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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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questions they use them to be use of our around the globe. now to sierra the government challenges here where the at least 106 people are killed. his riley strikes on. oh, my god, the refugee camp in central garza leaving the local hospital overwhelmed with bodies. the
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hellman is withdrawn and this is i'll just say on line from doha. so coming up, smoke lines of news and also offer a new round of strikes on giovanni a. at least $250.00 pounds finance have been killed across the strip in the past 24 hours is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says a tax on god's of will intensify. that's after the death of 17 is really some just in just 3 days. on palestinian christianson gods a monk christmas day and some of the few churches left standing. the to that is 17 gmc, that's 7 pm and gaza with entire building. so being reduced to rubble off to a deadly is really a raid on the, on the guys, the refugee camp. the strikes have killed at least $106.00 palestinians,
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many of them women and children. dozens of others are accounted for unfit to be buried under debris. michael, apple begins coverage. there is a ceo of bodies outside all. ok, so hospital in central guys the often that of is rainy strikes on. oh, my god, the refugee camp of and not or it's christmas day. but there's nothing for these palestinians families to unwrap. except the plastic containing the remains of their loved ones. the painful good by the stream of mona's pauses through the mold among the dead men and women and children, including a 2 week old baby the injured were taken to pay the functioning hospitals waste off on able to offer much more than basic. first thing, upside is one of the few medical facilities in gaza, still open and it's struggling to cope with the growing numbers of data. and in
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that mode with people sending this to bed. well, no one of the, of the, of these a lot of wounded patients that are still sleeping on the floor because we don't have any place since there's no capacity. you can't even walk in the card was because the number of wounded that exceeds the number of beds uh, the number of patients we have is 5 times capacity that we have in the hospital. israel bombing campaign on all my god, z on christmas eve means no risk for family. they spent the night digging through the roof. we were sitting down and out of nowhere, we didn't know what happened. all of the sudden there was an explosion. we didn't know if it was our house or our neighbors. we went down and found dead bodies everywhere. hallway on the part of our little guy. these days there is no electricity or water. so everyone at this time of night is just sitting in the
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houses with the loved ones, but look around, nothing is lift, the whole neighborhood is gone. well, that's how the things to be populated. residential area was also targeted. last month. at least 50 palestinians were killed in that the dates told in gaza has reached unprecedented levels. diplomatic if it's to negotiate as ceasefire or making little progress. the, the so many in the world, this time of year is marked by families coming together to celebrate tennessee and the not to say final. good bye lucia. who do they will be no joy and no loss to him for palestinians in gaza. each passing day brings another row of bodies draped in sheets and mull families with nothing to celebrate heading into the new year. mike level l g 0. so let's go to our correspondence arctic of wisdom. he's joining us live from alpha in southern,
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gaza and products. what is the situation at mcgaffey refugee camp where the death toll has risen to 106? yes uh the desk told had a reason to 106, but the attacks did not stop despite this fact as the east really forces expanding their attacks on this area, which is already very densely populated. now during the last couple of hours, it has been on the mass is really a tax, including as points on artillery shilling attacks right now has been expanded to a new area, which is i'm gonna say a rock refugee camp where a number of residential houses have been completely destroyed, where a number of palestinians have reported killed no signed with. some palestinians have been injured. um the risk coop ration in these areas continue. um it is very relentless, plumbing as we have been reaching the number of residents in. uh no sir. i took you
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to come informing us of the situation. the is a believable undescribable due to the fact that the huffman on the is very intense funding during the last hour. they told us that the bombs did not stop. we are being killed in this area. so the tax on the middle goober needs to during the last couple of days had been completely accelerated and more grubbing concerns that they are facing the same scenario as the northern parts squared leaflets have been dropped in the area in swimming residents to flee, move to the south as confrontations and attacks continue in these areas that are supposed to be as safe zones as well unpacked across scene reports of most strikes onto bali out in the north. what are you hearing about that? a yes, devalue received become a was wanting to attack by the isabel, the military. the they have been conducting a number 5 built the intensive one with more destruction of this refuge account,
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which was previously, i talked by the is really military were occupation forces that are having different confrontation with the kind of can you going to, to pay full control account in that area and the, the, the contracts with, we're going to say it's very difficult. but what we have heard from a number of, of deputies who have been released by these various forces of being arrested and beaten. and they have been driven to investigation. they are narrating very horrific scenes and also a situations that they have been experiencing. and this is also a very clear spelling about the level of destruction in jump value to now the attacks continue. there is no exact number of the tool and also related to the casualties amongst hooligans. but we're waiting for further confirmation by the palestinian minister of health regarding the final number of casualties in the value side of thank you very much for that product of the wisdom of the latest live and drop the file and is ready as to why it has killed
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a senior member of ron's revolution. we got outside the syrian capital. the attack occurred in the zayna via area in the suburbs of damascus. that housing was solved was one of the most senior revolution regard commanders in syria. he was with the general, how some sleigh mani before my outcomes. later when he was killed and a u. s. strong strike and a rock in 2020. let's get more on this from correspondence. audi hush in his life was in the kuda in 711 on an incredibly high profile cigarette ali. what more you're hearing about the strike. it was rather yeah. let me show you was one of the oldest serving commanders with i r g c and syria and lebanon. actually, as a, regarding the details. now we're on this time from our sources that roger and we'll say we was hit, his house was hate, with tree is really miss size, at least. and he was killed immediately along with the all the
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off his, uh, you know, assistance, who with him we don't know whether they were killed or injured. but what, what's going from now is that he was killed before before he coming to the, his house. that those a, maybe a was a bit uranian embassy in damascus. after leaving the iranian embassy, he came to his residence and he was immediately hit with the 3 and besides, so this, these are the details. but who is roger the most have? he doesn't was how he is one of the main instruments combined is of the i r g c called sports in syria. he is accused by his role of being instrumental in the transfer and transportation of weapons from iran to iraq, to 11 on and also to the palestinian groups over the past. yes, his role as a shadow commander in syria, even he was
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a he was dealt with as the man in charge of the i r g c 11 on and in syria. and he had enjoyed very good relations with his will and 11 on and also with the syrian government and all the israel has a history of carrying out strikes. and sylvia, they've only increased since the war and gaza began as indeed uh in the past. yeah. since 2012, this has been conducting go strikes on maybe daily or weekly basis. however, since the war started in, because uh, uh, there was a new pots and uh, especially with some massage. uh, maybe uh, a little small massage, being launched from the golan heights towards is red immediately after these, uh massage, but it was launched. this red is retaliated by hitting the uh, air force into moscow sending another full. however,
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about 3 weeks ago to or do you see a senior offices where the keels in see if you and your ones involved to revenge for them. and now we're seeing this operation to assess as a nation of flaws the most heavy. and of course, with the i r g c, also issuing a statement and valid once again to revenge. however, there are a lot of speculations that the, the, the, the scope of revenge and the scope of retaliation would be under control. and it twins get really at to uh to have to strong because already the situation is very tense order the that is a war and already all the front set open for now on the thank you very much for that to ali hush and live in the kuta in southern lebanon, which is of course, another front. thank you ali we while and as well as being a special parliamentary session to discuss the remaining is really captives held in
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gaza. is where the problem is to benjamin netanyahu has against the end of the conflicts, won't help secure the release of the captives. no, we would succeed in freeing all the hostages without military pressure, military pressure, operational pressure, and political pressure. and one thing we wouldn't do, we will not stop the war a lot corresponding talent such as an occupied east. jerusalem was more on that session and the connected well, the families took their positions in the public gallery and the produce their own home made banners. many of them just saying the what know they want the captives released not in a week, not in 2 weeks, but right now a new one, the government to do more to secure that. when benjamin netanyahu spoke, he talked about how they need more time. someone from the public gallery shouted, we don't have time. and he said that the war will continue because he believes that
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putting pressure on him us gives them a better window of opportunity to try and secure the release of captives. the best came just hours after he made a visit together, only the 2nd. in the last 80 days he visited troops on the ground. they, of course, this is coming is the number of is really that is increasing. and he said that the war will go on. know, given the yes and why, who's the head of how mice and the guy's a has made his public 1st. public comments is october the 7th, and he said there will be no cease fire until israel stops. is war, it would appear that this war is going to continue for some considerable time. and the desk told is going to rise considerably higher. it's still a head on knowledge, a 0. the tell us about cushions and you crying, celebrated christmas on december the 25th for the 1st time,
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the us 2023 comes to an end adjust us teams on the ground of work at a higher storage from the continuing conflicts in the brain. and so that's the sound of artillery being 5. this is the news. our license to the war in gusts as we are talking to right now. the sound of it is that even boston and right now i'm the inside of the assignment. she had a couple of the mental health people who needed the most on just the unique perspective. choice for peace is the way for me to take action voices. you don't often hear tribal nations do stand with palestine. it's the same service shared connect to our
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community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere, brand new episodes as a stream on here as the war and ukraine rages on. some of the young russians refusing to take up on the $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets those fleeting to neighboring cars. that stuff on just the the fuel watching all, just bear with me. elizabeth put autumn in doha reminder of our top stories for south egypt as often as sees 5 proposal to bring a house to the flashing and gaza. unto the do is around would withdraw our troops
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from gaza and stuff. the area's finest, ready, and strong, has killed a senior member of yvonne's revolution. we got outside damascus. the savvy was one of my senior revolution. we got commodities in syria and at least 106 people have been killed by israeli stripes, on, on mcguffey, refugee camp and central guns. on sunday nights. and time buildings have been destroyed and thousands of people are still unaccounted for. oh, and who that he is at the oligarchy, refugee camp incentives this report in this building behind me, this is a 3 story building dots has been targeted and another house here, and another house here. according to the family, he told me that 5 of his family members are still under the rubble, including his wife. his children, among them is a 2 year old palestinian babies. he also told me that there has been no
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ambulances or civil defense since yesterday, and he can't do anything about it. he's trying to dig with his own bare hands. but unfortunately, the ceiling is dropped is on the floor. so that is on the floor and you turn him help him says there are other people we're trying to go and see other people that are trying to use equipments like silver to dig in into rescue these people from under the rubber. this seems like a movie and seems as if it's like something. and really what we're seeing today is completely undescribable. i see bicycles, i see belongings to people. memories of these people were refugees and people who were displaced from different areas across of the gaza strip. and
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they came here as this, this place was a safe area. let's walk in and see how people are removing people from under the rubber. it smells like blood and we see chattered bodies and we just saw them remove electron baby from under the level. as you see with his fair hand through using their hands, through of people from under the rebels, they found part of the body and they're trying to pull as much as they cost. and this is not the 1st time we see this. we have been seeing this phase off 2 days, the same exact same people with their own bare hands the
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those comedies have been under the remo, trapped under the rebels for more than 10 hours right now. and according to the people's surroundings, these areas, this is not the only area that has been targeted by the is there any forces in not the only area that still have people trapped under the blue bus? the ambulances and the civil defense are over around because they're all lot going through across the causes. this is in the city. i just need a, a kazi, cause of christian palace, danina families in the occupied west bank and gaza. spend christmas upon this guy is a continues to be besieged by his very forces and previous years, many families were big wanted passes to travel to bethlehem, and b were united during the festive season. the sea and many of gauze christians, a homeless, displaced and fee for the future. camille,
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net elect supports the moment of peace is outside, will rages, palestinian christians gathered up the left in charge of calls are from a far cry from last year celebrations before the bombs and domestic displacements. with the shop. this time it was forced to flee south undertaking in by listening family, in rough of the numbers that came from the day. we don't even have a tree, we've got nothing to light up, no electricity. sometimes i wonder if last year was the last christmas will ever have. are we going to ever be joyful and happy again? when i go home and have a christmas tree? i've no idea. so to be one of the oldest christian communities in the world, the palestinian faithful, also one of the most at risk. there's been
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a mass exodus of young people from gauze that in recent years as a search for a better life of sweat. fewer than a 1000 christian palestinians, i believe, to live in the strip down from the 3000 registered 16 years ago. but many others may now follow suit many lives on a bathroom and i want to leave my house and what's left of my country and go somewhere else outside of guys for safety and security of my family. this hasn't crossed my mind before. now i want to leave with my family and after the war, i'll think about my options and whether i ever come back again. some christian palestinians say israel's will, could be the final blow to what was already a rapidly shrinking community community back out to 0. the avenue stage media engaging is accusing the fed opinions of repeatedly breaching chinese territory and the south china sea. tensions around disputed areas have
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increased in recent months. both sides have blamed each other for a number of confrontations between philippine and chinese vessels. stage media says the philippines is relying on the us to provoke china, cooling it extremely dangerous behavior. so and slowly has moved from the aging. the comments about the south china sea 1st appeared in the common traits in the china daily, and they relate to picked up by the people's daily long considered a chinese communist party mouthpiece. now they struck a raw, the strident tone, but they all what we've come to expect from chinese media, which will launch the only the state owned or state control. now this comments, he singled out the philippines, accusing it of stirring up trouble in the region and also accusing it of doing washington's bidding. now the dispute in the south china sea dates back decade, and it's not just between china and the philippines. taiwan is also a claimant, as of several other southeast asian countries over different parts of the south
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china sea. none but it is chinese and philippine vessels that have had the space of run ins and confrontations in recent months. and we can see this common t as perhaps china attempting to put its narrative outside the clearly a message that china is upset at what's happening. it could perhaps also be seen as a message that is intended for the us, which frequently conduct freedom of navigation operations in the south china sea, something that china objects to know china is position is that the dispute between manila and beijing over the south china sea is something that ought to be settled in by lot to talk. but philippines position is that it has already brought the mazda to an international type. you know, that type, you know, has already rejected. china is vast times over the south china sea. and so i'm an analyst position, is that what it's doing is within its own territory and within its own right. now that said, china and the 10 member association of south east asian nations are trying to draw
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up a code of conduct to the south china sea in hopes of minimizing conflicts and confrontations . but the has been little progress made on that. so from florence, we out to 0, the spokeswoman for jail to criminal project. and i've seen evolving since he's being moved to a remote ok to payneham colony in northern russia. as long as weeks of uncertainty concerning his whereabouts. the opposition leaders lawyer visited divinely at the prison in the young limits region and says he's doing well. he is serving a 19 year sentence on charges of extremism moment and sedona joining the army to deal with the threat of the rapids support forces. last week, the army retreated from saddam's, 2nd largest city of london, the donnie that fell into our assess control. the dns has up to 300000 people, fled to the nearest city of said not hundreds of indians who was stuck at a french airport during an investigation into human smuggling,
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having flown to move by 2 people have been detained. $310.00 indians were on the way from nicaragua, from the united out edwards, on the plane was grounded on thursday after a trip off, the ellen has denied any roland possible smuggling, a several 1000 migrants have set off from southern mexico on christmas eve heading for the us border the been challenging my friends know from the knows the calvin of people is one of the biggest to see if it left the town or stuff. but you're not going behind. that of reading, exit is from poverty. they said all the days off to the mexican government reached an agreement for stripped a migration control over the united states. ukrainian orthodox christians have celebrated christmas on december the 25th for the 1st time. the what's addition they, they month christmas on january 7th, like russia in july,
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the government and the ukranian orthodox church especially changed the date and then the parents not to russia. as a big has moved from king ukraine has moved to officially recognized to celebrate christmas on the 25th of december. moving away from the russian orthodox just for celebrated on the 7th of january. and those ties between the recurring and rushing most of the churches, dates back to the time of the soviet union when you print is a part of the soviet union. but since the start of the would have been attempts to separate those ties, in fact, ukraine orthodox church has been accused of supporting russia. something that they denied. and they officially said that those ties last year. but now with this efficient, we've seen snow 2 must go and the russian orthodox church. however, the former president's here rejects that. this is a political move. this has nothing to do with the politics. first of all, the, it was in the season of the choice, not the decision of facilities. and it was absolutely holding tattered. and even
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now those people of our church when a celebrated the sick. so gave you a free to do that and it have not no pressure. but for many you create is this is the 1st time that they also the breakdown christmas on the 25th of december. we've spoken to people across keith and they're very happy that this move has been made and that it smocks a sort of independence breaking away from old traditions dating back to the soviet union. this with this celebration festival, we have fairly united with the rest of the about possible family lives in poland. and we always greeted them on the 25th and bakery to us on the 7th. and this is the 1st day we can congratulate each other on the same day. now we are altogether in your thoughts. she is extremely existing. although this movie scene is bringing your cranks also to the you appear in western world is difficult to say what impact
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actually would have on the ground across the ukraine is a vast country for the population of 40000000 people with different belief and political opinions. i started big, i'll just 0 teeth that set for me. elizabeth toronto, me, you can find whole information on all of the stories we're covering on our website onto 0 dot com. whether it's next to the inside story text and look at the message of unity sent by the some jude christmas celebration to see if and better to have the it had a lie there. it's looking large, these settled and dry for much of the middle east at the moment, but there's going to be a change actually go into the new weeks and now there are lots of settled weather with sunshine across the event. we have seen a little bit of rooms come back in the winds of died down, but we'll see the development of some rain, some showers,
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affecting northern parts of saudi arabia, heavy rain pulling into coastal areas of the red sea and that rain dashes up through into iraq touching to jordan as well. some of those showers expected in syria to the east of this much t y, a picture suddenly for a run that and down the gulf. so those wins at picking up for the likes of cook top . we could see some of that rain pushing off for the east of the next few days in to, to wait now, but most of africa, the winds died down for the north east still from cloudy conditions, with showers for libya. and the rain is set to develop across the moving parts and will central pots of algeria, by the time we get into wednesday, the lots of sheets to be found around the gulf of guinea. dry conditions here much went across the south of africa, some pretty for roche, just found the storms stretching from angola all the way through zambia botswana into eastern areas of south africa was very heavy. rain and storm for how tank province the
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i'm mary m. shaheen. filmmaker and i've been working in and around garza for 30 years as i watched the 2023 devastation of concept ideas rarely army. i looked back at the place and i knew the from the optimism of 2005 when these were at least to the destruction of towards the echoes of the wall sconces fated hopes on al jazeera. a subdued christmas investor him festivities are new to this year in the occupied territories. as israel's war on gods are rages with palestinian christians saying they too are being targeted. so what message says this show of unity by palestinians conveys. this is inside story the
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