowboys, adult is top the ac in football now in 2nd place live a pool. have the chance to go top of the premier league on tuesday, yoga and clubs, side to face burly and head into the match. following a tense $11.00 drawer would lead those arsenal. i some villa also have the test and
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books and day on top. this season surprised package our level on points would live a pool and we'll visit struggling manchester united hor down in a place and there's some good news for united sized bridges spilling. the surgeon ratcliffe had agreed to by a stake of up to 25 percent in the club. he'll invest $300000000.00 in that old trap of stadium and take responsibility for football operations. australia is rheana. if not, that is the best female high diver in the world is fixed on red bulls. cliff diving champion has been speaking to all the 0 about going for her full straight gold medal. when the was aquatics championships that come to kata. in february we have the opportunity to showcase just tell them a thing. the sport is to, to many different countries and, and obviously as an athlete is very exciting to, to visit new places during what you loved. so. yeah it's, it's a 100 percent. an awesome thing that were visiting a new country, i think it's,
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it's one thing that draws me to this point is, is the natural locations and, you know, being out in the, in the city and in comparison to being inside the parties center is awesome. and, and i get a guest, it gives us the opportunity to, to take sport out there and showcase and connect with, with the city a little bit. sorry. yeah, that'll, that'll be really, really cool. the every time you stand on top of that party and it's a, it's a feeling that motivates you in itself, you know, just sort of a hard work that's, that's paid off. and i mean, not on the over the last 7 years, it's spain or the last 20 years. so it's quite easy to, to stay motivated. it's a strange and unique start to 2024. so there is some dice in the, in the back of my mind that i would like to push towards and then push myself to, to work towards. but i think at this stage it's focusing on keeping the consistency
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and, and yeah, helping, helping myself stay motivated in, in kind of different ways outside of talking as well. um, you know, i, i'd truly believes that for me to perform well, i have to be happy and, and still balancing a healthy life outside of driving as well. i think we're all really excited to, to see where it's going in the future. um and also i think you know, to, to be a part of the sport and one of the pioneers and to see how it's growing already use is exciting this so much potential for it. um, so yeah, i am hoping that i'm hoping that uh myself, alongside of a lot of other drivers will inspire many more people to to come in. um, you know, keep contacting a guy and he's always sports headlines. you can get more on our website all just there, the com and on the social media channels. and that's it for this news um,
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but i'm back in a moment with another full show and there is of course, our website out to 0 dot com. if you want to stay across all of the days news, see you in a couple of minutes. the you have the solve the the shop window for the usually puts in color does it is i'm of quote sold and as one of the social, i know in the message that has the method is just where the come a little increase of
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a change to the big of a just depending on how you been haven't done what i'll go over the most of the problem with the see. but it is it tenants to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really
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military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of his randy public this course and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the race or the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. that's the bodies of victims of van mohammed z refugee camp massacre pile off outside the hospital and gaza. at least 250 pounds of citizens are killed. 24 hours of is ready bombing the


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