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tv   News  Al Jazeera  December 25, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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just the groundbreaking sounds from award winning filmmaker. watch. listen, the witness. on file. jesse are the more than 250 published indians have been killed and 500 wounded. a christmas, including a deadly, is rarely a ton of the best policy refugee come. the
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color so robin you watching out 0 lines. headquarters here in the hall also coming up the families of his right of captive housing goals that kept up the pressure that is roles. prime minister says the goal is fine for move up on christmas under the shadow pool will take you to the empty streets. if that's behind. when a holiday tourism is crowned to a house, the welcome to the program, as well as college and goals, it continues unattended. it's military is sitting areas in central and southern gospel, whatever it told palestinians, and the knowles to seek shelter. in the past 24 hours, at least 106 people have been killed after israel struck the alamo. how's the refuge account in central cause? it's one of the deadliest as rarely strikes since the war began. in time, buildings are destroyed. thousands of people are still buried under the russell
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rescue. workers simply don't have the tools to remove mounds at daybreak. on christmas day families all grieving the loss of their loved ones in garza and burying the dead. at least $250.00 palestinians have been killed across the strip in the last 24 hours. doctors without borders say around top of the casualties, all women and children to i'll just there was in calgary is on the as long as the refugee comes as a this update has been targeted and another house here in another house here. according to the family, he told me that 5 of his family members are still under the rubble, including his wife. his children, among them is a 2 year old palestinian babies. he also tells me that there has been no ambulances or civil defense since yesterday, and he can't do anything about it. he's trying to dig with his own bare hands.
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but unfortunately, the ceiling is dropped. is on the floor flat and on the floor. and he turns him have concerns. there are other people we're trying to go and see other people that are trying to use equipments like so most to dig in into rescue these people from under the rubber. this seems like a movie and seems as if it's like something. and really what we're seeing today is completely undescribable. i see bicycles, i see belongings to people. memories of these people were refugees and people who were distaste from different areas across of the gaza strip. and they came here as this, this place was a safe area. let's walk in and see how people are
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removing people from under the rubber. it smells like blood and we see chattered bodies and we just saw them remove electron baby from under the level. as you see, with his fair hand there use either tends to remove people from under the rebels. they found parts of the body and they're trying to pull as much as they cost. and this is not the 1st time we see this. we have been seeing this phase off 2 days, the same exact same people with their own bare hands. the and those comedies have been under their remo,
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trapped under the rebels for more than 10 hours right now. and according to the people's surroundings, these areas, this is not the only area that has been targeted by the is there any forces in not the only area that still have people trapped under the rebel? but i'm getting sick in the civil defense are overrun, because there are a lot going through across the street. this is in the city. i just need a massage, the cause of deflecting those and dogs that these mainly military is not intensifying is a tax and the center and south in the past 24 hours and strikes. if it 3 refugee comes in central garza and the fantasy ridge and elizabeth is very well planning. so i've also kind of that raising con units in the south. the patent indicates that the military is aiming to divide. the goal is to strip into 3 areas. the knolls, the central region, on the south side with 2 ton recover as a who's in rafa in southern guns, among treatments for us. first that has been used bound to jamalia and the area
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around the refugee come being hits again. what news about that topic? yes, it was widely had to impact during the last couple of hours with these very forces had target to this refugee camp. multiply and the ongoing efforts to admit it totally destroy the ministry infrastructure related to the palace. new fighters. now, during the last hour, the series of s strikes had been a overhead from the valley, a refugee camp where a series of residential houses and under torture lands had been attacked on its own going confrontations on the ground between the palestinian fighters and the east bed he met a treat uh, according to the initial reports from the ground in the value of refuge account of these attacks. and the is really shilling of the area did not stop as people have been going through very difficult day is represented an ongoing shilling block of bolts of food and also medical supplies. so this refugee camp has one of the main
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central areas that had been completely attacked and destroyed by the is really mandatory since october, the 7th. and time it gets be nearly 24 hours since the last the refuge account was hit. just bring us a, an update on that we saw in calgary hot to say during daylight time was but the rest of your operation continues through the night to yes, absolutely. during the last 24 hours, the attacks on the back on the my gods, your refuge account did not stop. yesterday they have killed around $106.00 pounds themes. and today they have expanded the miniature operations in particular against the central areas of gauze that including as the great, i'm gonna say, right. uh, specifically where the east very forces had struck most of the residential houses in these areas. um, during the last couple of hours, initial report had stated that the is very forces. it started a very limited,
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the ground included into a break, refused to come. now this comes very densely populated area and to the are doing the same strategy, represent the expands and increasing the fire power over these regions to force residents to flee to the south as they have being dropping leaflets for the resident with a q r code and a map on it, just informing residents through the way that become follow to get to the soft for the safety and to the started right now with mass shooting for residential houses as. busy flight exchange have been a whole so overhead in these regions. now what is most important to say that the tax also in the south continued to during the last hour, in particular income units and rough rough hi, residential building had been attacked for a number of college means. have been also a wounded in con, units around 5 palestinians have to report that killed off to a residential unit, had been slots, and by the is what it forces that a couple of assume the for us in rough ice. thank you. so this being
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a special session in the is ready the parliament to discuss the remaining captives held in garza and then it didn't even destiny all who found himself being heckled by some of these, of those still being held by how most all efficient as well on the proceedings in the connected when it's a whole, together to discuss the cap that was being held in guys, a special session of these really parliament issues support the consent. but his prime minister benjamin netanyahu rose the families of those hills, captive and gas that made their voices had put their banners within you. he would see he asked for more time. we don't have it. they called him on and does he insisted the return of the captives was a priority. the families tempted to what know, over and over again, the do you idea of fighters unhooked families and relatives of, of deputies. i say from this platform that we are not stopping and we won't stop
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until victor netanyahu's comments came just hours after you made a visit to troops on the ground. and guys, with a number of these really casualties growing the prime minister warned of more long, hard days ahead. almost without much stopping anyone who talks about stopping. no, we will not stop. the war continues till the end until we finish them. no less than that. 3 step proposal to end, the war being pushed by the egyptians appears to still be on the table. how much dismissed reports it had rejected? the plan said several times there can be no sea spar until israel stops. the water and guys of israel's leaders have made it clear that this war is going to continue with the same intensity. and then the middle, the people of guys are dying until peace breaks out. all in so sure. i'll just see that, you know, keep like east jerusalem. meanwhile, is rarely a dollar of media,
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say that the egypt all, but egypt has proposed a plan for a c simons island mentioned between the 2 sides. and this is what egypt is, proposing a new see sign between this route and from us that would be implemented in 3 stages . the 1st phase would see a humanitarian poles $7.00 to $10.00 days. a mouse would release all of the civilian captives and exchange for palestinian prisoners in his rightly trails. in the 2nd phase, how mouse would free old female soldiers over another 7 days as well as releasing bodies. it still holds of his res killed since october. the 7th, all the remaining captives would be released during another month long seas. fine. well, israel wood, free mole, palestinian inmates under the proposal. israel would also withdrawal troops from casa, install pitts, aerial bombardment of district. well, earlier we spoke with senior most representative a summer home and then asked him about how much is egypt proposal. we are not
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talking about the sort of ideas introduced it. and that doesn't mean some of those side gets where to build the building, bidding goals. she ation so the talks which we have asked and at the age of shows that maybe other media tell us about the this pillar i guess, talked about and i want to uh, book to sion. clear position was no talks about the any kind of for this one as exchange without a complete g. 's filed with the lady withdrawal from gets, well the egypt sin proposal does cool for a complete seas. 5 beat and stages wall is where the captives are released in exchange for palestinians in is really jails. are you open to that? if there is a complete stop in the fighting? what a, as i've said, the, we come to talk about any kind of, uh, managements to the issue without a complete is or any uh, sci fi,
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um, and withdrawal from goods. uh, no one even extra to negotiate on the free a month. how much? no, anyone else? and if anyone seeks to the statements, if anyone seeks to find the solution which can but event, the statements from being towed baby, the all committed, domestic comes to against them. the has to start from this point from bank of america being committed to against that, but a scene is this is the 1st attempt at to solve any condo for at the edge once or to talk about any kind of financial events on the basis of the but it's not exchange. i think sophia, is i sold a policy invoice to the vatican, russia and the united kingdom, he says is mainly prime minister benjamin netanyahu is not finding his agend. he just spoke to the senior leadership on the quote the hours ago and for them that
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his extension is to push the gun level prediction. bellwood was through the migration he is to have as much of a student in geography as possible with the city of the moment. yes, possible. i viewed the problem. yeah. with the see you space is bessette. you pick the date, but then so the semester is maybe the cruise on your o. b. i lived in administration and the reward jo by the person responsible for what has taken place during the last 80 days. what you should expect is any association of the smoker is ready. society should become aware. that's how i go back to nathan. yeah. well, i left those that are and that is really safe. you should become aware that in our case the student is really relations. the oppressive seems to have to be much more the victim needs to pressure and distribute the soft foods for so i personally the,
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the american jewish community. i just, fisher the responsibility and i am proud to say that many of the us of the news from you have the most recent, both in new york. i'm in washington on kathy started him saying not in our name, and i'm proud of that. they have more of your role as well in that as well. we'll pay a price off. do i, senior member of their own revolution regard was killed in his right and strike in serious allows it will. san feet was killed in the same a bad area in the suburbs of the syrian capital of damascus. he was considered as one of the closest i l, g, c, commanders to general costs. and so the money, the former could see the who was himself killed. in the us driving attack, the still ahead here on out is there the why orthodox christians and ukraine and celebrating christmas on december the 25th. for the 1st time,
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the turkish medical staff are working in solidarity wisconsin. they say the plots, goddard grounds, they will speak for the palestinian victim. so israel's war. use the phone. ok, yes. let the horrors are for 2 years ago and settled in a stumble. kilo's $21.00 relatives in casa on october. the 14th is on the payment. we live and has to be on dish and we capacity the professors here accused the israel of competing war across the board, targeting health facilities in golf for turkish structures. find the most ration is an appeal to the international community to take action against israel. as 2023 comes to an end, a just a u. s. teams on the ground of work at a higher storage from the continuing conflicts in the frame.
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that's the sound of artillery east side. this is the news our life to the war in cost. as we are talking to you right now, the sound of it is very from boston. right now. i'm the inside of the center of the way to the people who need is the most on the just the the the, the book about to watch the officer with me. so robin in though ha, reminder of all the top stories, molten 250, published indians have been killed and 500 wounded over christmas by israel. at
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least 106 people were killed by is very strong. somebody was gonna call and see what kind of been central gone so on sunday nights and time buildings have been destroyed and dozens of people are still unaccounted full. meanwhile, egypt to zone for the sea signed proposal to bring home to the 5 in johnson. under the deal is around with the tool troops from concepts and still ariel bombings of the strip pipe front. so it says cold for an end to the will, inc. also joining his annual christmas day mass of the fancy could. you describe the situation in the strip as desperate and said the violence, the bus stop brought it to the airport in dougherty. my heart grieves for the victims of the abominable attack on october 7th, and i reiterate my urgent appeal for the liberation of those still being held hostage. and i plead for an english to the military operations with their appalling harvest of innocent civilian victims and call for a solution to the desperate humanitarian situation by an opening to the provision
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of humanitarian aid, the the tourism industry. in bethlehem those ground to hold this christmas as a result of as well as will a garza thousands of visitors and christian pilgrims usually flocked to the city where they believe jesus was bold, but the roads are closed. and taurus of staying away, many hotels have been forced to shut the doors, lower, comfortable style from bethlehem, and the occupied westbank in every way you look in bethlehem hotels, a shop and streets are empty. from those overlooking main, just square to purchase all just fine seas world of hotels which have a less appealing view but almost all across the business and taking no reservations and said no, actually we didn't receive any kind of for the grooms tourist or any kind of maybe a clergyman or i'm free sort of monks or assistance because you know, beth, i'm is locked down and nobody can enter and exit. and sometimes actually it's
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difficult for them to come in a place where it sometimes is certified or is good about israel cuz they do roads in bethlehem when it declared war and from us and lots of military offensive in goals. and that war has led to thousands of pilgrims and tours cancelling the trips . said that's the our christmas with jesus born hopkins. i'll empty. nothing here. nobody come. it's closed streets. eh, they did send out a new one from those lately side. go abroad to come to visit with him as well as the indian christian, but i sent in. i cannot go to go to send him either to break or reduce my my business or facilities alias says there around $5200.00 hotel rooms and bethlehem. and the industry employees, 3000 people, and the numbers 3000 sub contractors. now he says few of the $500.00 a working at this time of year hotel runs across but to have a usually
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a full occupancy with guest booking month for the fonts. now look empty room of the empty room, off the empty room, this hotel which usually accommodates $220.00 people. now there are only 5 guest say it's the same story across the city. 70 percent bethlehem's economy relies on tourism. most of it's made during the christmas holidays. when we such a monitoring institute says it's ready, settlers are hoping to take advantage of the situation. best buy and has about the $23.00 settlements that exist all over the government to give out some of those supplements that has the the tended to build about $1100.00 put the little rooms within the it's uh was bought of the also hot home us up to expand 2nd, the better home tons down festivities this year. there was no traditional christmas
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tree decorations old carol events in full integrity with palestinians gone to boats . people say is the is ready. checkpoints, road closures and fear of visiting during the war. this forcing businesses to shuts down, laura called out to sierra bethlehem and the of the pipe westbank. the best thing is that these are these that would lead us from a group of west african countries on negotiating with a chance military, him to full the release of the deposed president public policy. and the transition to civilian rule was it was over throwing in a qu in july that has been kept on the house arrest since then. the address for pulls from the capital name 5 months on huge crowd steel turn up in solid data to you with vicious current. familiar to rule this. the
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post preston will have my buzz them remains kept. and the june test shows no haste to come up with a clear plan to restore democracy. both key domains of the regional bulk. of course, public affairs analysts sunday suicide believes that june to wants to come to prussia from a course. if we accept what it go, i want, it's meaning that we accept what friends once and this is not, is this scenario we add, we add an excerpt. he thinks it could be another 2 years before the current military leadership leaves power. many here think across any show for a to use force, hard indigent disposition and it's supporters. the belief for my colonial power problems was behind the threat of force and the functions that crippling the local economy. echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost. and the reason it's
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worried, it could fragment 3 member countries, while the ministry is in power, hopefully i'm the alliance of sales states. and that's considered a threat to the future of the book. but simply this a healy and elias wouldn't work to the shows advantage those veterans need televisions, that not by the agenda has no capacity to continue defying the international community. considering its landlocked nature. if you rely not this for something you eventually given to certain demands and active civil society, i previously forced post code 8 is to quickly return the country to democracy. so my name is believe history will repeat itself. if the current lead is over, stay there. welcome, but with this support is just june tech currently enjoys after ordering from out. it's not clear. if the civil side to here will leave up to the past reputation. how many degrees i would use either. yeah, me. state medium in beijing or accusing the philippines of
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a piece of me breeching chinese territory and the south china sea. the attention around disputed areas has increased and we some months of science have blamed each other for a number of recent confrontations between the philippines and chinese. vessels as a site, so in full, the jail claimant includes the collection of ali, says that he's being moved to the remote arctic penal connelly and goals and russia . and that's all his weeks of uncertainty concerning his whereabouts. the opposition leaders lawyer has visited the valley at the prison in the model, then that's region and says he's doing well. the valley is serving a 19 year sentence on challenges of extremism. you probably know folks, christians have celebrated christmas on december the 25th for the 1st time. the traditionally name of christmas on january the 7th, just like russia in july. the government on the training orthodox church officially change the dates and the parents not to rush up as
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a back has moved from teens. the ukraine has moved to assist you recognize and celebrate christmas on the 25th of december. moving away from the russian orthodox just for celebrate on the 7th of january. and those ties between the recurring and russian orthodox churches, dates back to the time of the soviet union when you train was a part of the soviet union. but since the start of the would have been attempts to separate those ties, in fact, ukraine orthodox judge has been accused of supporting russia, something that they denied. and they officially said that those ties last year. but now with this efficient, we've seen snow to moscow and the russian orthodox church. however, the former president here rejects that. this is a political move. this has nothing to do with the politics. first of all, the, it was at the season of the choice, not the decision of politics. and it was absolutely holding, tattered. and even now those people of our church when a celebration from the 6th of january,
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the free to do is have not no fashion. but for many ukraine is this is the 1st time that they also the breaking christmas on the 25th of december. we've spoken to people across keith, and they're very happy that this move has been made. and that, that smocks a sort of independence breaking away from old traditions dating back to the soviet union. this would this celebration festival. we have fairly united with the rest of the boat part of a family lives in poland. and we always greeted them on the 25th and bakery to us on the 7th. and this is the 1st day we can congratulate each other on the same day . now we are altogether in your thoughts. she is everything we exist. although this movie scene is bringing new cranks also to the you appear in western world is difficult to say what impact they actually would have on the ground across of ukraine is a vast country for the population of 40000000 people with different beliefs and
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political opinions i started vague, i'll just 0 keith or so that's it for me. so hold robinson. i won't be back to bone use in hoffman. um, but you can follow all of these that we're covering on our website at the al jazeera dot com. the weather is next and then on inside story we'll be looking at the subdued christmas celebrations, investment to stay with us the, the weather brought to you by visit capital. had a lot of that. it's been a lot so quiet weather but also very hot conditions across central west in pots of australia, of the festive period. we're still seeing those very high temperatures are full central areas. but out west, we've seen a dramatic drop for pass the maximum. hi vonny 27 degrees celsius. that will see the heat pump back into central air is 41 degrees celsius. the in alice springs and
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some other heat creeping back into the southeast corner. that's the spike. the width on windy weather that's kept things very unsettled with more rain to come to the likes of new south wales, west of that developing across coastal areas of queens and some pretty nasty storms as well. pumping off across the top and shoes date into wednesday. and rain is set to rolling across both islands in new zealand and drop the temperature once again in christ church. we will well above the average will be down to the 17 degrees celsius. the on wednesday, some showers around the south island, heavier rain up in the north and heavy rain is the story. when it comes to southeast asia, we've got a heightened one soon. winds blowing down, and the rain just continues to pull into the malay peninsula. there with heavy falls as well for northern parts of small track in indonesia as well as borneo the west brought to you by visit cuts on the
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the a subdued christmas investor him festivities are muted this year in the occupied territories. as israel's war on dogs are rages with palestinian christians saying they too are being targeted. so what message says this show of unity by palestinians conveys. this is inside storage. the hello and welcome to the program. i'm getting you navigate them. usually bustling with visitors from around the world. bethlehem is empty. this christmas festivities are muted in the occupied westbank as israel shows no sign of ending its onslaught in god's off.


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