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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  December 26, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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have the most, both a not clue of them. and it'd been in that zillow. just get them in a minute. and we'll go. freleigh hazy. are the the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes is where i live, takes the palestinian rid crisen building and con eunice with thousands of people. for sheltering. jocelyn is accused in use trucks, video and judges of palestinian, stripped and detained by his riley forces as a sport, stadium and cancer. it's right, he rides across the occupied with bank one. palestinian is killed up to soldiers
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during the fall. can the is and get grows around promises to have inches rose coming of a revolution regardless combined. the one person is killed in the ukrainian is strongly called the coastal city and russian controls you crime the it's 10 g and t that is mid day in gaza. with these ready army has been bombing the southern city of con eunice and artillery strike has at the headquarters of the palestine read, kristen society, thousands of displaced palestinians with sheltering their attacks on the residential buildings and con eunice on monday night killed at least 26 people video has image showing palestinian strip to the under with and rounded up by is
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ready forces in a sport, stadium, and cancer. it comes as the wind sounds, the alarm about israel's treatments of detainees. and the army is riding cities across the occupied westbank including to kill them. hebron, but doing yet and to boss one, palestinian has been killed and 55 the time. but we have a team of correspondents, right across the region. monitoring the latest developments, and we're on con, is standing by for us in the occupied with bank. ellen's fish a isn't occupied east jerusalem. the 1st, let's speak to honey must commode, who's in rafa in southern guys are and honey, can you just bring us up to date with the latest strikes that have happened during the night and this morning, especially the one on the rid crisen building. the one going into your account and press the god does chris. a overnight and sincerely hours in the morning trying to treat individually in the area with the southern
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part of the gas. within the past 2 hours, the main building, the city in victor christian society in the district of the western side of san eunice were 1000 children side. the building is really our killers. are they gonna use right? targeted the upper floors of the, the building there are reports about and multiple numbers of, of work seriously injured in the hospital. their reports about at the number of people who work, give me a, make women and children. now this important to point out to our viewers that the vast majority of people who are inside evacuation, so stickler building to the palestinian rich reference society immediately of women and children. a similar to the situations happened before in other evacuation centers when they were targeted. the vast majority of people injured or killed, happened to be among the most vulnerable women,
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a certain fun unit in southern part of hon. units. we're looking at a, a, a, d, a, an area, houses, a water tank. that's the vast majority of the residents in the targeting industry, leaving the entire area without any accident or clean clean water for a drinking early this morning. an overnight multiple, restricted place in the city, the city where since the past week or so people have poured into use in a, in a stated it is a parent. but again, it's coming under the people environment. it's free people. the one families are getting all of the entire residential home and the surrounding area in the northern part more here strikes, i think you to play as an attempt to clear more residential area for the establishment of a buffer zone in the northern part on eastern part of gaul, honey,
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we can hear a lot of noise. uh is you talking? they can. yeah. it sounds like the there was a drone or something along those lines. i knew you can just explain what is happening there right now. yeah that's, that's exactly correct. it's a drawing that been hovering since the early hours of, of yesterday's afternoon. it gets hovering for hours then all of the sudden there was the temporary disappearance of it, but it's coming again today. and this is such a bad omen for, for the president of, on the display policy. and because last time this growing and was hovering at a very low level for 5 days, and just the toward the, the, the, the late afternoon hours of 8 it targeted to residential homes, as well as the mazda, just within the vicinity of the can. we discussed because we were reporting a front. i'm going to be straightforward and honest about this, there is
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a house that's being marked as a target. it's not far away from the vicinity of the weight is hospital. we learned it from a source that the residents, all of that house had to be evacuated, that we're expecting something to happen within the coming hours or the coming day . okay, thanks, honey. stay right across that to sure it's honey mac mood for us in rougher in southern gaza. a video hasn't made showing palestinian men and boys stripped to the underwear and round it on pines ready forces and garza. the footage was released by the palestinian could some use agency of more on the cell and fish it is joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and i will get another video with palestinian men and boys being held prisoner and being stripped of their clothes on that side. because we remember the picture some just a few weeks ago when men who were captured in northern guys that were stripped out into the underwear,
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load it onto trucks. and then taking away for questioning in that approval into an action to low rates, people complaining and criticizing what it happens. you know, we have pictures of men, women, children, and babies being rounded up and taken into a stadium and gaza, all of them in their underwear as well. and that again, has purple criticism from across the board. the committee for american islamic relations of demanding an inquiry into why this has happened one more time. now these relays, and these really are me in the last couple of hours. the said that everyone was seated within the international rules and regulations for holding prisoners. they were step to make sure that the when armed, that they didn't have an explosive belt on them. and some of them didn't get their clothes back immediately. because they wanted to make sure that they had no means of inflicting any sort of damage on the soldiers with a concealed weapon. that was something that they had talked about. but the reality is that this was fill in the by and there's really folks who generally someone
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who's in does uh, width of these really ami subject to the censorship rules. which means you've actually got to make sure that you act within the rules of the geneva conventions as well, which means prisoners are not subject to humiliation. and given every set of dignity. so there's questions about how do these really the handling this, particularly with children, but also questions about how again these pictures go into the public domain. because after the last incident, these really set do a put in procedures in place to make sure that it wouldn't happen again. because they remember the international criticism that you'll receive for todd of, you know, exactly this type of operation. okay, ill and this also uh, once again, huge pressure is being hyped on netanyahu from the captives families. what more can you tell us about that? but it looks as if this pressure isn't moving benjamin netanyahu
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a told his position is the same as it was on day one of the war. now, in the last few hours we've had from you have la pete who is the leader of the opposition party, saying maybe it's time to change the prime minister. and that could change the trajectory of the war. but he said that before he said it back in november and it made no impact. and we know that the families have complained about the weight. benjamin netanyahu was conducting the war. their concern is to continue the onslaught on gaza. it's putting captives at risk and they've made that point in public in protests, outside of the ministry of defense building outside of the parliament building outside of benjamin netanyahu, whose own home the even took it to the connected again on monday evening. and it's a whole together to discuss the cap that was being held in guys, a special session of these really parliament issues support the consent. but his prime minister benjamin netanyahu rose the families of those hills,
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captive and gas that made their voices had put their banners within you. he would see he asked for more time. we don't have it. they called him on and does he insisted the return of the captives was a priority. the families tempted to what know, over and over again, the do you idea of fighters unhooked families and relatives of, of deputies. i say from this platform that we are not stopping and we won't stop until victor netanyahu's comments came just hours after you made a visit to troops on the ground. and guys, with a number of these really casualties growing the prime minister warned of more long, hard days ahead. almost without much stopping anyone who talks about stopping. no, we will not stop. the war continues till the end until we finish them. no less than that. 3 step proposal to end, the war being pushed by the egyptians appears to still be on the table. how much
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dismissed reports it had rejected? the plan said several times, the continual cease fire until israel stops the water and guys of israel's leaders have made it clear that this war is going to continue with the same intensity. and then the middle, the people of guys are dying until peace breaks out. all in for sure, i'll just do that. you know if you play east jerusalem, the last where you said earlier is ready for us as have killed a palestinian during a ride on a refugee camp south of hebron and the occupied westbank. residents of the fall can confronted troops during the operation and at least one other person was charles $55.00 palestinians had been arrested and rides on choose day pulling round. con, isn't the notions refugee camp until caught them the occupied with bank and run? we've mentioned a long list of, of rides that have happened. so through the evening in this morning he just took us
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through them in the damage. these really ami has left and it's like well notice how this is the most significant rate that took place. i'm actually up the size of the right, let me scale the way. and so you can see where the clearing all that debris, that is what the is reading say was an improvised explosive device factory that building in the middle of they say that they. busy destroyed that in a controlled explosion. you can see that it was far from control because that's not the only house that's been destroyed. old houses next to it are also destroyed some 4 houses i've actually been destroyed and not one very major explosion that took place around. busy 7 am in the morning, the rate itself actually began at 11 o'clock at night. some 200 is ready. the soldiers on foot coming in from all directions into the account,
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the including the right. i'm on now about 40 vehicles, including full on the boulders, is that they used to destroy other houses in this area as well. so a significant amount of damage. now these really all these say they 5 so much, they found some 30 firearms in that building. and make shift rockets, they say they've arrested 7 wanted published in in front for the sending government fire. i want this whole jet was lightly injured by the shotwell, but it was starting you to stop. it just was, well, that's what these writings are. cooling a controlled explosion, and as you can say, it is false with big holes and more houses have been destroyed. full house has been destroyed and not that's full. families are now homeless and the municipalities now wondering whether they need to just have a completely. okay, thanks so much for that update that some are on con for us in the occupied west bank. well its bring in my one big shower out, is there
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a senior political analyst a lot to get through a lot of moving parts uh over the last few hours. first of all, can we start with the pillow? cindy and rid crisen building that was bombed in garza, what do you make of that and what possible justification could the bay for that thing? a legitimate target? well, you know, i mean the last 7 weeks we've uh once and again tried to consider what justification could be for any of the had things that's happened over the past. so they've been weeks and then the end of the day it is what it is, right? i mean is a and is right, the attempt at the decision making does, uh, uh, it's very difficult each and every time to try to find that explanation why these are, these are such water mongers. but i'll tell you something that you and i spoke a couple of days ago when they started speaking at the united nations about the christmas medical. and if you remember 48 hours ago, we said this going to be a christmas nightmare. so,
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and that's always the same play out. i mean it's for the past 40 hours, it's not just a hit. think of the red, red cross. i mean the, the intensity of the bombings and the ease of behind such um, you know, not that the eyes are open button sort of a heart is blind. it's the fact that so much killing is happening the most that the united nations and in washington and london think about these things as if they were politics, but they thought politics this all human life. so i mean, this is a human suffering pain. the continues unabated in uh, it goes, i think these right, these are quite um, you know, honest about it and nothing now has been kinda, it goes up once and again. we're going to intensify the bombings we're going to intensify. the killings we've got to end despite the war and in this, but it's not just the bombings, it's also the way that they treat detainees and prisoners. we've seen get another
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video of palestinians being stripped into time, buys, ready for us as of the support stating there in gaza. what is your reaction to that? and also the fact that it was filled by and is rarely photo june list and then somehow has still been released that to, to the will to see it. but expect the extraordinary that at the ultimate, that cause itself, you know, the army of a democracy is such a great violator of, of humanitarian law. right. but it's not only that, it's actually a, there's really a government just acting like a mafia. and these are the soldiers are acting like holding guns. this is not a disciplined army. i'm sorry, but this is absolutely not a disappeared on me. this is on, on me that's been behaving for the past 10 plus weeks like a bunch of roll or how many guns uh, basically connecting and, and,
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and um, and this a crating and, uh, the human the thing and then humanizing and so on, so forth. this is not normal. now look up the other site. we just saw an interview 2 days ago, or like actually it was yesterday by a mother on her daughter. it's the test to me about what's happened with them. as captains under control, how about some guys? they were basically praising their captives and that's how much it's kind of a, you know, it's not a government really, it's an organization, it's a, it's a, here's a being a terrorist organization and so on, so forth. and everyone was worried that those women would be right. but then the end of the day, we have how much captives the appraising the captors. and we have the spinning and prisoners for the army of the democracy in them is the one on the democracy limit to this that are being human into the humanized, every other day, a games. internationally ident, you mentioned that you say the israeli army is wholly control of potential uh
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example of this or just from these rarely on the radio that uh, the shooting incident that occurred last months during which is riley tank found a building in the gaza strip. it's been revealed that the leadership of it's on a battalion was inside and 2 of its own soldiers were killed. what do you make of, of something is there, i guess revealing is that, you know, we're sort of spoke about it on different occasions. and there was this idea that we've been trying to emphasize again. and again, especially when we talked about these 3 israeli soldiers walked basically shirtless, where the white flag speaking and here's one yet. there were shot the idea of the so called, you know, dying by friendly fire in gaza. it has been, the soul is so pervasive that this is another case now that we know about that's been reviewed of, of,
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of azalea soldiers getting back under fire. now here's do not force me on that. and i urge our viewers that on the to look it up. but i think something like 20 percent as far as an estimate 20 percent of those who either killed under the i'm not sure, i think opposed to who were also killed by a by friendly fire and goes up. so this is idea that could be explained on one of 2 ways. one, these are the soldiers are to good, happy to kill anything that moves, which means including their own, you know, comrades in arms. and the other thing is that they are scaling shirtless, they are scared checklist of what is going on around them. and here's the response to everything with basically shooting on time to kill. yeah. and before we let you go, i also want to talk about this potential egyptian truce that is being proposed. do you see potentially being successful at all?
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or is that sort of data in the water before it even begins? it's just not the one, right? because we know 2 fundamental issues regarding how boss is right, is that was not accepting the ceasefire anytime soon. without does he think how much, how much would not accept to be defeated and will not accept to be disposed of our thing cause which means that both parties, simco said that they have something to gain out of this war. and they're not going to let 12 weeks, 1112 weeks of war go without them getting the investment back at back and forth. is, is, what do mean, does he think, how much and most of that is an opposing it? and how much would it have to be an immediate cease fire, which relieves the population of more of the same the humanizing findings by his right now thanks once again now into explaining and breaking the all of it down for
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us. once again, we're going to throughout the next few hours as well. now in the shower. thank you for the iraqi government says us is tronics carried out on monday. well hostile ex step with hum relations. the u. s. military struck a number of sites south of baghdad killing i'm in the oven on the group, backed by around the rocky government, say civilians were among the injured destroy. it comes up to a drone. targeted advice housing, us troops on monday, or any impact groups have been attacking us assets in the region during the war and gaza and protest against us support is room around has was that is right and will pay up to a senior member of a rounds revolution regard was killed in an as try can syrian rosie mas off. he was killed in the suburbs of the capitol, damascus. he was considered the cause ally of general customs supplementing the revolution regard. come on, was killed in the us drone attack in 2020 the
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following this device killing. suppose this will be raining and government gets it into around cooling for revenge. israel has carried out hundreds of strikes on targets inside government control pods of syria in recent years. well i dot any is the research at the journal of the center for strategic studies and cut on the joins us from michelle, thank you so much for being with us on al jazeera. so similar on, as i mentioned, it has boons. that is, royal quote, will pay, how serious is that? right? and what sort of response do you think we can expect? there is no way that they're wrong. there's nothing to respond to this act of terrorism, killing and talking around in general in a foreign land is a violation of international law. israel has, has step to 11 and move further into the red. so
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it's, it has crossed direct line. so iran will retaliate, but how it wrong is going to retaliate to this assassination is, is not clear at this point, but what we can save it certainty is that ron will retaliate at the time and place of its own choosing. it could be in, in, in the, in terms of your writing and allies of attacking israel. it could be an act of revenge from within is the random. and it could be in your range in expansion of its nuclear pro. uh, so there is a number of options iran has, but the ron is not going to show an emotional reaction. it runs retaliation will be based on calculations not to motion. ok, so can you just tell us
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a little bit more about draws a massage and just how important the figure he was within the revolutionary guys in general, most, i mean was a tall c, g, a, a, an influential feed, and colton. a thing that runs a regional poll, let's see, of creating a strategic depth. and that's means that he was a, an influential figure, coordinating it runs efforts with the general. so they mommy and in the post. so imani era, all you know and being involved in uh in uh, action steps that the time is real and improve, get around as a regional the tolerance policy. he was a key figure in, in the war, in syria, in, in protecting president bush auto assets, governments and also providing support to the rain and allies,
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including keys for law. uh, so he, he's loss is a big is a big got, you know, a home. yeah. ron ron is making sure that it to it's what the response there is a mounting pressure on the right, easy administration to react, but it, ron will packed up based on very careful strategic calculations. but the big reason yes, go ahead. i was gonna say, you mentioned the pressure of this coming on the, on the coming we've seen, protest has taken to the streets cooling for revenge. can you just give us a sense of just how much anger there is there to them? what they see today is a replay all the time of the. busy the of the former us president donald trump pull that they assess the nation of general. so imani, the, there is the same, i'm get being revived now. so iran cannot,
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i cannot remain silent. it has to take action to be to israel all otherwise israel will the go for more terrorism and, and will be more aggressive. the main reason for wars and conflicts in the middle, it is the fact that there is no a balance of power. israel is equipped with new new bathrooms rates. it soon neighbors without feeling the, the consequences or without the fear of being punished in the same way. this has led to is really good russians. and but now the reigning decision mages are contemplating on how to detain the rabbit dog of the mid to late not tornado and his government by uh, by punishing israel in
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a way that it's not going to to repeat this kind of terrorism again. okay, thank you. so much for your time and your inside that is, are they all that any for us of it and to the yoke? the, let's take a look at some of the world news. now you kinds here for us as a carrier 1000 in strike on the crime in coastal town. the philadelphia, as the one person was reportedly killed in the attack and 2 others injured footage, posted on social media, showed launch explosion. the towns, port ukraine's efforts come on. this is a ship belonging to a russian slate who has targeted the local officials say the area has been caught in the off and the fire has been quickly. 10 times. it's best more on the story you'll, you shuffle over is standing by and most good,
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but 1st it's got acid. baker is in keys for us and i said, can you just give us a, a bit more of an idea on what is happened with the stripe? what exactly was the targeting and, and what sort of damage has a cost? well, according to the ukraine, is they claim to have destroyed a major, major landing ship. the no, but your costs in the port a fed though. c, a in russian controlled cry. man, now we understand this is a large vs landing ship. we've had no consummation if any. so just having killed induct attack, no footage posted to social media shows large explosions. it shows a huge 5 all going up into the skies. and this, which is also shared by the air force commander tenant general. because i or they're stuck and that was difficult to independently verify some of these videos. indeed some of the details of these claims. but what we can tell you is that the ukranian air force say that on the early hours of tuesday morning that they tired.
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and we saw the tech on the porch. i said, don't see it, and this isn't the 1st time you bring your forces. i've talked to the sites in russian control, try me a in last month and september and even last year that you have talked to london ships and some bearings and this, and as the war has continued, the ukrainian military's capabilities and range of this with us has increased and that spends 2 reference applied to them by their western allies. but it's important to note as this will has continued both sides. whenever they make advances with the carrier to text, they boast about them and they obtain take them up. and whenever they suff and he lost his attempt to pay them down. okay, thanks so much for that up type. it's as it beg for us in case let's bring in usually a now she's not for us and most go into is as it was mentioning that this is a launch landing bullshit. what's been the reaction from the kremlin of the well yeah,
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exactly. so russian defense minister survey showing group has brief presentation about the situation about the ukranian talk on the crime, the impulse upset. you'll see the damage sustained by the noble cheer cause climes in ship. the russian side does not specify how badly the shape was damaged. we know just an update for you. one person that has died and full have been injured as a result of those outside. and if he had to say, we've heard from head of a russian controlled crime, a, a survey x to on of reporting that type on the pools and a took place as i saw it said in the early morning hours today, according to him. um, there was a determination in the port followed by 5, which later was pronounced as the russian ministry of defense clarified you create in a base we used at cross guided missiles, presumably these storm shadow missiles, while the russian ad defends destroyed to ukraine in through 24 boma is uh that's actually had launch themselves targeting the pool. so say adults here uh the large
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non taking ship and know what your costs uh was damaged as we know, as well as the amount of time time and all that. and according to some of russian ministry correspondents, the landing ship was presumably heavy, loaded with equipment and o munition. judging by the determination on the ukrainian sites, as it was carrying uranian the shy head drains, russian authorities also reported damaged to 6 other buildings nearby with mostly shattered windows that now explained to reset for residence of several houses near the mountains. his side that's according to the russian authorities here. okay, thanks so much julia. that's usually shut off a little before us in most sky. a criminal and critic collex and nobody has been transferred to an architect penal connelly, a colony in northern russian. a lawyer for the opposition leader says he's visited no vonny at the prison and the mile, and then that's region he is said to be in good condition. they'll find a way to missing for weeks, and his whereabouts were unknown. purchase to have continued in the syrian capital
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to demand. the release of fellow protest is at least 30 yards people with a tie. and on sunday, off the crowd tried to still in belgrade city hall, the angry or village wide spread at lake toford. and last week's national elections, they also calling for the results to be a no well gun that has killed 120 people in the series of attacks in the central region of nigeria, plagues by religious and ethnic attentions. the attacks happened in plateau state between saturday night and monday morning, as people were preparing to celebrate christmas. the attack has also been down houses and destroyed property. a government spokesman says most of the bodies were covered for women and children, and now the 300 people has been injured in volumes between who it is and farm is common in the region of still a hit here on the images here. joining the find young student needs take up arms as
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violent spreads across the country, the and the sound of some of that are the working costs using the mexico once lived down on the elephants into the status of cultural heritage, the the hello. there was a very mild christmas day for much of europe, particularly across most central and southern areas. but we saw some very heavy rain effect. germany was rivers rising busing at banks and flooding homes in the south east. now, there is a threat over the flooding, not just here, but also in the czech republic, as well as poland, as that area of low pressure gets blasted out further east taking
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a wintery edge to the likes of the baltic states on woods developers, and into russia. the winter weather as well. blasting down from the north. a much cooler field here with rain, sleet and snow coming into norway. now there's a pause in the bad weather for britain on the island divided much brighter skies. the ice mornings out for scotland on choose day, but the rain isn't very far away. you can see it stopped pouring back in by the mid week bringing most snow to the likes of scotland. now for the south, we put an area of high pressure that's kept things large the dry and want to be for the se from for the issues though, for bosnia and hudson, hudson covina will see those in the knowles of italy on choose day to spain and portugal, however, lots of rooms sunshiny that's going little bit cooler in madrid, but have a look at boston over the next few days. lots of sunshine on wednesday with a team in
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on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is that for now, it has a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves profit without the girl's permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. the
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news the, you're watching images here, a reminder about top stories, the south. these really ami has from the offices of the palestinian rid crisen and causes southern city of con eunice. thousands of displaced, palestinians have been sheltering. their video has the mid showing palestinian, stripped and rounded off by his ready forces at a sports stadium and concerts. the footage was released by the palestinian cliffs news agency. it comes as the un sounds villamore found as well as the treatment of detainees. this riley forces have killed a palestinian during a ride on a refugee camp south of hebron in the occupied westbank. at least 55 colors indians
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have been arrested and rides across the territory. on tuesday, the, the you guys maritime agency has reported to drones and explosions in the red sea near the port of who died out in jim. and they were detected 50 nautical miles west of the booty controlled pause. the explosions narrowly missed the vessel transiting through the international shipping line. no damage or injuries were reported from war, and this is close to result so that who joins us now from gpc. and so can you just uh, bring us up to date with the latest explosion there on the rid, say, well, we can see that the drone attacks are intensifying across the red sea, particularly close to about the demand up straight, which is connected to both the way yeah, man and it is quite crucial pathways for the global maritime trade. so the u. k.
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one office or from any timeframe to patients is that that's that to at least choose 3 sides. throw one's x board that need to have russell sha shipping russell. that was cruising across the street, but so far that they said that the crew and the ship uh are safe. and now they're in communication with this naval quantization that is formed by the usa. and as the said, we're seeing the, the new will forces are also being in for these. i'm intensified here behind me in port of g rotates. you can see that us this may some, a, me, so i would guided that this is usa destroyer, just have arrived at in port of cuba. and it's now refueling before it's next, the median before them back in on his next to mission. so you can see that there are 1003 ships that are on this side of the dock belonging to the board. the costco guards and the american destroy us as mason is the launch ship on the
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far side of that dock. it is one of the largest of its kind that it is conducting the missions that goes to rest the gas to who with ease and resolute india, has reacted to an attack on a ship. uh, from a few days ago that was getting towards india with a number of indian crew on board that we just released a statement for what does it say? what means? yes, it now is confirming that there has been an attack on an oil tanker to have the new to come miles away from india as west and cause so that when the oil tanker came under attack, after leaving the port of debate from saudi arabia and why it had into more yeah, in india. so it has been attacked us. it has a choose iran or being behind that it was the 1st time that the usa directly a tuesday around by the run of course is denying that. and an indian officials are
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not saying that they have launched an investigation into the incident adjusted the defense minister earlier said that they are taking this very much do you? yes. and they are going to find out who was behind that effect and keep them responsible. and also they say that they are deploy an extra forces across the region. we are witnessing a huge amount of position in the out a, b, and c. that's why they think so much crystal for that update visual set of for us, of the entropy, see as well. the area of this month, the u. n. human rights office received reports of messed attentions, ill treatment and in full disappearances of palestinians and gowns of adela. obviously godaddy is the head of the palestinian prisoners club based and discipline and the occupied with bank. he explained help. hello cindy in prison is a mistreated and is writing chiles together. so even if it happens that that because the patient forces is conducting several arrest as across the palestine in the west bank and gaza. started increasing since october the 7th. and we are
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talking about more than $4700.00 direct pensions of constantly and including men, women and children, elderly students, and also from both gender. all assume mean this is in addition to all the people who have been detained from god. so that's our amounts, it's a hundreds of 1000, but it would be still don't know what the faith did on this. we don't have any information about them as these really forces are practicing a policy, a full disappear, right. and then they've been shifted under the administrative tension, beth as being used by that is really forces in order to arrest upon the findings. let me think them in jail of custody. and during those 10 channels within the is ready for these try to vandalize and search and destroy the houses of that kind of thing that he's daddy where they go with the advantages of housing. somebody, i didn't assistance after midnight with several soldiers and is a very violent one. which means that the occupation forces are being very aggressive against the moms civilians who are being detained. most of them under the software installed from the moment they ought to take it. i mean, if they go into an interrogation it for the day,
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and now i'm going to get the prisoner's up into the, into the isolated the spaces from the outside. well as it, which means that all those prisoners are completely isolated in some type of a sudden i wouldn't say a man, you'll, as the most of indians into donna joining the fight against the rapids support forces. it comes out to the power military group to control of the country, 2nd largest city. earlier this month, the army has retreated from wants. matoney ends to you in, says that up to 300000 people have slid into some going food reports. unless somebody in the young so did these men raised their automatic weapons in the air as they joined the fight against the rapids support forces. some of them are just children in video, circulating online or civilians appear to be taken out. arms alongside students,
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armed forces, new recruits, forming a makeshift army, ready to replace the failing military. according to eye witnesses fighters from the rapids support forces or are assess, have reached areas north of so not a city with many of the displaced to flip too much time for you and the dog by the mobilized individuals who answered the call of the army commander should be trained on but under the control of this with these armed forces to avoid seeing them converting into an independent armed group. yet they have been reports that both the army and the recess have 4 civilians to join their ranks. and the past, one thing is for sure many suit and these people have fewer and fewer options, less leading or fighting. last week, so the fall of one, mid donnie to damn 2nd largest city. now under the paramilitaries control,
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turning point in the war, 00, the armies retreat from the city left the country in a state of panic. as the recess makes breakthroughs in the south. it's fighters are reportedly stealing people's car as cellphones, low and reading stores. there is nothing movement as the simple forces of loans. what not, any of that should i use of forces withdrawal from this dot times, often without putting up a height uh, the panic of the piece and the little kind of populations in this area is tells us that up a simple false is of and got a prediction of plunder or from use of massive depression again is it is a population in areas they come to a few by really tough uh, one of the few saved zones in the country. what mcdonny inches they were state was
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engulfed by violence in a matter of days, up to 300000 uncertainties of fled the city since the fighting began. as the air itself make more gains and is there a state summer gearing up to fight with an army in disarray, while others tried to escape, fearing they could be next to some good food. all g 0 late is from a group of west african countries and negotiating with new issues. military johnson for the release of deposed president mohammed presume, and a transition to civilian enroll. bassoon was overthrown and a coo in july, and has been kept on the house service since then. and the new address has moved from the ami 5 months on huge crowd steel turn up in solid data to you with vicious current, familiar to road us. the post preston will have my buzz them remains kept and the june test shows no haste to come up with a clear plan to restore democracy. both key domains of the regional, the bulk,
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of course, public affairs and the sunday society believes the june to wants to come to prussia from a course. if we accept what it go i want. it's meaning that we accept what fence once and this is not. this scenario we are, we're add accept, it thinks it could be another 2 years before the current military leadership leaves power. many here think of course any show for a to use force. hard, indigent disposition and it's supporters. the belief for my colonial power problems was behind the theory to force the functions that are crippling. the local economy . echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost. and the reason it's worried, it could fragment 3 member countries, while the ministry is in power, hopefully i'm the alliance of sales states. and that's considered
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a threat to the future of the book. but simply of this, the healy and ally has one work to do, just advantage veterans, new databases that nobody agenda has no capacity to continue defying the international community. considering its land locked nature. if you rely not this for something you eventually given to certain demands and active civil society, i previously forced postcode 8 is to quickly return the country to democracy. so my name is believe history will repeat itself. if the current lead is over, stay there. welcome with the support is just june tech currently enjoys of to ordering phones out. it's not clear. if the civil side to here will live up to the past reputation. how many degrees i would just say to me, to apply and carrying 276 indian passengers has landed the moon by opting stock in france in connection with a human trafficking investigation. 2 suspects questioned by police. so being held
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by french of thursdays, the slide heading to central america left the united arab emirates last thursday was grounded off the tip of friendship visual se 25 passengers, including 5 children, stayed in fronds to apply for asylum. presidents and talk a sounds mountainous regions reviving an ancient practice to cope with rapidly melting glasses. they call it iglesia grafting inside the results of proving positive. come on high. the reports from it gives you both a strong to the religion of boulevard is high up in the mountains overlooking the shy oak river and focused on the ridge grazing ground by day only exist thanks for the efforts of a group of men. both kept water from an uncommon fraud, a glacier cellphone radio from nearly 20 years ago. show how dick driver did up the mountains more than 5000 meters above sea level to p h. i a boat store. they
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gathered water into the mountains, various gottfried and big in the process of glacier formation. something they called a glacier and cut off de realtors and get a good buzz. this done, intern technique in ford by martin met 3rd to be a small glass. yet, in order to ensure water for the crops and they're successful on that on these are provided. we drafted this glass here in 2005 for this purpose. we brought the black and white 2 types of ice from c h, and collected water from the river. sure. and grafted it on the 12500 feet high mount it drew with the time and providing us with the sufficient water. previously, we didn't have any crops here, but now we're growing. we potato and app rico here. country and then the henry, larry, their boyfriend registered in glacier grafting within cutting the dogs and the technique and being refunding the science i think is most important,
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but sees that you have to 1st of all the find or select the site which is on the inside of the sun, that would mean that there is a little melting point. number one, number 2 with the pressing petition is due to the height and you can expect mode observations to happen. so the depletion boss is a calculated uh, what are the ears? it says subject betterments have been get it out into him and led into course in bombing and mounting. and now scientists and local communities are exploding traditional and these new metric to mitigate the effect of global warming. the model i, that i would just need a gun, jay, and get a good. but this done of the kerosene and of migrants mostly from south and central america, have spent that christmas on the road to the us border. around 7000 people sit out on sunday from southern mexico. it's the biggest migrant care event in 18 months as
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well. the visuals in mexico city have declared a unique urban musical tradition part of the capitalist, cultural heritage, known as the data, a form of odd practice, mostly in working class communities. it had faced discrimination which own home and has more from its to pull up the industry and is to pull up both one of mexico's largest employers, neighborhoods. they just sold a dental policy going on some of those work and close up for me in mexico. see which mexico city is just officially named as part of the cup twos, co, true heritage? here's how it works. so me that will spin the coats of columbia music from south america. often slowed down will distorted and often through huge speed.
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and the special source that makes it unique, they took the along the reading a great things that people slipped through the j cage by phones or handwritten notes to the friends and families to try and remo monroe who better known here is luck. chung good is known as the king of kings and the son of that. it was often what defines the movement is part of the poor neighborhoods in mexico city, part about poverty. people that come from below and have grown with a lot of effort which on the was going to be with the use of some of the data to can behind is huge because the only place we could sort of hear each other. he said that he was proud about the designation of sonya data as co, true heritage. it's
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a great achievement of to the 55 years i've been doing this. he says, still, sony, that was a relatively new up for seduce cruz diego who wrote a book about to lay that in for me. that a, for the idea of the stone adero came about because people didn't have the money to go to a dance all or to hire a band. so instead, for any celebration, you could just hire these d j's to play in the patio or the street. since then, many, some of the federal policies have been demonized as places of drugs and violence close down by the authorities. but now the same authorities are recognizing that positive aspects of the patient. people need to come on the music and this but go ahead for you. we even go directly, shouts out from the legendary ramon roll still pulling his
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cross in his mid seventies. this result from seems set the greater acceptance on home and how does the the used to pull up well, so ahead here on notice there in school was off the hosting the women's world campus tried. yeah. have big plans, details coming up the bottom of christ as a for witnessing his brother's day begins to sing and i don't know. it's a happy child who loved to play for his friends. the attack happens during one of the almost daily is really ministry, right? it's on the city of geneva. we'll be all he says it's around it. this foam and killed the come on. there was the resistance. according to adam's family of witnesses, the lead drive of slow down show 15 year old best then shopping year
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old item the back of the head. i wish i was it a 3 and someone would wake me up telling me i'm just really i would never a god today was this felix to anyone. it's hard, but they got, we are the what am i supposed to few the but this year sold the biggest they have a women's world comp co hosted by a strategy and you sealants andy richardson spoke to the head of football to stride you about the harvest to host the other big tournaments in the future. notice
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the almost 2000000 funds attended much. she's at the women's football will copy in australia, new zealand, tv viewing things around the world. it's up to the record breaking suit, 1000000000. the head of football, australia, says concerns the countries time zones would be a major tournament, turn off with misplaced alto. i'm designs are of the same as some of the biggest populations and, well, china facilitates india, for example. and these are 3 countries where football is not yet, number one. so it's a good opportunity for face, or it's a good opportunity for world football to note on the growth football in our region as the highest. but in some of the biggest populations in the world with football is not the number one. australia decided not to compete with the saudi rate. if the right size to 2030 full mens will come. instead it's targeting be 2026 women's asian coat. and the 2029 mens club woke up. we're looking at
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a golden period of hosting major competitions for a straight away of course hosted the 2023 women's woke up. if we were able to secure the 26 women's ation kept 2029. mens club ok, and then of course we have the richmond olympic some 2032. we have both out. men's and women's national team will participate. australia will be one of the favorites to win the upcoming asian cup, which is being hosted by capsule in january and february, australia. the groups along side is becky stant, syria, and india. we've got some great teams. we sort a mens woke up in 2020 through the simulation, same software. we had a record number of agencies participating. at the mens woke up. we had 6 entitled sites. this is great frasier. this will be a competitive competition. australia will run this up when catch all last hosted to tournaments in 2011. the team will be hoping to go one better in 2024. 90 richardson, l g 0. so what i said to me tell me the cry for this. use how the medicine will be
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back in just a moment. with much more on today's news, the the i'm marion shaheen. filmmaker and i've been working in and around garza for 30 years. as i watched the 2023 devastation of concept ideas, really army. i looked back at the place, so i knew the optimism of 2005 when these were at least to the destruction of towards the coast of alaska. they did hopes on l. g 0 was the last one i live in, one of the cartridge the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the latest news as it breaks the killing of the 3 captives, 1st of all cabinets to see if they could reach a new deal with how much earlier then it had wanted to be as really seem to be more
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willing to work towards the sea spot with detailed coverage is where the army is targeting medical themes as it tries to get to treat the wounded and fearless journalism. change of value, grief is unrelenting, and homes are no longer a century. the of the israelites acts without a streaming and red crescent building, and con eunice with thousands of people with shouts of dozens are killed in new strikes the monro by the sooner. this is audra 0 life and go home also coming up video and i just have palestinians strips and retained by his very forces at a sports stadium and jobs is ready res, across the occupied west buying


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